1 minute read
Cris Amezcua
A R T : C R I S A M E Z C U A
Fresh Tribe, 2021 Next Page: La Encantada, 2021; Morning Road, 2021; Central Tribe, 2021

Cristina is a Mexican artist based in Munich, Germany. She grew up in a bicultural family (Colombian mom, Mexican father) and developed a profound love for Latin American indigenous arts and colors. From a very young age, she studied drawing and started painting landscapes using different techniques and styles. She spent the last 17 years traveling and working in different multinational companies, she used this time to collect experiences and learn from other cultures that are now the main inspiration for her work. Cristina found in expressionist and abstract painting a way to release her emotions and interests in a spontaneous and fun way. Website: https://cristina493.wixsite.com/crisamezcua IG: @testigocreativo