Southern Alabama living Bridal 2018

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Second ceremonies


Choosing a venue Planning your honeymoon

All in for Royal Love 2018


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Congratulations! Getting married is a thrilling time in every young couple’s relationship. After the excitement of the wedding and the high of the honeymoon it is time to buckle down and enter the real world. Discussing money issues before getting hitched is a good decision but making wholesale nancial changes should take place after the wedding. It’s good to wait because some nancial laws only apply to married couples. Here are some nancial tips for newlyweds that could help smooth out the transition: TALK ABOUT IT The rst step every couple should take once they are married (and maybe even before) is to sit down and talk about their nancial history. You have to be open and honest and talk about any debt, previous problems, potential budget plans and everything else that has to do with how you spend, save and manage money in general. You do not want to be surprised by debt, outstanding student loans or other costs you will be jointly responsible for. This can be an uncomfortable and stressful thing to talk about, so make sure you are ready and willing to be open with your partner. SET A BUDGET It is always healthy to get the big picture. This is why a newlywed couple should sit down and compare nances with one another. Here is a list of things to compare: How much are you making? How much are you spending? How much are you saving? Where can you improve? What are your future nancial goals? After you have laid out the groundwork, set up a budget. Putting together a budget will make it easier to manage your nances and see how much each person is contributing. By establishing your future nancial goals you can plan for children, buying a house or anything else you want to do in order to grow your family.



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PICK A LEADER It is best to decide who will be in charge of the budget. Even if both partners will manage money, it is still best to outline how the nal nancial decisions will be made. Some families have one spouse that prefers to handle the money while the other doesn’t. This often works out nicely, but there are still guidelines that should be discussed. You need to decide how much each person can spend without consulting the other on the purchase. Each couple functions differently, but everyone can benet from discussions such as this one. SHOULD YOU MERGE ACCOUNTS? If you would rather split bills and expenses, maintaining separate checking accounts would be the best option. Some couples do not want to combine incomes or debt. Other couples can opt for a combination of both by having a joint checking account for expenses and bills, and two separate accounts for other expenses that may not concern each another. The nal option is having one joint account for everything. Each couple functions differently and there is no right answer for which to choose. A discussion will help you and your spouse gure out which route works best for you. MAKING THE MERGE Once you have decided on a plan, all you need to do is open the new joint checking account. Close any accounts that you won’t be using anymore. Sometimes couples decide to keep one account and just add their spouse as a joint-owner.

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Love will make you do crazy things

" When you love someone you'll do anything, You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain, You'll shoot the moon, put out the sun, When you love someone" There is a lot of truth behind any love song's lyrics. Love sure will make you do crazy things, but all in all, a wedding is just the beginning. A marriage takes patience, understanding, and a whole lot of grace. A wedding is someone deciding that it is worth it all, where two individuals take a leap of faith together. In our third bridal edition, enjoy our local love stories of people who tied the knot in 2018 and are spending their life journeys together. First, Greeley and Taylor Weeks, who met at LBWCC while performing in the Ensemble. They dated three and a half years before he decided to make her his forever girl. Next, long time friends Sarah and Sonny, decided to take their relationship to the next level and walk down the aisle. Tawona and Tim met through mutual friends and decided they would just be good friends, or so they thought. Lastly, Susie and Colton were introduced by her sister. Colton decided to ask Susie to be his bride on a private secluded island. Every love story is unique and special in its own way. Join us as we celebrate our featured brides and grooms.


EDITORIAL Michele Gerlach Publisher MAGAZINE DESIGN Andi Shepard ADVERTISING Ruck Ashworth Marketing director Jill Prevett Marketing consultant PRODUCTION Andi Shepard Graphic Designer South Alabama Living is published four times per year by Andalusia Newspapers, Inc. PO Box 430 Andalusia, AL 36420 (334) 222-2402 Advertising rates and information available upon request. Subscriptions are $16 annually. Please make checks payable to Andalusia Newspapers, Inc., PO Box 430, Andalusia, AL 36420

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nce couples become engaged and share the good news with their friends and families, the next step is to begin planning their weddings. While couples must make a myriad of decisions during the wedding planning process, perhaps none is more significant than where to tie the knot. According to The Knot 2016 Real Weddings Study, the average cost of a wedding for couples who married in 2016 was $35,329. That’s a sizable amount, and a big portion of that was spent on the wedding venue. The Real Weddings Study found that couples spent an average of $16,107 on their wedding venues in 2016. That figure easily dwarfs the next biggest expense ($6,163 for the engagement ring) for couples tying the knot. Because the wedding venue comes with such a potentially high sticker price, couples should give ample consideration to a host of factors before choosing where to get married. Size Until they can agree on a guest list, couples might want to delay even looking for venues. However, some couples might want to first look at some venues so they can determine just how many guests they can afford to invite. Whether they’re hosting small affairs or large par-

ties, couples should choose venues that can comfortably accommodate all of their guests. If possible, look for venues with multiple reception areas, which might allow for some wiggle room if the guest list grows or dwindles during the planning process. Availability Some couples might have an ideal time of year they hope to get married. Some even know the exact date they hope to get married. While that can help with the planning, it can also limit couples with regard to their venue options. Some venues may be booked for as much as a year or more in advance during peak wedding season. The Real Weddings Study found that the most popular months to get married in 2016 were October and September. Couples who hope to follow in the footsteps of many 2016 brides and grooms may need to book their wedding venues well in advance. Those who can be more flexible regarding their wedding dates may find it easier to book their dream venues.

Insurance Ask about the venue’s insurance policies, including the policies the venue has to protect itself. In addition, ask if the venue requires couples to have their own wedding liability insurance for protection in the event of injury, property damage or incidents related to alcohol. Couples may also want to make the investment in cancellation/ postponement insurance, and some venues may even require it. Financials It’s easy for couples to be focused on the bottom line when choosing wedding venues, but it’s also important that they get a complete grasp of the financials before choosing a wedding venue. Ask about the amount of the initial deposit and if that deposit is refundable. In addition, ask when the deposit is due and when each subsequent payment is due until the balance is paid in full. This can make budgeting easier and planning less stressful. Couples should have fun choosing their wedding venues while recognizing that certain factors must be given ample consideration before signing any contracts.

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AN LBWCC LOVE STORY Greeley Foshee + Taylor Weeks

Meeting Taylor and I met at LBWCC while in the LBW Ensemble. We knew each other a year before we started dating. We dated for 3 and 1/2 years before getting engaged. We were engaged for eight months. The Proposal Taylor tricked me into dressing in something other than my go to Nike shorts and a T-shirt by telling me we were going to Straughn High School's leadout for prom. On the way we got a phone call from a friend (Erica Ziglar) who was "taking pictures" of a prom couple, and needed directions to the overlook at Lake Jackson in Opp. It just so happens we were close by, so we met her in town and showed her the way. Of course she needed to "test out her camera" on us before the couple arrived. During the photo shoot I turned around to Taylor on one knee. It was the sweetest thing! Taylor's plan worked perfectly. He took me back to the place where we stopped to watch the sunset on our first date! The Big Day We married December 16, 2017 at First United Methodist Church of Andalusia, and the reception was held at the Andalusia Country Club.


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The Wedding Party Bridesmaids: Sydney Foshee (sister and maid of honor), Susanna Hall (cousin), Jessica Bedsole, Alexandra Hart, Erica Ziglar, Parker Hall (junior bridesmaid and groom's niece) Flower Girls: Oaklie Hall (groom's niece) Kathleen Hall (cousin Susanna's daughter) Groomsmen: Larry Weeks (groom's father and best man), Chase Hall (groom's brother in law), Ethan Hall, Jantzen Flowers, Josh O'Neal, Hudson Foshee (brother and jr. groomsmen) Musicians: Louisa Baker

(pianist), John Beasley (organist), Johnny Brewer (trumpeter), Jason Gunter (vocalist/guitarist) Speaker: Matt Langford Preacher: The Rev. Tim Trent Director: Vickie Ptomey Program Attendants: Mollie Jae Wiggins and Camryn Ris Smith The Bride’s Family Suzanne and Josh Williams originally from Andalusia, and now living in Franklin, Tennessee Butch Foshee of Andalusia Dan and Susan Studstill of

Andalusia The Groom’s Family Larry and Dewanda Weeks of Opp Hazel Taylor of Opp Jeanette Weeks of Kinston After the Wedding The couple honeymooned in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and live in Andalusia. Greeley teaches fourth grade at Andalusia Elementary School, and Taylor is a social science teacher at Straughn High School. nx

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OLD FRIENDS & A NEW LOVE Sarah Elizabeth Wells + Don Arlen (Sonny) Maynor, Ill Meeting Sonny and I both grew up in Andalusia and were friends in middle school and high school. We actually attended a winter Sub Deb together our junior year of high school. We both graduated from Andalusia High School in 2000. After high school, I attended the University of Alabama and Sonny went to Auburn University. We drifted apart, as most high school friends do. Our love story isn't very exciting, I'm afraid. In 2013, Sonny and I bumped into each other, and renewed our friendship. We started dating shortly after, and we have been inseparable ever since. We both have a great love of dogs, and we have a crazy Boston Terrier, Gus. Sonny and l both enjoy watching college football, but alas, cheer for opposing teams. Our favorite thing to do is spend time with friends and family at Lake Martin. The Proposal My favorite place in the world is Lake Martin. My siblings and I grew up spending most weekends in the summer with my mother's family at the lake, where my grandparents had a cabin. My parents have a house on Lake Martin now, and l spend as much time as possible there. Luckily, Sonny loves the lake as well, and it is our favorite weekend destination.


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For my birthday, Sonny and I went to Lake Martin for a relaxing weekend. We went to dinner and afterwards watched the sun set. Sonny knows me so well, and proposed at my favorite place in the world, on the dock by the lake. My engagement ring belonged to my beloved maternal grandmother. I am quite a sentimental person so having her ring is very special to me. The Big Day Sonny and I decided to marry in Andalusia, since most of both of our families live there. I grew up in the First United Methodist Church, so we chose to be married there. My brother-in-law, David Pezzoli, performed our wedding ceremony.My dearest friend since kindergarten, Mary Elizabeth Hobson, was my maid of

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honor. My sisters Maria Pezzoli and Katherine Wells, my sisterin-law, Kelly Wells, Sonny's sister, Meg Shelnutt, and sisterin-law, Lauren Maynor, served as my bridesmaids. I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful sisters. My lovely niece Lena Pezzoli was a junior bridesmaid, and my nieces, Anna Reese and Stella Wells, were our adorable flower girls. Sonny's brother Jordan Maynor was his best man. Sonny's brother-in-law, Chase Shelnutt, and my brother, John Wells, were groomsmen, along with Sonny's close friends Aaron Barton, Brad Bozeman, Jeffery Douglas, Chris Jones, and Hunter Hobson. My nephew, Marek Pezzoli, and Sonny's nephews, Cooper and Parker Maynor, were our


handsome ring bearers. JoEllen Sellers, a dear family friend, coordinated our wedding ceremony. After the ceremony, our reception was held at Springdale Estate. We are so thankful of our friends and family who celebrated with us. As we left the party, our guests sent us off with Auburn and Alabama shakers. The Family Sarah is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Mike and Maria Wells Sonny's is the son of Melinda Manning Maynor and the late Don Arlen Maynor Jr. After the Ceremony Sarah and Sonny live in Birmingham, where Sarah is a surgical RN at UAB Hospital, and Sonny works in finance. nx

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Meeting Tim and I met through a mutual friend. She told me that Tim wanted my number and she told Tim that I wanted his number. So one day, Tim called me and one of the first things he said was, “I don’t want to be in a relationship. I just want to be friends.” I replied in a smart way, “I don’t want a relationship either.” Truthfully, him not wanting a relationship made me like him a lot. I’m the type of person that loves a challenge. I made my mind up, I knew I would marry Tim! After a month of phone calls, Tim and I decided to meet at the Robinson Park on Church Street. I know we must have done a thousand laps around the park. We talked for a long time that day and I won’t ever forget it. After finally meeting in person, Tim and I began going on dates. I could tell he was beginning to like me but he wouldn’t come out and tell me. The Proposal Fast forward to three and a half years later, Tim finally decided to propose. Tim managed to get my close friends and friends to my mother’s house. That evening, I was cleaning my apartment when I got a call from my mother asking me to come over. Once I arrived, I noticed that everyone was there. I


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didn’t think anything of it considering my mom always has a lot of company over. Tim asked me to hold his bottle of tea and then he pulled a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. From there, I really don’t remember exactly what he said because I was so excited to see the ring. I couldn’t believe it was really happening. Tim still jokes with me at times, saying that we aren’t really engaged because I never officially said, “Yes.” The Wedding That day was so crazy and it went by so fast. The original plan was to get married on the front porch of Springdale. We spent the entire morning

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decorating the porch and the lawn. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamed of having a fairytale wedding ready including the horse and carriage. As soon it was time for the ceremony to start, it began to pour rain. We had to act fast, so we held the ceremony in the auditorium of the City Hall. We were the first couple to ever be married in the Andalusia City Hall. After the ceremony, the rain stopped and we were able to take our wedding party photos. That was my favorite part of the day because that was the first time I actually had time with the wedding party. After pictures, we had the reception at Springdale. The tem-

perature dropped, but that didn’t stop us from dancing the night away. The Wedding Party Maid of Honor: Miss Latoya Grandison Best Man: Mr. Mark Anthony Ryce Jr. Bridesmaids: Miss Ambry Ward Miss Renee Bishop Miss Porsche Blount Miss Pinka Shine Miss Keela Fanning Groomsmen: Mr. Dorian Sankey Mr. Zachary Smith Mr. Trey Martin Mr. Joshua O’Ferrell Mr. Tyler Walker Mr. Michael Dexter nx


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Photos by Leigh Anne O'Neal

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"PERFECT, PERSONAL AND PRIVATE" Susie Watson + Colton Sims

Meeting Colton and I are the result of a little match-making from my older sister, Ellie. Colton was a freshman at the University of South Alabama. He was in the drumline in the marching band along with Ellie's then boyfriend (now husband). Colton and Ellie were lab partners in chemistry and she decided we might be a good match. I was a senior in high school at the time. I was introduced to Colton one weekend at a South Alabama football game. He asked me if he could have my phone number and we talked on and off, nothing too serious. It wasn't until I moved to Mobile for college at USA (and also joined the marching band) when we started dating. I guess all together we've known each other for about seven years total! The Proposal Colton proposed in March 2016. We had gotten into kayaking, so he told me one day he wanted to drive down to Perdido Key and kayak out to the Interrarity Islands. We kayaked out to one of the smaller islands--it was small, and private. We enjoyed a fried chicken picnic, fished a little, and hung out on the island. I started getting cranky when I realized how sunburnt I was getting. I was ready to go--not in the best mood in the world. (It amazes me how many people are in bad moods when their boyfriends pop the question). I was packing everything up when I turned around and saw him on one knee. It was perfect. It was personal, and private. I'll always remember that day. I wouldn't change a single thing about it--bad mood and all!


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The Big Day Our wedding was held at my home church, Bethany Baptist Church, on August 19, 2017. I had a few aspects of the wedding that were special/important to me. One important aspect was my late maternal grandmother, Sarah Becker. We know her as Nana. Nana passed away a month or two after Colton and I got engaged. At the wedding, I wanted to make sure she was honored and remembered. As my dad walked me down the aisle, I held a yellow rose in my bouquet. Yellow roses were Nana's absolute favorite. I stopped at the end of the aisle and gave the rose to my grandfather, Dave Becker, and kissed him on the cheek. It was a special moment for the whole family. Another important aspect was the unity cross. Colton and I decided to assemble a unity cross during our ceremony. We thought it was a perfect visual for God's intended design for marriage. It continues to be a visual and daily reminder of God's intended design, as well as our commitment to each other as it is proudly displayed in our home. The wooden cross that stood behind us as we said our vows was built by my grandfather, Dave Becker. That cross was also in my older sister's wedding. I had the same song (My Tribute - Andrae Crouch) that was sung at my parents’ wedding played during our wedding. Lastly, I have to include the sunflowers! Sunflowers were

a special personal preference of mine. I've always loved the beauty of sunflowers and I love the message a sunflower gives. Sunflowers turn to follow the sun throughout the course of a day. Our reception was very simple. We stayed on campus at Bethany Baptist Church. Because Colton and I spent most of our dating lives in Mobile, we added a Mobile touch of Moon Pies and RC Colas for everyone to enjoy along with the finger foods. The Wedding Party . Groomsmen Dabney Langhorne - Best Man (Cousin) Josh King (Brother-In-Law) Ethan Golson (Brother-InLaw) Jake Estes (College Friend) Dylan Basford (College Friend) Joshua Scott (Childhood Friend) Bridesmaids Jodie Watson - Maid of Honor (Sister) Ellie King - Matron of Honor (Sister) Chelsea Golson (Sister-in-law) Kelsey Ramirez (Childhood Friend) Ander Helms (Childhood Friend) Erin Thompson (College Friend) Cape Merrell - Junior bridesmaid Honorary Bridesmaids Bethany Keel (Childhood Friend)

Gabriella Cobar (College Friend) Kara Whitehead (College Friend) Kristen Tanner (College Friend) Vickie Ptomey - Wedding Director Michael Kelley - Piano musician Patsy Smith (Aunt) - Piano musician Bethany Keel - Soloist Families Colton's family Darryl and Ellen Sims of McDavid, Fla. Buck and Glenda Kelly of McDavid, Fla. Eugene and Gwen Sims of Brewton Susie's Family Ted and Jenny Watson of Andalusia Dave Becker of Andalusia, formerly of Monroeville, and the late Sarah Becker Paul and Patricia Watson of Repton After the ceremony After a honeymoon that took them to Seattle and a cruise to Alaska, they are at home in Clearview, near Gantt Lake. Colton is an electrical engineer at PowerSouth and Susie works as an occupational therapist for Restore Therapy Services at Opp Health and Rehabilitation. nx

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Second ceremonies simpler affairs Taking a chance on love and marriage for the second (or third) time is certainly worthy of celebration. The Pew Research Center reports that at least four in 10 new marriages now include at least one partner who has been married before, a trend that is on the rise. Planning a second wedding can be challenging, as individuals may be worried about proper etiquette, superstitions or meeting the expectations of others. But there are no hard rules governing second weddings. Now that couples are older and a bit more experienced, wedding planning may be met with greater enthusiasm and patience. These tips can help the process along. • Dress it up. Brides need not eschew white if they prefer to wear it for their second weddings. White, cream, ivory, or other shades are perfectly acceptable. Also, brides can make their gowns as lavish or as simplistic as they desire. The length and style of the dress should reflect the formality and scope of the event.

• Make it unique. Couples who have been married before may want to set this new occasion apart from their previous weddings. Brides magazine experts suggest discussing previous celebrations and what can be done differently this time around. Couples can use this opportunity to get to know each other more intimately by personalizing their festivities. • Don’t feel beholden to intimate affairs. Second weddings tend to be more intimate, as guest lists tend to be smaller and couples tying the knot again may prefer more intimacy and less hustle and bustle. But couples should not avoid inviting people simply because second weddings are typically small affairs. Invite as many friends and family as you want and as your budget allows. • Set up a registry. Established couples may have the household basics already in place, but registries can include fun or entertaining gifts that speak to couples’ interests. These may include home theater systems, fancy cookware, athletic equip-

ment, or even funds for travel. • Involve the children. Couples who have children can make them a special part of their second wedding celebrations. Kids can play any role in the ceremony, depending on their age. If the second marriage comes after an amicable divorce, couples can invite their former spouses to provide support to their children so they can feel comfortable in the wedding. • Be prepared. The marriage application process is similar the second time around, but additional documents, such as a divorce decree or death certificate, may be necessary. These legal documents also will be needed for men and women who intend to change their last names after getting married. A second marriage deserves as much celebration as the first and gives couples an opportunity to express their love for each other and their appreciation to their friends and families. nx

south alabama living


Tips for choosing a honeymoon destination Once couples have tied the knot, hit the reception dance floor and thanked their friends and family for joining them, their thoughts might start looking ahead to their honeymoons. Statistics vary in regard to how much couples spend on their honeymoons, but those heading overseas can expect to pay thousands of dollars on such getaways. Couples planning their honeymoons want to get the most for their money while also ensuring their first trip together as newlyweds is as memorable as possible. The destination couples choose can go a long way toward making that happen, and couples can consider various factors as they work together to choose a locale for their honeymoons.

Activity level Some couples might want their honeymoons to be filled with activities, while others might prefer more low-key trips spent relaxing at seaside resorts. Couples can discuss which types of trips they prefer and be willing to compromise if their desires differ. Travel Some couples may prefer to travel throughout their honeymoons, while others may want to stay at the same resort for the duration of their trips. Couples who want to travel may find a backpacking trip to Europe is a romantic way to indulge their sense of adventure, while those who prefer something more quiet may find a beach resort more to their liking.

Budget Budget is a strong consideration for many couples as they plan their honeymoons. Because honeymoons can be expensive, couples who don’t want to sacrifice on their first trip together as a married couple can begin planning their trips early, even looking for ways to cut costs on their ceremonies and receptions if their honeymoons are a bigger priority. When planning their honeymoons, couples also can take steps to save money. For example, delaying a trip until a few months after the wedding can help covers get back on their financial feet and enjoy their dream getaways. Couples visiting resorts also may want to opt for all-inclusive packages, which can provide great value, particularly on food and beverages. nx

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PROM (1) Abby McDuffie and Jacob Hammac, PHS; (2) Sydney Bulger, Lauren Greathouse and Madison Griffin, PHS.; (3) Jesse Bush and William Lindsey, AHS; (4) Ziykerrian Nicole McClain and Johnnie Coxwel, RLHS; (5) Ramsey Morrow and Amber House, RLHS; (6) Alex Chandler and Madason Dunsford, RLHS; (7) Lane Prevett and Emily German, AHS; (8) Byanca Grace, RLHS.. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS






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south alabama scene



PROM (1) Alyssa Arnold and Taylor Madd, RLHS; (2) Coleman Thompson and Anabell Bryant, AHS.; (3) A’Keym Nicholson, RLHS; (4) Alexandria Crittenden, AHS; (5) Morgan Campbell and Brianna Smith, SHS; (6) Macie Smith and Trenten Lewis, OHS; (7) Dalton Brent and Peyton Dianne Hartz, OHS; (8) Adrian Jenkins and Rufus Jenkins, AHS; (9) JW Jones and Natalie Kennedy, AHS.









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AHS PROM Andalusia High School went back to the 20s and partied like the Great Gatsby at this year’s prom. (1) Gaby and Rufus Jenkins; (2) Members of the sophomore class served as the wait staff. Shown are Brenna Wells, Hannah Sellers, Jack McCalman, Reese Burkhardt, Ashlyn Nall and Sydney Faircloth; (3) Sebaskin Stallworth, Ryan Mays and Roosevelt Weaver; (4) Steadman Glenn and Ethan Wilson; (5) Antonia Clark and Tamesha Pryor; (6) Will Black and his date Jenna Dee.






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south alabama scene




PROM (1) Carrington Ward and Roosevelt Weaver, AHS; (2) Taylor Wilkinson and Taylor Fowler, RLHS; (3) Taniyah Thompson, OHS; (4) Peyton Miller and Stacye Hudson, AHS; (5) Alexis Kenya Adkins, AHS; (6) Morgan Bledsoe and Kyle Powell, AHS; (7) Grant Holley and Callen Woodard, AHS.






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All in for Royal Love


dmittedly, I'm not much for pomp and circumstance in my own life - we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in our cut-offs around the back yard grill like the rest of the good common folk. But on a grander stage, I am HERE FOR IT. The Presidential Inauguration; the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics; the Changing of the Guard - I show up for it all. And nobody, but nobody, does pomp and circumstance like the Brits. My love for the Royal Family was passed on from my mother, who adored Princess Diana. We loved her and then grieved her. Then we watched the wedding of Prince William and Duchess Kate with wonder as she brought the same elegance and grace to the role that her late mother-in-law did before her. But nothing could completely ready us for our favorite prince to wed ... wait for it ... AN AMERICAN!!!! And she was beautiful and humble and strong and lovely. I could barely contain myself. My expectations were so very high and Prince Harry and Megan Markle not only met, but exceeded them. My friend Catherine started texting me at 5:15 am. My mother


was soon after that. We all decided that it was perfection. It was full of Jesus; full of love and justice and grace; full of beauty and class and history and tradition. Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry brought church and holy fire. This life-long evangelical was ready to be confirmed after that sermon. And the music ... beyond all anticipation. The gospel choir singing "Stand By Me" - phenomenal. Also earlier, "Be Thou My Vision" - MY VERY OWN WEDDING SONG - breathtaking. Nineteen-year-old cellist, Sheku Kanneh-Mason playing the "Ave Maria" sounded like the rustling of musical angel's wings. It was all simply glorious. The parts I watched over and over and over: • Oprah swaying to the gospel choir because it was OPRAH swaying to a GOSPEL CHOIR at the ROYAL WEDDING and I don't even know how we lived without that before that day. • The mother of the bride sitting in all her dignity and grace and poise because God Himself ordained her place there. • Bishop Curry's "When love is the way

..." sermon that walked me to the altar over and over again. • Prince Harry saying, "You look amazing. I'm so lucky." Because it's maybe the sweetest thing we've ever beheld with our very own eyes. Things I was most wowed by: • The Royal Family's ability to behold all of that and stay completely chill. The fact that nobody yelled an "Amen" while the Holy Spirit took hold of the Bishop is maybe the most impressive thing that happened that day. • The Queen wore lime green from head to toe because she lives her life. We aren't even worthy of it. This is why she's the Queen. • Just when we thought Megan Markle could never outdo her wedding gown, the Duchess was all "Hold my tea cup" and wowed us again at the reception in a dress that deserves its very own crown. Many didn’t understand my gushing over the royals, but I ain't even a little sorry. I believe the world needed that wedding in these days. And I for one am all in for the Duke and Duchess and the way of love. nx

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Covington Obstetrics & Gynecology

Celebrating 31 years of caring for the women of Covington County and South Alabama Lee Carney, M.D. Michael Wells, M.D. Mary Ellen Shellhouse, C.R.N.P. Covington Obstetrics and Gynecology has provided specialty care for women since the practice was established in Andalusia in 1987. Our physicians are specialists in providing prenatal care for both low-risk and complicated pregnancies. Through a close association with Perinatal Specialists at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, we are able to coordinate joint care in cases that require more intensive and specialized evaluation and treatment. We also have a registered ultrasound tech and have begun offering 4-D ultrasounds. The Birthing Center at Andalusia Health has seen the delivery of thousands of babies whose mothers have received prenatal care with us. We have full-time anesthesia care with epidural available and crews available around the clock should an emergency occur. Our local pediatricians provide care to the newborns and are available 24 hours a day should any event require their immediate attention. Experienced and well-trained nurses provide care for our patients during the prenatal period and during labor and delivery and the important postpartum period. Many of our nurses are also trained in breast feeding instruction. We provide a wide range of women’s gynecological healthcare services including: Annual Health Exams Evaluation, Management, and Treatement of : Menstrual Disorders, Bladder Control Problems, Hormonal Disorders, Pelvic Support Problems, Infertility, Pelvic Pain, and Abnormal Pap Smears We also perform Advanced Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery at Andalusia Health and Mizell Memorial Hospital.

115 Medical Park Drive, directly in front of Andalusia Health Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. & Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon Call 334-222-5781 for appointments.

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