Maxwell’s Bug in the Tub
Ron Temple
Written by
Ron Temple Original Illustrations by
Mike Toth Editor
George Temple
Mommy, Mommy come quick! There is a bug in the tub; can this bug make me sick? What if this bug bites me or gives me a lick?
Mommy please tell me the bug cannot make me sick Max the bug in the tub is harmless I think To get a closer look I will put the bug in the sink
No No mommy you take the bug out of here. I will wait in my room until all is clear. Okay I will take the bug outside and set free Outside is where almost all bugs want to be
Oh Mommy the bug jumped out of the tub. The bug is now hiding under the rug. Under the rug and out of site.
Mommy, stay near so the bug does not bite.
The bug will not bite, the bug is our friend. look close at the bug it’s got a cute grin.
The bug is our friend, how can this be? This bug is so very scary to me. Max, most bugs live outside not under a rug Help me take it outside with the other bugs
I would rather not help take it outside and set free. I told you Mommy the bug is very scary to me What if the bug gives me a lick or a bite? Mommy, just leave the bug under the rug tonight.
Max, this bug will not lick or bite but we really don’t want the bug spending the night If the bug crawls out and finds a new place to hide
We might not be able to get it outside
lets pick up the rug, what do you think? Do you think the bug will run under the sink? Mommy, under the sink where I wash my face Don’t pick up the rug the bug might escape
Okay so you want the bug to spend the night? Can it sleep in your room if I leave on the light? Not in my room, let it stay in this place Under the rug there is plenty of space
The bug will not stay here this is not its home. As soon as we go away the bug will start to roam If it crawls from under the rug which way will it head? Will it crawl into my room and under my bed?
Or will it continue to roam from one room to another Maybe onto my bed, maybe under the covers! Now I know you are right I do not want it to stay Mommy I will help you catch it, whenever you say
Mommy when you catch this bug and take it outside Can I go to my room and I might even hide Max I would rather you not go to your room I need you to help and I need you real soon
Max go get me a jar to catch our new friend A jar with a lid that we can keep our friend in Max I am waiting on you before we catch this bug So when you return you can lift up the rug
Mommy, I will go get whatever you need But when I return I will ask, I might even plead Oh please don’t make me pick up the rug Mommy, you know that I am very afraid of this bug.
Please catch the bug while I stay out-of-site Please catch this bug and put it outside tonight. Outside in our garden will be its new home Outside in the garden a great place to roam
Thank you Mommy for doing what’s right For putting the bug outside tonight I will sleep better knowing the bug’s in its place And I love you Mommy for keeping me safe
I am still having thoughts of a bug in my bed Now, saying my prayers as I lay down my head With a thought that a bug was in here tonight Is a good enough reason to keep on the light!