Direct Thermal Wristbands - Guerilla Marketing

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Guerrilla marketing – Thermal Wristbands In our earlier article about Permission Marketing, did we explain how important it is to build strong relationships with the clients. Marketing does not end when the clients buy, it is opposite and everything starts here. Guerrilla marketing is like a circle. It never ends. No doubt, marketing is the most important skill in business and Guerrilla Marketing gives 100 marketing weapons to stay and increase business and the most remarkable is 62 of them is free of charge. So why is B&B Exporting Ltd concerning so much about others business? The answer is simple. Our main goal is we together can help our clients to success their business through our solutions. It is well known that wristbands are used for branding, but B&B believe, wristbands can play even a stronger role in marketing.

Combination is the key to success Guerrilla marketers should use a combination of marketing methods for a campaign. A single website, ads or direct e-mail marketing is not effective. It is the combination who lead to succeed and in the combination we do believe you can use wristbands. Our Direct Thermal Wristband Printer is a flexible and cost effective tool. As you change adds, websites, promotions, direct marketing can you as well just change the message on the clients wristbands. You can directly print messages, websites, special offers or a barcode. This is perfect because you already have the client Permission. “The wristband is the perfect door opener” The barcode or RFID wristband is the best tool when we talk about Permission Marketing because you can offer great services with the barcode. Remember this is you-marketing and not me-marketing. Quality marketing focuses on clients' needs. You need relevant business knowledge. Focus on gaining the consent of the individual to send them more information rather than trying to make the sale. From mobile the client can scan the barcode and inside can you send any message. The barcode redirect people to any site. In the site do you need to build the relationships and over time will strong relationships turn into profitable business. Facts about Guerrilla marketing Here is the headlines in 1. Guerrilla Marketing is specifically geared for companies who don’t have big marketing budgets.

2. It should be based on human psychology rather than experience, judgement, and guesswork. You cannot effort to guess. It has to be right the first time. 3. The primary statistic to measure your business is the amount of profits, not sales. 4. The marketer should also concentrate on how many new relationships are made each month. 5. Create a standard of excellence with an acute focus instead of trying to diversify by offering too many diverse products and services. 6. Instead of concentrating on getting new customers, aim for more referrals, more transactions with existing customers, and larger transactions. 7. Forget about the competition and concentrate more on cooperating with other businesses. 8. Guerrilla marketers should use a combination of marketing methods for a campaign. 9. Use current technology(e.g. websites, direct e-mail) as a tool to build your business. 10. Messages are aimed at individuals or small groups, the smaller the better. 11. Focuses on gaining the consent of the individual to send them more information rather than trying to make the sale. 12. Commit to your campaign. Use Effective frequency instead of creating a new message theme for each campaign. Next article We will in the next article go through the 100 marketing weapons and suggest/discuss the best marketing tools with Thermal wristbands. 1. Have a marketing plan a. Purpose and location b. Benefits c. Target d. Marketing weapons e. Niche f. Identity g. Budget 2. Marketing calendar 3. Niche/positioning – what you stand for 4. Name of company – important easy to say and spell 5. Identity 6. Logo – MIME design 7. Theme – summarize what you mean constantly 8. Stationery 9. Business card – benefits and MIME design 10. Signs inside – ex flyers 11. Signs outside 12. Hours of operation 13. Days of operation – 24/7 14. Window display – can also be a website

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

Flexibility Word-of-mouth (MMS - moment of maximum of satisfaction) Community involvement Barter Club/Association memberships - network Partial payment plans Cause-related marketing Telephone demeanor Toll free phone number Free consultations – great door opener Free seminars and clinics Free demonstrations Free samples Giver vs. taker stance Fusion marketing – marketing partners Marketing on telephone hold Success stories Employee attire Service Follow-up – remember to thanks in 24 hours Yourself and your employees Gifts and ad specialties Catalog Yellow Pages ads Column in a publication Article in a publication Speaker at any club Newsletter All your audiences Benefits list Computer - CRM Selection Contact time with customer How you say hello/goodbye Public relations - newspaper Media contacts – Friday is the best day Online marketing a. Planing – why you want b. Content c. Design – stay of moment d. Involvement e. Production

52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 1. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

f. Follow up g. Promotion – offline h. Treatment Referral program – ask for information and for leads Sharing with peers Guarantee Telemarketing Gift certificates Brochures Electronic brochures Location Advertising –use together with other medias Sales training Networking – collect business card and ask for information Quality – don’t what you add to the product what you get out of the product Reprints and blow-ups – reuse/timeless Flipcharts Opportunities to upgrade Contests/sweepstakes Online marketing Classified advertising Newspaper ads Magazine ads Radio spots – foreground and background – always foreground TV spots Infomercials Movie ads Direct mail letters Direct mail postcards Postcard decks Lift pitch – maximum 10 seconds Posters Fax-on-demand Special events 82.Show display Audio-visual aids Spare time [yours and the customer’s] Prospect mailing lists Research studies Competitive advantages Marketing insight [find new ways to reach out to the customer] Speed

90. Testimonials 91. Reputation – difficult to build easy to break 92. Enthusiasm & passion 93. Credibility 94. Spying on yourself and others 95. Being easy to do business with 96. Brand name awareness 97. Designated guerrilla [give responsibility to someone] 98. Customer mailing list 99. Competitiveness – use marketing weapons 100. Satisfied customers

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