AV PlateWasher
technical specifications
110x66 Plate Washer The PlateWasher is a lowmaintenance unit designed to clean inks from any size plate up to 110” or 66” wide. The machine is easy to load and easy to operate. A gentle brushing action removes ink with a cleaning solution, and a dual-tank supply system allows for reuse of the washout solution.
Flexo Printing Plate Washer Extends Plate Life Programmable controls include touch-screen operation. Dual foot controls facilitate loading and unloading of plates. A hot air blower provides for efficient plate dehydration.
PlateWasher dimensions
• 160” (wide) x 50” (deep) x 49” (high)
• 460 volts / 3-phase / 60 cycle / 25 amps (other voltages available)
plate size
• maximum 110” x 66”
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