Powerwise Ink Pumps and Accesories from Anderson & Vreeland

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pumping Powerwise offers lwotypes ofCenlrifugol syslems. NYL()N Cooled Series Feotures 0neosy cleon dipped ondheol fused surfoce.

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IRIFUGAL Series Three sloinless sleel rods ollow thepump lobeploced invorious deplh conloiners.

oso(omplele thefollowing: Sold System ondfeolures print mofullflowbollvolves decks By-poss syslem: ollow criticol inkcontrol tofiepress mixingondviscosily throughout thewhole ink Uniform conlrol: uchieved conloiner byconvenienf udiustment oftheby-pos while thepump isrunning. bollvolve prescleon-up. The by-pos olso doubles osoflushing syslem during (20liter) steelhingedlids:ollo*fie pumps tositinony$ondord 5gollon Sloinless conloiner. pipe, sleelcomponenls: includes dixhorge rods, shofts, endplote ond Stoinless hordwore. Adelrin vollule isfeotured ontheTrifugol models. proof; explosion EEx-e ondEEx-d, Molorsinclude:ULond$A roted extended sofety proof proof explosion AIEX roled molors. Non-explosion A(inverter ondvorioble speed controlled molors. Allvohoges instock Vorioble speed oreovoiloble orbyspeciol order. oirmotors forwoler bosed ondsolvent liquids. bosed

Which model isrightforyouropplico(heck yourrequired tion? viscosily press ronge, size, inkfpe ondflow. peristoltic pumps Remember donologilolelheinkinlheronloiner ondmony prinlers useo smullPowermix ogifolor.


ThePowerwise ln-lineFihersy$em issuitoble prinling. forFlexogrophic ondGrovure Itisdesigned toremove poper dirt,dried pulp, inkporlicles, melol frogments ond olhersuchporlicles toprevent Anilox prinr quolity. rolldomoge ondimprove Thefilter (ooted bodyisNYL0N foreosycleoning ondiscomplete witho re-cleonqble stoinless sleel boskel, o roreeorlh mognel ondcleoning sleeve osslondord. Seyen br:skel sizes oreovsiloble; 14,30,6A,WA,nA,150ond200. Powerwise conprovide theprinter withofulllineofprerision molded Polypropylene Yslroiners ftomlf)"inlet(12./mm)uplo I l/4"(32mm) eoch with20,400r sold 80mesh $oinlessteelboskets ondonoptionol roreeorthmognef. They conbefitted in-line ondoreideol fordiophrogm pump orperi$ohic users. Formuximum filrqtionuselhePowerwise relurnlineslroiner withorwifioulo mognef. (Powerwise condesign ondmqke onysizeondshope returnlinestroiner togiveyourhe your moximum fililotion for system.)


Norrow Web Aversolile ronge ofelectric ondo

(entrifugol: (hoice of componenls ondhord

(12liters) ondmildsteel.

Diophrogm ((9.52mm1 Pumps: 74"(6.25mm) ond3f8" Perislohic, oirondeledric: Feoture ovoriety ofrube types

pumps 5gollon extended Lo-Fugul Accessories:

. By-puss System . Stoinless poils sleel . Yslroiners ondmogneh


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