RGN | AusQuest

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MINING | AusQuest


Building a mutually advanta

Resource Global Network


ageous alliance with South32

MINING | AusQuest

AusQuest is a multi-commodity junior explorer with major ambitions. The ASX-listed company has maintained the same philosophy since its original listing back in 2003, and that has been to focus on largescale discoveries that would pique the interest of players from the mid to large-cap space. “We’ve never got into the small mine game,” admits managing director Graeme Drew. “The idea was always to retain an interest in projects that a major company would eventually develop. This is a niche which fits our background in terms of our people and their expertise.” AusQuest has followed this principle closely throughout its history, establishing a number of promising joint ventures with large companies in Australia and overseas, at times coming close to fashioning a project with the legs to sustain the appetite of a

The alliance with South32 was a momentous


occasion for AusQuest and a realisation of a fundamental company aim, but what has the

However, this changed when the company

deal translated to during its first 12 months

entered the Peruvian copper-gold

and what is in store for the future?

exploration space in 2011. Six years later AusQuest was finally able to attract the

The art of the deal

major partner it had been searching for,

“We have regular technical meetings with

signing a strategic alliance agreement (SAA)

South32 and regular communication with

with South32, a giant of the Australian

their people. We work closely with them

mining sector having been spun out of BHP

presenting the projects, discussing the results

in 2015.

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and agreeing the way forward including drill

have so far provided us with in excess of

targets and programmes,” reveals Mr Drew.

$8 million and that is likely to increase over the next six months as we move into some

AusQuest’s technical team is strong and

exciting drilling programmes.”

boasts over 200 years of collective experience in the mineral exploration space, a good

In Peru, where AusQuest has identified three

fit with the well-documented technical

separate projects, over 8,000 metres of

experience of South32’s team.

diamond drilling is planned for the first two projects in the next six months. This drilling is

“From a financial point of view, we now have

estimated to cost US$4 million with South32,

10 projects under the SAA and they [South32]

as part of the agreement, providing the

MINING | AusQuest means to fund these campaigns along with capital to support additional drilling at some of the company’s Australian projects. South32 provides technical and financial support to AusQuest’s various drilling programmes in Peru and Australia, earning the right to exclusivity over all these titles as well as the right to earn equity in each of them. South32 can claim equity up to 70% by spending US$4 million on each project and has the right to go to 80% if it chooses to fund a pre-feasibility study on any project. Alternatively, South32 could choose to end its participation in a project, leaving AusQuest to fund pro-rata to maintain its equity. “If we present a project to South32 and it is rejected twice then it becomes our project. But, our aim is to have all of our projects accepted because when you are looking for major deposits, the more frogs you kiss the more chance you’ve got of finding the prince,” Drew quips. “Realistically if one of them comes in, we’ll be extremely pleased. If more than one comes in it will be a dream come true.” AusQuest is also providing management for the initial drilling programmes, which is a major bonus for the company because it has already expended substantial time and effort developing the prospects and has the knowledge and commitment to successfully drive them through the early drilling stages.

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MINING | AusQuest

“This is a little different to handing the

it gives us financial incentives (bonuses) to

projects over to a major or bringing another

provide new projects and opportunities to

company in just to do the drilling, often

South32 on an annual basis, which then helps

without the same conviction that we would

us to undertake (pay for) the generative work


to provide the pipeline of projects that they are interested in.�

“Overall, we think the relationship is working extremely well. The agreement is relatively

One of the more recent outcomes of a

unique in terms of the way it is structured as

strategic meeting between the two partners

ResourceGlobal GlobalNetwork Network Resource AusQuest’s strategy because when developing multi-asset ventures, junior explorers often fall into a momentumsapping trap. They successfully raise funds for a drilling programme, achieve interesting but not compelling results and then have to wait for an extended period while raising more capital for further drilling. However, in AusQuest’s case this common pitfall has been effectively bypassed by the SAA, as the funding arrangement gives the company the breathing space required to focus on testing several prospects at the same time. “I think it’s almost unheard of to have 10 projects being funded under the one agreement. This is fantastic from our point of view. It gives us the chance to succeed and South32 multiple chances to have a potential development.” While Drew concedes that it is highly unlikely all 10 will deliver viable returns, he maintains they will all be subject to the best scientific tools; mapping, sampling, geophysics and drilling, which gives them a fighting chance of discovering orebodies. came in March 2018, when AusQuest confirmed that South32 would be extending

The Peruvian pipeline

its funding to cover four additional

In total, AusQuest has five projects that are

exploration opportunities, taking the total

currently at the drilling stage, two of which

to 10 projects under the SAA and triggering

are in Peru. Generally, the Peruvian targets

a second bonus payment of US$500,000 to

are large scale plays and occur undercover,


particularly in the South where there is lots of soil, sediment and volcanic cover masking the

This serves as further vindication of


MINING | AusQuest

This is bread and butter work for AusQuest,

Also at the drilling stage is the Cerro de Fierro

having applied techniques learned from

prospect, an iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG)

its experience searching for undercover

target at the Northern end of AusQuest’s

mineralisation in Australia, including airborne

target area.

and ground geophysical surveys. “We recognised its prospectivity based on the Delving further into AusQuest’s Peruvian

combination of magnetics and radiometrics

portfolio, Mr Drew highlights the Chololo

from our proprietary airborne survey data.

Porphyry Copper prospect as first cab off

There was a large potassium anomaly which

the rank in Southern Peru. It was found

suggested regional potassic alteration of the

through mapping and sampling, while

rocks, and an isolated magnetic response

ground geophysics revealed a large-scale IP

several square kilometres in size sitting

chargeability anomaly, which bodes well for a

within it, making it an obvious target for IOCG

new copper discovery.


The undercover target has never been tested,

Subsequent mapping and sampling has

and AusQuest is excited to be starting a wide-

confirmed the presence of abundant copper

spaced 5,000 metre drilling programme in

in the area, not only in structures but also in


the rocks as well, plus there is potential for

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the prospect to be sweetened by the possible

of process water that would be useful when

co-existence of gold.

developing new deposits,� Drew ponders.

AusQuest is currently undertaking drill

As drill programmes across five projects fast

permitting for the Cerro de Fierro project and

approach, AusQuest can look back upon its

hopes to have this completed by mid-year at

strategic alliance with South32 as a defining

which point access construction can begin.

moment in the junior’s history. With the

This is necessary for both projects as they

technical and financial support of a major

occur in elevated regions of the country.

industry player, the company has a golden opportunity to establish a world-beater of

“All of our projects in Peru are close to the

a project at home in Australia or in its new

coast, so infrastructure requirements are

Peruvian frontier.

potentially less than for the larger deposits that occur inland within the Andes. Being close to the sea could also provide a source



Published by Anderson Murray Media Ltd

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