RGN | Barton Gold

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Scalable and synergistic gol


ld assets in South Australia


After witnessing global economic growth tumble to a projected -4.9% in a COVID-dominated 2020, Alexander Scanlon, managing director of private Australian gold developer Barton Gold, casts his mind back to the global financial crisis of 2007-08, after which governments authorised colossal monetary stimulus to support the teetering global economy. Back then, the substantial economic crisis justified the subsequent programmes of mass money printing, however Scanlon believes that the long-term problem lies in his assertion that those money presses never turned off, even in the post-2012 period of economic stabilisation. “People just stopped paying attention to the global debt-fuelled wealth bubble that had formed,” he tells RGN. “Then we arrive in early 2020, where we have a real unforeseen problem. In essence, the analogy I would use is that from 2012-20, major governments around the world had already fired all of their monetary policy arrows at an invisible enemy.”

Barton is based in the

standard and basically rebuilt

habitually overlooked mining

the platform from the project

jurisdiction of South Australia


and Tunkillia assets, while

Leading from the front

It soon transpired that the real invisible enemy was COVID-19 – a highly contagious and often deadly virus that drove governments to lock down entire populations, effectively bringing the global economy to a juddering halt. Governments were left with no option but to double down on fiscal stimulus on an unprecedented scale that is illustrated by the fact that more money was printed in the past year than existed in the entire US monetary supply pre-2005. Now, with the inflated global monetary system at risk of overflowing with multiple decades worth of debt, Scanlon believes all the conditions are in place for a long-term structural gold bull market, and is positioning Barton Gold to capitalise on the positive outlook for the ‘safe haven’ metal.

curating an experienced

On the corporate side, Barton

corporate team to undertake

has made a number of high-

the elevation of the firm

quality additions to the

towards a rumoured imminent

management team, including


the likes of Richard Crookes

(SA), where it owns three major ‘value foundations’ in a

The company’s total resource

key gold trend of the central

base currently sits at 1.1 million

Gawler Craton: the open pit

ounces (Moz), with significant

Tarcoola mine, the district scale

upside potential currently being

Tunkillia project and a 650,000

explored at both Tarcoola and

tonnes per annum mill adjacent

Tunkillia that can be buttressed

to the historic Challenger

with further exploration across

underground mine.

Barton’s 4,735 km² tenement and joint venture gold rights

Since 2019, Barton has spent

package in the increasingly

extensive time in the field

active region.

developing its technical understanding of the Tarcoola

and Christian Paech as non“We spent about 18 months

executive directors. Both are

combing through, reorganising

well known in the Australian

and validating data we had

resources sector, as is Mark

acquired on the assets,” Scanlon

Connelly; Barton’s non-

says. “We focused on resetting

executive chairman.

our technical understanding and from there building out the

Connelly is chairman of

assets. We have converted all

a number of other junior

of the resources to JORC 2012

and mid-tier Australian gold explorers, including


Oklo, Calidus and Chesser

in Shannon Coates and an

Resources, and gained

experienced chief financial

significant recognition

officer in Rebecca Broughton.

for his role in leading two major merger deals: Adamus

“We also have a technical

Resources with Endeavour

alliance with Mining Plus,

Mining (2011) and Papillon

which allows us to fill out our

Resources with B2Gold (2014).

execution capability on the project management side, so

Barton has also brought in an

we can get the most out of the

excellent company secretary

skills and time of our people

DEVELOPING A NEW SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOLD DISTRICT Two fully-permitted mines, large scale growth projects and the region’s only gold mill provide Barton Gold three major ‘value foundations’: 1) Tarcoola: Camp-scale project with significant exploration potential and de-risked production option using Barton’s wholly-owned mill

2) Tunkillia: Advanced district-scale project on ~50 km Shear zones with a cornerstone JORC resource of 965,000 oz of gold, and open for extension 3) Infrastructure: 650,000 tonnes per annum mill with legacy ~1.2Moz underground mine; option to leverage for own mineralisation and for regional consolidation

on the corporate side. That relationship gives us a lot of flexibility, firepower and experience.” Scanlon reveals that Barton was attracted to its current suite of assets because they are proven production projects



situated within close proximity

“This is one of the most richly

Nonetheless, there is an

to each other (Tarcoola

mineralised regions in SA. If

increasing number of

and Tunkillia are only

you were in Western Australia,

companies making noise

approximately 80 km apart

there would probably be

in the vicinity of Barton’s

with potential to operate as a

hundreds of mines within 200

assets, particularly around the

cost-efficient ‘hub’), in an area

km of our mill, whereas in this

Northern Infrastructure Hub,

that has been largely ignored

case, there are only two mines

which contains the company’s

and under-invested in for the

and we own both of them.”

mill. Notably, Marmota’s

last 25 years.

Aurora Tank Gold project is 50

the Tarcoola Basin – what

Resources is mobilising

Re-evaluating the resources

drilling at one of its advanced

At Tarcoola, Barton has

genesis of Tarcoola’s high-

targets between 50-80 km East

completed a significant

grade mineralisation.

of Tarcoola.

degree of back-to-basics

km Northeast, while Indiana

Barton suspects to be the

work aimed at reinterpreting

“What was really exciting was

“Things are starting to

the pre-existing geological

that we identified a number

happen and I think the focus

understanding of the asset,

of areas that are geophysical

is returning more to SA. As

which hosts the Perseverance

lookalikes for where the

people start to see the results

open pit mine – a historic

Perseverance open pit was

or our work and the work of

operation that produced gold

focused,” Scanlon exclaims.

other explorers, you might get

between 2017-18, including at

“These areas correspond

a focus similar to that of the

grades exceeding 4 g/t during

with relatively limited but


2018 – but was underworked

high grade shallow historical

outside of the main target area. drilling in the area. The 2D seismic then correlated



“We looked at Tarcoola and

perfectly with what we saw in

recognised that the geology

the geophysical programmes.

was far more interesting than

We’re very excited to go out

the story that had been told

and test those areas.”

publicly. We did some very high resolution, low altitude

Barton has also completed a

aero magnetics and geophysics

5,300 metre drill programme

programmes, as well as a 2D

adjacent to the Perseverance

seismic programme over that

open pit, discovering a new


200 metre long shallow gold zone in the process which has


Thanks to this geophysical

been named ‘Perseverance

baseline work, the firm was


IPO DATE: Not yet announced

able to identify some large


structural features that extend

The drilling also further

down to a crustal scale fault

validated an existing 500 metre

and interact extensively with

long gold target known as

intrusives pressing up against

‘Deliverance’, and the results



“This is one of the most richly mineralised regions in South Australia. If you were in Western Australia, there would probably be hundreds of mines within 200 km of our mill, whereas in this case, there are only two mines and we own both of them” Alexander Scanlon, Barton Gold managing director


correlate with historic drilling data on the area that has been obtained by the company. “It’s still a relatively small resource, but now we have that in JORC 2012 standard we can continue to do more technical work and drilling to tie this area together. We have demonstrated that, rather than being a single open pit with potential extensions, we’ve got a 14 km long target zone on our tenements, which look like they are amenable to repeats of that open pit.” Meanwhile, Barton has conducted a full teardown at the Tunkillia project – ostensibly one of the largest undeveloped gold projects in SA – in order to build a better understanding of the resource, much like it has done at Tarcoola. The geological remodelling work focused on more specifically sub-domaining the project’s mineralisation and sharpening up the boundaries of the resource by removing

RGN editor Jacob Ambrose Willson interviews Barton Gold managing director Alexander Scanlon, January 19, 2021

“It makes most sense to develop the Tarcoola and Tunkillia assets as a Southern Hub because the Northern mill is approximately 180 km away from Tarcoola, but Tarcoola and Tunkillia are only 80 km apart, so there’s much greater potential for logistics efficiency”

a lot of extraneous low-grade

infill and extensional drilling

mineralisation. This allowed

to close gaps in the Tunkillia

Barton to identify multiple

resource and create further

high-grade ore zones and


define a more continuous and reliable resource model

“The mineralisation that hosts

with significantly increased

that deposit is known to extend

resource ounces and greater

another 7 km to the North

development optionality.

and to the South. We’ve got a very strong and continuous

In October 2020, the firm

body of mineralisation and

announced that the JORC 2012

we have high hopes to extend

resource had grown to 965,000

the existing resource while

ounces at the 223 Deposit,

also replicating that resource

and confirmed targets had

within some of the nearby

been identified for follow-on

target areas in the vicinity of the 223 Deposit.”


A Southern Hub

The opportunity remains for a

“The more you improve each

The potential district scale

‘Stage 1’ Tarcoola production

one, the more valuable each

of Tunkillia combined with

option using the existing mill,

asset becomes to the next,”

the higher grade ore from

and the construction of a

he says. “You can look to play

the Tarcoola resource has

second plant in the Southern

each asset off the other, you

contributed to a prevailing

Hub would provide capability

can divide them and you can

belief that a ‘Southern Hub’

for regional consolidation

combine them.”

would provide the most logical

around the Northern

development pathway for

Infrastructure Hub.

Barton’s current assets.

In the next 12 months, expect more drilling and

“It is the only mill in the region

resource growth at Tarcoola

“It makes most sense

so it does give us the ability to

and Tunkillia and an eagerly

to develop the Tarcoola

look to monetise that asset on

anticipated IPO on the ASX for

and Tunkillia assets as a

the basis that we’re the only

Barton, as it looks to capitalise

hub because the mill is

outfit there that could start

on continuing favourable

approximately 180 km distance

an operation without having

macro-economic conditions

away from Tarcoola, but

to build a new mill. That

for the gold market, despite

Tarcoola and Tunkillia are only

also represents value for our

seeing the gold price falter in

80 km apart, so there’s much

neighbours who have some

recent months while leading

greater potential for logistics

very interesting land packages

economists continue to

efficiency with a Southern

and are doing some interesting

digest the ongoing impacts

Hub,” Scanlon declares.

work in the region.”

of COVID-19 on the global financial system.

Considering that Tunkillia

Whichever way you look at it,

looks like a larger volume,

Barton possesses a very strong

lower grade operation,

hand with two scalable gold

the company could build a

resources and the only pre-

centralised mill adjacent to

existing mill in the region,

a Tunkillia mine and instead

which is gradually becoming

of trucking Tarcoola ore to

a hive of gold exploration. But

the Northern mill, it could

for Scanlon, the best thing

simply direct the ore South to

about Barton’s assets is the

Tunkillia for a ~ 50-60% saving

growing synergies between

on haulage costs.


Published by Anderson Murray Media Ltd

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