RGN | Kogi Iron

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MINING | Kogi Iron

KOGI IRON Nigeria’s first primary steel production project

Resource Global Network

MINING | Kogi Iron

Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa with a GDP of approximately US$376 billion in 2017 and is also the continent’s most populous nation, comprising of close to 200 million citizens according to latest UN estimates. Therefore, it is a great surprise to learn that Africa’s primary economic engine consumes only 6.8 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of steel, giving Nigeria one of the lowest levels of consumption per capita in the world. More than half of Nigeria’s steel demand is met from imported goods, with the balance provided by domestically produced, low quality steel largely from recycled metal. However, Kogi Iron plans to drastically enrich Nigeria’s domestic steel industry by setting up the country’s first integrated cast steel project in Kogi State. Kogi Iron is an ASX-listed company that has been in operation for around 10 years, with its primary asset the 100%-owned Agbaja iron ore project located near the town of

“About two years ago the idea was float ore exporter to a local steel producer. Th build a steel mill in front of the iron ore d Martin Wood, CEO and managing directo

Lokoja in central Nigeria. The project is

are in place at the project level, says Kogi

operated through Kogi Iron’s 100% owned

Iron’s CEO and managing director Martin

partner - KCM Mining.

Wood, and the resource has been estimated at 586 Mt with an in-situ grade of 41.3% Fe

All currently required licences and permits

from a 2014 pre-feasibility study.

Resource Global Network

ted to pivot from being an iron he idea was that we would deposit.” or The company’s initial plan was to prove up

ore prices had receded after the China-

the resource, develop the mine and then

led boom ended in 2014, and the process

export the iron ore out of Nigeria. However,

of transporting the produce from Lokoja

it soon became clear that this wasn’t going

down to Warri Port in the South became too

to work, primarily for two reasons: Iron


MINING | Kogi Iron

Pivoting towards steel production “About two years ago the idea was floated to pivot from being an iron ore exporter to a local steel producer,” reveals Wood. “The idea was that we would build a steel mill in front of the iron ore deposit. “We’ve also got access to two local sources of coal and there is lots of readily available limestone in the region, therefore we have all the ingredients needed to produce steel for the home markets.” As it transpired, all the factors that made it difficult for the company to export its product lent themselves to becoming


an import replacement play, says Wood.

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Logistically speaking, from the project’s central location potential offtakers could in the Southwest and Port Harcourt in the Southeast. In this scenario, Kogi Iron can truck its steel product down to these regions, as opposed to having to barge iron ore down a river before loading it onto a narrow gauge railway to eventually reach Warri Port. In addition, the integrated project would operate inside the Nigerian Tariff Barrier which is a major plus for the firm. Since deciding to pivot towards integrated steel production, Kogi Iron has carried out a number of tests on its iron ore to determine its suitability for the manufacturing of international quality steel products.

Resource Global Network

The company employed consultancy groups

operational in Nigeria. In order to check

Tenova, SGS Bateman and Mintek RSA to

that thesis, we recently commissioned Fast

perform a bulk sample test work programme

Markets to carry out a market study for us.”

in July last year. The mineralogy specialists ran successful tests which confirmed the

The Fast Markets study concluded that Kogi

suitability of Agbaja iron ore to produce a

Iron would be able to sell one and a half

high quality steel product.

million tonnes of its steel product in Nigeria and into neighbouring countries, which is

Russia-based specialist Torex also confirmed

an encouraging sign for the company at this

the viability of Kogi Iron’s two local sources


of coal for use in the rotary kilns as part of the sponge iron process. “Once you know

Nigeria’s current domestic rolling mills

you can produce a high quality steel product,

predominantly use imported scrap metal to

then you know the project is a go,” Wood

produce low quality items such as rebar and

declares. “Our idea is that we are inured to

hot/cold rolled steel and wire coils. Therefore,

the international prices of coal and iron ore

the Fast Markets report indicated that

because we have our own supplies.

there will be no shortage of demand for the company’s higher quality material.

“We will produce a cast steel product that will be sold to the rolling mills that are currently

MINING | Kogi Iron

DFS and project financing Kogi Iron is currently working through its definitive feasibility study (DFS) and has commissioned an independent engineering consultancy called McLellan and Partners to conduct an interim review of the company’s progress at the Agbaja project. “That review is going to give us objective numbers on the capex needed to build the project and the opex required to run the facility. It will also give us a pathway towards the full DFS, advising on things like what tonnage we should be producing and where we should be sourcing equipment from.” In terms of project financing, the firm has been in discussions with export credit agency (ECA) lenders for quite some time and has made sure that each potential ECA is kept firmly in the loop with regards to key milestones and news pieces. For example, after the Tenova, SGS and Mintek sample test work programme was completed, the results were shown to the ECAs in order to demonstrate that the work fits the necessary criteria. Kogi Iron will continue to share goals and milestones with potential lenders to keep itself ECA compliant. It has been indicated that ECAs will be willing “That means that when we finish all our

to lend up to 70% of the project cost, leaving

studies, assuming the DFS is positive, we will

the company with 30% to raise through

have taken ECAs with us on our journey and

equity. Kogi Iron is considering various

they will have a very short turnaround in

options for this equity raise, including a

deciding whether or not they can lend to us,”

second listing on an international exchange.

says Wood.

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“We are exploring a dual listing in London to raise the 30% capex to finish off the project. That would give us a good footprint in London and allow investors in who understand West Africa.”

“One of the options we are exploring is a dual

Wood believes the UK exchange has a very

listing in London to raise that 30% capex to

strong understanding of African markets

finish off the project. That would give us a

along with a large Nigerian contingent

good footprint in London and allow investors

residing in London, which makes it a highly

in who understand West Africa, steel and the

suitable option for a secondary listing. “That

long-term economics of the project.”

would be a conceivable path to market and liquidity for us,” he adds.

MINING | Kogi Iron

Resource Global Network

A social licence to operate

you do for us. On several occasions he has said: ‘I know there is nothing in it for us now

Aside from moving through the technical

but we can see the future jobs and education

and financial aspects of the Agbaja project,

for Lokoja which are being driven by this

Kogi Iron has also developed a highly

economic engine you are building’. That’s a

attuned social licence to operate in Nigeria,

very sensible, mature approach and I love it.”

which is rooted in the notion of providing local, regional and national benefit from its

Kogi Iron also maintains strong relations at

presence in the country.

state and federal level, including with the Minister of Mines and Steel in Abuja. “When

On a local level, the firm has negotiated

we first had some steel produced from our

a thorough community development

own iron ore by Mintek, they sent us some

agreement (CDA) with the paramount ruler of

samples,” Wood explains.

the region, who presides over the more than 60 communities which will be impacted by

“I took a sample and gave it to the Minister

the development.

of Mines and Steel as a paperweight. It’s the first steel produced by Nigerian iron ore, so

“Through the paramount ruler, a local lawyer

he was really pleased about. It was a nice

and local dignitaries who represent the

gesture from us.”

stakeholders, we negotiated a CDA which ensured local employment opportunities in

Kogi Iron is making strong progress towards

both unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled roles,

its goal of developing Nigeria’s first primary

to ensure that local benefits will accrue.”

steel production facility, which is set to bring myriad benefits to the local communities in

Kogi Iron’s national subsidiary KCM Mining is

Kogi State and to the Nigerian economy.

led by a geologist named Alabi Samuel, who is Lokoja born and bred which has helped

Above all, Kogi Iron must be commended for

the company form strong relations in the

developing the operation in-country through

surrounding communities, not least with the

its 100% owned partner KCM Mining and for

paramount ruler.

advancing a project that will support Nigerian industry and Nigerian people.

“His [the Paramount Ruler] view is very overtly what can we do for you, not what can



Published by Anderson Murray Media Ltd

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