RGN | Mayur Resources

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MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources

MAYUR RESOURCES Developing an industrial minerals and power generation platform in Papua New Guinea

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MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources

Mayur Resources holds a unique portfolio of resources and energy projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – a Pacific island state which Mayur believes offers significant and unrecognised potential as a developing nation on the doorstep of several major economies across the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. The company’s diversified portfolio encompasses a pipeline of exploration and development projects across industrial minerals, cement, power generation, coal, copper and gold – many of the key building blocks for a developing country. Mayur’s executive management team benefits from extensive strategic and operational expertise across the resources sector, with executive director Tim Crossley and managing director Paul Mulder offering +20 years of experience across a broad range of commodities.

“We’ve been able to build a team of

“We essentially have a management team

PNG’s medium-term economic outlook is

with an experienced leader in each business

described as ‘optimistic’ by the World Bank,

division, for example we have a CEO of lime

and having hosted the APEC Leaders’ Summit

and cement, COO in mineral sands and an

in 2018, investment in large-scale resource

executive in power generation,” Mulder tells

projects is set to continue underpinning


economic growth in the country.

respected, proven individuals who bring demonstrated capability in their respective fields of expertise. Yes, we have a diverse portfolio but we’ve been able to construct a nimble and highly resourceful team together with an outcome-focused approach.”

Papua New Guinea PNG has been recognised by Mayur as an increasingly attractive jurisdiction to operate in for several reasons: It has proven mineral potential and a well-established mining sector, with a supportive government, a stable legislative environment and favourable fiscal and tax regimes all set against a backdrop of sustained population growth. “PNG offers a huge amount of opportunity given that it is underdeveloped when you compare it the rest of its APAC neighbours and its first world neighbours such as Australia and New Zealand. “With an electrification rate of just 13% of the population, there has been limited economic development in PNG compared to what there could be if they had an electrified nation, and that is where we see a big opportunity,” Mulder adds.

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MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources

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The government has also made a strong

“The government is very focused on

commitment to diversify the economy away

attracting investors and having them stay for

from just the next LNG or mining mega-

the long term. In the past they have offered

project, and towards new growth sectors

very attractive incentive packages to attract

which will play a vital role in the nation’s

capital. We operate in a world where there


is competition for capital which is globally mobile, and it will gravitate to jurisdictions

“This diversification will give rise to additional

that provide the best risk-reward returns,”

opportunities within each of those sectors

says Mulder.

where energy and building materials are fundamental, which is where our focus is – industrial minerals and energy.”

Central Cement and Lime project Mayur’s flagship development is the Central

The government has also fostered a distinct

Cement and Lime (CCL) project, a new

pro-investment environment in recent years,

vertically integrated cement project, based

driven largely by the state-run Investment

on two large scale, high quality limestone

Promotion Authority, which encourages

deposits near PNG’s capital Port Moresby.

foreign investment across a wide range of sectors, including resources.


MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources

A definitive feasibility study (DFS) was

“I think this DFS demonstrates the significant

completed for the CCL project in January

value that is currently residing latent in PNG

2019 with very attractive economics,

that can be realised via ongoing support

including a post-tax ungeared NPV of US$352

from the government, the community and

million, an IRR of 23.9% and project payback

developers coming together to unlock the

of 5.2 years. The project offers a range of

opportunity, not only to displace PNG’s

final cement and lime products targeting

current reliance on imports, but also to

both domestic and export markets.

establish a new export industry.”

Life of project revenue has been estimated at

With a MOU signed for gas supply from the

$4,792 million with EBITDA of $3,540 million

nearby ExxonMobil PNG LNG plant, Mulder’s

over an estimated 30-year project life. The

excitement centres on the fact that CCL is a

project hosts over 380 million tonnes (Mt)

ring-fenced project that is not reliant on any

of limestone resources and a maiden ore

other inflows from outside PNG.

reserve of 78Mt has also been declared.

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In doing so, the project will provide a much

“The market is sophisticated and will look at

cheaper cement and lime product for the

diversity of supply, security of supply and at

domestic market, while also emerging as

the same time it will be making sure it has

an extremely competitive alternative supply

access to cheap, high quality, reliable inflow

source in other nearby markets such as

of cement and lime, and that’s what we are

Australia and New Zealand, which currently

going to provide.”

import around 45% of their needs from Japan, China and Vietnam.

Next steps for the CCL project will see Mayur conclude compensation agreements with

“We are three times closer than these

the local community, submit a mining lease

countries when you look at proximity to the

application in H1 2019 and award EPC design

market in Australia and New Zealand. That

and engineering contracts, while finalising

is not just a little bit closer, it is order of

product offtake and project financing

magnitudes closer to that market,” Mulder

arrangements by H2 2019.


MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources

Resource Global Network

Mineral sands Mayur is also developing a new industrial

sands) and a zircon-rich valuable heavy mineral

and mineral sands province in PNG, holding

concentrate by-product.

a portfolio of tenements that stretch across PNG’s Southern coastline and delta regions

At the start of 2019, Mayur secured up to

of the Gulf of Papua. This extensive portfolio

$25 million in funding from China Titanium

provides potential for multiple products and

Resources Holding Limited (CTRH) for the

routes to market.

development of the pilot plant and full-scale operation at Orokolo Bay in return for up to 49%

The most advanced mineral sands project is

of the mineral sands portfolio.

at Orokolo Bay, where a pre-feasibility study (PFS) has been completed which identified

The deal is an attractive one for Mayur, as it

an opportunity to produce fine grain

essentially provides a pathway where its partner

construction sands, titanomagnetite (iron

will develop and fund the project while Mayur

MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources maintains 51% of the $106 million NPV that was demonstrated by the PFS. “We retain around $53 million of the Orokolo Bay economics, which is just shy of our current market cap. So, that one deal essentially reflects the market cap of the company, but it should also be noted that Mayur also keeps 51% of all the other mineral sands projects in the portfolio. “We have several other projects we will be developing across our tenement area, But the key thing is we have an experienced, proven, low cost mineral sands developer and operator in CTRH, to help bring our projects into production.” Subsequent to the above, in another important company development Mayur also recently announced the signing of a first binding offtake agreement with a separate Chinese steel group for up to 40% of the vanadium-titano-magnetite product from Orokolo Bay.

Power Generation As previously alluded to by Mulder, PNG’s power generation industry is characterised by a lack of access to electricity for most of the population, and the power that is generated is not only expensive, being dependent on imported liquid fuels, but unreliable too given the lack of investment. Sensing an opportunity to improve the quantity and quality of electricity supply in PNG, Mayur is developing an environmentally

Resource Global Network

MINING/ENERGY | Mayur Resources

“Sector diversification will give rise to additional opportunities within each of those sectors where energy and building materials are fundamental, which is where our focus is – industrial minerals and energy” Paul Mulder, managing director Mayur Resources

sustainable Enviro Energy Park (EEP) in

These industrial users are currently burning

the city of Lae, the country’s industrial and

heavy fuel such as diesel for their electricity

manufacturing hub in Morobe Province.

needs, which is highly polluting and very expensive versus using Mayur’s steam by-

The energy source for the Lae EEP Power

product. Therefore, this alternative has both

Project comes in three different forms in the

economic and environmental benefits for the

shape of solar, woodchip biomass and coal,

users in Lae.

making it a reliable and low carbon source of electricity.

“Our multi-fuel technology for the EEP reduces energy costs by more than half

“We have access to PNG’s own domestic coal

compared to the current practice of burning

resources, which is an extremely low ash, low

imported heavy fuel, and at the same time it

sulphur type that is a lot cleaner than the coal drastically reduces localised air emissions, in Australia uses for its own power generation

terms of noxious gases, as well as the CO2

needs. Another key differentiator of the


project is that it also produces steam as a byproduct, which will be produced extremely

Should all the aforementioned projects reach

cheaply and offered to industrial users in

final investment decisions, Mayur’s positive


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impact on PNG will be tangible, not only

“The flow on benefits will also extend

in stimulating the economy and boosting

indirectly to education, health and standards

employment, but also from adding value and

of living.”

keeping wealth in-country. Finally, with Mayur’s market capitalisation “The delivery and construction stages of

currently sitting well below $100 million,

these projects will create employment that

Mulder believes there is a significant

will then transition into the operational

opportunity for upward movement in the

phases. But the wider benefits will be from

company’s share price as these projects are

the multiplier effect of cheaper power and

advanced and ultimately commence revenue

cement that will flow across the economy


over the +30-year life of the projects,” says Mulder.


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Published by Anderson Murray Media Ltd

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