RGN | Newfield Resources

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MINING | Newfield Resources

NEWFIELD RESOURCES Developing a generational diamond asset in Sierra Leone

Resource Global Network

MINING | Newfield Resources

Australian exploration firm Newfield Resources gained ownership of the Tongo Mine Development in Eastern Sierra Leone through the acquisition of AIM-listed Stellar Diamonds in April 2018. Stellar had been active in West Africa for several years but was struggling to raise the capital required to get the diamond mining project off the ground, in a difficult market for junior resources companies. These conditions compelled CEO Karl Smithson to approach Newfield, who were active in Sierra Leone with a merger proposition. A merger between Newfield and Stellar was subsequently accepted via a UK Court sanctioned scheme of arrangement and with it Newfield shareholders invested approximately US$25 million to fund development at Tongo. The majority of the Stellar technical team also migrated across to Newfield to provide continuity to the project on the ground.

“The transaction was a win-win for both Stellar and Newfield shareholders and the funding Newfield brought to the project has enabled Tongo to advance rapidly to the

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MINING | Newfield Resources mine development phase,” says Smithson –

tonnes per hour (tph) DMS processing plant.

now an executive director of Newfield.

However, based on the future production profile of the mine, the company recently

During the last 16 months or so since

made the decision to install a plant capacity

the acquisition of Stellar, Newfield has

of 100tph and is working closely with South

completed an independent Front End

Africa-based engineering consultants METC

Engineering Design (FEED) study for Tongo,

Engineering in terms of the final design of the

which included the design of a detailed


underground mine, and increased the mine resource by 64% through further drilling and

“We got through all of that in the last 12

exploration work.

months, which brings us to now. In July, the board of Newfield ratified the project and

Newfield also looked into the process

made an investment decision to bring the

design for the project, initially deciding on

funding in to construct the mine.”

the relocation and refurbishment of a 50

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Growing the resource

“But we need to prove that through further drilling, geological work and evaluation. That

While the arrival at an investment decision

will be a programme we will tackle some time

resembles a major milestone for Newfield,

in the future.”

Smithson believes the most pleasing development of the last year has been the

For now, the Tongo project has 7.4 Mcts

expansion of the Tongo resource from 4.5

in resource, of which 1.1 Mcts has been

million carats (Mcts) to 7.4 Mcts.

declared as reserve for an eight year life of mine (LOM). However, Newfield intends to

“Based on the other deposits in the licence

convert much of this resource into reserve as

area [only four of 11 kimberlites have been

it progresses the project and therefore sees

drilled to resource level] and the possibility

a much longer LOM than currently stated in

of going deeper on the existing deposits

official ASX documentation.

within the mine life, we believe that there is potential to double the current resource,” reveals Smithson.

MINING | Newfield Resources

“Notwithstanding that, there is additional

presidents against a backdrop of challenging

potential from the rest of the concession,

conditions – from the country’s emergence

where we have orebodies not yet in resource.

out of civil war in 2002 to the Ebola crisis of

We know they are diamondiferous and we


know they hold good grade too. However, this team of geologists remained “Bringing those into the future mine plan

in Sierra Leone throughout the bouts of

will be part of our strategy. If we are able

turmoil and continued to spend money

to achieve this, we are potentially looking

on exploration, while building strong

at around 20 to 30 years LOM at Tongo,”

relationships with the government and the

Smithson projects. In fact, Newfield has

Ministry of Mines & Mineral Resources.

already started drilling on a fifth kimberlite and should bring that into resource within

“We get a lot of credibility for having

the next six to nine months.

been there as long as we have and done

Long-term stakeholders

exploration for so long. You have to do the hard miles and if you pay your dues in terms

Smithson and his team have been active in

of taxes and community support you get the

Sierra Leone for approximately 17 years now,

respect and support that you deserve, and

and in that time they have witnessed the

we certainly have.”

rise and fall of different governments and

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Sierra Leone remains fairly strapped for cash

“Also, the Tongo concession area is safe and

and is still reliant on donor aid in the form of

we don’t have a need for armed security on-

loans from the IMF and other international

site. We largely look after ourselves and have

banks, but the situation is presently

around 20 expats there now with about 150

stable and the country is one of the better

locals that we’re employing.”

investment jurisdictions on the continent according to Smithson.

Socially responsible mine development

“Sierra Leone is a former UK colony and

Local employment is a key part of Newfield’s

follows British law and language with a

corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy

parliamentary political system. So, there are

and is hugely welcomed by national citizens

certain similarities in terms of constitutional

in a country where unemployment is rife,

structures that you would find in the UK.”

particularly in the communities surrounding the Tongo mine.

The Mining Code was passed by Parliament in 2009 and is currently being updated with

“We have already created 150 jobs and

sponsorship from the World Bank. “Soon,

will be creating between 700 and 800

we’ll have a robust mining and fiscal regime

further jobs during the next phases of the

that we can understand and operate under

mine development. We will provide lots


MINING | Newfield Resources of opportunities, particularly in the local

company to make certain expenditures

communities, to get proper contracted

in the local communities throughout the

employment with all the right insurances in

development of the mine and during the

place,” says Smithson.


“We are going to provide a significant uplift

Through the CDA, the local communities

when considering the statistics, which reveal

form a committee of around 20 people

that every one person employed supports 10

and they decide what programmes need

more in their extended family. It’s going to

to be prioritised to bring most benefit

have a massive impact.”

to the communities. Whether this is the construction of water wells or even

Beyond this, there is also a legal requirement

schools, Newfield helps facilitate these vital

- stipulated in the Mining Charter – for


Newfield to have a community development agreement (CDA) in place at the Tongo

“The CDA programmes help locals feel

project. This legal document binds the

engaged with the company and the

Resource Global Network development of their own community. That’s

“This time next year Newfield will be a

a very good thing, and through that forum we

company that is in production. Everyone’s

maintain harmonious relationships.”

very happy and shareholders are extremely

Coming full circle Speaking on behalf of the entire Newfield

supportive, which is shown by the recent bond raises of $30 million equivalent for the construction funds.”

team, Smithson reveals that everyone is thrilled about the progress made at the

However, the current mine plan is just the

Tongo Mine Development over the past year

tip of the iceberg for the company, given

and a half since the acquisition of Stellar.

the significant opportunities to grow the resource at Tongo, which has been labelled a

“As a geologist, it’s not very often one can

‘generational asset’ by Newfield – being that

make a discovery, evaluate that discovery

is could sustain diamond production for up

and bring it into production. We’ve seen the

to 30 years.

whole cycle and that’s extremely rewarding for ourselves.



Published by Anderson Murray Media Ltd

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