RGN | Viking Mines

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Breathing new life




e into a past producing gold mine in WA’s Eastern Goldfields

The historic First Hit gold project, located approximately 150 km Northwest of Western Australia’s famous mining town Kalgoorlie, was most recently mined by Barra Resources in 2001 after they identified high-grade potential within the prospective Ida and Zuleika Shear zones, which are host to many significant gold deposits in the Eastern Goldfields. The former operators mined around 30,000 ounces of gold at ~7.7 g/t, but production from the project proved to be shortlived as Barra curtailed the mine just a year later due to depressed gold prices of around US$320 per ounce in 2002. As a result, the project – which was first discovered back in the 1920s – has remained dormant throughout the last two decades under somewhat ambivalent ownership. That was until ASX-listed explorer Viking Mines acquired the First Hit project in January 2021 via an all-share takeover of Red Dirt Mining and immediately started a first phase drilling campaign that would help bring the historic mine back to life. “On completion of the process we got out on the ground and started drilling very quickly,” says Viking’s CEO Julian Woodcock. “Within three weeks we had a diamond drill rig turning on the property. A few weeks after that we got an air core (AC) rig out.”

A Viking down under Viking’s ability to mobilise drill rigs at great speed was due in in no small part to the Tier 1 quality of the jurisdiction in which the project is located in. “I’m a bit biased but WA is probably the best jurisdiction in the world to be operating in,” Woodcock tells RGN’s editor. “We’ve got a very stable government, a well understood and respected mining legislation. WA is very focused on the resources sector; it’s a huge driver of GDP for the state and a significant contributor to Australia as a whole. For Viking, we know the rules in which we are operating.” Having worked in WA for over a decade spanning previous roles with three well-known

Woodcock was brought in as

mining companies, Woodcock

CEO of Viking in January of

is completely comfortable with

this year and was appointed

the mining laws and all aspects

managing director in April

relating to Viking’s tenements,

after long-serving board

all of which have secure mining

member Charles Thomas

licences granted on a long-term

confirmed his resignation.



and geologist Michael Cox and dependable company secretary Dean Jagger. The recovery of a US$5 million payment yet to be received relating to a divestment Viking made in Ghana some years back continues to be a key undertaking for the board, alongside the drilling campaigns at First Hit. Woodcock assures that he and his colleagues are eagerly pursuing the matter and expect a resolution in the near feature with a judgment hearing date set for July 28th. “We’ve got a wide range of skillsets within the management team that covers off the legal, financial, accounting and technical. My experience has been working

Thomas had played an

Meet the team

instrumental role in the

A close-knit corporate team

years, and I’ve spent the last 10

acquisition of the First Hit

has supported Woodcock’s

years in Australia.

project and was very involved

acclimatisation into

in the company’s ASX-related

the business, including

“During that time I’ve been

activities, before deciding that

distinguished lawyer Ray

with Gold Fields, Evolution

the time was right to step away. Whitten (AM), highly experienced corporate advisor

with gold projects for nearly 20

Mining and more recently Gold Road Resources. In those

“We’ve got a very stable government, a well understood and respected mining legislation. WA is very focused on the resources sector; it’s a huge driver of GDP for the state and a significant contributor to Australia as a whole” Julian Woodcock, Viking Mines CEO

with very large exploration

A sleuthing exercise

teams and been privileged to

Barra drilled nearly 130

be involved with the discovery

reverse circulation (RC) holes

and growth of several

and three diamond drill (DD)

significant resource projects.”

holes, defining an initial

three companies I’ve worked

resource under the JORC In his latest endeavour,

99 code at the time. Viking

Woodcock is aiming to expand

has been afforded access

on the gold resource identified

to all of the data relating

and mined by Barra at the

to this activity, including

turn of the century, only his

underground development

team are armed with modern

plans and geological

exploration techniques and a


significant catalogue of data left behind by the former

“They developed about 1.5 km

operators of the First Hit mine.

of decline over 200 vertical



metres and 1.7 km of cross

This valuable existing data

cuts and ore drives along

provided an effective segue

the ore on 20 metre spaced

into Viking’s Phase 1 drilling

levels and then stopped

campaign at First Hit, which

out part of the orebody. We

commenced in February with

recently managed to get hold

a 2,500 metres DD campaign

of the geological maps of

followed by 5,080 metres of AC

the underground workings


which have been very useful

STOCK TICKER: ASX:VKA MARKET CAPITALISATION: US$15.5 million (as of June 25, 2021) ajr

in building our understanding

“From the DD, we’re gaining

of First Hit. It’s been a bit

new insights into where the

of a sleuthing exercise. We

mineralisation is occurring

find information then look to

underground. That in turn

assimilate it and bring that

is going to help us find

into our exploration process.”

extensions from the known


mineralisation, and help us

Going to market

2021, the company confirmed

look for new shoots as part of

On the back of encouraging

that it was oversubscribed for

our regional AC programme.”

observations in the drill core,

a total sum of A$4 million.

Viking sought to raise capital from the investor market to

“We wanted to keep the

ensure a seamless transition to

diamond rig turning on site,

the Phase 2 campaign. In April


as we were encouraged by

testing deeper down below the

1 and 2. On completion of

what we’d seen in the drill

known limits of mineralisation

sampling from the final batch

holes so far and wanted to

and also along strike of the

of diamond core, a total of

continue to step out and look

existing resource.

967 samples will have been

for additional shoots. That

submitted to the MinAnalytical

funding has allowed us to

The company identified some

laboratory in Kalgoorlie for

continue the activity without

old prospectors’ workings


having to pause while waiting

along strike to the North and

for results to come through, so

South that would’ve been

Viking is also planning the

we can maintain momentum.”

mined up to as far back as 100

next round of drilling to follow

years ago. They haven’t been

up from the AC programme.

Viking’s Phase 2 DD campaign

tested effectively, according to

When the results are returned

began in earnest following the


from the lab, the company

successful capital raise, with

expects to be able to define

the exercise intended to test

In mid-June, Viking

the corridors within which the

for extensions around the old

announced it had completed

shear structures that host the

mine workings while looking

its DD campaign, which

gold occur.

for mineralisation in material

encompassed 19 drill holes

left behind by the former

for a combined total of

At that point, it will look to

operators in the early 2000s.

3,924 metres in the phases

start RC drilling to confirm

In addition, the company is

and identify those shear


corridors which essentially are

shuttered during a low gold

years ago. The vein is quite

the pathways (or ‘plumbing’,

price environment.

narrow, up to a metre in width

in Woodcock’s words) for

and that means there’s a bit

where the gold has come into

“There are several

of dilution that occurs, but 7

the underground region. Any

underground mines in the

grams out the ground is very

intersections of additional

region being operated by the

high grade.”

shoots from the RC drilling

likes of St Barbara, Northern

will then be followed up with

Star, Evolution Mining and Ora

Finally, the presence of more

more DD, according to Viking’s

Banda Mining. They have cash

than half a dozen active gold


costs that range from A$1000-

processing facilities – some

1,500 range per ounce. That

owned by mining companies,

would leave around $1,000

others by private toll treating

of margin at the current gold

companies – within 150 km


of the First Hit project will

Significant Opportunity Overall, Viking is following a tried and trusted method

provide multiple avenues

for success in gold project

“The reason why the

for Viking to monetise any

development in WA; targeting

opportunity at First Hit is so

additional mineralisation

extensions of known

significant is due to the high

it discovers at the historic

mineralisation at a high-grade,

grade nature of the vein, with


past producing mine that was

around 7 g/t taken out the ground from the mining 20

Published by Anderson Murray Media Ltd

To tell the resource market your story, contact: editorial@resourceglobalnetwork.com


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