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MEDICINAL PLANTS………………………………………………………………………. 3.-CHAMOMILE 4.-ALOE VERA 5.-GARLIC………………………………………………………………………… 6.-EUCALYPTUS 7.-PONYTAIL 8.-HYPERICUM……………………………………………………………………. 9.-GINGER………………………………………………………………………. 10.-THYME 11.-LAVENDER 12.-LINDEN…………………………………………………………………………
CARNATION 16.- THE FLORAL………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
BEGONIA 18.-WATER LILY 19.-THE PETUNIAS ………………………………………………………………….



Medicinal plants are called those plants used to treat diseases of people, animals or to heal injuries, and can be used whole or by specific parts. The curative or therapeutic action (relief or improvement) is due to the chemical substances that compose them, called active principles1 which are considered substances that exert a pharmacological, beneficial or harmful action on the living organism. The use of plants in traditional medicine dates back to prehistoric times, but current science has made it possible to identify, isolate and produce hundreds of active principles for the preparation of drugs used in the treatment of various diseases. However, the traditional use of medicinal plants still persists, especially in less industrialized societies with difficulties in accessing medicines. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) is organized to encourage the safe and rational use of traditional medicine, because not all medicinal plants are usually beneficial to the body, or the active principle must be carefully dosed. Medicinal plants are usually prepared in different ways such as infusions, cooked, in poultices or in salads for direct consumption. Pharmaceutical technology allows the application of certain extracts of medicinal plants in presentations such as capsules, tablets, creams and syrups.


1. Chamomile

Chamomile is one of the medicinal plants that is best known for the properties of its flower. Its effects are especially relevant in the treatment of gastrointestinal discomfort.


Due to its healing properties, chamomile is a good calming agent. In addition, it decongests the respiratory tract, is an aid in diseases such as flu and cold, reduces inflammation of the intestines and helps in digestive disorders, urinary tract disorders and menstrual pain.


2.Aloe Vera

Another of the best known medicinal plants is Aloe Vera. It is a wellknown plant with anti-inflammatory capacity and is used in various personal hygiene products due to its favorable action for skin regeneration.

Aloe vera properties

From the leaves of aloe vera, the fatty liquid or gel is extracted, which contains endless properties and benefits. Said plant contains different active principles in the acíbar, such as aloins, aloeresins, saponins and lignin, as well as fiber, minerals (such as zinc, copper or calcium), vitamins E, C, A and amino acids that make its properties are allies of our health and well-being.


3. Garlic

One of the plants we use the most in the kitchen is also one of the bestknown medicinal plants. Garlic is a powerful strengthener of the immune system and has effects that promote efficient blood circulation (it is anticoagulant), as well as being antibacterial and antibiotic and having antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of raw garlic? properties, benefits and contraindications ...

The properties of raw garlic are antibiotic, hypocholesterolemic, antiviral and antioxidant. The benefits of raw garlic are the reduction of heart risks, and the reduction of diseases caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria


4. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is another of the best-known medicinal plants, especially with regard to its action against respiratory diseases. Asthma, bronchitis or flu are some of the typical problems in which it is used. It also has antimicrobial capabilities and facilitates the secretion of fluids such as mucus (being a powerful expectorant).

Benefits and properties of eucalyptus

Relieves colds and respiratory conditions.

Use as an antiseptic and disinfectant against viral processes.

Helps decongest the lungs.

Helps fight rheumatism.

Effective in mouthwashes.

Allows disinfection of wounds.

Stimulates the functioning of the immune system.


5. Ponytail

This plant, specifically its stem, is especially known by those with cystitis or other urinary tract infections. It also has positive effects on the skin and nails, being a good cell regenerator and also strengthening the bones. Rich in silicon and highly diuretic and purifying, it helps to eliminate toxins. It has astringent properties that help control bleeding orsetail properties

The properties of this extraordinary plant are very diverse, which make it very beneficial in different fields. We are going to see the most important characteristics of the horse's tail.

Among them are the following:

Diuretic: Thanks to its potassium, flavonoid and saponide content, it can help you eliminate excess fluid from the body. So much so, that it can increase the amount of urine by up to 30%.

Slimming: Horsetail can help you lose weight due to its diuretic action, acting on fluid retention.


6. Hypericum

Also called St. John's wort. This medicinal plant has different properties, but the fact that it has antidepressant properties stands out (in this sense, caution is required if combined with antidepressants, and its use is not recommended for more than six months), blocking the reuptake of monoamines.22

St. John's wort properties

This plant is known worldwide for its calming and antidepressant properties; in fact, in ancient times it was commonly used to treat what was then called melancholy. Thus, St. John's wort or St. John's wort is used to treat insomnia, nervousness and anxiety.

However, its properties are not limited to the treatment of depression and similar disorders, but St. John's wort also has analgesic, healing, antiseptic and astringent properties. It should be noted that although this plant is used to treat psychological disorders, in no case is its use recommended as a substitute for professional medical treatment.

benefits of hypericum


7. Ginger


This spice is very useful, possessing multiple properties that make it an increasingly relevant medicinal plant. In addition to antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic properties, it has been observed to have antiinflammatory and antiemetic effects (reduces nausea and vomiting)2222

.Some benefits include:

It can help fight infections.

Contains anti-inflammatory properties.

It can help to improve nausea.

Improves menstrual pains.

It can help weight loss.

Improves chronic indigestion.

It is effective in combating the symptoms of osteoarthritis


8. Thyme

Thyme has antioxidant and antiseptic properties. Rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, iron and magnesium. It stimulates the appetite and is also used as an expectorant. Its antiseptic action meant that in ancient times it was used to treat wounds. It is also good for toning the skin and hair.

In addition, thyme is one of the medicinal and aromatic plants best adapted to the Mediterranean climate, so if you live in Spain it is possible that you can grow it relatively easily.

Due to its antispasmodic, expectorant and antiseptic properties, thyme is especially indicated in the treatment of certain conditions of the upper respiratory tract, particularly those that occur with irritative cough, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and flu.


9. Lavender

Lavender has relaxing properties, being useful for stressful situations and insomnia. In addition to this, it has healing, analgesic and circulationpromoting properties and the proper functioning of the respiratory system.

It also has properties that improve digestion and the secretion of gastric juices. And by the way, it can be used as an insect repellent, so you can keep a pot of this plant in the bedroom (to repel mosquitoes) or in the kitchen (to keep fruit flies away).

What properties does lavender have? Lavender is attributed sedative, anti-inflammatory, digestive, antibacterial, healing, antiseptic properties... As for the field of cosmetics, it is astringent, antioxidant and antimicrobial.


Another well-known medicinal plant with relaxing properties is the lime blossom. Whether in the form of a flower or an infusion, it is widely used to reduce the level of stress and anxiety and to relax the body. Of course, its effects are not so fast or powerful as to take you to a state of relaxation at times when you experience "peaks" of stress. It is better that you take infusions from time to time in seasons in which you notice that work overwhelms you, so that it affects your average state of anxiety.

The lime owes its anxiolytic, antispasmodic and sedative properties to its content of flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol), alpha-pinene, limonene, nerol, eugenol, caffeic acid, mucilage and tannins, among other substances.

10. Linden



What are ferns and their importance?

Ferns are of great ecological importance, since they participate in the water balance and in the nutrient cycle, by storing water and organic material; In addition, they are excellent colonizers of disturbed habitats.


Helps combat menstrual discomfort.

They have expectorant properties that relieve airway congestion and cough.

They relax the arteries and help fight hypertension.

They have a hypotensive effect, ideal for treating muscle pain and fighting tension.



The carnation, also known as Dianthus caryophyllus by its scientific name, is a plant belonging to the Dianthus species that is native to the Mediterranean region and that today is very popular for its ornamental use, its pleasant aroma and its striking colors.

In addition to its appreciated ornamental and symbolic qualities, the carnation is also recognized for its medicinal properties:

Eye drops. ...

Headache. ...

Relieves asthma and angina pectoris. ...

For toothache. ...

Against anemia. ...

Swollen feet. ...

For nausea. ...

For the skin.



The flowers have a mildly laxative and tonic action in general. Normally, wild rose is indicated for diarrhea, capillary fragility, edema, varicose veins, obesity, cystitis and wounds. . - Infusion (leaves, flowers

Applications and properties

The wild rose, and specifically the rose hips or false fruits, contain above all vitamin C (up to 1%), in fact it has 5 times more vitamin C than lemon. They also contain carotenes, vitamin B, sugars, pectins, tannins, and malic and citric acids. Achenes are rich in oil.

It has astringent, anti-inflammatory and healing properties; It is used to clean wounds. It is useful in inflammations and conditions of the mouth (thrush, gingivitis, dental pain); It is used as a mouthwash or gargle. It is also hemostatic, anti-anemic and purifying; it has a slight diuretic and laxative effect; It is antidiarrheal and antiparasitic in humans and animals. The large amount of vitamin C it contains provides it with antiscorbutic properties; It is effective against colds and prevents the body against diseases by giving it resistance. It is an excellent restorative in convalescence. Promotes enzymatic processes.

In pharmacy and perfumery it is used to correct the flavor and aroma of ointments, medicines, creams and cosmetic waters. Fresh rose hips are used in jams, preserves and medicinal wines. Pink honey or rhodomiel is also prepared with this plant.



7 Benefits and Properties of Begonia

Thanks to its various faculties, the magisterial begonia can be used to treat different diseases, you can also use it as preventive medicine.

#1 Use the valuable benefits and properties of begonia as an antiinflammatory

You can use the anti-inflammatory properties of the powerful begonia to reduce swelling of any kind.

Begin by crushing the precious leaves with a little water and form a pasty preparation, apply locally.

Once you have achieved this substantial paste, place it on the painful inflammation, try to cover it with a small cloth or gauze.

These must be changed three times a day, the benefits of the precious begonia will make that inflammation decrease in size.

In addition to giving in, you will feel relief and less pressure in the area that has been affected, try to be consistent so that you see results.

#2 Properly heal oral lesions


However, it provides several beneficial uses, both domestic and industrial, for example, it has been used as a medicine for fever, headache and diarrhea, diabetes, bruises and as an aphrodisiac. Other uses include the manufacture of paper and textile fibers as well as compost to fertilize soils.

At an industrial level, it is used to filter contaminated water due to its great capacity to retain various heavy metals and concentrations of other elements in its tissues.

It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in ponds for its showy flowers. The Clavijero Botanical Garden maintains the water lily in the main pond.



Petunias are generally used for ornamental purposes on terraces, gardens and balconies. It is common to see them in outdoor areas as they adapt very well both to growing in soil and growing in pots. They are very beautiful and very ornamental plants due to their bright colors and their floral profusion.

What benefits does petunia have?

These are the benefits and properties of petunias

Properties and benefits of petunias:

1.-Contains anti-inflammatory properties. ...

2.-Laxative action. ...

3.-It has powerful antioxidant properties. ...

5.-Protects the stomach. ...

6.-Regulates the pressure. ...

7.-For bronchitis. ...

8.-Antimicrobial properties. ...



It is one of the most recommended plants to add to the interior of a home because it helps purify the air. It quickly absorbs carbon dioxide and eliminates harmful substances that we can find in the environment, such as benzene, xylene or formaldehyde.


The dracaena is a very popular, elegant and quite accepted plant because it resists indoors very well. To decorate with it is very easy. You can incorporate it next to the bathtub, in a corner of the living room next to an armchair, or even on the desk next to the computer. As you can see, it is a plant that has many possibilities and gives a green and fresh touch to the interior of the house.



Alcatraz: Plant with beautiful flowers with very valuable virtues Benefits and Properties of Alcatraz

The attractive gannet is native to South African areas but has managed to adapt to other regions of the world quite easily.

In New Zealand, this wonderful plant has been classified as poisonous and is considered a weed unfit for consumption.

Use the virtuous benefits and properties of alcatraz as an antiinflammatory

It has an appropriate anti-inflammatory power capable of reducing swelling in any part of your precious body.

You can use its medicinal benefits to alleviate blows, scratches or local trauma, the application of its poultices are ideal.

The medicinal alcatraz will also help reduce inflammation in internal organs such as the colon, the liver and your stomach.

Effectively reduces inflammation of joints and muscles that have been forced into strenuous work



What does the camellia plant cure?

It contributes to combat cardiovascular diseases due to its antioxidant content. Helps lower triglycerides, as well as lower bad cholesterol. It is diuretic and satiating, perfect to take between meals, in addition to contributing to the reduction of body fat

It is drunk as an infusion and is known for its antioxidant properties, also for skin care. Protects the skin and prevents damage caused by UV radiation and other adverse conditions. Especially dry, sensitive and irritated skin benefits from its properties.



Pharmacognosy: in the popular medicine of the country, the flowering tops of vervain are used in cases of fever, diarrhea, stomach ulcers and liver ailments; externally the decoction is used to wash and heal wounds

Among its main benefits are its analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities. In skin care it is especially useful for sensitive skin and to treat burns and wounds in general.

It can also be used as a natural deodorant, which is why its use in fragrances has been adopted. Finally, vervain also has insecticidal properties, which is why it is used in insect repellents.


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