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According to Seneca- “A gem cannot be polished without friction nor man perfected without trials.”-Grinding, sanding, drilling, tumbling, hammering, and polishing are terms used in the gem refining process but can’t we all relate those gritty terms to the day-to-day of life as well, especially if one is on the spiritual path? The trials and tribulations are necessary to refine the coarseness of the average, in order to attain the polish of the enlightened. Astara’s teachings are ornamented with precious gems throughout and the connection is perfectly reflected in the following excerpt:

“Precious gems, being the highest developed expression of the mineral kingdom, often posses extraordinary magnetism. They can be employed by their owners as focal points for inflowing pranic forces. Since they are the most highly developed bodies of the mineral kingdom, they are also capable of absorbing enormous charges of mental reflecting ether.” Astara’s Book of Life Third Degree.

Below are the major gems of Astara and their accompanying levels of spiritual refinement. So you see, as a student of Astara, You Really Are A Gem!

The gold Crux Astara with the green emerald in its heart is the symbol of the Second Initiation and can only be worn by those who have obtained it. (Third Degree Forward)

The Ruby Cross the symbol of the Third Degree. Wear it not pridefully or with piety, but with honor and quiet humility. 3:22

The Amethyst Cross “Hail Seeker of the Amethyst Cross” 5: 1 :20.

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