9 minute read

The Voice of ASTARA, vol. I



Gregory Toews has initiated research and development coupled with application and affects as it relates to medical syndromes, symptoms, and disorders. His therapeutic approach which draws on the various healing and alchemical process using aromatherapy and essential oils, that have been practiced through the ages has produced a systematic approach to healing and spiritual development through a complex technique of layering that targets different aspects of the body and psyche.

Greg has an extensive background in esoteric studies, multiple healing modalities and essential oils. He has over 95,000 clinical hours of experience, is the owner of Plant Prana Essential Oils, and CEO / President of Astara. Greg teaches nationwide on a weekly basis.

His protocol for respiratory health as it relates to Covid-19 is outlined on the next pages.

A. CORONAVIRUS / COVID19 1. Symptoms Cough Fever Shortness of breath

2. Seek medical attention if these symptoms occur Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion or inability to arouse Bluish lips or face

B. APPROACH Metabolic Processes versus shooting at germs

1. Colds, bacteria’s, viruses are always present Therefore, not the cause due to temporary immune depression

• weakened body overall

• Weakened immune response

• lowered hormonal levels

• physical and psychological stress

• poor sleep

C. STAGES Prevention Early onset Fully developed After effects, secondary infections and inflammation

D. CONNECTED TO IMMUNITY OF RESPIRATORY TRACT Nasal cavity - air is moistened and cleaned

• Temperature maintained between 88-93 degrees

• Immunocompetent cells (example is beta lymphocytes)

form first line of defense

• Filtration of air happens as long as there is proper levels of mucus and temperature

• Excessively high or low temperatures shut down cleansing functions

• Staying in excessively warm or dry rooms is a precursor to an upper respiratory issue

• Colds usually triggered by viruses not bacteria’s, although secondary infections usually occur, this causes inflammation in all organs of respiratory tract

E. ISSUES TO ADDRESS 1. Feet- cold, moist, and overheated feet transmit through the nervous system to reduce circulation to mucus membranes

Lowers oxygen levels

Lowers antibodies in the mucus membranes SINGLE OIL: Rosalina APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation for 3 to 15 breathing cycles

2. Previous inflammations SINGLE OIL: Helichrysum APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation for 3 to 15 breathing cycles

3. Stress (physical and psychological) and lack of adrenal hormones

4. Lack of sexual hormones OIL BLEND: Three Wisemen APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation 3 to 15 breathing cycles

5. Long lasting antibiotic therapies SINGLE OIL: Palmarosa APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation for 3 to 15 breathing cycles

6. Depleted intestinal flora SINGLE OIL: Palmarosa APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation for 3 to 15 breathing cycles

F. ESSENTIAL OILS AND BLENDS Essential oils strengthen the immune response, inhibit viral pathogens, and improve immunoglobulin levels.

A prolonged approach to enhance the immune system is the goal rather than a quick one day super cure.

A. OIL BLENDS: 1. OIL BLEND: Adrenal Support 2. Primary Benefits: Strengthens adrenals and adrenal hormones

1. OIL BLEND: Chakral Root Cleanser 2. Primary Benefits: Lymphatic stimulant, stress, stress related conditions

1. OIL BLEND: Immune Support 2. Primary Benefits: Strengthens immune system, strong antiviral, reduces fear

1. OIL BLEND: Liberation 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, flus, infectious diseases, fatigue, debility, fear

1. OIL BLEND: Lymphatic Blend 2. Primary Benefits: Lymphatic stimulant, stress related conditions

1. OIL BLEND: Respiratory Support 2. Primary Benefits: Antiviral effect on respiratory tract, helps respiratory function

1. OIL BLEND: Three Wisemen 2. Primary Benefits: Endocrine support, helps to establish hormone levels

B. SINGLE OILS: 1. SINGLE OIL: Angelica 2. Primary Benefits: Stress, tension due to stress, colds

1. SINGLE OIL: Arborvitae 2. Primary Benefits: Coughs, fevers

1. SINGLE OIL: Basil 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, fever, flus, infectious disease, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs

1. SINGLE OIL: Camphor 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, fever, flus, infectious diseases

1. SINGLE OIL: Cedar 2. Primary Benefits: Lymphatic function, stress related conditions

1. SINGLE OIL: Cinnamon 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, fever, flus, infectious diseases, debility, exhaustion, stress related conditions

1. SINGLE OIL: Clove 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, fever, flus, infectious diseases

1. SINGLE OIL: Cornmint 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, flus, fevers, Fainting, headache, mental fatigue, migraine, nervous stress, vertigo

1. SINGLE OIL: Myrtle

2. Primary Benefits: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrhal conditions, chronic coughs, tuberculosis – ‘Because of its relative mildness, this is a very suitable oil to use for children’s coughs and chest complaints, Colds, flus, infectious disease.”

1. SINGLE OIL: Niaouli 2. Primary Benefits: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrhal conditions, coughs, sinusitis, sore throat, whooping cough, urinary infection, Colds, fever, flus.

1. SINGLE OIL: Oregano 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, fever, flus, infectious diseases

1. SINGLE OIL: Petitgrain 2. Primary Benefits: Convalescence, insomnia, nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions

1. SINGLE OIL: Pine 2. Primary Benefits: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis

1. SINGLE OIL: Ravensara 2. Primary Benefits: Flu symptoms, anti-viral, bone pain, fatigue

1. SINGLE OIL: Eucalyptus Radiata 2. Primary Benefits: Expectorant, reduces mucus, chicken pox, flus, epidemics, debility 3. APPLICATION: Sustained inhalation, Chest rub in base oil or alcohol, Salt bath

1. SINGLE OIL: Frankincense 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, flus, stress related conditions, anxiety, deepens breath

1. SINGLE OIL: Grapefruit 2. Primary Benefits: Chills, colds, flus, debility, nervous exhaustion, performance stress

1. SINGLE OIL: Helichrysum 2. Primary Benefits: Lymphatic stimulant, Bacterial infections, colds, flus, fever, depression, debility, lethargy, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, stress-related conditions

1. SINGLE OIL: Hyssop 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, flus, Anxiety, fatigue, nervous tension and stress-related conditions

1. SINGLE OIL: Lemon 2. Primary Benefits: Asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, catarrh, Dyspepsia, Colds, flus, fever, and infections

1. SINGLE OIL: Lemongrass 2. Primary Benefits: Fevers, infectious diseases, achy joints, stress related conditions, headaches, debility

1. SINGLE OIL: Monarda 2. Primary Benefits: Strongest antiviral

1. SINGLE OIL: Mugwort 2. Primary Benefits: Strengthens immune system

1. SINGLE OIL: Rosemary Verbenone

2. Primary Benefits: Asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, sinus issues, Colds, fever, flus, infectious diseases, Debility, headaches, hypotension, neuralgia, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion and stress-related disorders

1. SINGLE OIL: Rue 2. Primary Benefits: Stress, tension due to stress, colds


2. Primary Benefits: Asthma, coughs, laryngitis, Colds, fevers, flus, Headaches, nervous exhaustion and stress related conditions.

1. SINGLE OIL: Tamala 2. Primary Benefits: Colds, fever, flus, infectious diseases, debility, exhaustion, stress related conditions

1. SINGLE OIL: Thuja 2. Primary Benefits: Coughs, fevers

1. SINGLE OIL: Thyme

2. Primary Benefits: Severe infections, Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, Chills, colds, flus, infectious diseases, Headaches, insomnia, nervous debility and stress-related complaints – ‘helps to revive and strengthen both body and mind’


(1.) 1. SINGLE OIL: Sweet Annie 2. APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation 3 to 15 breathing cycles BLOOD PURIFICATION PATTERN 1. Brain 2. Lungs 3. Liver 4. Gallbladder 5. Kidneys 6. Spleen 7. Navel 8. Navel Minor 9. Basic

(2.) 1. SINGLE OIL: Clove, Lemongrass 2. APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation 3 to 15 breathing cycles BLOOD PURIFICATION PATTERN 1. Brain 2. Lungs 3. Liver 4. Gallbladder 5. Kidneys 6. Spleen 7. Navel 8. Navel Minor 9. Basic

(3.) 1. SINGLE OIL: Tea Tree 2. APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation 3 to 15 breathing cycles BLOOD PURIFICATION PATTERN 1. Brain 2. Lungs 3. Liver 4. Gallbladder 5. Kidneys 6. Spleen 7. Navel 8. Navel Minor 9. Basic

(4.) 1. SINGLE OIL: Thyme 2. OIL BLEND: Immune Support 3. APPLICATION: Sustained Inhalation 3 to 15 breathing cycles BLOOD PURIFICATION PATTERN 1. Brain 2. Lungs 3. Liver 4. Gallbladder 5. Kidneys 6. Spleen 7. Navel 8. Navel Minor 9. Basic



According to Seneca- “A gem cannot be polished without frication nor man perfected without trials.”-Grinding, sanding, drilling, tumbling, hammering, and polishing are terms used in the gem refining process but can’t we all relate those gritty terms to the day-to-day of life as well, especially if one is on the spiritual path? The trials and tribulations are necessary to refine the coarseness of the average, in order to attain the polish of the enlightened. Astara’s teachings are ornamented with precious gems throughout and the connection is perfectly reflected in the following excerpt:

“Precious gems, being the highest developed expression of the mineral kingdom, often posses extraordinary magnetism. They can be employed by their owners as focal points for inflowing pranic forces. Since they are the most highly developed bodies of the mineral kingdom, they are also capable of absorbing enormous charges of mental reflecting ether.” Astara’s Book of Life Third Degree.

Below are the major gens of Astara and their accompanying levels of spiritual refinement. So you see, as a student of Astara, You Really Are A Gem!

- The gold Crux Astara with the green emerald in its heart is the symbol of the Second Initiation and can only be worn by those who have obtained it. (Third Degree Forward)

- The Ruby Cross the symbol of the Third Degree. Wear it not pridefully or with piety, but with honor and quiet humility. 3:22- The Amethyst Cross “Hail Seeker of the Amethyst Cross” 5: 1 :20.

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