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Pythagoras taught that there existed at his school, a single etheric thread connecting the earthly school to the upper regions of the celestial sphere via the Zodiac. When vibrational mantra was spoke the thread established an unseen channel of Light, an obelisk of power penetrating the astral, causal and mental spheres.

Astara has established the same thread of Light via crystal burials throughout the world building a grid work of power. During the Astara Fire Initiation the power is increased through vibratory stimulation of the pineal gland in each participant. This vibrations actives the fourth spirilla in the third eye. This river of Light essence from the individual combines with the Astara Light stream and a greater obelisk of Light power is established. You are connected through this great cosmic link-up throughout the planet. The Fire Initiation Ceremony stimulates that soul sound and in each prayer you utter, in your daily worship and in your personal study and good deeds, regardless of where you live, you are connected through that essence. You are connected with the Astara Place of Light and the Great Ones that came before.

7 Points Of Refinement

The initiate receives a powerful stimulant of cosmic energy- and vice versa

There is established living image of the obelisks of power extending between heaven and earth

The network of Light essence connects every sacred site and place with the Astara Crystal body of Light

There is a sound vibration that derives from the back of your head-a soul sound

The combined soul sounds of each initiate harmonizes to a wonderful music transmitted through the ethers-a cosmic harmony

The cosmic harmony generates a wavelength of etheric force up to the Divine-purifying the planet

4th spirillae (crystal) development (mental seed atom) leads to living closely attuned to the Akashic waves of celestial forces

For more in depth studies on this topic: Secret Wisdom of the Great initiates, Book of Life 2nd Degree Lessons

Join Astara for the Annual Fire Initiation Ceremony Memorial Day Weekend www.astara.org/events

This was found in an early version of the Voice of Astara and it seemed appropriate and relevant amid today’s chaotic negativism. The line You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and stars fits perfectly with this issue that represents a homage to the elements and the universal struggle of Being. The translation of the word Desiderata means Things Desired or Wanted. Astara’s desire is that this once again, brings peace, hope and beauty to all who read and share it.

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