Why Astara- A philosophy of living look book

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Why Astara?

AN ASTARIAN In Astarians there’s no dogmatic trace~ We see the light of God in every face; In mosque, cathedral and in synagogue~ Wherever we may lift our cry to God. We join the Wise Men, following a star, And find a Christ a cross an avatar In Buddha’s shrine we feel a stir within, We bend the knee when chants the Muezzin. We seek to understand what Moses taught, And honor what the Hindu sages brought. The Mysteries of the pyramids inspire, We honor Zoroaster and his fire Respect what wise Confucius had to say; Will seek the wisdom found the Tao way. Wherever hearts and hands are raised in prayer, In every shrine a living God is there. And whatsoe’er the Godward path may be The Astarian will give it dignity; True lighted souls seek only to ascend, All paths that lead to God must somewhere blend -Earlyne Chaney

GREATEST SECRETS FOR HUMANITY … YOURS FOR THE ASKING How long have you sought your place-that special role in life only you can play? How long have you had the persistent feeling there is so much more for you, more to experience, more to learn and more to share with others? If you feel as if you have spent your life seeking, these words are for you. If you are concerned with healing the body, the mind and the soulhealing for you and for others-Astara is for you. If you are driven to explore the potential of the inner Self, the cosmic mysteries, or the various paths to enlightenment, Astara is for you. If you long to explore the spiritual nature of humanity without the restrictions and dogma of most traditional churches, Astara is for you. In the following pages you will find answers-answers to your questions about Astara and, perhaps, the answers to questions that have pursued you most of your life. Study these pages. Use prayer, meditation-whatever methods you employ to seek guidance, to tap into your intuition. As you consider these questions, you are on life’s most important threshold. This booklet could be your first step toward fulfillment of a special destiny, Toward finding your unique place in this new age. www.astara.org

WHAT IS ASTARA? Astara was created to help you fully realize the potential within you. Through study of the ancient mysteries, the wisdom of the world’s great religions and the revelations of great philosophers, you are guided down an inner path toward the great wisdom within. While embracing the teachings of All religions, Astara avoids the dogma of any. Astara is a “Tempe of Light” that urges you to become your own priest or priestess through your own self-unfoldment. Through its teachings, Astara aspires to help you climb the spiritual stairway to find your place in the sun. Astara offers you the tools to release yourself from any limiting mental constrains and set free the God that resides within. You are urged to seek what is Truth for You. Astara is dedicated to helping you make your life what the Divine intended it to be; full of radiance, light, peace, serenity and continuing growth.

ASTARA IS A MODERN MYSTERY SCHOOL BASED ON THE BOOK OF LIFE Astara is one of the first true Mystery schools to be reestablished since their eclipse centuries ago. These schools were born in time’s very beginning and thrived through the days of early Egypt and Greece. Out of these schools came some of the most illustrious souls to shine on this earth: Plato, Socrates, Cicero, Comte St. Germain, Aristotle and many more. While teachings were given to the masses through parables and allegory, select groups were given more. A select few were given the secrets of truth, of God, of humankind and the universe. These secrets have been handed down, preserved and guarded for the future. Through The Book of Life, in Astara’s Degree Lessons, these ancient secrets are now again revealed. Step by step these ancient mysteries unfold for you and lead you through the journey of your true Self and to rediscover the Divinity within you.


ASTARA’S BOOK OF LIFE TEACHINGS • Help you organize your life in harmony with your true nature • Show you techniques of spiritual unfoldment to illuminate your path • Teach you Lama yoga a proprietary system of easy-to-apply meditations and breathing • Offer a comprehensive view of life processes including, birth, death, and afterlife • Examine mystic explanations of the third eye, silver cord and seed atoms, charkas and kundalini

Second Second Second First Degree Degree Degree Degree Second Degree

Roots Roots The of ofJourney the theTree Tree Treeof of ofBecoming Knowledge Knowledge--Roots of the of Knowledge Treasures Treasures Travelingon on on the the the Sea Tree Tree of of Forces of ofLife Life Life Treasures the Tree

Youtube Youtube videos videos are are available available here: here: https://www. https://www. Youtube videos are available here: https://www. youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 Copyright Copyright 2015 2015 Astara.org Astara.org Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Earlyne EarlyneC. C. C.Chaney Chaney Chaney Earlyne

Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life Astara’s

Access Access the the complete complete learning learning review review and and evaluation evaluation course course based based onon these these lessons. lessons. The The Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. The study study course course includes includes knowledge knowledge testing, testing, videos videos and and audios audios toto assist you you inin developing study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios to assist you in developing The study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios toassist assist you indeveloping developing deeper deeper understanding. understanding. ToTo take take the the course course on on these these lessons lessons please please gogo toto www.Astara.org. www.Astara.org. deeper understanding. To take the course on these lessons please go to www.Astara.org.ToTo To deeper understanding. become become a amember ofof Astara Astara gogo toto www.Astara.org www.Astara.org become a member member of Astara go to www.Astara.org

FirstDegree Degree Third Third Degree Third

To take the course on these lessons please go to www.Astara.org. Join Join the the Facebook Facebook Group Group toto interact interact with with Astara Astara Members: Members: https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ Join the Facebook Group to interact with Astara Members: https://www.facebook.com/ To become a member of Astara go to www.Astara.org Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Copyright 2015 Astara.org

The JourneyUniverse of Becoming The TheSeven-Fold Seven-Fold Seven-Fold Universe Universe and andthe the the The and Wheel Wheel of ofBirths Births Births and and Deaths Deaths Wheel of and Traveling the Sea ofDeaths Forces

Youtube Youtube videos videos are are available available here: here: https://www. https://www. Youtube videos are available here: https://www. youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 Copyright Copyright 2015 2015 Astara.org Astara.org Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Earlyne EarlyneC. C. C.Chaney Chaney Chaney Earlyne

Astara’s Book of Life Astara’s Book of Life Astara’sBook Bookof ofLife Life Astara’s Degree Lessons Degree Lessons Degree Lessons Degree Lessons About About the the Authors Authors About the Authors About the Authors The The writings writings Earlyne Earlyne and and Robert Robert Chaney Chaney have have taught taught and and The writings of Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and The writings ofofof Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and inspired inspired people people around around the the world world for for decades. decades. Earlyne Earlyne Chaney, Chaney, inspired people around the world for decades. Earlyne Chaney, inspired people around the world for decades. Earlyne Chaney, mystic, mystic, teacher, teacher, healer healer and and internationally internationally known known writer writer mystic,teacher, teacher,healer healerand andinternationally internationallyknown knownwriter writer mystic, contributed contributed enormous enormous volumes volumes channeled channeled esoteric esoteric wisdom wisdom contributed enormous volumes of channeled esoteric wisdom contributed enormous volumes ofofof channeled esoteric wisdom teaching teaching derived derived from from the the ancient ancient Mystery Mystery schools. schools. teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. Robert Robert Chaney Chaney isisone one the one one the world’s world’s leading leading authorities authorities Robert Chaney one ofthe the one ofthe the world’s leading authorities Robert Chaney isisone ofofof the one ofofof the world’s leading authorities on psychic psychic phenomena. phenomena. He He gifted with with aaspecial special genius genius for for on psychic phenomena. He isgifted gifted with special genius for onon psychic phenomena. He isisis gifted with a aspecial genius for teaching teaching subtle subtle truths truths religion and and mysticism, mysticism, and and isisrecognized recognized teaching subtle truths ofreligion religion and mysticism, and recognized teaching subtle truths ofofof religion and mysticism, and isisrecognized as one the outstanding outstanding mystics mystics and and philosophers philosophers the the west. west. asone one ofthe the outstanding mystics and philosophers of the west. asas one ofofof the outstanding mystics and philosophers ofofof the west. As Co-founders Co-founders the the contemporary contemporary Mystery Mystery School, School, Astara, Astara, As Co-founders of the contemporary Mystery School, Astara, AsAs Co-founders ofofof the contemporary Mystery School, Astara, their their teachings teachings have have touched touched the the lives lives people in 80 countries. countries. Together Together their their teachings teachings lead lead their teachings have touched the lives ofpeople people in80 80 countries. Together their teachings lead their teachings have touched the lives ofofof people inin 80 countries. Together their teachings lead the soul soul into into the the realms realms the esoteric, esoteric, the the mystical, mystical, to reveal piece piece by piece, piece, the the ultimate ultimate truths. truths. the soul into the realms ofthe the esoteric, the mystical, toreveal reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. thethe soul into the realms ofofof the esoteric, the mystical, toto reveal piece byby piece, the ultimate truths. Robert Robert and and Sita Sita Chaney Chaney amended amended these these lessons. lessons. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Astara Astara has has been been dedicated dedicated to elevating elevating the the consciousness consciousness and and health health humankind humankind since since Astara has been dedicated to elevating the consciousness and health of humankind since Astara has been dedicated toto elevating the consciousness and health ofofof humankind since itititit was was founded founded in 1951. Astara’s Astara’s Book Book Life Degree Degree Lessons Lessons have have helped helped enlighten enlighten hundreds-ofhundreds-ofwas founded in1951. 1951. Astara’s Book ofLife Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofwas founded inin 1951. Astara’s Book ofofof Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofthousands thousands of seekers worldwide. worldwide. thousands ofseekers seekers worldwide. thousands ofof seekers worldwide. IfIfyou you want want the the mystical mystical wisdom wisdom the ages ages your fingertips, fingertips, and and to express hidden hidden potentials potentials you want the mystical wisdom ofthe the ages atyour your fingertips, and toexpress express hidden potentials If If you want the mystical wisdom ofofof the ages atatat your fingertips, and toto express hidden potentials and Higher Self, you may very near the answer of mind and Higher Self, you may be very near the answer to your ofmind mind and Higher Self, you may be very near the answer toyour your ofof mind and Higher Self, you may bebe very near the answer toto your desires. seek enlightenment, healing body and soul, new desires. IfIfyou you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new desires. you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new desires. If Ifyou seek enlightenment, healing forfor body and soul, new inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your personal goals and dreams. personal goals and dreams. personal goals and dreams. personal goals and dreams. Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book are hailed many lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book of Life, are hailed by many lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book ofLife, Life, are hailed by many lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book ofof Life, are hailed byby many lifelong students arcane and mystical this century’s outstanding students the arcane and mystical as this century’s outstanding students ofthe the arcane and mystical as this century’s outstanding students ofofof the arcane and mystical asas this century’s outstanding achievement spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievement in spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievement in spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievement inin spiritual instruction. They light the way for the seeker spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seeker spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seeker of spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seeker ofofof spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from before birth, through life, death and the afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife.

Astara’s Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life

Access thecomplete complete learning review and evaluation course based onthese these lessons. Access learning review and evaluation course based lessons. The Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. The Access thethe complete learning review and evaluation course based onon these lessons. The study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios you study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios totoassist assist you in developing study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios to to assist you inin developing The study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios assist you indeveloping developing deeper understanding. take course on these lessons please deeper understanding. To take the course on these lessons please go towww.Astara.org. www.Astara.org. To deeper understanding. ToTo take thethe course on these lessons please gogo to to www.Astara.org. ToTo deeper understanding. become aa member become member of Astara Astara go go to www.Astara.org www.Astara.org become a member of of Astara to to www.Astara.org To take the course on these lessonsgo please go to www.Astara.org. Join Facebook Group with Astara https://www.facebook.com/ Join the Facebook Group to interact interact with Astara Members: Members: https://www.facebook.com/ Join thethe Facebook Group to to interact with https://www.facebook.com/ To become a member ofAstara AstaraMembers: go to www.Astara.org Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Fourth Fourth First Degree Degree Third Degree

Tomorroward Tomorroward Journey and andUniverse the of theBecoming Ultimate Ultimate Goal The The Seven-Fold andGoal the Wheel ofofBirths and Traveling Godhood Godhood the Sea of Deaths Forces

Youtube videos available here: https://www. Youtube videos are available here: https://www. Youtube videos areare available here: https://www. youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 Copyright 2015 Astara.org Copyright 2015 Astara.org Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Earlyne EarlyneC. C.Chaney Chaney

Earlyne Earlyne C. C. Chaney Chaney

Astara’s Astara’sBook Book Bookof of ofLife Life Life Astara’s

Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. Access Access the the complete complete learning learning review review and and evaluation evaluation course course based based on these these lessons. lessons. The The Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based onon these lessons. The study study course course includes includes knowledge knowledge testing, testing, videos videos and and audios audios to assist assist you you in developing developing study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios toto assist you inin developing The study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios to assist you in developing deeper deeper understanding. understanding. To take take the the course course on on these these lessons lessons please please go to www.Astara.org. www.Astara.org.ToTo To deeper understanding. ToTo take the course on these lessons please gogo toto www.Astara.org. deeper understanding. become become amember member of Astara Astarago go to www.Astara.org www.Astara.org become a amember ofof Astara toto www.Astara.org To take the course on these lessonsgo please go to www.Astara.org. Join Join the the Facebook Facebook Group Group to interact interact with with Astara AstaraMembers: Members: https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ Join the Facebook Group toto interact with https://www.facebook.com/ To become a member ofAstara AstaraMembers: go to www.Astara.org Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Degree Lessons Degree Lessons About About About the the the Authors Authors Authors About the Authors The The The writings writings of Earlyne Earlyne and and Robert Robert Chaney Chaney have have taught taught and and Thewritings writingsofof ofEarlyne Earlyneand andRobert RobertChaney Chaneyhave havetaught taughtand and inspired inspired inspired people people around around the the world world for for for decades. decades. decades. Earlyne Earlyne Chaney, Chaney, Chaney, inspiredpeople peoplearound aroundthe theworld world for decades.Earlyne Earlyne Chaney, mystic, mystic, mystic, teacher, teacher, healer healer and and internationally internationally known known writer writer mystic, teacher, teacher,healer healerand andinternationally internationallyknown knownwriter writer contributed contributed contributed enormous enormous volumes volumes of channeled channeled esoteric esoteric wisdom wisdom contributedenormous enormousvolumes volumesofof ofchanneled channeledesoteric esotericwisdom wisdom teaching teaching teaching derived derived derived from from from the the the ancient ancient ancient Mystery Mystery Mystery schools. schools. schools. teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. Robert Robert Robert Chaney Chaney Chaney isisisis one one one ofof of the the the one one one ofof of the the the world’s world’s world’s leading leading leading authorities authorities authorities Robert Chaney one of the one of the world’s leading authorities on on on psychic psychic phenomena. phenomena. He He gifted gifted with with special special genius genius for for onpsychic psychicphenomena. phenomena.He Heisisisisgifted giftedwith withaaaaspecial specialgenius geniusfor for teaching teaching teaching subtle subtle subtle truths truths truths ofof of religion religion religion and and and mysticism, mysticism, mysticism, and and and isisisrecognized recognized teaching subtle truths of religion and mysticism, and isrecognized recognized as as as one one of the the outstanding outstanding mystics mystics and and philosophers philosophers ofof of the the the west. west. west. asone oneofof ofthe theoutstanding outstandingmystics mysticsand andphilosophers philosophers of the west. As As As Co-founders Co-founders of the the contemporary contemporary Mystery Mystery School, School, Astara, Astara, AsCo-founders Co-foundersofof ofthe thecontemporary contemporaryMystery MysterySchool, School,Astara, Astara, their their their teachings teachings have have touched touched the the lives lives of people people in in 80 80 countries. countries. Together Together their their teachings teachings lead lead lead theirteachings teachingshave havetouched touchedthe thelives livesofof ofpeople peoplein in80 80countries. countries.Together Togethertheir theirteachings teachings lead the the the soul soul soul into into into the the the realms realms realms ofof of the the the esoteric, esoteric, esoteric, the the the mystical, mystical, mystical, to to to reveal reveal reveal piece piece piece by by by piece, piece, piece, the the the ultimate ultimate ultimate truths. truths. truths. the soul into the realms of the esoteric, the mystical, to reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. Robert Robert Robert and and and Sita Sita Sita Chaney Chaney Chaney amended amended amended these these these lessons. lessons. lessons. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Astara Astara Astara has has been been dedicated dedicated to to elevating elevating the the consciousness consciousness and and health health of humankind humankind since since Astarahas hasbeen beendedicated dedicatedto toelevating elevatingthe theconsciousness consciousnessand andhealth healthofof ofhumankind humankindsince sinceitititit was was was founded founded in in 1951. 1951. Astara’s Astara’s Book Book Book ofof of Life Life Life Degree Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Lessons have have have helped helped helped enlighten enlighten enlighten hundreds-ofhundreds-ofhundreds-ofwasfounded foundedin in1951. 1951.Astara’s Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofthousands thousands thousands ofof of seekers seekers seekers worldwide. worldwide. worldwide. thousands of seekers worldwide. IfIfIfIfyou you you want want the the mystical mystical mystical wisdom wisdom wisdom ofof of the the the ages ages ages atatat your your your fingertips, fingertips, fingertips, and and and to to to express express express hidden hidden hidden potentials potentials potentials youwant wantthe the mystical wisdom of the ages at your fingertips, and to express hidden potentials ofof of mind and Higher Self, you may be very near near the the answer answer to to your your mind and Higher Self, you may be very near the answer to your ofmind mindand andHigher HigherSelf, Self,you youmay maybe bevery very near the answer to your desires. desires. you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, soul, new new desires. you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new desires.IfIfIfIfyou youseek seekenlightenment, enlightenment,healing healingfor forbody bodyand and soul, new inspiration inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization your inspirationand andaspiration, aspiration,you youmay mayfind findthe therealization realizationofof ofyour your personal personal goals goals and and dreams. dreams. personal goals and dreams. personal goals and dreams. Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Disclose Disclose Inner Inner Teachings Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Astara’s Astara’s Degree Degree Lessons, Lessons, the the Book Book ofof of Life, Life, are are hailed hailed by by many many lifelong lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book Life, are hailed by many lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book of Life, are hailed by many lifelong students students of the arcane and mystical as this century’s outstanding students the arcane and mystical as this century’s outstanding studentsofof ofthe thearcane arcaneand andmystical mysticalas asthis thiscentury’s century’soutstanding outstanding achievement achievement in spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievement in spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievementin inspiritual spiritualinstruction. instruction.They Theylight lightthe theway wayfor forthe the seeker seeker of spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seeker spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seekerofof ofspiritual spiritualevolution. evolution.They Theyreveal revealthe thesoul souljourney journeyfrom from before before birth, birth, through through life, life, death death and and the the afterlife. afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife.

rd th st 3 Degree Astara’s 1 Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life -- 5 5th Degree Degree

Earlyne EarlyneC.C.Chaney Chaney

Astara’s Astara’s Book of Life Astara’s Book of Life Astara’sBook Bookof ofLife Life

Earlyne Earlyne C. C. Chaney Chaney

First FirstDegree Degree

The TheJourney JourneyofofBecoming Becoming Traveling Travelingthe theSea SeaofofForces Forces

Youtube Youtube Youtube videos videos videos are are are available available available here: here: here: https://www. https://www. https://www. Youtube videos are available here: https://www. youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 youtube.com/astara1951 Copyright Copyright Copyright 2015 2015 2015 Astara.org Astara.org Astara.org Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Earlyne Earlyne C. C. Chaney Chaney

Astara’s Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life

Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. Access Access Access the the the complete complete complete learning learning learning review review review and and and evaluation evaluation evaluation course course course based based based on on on these these these lessons. lessons. lessons. The The The Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. The study study study course course course includes includes includes knowledge knowledge knowledge testing, testing, testing, videos videos videos and and and audios audios audios to to assist assist assist you you you in in developing developing developing study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios toto assist you inin developing The study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios to assist you in developing deeper deeper deeper understanding. understanding. understanding. To To take take take the the the course course course on on on these these these lessons lessons lessons please please please go go to towww.Astara.org. www.Astara.org. www.Astara.org. To To To deeper understanding. ToTo take the course on these lessons please gogo toto www.Astara.org. To deeper understanding. become become become aamember member member of ofAstara Astara Astara go go to towww.Astara.org www.Astara.org www.Astara.org become a amember ofof Astara gogo toto www.Astara.org To take the course on these lessons please go to www.Astara.org. Join Join Join the the the Facebook Facebook Facebook Group Group Group to tointeract interact interact with with with Astara Astara Astara Members: Members: Members: https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ Join the Facebook Group toto interact with Astara Members: https://www.facebook.com/ To become a member of Astara go to www.Astara.org Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Astara-A-Way-of-Light Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Degree Lessons Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Degree Lessons

rd st th 3th Degree Astara’s 1 Degree Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life -- 4 4 Degree

their their their teachings teachings teachings have have have touched touched touched the the the lives lives lives of ofpeople people people in80 in80 80 80 countries. countries. countries. Together Together Together their their their teachings teachings teachings lead lead lead their teachings have touched the lives ofof people inin countries. Together their teachings lead the the the soul soul soul into into into the the the realms realms realms of ofthe the the esoteric, esoteric, esoteric, the the the mystical, mystical, mystical, to toreveal reveal reveal piece piece piece by by piece, piece, piece, the the the ultimate ultimate ultimate truths. truths. truths. the soul into the realms ofof the esoteric, the mystical, toto reveal piece byby piece, the ultimate truths. Robert Robert Robert and and and Sita Sita Sita Chaney Chaney Chaney amended amended amended these these these lessons. lessons. lessons. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Astara Astara Astara has has has been been been dedicated dedicated dedicated toelevating toelevating elevating elevating the the the consciousness consciousness consciousness and and and health health health ofhumankind ofhumankind humankind humankind since since since Astara has been dedicated toto the consciousness and health ofof since itititit was was was founded founded founded in in1951. 1951. 1951. Astara’s Astara’s Astara’s Book Book Book of ofLife Life Life Degree Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Lessons have have have helped helped helped enlighten enlighten enlighten hundreds-ofhundreds-ofhundreds-ofwas founded inin 1951. Astara’s Book ofof Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofthousands thousands thousands of ofseekers seekers seekers worldwide. worldwide. worldwide. thousands ofof seekers worldwide. Ifyou you you want want want the the the mystical mystical mystical wisdom wisdom wisdom of ofthe the the ages ages ages atyour your your fingertips, fingertips, fingertips, and and and to toexpress express express hidden hidden hidden potentials potentials potentials IfIfIf you want the mystical wisdom ofof the ages atatat your fingertips, and toto express hidden potentials and Higher Self, you may very near the answer of ofmind mind mind and and Higher Higher Self, Self, you you may may be be very very near near the the answer answer to toyour your your ofof mind and Higher Self, you may bebe very near the answer toto your desires. seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new desires. desires. Ifyou you you seek seek enlightenment, enlightenment, healing healing for for body body and and soul, soul, new new desires. IfIfIf you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization your inspiration inspiration and and aspiration, aspiration, you you may may find find the the realization realization ofof your your inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization ofof your personal goals and dreams. personal personal goals goals and and dreams. dreams. personal goals and dreams. Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Disclose Disclose Inner Inner Teachings Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book are hailed lifelong Astara’s Astara’s Degree Degree Lessons, Lessons, the the Book Book of ofLife, Life, Life, are are hailed hailed by bymany many many lifelong lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book ofof Life, are hailed byby many lifelong students arcane and mystical century’s outstanding students students ofthe ofthe the the arcane arcane and and mystical mystical asthis asthis this this century’s century’s outstanding outstanding students ofof arcane and mystical asas century’s outstanding achievement spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievement achievement inin spiritual spiritual instruction. instruction. They They light light the the way way for for the the achievement inin spiritual instruction. They light the way for the seeker evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seeker seeker ofspiritual ofspiritual spiritual spiritual evolution. evolution. They They reveal reveal the the soul soul journey journey from from seeker ofof evolution. They reveal the soul journey from before birth, through life, death and the afterlife. before before birth, birth, through through life, life, death death and and the the afterlife. afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife.

Astara’s Book of Life Astara’s Astara’sBook Book Bookof of ofLife Life Life Astara’s

About the Authors About About the the Authors Authors About the Authors The writings Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and The The writings writings ofof Earlyne Earlyne and and Robert RobertChaney Chaney Chaneyhave have havetaught taught taughtand and and The writings ofof Earlyne and Robert inspired people around the world for decades. Earlyne Chaney, inspired inspired people people around around the the world world for for decades. decades.Earlyne Earlyne Earlyne Chaney, Chaney, inspired people around the world for decades. Chaney, mystic, teacher, healer and internationally known writer mystic, mystic,teacher, teacher, teacher,healer healer healerand and andinternationally internationally internationallyknown known knownwriter writer writer mystic, contributed enormous volumes channeled esoteric wisdom contributed contributed enormous enormous volumes volumes ofof channeled channeledesoteric esoteric esotericwisdom wisdom wisdom contributed enormous volumes ofof channeled teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. teaching teaching derived derived from from the the ancient ancient Mystery Mystery schools. schools. teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. Robert Chaney the one the world’s leading authorities Robert Robert Chaney Chaney isone one one ofof the the one one ofof the the world’s world’s leading leading authorities authorities Robert Chaney isisisone ofof the one ofof the world’s leading authorities on psychic phenomena. He gifted with genius for on on psychic psychic phenomena. phenomena. He He gifted gifted with with aspecial special special genius geniusfor for for on psychic phenomena. He isisisis gifted with aaaspecial genius teaching subtle truths and mysticism, and teaching teaching subtle subtle truths truths ofreligion ofreligion religion religion and and mysticism, mysticism, and and isrecognized recognized recognized teaching subtle truths ofof and mysticism, and isisisrecognized one the outstanding mystics and philosophers the west. asas one one ofof the the outstanding outstanding mystics mystics and and philosophers philosophers ofof the the west. west. asas one ofof the outstanding mystics and philosophers ofof the west. As Co-founders the contemporary Mystery School, Astara, As As Co-founders Co-founders ofof the the contemporary contemporary Mystery Mystery School, School,Astara, Astara, Astara, As Co-founders ofof the contemporary Mystery School, their teachings have touched the lives people countries. Together their teachings lead their their teachings teachings have have touched touched the the lives lives ofof people people inin 80 80 countries. countries. Together Together their their teachings teachings lead lead their teachings have touched the lives ofof people inin 8080 countries. Together their teachings lead the soul into the realms the esoteric, the mystical, reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. the the soul soul into into the the realms realms ofof the the esoteric, esoteric, the the mystical, mystical, toto reveal reveal piece piece by by piece, piece, the the ultimate ultimate truths. truths. the soul into the realms ofof the esoteric, the mystical, toto reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Robert Robert and and Sita Sita Chaney Chaney amended amended these these lessons. lessons. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Astara has been dedicated elevating the consciousness and health humankind since Astara Astara has has been been dedicated dedicated toto elevating elevating the the consciousness consciousness and and health health ofof humankind humankind since since Astara has been dedicated toto elevating the consciousness and health ofof humankind since itititit was founded 1951. Astara’s Book Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofwas was founded founded inin 1951. 1951. Astara’s Astara’s Book Book ofof Life Life Degree Degree Lessons Lessons have have helped helped enlighten enlighten hundreds-ofhundreds-ofwas founded inin 1951. Astara’s Book ofof Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofthousands seekers worldwide. thousands thousands ofof seekers seekers worldwide. worldwide. thousands ofof seekers worldwide. want the mystical wisdom the ages your fingertips, and express hidden potentials Ifyou Ifyou you you want want the the mystical mystical wisdom wisdom ofof the the ages ages atat your your fingertips, fingertips, and and toto express express hidden hidden potentials potentials IfIf want the mystical wisdom ofof the ages atat your fingertips, and toto express hidden potentials mind and Higher Self, you may very near the answer your ofof mind mind and and Higher Higher Self, Self, you you may may be be very very near near the the answer answer toto your your ofof mind and Higher Self, you may bebe very near the answer toto your desires. seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new desires. desires. Ifyou Ifyou you you seek seek enlightenment, enlightenment, healing healing for for body body and and soul, soul, new new desires. IfIf seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization your inspiration inspiration and and aspiration, aspiration, you you may may find find the the realization realization ofof your your inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization ofof your personal goals and dreams. personal personal goals goals and and dreams. dreams. personal goals and dreams. Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Disclose Disclose Inner Inner Teachings Teachings Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book are hailed many lifelong Astara’s Astara’s Degree Degree Lessons, Lessons, the the Book Book ofLife, ofLife, Life, Life, are are hailed hailed by by many many lifelong lifelong Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book ofof are hailed byby many lifelong students the arcane and mystical this century’s outstanding students students ofof the the arcane arcane and and mystical mystical asas this this century’s century’s outstanding outstanding students ofof the arcane and mystical asas this century’s outstanding achievement spiritual instruction. They light the way for the achievement achievement inin spiritual spiritual instruction. instruction. They They light light the the way way for forthe the the achievement inin spiritual instruction. They light the way for seeker spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from seeker seeker ofof spiritual spiritual evolution. evolution. They They reveal reveal the the soul soul journey journey from from seeker ofof spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from before birth, through life, death and the afterlife. before before birth, birth, through through life, life, death death and and the the afterlife. afterlife. before birth, through life, death and the afterlife.

Earlyne Chaney Earlyne EarlyneC.C. C.Chaney Chaney


testing, videos and audios to assist you in developing deeper understanding. To take the course on these lessons please go to www.Astara.org. To become a member of Astara go to www.Astara.org. Copyright 2015 Astara.org

Earlyne Earlyne C. C. Chaney Chaney

realization of your personal goals and dreams.

Access Accessthe thecomplete completelearning learningreview reviewand andevaluation evaluationcourse coursebased basedononthese theselessons. lessons. Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book of Life, are hailed by many lifelong students of the arcane tudy study course courseincludes includesknowledge knowledgetesting, testing,videos videosand andaudios audiostotoassist assistyou youinindeveloping developing and mystical as this century’s outstanding achievement in spiritual instruction. They light the deeper deeperunderstanding. understanding. way for the seeker of spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from before birth, through life, death and afterlife. ToTotake takethe the the course courseononthese theselessons lessonsplease pleasegogototowww.Astara.org. www.Astara.org. ToTobecome becomea amember memberofofAstara Astaragogototowww.Astara.org www.Astara.org Access the complete learning review and evaluation course Copyright Copyright 2015 2015Astara.org Astara.org based on these lessons. The study course includes knowledge

Degree Degree Degree Lessons Lessons Lessons Degree Lessons Degree Lessons About About About the the the Authors Authors Authors About the Authors The The The writings writings writings ofof Earlyne Earlyne Earlyne and and and Robert Robert Robert Chaney Chaney Chaney have have have taught taught taught and and and The writings ofof Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and inspired inspired inspired people people people around around around the the the world world world for for for decades. decades. decades. Earlyne Earlyne Earlyne Chaney, Chaney, Chaney, inspired people around the world for decades. Earlyne Chaney, mystic, mystic, mystic,teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher,healer healer healer healerand and and andinternationally internationally internationally internationallyknown known known knownwriter writer writer writer mystic, contributed contributed contributed enormous enormous enormous volumes volumes volumes ofof channeled channeled channeled esoteric esoteric esoteric wisdom wisdom wisdom contributed enormous volumes ofof channeled esoteric wisdom teaching teaching teaching derived derived derived from from from the the the ancient ancient ancient Mystery Mystery Mystery schools. schools. schools. teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. Robert Robert Robert Chaney Chaney Chaney isone one one of ofthe the the one one one of ofthe the the world’s world’s world’s leading leading leading authorities authorities authorities Robert Chaney isisis one ofof the one ofof the world’s leading authorities on on psychic psychic psychic phenomena. phenomena. phenomena. He He He isgifted gifted gifted with with with aspecial special special genius genius genius for for for onon psychic phenomena. He isisisgifted with a aaspecial genius for teaching teaching teaching subtle subtle subtle truths truths truths of of religion religion religion and and and mysticism, mysticism, mysticism, and and and is recognized recognized recognized teaching subtle truths ofof religion and mysticism, and isisis recognized as asone one one of ofthe the the outstanding outstanding outstanding mystics mystics mystics and and and philosophers philosophers philosophers ofthe ofthe the the west. west. west. asas one ofof the outstanding mystics and philosophers ofof west. As As Co-founders Co-founders Co-founders ofof the the the contemporary contemporary contemporary Mystery Mystery Mystery School, School, School, Astara, Astara, Astara, AsAs Co-founders ofof the contemporary Mystery School, Astara,

rd st rd Astara’s 3 Degree Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life -- 1 3rd Degree Degree

reachings teachingshave havetouched touchedthe thelives livesofABOUT ofpeople people ininAUTHORS 8080countries. countries.Together Togethertheir theirteachings teachingslead lead THE ul oulinto intothe therealms realmsofofthe theesoteric, esoteric,the themystical, mystical,totoreveal revealpiece piecebybypiece, piece,the theultimate ultimatetruths. truths. TheSita writings of Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and inspired people around the world for ert t and and SitaChaney Chaney amended amended these these lessons. lessons. decades. Earlyne Chaney, mystic, teacher, healer and internationally known writer contributed arahas hasbeen beendedicated dedicated toelevating elevating the theconsciousness consciousness and and health health ofof humankind humankind since sinceit it enormous volumes of to channeled esoteric wisdom teaching derived from the ancient Mystery founded unded inin1951. 1951.Astara’s Astara’sBook BookofofLife LifeDegree DegreeLessons Lessonshave havehelped helpedenlighten enlightenhundreds-ofhundreds-ofschools. ands sandsofofseekers seekersworldwide. worldwide. Robert Chaney iswisdom one of the one ofages the world’s leading authorities on psychic phenomena. uwant want the themystical mystical wisdom ofofthe theages atat your yourfingertips, fingertips, and andtotoexpress express hidden hidden potentials potentials He is gifted with a special genius for teaching subtle truths of religion and mysticism, and is mind nd indand andHigher Higher Self,you maybebevery very near nearthe theanswer answertotoyour your recognized asSelf, one ofyou themay outstanding mystics and philosophers of the west. As Co-founders of contemporary Mystery School, Astara, their teachings have touched the lives of people in res. s. Ifthe Ifyou you seek seekenlightenment, enlightenment, healing healing forfor body body and andsoul, soul, new new 80 countries. Togetheryou their teachings lead the soul into the realms ation iration and andaspiration, aspiration, youmay mayfind find the the realization realization ofof your yourof the esoteric, the mystical, togoals reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. nal onalgoals and and dreams. dreams. ree e Lessons Lessons Disclose Disclose Inner InnerTeachings Teachings Astara has been dedicated to elevating the consciousness and health of humankind since it was founded in 1951. Astara’s of Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofra’s ’s Degree Degree Lessons, Lessons, the the Book Book ofBook of Life, Life, are are hailed hailed byby many many lifelong lifelong thousands of seekers worldwide. nts entsofofthe thearcane arcaneand andmystical mysticalasasthis thiscentury’s century’soutstanding outstanding evement ement inspiritual spiritual instruction. instruction. They light light the the way wayforfor the the If youin want the mystical wisdom of They the ages at your fingertips, and to express hidden potentials erofof spiritual evolution. evolution. They They reveal the soul soul journey from from ofspiritual mind and Higher Self, you reveal may bethe very nearjourney the answer to your desires. If you seek rebirth, birth, through throughlife, life, death death and and the the afterlife. afterlife. enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new inspiration and aspiration, you may find the

Astara’s Astara’s Astara’s Book Book Book of of of Life Life Life Astara’s Book of Life Astara’s Book of Life

nd nd st Degree Astara’s 1 Astara’s Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life -- 2 2ndDegree Degree

The Thewritings writingsofofEarlyne Earlyneand andRobert RobertChaney Chaneyhave havetaught taughtand and inspired inspiredpeople peoplearound aroundthe theworld worldforfordecades. decades.Earlyne EarlyneChaney, Chaney, mystic, mystic, teacher, teacher, healer healer and and internationally internationally known known writer writer contributed contributedenormous enormousvolumes volumesofofchanneled channeledesoteric esotericwisdom wisdom teaching teachingderived derivedfrom fromthe theancient ancientMystery Mysteryschools. schools. Robert RobertChaney Chaneyis isone oneofofthe theone oneofofthe theworld’s world’sleading leadingauthorities authorities ononpsychic psychicphenomena. phenomena.HeHeis isgifted giftedwith witha aspecial specialgenius geniusforfor teaching teaching subtle subtle truths truths ofof religion religion and and mysticism, mysticism, and and is is recognized recognized asasone oneofofthe theoutstanding outstandingmystics mysticsand andphilosophers philosophersofofthe thewest. west. AsAsCo-founders Co-foundersofofthe thecontemporary contemporaryMystery MysterySchool, School,Astara, Astara,

st Astara’s Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life -- 1 1st Degree Degree

Astara’s Astara’sBook Bookof ofLife Life

ASTARA’S BOOK Degree Degree Lessons Lessons OF LIFE Degree Lessons About Aboutthe theAuthors Authors

Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons

their teachings have touched the lives of people in 80 countries. Together their teachings lead the soul into the realms of the esoteric, the mystical, to reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. Robert and

Astara’s Book Book of of Life Life Astara’s Fifth FirstDegree Degree Third Degree Fifth

The Macrocosmic The JourneyUniverse of Universe Becoming andthe the The Seven-Fold and The Macrocosmic Wheel of Births and Traveling Microcosmic the Sea Humany of Deaths Forces Microcosmic Humany

EarlyneC. C.Chaney Chaney Earlyne

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