FARMNASIUM 55th Shinkenchiku Central Glass Tokyo Competition Jury : Hiroshi Naito, Goichi Kamochi, Kengo Kuma, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Jun Aoki, Honours : 2nd Prize Anderson Wong and Ariel Jansen Bintang
“The proposal by Bintang and Wong, which we awarded second place, treats farming as a physical burden and transforms it into a Club. This was another good and novel proposal. The video presentation by the designers was also superb; in fact, it was much more convincing than the panels originally submitted.” - Hiroshi Naito in A+U February 2021, pg 204
A+U February 2021 Publication
A+U February 2021 Feature
Shinkenchiku January 2021 Feature
1. Market entrance
2. Field activity, m
muscle work
3. Harvest ritual aerobism
1. Market entrance
2. Field activity, m
muscle work
3. Harvest ritual aerobism
Aerobic Play
Cool Down
Introductory Exercise
Shoulder Exercise
Strength Exercise
Back Exercise
Weight Lifting
Full Body Exercise Low-Impact Activity Plough
Anderson Wong Short Portfolio
Body Culture Club
: Excerpt on South-east Asian Agriculture and Exercise competition entry with Ariel Bintang (2nd Prize) Proposal Published in the A+U (Feb 2021) and Shinkenchiku (Jan 2021)
Exerpt Article on Farm Gymnasium Farmnasium rediscovers the authentic ‘body culture’ concept of South-East Asia, by rekindling rooted agricultural heritage in contemporary society’s fitness. Alongside the infrastructure, is the program scheme that accompanies it. The maintenance of the commons is key to growing a community culture, which combines with the participative construction, providing an active output for voices and choices, allowing members to partake in building new, desired infrastructure. Furthermore, the integrative aspect of how rural youths can hybridize local culture with modern life through technology, emerges. The concept of a healthy body culture has been distorted in the current SEA lifestyle. The developed society, seeing technological advances,as well as workforce upgrades, has since forced a splinter between exercise and lifestyle. Stemming social media trends have risen in the past decade to promote unrealistic ideas of western beauty standards. With this, eating and exercise, the main role players in the term ‘body’, have since been warped. The term exercise now only exists in society as a separate activity from life itself, being a whole individual activity, exercise has become a secondary priority, existing merely as a visual culture. The Farmnasium cycle includes traditional rituals for an integrated health scheme.As part of an expected system that adapts to its site and context, based on available resources and associated activities, Farmnasium acts as the activator of the community that implements a new exercise integrated life-regime. This site in particular, adjacent to a large commercial shopping centre the scheme extends this path outwards, providing an organic produce marketplace for the neighbouring residential districts to engage in enjoying the products. Utilising highways to connect homes and hard-office-workers to a new healthy lifestyle. Traditional Malay-Indonesian typologies display understanding of climate and context along with the ingrained culture.Thatch roofs improve insulation while village groupform arrangements allowed for wind penetration. Timber materiality encourages an awareness of one’s body, walking lightly across, preventing stomps and creaks. Farmnasium draws from tradition, to propose a future.
Farmnasium Model
The traditional agriculture of SouthEast Asia is a seamless tradition where cultivation of nature was a mundane invisible act of keeping fit-ness. Yet, the younger generation has recently disassociated mundane activities from fitness itself when Western culture introduced the modern occupation. Our body has lost its natural tendency to be active, while society has lost its traditional roots. Farmnasium utilizes the schooling of South East Asian Agriculture within transitional territories between the urban and rural. In it, rural societies distributes their farm produce together with knowledge in exchange for celebration of rural culture. In it, urban societies learn from rural lifestyle and celebrate it in their modern routine. It preserves traditional farming activities, implemented as an apprenticeship for the young generation to celebrate their culture through bodily activities. By 2050, most people will live in cities, establishing a rapid danger of losing rural, traditional culture. The introduction of a body culture promotion through traditional life and the infrastructural establishment that carries it, sparks a trend to continue to grow these farmnasiums through the future, perhaps even directly within cities.
South East Asian Refferences (I
1. Market entrance