Brochure Museums, Galleries, Collections Zagreb 2012

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Museums, Galleries, CollecƟ Ɵons

Legend: Address Phone and Fax (Dialling code for Croatia: +385)

E-mail address Web site

Opening Hours Ticket Price Guided Tours Other Amenities How to Get There Restaurant

No Restaurant

Mobile Guide

Group Visits

Permanent Exhibition

Photography Allowed

Car Park

Museum Shop

Disabled Access

Restaurant / CafĂŠ

Guides for the Blind page Museums ...... 4 Galleries ..... 40 Collections...54

Professional Guides

Type of Museum: Archaeology Banking Ethnographic City Hunting Memorial Police Post - Philately Telecommunications

Natural History Religious Schools Sports Technical Typhlology Art Military Local Culture


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4 The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb

5 The Meštrović Atelier 6 The PBZ Museum of Banking 7 The Ethnographic Museum 8 The Glyptotheque of the Croa 9 10

an Academy of Sciences and Arts The Croa an Museum of Naïve Art The Croa an Museum of Architecture of the Academy of Sciences and Arts

Museums, Galleries, CollecƟons 11 The Croa an History Museum 12 The Croa an Natural History Musem 13 The Croa an School Museum 14 The Croa an Sports Museum 15 The Croa an Railway Museum 16 The Croa an Society of Ar sts 17 The HT Museum – The Museum of Post and Telecommunica ons

18 The Klovićevi dvori Gallery 19 Lauba – The House for People and Art 20 The Hun ng Museum of the Croa an Hun ng Associa on

21 The Ante and Wiltrud Topić Mimara Art Collec on - Mimara Museum

22 The Modern Gallery 23 The Museum of the Blessed Alojzije Stepinac 24 The Zagreb City Museum 25 The Marton Museum

26 The Dražen Petrović Museum and Memorial Centre 27 The Police Museum 28 The Museum of Broken Rela onships 29 The Prigorje Museum 32 The Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Zagreb and Ljubljana Metropolitanate

33 The Museum of Contemporary Art 34 The Museum of Arts and Cra s 35 The HAZU Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters 36 The Technical Museum 37 The Typhlology Museum 38 The Art Pavilion 39 The Military Museum of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croa a


40 The Design Centre of the Croa an Chamber of Economy • Cro Art Photo Club • Europe House 41 The KIC Photo Gallery • The AŽ Gallery • The Barrel Gallery 42 The Bernardo Bernardi Gallery • The Canvas Gallery • The Događanja Gallery 43 The Felix Gallery • The Forum Gallery • The Fotoklub Zagreb Gallery 44 The Karas Gallery • The Kranjčar Gallery • The Kristofor Stanković Gallery 45 The LIKUM Gallery • The Marisall Gallery • The Mijo Kovačić Gallery 46 The Milan and Ivo Steiner Gallery • The Mirko Virius Gallery • The Miroslav Kraljević Gallery 47 The Močvara Gallery • The Modulor Gallery • The Nano Gallery 48 The Permanenta Gallery • The Gallery of the People’s Open University • The Expanded Media Gallery 49 The Ring Gallery

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• The Student Centre Gallery • The Gallery of the Zagreb County Tourist Associa 50 The Vladimir Bužančić Gallery • The Vladimir Filakovac Gallery • The Vladimir Horvat Gallery 51 The VN Gallery • The Zlatni konj Gallery • The Zrinski Gallery 52 The Zvonimir Gallery • HDD – The Croa an Society of Designers • The Médiathèque of the French Ins tute 53 The Nova Gallery • The Josip Račić Studio • The ULUPUH Gallery



54 The Tošo Dabac Archive • The Zla ć Dona on • The Inventory of the Crypt of the Franciscan Monastery of Our Lady of Lourdes

55 The Inventory of the Monastery and Provincialate of the Conventual Franciscans

• The Inventory of the Parochial House of the Church of St Mark the Evangelist

• The HAZU Graphics Office 56 The Jewish Community of Zagreb Library and Archives • The Juraj Habdelić Library • The Franjo Schneider Workshop for the Restora on and Building of String Instruments

• The Jozo Kljaković Memorial Collec on 57 The Bela and Miroslav Krleža Memorial Space • The Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment • The Collec on of the Society of the Sisters of Mercy of St Vincent de Paul

• The Graphics Collec on of the Na onal University Library 58 The Zagreb Cathedral Treasury • The Apartment of the Architect Viktor Kovačić • The Collec on of Cate Dujšin-Ribar and Dr Ivan Ribar 59 The Collec on of Liturgical Objects of the Zagreb Jewish Community on of the Stenjevec Parochial House on of the Monastery of St Francis of Ksaver in Zagreb The Vjenceslav Richter and Nada Kareš-Richter Collec on

• The Collec • The Collec •

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7/24/2012 1:31:58 PM

T Archaeological The Museum in Zagreb Cesarčeva

Trg Bana Josipa JelačićaJuriš




jska Petrin


a Preradovićev

Palmo ćeva

Trg Petra d ić

Ga Gajeva


Zagreb’s Archaeological Museum was founh ded in 1846 and is located in the Historicist v Teslinaa Vranyczany-Hafner palace. It has a valuable Trg Đorđić. Nikole collec on of over 400,000 exhibits. The preBerislav. Šubića Zrinskog Boškovićeva historic collec on shows the development Mrazov. ga Trg of a variety of cultures – from the Earlier and Kovačić. Josipa Katan. Jurja Later Stone Age through the Copper Age and Strossm. Hatza B.Trenka various stages of the Bronze Age to the Earlier and Svačićev T Later Iron Age. In the Classical collec on exhibits from the Greek period are represented, in par cular valuable pieces from Croa a’s coastal regions. Exhibits from the Roman period are mainly from inland northern Croa a. The Mediaeval collec on consists of findings from the me of the great migra ons of peoples through to the late Middle Ages. The Egyp an collec on is the only one of its kind in south east Europe, and of par cular note among the Etruscan pieces are the valuable Zagreb Mummy and the longest manuscript in the Etruscan language that survives today, the Zagreb Linen Book. The Numisma c Collec on is the largest in the country and among the largest in the world. The Museum also manages the archaeological park in the village of Ščitarjevo where visitors can see the remains of the Roman town of Andautonija. Bogov.


The frontage of the Archaeological Museum



Part of the Egyp an Collec on. Photo: Igor Krajcar

Margare t.




Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 19 / Archaeological Park Andautonija: Ščitarjevo (+385-1) 487 3000, 487 3101, Fax: (+385-1) 487 3102 Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 10:00 - 20:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 13:00. Andautonija Archaeological Park (01.05 - 01.11): Saturday and Sunday 12:00 - 18:00 Adults 20kn, Children 10kn, Tuesday entry free. Andautonija Archaeological Park: Adults 15kn, Children 10kn Guided tours in Croatian, English, French and Italian by prior arrangement, price 100kn Tram no. 2, 4 or 9 to the main railway station (Glavni kolodvor); Andautonija: bus no. 308 or 309

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7/24/2012 1:31:59 PM

The Meštrović Atelier br ali Du šet o ov az Vr

t. me De



Basar. Opat.





Mlet Mleta Mletač.


Me V sni isoka čka


Opatovina Tkalčićeva

The atrium of the Meštrović Atelier. Photo: Boris Cvjetanović



I. Meštrović, The History of the Croats


ička C-1 The Meštrović Atelier is in Zagreb’s roman c Upper Town, close to St Mark’s Church. The Markov trg Kamen Atelier, the Kaštelet-Crikvina complex in ita Kušević. Jezuitski Split and the Church of the Holy Redeemer trg KAPTOL . Dolac Stross šetalište in Otavice together form the Ivan Meštrović Museum, an ins tu on dedicated to the life Trg Bana Ce Ilica Josipa Jelačića and work of this great sculptor (1883-1962). Jur Bogovićeva The collec on consists of sculpture in marble, storšavska Am ne, wood and bronze, reliefs, drawings and graphics covering the first four decades of Meštrović’s career. The works are displayed in their authen c environment, the atelier and home in which this renowned Croa an sculptor lived with his family from 1922 to 1942. Ivan Meštrović (1883-1962) studied in Vienna and lived, worked and exhibited his work in the cultural centres of Europe and the United States, where some of his ar s c legacy is s ll preserved today.


Mletačka 8 (+385-1) 485 1123, 485 1124, Fax: (+385-1) 485 1126 mim@ j Tuesday - Friday 10:00 Adults 30 kn, Children 15kn Guided - 18:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 tours in Croatian, and in English by prior arrangement, price 200kn Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Radićeva ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

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T PBZ Museum of The Banking Me



Vranič. šetališ poljana C-2 Grič te Str oss. šet




The Museum of Banking, owned by Privredna Cbanka Zagreb, is the first and only museum of banking and numisma cs in Croa a. It opea vićev Bogo Trg Petra Varšavska Prerad. ned on World Savings Day, 31 October 2000, slina va Te Trg following a decade of collec ng and cura ng ryko a s Đ Nikole Ma Berislavićeva Šubića the collec Zrinskog a on. The MuseM Trg Hebranga Kovačićeva Josipa um is located in the renowned Zagreb Oktogon. This is an old-fashioned shopping arcade in a palace built in 1899 for the First Croa an Savings Bank and designed by architect Josip Vancaš. jska Petrin

va Preradoviće


Obrt. pr.



Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića

F. Petr.

Preobraž. P





Part of the exhibi on

Ilica 5 (Oktogon passage) (+385-1) 636 0430 Tuesday 13:00 - 15:00, Thursday 14:30 - 16:30, also by prior agreement Entry free Guided tours in Croatian, and in English by prior arrangement, no extra charge Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića

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The Ethnographic Museum Ma

F. Petr.




va Preradoviće

Frankopans ka

Obrt. pr.


Trg Ilica B-3 NTAR Josipa The Ethnographic Museum was founded in 1919 Bogo Trg Petra Prerad. on the ini a ve of Salamon Berger, a tex le ka Varšavska slina Te a merchant and industrialist from Slovakia who kov sary Berislavićeva Ma le the Museum one of the first and largest Trg Maršala Tita collec ons of folk costumes and tex les in 4 A. Hebranga Kovačićeva Croa a. The permanent collec on was cre- trg Mažuranićev M D trg ated in 1972 and consists of 2,750 exhibits. B.T J. Žerjavića Svačićev Vukot. Croa a’s ethnographic heritage is presented in two main thema c units: Croa an Folk Dress (which includes selected items illustra ng folk art and cra s), and the Main Branches of Commerce and Folk Handcra s. In the Department for Non-European Cultures you can see exhibits represen ng tradi onal cultures in Africa, Asia, La n America, Australia and Oceania. .kv Peor


Moa Kava Kava, Easter Island, 18th century

Part of the permanent exhibi on with folk costumes

Since the day it was founded, the Museum has been housed in a building designed in 1903 by Vjekoslav Bastl and which brought the shapes of the Viennese art nouveau to Zagreb. Even though some of the Art Nouveau mouldings from the frontage were removed during a renova on in the 1930s following the ideas of the architect Aleksandar Freudenreich, the building’s architectural composi on remains recognizably Art Nouveau.

Mažuranićev trg 14 (+385-1) 3 482 6220, 482 6108, Fax: (+385-1) 488 0320 emz@ Tuesday, y Wednesday and Thursday 10:00 - 18:00, Friday, Adults 15kn, Children 10kn, Thursday entry free, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Ticket for photographing exhibits: 35kn Guided tours in Croatian and English, price 50–100kn Tram no. 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg maršala Tita, or bus no. 118 to Trg Mažuranića

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7/24/2012 1:32:58 PM

The Glyptotheque of the Croa an Academy of Sciences and Arts 5M

Medveščak Ribnjak




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Nova Ves

Medve d gr ads



Du brav kin put

Opa čka Radićeva








Zvo na


Brezov. Markov g 29.10.1918. trg



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The Glyptotheque of the Croa an Academy of Sciences and Arts (known by the acronym “HAZU”) was founded in 1937 with the purpose of collec ng and presen ng sculpture. Today it has the largest collec on of sculptu-


Ilirski trg


al Belost.



Sculpture Park

re in the country. Its rich collec on, encompassing casts, original works and models, affords a comprehensive overview of the discipline of sculpture from Classical an quity to the present day. In the Glyptotheque’s permanent collec on you can see plaster casts of Classical sculptures, fragments of the most valuable monuments of the Croa an cultural heritage from the pre-Romanesque period to the Renaissance, original works by Croa an sculptors from the 19th to the 21st century and a collec on of medals and plaques. The Museum building is a former tannery, the largest factory in Zagreb during the 19th century. In and of itself it is a protected cultural monument. There is also a Sculpture Park within the Museum complex. Vojin Bakić, Bull

Medvedgradska 2 (+385-1) 468 6050, 468 6060, Fax: (+385-1) 468 6052 Tuesday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 Adults 10kn, Children 5kn Guided tours in Croatian and English, no extra charge Tram no. 8 or 14 from Draškovićeva ulica to Belostenčeva; or tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then on foot via Tkalčićeva ulica

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The Croa an Museum of Naïve Art br ali t. Du šet me o ov De az Vr




Bas. Opat.


Matto ošša




Me Vis sni oka čka


Opatovina Tkalčićeva


ička C-2 The Croa an Museum of Naïve Art was founded in 1952 and is considered to be the first muse6 Markov trg Kamen ita um of Naïve art in the world. On display are Jezuitski KAPTOL some eighty pain ngs, sculptures and drawintrg ossmayerov Dolac Str gs, all classics of the Croa an Naïve created o šet . in the periTrg Bana C Ilica Josipa Jelačića od between Jur Bogovićeva 1930 and 1980. ršavska Am As well as a significant por on of the Croa an na onal culture, the Museum owns a respectable collec on of works by foreign masters. The permanent collec on was collected with the aim of showing “Naïve art as a segment of modern art”. Apart from the Naïve sec on, the permanent collec on comprises other forms of self-taught and non-academy art such as art brut and outsider art.

Petar Smajić, Mother and Child



I. Generalić, Woodcu ers. In the heading: I.Rabuzin, On the Hills - Virgin Forest

Ulica Sv. Ćirila i Metoda 3 (+385-1) 485 1911, Fax: (+385-1) 485 1911, 485 2125 Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 20kn, Children 10kn Guided tours in Croatian, and in English by prior arrangement, price 150kn / 30 min Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Radićeva ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

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The Croa an Museum of Architecture of the Academy of Sciences and Arts


vk in put

Opa čka



Jezu trgitski

Ivan a G or ana Kovačića Tuš kan ac Me Visoka snič ka

Zamenho ffova


Nazor ova

ozd Krležin Gv

The Croa an Museum of Architecture was founded in 1995 with the aim of researching and a Ilirski preserving informa on on the history of Crobr trg u D šte a an architecture. The collec on now comali et š . o et ov m az prises around 18,000 items: plans, drawings, Vr De Lisin Brezov. . Markov 2 models, photographs, diaposi ves, correspontrg G Freud. Kame dence and other documents rela ng to Croa an Kuš. trg G Katarin Rokov sk Vranič. architecture. The en re collec on is being digi zed perivoj šepoljana t and is available to all researchers. Tuškanac

Na zo ro va




Ulica I. Gorana Kovačića 37 (+385-1) 483 4551, 483 4553, Fax: (+385-1) 483 4553 Monday - Sunday 11:00 - 18:00 Entry free Croatian language guided tours Bus no. 105 Britanski trg – Kaptol (exit Nazorova – Tuškanac)

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7/24/2012 1:33:48 PM

The Croa an History Museum br ali t. Du šet me o ov De az r V



Bas. Opat.






Me sni Visoka čka Matoša


Opatovina Tkalčićeva


B-2ka The Croa an History Museum is what was once called the Na onal Museum, founded in 1846, 8 Markov trg Kamen ita and is one of the oldest and most important Jezuitski KAPTOL museums in Croa a. In 1991 the ins tu on trg ossmayerov Dolac Str o šet we know today was merged with the Muse. um of the Revolu on of the People of CroaTrg Bana C Ilica Josipa Jelačića a. In 2002 it gained the status of one of the Jur Bogovićeva country’s top-level museums responsible forršavall ska Am history museums and collec ons in the country. Since 1959 the Museum has resided in one of the loveliest Baroque palaces in Zagreb’s Upper Town, which dates back to 1764. The Museum has over 200,000 items arranged in 17 collec ons. It also takes care of the birthplace of the poet Ivan Goran Kovačić (1913-1943) in Lukovdol, which is open to visitors who can learn about the life and work of this outstanding Croa an poet, journalist and fighter.

From the exhibi on Memories of a Ban - the Jelačić Legacy



Matoševa 9 (+385-1) 485 1900, 485 1990, Fax: (+385-1) 485 1909, 485 1375 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 10kn, Children 5kn, Children under 7 free Guided tours for groups of max. 20 in Croatian, and in English by prior arrangement, price 150kn Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

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The Croa an Natural History Musem 9




br ali Du šet va o tro ov az eme Vr

Opa čka










Me Vis sni oka čka



Markov trg Ka

Opatovina Tkalčićeva

The Museum, with over 1.5 million rocks, minerals, fossils, plant and animal menita specimens, was founded in 1986 Jezuitski KAPTOL with the merger of several other trg ossmayerov Dolac Str museums covering mineralogy, o šet . petrography, geology, palaeonBana Trg C Ilica Josipa Jelačića and zoology. The Museum’s deJutology r Bogovićeva partment of Geology and Palaeontology has two ršavska Am par cularly valuable collec ons: one of Neanderthal remains from a very important dig near the city of Krapina, and the Collec on of Holotypes, specimens used in formally describing species or taxa. The Zoology department has over one million animal specimens. The exhibi on “From Collec on to Museum” tells the story of the Mineral and Petrology Department, a story da ng back to 1846. Since 1987 the Museum has been compiling a botanical collec on which has formed the basis of the new Herbarium and Botany Department. It has over 100,000 specimens of vascular plants, most of which are from Croa a. D

Demetrova 1 (+385-1) 485 1700, Fax: (+385-1) 485 1644 www. Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 20kn, Children 15kn, Children under 7 free Croatian language guided tours Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

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7/24/2012 1:35:21 PM

F. Petr.



The Croa an School Museum

va Preradoviće



Obrt. pr.

Frankopans ka


Trg Ilica B-3 NTAR Josipa The Croa an School Museum is housed in the Trg Bogo Petra Prerad. building of the Croa an Teachers’ Home on Trg ka Varšavska a slin a Te kov maršala Tita. This building was built in 1889, sary Ma Berislavićeva 10 and the Museum opened its doors to the puTrg Maršala aršala rša Tita t ta blic on 19 August 1901. This is the only speA. Hebranga Kovačićeva cialist educa on museum in Croa a. It also trg Mažuranićev D trg comprises the Davorin Trstenjak Pedagogical Vukot. B.T J. Žerjavića Svačićev Library, founded in 1877, which has a collec on of over 40,000 volumes. In the year 2000, to mark World Teachers’ Day (5 October), the Museum’s permanent collec on was inaugurated. The collec on bears witness to Croa an educa on in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. .kv Peor


Museum workshop Teddy Bear at School

Part of the Permanent Collec on, Teaching Tools, Nature Studies

Trg maršala Tita 4 (+385-1) 485 5716, Fax: (+385-1) 485 5825 Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 10:00 22:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 10kn, Children 5kn, Children under 7 free Croatian language guided tours, and in English by prior arrangement Tram no. 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg maršala Tita

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7/24/2012 1:35:35 PM

The Croa an Sports Museum Jezu trg itski




jska Petrin


Obrt pr


Trg Lan

Palmo ćeva




Preobraž. ova

The Croa an Sports Museum is dedicated to collec ng and exhibi ng items rela ng to 11 physical exercise and sport. It has around A. Cesarca Trg Bana J. Jelačića 8,000 valuable objects from the world of Jurišićeva Bogovićeva sport, 30,000 books and 20,000 photographs. ševa Amru Teslina Trg At the World Exhibi on of Olympic Stamps Nikole Đorđ. Šubića Berislav. and Documents held in Athens in 1996 on the Zrinskog vićeva anniversary of the modern Olympic games, Boško 100th the Croa an Sports Museum won a gold medal for its exhibi on “The Olympic Movement in Croa an from 1896 to 1912”. eva Radić

rinski trg anič. ljana te erovo


reud. Ka

menita C-2 GRAD šević.

Praška 2/II (+385-1) 483 3483, Fax: (+385-1) 483 3483 hrvatski.sportski.muzej@ Opening expected by the end of 2012 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then on foot to Praška ulica

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7/24/2012 1:35:52 PM

The Croa an Railway Museum vićev

Palmo ćeva



ull.l. Haau


Boško C-4 ebranga Trg Mrazov. The Croa an Railway Museum was founded in KovačiH ć. Josipa Katan. Jurja 1991 by the Croa an state railway company Strossm. Hatza ka B.Tren Svačićev Hrvatske željeznice. It collects, preserves and trg Trg 12 kralja exhibits vehicles, engines, railway equipment Tomislava A. Šenoe and documenta on rela ng to the deve- Mihanovićeva Starčevićev K trg lopment of the railway system in Croa a from Grgurova Glavni kolodvor its beginnings in 1860 un l the present day. In Pothodnik the Museum you can see machines used for OVKA building railway lines, telecommunica ons equipment, uniforms and personal documents. There are archives on the history of the Croaan railways and on the manufacture of trains: a Timetable Collecon, a Postcard Collec on, a Collec on of Regula ons and Reviews and a Technical Document Collec on. Mi

Mihanovićeva 12 (Entrance from the “Gredelj” complex on Ulica grada Vukovara) (+385-1) 378 2862, Fax: (+385-1) 457 7230 Visits by prior arrangement Entry free Tram no. 5 or 13 to Kruge

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7/24/2012 1:36:05 PM

The Croa an Society of Ar sts




A. Bauera


Palmo ćeva




K. Domag.



The Croa an Society of Ar sts (known in CroL Ma an by the acronym HDLU) was founded in 1868. It is a non-governmental, non-profit Ra čk Lopašićeva og and non-par san associa on. Its members a 13 Trg are visual ar sts represen ng all disciplines žrtava K. Držislava fašizma K. and genera ons. Every year the Society orgaVi a še v a s isl Križanić. l. knizes around 40 exhibi ons in four specialised M P K. Kreš eva Borne Hrvoj exhibi on spaces in the Art Pavilion designed by the great Croa an sculptor Ivan Meštrović.

Iblerov trg


Bulić. Ratkajev pr. Tomašić.


Trg žrtava fašizma bb (+385-1) 461 1818, 461 1819, Fax: (+385-1) 457 6831 hdlu@ Tuesday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 14:00 Adults 15kn, Children 10kn Tram no. 1, 9, 13 or 17 to Trg žrtava fašizma

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The HT Museum – The Museum of Post and Telecommunica ons



jska Petrin

Palmo ćeva







Šo D-2 šta Trg rić Josipa The Museum of Post and Telecommunica ons ev Langa Dolac is the only museum of its kind in the country. ka aš Vl 14 I Trg Bana A. Cesarca It enables visitors to indulge in a li le nostalJosipa Jelačića Jurišićeva gia whilst ge ng to know the telephones Bogović. Amruševa and switchboards of genera ons past, the Teslina Trg postman’s horn, mailboxes and stories about Đorđićeva Nikole Berislav. Šubića the first telephone in Croa a, about the postal Zrinskog Bošković. service during the me of Ban Jelačić, about the first Croa an postage stamps from 1918 with an allegorical picture of a slave breaking his chains, about the famous Dubrovnik couriers and much, much more.

Jurišićeva 13 (+385-1) 491 1589, 491 1593, Fax: (+385-1) 491 1588 htmuzej@t. Monday - Wednesday and Friday 10:00 14:00, Thursday 10:00 - 18:00 Entry free Guided tours in Croatian and English Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then on foot along Jurišićeva ulica to the main post office (museum entrance on Palmotićeva ulica)

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7/24/2012 1:36:28 PM

The Klovićevi dvori Gallery vonar



br ali t. Du šet me o ov De az Vr

Basar. Opat.







Me Vis sni oka čka


Opatovina Tkalčićeva

The Klovićevi dvori Gallery, housed in a former Jesuit monastery alongside the south-east wall Kamenita15 of Zagreb’s Upper Town, is known for its top flight exhibi ons showing the work of the most uitski Jezuitski KAPTOL trg renowned Croa an and interna onal ar sts. ossmayerov Dolac Str o šet . The Gallery’s work includes projects covering Trg Bana C Ilica ar s c phenomena and cultural events from Josipa Jelačića Jur prehistory to the present day. Klovićevi dvori’s Bogovićeva ršavska exhibiAm ons are valued by art lovers at home and abroad since they aim to offer new and different ways of looking at historic and contemporary events. Since it was established in 1982, the Gallery has always been an innovator on the art and cultural scene, developing in accordance with the demands of the mes. From the very start it has undertaken previously unheard of cultural projects. It was the first ins tu on in Croa a to promote the comic strip, caricature and illustra on as art forms; it founded the Croa an Biennale of Illustra on; it brought to Zagreb the works of Picasso, Van Gogh, Mondrian, Miro, Vasarely, Chagall and a whole pleiad of ar sts of the renowned German Expressionist movement. It revealed to its Croa an audience their hidden ar s c heritage: the many religious treasuries and excellent artworks preserved within the country’s religious orders. It was the first to re-evaluate the unjus fiably forgo en oeuvres of certain Croa an ar sts; it offered the first collec ve overview of the Croa an avant garde and Croa an expressionism, and the first consolidated exhibi on of the culture of ancient Greece on Croa an soil. It opened its doors to new media and offered its exhibi on rooms as a crea ve space for contemporary ar sts, who in turn created works and performances for that very space. Ar sts and audience alike grew to recognize Klovićevi dvori as a space where the most varied events take place. The public’s response is the proof of the Gallery’s success: more than 200,000 people visit its exhibi ons every year. Markov trg

The Gallery Building



Jezuitski trg 4 (+385-1) 485 1926, Fax: (+385-1) 485 2116 press@galerijaklovic. hr Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - 19:00 Depending on the exhibition Guided tours by prior arrangement for groups of max. 15 in Croatian, English and German Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:18

7/24/2012 1:15:52 PM



Mand alići

Lauba – The House for People and Art




Maračić. Dom


A-3 This building in the street Prilaz baruna Filipovića Ilica Ilica was once used as the riding school of the Austro- 16 Prilaz Baruna Filipovića Hungarian army, and then became the Zagreb Tex le Factory. Today it’s an unmissable stop Gradišć for lovers of contemporary and modern art. Ivanečkaan. Ma The Lauba House for People and Art is a unique latarska ska r NICA hybrid space shared by the Lauba Associa on o Zag and the company Filip Trade. The collec on currently comprises over 500 works by Croa an ar sts from a period covering the last 60 years and presented in an interes ng way: every month a part of the exhibi on changes. The long list of ar sts whose works can be found in this fascina ng collec on include: Alem Korkut, Braco Dimitrijević, Ivan Fijolić, Ivana Franke, Ivan Kožarić, Lovro Artuković, Slaven Tolj, Vlasta Žanić and Marija Ujević. va šiće er M

Lovro Artuković, Un tled

Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23a (+385-1) 630 2115, Fax: (+385-1) 630 2142 info@ Monday - Sunday 15:00 - 23:00 Adults 25kn, Children 10kn, Children under 6 free Guided tours in Croatian and English Tram no. 2, 6 or 11 to Sveti Duh, then on foot along Selska cesta to the intersection with Prilaz baruna Filipovića

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7/24/2012 1:36:51 PM

T Hun ng Museum The of o the Croa an Hun ng Associa on A 17

in put




Jezu tr itski


Tuš kan a

Me Visok snič a ka

Nazoro va

Zamenho ffova Ivan a Gora na Kovačića


Na zo ro va

ozd Krležin Gv

The Hun ng Museum was established in 1952, and its first exhibits displayed a year later at the address Ulica Franje Račkoga 9, where vk ra b Du the Museum opened its doors to the public in šte i l a et . oš et ov 1955. In 1965 it moved to the space it enjoys m az r e V D Lisin Brezov. . today, the hundred year old Villa Wohmult at Ma Freud K Nazorova ulica, in a green and hilly north ZaRokov Kuš. perivoj trg Katar neighbourhood. The Museum offers a look greb Vranič. š poljana at the natural history and animal world of this region and covers the history of hun ng and Croa an hun ng culture. The permanent exhibi on consists of the following collec ons: Trophies, Fossils, Eggs, Mammals and Birds, Hun ng Weaponry, Hun ng Badges and Awards and the Taxidermy Collec on of Game, Beasts and Rep les from Africa, Asia and America. Tuškanac



Nazorova 63 (+385-1) 487 6567, Fax: (+385-1) 487 6567 Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 08:00 - 13:00, Tuesday and Thursday 12:00 - 17:00 Adults 20kn, Children 10kn, Children under 7 free Croatian language guided tours On foot via Ilica, Dežmanov prolaz and Tuškanac, then through the park along Dubravkin put; or bus no. 102 or 105 from Britanski trg (exit at the second stop)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:20

7/24/2012 1:37:08 PM


The Ante and Wiltrud Topić Mimara Art Collec on - Mimara Museum Frankopan.


Sav ska


k. Per

Piero .

Obrt. pr.


vska B-3 Varša Dalma nska The Ante and Wiltrud Topić Mimara Art Collecon, or the Mimara Museum, was founded Prilaz Gjure Deželića sar. Ma thanks to the dona on of Ante Topić Mimara Trg Maršala Tita Klaićeva 18 and opened in 1987. It is housed in a Neo-ReHebranga Mažuranićev naissance palace da ng from the end of the Roseveltov trg trg Kršnjavo 19th century, located on Roosevelt Square. ga J. Žerjavića Marulićev The collec on consists of 3,750 works coveringD Ju trg k a variety of techniques and materials, cultures andićeva Mi civiliza ons. Among others, there are 450 pain ngs and drawings by the great masters, 200 pieces of sculpture from the period ranging from classical an quity to the 20th century, and rare archaeological finds from ancient Egypt and Greece. Of par cular note are the Glass Collec on and the Far East Art Collec on. The Museum has a fine library with 5,400 specialist tles. The permanent exhibi on follows the chronology of historical and stylis c periods.

Rooseveltov trg 5 (+385-1) 482 8100, Fax: (+385-1) 482 6079 mimara@mimara. hr Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 Adults 40kn, Children 30kn English language guided tours by prior arrangement (groups of max. 20); foreign language guides accessible on mobile phones through Wi-Fi Tram 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg maršala Tita

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7/24/2012 1:37:20 PM

Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića




Gaaje jev je a


Palmo ćev


jska Petrin

Trg Bogovićeva Petra Prerad.

va Preradoviće


The Modern Gallery is set in an imposing palace on the western edge of the Zrinjevac park, Trg Nikole Teslina part of a complex designed by Viennese arŠubića Zrinskog Đorđić. chitect O o Hofer and built by noble Ljudevit Berislavićeva 19 Boškov. Vranyczany. The new permanent collec on is Mraz. Trg exhibited in 30 halls on two floors and encomKovačićeva Josipa Katančić. Jurja passes 800 works of Croa an pain ng, sculptuStrossmayera P. Hatza B.Trenka re and new media da ng from the period betweSvačićev T en 1835 and 2010. They represent all phenomena, movements and styles and the finest achievements of modern and contemporary Croa an art. The Gallery’s exhibi on is con nuously renewed with works from its rich collec on and acquisi ons of excep onal work by contemporary ar sts, thereby crea ng an impressive picture of the new ar s c reality and that of the last century. The MG Tac le Gallery forms an important part of the permanent collec on. This is the first mul sensory gallery for the blind and the visually impaired in this part of Europe. F. Petr.

Obrt. pr.






The Modern Gallery


Vlaho Bukovac, Gundulić’s Dream

Andrije Hebranga 1 (+385-1) 604 1055, Fax: (+385-1) 604 1044 Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 40kn, Children 20kn Guided tours in Croatian and English by prior arrangement. Price 400kn for groups of 10 Tram no. 6 or 13 to Trg J. J. Strossmayera

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7/24/2012 1:37:35 PM

The Museum of the Blessed Alojzije Stepinac br tal Duo še ov az Vr

t. me



Bas. Opat.







Me Vis sni oka čka


Opatovina Opa Op Tkalčićeva

ptol Kap

ička C-2 The collec on documents the life of Cardinal 20 and Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac. It comprises Markov trg Kamen ita the Cardinal’s personal belongings, church Jezuitski KAPTOL vestments, liturgical vessels, gold presented trg ossmayerov Dolac Str by the Pope and other items. Stepinac’s life o šet . is illustrated by documents and facsimiles as Trg Bana Ilica Josipa Jelačića well as photographs. Also on display are porJur Bogovićeva traits of the Cardinal ršavska Am by Croa an ar sts.




Kaptol 31 (+385-1) 489 4879, Fax: (+385-1) 481 4921 Tuesday - Friday 08:30 - 13:00, 13:45 - 17:00, Saturday 08:30 - 13:00, Sunday and Monday by arrangement Free entry, donations welcome Croatian language guided tours Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then on foot to Kaptol

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:23

7/24/2012 1:37:44 PM

The Zagreb City Museum Miklaušićeva Zvonar nička



Basar. Opa čka



ička isoka


Me sn


The Zagreb City Museum is a contemporary ins tu on for the preserva on of heritage which has been taking care of the city’s past Markov trg Kamen ita and present for over a hundred years. The Jezuitski KAPTOL Museum’s rich and varied holdings comprise trg ossmayerov Dolac Str o šet twenty collec ons. There are nine collec ons . Trg Bana which were donated by the City of Zagreb. One Jelačića Josipa Ilica ofJurthe Museum’s most important projects, which began in the year 2000, is the “Living Pictures” event which takes place over the last weekend before Lent. All Museum staff, as well as visitors, take part in this and dress up as figures from Zagreb’s past. The Museum is adapted to provide access for disabled visitors and was the first in the country, in June 2009, to hold an Open Day for the Disabled. It has published a guide for blind, visually impaired and deaf-blind visitors in two languages: Croa an (2005) and English (2010). e t. o š Deme zov Vra




Opatovina Tkalčićeva



ge n


k rav

b Du


GORNJI C-1 RAD ište tal

The Museum is housed in one of the most valuable architectural complexes in historic Gradec, in the northern corner of the triangle that forms today’s Gornji grad (Upper Town), at one of the entrances into the heart of old Zagreb. The largest part of the complex is occupied by the former convent of the nuns of St Clare, built in 1650. The Baroque convent building is well known in the city for the Illusionist murals on its frontage, while its courtyard is graced by Zagreb’s oldest painted wall sundial which s ll shows the right me and has become a symbol of the Museum.

Archaeology in situ

Opatička 20 (+385-1) 485 1361, 485 1362, Fax: (+385-1) 485 1359 Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00, Saturday 11:00 - 19:00, Sunday 10:00 14:00 Adults 30kn, Children 20kn, Children under 7 free Guided tours in Croatian and in English by prior arrangement, no extra charge Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:24

7/24/2012 1:37:56 PM

The Marton Museum RAD a br

šte ali et oš ov az r V

Zvonar n





Mat a oša

Basar. Opa čka


Opatovina Tkalčićeva

Ćiril. Ćiril

Me Vis sni oka čka

t. me



ička C-2 A er almost eight years in Samobor, on 18 MarMarkov ch 2011 the Marton Museum opened its doors trg 22 Kam. in Zagreb in the Kulmer palace on Katarinin Jez. trg in the Upper Town. The Museum was foKAPTOL trg Katarinin ossmayerotrg Dolac unded thanks to the efforts of collector Veljko vo še Str t. Marton; it is the first private museum in CroaTrg Bana Ilica Josipa Jelačića a and one of the rare private museums in this Jur Bogovićeva part of Europe. The Museum’s holdings consistšavskaof A a world-renowned collec on of porcelain and works of art in glass and silver, furniture, clocks and pain ngs. Last year the exhibi on was enriched by 13 cabinets in the Historicist style, a dona on from London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. Du



wn eO

AP lat

nd Habsburg erdina by F ed

Katarinin trg 2 (+385-1) 483 8700, Fax: (+385-1) 363 9890 muzej-marton@ Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 Adults 30kn, Children 20kn, Children under 14 free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:25

7/24/2012 1:38:06 PM




The Dražen Petrović Museum and Memorial Centre Roseveltov trg Kršnjavo ga

Mažura trg


Sav ska

Piero jeva

J. Žer

Marulićev trg

raš e


ska Un P



k. Per

The Dražen Petrović Museum and Memorial Centre was established by the Dražen Petrović kić Founda on in 2006. It is located on a square DONJI eva Vodnikova of the same name, alongside the basketball GRAD Crnatkov stadium that also carries the name of this faa 23 mous Croa an sportsman (1964-1993). Due Kra ran njč. jč. jč a rašk Trg Kotu to his life philosophy, moral values and sporDražena Petrovića a nsk lang success, Petrović was and remains an examSut ple to children and young people all over the world. The Museum’s holdings are divided into collec ons made up of items connected with Petrović’s life and career. The permanent exhibi on follows the chronology of Dražen’s life, star ng in his home town of Šibenik, following him to Zagreb and Madrid, covering his matches with the na onal team and all the way to the NBA league. A ten minute film which forms part of the permanent exhibi on is shown to visi ng groups. Ju

Trg Dražena Petrovića 3 (+385-1) 484 3146, Fax: (+385-1) 484 4004 promo@ Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00 Adults 20kn, Children 10kn English language guided tours for groups of 15 or more by prior arrangement; tours for visitors with special needs (no extra charge) Tram no. 9, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Tehnički muzej or Studentski centar

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:26

7/24/2012 1:38:15 PM

The Police Museum Crnat A-5

va daliće

Trg Dražena


F. A n

Sav ska

ka ka Petrovića oturaš K


šec a


ad. Šarengr

ka onjs Rad ička Mrežn Dobranska


kovara i V. M D. kine


I. St


ka Cernič


Ulica grada Vu V.Tenžere




Gorjanska Cernička

The Police Museum, a museum of the profession, preserves the heritage of the Croa an police force which, despite poli cal and social changes in Croa a, has always had the same aim and focus: the fight against crime and preserving public order and peace.

Ulica grada Vukovara 33 (+385-1) 612 2105, 612 2201, Fax: (+385-1) 612 2429 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00 Entry free English language guided tours by prior arrangement at no extra charge Tram no. 4, 5, 13, 14 or 17 to Zagrepčanka

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:27

7/24/2012 1:38:52 PM

The Museum of Broken Rela onships te

Zvonar n






Ćirilom. rilom

Me V sni isoka čka


Opatovina Tkalčićeva

The news about this museum has already spread far and wide: it’s the fruit of a free-spirited Markov trg 25Kamen and crea ve ar s c project that grew into a . Jez. KAPTOL museum in Zagreb’s Upper Town. Inspired by trg Katarinin ossmayerotrg the idea that people can release themselves Dolac vo še Str t. from their emo onal baggage by giving away Bana Trg Ilica Josipa Jelačića tangible and intangible remnants of their love Jur Bogovićeva aff airs, the project’s creators travelled around the ka vs ša A world. The permanent exhibi on of the Museum is made up of a selec on from its collec on which comprises hundreds of exhibits, each of which has its own touching story. As a result of its originality and verve, the Museum won the 2011 Kenneth Hudson prize for the most innova ve museum in Europe. o az Vr


t. me




b iš Du tal C-2 še vo

Basar. Opa čka




Ćirilometodska 2 (+385-1) 485 1021 Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 21:00 Adults 20kn, Children under 12 free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

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7/24/2012 1:39:06 PM

The Prigorje Museum E-2 This museum offers an overview of the culture of the region east of Zagreb. The museum was SESVETE founded in 1977 following the discovery of an DONJA 26 DUBRAVA important archaeological site on a hill named Dubra č k a a b va Zagre Kuzelin in April 1975. Apart from collec ng, imira . Bran n K preserving and exhibi ng archaeological, historical, ethnographic, ar s c and documentary material, the Museum is responsible for conserva on, restora on and educaonal ac vi es.

Trg Dragutina Domjanića 5, Sesvete (+385-1) 200 1601, Fax: (+385-1) 200 1601 Monday - Friday 11:00 - 13:00, 17:00 - 19:00, visits at other times by prior arrangement Entry free Tram no. 4 or 11 to Dubec, change to bus no. 212 (exit Ninska)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:29

7/24/2012 1:39:17 PM

Medved g

Jurjevska Matošše šev e a


pu t



Mar arg.

še t.

Dem e

Vr az ov o

Mesn ička Visoka

Dežmanova De FFrankopans ka


Sav ska ces ta



Tuš kan ac

I. G. Kovačića

Zame nhoffo va


a Bulatova



Piero jeva

j ova Haulik



ska njan Bed


F. A ndr aše ca

F. Petr.



a Plitvičk Kupska

ska Koran

Rad t

41 60


I Lucića I.

F. Vrančića

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:30

kovara Ulica grada Vu

Kovačić. K

Svačićev trg


ska lan Sut







raška Kotu

8 58

64 59

Crn atko va 63

ka onjs Rad ka ič Mrežn





Marulićev trg

ska Un

ka ns

radska Šareng


Trg rg Dražena Petrovića






38 45 3 TTeslina 73 74


Mažuranićev trg J. Žerjavića a novićev



Roseveltov Kršnjavtrg oga Vuko



Tr J.

27 3

a Preradovićev


ev a



54 7

Trg Petra Bogovićeva Preradovića

a kov sary a M

maršala aa ala Tita



Strossm ayer. šet.


2985 Trg


M Markov trg

eo reo Preob.




ov. Perk





JJezuit. Jez u 25 trg 2 22 Vranič. ič Katarin. polj.






Kuš. š

89 Varšavska 92

Dalma nska

Prilaz Deželića



51 50 46

va ko Ro



Lisi n.

Obrt. pr.




Britanski trg

97 80

9 2 3 rova 93 t

52 21 Opa čka

a ov or z a


Ilirski trg


dol Radnički ća I. Kukuljevi

k vča nto Pa



34 68 Ilica 6 96




Rokov perivoj



br avk in

Zelen gaj




B Tuškanac

eva arč Koz





vozd Krležin G


Plivska Vrbaska



7/24/2012 1:39:30 PM

Vra n če va

De ge n.


Voćarsko naselje

Langov trg


Trg Nikole lavić. 36 Šubića Zrinskog



Kr. Jelene

eva Kružić


ka rsska ojjarrsk Stt oja Str

Museums Galleries Collec ons

69 9 39 kovara Ulica grada Vu

Jankovačka ka a Šumetlič ičk a c raš e rg G P. Ka



Br Brezenznička I. ička II.


brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:31



ge Kru

e n. jed je Hrvatske bratske zaj

Trnjanska cesta









28 90



Plivska a


Kneza Branimira

Glavni kolodvor

Radićev trg



k va

Starčevićev trg



A. Šenoe

Kralja ira Zvonim

žrtava K va fašizma n. V a l iše is sla Križanićeva va aM Trg z e n kralja K Petra Kneza Hrvoj. Krešimira Borne IV.

Kn. Domagoja

P. Hatza

Trg kralja Tomislava




Palmo ćeva






vačić. Jurja Katanč. Strossmayera

13 40 7 61 6 67 K. Držislava va 2 62 Trgg 6




Bauera A.. B

82 30 19 r Trg Tr 70 Josipa




3 83 53


Mar ćeva Vojnović.






Trg Mar ćeva hrv. velikana Ra čk og a ćeva

Amruš. 94


8 58

Iblerov trg



jska Petrin









F Petr

11 47

Vlaška A. Bauera

Trg Bana J. Jelačića


44 6 26 78 66

5 Palić




ćeva Rube

Šo šta rić . Vlaška

Ratkajev pr.




54 76 88

nić a

a vićev Jurko


1 bo

va oviće Posil

inina Vonč

20 48

iće va

ar ska




Ribnjak R


l ku Mi

ć Vo



jak Ribn


R dićeva

Zv on arn i


MEDVEŠČAK a Vončinin





Nova Veess



Medved gr.


. tov rva Ho


7/24/2012 1:39:33 PM





The Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Zagreb and Ljubljana Metropolitanate


jska Petrin


va Preradoviće

Obrt. pr.



F. Petr.

re Preobraž. Pre

The Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church was opened to the public in 2006. It is in the Trg Bogović. Petra Varšavska Prerad. A very heart of Zagreb, in one of the oldest builTeslina Trg dings on Ilica, one of the main thoroughfares. k. Nikole sary Berislavićeva Šubića a M The Museum keeps old sacral and liturgical Zrinskog a B items, Byzan ne icons represen ng a variety Hebranga Trg Kovačićeva Josiof schools and direc ons, Serbian icons from Katančić. anićev Jur g Strossm the Baroque period, liturgical manuscripts, printed books, filigree work and ceremonial robes. ca Ilica

Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića

Ilica 7 (+385-1) 487 7531, (+385-) 098 961 5063, Fax: (+385-1) 487 7534 jokicbran@ By prior arrangement only Entry free Guided tours in Croatian, Serbian and English by prior arrangement, no extra charge Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Ilica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:32

7/24/2012 1:39:36 PM

The Museum of Contemporary Art N.

K. Zvon

Br od s


An dr C-5 ićK. a Držislava jav. V. Klaića A. Hebranga Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art was J. Žerjavića established in 1954 with the aim of analysing, Grada Vukovara documen ng and promo ng events, styles SREDIŠĆE Slavonska and phenomena in contemporary art. Ljubljanska Today’s Museum building opened on 11 va ja Dubrovnik SaAveni 28 December 2009 and is the work of architect na Visina Prilaz Igor Franić. The Museum holds about 12,000kih V. Brajkovića Potočnjakova Sor an Avenija Dubrovnik exhibits, the works of Croa an and interna onal Šen SO ar sts created a er 1950. The Museum’s holdings consist of the Collec on of Drawings, Graphics, Prints and Art on Paper, the Film and Video Collec on, the Photography Collec on, the Media Art Collec on, the Sculpture Collec on and the Collec on of Pain ngs. The Museum is also the guardian of a number of dona ons of art to the City of Zagreb: the Benko Horvat Collec on, the Vjenceslav and Nada Kareš Richter Collec on, the Silvana Seissel Dona on, the Tošo Dabac Archive and the Kozarić Atelier. The permanent exhibi on, en tled “Collec on in Mo on”, consists of about 600 exhibits. Working under the assump on that with every artwork ar sts are saying something about themselves and the world around them, the works are arranged into five large units: “Project and Des ny”, “Art as Life”, “Art on Art”, “Great World Enigma” and “Words and Images”.

ića Drž


SR Njem.

V Holjevca V.


Sav ska



i Jadransk or

Avenija Dubrovnik 17 (+385-1) 605 2700, Fax: (+385-1) 605 2798 Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - 18:00, Saturday 11:00 - 20:00 Adults 30kn, Children 15kn, Children under 7 free Guided tours in Croatian (100kn), and in English, French and German (200kn) by prior arrangement; guided tours for groups with special needs by prior arrangement Tram no. 6, 7 or 14 to The Museum of Contemporary Art or Sopot; or by bus no. 166, 219, 220, 221, 229, 268, 310, 311 or 313 (North-South), or bus no. 109 or 222 (East–West)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:33

7/24/2012 1:16:03 PM

Trg Josipa






The Museum of Arts and Cra s


Frankopans ka

va Preradoviće


Savs ka

a Varšavsk

Obrt. pr.

Museum of Arts and Cra s was founded in 1880. It held its first exhibi on on 20 June of that Teslina same year in Ulica Marije Valerije (today’s va o k ry asa Berislavićeva Praška ulica). The first complete permanent 29 Trg M Maršala exhibi on in the Museum’s own dedicated Tita A. Hebranga building, designed by architect Herman Bollé, Kovačić. Mažuranićev opened in 1909. As well as a permanent exhibitrg Dtrg B.T J. Žerjavića Svačićev on en tled “Arts and Cra s in Croa a from the Vukot. trg Gothic Period to the Present Day”, which comprises almost 3000 exhibits chronologically and thema cally arranged over three floors, on the Museum’s ground floor temporary exhibi ons are held. The collec ons of furniture, glass, metalwork, ceramics, graphic and product design, photography, tex les and fashion, musical instruments, sculpture, pain ng, drawings, clocks and watches, ivory, print works and decorated leather include numerous unique works of art, and almost 100,000 further pieces are kept in storage. A library with over 65,000 monographs, handbooks, specialist magazines and catalogues makes up a separate unit. Thanks to its valuable projects undertaken independently or in partnership with cultural ins tu ons abroad, the Museum of Arts and Cra s has gained a strong reputa on in Europe. ka

Bogo Trg Petra Prerad.

.kv Peor


Pla er: The Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne by Paul Storr, London, 1815 (permanent exhibi on of the Museum)

The Museum building is an imposing Historicist palace built in 1888, with a frontage in the spirit of the German Renaissance. It was designed by architect Herman Bollé especially for the Arts and Crafts Museum and the School of Crafts.

Trg maršala Tita 10 (+385-1) 488 2111, Fax: (+385-1) 482 8088 Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 19:00, Thursday 10:00 - 22:00, Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 Adults 30kn, Children 20kn Guided tours in Croatian (100kn) and English (150kn) by prior arrangement; guided tours for groups with special needs Tram no. 12,13,14 or 17 to Trg maršala Tita

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:34

7/24/2012 1:40:07 PM



va Preradoviće


Trg Nikole Amruš. Šubića Zrinskog Đorđić.


jska Petrin







Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića

Trg Bogovićeva Petra Prerad.

Palmo ćev

F. Petr.


Obrt. pr.

Boškov. Mraz. Trg Kovačić. Josipa Katančić. Jurja Strossmayera P. Hatza B.Trenka




ca Managed by the Croa an Society of Sciences and Arts, the Gallery and the Neo-Renaissance pa-ka lace in which it is housed opened in 1884. The Museum was founded by Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer (1815-1905), a cleric and poli cian from Đakovo in eastern Croa a. The Gallery holds around 4,000 pain ngs, drawings, sculptures and other works from the Gothic period to the Modern age.


The HAZU Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters

Federiko Benković (1667–1753), Abraham Sacrifices Isaac. In the heading: Beato Angelico (1395/1400–1455), The S gmata of St Francis of Assissi and the Death of St Peter the Martyr

Zrinski trg 11 (+385-1) 489 5117, Fax: (+385-1) 481 9979 Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00, Wednesday - Friday 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 10kn, Children 5kn Guided tours in Croatian and English (50–100kn) Tram no. 6 or 13 to Trg J. J. Strossmayera

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:35

7/24/2012 1:40:36 PM




TThe Technical Museum M Roseveltov trg Kršnjavo ga

Mažura trg


Sav ska

Piero jeva

J. Žer

Marulićev trg

raš e


ska Un P



k. Per

The Technical Museum’s permanent exhibi on is spread over seven departments. The Energy kić Transforma on Department shows the deDONJI eva Vodnikova velopment through history of human achieGRAD 31 Crnatkov vements in harnessing natural sources of a energy and conver ng them into other forms Kranjčevića a rašk Trg Dražena Kotu of energy useful to mankind. In the Transport Petrovića ska lan Department, the development of water, land and Sut air transport vehicles is shown, while in the department dedicated to mining, geology and oil the model mine is a par cular a rac on, built as it is under the Museum building and with a corridor over 300m long. The Space Travel department is where models of famous spacecra are housed, including launch pads and orbital space staons designed in the 1950s and 1960s. In the new Nikola Tesla Demonstra on Room, visitors can see and take part in ten experiments and learn the basics of rota ng magne c fields, Tesla’s high-frequency currents and wireless transfer of electromagne c energy, a remote control boat, a model of Tesla’s turbine and more. The exhibits displayed in the Agriculture department bear witness to the development of equipment and machines for digging and ploughing. The Firefigh ng department has a range of original exhibits showing the development of firefigh ng techniques, especially in Croa a. Ju

Planetarium, photo: Zvonimir Ambruš

Savska cesta 18 (+385-1) 484 4050, Fax: (+385-1) 484 3568 tehnicki-muzej@ Tuesday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday and Sunday 09:00 - 13:00 Entry 15kn, Children under 7 free Guided tours in Croatian and English by prior arrangement (no extra charge) Tram no. 9, 12, 13, 14 or 17 (exit Tehnički muzej or Studentski centar)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:36

7/24/2012 1:40:50 PM




The Typhlology Museum og

a D-4




Palmo ćeva



Kralja D The Typhlology Museum is one of the rare spe- Trg N. Š. va Zrinskog Boškoviće cial museums in Europe which deal with the . zov Mra Trg a av issues facing people with disabili es, and Katan. Josipa isl M Jurja K. K. Borne par cularly the visually impaired. With the B.TrenkaStrossm. Hatza Trg 32 aim of acquain ng visitors with the world of kralja noee Tomislava A. Šeno the blind and visually impaired, the Museum promotes the idea of valuing diversity. The Mu-rčevićev Kneza Branimira trg seum is both modern and interac ve. Visitors rova can explore the Dark Room which simulates the way in which people experience the world without the sense of sight. In addi on, one can learn the basics of reading and wri ng in Braille or using a computer for the blind, as well as experiencing sculpture through the sense of touch.

Draškovićeva 80 (+385-1) 481 1102, Fax: (+385-1) 483 5218 info@tifloloskimuzej. hr Monday - Wednesday and Friday 10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 10:00 - 20:00 Adults 20kn, Children 10kn English language guided tours by prior arrangement Tram no. 2, 4, 6, 9 or 13 from West Zagreb; 4, 8, 9 or 13 from the North, or 2, 6 or 8 from the East (exit Sheraton or Branimirova)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:37

7/24/2012 1:41:02 PM

The Art Pavilion Gajev a

Trg N.Š. Zrinskog


Berislavićeva C-4


Palmo ćeva


. Haulik



va Preradoviće

One of the fine buildings forming part of the architectural complex known as “Lenuci’s HorKovačić. Katančić. 33 seshoe”, Zagreb’s Art Pavilion is the oldest P. Hatza k ka enka B.Tren exhibi on space in this part of south east Trg Svačićev Europe. The opening ceremony was held on trg kralja A. Šenoe Tomislava 15 December 1898 with the renowned exhibićeva Starčevićev Kne trg on “The Croa an SaP. Barišić, Central Sculpture. In the G. Ninskog heading: N. Mašić, Gooseherd on Glavni kolodvor lon”, which explored the the Sava roots of Croa an modern art. The building is a reconstruc on of a wooden art pavilion which, on the ini a ve of ar st Vlaho Bukovac, served as the exhibi on space for Croa an ar sts at the Millennium Exhibi on in Budapest in 1896. The Pavilion was built in the spirit of the “neo-” style architectures from the end of the 19th century and was designed by the famed Hellner and Fellner architectural studio in Vienna. Boškov.

Trg Josipa Jurja Mraz. Strossmayera

Trg kralja Tomislava 22 (+385-1) 484 1070, Fax: (+385-1) 484 1080 info@ Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 - 19:00, Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 30kn, Children 15kn, Children under 7 free English language guided tours by prior arrangement (no extra charge) Tram no. 2, 4, 6, 9 or 13 to Trg Ante Starčevića (Glavni kolodvor)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:38

7/24/2012 1:41:14 PM

The Military Museum of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croa a Kuniš

Sve Duh

obran .




Canka rova

A-2 K

Vuković. F. Vuk as.


The Military Museum was established in 1997 as an independent unit of the Croa an Ministry Gre Ilica gor. of Defence. As well as items from the CroaPrešer . an War of Independence, which make up Prilaz Baruna Filipovića the greater part of the Museum’s holdings, the collec on also comprises material coveGradišćanska ring 20th century military history. The Museum Ivanečka does not have a permanent collec on but holds themed exhibi ons. Selska


Ilica 256b (+385-1) 378 4360, 378 6093, Fax: (+385-1) 378 4362 By prior arrangement Entry free Tram no. 6 or 11 (exit Sveti Duh)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:39

7/24/2012 1:41:32 PM




The Design Centre of the Croa an Chamber of Economy

a D-3

eva Đorđićeva


rg Trg TTr N. ŠŠ.. N rin og rinsk ZZrinskog

35 5

v. zov. zov Mrazo Mra

eva eva će mo ć lmo Palm Pa

a av isl



K. Borne

ta Hatza H Hatz

Gajeva G

Trgg Tr kralja kkr ralja j Tomislava Tom To mislav m avaa AA. Šenoe

va rova iro miro mi Trpim Trpi

ćevaa ićev k viće ko Drašškovi Draš D

ka enka B.Tren B.Trenka B.Tr

va Boškovićeva

kaa js jska trinjsk Petr Petrin

Trgg TTr sipaa Josipa Jos urjaa urj Jurja Ju m. ssm ossm. ro Strossm Stro St

aan.. Kattan K

Kralja D

ir imira nim Braan Br Kneza B

rčevićev trg rova

The Design Centre organises exhibi ons promo ng Croa an industrial design several mes a year. Draškovićeva 45 (+385-1) 460 6760 During exhibitions: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 16:00, Thursday 10:00 - 18:00 Entry free Tram no. 2, 4, 6, 9 or 13 from West Zagreb; 4, 8, 9 or 13 from the North, or 2, 6 or 8 from the East (exit Sheraton or Branimirova)


Mar a g. g



Trg Trg 36 3 6 Nikole le kole ko Niko Ni

jska Petrin

ićeevvaa ovvić do rad era Prer Pre P

ina lina Tesslin Te

ić.. vvić. islavić Berisla



Šub Šubića inskogg Zrinsko Zrins Zrinsk

v. škovv. Boško



angga rrang Hebran

Palmo ćev

F. P Petr. etr.r et



Bana Ban rg Bana TTrg Tr ića l čić J lač Je ipa Jelačića osipa Josipa JJos

Trgg Bogović Bogovićeva B Bogoviće ć va Petrra Petra a . e ad Prerad. Prer Pr

prr t. pr. rrt. brt br O Obrt.

Cro Art Photo Club




z. Mraz. Mra

Trgg Tr pa Josipa Jo ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. K tan Kat ea er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro

čić.. Kovačić Ko

P. Hatza

k T enka B.Tr B.Trenka B




The Cro Art Photo Club is a ci zens’ associa on which aims to encourage its members to enjoy photography, film and video work. Gajeva 25 (+385-1) 481 0476 Monday - Saturday 08:00 - 23:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Gajeva ulica

37 7

Teslina Tes

Cesar a A. Cesarc

Jurišićeva eeva Amrušševa A

jska Petrin

jevaa Gajev



na ana Trgg Bana ća elačića Jelač Jos pa Jelačića Josipa

Trgg Tr le kole ko Niko Ni lav.. Nikole Berislav Šubića Zrinsko Zrinskogg

Šo C-2 št ar iće v


eva ćeeva mo ć lmo Palm Pa

Petrič. Petrič Pe trič.



Bakač Bak aače čev evaa


Dolacc Dola

TTrgg Tr Josipa Jo p Langaa Lang

eva ćeva viće ković škovi aško Drraš Draš D


Europe House




eva Đorđićeva

Zagreb’s Europe House is a non-profit, non-goić.. škovvić Boško vernmental organiza on which in 1991 founded Croa a and Zagreb’s European Movement with the aim of promong the European idea within the fields of culture, poli cs and economics. Since its founda on, Europe House has organised exhibi ons of pain ngs, photography and applied arts. Jurišićeva 1/ I (+385-1) 481 3414 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Jurišićeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:40

7/24/2012 1:41:45 PM

ta Petr Petra a ad P erad. Pr Prera Prerad.

prr Obrt. pr.

ić. dović. Prerad

Teslina Gajev a


va ćeeva čiće ačić Kovvači K Ko



Trgg Tr lee kole ko Nikole Niko Ni ub Šubića ns ogg rinsk Zrinsko ZZrinsk

evvaa ićev viće avić islav Berisla

angga rrang Hebran


jska Petrin



Bana TTrgg Bana Tr Jelačića Jelač sipa Jelačića Josipa

8Bogović TTrgg 38 Tr Bogovićeva B Bogoviće ić va

Palmo ćev

F. P Petr. etr.r et







v. škovv. Boško

The KIC Photo Gallery

z. Mraz. Mra

Trgg Tr pa Josipa Jo ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. Kattan K ea er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro P. Hatza ka enka Tren B.Tren B.Tr B. P

Zagreb’s KIC (Cultural Informa on Centre) was established in 1964 and has held its current name since 1984. The Photo Gallery, which has been a part of the Centre since 2001, promotes understanding of the medium of photography and encourages discussion on the subject of the art of photography through its issue-based exhibi ons.



Preradovićeva 5 Sunday 09:00 - 23:00

(+385-1) 481 0714 Monday Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Preradovićeva ulica

E-5 . inz He

ra vara Vuko


ledo Ko v.


skkkaa P nsska von avo lav SSla Sl A PEŠĆENICA PEŠ PEŠĆ PEŠĆENIC Ra - ŽITNJAK dn ičk 39 9 a jak Žiitn

Črn k.

v. Av. A ovnikk ov Du Dubr Dubrovnik

The AŽ Gallery



. ruš Pet

The AŽ gallery is part of the Žitnjak Atelier, located in a disused primary school converted and donated to the ar s c community by Zagreb City Council. The Gallery has hosted around 40 exhibi ons and cultural events, of which the best-known is the Atelier Open Day. Žitnjak 53 (+385-1) 245 6085 Monday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00 Entry free Tram no. 4, 5, 7, 11 or 12 to Maksimirska (exit Kvaternikov trg); tram no. 1, 9 or 17 to Zvonimirova (exit Heinzelova), or bus no. 217 (exit Žitnjačka) va

ka l ška Vlaška Vla Vl Vlaš


va iććeva k viće ko Drašškovi Draš

eva eva će o ć lmo Palm Pa


čk og a

The Barrel Gallery

šiće a Lopašićev

Trg Trg žrtava žr ava fašizma fašizm fa šiz a K


ag K. Domag.




When the home of the Croa an Associa on of Ar sts opened its doors in 1938, the great sculptor Ivan Meštrović’s set his statue “The History .V a i š e av ć. sl. anić. ižanić Križani Križ isl Kr of the Croats” at the heart of the gallery building k M . P K Kreš designed. This was undoubtedly a poli cal act, he Hrvojeva Borne an act which can be seen as a metaphor for the history and fate of the building itself. Although it was at first used a space for exhibi ons of sculpture (1938-1941), it underwent many conversions, and only at the beginning of the 21st century did the circular gallery on the ground floor again come into use for its original purpose, bearing the name Bačva (“Barrel”).

Držislavaa ić.. K. Držislava škovvić Boško


40 0


era A. Bauera

Iblerovv IIblerov trg

Bulić. p jev pr. atkajev atka Ratk R šić. Tomašić Toma

E-3 ca

Trg žrtava fašizma bb (+385-1) 461 1818, 461 1819 Tuesday Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 Adults 20kn, Children 15kn Tram no. 1, 9, 13 or 17 to Trg žrtava fašizma

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:41

7/24/2012 1:16:21 PM

Runjan Runjan. Runj njan.

MARTINO A MARTINOVKA ka arskka ramaars Miram

inska ZZeellin

a ska Plitvičk ka Un Kups




ska lan



ničkkii vrt Botanič Bota

raška Kotu


skaa sk Koren

The Bernardo Bernardi Gallery


41 1

araa ara kovar grr. Vukov Ul. gr.


F. Vra



i V. Miš D. kine The Bernardo Bernardi Gallery is part of the People’s Open University in Zagreb. The first exhibi on in this space was of furniture and equipment designed by Croa an architect and designer Bernardo Bernardi. Later, architects, sculptors and painters exhibited here, including Božidar Rašica, Vjenceslav Richter, Branko Ružić and Boris Bučan.

Ulica grada Vukovara 68 (+385-1) 615 6092 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 22:00, Saturday 09:00 - 15:00 Entry free or 13 (exit Sveučilišna aleja) Tram no. 3, 5

ev a

era A. Bauera

šiće a Lopašićev

ag K. Domag.

Trg Trg žrrtava K. Držislava Držislava žrtava ić.. K škovvić Boško fašizma f šizm fa šizmaa K .V iše a sl av Križ evaa . anićeva ižanićev Križanić isl Kr M . K

T kr eva P Borne Hrvoj




Ra čk og a



ić. ašić. maš Tom To

ćeva će a ko ićev Drašškovi Dr

va ćeva o će lmo Palm Pa

The Canvas Gallery




pr.r.r ajeev p Ratkajev

ka ška Vlaška Vlaš Vla Iblerovv trg 42 4 2 va eva ććeva ćev ć r će Mar Mar


The Canvas Gallery is the first Croa an centre for graphics. It aims to recapture interest in original graphics and to present Croa an graphic ar sts, por olios, specialist journals and collectors’ edi ons. Tomašićeva 8 (+385-1) 462 1350 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00, Saturday 08:00 - 13:00 Entry free Tram no. 4, 8, 11, 12 or 14 (exit Draškovićeva), on foot to Tomašićeva ulica

ce ce ve SSve

ska simiirr Mak

TTrrg E. Trg E Kvaternika Kvvateernika K


Trg Trrg J. J F. F. Kennedya Kennedy Ke enn a


cce Svve D.. Sve D



va elo inz

a nimir K. Bra


gr. nić Iva

a 43 3 imir a 4 imirr von K. Z Bran Kn. ska He

The Događanja Gallery



Rad The Događanja Gallery (the word događanja ničk ara a Vukov means “happenings”) was established in the Grraada early 1980s as part of the Peščenica Cultural Centre in the east Zagreb neighbourhood of the same name. It serves as a gathering place for young and mid-genera on ar sts whose work and ideas belong to the contemporary art scene. During the Gallery’s heyday, renowned Croa an ar sts such as Kožarić, S linović, Delimar, Kumbatović, Gliha and Artuković exhibited their works here.

KC Pešćenica, Ivanićgradska 41a (+385-1) 230 3122 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 20:00, Saturday 10:00 - 13:00 Entry free Tram no. 2, 3 or 13 (exit Ivanićgradska), on foot to Ivanićgradska ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:42

7/24/2012 1:42:13 PM

ićeva Crnč

an. Jord

a nov Kušla

va Škriče

n ari žm Ru

ek od Sm


Kennedyev Kennedy Ke nnedyev trg trg ira im a a n v o Sesvetsk e v ć i l Z ke Vu

arč Koz

Resnička R


a ov žek Bla

lja Kra

The Felix Gallery

ce Sve ce Sve c Sve

irska mir a

44 4 4 Maksi bašić. Haram

a rcov Švarc

a ićev Rend

lov eva iš.



The Felix Gallery specializes in caricature and is the only gallery of this kind in the city. It has been running for 17 years. Its permanent collec on shows the work of Srečko Puntarić Felix, a prolific cartoonist.




Gaje va

evvaa vićev viće islavić Berisla

angga rrang Hebran




jska Petrin

ićeevvaa ović ov do ad rad era Preer Pr P

r. pr. Obrt. pr

na TTeslina


Trgg Bana čiića lačić Jelač Je Josipa Josipaa Jelačića

45 5Bogović. rgg 4 TTrg Tr Bogović. ta Petra Petr Pe ka Prerad. d. ad erad erad rerad. rera Pre Pr P

Trgg Tr lee kole ko Nikole Niko Ni ub Šubića rinskogg Zrinsko Zrinsk Zrins

Palmo ćev

FF.. P Petr. etr.r et




Harambašićeva 10 (+385-1) 231 4915 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 19:00 Entry free Tram no. 4, 7, 11 or 12 (exit Jordanovac), on foot to Harambašićeva ulica


v. škovv. Boško z. Mraz. Mra

The Forum Gallery

Trgg Tr Jo pa Josipa Jurj Jurjaa ea er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro P. Hatza ka T enka Tr B.Tren B B.

va ćeeva čiće ačić Kovači Kov K

ić. čić aanččić. Kattan K




The Forum Gallery was founded in 1969 by the respected Croa an ar sts Edo Mur ć, Frano Šimunović, Zlatko Prica, Kosta Angeli Radovani and Ferdinand Kulmer. It specializes in showing the work of contemporary Croa an and European ar sts. Nikole Tesle 16 (+385-1) 481 0710 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 20:00, Saturday 10:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Teslina ulica


Marg. g

Franko kopanska

The Fotoklub Zagreb Gallery

lićevaa Gundulićev

evvaa vićev viće islavić Berisla


anggaa rrang Hebran

ačićć.. ačić Kovači Kov Katanč



evaa ićeev ovvić do Prreerraad P


sary Ma Trgg Maršala Tr Marša Tita Tit

T Josi

TTrgg Bogoviće Bogovićeva Bogović va ra Petra reraad. Prerad. Pre na Teslina

evaa Gajev

aršššaavvsskkaa Var

prr. Obrt. pr.


Ilicaa Ilic


F. P Petr. etr.r et


Str tros os o s. šet.

b až. reeobr Preobraž. P


46 4 6

Mesn Mesn. esn esn



Fotoklub Zagreb is a member of the Zagreb Photo and Cinema Associa on and the Croa an Photo Associa on. Exhibi ons of photography, an interna onal arts programme and courses are just some of the Club’s ac vi es. Ilica 29/III (+385-1) 483 3359 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00, Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00, 19:00 - 21:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Ilica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:43

7/24/2012 1:42:28 PM

Marg. g




Ba Trgg Bana pa p Josipa Jo ća Jelačića Jelačić Jelač

P aškaa Pr

Trg Trg


lee kole ko Niko Ni ćevvaa Nikole laviiće Berislav ub Šubića

rinskogg Zrinsko Zrins Zrinsk

Gaje va

Palmo ćev

na Teslina



jska Petrin

Trgg Bogović Bogovićeva B Bogoviće ć va traa Petra Petr a . e ad Prer Pr Prerad.

ićeevvaa ovvić ado rad era Prer Pre P

prr Obrt. pr.

The Karas Gallery


47 4 7

F. P Petr. etr.r. et



v. škovv. Boško


The Karas Gallery ll has h been b run by b the Croa an Hebran z. Mraaz. Mr angga rrang Trgg Tr vaa ćeeva čiće ačić pa Kovvači K Ko Josipa Jo Society of Ar sts since 1948, first of all using a ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. Kattan K a e er ayera a ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro P. Hatza space on Starčevićev trg. Apart from that address, kka T enka Tr B.Tren B B. Svačićev T exhibi ons were held in the Karas Gallery Salon at Praška 4. Following the reloca on of the Society of Ar sts into its own premises in 1993, the Salon was renamed the Karas Gallery. Due to its pres gious loca on in the very heart of the city, the Gallery remains one of the most a rac ve exhibi on spaces in Zagreb. P

Praška 4 (+385-1) 481 1561 Tuesday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Praška ulica


rska Kožarska Kožars Koža

48 8


Dolacc Dola

Bakkač Ba ač. ač.

Bas. s aatt. Opat. Opat Opa

Jezuitskii Jezuit JJezuitsk trg trg smaye rovo šet.

TTrgg Bana Tr Jelačića Josipa Josip Jelačića

Ilicaa Ili Ilic


va iće ićeva viće ogovvićev Bogo P P



Radićevaa Radićev

Mletačka Mletač Mlet ačka čka


Me V sni issoka čka Matoššaa

Kamen ita ita

vonar nička

patovin pa inaa pa Opatov O va va ićeva kalčiće Tkalč Tk

os Str

Markov Mar arko kov ko trgg tr


The Kranjčar Gallery

t. me


tol Kapto

br tal Duo še ov az Vr


The Kranjčar Gallery specializes in contemporary art, in par cular showing the work of young ar sts. Kaptol 26 (+385-1) 481 8400, (+385-) 099 217 7700 Monday - Friday 12:00 - 18:00, Saturdays and Sundays by appointment Entry free Tram no. 8 or 14 from Draškovićeva ulica (exit Belostenčeva); or tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Tkalčićeva ulica

Mlet. Mlet Ml et.


ttrgg ossmayerotr vo še Str t.

Bana rgg Bana TTrg Tr Jelačićaa osipa Jelač Josipa

Ilicaa Ili Ilic


va ićeva viće ogovvićev Bogo P




Dolacc Dola

Bakkač Ba a č. ač.

Jez. ez ttrgg tr Katarinin Kat arinin

Radićevaa Radićev

trg tr rg

Kaam K menita itta


49 4 9Mar Markov Marko k v

ička C-2

ina Opatovina ićeva ićeva alčiće Tkalč Tk

Me V sni isoka čka Matto o ošššaa

Zvonar n

t. me De

Ćirilom. Ć

The Kristofor Stanković Gallery

šte ali et oš ov z a Vr

skaa Kožarsk Kožarska Kožar

a br


Basar. Basa r. ka Opa čka


The Kristofor Stanković Gallery opened in Zagreb’s old Town Hall in 1988. Since 1999, the Gallery has organised the “Young Ar sts” cycle of exhibi ons in partnership with the Croa an Society of Ar sts.


Ulica Sv. Ćirila i Metoda 5 (+385-1) 610 1900 During exhibitions: Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:44

7/24/2012 1:42:42 PM

Marg. g

a kov sary Ma


ćevvaa laviiće Berislav

Gaajjeeva G

Franko kopanska

F. P Petr. etr.r et

T Josi


ićeevvaa ovvić ado rerrad re Pre P

r. pr.

kaa ska šavvssk rša Varš

Trg Trg Maršala Mar ša TTita Ti ta


TTrgg Bogoviće Bogovićeva Bogović va ra Petra reraad. Pre Prerad.

lićeva Gundulićeva


Ilicaa Ilic

až. obraž. Preeobr Preobraž.

AR R a

Str tros os o s. šet.

Mesn. Mesn


50 0


The LIKUM Gallery


The LIKUM co-opera ve has been ac ve since ačićć.. ačić Kovvači Ko anč Kat 1948 and since then has embraced many greats of Mažuranićev the Croa an art scene as well as those taking their first steps in the world of art, who, through showing in LIKUM’s galleries have gone on to become great ar sts themselves. As well as the LIKUM Gallery at Ilica 16, the co-opera ve also runs the Ulrich Gallery, established in 1909 (Ilica 40, first floor) and the Nova forma Gallery (Bogovićeva 1). anggaa rrang Hebran


Ilica 40 (+385-1) 484 7367 Monday Friday 08:00 - 20:00, Saturday 08:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Ilica

g Jeztr uits


Marg. g.



ova ryk


ć Gundulić.

ićeevvaa ovvić do rad Preera Pr P

Franko kopanska


TTrgg Bogovićev Bogovićevaa traa Petr Petra a . e ad Prerad. Prer Pr

sa Ma

Trg TTrg Titaa M. TTit

F. P Petr. etr.r et

až. eobraž. Preobr Preobraž.

Ilica Ilic

ska Varšav



ovo šet.


KA vina

Mesnička Mesnič k

n. man. m ežm Deež Dež

G iič ssm Grič aye Stro r




B-2poljana 51 1

ov voj

The Marisall Gallery

ić.. vvić. islavić Berisla


The Marisall Gallery opened in Summer 2005. The Gallery aims to provide a pla orm for a genera on of young and agile ar sts to present their recent works on a con nual basis. Mesnička 5 (+385-1) 483 0178 www.marisall. com Tuesday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday 10:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Ilica

GORNJI 5522 C-1 RAD ište tal

De ge n


ka rska rs Kožarska Kožars Koža

Basar. Basa r. ka Opa čka

va Radićeva Radićev

Mletač. Mletač Mlet ač.


Me V sni isoka čka Matoša


Jezuitskii Jezuit JJezuitsk trgg tr ossmayerov r t S o šet .

Ilicaa Ili Ilic

ina Opatovina ićeva ićeva alčiće Tkalč Tk

Mar Markov arko kovv trgg


Miklaušićeva Zvonar nička


t. e o š me zov De Vra


Dolacc Dola

Bakkač Ba ač. ač.


k av br


The Mijo Kovačić Gallery

Bana Trgg Bana Tr JJe Josipa Jelačića Jur

The Gallery opened in 2011 to celebrate 60 years of the career of the painter Mijo Kovačić. The permanent exhibi on consists of 25 large format pain ngs, idyllic images of fishermen, hunters and daily life along the River Drava. Basaričekova 22 (+385-1) 485 1138 Tuesday - Sunday 10:30 - 17:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:45

7/24/2012 1:43:55 PM

Bakač Bak aače čeva


TTrgg Tr Josipa Josi p Langaa Lang

Šo D-3 št

ar iće v


ćeva ćeva viće kovi Draško Draš

Cesarca Trgg Bana AA. Cesar Jelačića JJelači pa Jelačića Josipa

53 3

Jurišićeva v

jevvaa Gajje Praška

Petrič. Petrič Pe trič


Dolacc Do Dola

o ć. lmo Palm Pa

. Radić

i Bogović. B

šševa ševaa rušev ruše Amru

naa TTeesslilin

jska Petrin

The Milan and Ivo Steiner Gallery



Trgg Tr le kole ko Niko Ni lav.. Nikole Berislav ub Šubića rinskogg Zrinsko Zrinsk Zrins



ić.. škovvić Boško

The Gallery keeps tens of pictures by renowned modern and contemporary ar sts from Croa a. Apart from the works of Milan and Ivo Steiner, who lent the gallery its name, of par cular note are pain ngs by Alfred Pal, Toni Franović, Ivo Rein, Đuro Tiljak, Oskar Herman, Rafael Talvi and Vera Dajht Kralj. Palmotićeva 16 (+385-1) 492 2692 By prior appointment Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Jurišićeva ulica to Palmotićeva ulica

Matoš ova

C-2 T La

Dolacc Dola

Bakkač Ba ač. ač..


T ićeva Radić

Jezuit. Jezuit. Jezu trgg tr ross. še šett. t.

naa tovina atovin pat Opatovi O

nskitrg anič. ana šte St


Marg. g


Palmo će

čeva Cesarčeva Ban Cesa Trgg Bana Jelačića Je ipa Jelačića Josipa Jurišićevaa ić a B Bogoviće rg Bogovićeva Trg Tr F. Pe Petr Petr. tr.r

Ilica Ilic

b až. Prreobr Preobraž.

The Mirko Virius Gallery

sko Markov GORNJI gm Ka entrg ita Freud . RAD Kušević. 54 5 4

jska Petrin


d, ad, rad era Prrer Pre

Obrt. pr.

ta tr Petra P Pe The Mirko Virius Gallery, the exhibi on space ka Prerad. Amrušš. erad.. Prrer Trgg Tr na Teslina of the Croa an Society of Naive Ar sts, is houle kole ko Nikole Niko Ni Đorđić Šubića yk. sed in a low baroque building da ng from 1788 in ć. Zrinsko aviić. Berisllav Zrinskogg Zagreb’s Tkalčićeva ulica. The Society was founded in k 1963, and its aim is to promote and preserve naive art. The Gallery carries the name of the painter Mirko Virius (Đelekovec, 1889 – Zemun, 1943), who created numerous works which shaped Croa an naive pain ng as we know it today.


Tkalčićeva 14 (+385-1) 481 3730 Monday - Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00, Thursday and Friday 13:00 - 21:00, Saturday 09:00 15:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica a

Šub iće va

a bovc F Gra F.

ia imir nim K. Zvo ža ža og kri Crven

vaa ićeeva ićev nčić Sttanč Sta






brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:46

M Pa B

ilova Nod

Plemić ev Biankinijeva

iić.. Barččić Barč B

The Miroslav Kraljević Gallery was established Trgg Tr ogg skog vsko kralja kr alja K avsk osav Posa .Ljj Pos .Lj.P K.Lj. 1986 on the ini a ve of a group of independent Petra P Pe traa Krrešimir ešim raa IV. IV V Krešimira eva Hrvoj curators, cri cs and ar sts as a non-profit associaBorneon for contemporary art under the auspices of the INA Society for Art and Culture. The Gallery takes its name from the painter whose innova ve approach had a crucial impact on Croa an visual art at the beginning of the 20th century. Šubićeva 29 (+385-1) 459 2696, (+385-) 098 35 0860 Tuesday - Friday 12:00 - 19:00, Saturday 11:00 - 13:00 Entry free 1, 9 or 17 (exit Šubićeva)

E-2 š

šiće a ešć ogg Lopašićev kog nsk nsko Brešćeens Br

Trg Trg žrtava žrt a a av fašizma fašizm fa šiz a K in a . Više žanićeva sl.

ovaa ov čino čin renči Deren

ić ić. ojnovvić. Vojno V


šić. mašić Toma To

era A. Bauera

vaa ćev ćeva ar će Mar

55 5

B. Ka

Ratkajev pr.

The Miroslav Kraljević Gallery

ka ka Vll šška V Vla jina Laginjina

www.gTram no.

7/24/2012 1:44:09 PM



M. Drž ića

56 6

Trnjanska Trnjansk rnjansk njanskaa rattskke bratske Hr b Hrv. j je Holje V.. Holjevca jednice V jednice zaj zajednice

Miramar. Mi

araa ovar kova Vukov d daa Vuk rada Gra G

jaa niiija nij en ave ka av Sl vonska Sla Trnjanski nasip Sava

The Močvara Gallery

The Močvara Gallery is a project of the Society for the Development of Culture, founded in 2001, and is part of a nightclub of the same name. It organises 6-8 exhibi ons each year. Croa an and foreign ar sts alike exhibit their work in a clubby atmosphere spiced with concerts and par es. Trnjanski nasip bb (+385-1) 615 9668 Open during club events (see website) Entry free Bus lines from main railway station (Glavni kolodvor) to Novi Zagreb, on foot along the Sava riverbank

ččkaa čk vačk Bobova Bobo




gr Ce n a Gvozd

ska ska radsk Sokolgrad


The Modulor Gallery

jska Magla ka js Dobo

staa ovaa cest Nov

jska Dobo

Srebr.r.. Srebr Sreb

a radsk gra

ka radska Zvonig

ka Trsats

jska Neha


ička Zvorn

Trešnjevačk Trešnjev ešnjevač ačkk trgg tr ka Vukov ko ara Ozaljs

Park Pa sttara stara Trešnje Tr ešnjevka evka vka vkkaa Trešnjevka


ta ssta N vvaa cees No

rskkaa Tabors

ka e ččka Slave

57 7

kaa čka riččk okkri Mo M


l kkaa elsk ssttelska ost Kostels K Ko

err. Žumb or.r Podg


Kr enggrr.. eteen ap Met ins ka



ka nička edička



The Modulor Gallery is a specialized space for exhibi ng architectural, urban planning and other design projects.



Bana Trgg Bana Jelačić Je pa Jelačića Josipa

TTrgg Bogović Bogovićeva B Bogoviće ć va



ćevaa Gundulićev


evvaa ćće iće ovvić do rad rad Prera Pre

r. pr.

traa Petr Petra Varššavska Prerad. a . e ad Prer Pr na Teslina a ov ryk is. 58 is a Ber 8 s Ma

jska Petrin

F.. P Pet Petr. etr.r.

až. eobraž. Preobr Preobraž.

Ilica Ilic

Marg. g




Trešnjevka Cultural Centre, Park stara Trešnjevka 1 (+385-1) 302 7411, 302 4247 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 20:00, Saturday Entry free Tram no. 3, 9 or 12 (exit Nehajska) 09:00 - 12:00

Trgg Tr lee kole Nikole Niiko N ubića Šubića Šub nskogg rinskog Zrinsko Zrinsk

angggaa Hebrran

ć. ić. ači ačić Kovvač Ko

The Nano Gallery

T Jos Ju


The Nano Gallery, founded in 2005, specializes in the presenta on of contemporary mul media art. Gajeva 26 (+385-) 098 51 5323 During exhibitions open Wednesday - Friday 14:00 - 18:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Gajeva ulica

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:47

7/24/2012 1:44:24 PM

jska Petrin

ićeevvaa ović ov do ad rad era Prer Pre P

jevaa Gajev




Palmo ćev

F. P Petr. etr.r et

Marg. g




Trgg Tr lee kole ko Nikole Niko Ni ub Šubića ns ogg rinsk Zrinsko ZZrinsk

lav.. Berislav


r gaa Hebrang


Ban TTrgg Bana Tr Jelačića Josipa Jelači

Tr Trg iće ićeva Pe a Bogov Petra ka Prerad. ad.. erad Prer Pr na sli Te na prr Obrt. pr.

The Permanenta Gallery



v. škovv. Boško Mraz. Trgg Tr pa Josipa Jo ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. Kattan K ea er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro

č . čić. vačić 59 9 Ko ova Kov K

The Permanenta Gallery is run by the Croa an nkaa Treenk B.Tr B. T Associa on of Ar sts of Applied Arts (ULUPUH). It isSvačićev a newly renovated gallery space. Six exhibi ons were planned for 2011, as well as a mul tude of accompanying events. The Gallery has been ac ve with some breaks since 1975, and before it moved into its present address it was housed at loca ons across Zagreb.

P. Hatza P

Preradovićeva 44/1 (+385-1) 481 3746 www. Monday - Friday 10:00 - 13:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Preradovićeva ulica

Runj Runjan. R un njjan an.



la Sut

60 0

inska ZZeellin

ska njan


a nsk



ničkkii vrtt Botanič Bota

a ska Plitvičk ka Un Kups

raška Kotu skaa sk Koren

The Gallery of the People’s Open University

araa ara kovar gr.r. Vukov Ul. gr




F. Vra

i V. Miš D. kine

The Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Zagreb’s People’s Open University has been ac ve throughout the last 28 years. Keeping abreast with the current art scene, it aims to promote new phenomena and contemporary styles, as well as noteworthy achievements of ar sts of all ages. Ulica grada Vukovara 68 (+385-1) 615 6092 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 22:00, Saturday 09:00 - 15:00 Entry free or 13 (exit Sveučilišna aleja) va


va iććeva k viće ko Drašškovi Draš

Ra čk og a

E-3 L

era A. Bauera

Iblerovv IIblerov trg

Bulić. p Ratkajev pr. šić. Tomašić Toma

ka ška Vlaška Vl Vlaš ca

eva ćeeva o ć lmo Palm Pa

The Expanded Media Gallery Tram no. 3, 5


61 1 Lopa

šićeva šiće


ag K. Domag.


The Expanded Media Gallery (Galerija ProšiTrgg Tr žrtava žr ava Držislava ić.. K. Držislava renih medija) started up in 1981 in the gallery Boško škovvić fašizma fašizm fa šiz a K. Vi spaces of the Croa an Associa on of Ar sts on v. še va a l ć. sl. anić. ižanić Križani Križ is Kr Starčevićev trg with the aim of presen ng conk M P K. Kreš temporary art. Its programme of events is directed Hrvojeva a Borne at examining the ar s c prac ces of the 1970s and their impact on contemporary art. With the return of the Associa on to the House of Visual Ar sts, the Gallery took over the circular space under architect Ivan Meštrović’s cupola. Over three decades of ac vity, the Gallery has gained the status of one of the most respected exhibi on spaces in Zagreb. Trg žrtava fašizma bb (+385-1) 461 1818, 461 1819 Tuesday Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 Adults 15kn, Children 10kn Tram no. 1, 9, 13 or 17 (exit Trg žrtava fašizma)

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:48

7/24/2012 1:16:39 PM


ka Vlaš Vlaška


va iććeva k viće ko Drašškovi Draš

eva eva će o ć lmo Palm Pa

Ra čk og a


šiće 62 2 Lopašićev

The Ring Gallery


Trg Trg žrtava žr ava fašizma fašizm fa šiz a K

Držislava ić.. K. Držislava škovvić Boško

The Ring Gallery is one of the exhibi on spaces of the Croa an Society of Ar sts, and is housed in the House of Croa an Visual Ar sts. Unlike the Borne other galleries in the House, the Ring Gallery’s space has not been converted back according to Meštrović’s original designs. As part of the Youth Salon and Zagreb Salon of Visual Arts which are held every second and third year respec vely, the main direc on of the Gallery’s programme is the presenta on of contemporary work and its repeated evalua on in the context of the history of Croa an and world art. isl


ć. anić. Križanić Križani Križ



k P Kreš Hrvojeva



M K.

ag K. Domag.

a av




era A. Bauera

Iblerovv IIblerov trg

Bulić. p Ratkajev pr. šić.. omašić Toma To

E-3 ca




The Student Centre Gallery



Trg žrtava fašizma bb (+385-1) 461 1818 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 13:00 Adults 20kn, Children 15kn Tram no. 1, 9, 13 or 17 (exit Trg žrtava fašizma)


The Student Centre Gallery was founded in 1962 and is one of the most ac ve and important spa3 ces dedicated to contemporary art in Croa a. Crna 63 t. From the very beginning, the Gallery has been a place for ar s c experimenta on, and par cular raška ska Kotu njana en on is focused on conceptual art. This is wheBed ka re some of the Croa an ar sts who went on to achieve interna onal fame held their first exhibi ons: Boris Bućan, Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Mar nis and Miroslav Šutej. The youngest genera ons of Croa an ar sts hold their exhibi ons in the Student Centre Gallery, as do established Croa an and foreign names. The Gallery is open to all forms of explora on in the field of the visual arts and communica ons. va kova iikova dniko Vodn Vo

Sav ska

kić ev a

Runjaninova Runjaninova

Piero P ro j.

k. Per

Mažur.r. Ma Mažu Roseveltov R Ro seveltov seve eltov ltov M ttrgg tr trgg tr Krršššn K njjaavvo ićća oggaa vvić J. Žerjavića Maru Marulićev ulićev će trgg tr

va vićeeva nović ihano Miha M ički nički an Botan Bot vrt




rg ražena etrovića

Savska 25 (+385-1) 459 3602 Monday - Friday 12:00 - 20:00, Saturday 10:00 - 13:00 Entry free Tram no. 3, 9, 12, 14 or 17 (exit Tehnički muzej or Studentski centar) ka


C-3 Berislaviće

rg Trg TTr N.. ŠŠ.. N šk v. og Boško inskog Zrinsk Zrinsko a ngga n v v. ran azov. Mrazo Hebra g

64 4KKov č ovaač. ov

Trgg Tr kralja kr alja j Tomislava Tomisl mislav avaa

e Š A. Šenoe A

Starčevićev Star St arčeviće čevićevv trg va rova ro guro Grrgu Grgu G

ćeva ćeva o će lmo Palm Pa

. Haulik



ič. umič Kum K

SSvačićev Sv vačićev ačiće trgg tr

jjska njska Petrinjs Petri Petrin

... d.. ad rrad Prera Pre

Trg Tr Jo pa Josipa Jurjaa Jurj ea a er ay ayera ssmay rossm Strossm Stro Hat P Hatza P. kka T enka Tr B.Tren B B. ć ić. čić. nči anč Kattan K


The Gallery of the Zagreb County Tourist Associa on

Glavni vni kolodvor kolodvor

This Gallery is part of the Zagreb County Tourist Associa on Informaon Centre. It holds regular exhibi ons with the aim of presen ng the cultural heritage and contemporary culture of the county. Preradovićeva 42 - Friday 08:00 - 16:00

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:49

(+385-1) 487 3665 Monday Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Preradovićeva ulica

7/24/2012 1:44:55 PM

ka l ka Sels


skki ansski J drran Jad st most mo


Rotor ik vnik ovnik Dubr Dub ovni v. Dubro Av. A Av

ska ran

65 5

me ce s neč ta ka

d Ja


ka ka nska vons vons Slavo Slav Sla

ubljanska jubljansk LLjubljanska

vcaa V.. Holjevc V

The Vladimir Bužanič Gallery

Sav ska

ljska Vu ra ara vara kova Vukov Vuk Oza


The Gallery was created as part of the Novi Zagreb Re Cultural Centre, and it is the oldest art ins tu on in the Novi Zagreb area. Thanks to its founder and first head, Professor Vladimir Bužanić, the Gallery has enjoyed the status of a respected exhibi on space from the very beginning. Trg narodne zaštite 2, Remetinec (+385-1) 614 0189 galerija.vladimir.buzancic@ Monday - Wednesday, Friday 09:00 18:00, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 7, 4 or 14 to Savski most, change to bus no. 110 (exit at 4th stop)


rav Dub

lova Mand

sim. Mak


a G. Šušk

The Vladimir Filakovac Gallery


66 6

nimira K. Bra

In the 43 years of its existence, the Vladimir Filakovac Gallery has built a reputa on as a respected exhibi on space. It is part of the Dubrava Cultural Centre in east Zagreb. Dubrava 51a (+385-1) 205 0063 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 19:00 Entry free Tram no. 4 or 11 (exit Grižanska)


lavaa lava slava sl islava Držis


šiće a Lopašićev

Trg Trg žrtava žr tava fašizma fašizm fa šizmaa K


k P Kreš Hrvojeva





.Vi še a sl. av Kr anić.. ižanić Križanić Križ isl M .



67 6 7



va iććeva k viće ko Drašškovi Draš

ić.. škovvić Boško

Ra čk og a

ić. ašić. maš Tom To


era A. Bauera

Iblerovv trg

eva eva će o ć lmo Palm Pa

The Vladimir Horvat Gallery


p Ratkajev pr.

ka ška Vlaška Vla Vlaš Vl ca

The Vladimir Horvat Gallery is managed by the Zagreb Associa on for Technical Educa on, which aims to s mulate research and to document all ac vi es rela ng to technical educa on. The Gallery hosts up to 24 exhibi ons per year, mainly of photography. Trg žrtava fašizma 14 (+385-1) 461 8804 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 9, 13 or 17 to Trg žrtava fašizma

brosura-engleski - 2012.indd Sec1:50

7/24/2012 1:45:07 PM

Mainza inza Bleiweis. is.

Pod olje

Međimurs rska ka

Reljk R Re ljjko ković vićeeva va

Grahor. Graho rr.

Ilica Ilica Ili Slovenska


Čanićeva eva

. Ma n

om Lip

68 8

Vodovodna Vo V odovodna


Na d

ka ds ra



iš ča A-2 k

TTrgg Tr Francuske Francusk ancuske Republike Re epublik publikee Fonova Fo

T Ha

The VN Gallery

Magaz gazin insk skaa

The VN Gallery is a mul -use space with an open character and is mainly aimed at school children and art students at the university and academy level. The space is used to present young ar sts, mainly students of Zagreb’s Academy of Fine Arts, through varied exhibi ons, projects and performances. The Gallery’s holdings comprise 439 artworks. Jonk

s gor


Ilica 163a (+385-1) 377 0896 Monday - Friday 08:00 - 20:00, Saturday 08:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 2, 6 or 11 (exit Mandaličina)



Sav Bundek a Bundek Bu


ev ajednice V. o evca Ho V. Holj



rovniiikk D brrovn Avv. Dub Av. A ajinskaa ajinsk krajinsk Ukrajinska Ukr



The Zlatni konj Gallery

69 9

vska Saraje

ačke ačke N SR Njem



The Gallery shows pain ngs in oil and acrylics, drawings, collages, sketches, watercolours, sculpture, tapestry, glass and ceramics by numerous Croa an and foreign ar sts.


gaa anga rrang Hebran

Gaaje jevaa jev

evvaa vićev viće islavić Berisla


jska Petrin


ićeevva ovvić do ad rad era Prrer Pre P

prr Obrt. pr.

Trg Bogo B ovvić. Petra P trra Pe a . erad Prerad. Prer Pr


Jurišićeva eva


Marg. g

ana B Ban Trg Bana Trg ć ića čić Jelačića Jelač ipa JJe Josipa

Trgg Tr le kole ko Nikole Niko Ni Šubića rinskogg Zrinsko Zrinsk Zrins

70 0

Palmo ćev

F. P Petr. etr.r et






Sajmišna ulica 8/1 (+385-1) 662 6026, (+385-) 095 867 5646 zlatnikonj@hi.t-com. hr Wednesday and Sunday 09:00 - 14:00 Depending on the exhibition Tram no. 6, 7, or 8 to Most mladosti, continue on foot for 20 min to Sajmišna cesta. On Sundays bus no. 295 runs from the main railway station (Glavni kolodvor)


v. škovv. Boško z. Mraz. Mra

The Zrinski Gallery

Trgg Tr pa Josipa Jo ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. Kattan K ea er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro P. Hatza ka enka Tren B.Tren B.Tr B.

ć ć. ić. čić. ačić ači Kovač Kov




The Zrinski Gallery is a mul purpose space in Zagreb’s Hotel Palace which holds exhibi ons of work by renowned Croa an ar sts. Trg J.J. Strossmayera 10 (+385-1) 489 9600 www.palace. hr Open 24h Entry free Induction loop for hearing-aid users Tram no. 6 or 13 to Trg J. J. Strossmayera

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era A. Bauera


Ra čk og a

Vlaš E-3

p Ratkajev pr.

ćeva ćeva viće kovi Draško Draš

The Zvonimir Gallery

ić. ašić. maš Tom To

ka Vlaška Vlaš Iblerovv trg ćeva Mar ćeva




ag K. Domag.

Trg Trg 71 1 žrtava Držislava žrtava Bošk. K. Držislava fašizma fašizm fa šizmaa K a .V av iš isl Križ evaa esl. anićeva ižanićev Križanić Trg M Kr kralja K. Petra Krešimir Hrvojeva

The Zvonimir Gallery is part of the Department for Cultural and Social Ac vi es of the Ministry of Defence. Apart from exhibi ons on themes rela ng to the Croa an War of Independence, the anniversaries of the armed forces and other important dates from recent Croa an history, it also holds art exhibi ons. Bauerova 33 (+385-1) 456 7926 Monday - Friday 10:00 18:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 9, 13 or 17 (exit Šubićeva)




evaa ev Gajev Gaj

na TTeslina

ševa Amruševa


Trg Trg 72 2 đ. le Đorđ. kole ko Nikole Niko Ni ub Šubića ri skogg Zrinsko Zrinsk Zrins a KK. Boškovićevva

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HDD – The Croa an Society of Designers


rgg Bana TTrg Jelačića Je sipa Jelačića Josipa

k Vlaška Vlaš

B T nka

The HDD Gallery is the first exhibi on space in Zagreb devoted exclusively to the various branches of design: from visual communica ons design through product and fashion design to new media design. Boškovićeva 18 (+385-1) 484 6874, (+385-) 098 31 1630 www. Monday - Friday 10:00 - 20:00, Saturday 10:00 - 15:00 Entry free Tram no. 6 or 13 to Trg J. J. Strossmayera or Zrinjevac, on foot to Boškovićeva ulica



ićeevvaa ov ović do ad rad era Preer Pr P


va ćeeva čiće ačić Kovači Kov K

Trg Trg

rinskogg Zrinsko Zrinsk Zrins


v. škovv. Boško z. Mraz. Mra

Trgg Tr pa Josipa Jo ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. Kattan K ea er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro P. Hatza kaa enka T en Tr B.Tren B B. T





lee kole ko Niko Ni ćevvaa Nikole laviiće Berislav ub Šubića Gajev evaa


na Teslina


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3Bogović. rg 73 Trg Tr Bogović.

Palmo ćev

F. P Petr. etr.r et

The Médiatheque of the French Ins tute ka




As a real shop window of the French presence in Croa a, the Médiatheque of the French Ins tute presents French pain ng by the younger genera on of ar sts. Preradovićeva 5 (+385-1) 488 3570 Tuesday - Friday 12:30 - 19:30, Saturday 11:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Preradovićeva ulica

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Bana Trgg Bana Jelačića JJelač sipa Jelačića Josipa

Gajev jevaa


angga rrang Hebran



Trgg Tr lee kole ko Nikole Niko Ni ub Šubića rinskogg Zrinsko Zrinsk Zrins

Palmo ćev

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jska Petrin

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đić. Đorrđić

The Nova Gallery

škkovv.. Boško a Mraz. Trgg Tr pa Josipa Jo ić. Jurj čić Jurjaa aanččić. Kattan K a e er aayera ay ssmay rossm Strossm Stro P. Hatza ka enka Tren Tr B.Tren B B.

vaa ćeeva čiće ačić Kovvači K Ko




The Nova Gallery organises exhibi ons, talks and performances, making it an important cultural ins tu on in the city.


g g. arg. ar Maarg Marg.

Bana B Trgg Bana Tr ića elačić Jelač Jos Jelačića Josipa

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prr Obrt. pr.


jska Petrin

ić B Bogović. TTrgg Bogović tra Petr Pe Petra a . e ad Prerad. P er Pr na slina

skkkaa ršaavvvsska Varš



ćeva Gundulićeva

anggaa rrang Hebran


Trg Trg ćevvaa Nikole laviiće le kole ko Niko Ni Berislav Šubića Zrinsko Zrinskogg B



F. P Petr. etr.r et

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Prašk Pra šška kaa



Nikole Tesle 7 (+385-1) 487 2582 Tuesday - Friday 12:00 - 20:00, Saturday 11:00 - 14:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Teslina ulica


anićev g

ić. čić aanččić. Kattan K

The Josip Račić Studio

Trg Josi Jur Strossm

The Josip Račić Studio Modern Gallery presents the most diverse works by Croa an contemporary ar sts. Margaretska 3 (+385-1) 492 2368 Monday - Friday 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Margaretska ulica

Bakkač Ba ač.. ač.


Palmo će

jska Petrin


Marg. g

d, ad, rad era Prrer Pre

Obrt. pr.


T La

eva Cesarččeva Ban Cesa Trgg Bana Je Jelačića Jelači ipa Jelačića Josipa Jurišićevaa a ić B Bogoviće Bogovićeva rg Trg Tr F. Petr. Pet etr.r


Dolacc Dola

l č.

The ULUPUH Gallery


The ULUPUH Gallery is the exhibi on space of the Croa an Associa on of Ar sts of Applied Arts. Here are held exhibi ons of fashion and ta P tr Pe Petra Amrušš. erad.. Prrer Prerad. tex le design, of ar san jewellery, ceramics, Trgg Tr na Teslina le kole ko Nikole Niko Ni porcelain and glass, illustra on and caricature, Đorđić Šubića ć. Zrinsko laviić. Berislav Zrinskogg photography, sculpture, graphic and product design kas well as exhibi ons related to art forms which are less frequently seen in galleries such as costume and set design, hor culture, model building, architecture and restora on. Alongside Croa an ar sts, the Gallery shows the work of ar sts from Europe and all over the world.

b až. Prreobr Preobraž.

Ilica Ilic


Jezuit.. Jezu Jezuit trg trg ross. šet. t


Matoš ova

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sko Markov GORNJI gm Ka entrg ita Freud C-2 . RAD Kušević. 76 7 6

Tkalčićeva 14 (+385-1) 481 3746 Monday - Wednesday, Friday 10:00 - 17:00, Thursday 10:00 - 13:00 and 17:00 - 20:00, Saturday 10:00 - 13:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Tkalčićeva ulica

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The Tošo Dabac Archive e



The Tošo Dabac archive is a collec on comprising almost 200,000 nega ves, around 2,000 of the photographer’s enlargements, valuable photographic equipment, a library and a collec on of journals. Tošo Dabac was one of the most prominent and versa le Croa an photographers who had a great impact on the development of photography in this country. His complete works are preserved in thiss collec on. Ilica 17 (+385-1) 483 3677, Fax: (+385-1) 483 3677 arhiv.toso. Wednesday 12:00 - 16:00 (by prior arrangement) Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Ilica

The Zla ć 78 Dona on (E-2) Zlatko Zla ć is one of those rare ar sts who devote the greater part of their ar s c oeuvre to animal subjects. Watching them and spending me with them, establishing contact and a personal connec on with the animals has resulted in an impressive collec on of sculpture. The permanent exhibi on, which consists of 166 sculptures, opened in 2009 within the eb Zoo complex. Zagreb Maksimirski perivoj bb (+385-1) 230 2198, Fax: (+385-1) 230 2199 www.zoo. hr January, November, December 09:00 - 16:00; February 09:00 - 17:00; March and October 09:00 - 18:00; April and September 09:00 - 19:00; May - August 09:00 - 20:00 Adults 30kn, Children 20kn, Children under 7 free Tram no. 4, 5, 7,11 or 12 (exit Maksimir)

The Tošo Dabac Archive / Museum of Contemporary Art, from Dabac’s cycle People from the Street

The Inventory of the Crypt of the Franciscan Monastery of Our Lady 79 of Lourdes (E-3)

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The Monastery library, apart from newer books, owns a Vulgate Bible from 1648 and several rare books from the 18th century. In the Monastery there is also a sculpture of Christ by the renowned Croa an sculpture Ivan Kozarić. The Memorial Room of Father Ante An ć and of the Vice Postulate contains an archive related to the life and work of that eminent Franciscan as well as some 30 works inspired by his image. The Archive also holds the correspondence of Jožo Plečnik, the architect who designed the sanctuary of the Church of Our dy of Lourdes. Lady Zvonimirova 64 (+385-1) 466 0555 Monday - Sunday 06:30 12:00, 17:00 - 20:00 Tram no. 1, 9 or 17 (exit Heinzlova)

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The Inventory of the Monastery and Provincialate of the Conventual Franciscans 80 (A-2)

The Inventory of the Parochial House of the Church of St Mark the81 Evangelist (C-2)

The Monastery holds pain ngs, ecclesias cal robes and liturgical vessels. Of the pictures, the Small Portrait of an Old Man with a White Collar, the baroque Compassionate Mother of God and the portrait of Pope Clement XIV are par cularly valuable. Of the liturgical vessels, of par cular note are the chalices da ng from between the 16th and the 19th centuries and the reliquaries of St Anthony of Padua, St Clare and St Francis of Assisi. The Provincialate archives hold legal documents which date from 1536. 6.

Of par cular note in this collecon is the group of liturgical vessels. The 16th century ciborium is par cularly valuable, as are the works of the Viennese master Virgil Fortmiller. In the salons of the parochial house pain ngs by V. Bukovac, M. Stroy, V. Becić, M. Brodnik, M. C. Crnčić and M. C. Medovića are kept. There are also several dra s used by the painter Jozo Kljaković in pain ng the frescoes on the walls of the Church. Župni dvor, Trg Sv. Marka 5 (+385-1) 485 1611 The

Inventory may be viewed from the entrance hall Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12,

Sv. Duh 31 (+385-1) 377 1888 Visits by prior arrangement Tram no. 2, 6 and 11 (exit Sveti Duh), on foot along Sveti Duh

13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot towards Gornji grad (Upper Town)

The Studio of the HAZU Graphics Office

The HAZU Graphics Office e

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(A-2) The Graphics Office of the Croa an Academy of Science and Arts (HAZU) was established in 1916 when the graphics collec ons of the Strossmayer and Modern Galleries were unified. Its holdings comprise four collec ons: two collec ons of graphics and drawings from the 15th century to the present day, a collec on of posters and a collec on of chalcographic plates. Andrije Hebranga 1 (+385-1) 492 2374, Fax: (+385-1) 492 2374 www. During exhibitions open Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 Adults 10kn, Children 5kn Tram no. 2, 4, 6, 9 to the main railway station (Glavni kolodvor), on foot to Zrinjevac

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The Jewish Community of Zagreb Library83 and Archivess (D-3) The library is divided into three parts: a lending sec on comprised of 5,000 tles, a Hebrew sec on with around 7,000 books and the Šikov Library with around 5,500 books. The Archives of the Jewish Community hold about 5,000 documents from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Franjo Schneider Workshop for the Restora on and Building of String Instrumentss 85 (B-3)

The collec on was founded in 1983. It consists of original tools and implements, models and moulds for the manufacture of instruments, as well as unfinished instruments which were the work of Franjo Schneider (1903-1966), the renowned Palmotićeva 16 (+385-1) 492 2692 Monday, Thursday and Friday Croa an restorer and maker of 11:00 - 15:00, Tuesday and Wednesday string instruments. It also holds 14:00 - 19:00 Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, photographs with inscrip ons 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, by Schneider’s contemporaries, on foot along Jurišićeva ulica to the documenta on and a specialist intersection with Palmotićeva ulica library.

The Juraj 84Habdelić Library (E-2) Zagreb’s Juraj Habdelić Jesuit Library is more than a century old. It has around 150,000 books and about 2,400 magazine tles, mainly in subjects rela ng to theology, religion and philosophy. The Library also has an extremely valuable Rari es Collec on with more than 2,500 books from the 15th century to the middle of the 19th century. Among 25 incunabula in the collec on, the Lec onary of Bernardino of Split, printed in Venice in 1495, is especially valuable. The Library has been open pen to the public since 1999. Jordanovac 110 (+385-1) 235 4250, Fax: (+385-1) 235 4251 Monday - Thursday 09:00 - 17:00, Friday 09:00 - 15:00 Tram no. 4, 5, 7, 11 or 12 to Kvaternikov trg, change to bus no. 202; or tram no. 1, 9 or 17 to Kennedyev trg, change to bus no. 228 (exit Jordanovac)

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Trg maršala Tita 11 (+385-1) 482 6655, Fax: (+385-1) 482 6655 www.muzej-franje-schneidera. com Wednesday 12:00 - 16:00 and by prior arrangement Entry free Tram no. 4, 12, 13 or 17 (exit Trg maršala Tita)

The Jozo Kljaković Memorial 86 Collec on n (B-2) The Jozo Kljaković Memorial Collec on is located in the house donated by painter and writer Kljaković to the City of Zagreb in 1969, and in which his legacy is kept. The Zagreb Centre for Artistic Education, Rokov perivoj 4 (+385-1) 482 4856, 482 4270, Fax: (+385-1) 482 4858 likovni-centar@ www.likovni-centar. Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00, Wednesday and Friday 14:00 - 19:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Dolac

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The Bela and Miroslav Krleža Memorial Space 87 (B-1) The flat in which Miroslav and Bela Krleža lived and worked for many years is now an exhibi on space. Furniture, pain ngs, sculpture, photographs and other works can be viewed here: in , total 1,058 items.

The Collec on of the Society of the Sisters of Mercy of89St Vincent de Paul (B-3)

From its very beginnings there has been a tex les workshop within the Convent, a fact tes fied to by its well-preserved collec on of 19th century ecclesias cal robes. As well as furniture in the Altdeutsch style and a portrait of Bishop Haulik, Krležin Gvozd 23 (+385-1) 483 the silver liturgical vessels kept 4922, 485 1361 in the sacristy are of par cular Tuesday 11:00 17:00 Entry 10kn Tram no. 1, 2, value. The Convent holds docu6 or 11 ) to Britanski trg, on foot along menta on and photographs which illustrate its history and Rokov perivoj the life and ac vi es of the The Marija Jurić Sisters of Mercy. e y

Zagorka Memorial Apartment 88 (C-2)

The apartment on Zagreb’s Dolac in which the famous Croa an writer and journalist Marija Jurić Zagorka lived has been made into a museum and exhibi on space ace and is open to visitors. v Dolac 8 (+385-1) 487 2406,Fax: (+385-1) 487 2406 zagorka@, Thursday and Sunday 11:00 - 16:00 and by prior arrangement; library: Thursday 12:00 - 18:00 Entry free Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Dolac

Frankopanska 17 (+385-1) 483 0239, 483 0240, Fax: (+385-1) 483 5512 www.milosrdnice-zagreb. hr/nasa-bastina/kulturna-bastina/ samostanska-zbirka Visits by prior arrangement Tram no. 4, 12, 13 or 17 (exit Frankopanska)

The Graphics Collec on of the Na onal90University Libraryy (C-5) The collec on of graphics of the Na onal University Library was founded in 1919. It grew out of the Library’s own collec on and the dona ons of Ljubo Babić, Tomislav Krizman, Milan Steiner, Menci Clement Crnčić and many other Croa an painters and graphic ar sts. Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4 (+385-1) 616 4101, Fax: (+385-1) 616 4186 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 14:30 Tram no. 3, 5 or 13 (exit Lisinski)

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The Zagreb Cathedral 91 Treasuryy (C-1)

The Apartment of the Architect 92 Viktor Kovačićć (B-3)

The Zagreb Cathedral Treasury holds a priceless collec on of ecclesias cal and cultural treasures collected during the course of nine centuries. The Collec on of Precious Metals contains unique items made from silver and gold as well as ivory, crystal and glass. In the Liturgical Robes Collec on, par cularly valuable are a chasuble da ng from the end of the 11th century which belonged to the Hungarian King Ladislaus I, the founder of the Zagreb Bishopric, the 13th century humeral veil of St Augus n Kažo ć and a woven shroud made in the workshop of the Zagreb Bishopric in 1659. There is also the standard of Ban Nikola Bakač Erdödy, da ng from the 17th century. Of the liturgical books, the most notable is the magnificent 17th century ceremonial missal of Juraj of Topusko, Provost of Čazma. Of the musical nota ons, the most interes ng are the first edi on of the Church hymnal Cithara Octochorda (1701) and the book of chants and sequences Zagrebački sekvencijar. The Treasury also keeps the Cathedral’s architectural documenta on, including the oldest surviving floorplan from 1792 and the drawings made in 1899 by architect Herman Bollé for the renova on of the Cathedral. Also of value are the collec on of coins and the small works of sculpture, par cularly the medals from the legacyy of Cardinal Franjo Fra jo Šeper.

The apartment of famous Croa an architect Viktor Kovačić (1874–1924) vividly recreates the way the people of Zagreb lived at the beginning of the 20th century, and reflects the spirit of that me. e.

Kaptol 31 (+385-1) 481 3007, 489 4892, 492 0308, Fax: (+385-1) 482 8557, 492 0307 Visits by prior arrangement Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Kaptol

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Masarykova 21 (+385-1) 485 5911 www.mgz. hr Thursdays 11:00 - 17:00 Entry 10kn Tram to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot to Masarykova ulica

The Collec on of Cate Dujšin-Ribar and Dr Ivan Ribar 93 (B-1) The house at Demetrova 3 connects three excep onal people from Croa a’s poli cal and cultural life. Those people are Dubravko Dušin, actor, director and drama teacher; Dr Ivan Ribar, a prominent poli cian in the period following the Second World War, and Cata DujšinRibar, a painter and poet who intertwined her life with theirs, and thanks to whom the flat at Demetrova 3 has become a museum collec on. Demetrova 3/II (+385-1) 485 1361 www.mgz. hr Wednesday 11:00 - 17:00 Entry 10kn Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, then to Gornji grad (Upper Town) on foot via Zakmardijeve stube or Mesnička ulica, or by funicular from Tomićeva ulica

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The Collec on of Liturgical Objects of the Zagreb Jewish Community 94 (D-3)

The Collec on of the Monastery of St Francis of Ksaver in Zagreb 95 (C-1)

The Collec on preserves the religious heritage of the Jewish community in Zagreb. It includes Torahs and their accessories: the cloak, the breast plate, the crown, bells, the wooden handles and “yad” (pointer). The Collec on also encompasses silverware, including various menorahs, chalices and “besamim” (spice boxes), as well as tex le items such as prayer robes, men’s caps and various headdresses. Of the other items, of par cular interest are the shofar (horn), mezuzah (parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah) and implements for circumcision. Some items date back to the he 19th centu century. y.

In the 1930s this former Jesuit monastery and church on Ksaver street in north Zagreb was occupied by Franciscans of the third order, Glagoli c monks who prac ce and preserve the tradi on of wri ng in the old Croa an Glagoli c script. The Monastery’s collec on holds treasures from all regions of Croa a in which the Order has lived and worked. Of par cular note is the Collec on of Liturgical Vessels, while the Glagoli c Archive is especially important. The Archive was brought from the island of Krk, one of the historic centres of the Glagoli c ests. priests.

Palmotićeva 16 (+385-1) 492 2692, Fax: (+385-1) 492 2694 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 12:00 by prior arrangement Tram no. 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 17 to Trg bana J. Jelačića, on foot along Jurišićeva ulica to the intersection with Palmotićeva ulica

The Collec on of the Stenjevec Parochial House 96 (A-3)

Jandrićeva 21 (+385-1) 467 3801, Fax: (+385-1) 468 3802 www. Visits by prior arrangement Entry free Tram no. 8 or 14 to Gupčeva zvijezda, change to bus no. 104 (exit Jandrićeva)

The Vjenceslav Richter and Nada Kareš-Richter Collec on n 97 (A-2)

Vjenceslav Richter was one of the most prominent Croa an ar sts of the 1950s and 60s, exploring new The Collec on includes the possibili es in architecture, painextensive Parochial archive ng and sculpture. He and his wife with memorials from the 18th th Nada Kareš-Richter donated their and 19 centuries and other valuable documents. The Library artworks and their family villa to holds several thousand volumes, the City of Zagreb. A selec on of Richter’s life works is displayed among which the Breviary on the ground floor and in the da ng from 1549 is par cularly sculpture pture park. valuable. le. Župni dvor, Stenjevec 9 (+3851) 373 2729, Fax: (+385-1) 373 2729 Visits by prior arrangement Tram no. 1,2, 6 or 11 to Črnomerec, change to bus no. 120,122 or 123 to Stenjevec

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Vrhovec 38 (+385-1) 370 4892, Fax: (+385-1) 370 4892 www.richter. Wednesday and Saturday 11:00 - 16:00; other days by prior arrangement on tel. (+385-1) 605 2700 Entry free Tram no. 2, 6 or 11 (exit Slovenska), on foot to Vrhovec

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Publisher Zagreb Tourist Board Kaptol 5 | 10 000 Zagreb Tel.: (+385-1) 489 8555 | Fax: (+385-1) 481 4340 | For the Publisher Amelia Tomašević, PhD Editor Višnja Arambašić Assistants Marlisa Fašaić, Ana Landeka, Davor Guvo, Ivana Mahnić Production Plava Ponistra d.o.o. Design & Layout Gordan Karabogdan, Maja Vidović English Translation Nataly Anderson Map Copyright Zagreb Tourist Board Printing Grafing, Zagreb, 2011 Print Run 10.000 Photography The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb (Igor Krajcar), The Meštrović Atelier (Boris Cvjetanović), The PBZ Museum of Banking, The Ethnographic Museum, The Glyptotheque of the Croa an Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Croa an Museum of Naïve Art, The Croa an Museum of Architecture of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Croa an History Museum, The Croa an Natural History Musem, The Croa an School Museum, The Croa an Sports Museum, The Croa an Railway Museum, The Croa an Society of Ar sts, The HT Museum – The Museum of Post and Telecommunica ons, The Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Lauba – The House for People and Art, The Hun ng Museum of the Croa an Hun ng Associa on, The Ante and Wiltrud Topić Mimara Art Collec on - Mimara Museum, The Modern Gallery, The Museum of the Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, The Zagreb City Museum, The Marton Museum, The Dražen Petrović Museum and Memorial Centre, The Police Museum, The Museum of Broken Rela onships, The Prigorje Museum, The Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Zagreb and Ljubljana Metropolitanate, The Museum of Contemporary Art (Damir Fabijanić), The Museum of Arts and Cra s, The HAZU Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters, The Technical Museum (Zvonimir Ambruš), The Typhlology Museum, The Art Pavilion, The Military Museum of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croa a, The Design Centre of the Croa an Chamber of Economy, Cro Art Photo Club, Europe House, The KIC Photo Gallery, The AŽ Gallery, The Barrel Gallery, The Bernardo Bernardi Gallery, The Canvas Gallery, The Događanja Gallery, The Felix Gallery, The Forum Gallery, The Fotoklub Zagreb Gallery, The Karas Gallery, The Kranjčar Gallery, The Kristofor Stanković Gallery, The LIKUM Gallery, The Marisall Gallery, The Mijo Kovačić Gallery, The Milan and Ivo Steiner Gallery, The Mirko Virius Gallery, The Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, The Močvara Gallery, The Modulor Gallery, The Nano Gallery, The Permanenta Gallery (Dragu n Škreblin), The Gallery of the People’s Open University, The Expanded Media Gallery, The Ring Gallery, The Student Centre Gallery, The Gallery of the Zagreb County Tourist Associa on , The Vladimir Bužanič Gallery, The Vladimir Filakovac Gallery, The Vladimir Horvat Gallery, The VN Gallery, The Zlatni konj Gallery, The Zrinski Gallery, The Zvonimir Gallery, HDD – The Croa an Society of Designers, The Médiathèque of the French Ins tute, Galerija Nova, The Josip Račić Studio, The ULUPUH Gallery (Maša Štrbac), The Tošo Dabac Archive, The Zla ć Dona on, The Inventory of the Crypt of the Franciscan Monastery of Our Lady of Lourdes, The Inventory of the Monastery and Provincialate of the Conventual Franciscans, The Inventory of the Parochial House of the Church of St Mark the Evangelist, The HAZU Graphics Office, The Jewish Community of Zagreb Library and Archives, The Juraj Habdelić Library, The Franjo Schneider Workshop for the Restora on and Building of String Instruments, The Jozo Kljaković Memorial Collec on, The Bela and Miroslav Krleža Memorial Space, The Marija Jurić Zagorka Memorial Apartment, The Collec on of the Society of the Sisters of Mercy of St Vincent de Paul, The Graphics Collec on of the Na onal University Library, The Zagreb Cathedral Treasury, The Apartment of the Architect Viktor Kovačić, The Collec on of Cate Dujšin-Ribar and Dr Ivan Ribar, The Collec on of Liturgical Objects of the Zagreb Jewish Community, The Collec on of the Monastery of St Francis of Ksaver in Zagreb, The Collec on of the Stenjevec Parochial House, The Vjenceslav Richter and Nada Kareš-Richter Collec on, Zagreb Tourist Board Archivs. Cover Photos: The ULUPUH Gallery (Aleksandra Ana Buković, Animafest, Zbigniew Libera), The Technical Museum (Zvonimir Ambruš), The Događanja Gallery (Ana Horvat) No part of this publica on may be reproduced in any form. The publisher has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the informa on at the me of going to press and assume no responsibility for changes and errors

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