Zagreb Events & Performances 2011

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2 Citizens from the EU, countries which signed the Schengen Agreement, the Principalities of Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco, the Republic of San Marino, the Swiss Confederacy, the Vatican City State as well as citizens from Australasia, North and South America are allowed into Croatia without a visa. The tourist visa is issued for a one year period. “Continuous Stay” refers to foreigners with a tourist visa who are able to remain in the Republic of Croatia for a period of (90) days, within a 6 month Visas span – this includes the first day of arrival. All other prospective visitors require a visa which can be obtained at any Croatian embassy or consulate before entering the Republic of Croatia. For the complete list of Croatian embassies and consulates please visit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. For all other information regarding visa procedures contact the Consular Department of the Croatian Foreign Ministry, Trg N.Š. Zrinjskog 7-8, phone: 00385 1 456 99 64. The Croatian national airline Croatia Airlines (info phone: 00385 1 667 65 55, www.croatiaairlines. hr) has direct flights to most European cities. Other airline companies with regular flights from Zagreb include low-budget airlines such as Germanwings (, Arriving by air Wizzair ( and Easy Jet ( Zagreb’s Pleso Airport is 17km from the city centre and has all the necessary facilities which include banks, exchange offices, restaurants, left luggage facilities, ATMs, car rental and organized transport services from the airport to the city and vice versa ( For all necessary information call 00385 1 456 21 70 or visit

Electricity The electricity supply in Croatia is 220W, so visitors from countries with a different electricity supply will need to use a transformer to run electrical appliances. Zagreb has a comprehensive public transport system of tram and bus lines. Both transport systems have daily services beginning at 4 - 5am through to 11 - 12pm. Several lines operate throughout the night but at less regular intervals; for all schedules and daily timetables visit Identical tickets are for both bus and tram journeys and are best purchased from kiosks Public transport used costing 8 kuna each. It is also possible to buy tickets from drivers for 10 kuna, however this does not include the new modern trams. From the moment you board and insert the ticket in the automatic stamping machine, it is only valid for a one-way journey lasting 90 minutes maximum. A daily ticket costs 25 kuna and allows one day’s unlimited travel until 4am the following day. This could prove to be a good choice. If you would like to go sightseeing in the Upper Town, you can buy a ticket for only 4 kuna and ride in the popular Uspinjača (Funicular), the 66m lift which is scheduled every 10 minutes and operates from 6.30am to 10pm.

National holidays

January 01, New Year’s Day January 06, Epiphany April 24, Easter Sunday April 25, Easter Monday May 01, International Workers’ Day June 22, Anti Fascist Resistance Day June 23, Corpus Christi June 25, Statehood Day August 05, Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day August 15, Feast of the Assumption October 08, Independence Day November 01, All Saints’ Day December 25, Christmas Day December 26, Saint Stephen’s Day

This beautiful city has its fare share of tourist information offices that can assist you with all your questions and needs. You can’t miss the tourist information office on Ban Jelačić Square 11, it’s right in heart of town and from October to May 31 it is open weekdays Tourist information the from 8.30am - 8pm, 9am - 6pm on Saturdays and 10am - 4pm on Sundays. From June to October 31 it is open weekdays from 8.30am - 9pm, Saturdays and Sundays 9am - 6pm, simply phone: 00385 1 481 40 51. The other tourist information office is located at the ever busy Glavni kolodvor (Main Railway Station) at Trg Ante Starčevića, beginning at 8.30am - 8pm on weekdays and from 12.30pm - 5pm on weekends. There is also a Tourist Information Centre at the Zagreb Airport, next to the international arrivals area that is open 9am - 9pm weekdays, 10am - 5pm weekends, As you venture through town between April to October, you may come across our tourist informants. They are easily recognizable by their outfits, they walk in twos and spend their days tracing the city streets providing helpful services and offering interesting information to visitors in several languages. Zagreb’s Tourist Guides Association is at Šubićeva 20 and is open from 9am - 1pm through the week and closed on weekends. For more information, call 00385 1 481 70 22, email or visit Last but not least, the office of the Zagreb County’s Tourist Association is situated at Preradovićeva 42. The contact number is 00385 1 487 36 65 or visit


Archaeological Museum, Trg N.Š. Zrinskog 19, phone 00385 1 487 31 01, Ethnographic Museum, Trg Mažuranića 14, phone 00385 1 482 62 20, Atelier Meštrović – Ivan Meštrović Museums, Mletačka 8, phone 00385 1 485 11 23, www. Croatian Academy of Science and Art - The Glyptotheque, Medvedgradska 2, phone 00385 1 468 60 50, The Croatian Museum of Naïve Art, Sv. Ćirila i Metoda 3, phone 00385 1 485 19 11, Croatian History Museum, Matoševa 9, phone 00385 1 485 19 00, The Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, phone 00385 1 485 17 00, Croatian School Museum, Trg maršala Tita 4/1, phone 00385 1 485 57 16, Zagreb City Museum, Opatička 20, phone 00385 1 485 13 61, Dražen Petrović Memorial Center, Trg Dražena Petrovića 2, phone 00385 1 484 31 46, www. Mimara Museum, Trg Franklina Roosewelta 5, phone 00385 1 482 81 00 Museum of Arts and Crafts, Trg maršala Tita 10, phone 00385 1 488 21 11, Technical Museum, Savska cesta 18, phone 00385 1 484 40 50, Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00, The Croatian Museum of Architecture, I. G. Kovačića 37, phone 00385 1 483 45 51, croatian_museum_of_architecture


HT Museum - Croatian Postal & Telecommunications Service Museum, Jurišićeva 13, phone 00385 1 491 15 89 , hr/odgovornost/muzej.asp Typhlological Museum, Draškovićeva 80, phone 00385 1 481 11 02, 18. The Blessed Alojzije Stepinac Museum, Kaptol 31 (Nebojan Tower), phone 00385 1 489 48 79


Forum Gallery, Teslina 16, phone 00385 1 481 07 10, Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4, phone 00385 1 485 19 26, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Šubićeva 29, phone 00385 1 459 26 96, Nova Gallery, Teslina 7, phone 00385 1 487 25 82, www.agm/dgalerija.php The ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčićeva 14, phone 00385 1 481 37 46, Likum Gallery, Ilica 40, phone 00385 1 484 73 67, Croatian Association of Artists - HDLU, Trg žrtava fašizma bb, phone 00385 1 461 18 18, Karas Gallery, Praška 4, phone 00385 1 481 15 61 HAZU – Croatian Academy of Science and Art - The Cabinet of Graphics, Andrije Hebranga 1, phone 00385 1 492 23 74, Modern Gallery, Andrije Hebranga 1, phone 00385 1 604 10 40, The Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters, Trg N.Š. Zrinskog 11, phone 00385 1 489 51 17, info.hazu. hr/the_strossmayer_gallery_of_old_masters Art Pavilion, Trg kralja Tomislava 22, phone 00385 1 484 10 70, Museum of Broken Relationships, Ćirilometodska 2,

4 Have Bag, Will Travel!

Bags through the Croatian Regions Bags are not only useful articles, they tend to express something about their owners. This exhibition, drawing on the Museum’s own collection as well as items borrowed from private owners, traces the social and cultural changes throughout Croatia’s regions through the bag as a decorative and a practical item. With high visual appeal, this exhibition is also interesting for the fact that it draws heavily on the 100-year-old writings of a priest and ethnologist from Eastern Slavonia. Ethnographic Museum, Trg Mažuranića 14, phone 00385 1 482 62 20,

The Edo Murtić Donation Edo Murtić 04.12.2010 - 31.01.2011 Painter (1921-2005) was one of

the greatest Croatian artists of the second half of the 20th century, an outward-looking persona who forged strong friendships with other modern painters of his time around the world. He had an exceptionally prolific career spanning half a century. This exhibition of works which he donated to the city of Zagreb and to the Croatian people consists of over 1,000 works created between 1941 and 2004, a cross-section of his art with all its vivacity, colour, humanity and modernism. Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija

Edo Murtić, Crveni izazov

25.11.2010 - 30.04.2011

Ljubo Babić, Self Portrait

From the archives of the Modern Gallery

Ljubo Babić: A Retrospective Artistic painter, teacher, critic and historian, Babić lived and breathed art from the 1920s through to the 1970s. He was the first custodian of the Modern Gallery (1919). This retrospective honours Babić by exhibiting two hundred of his works including oils on canvas, pastels, aquarelles, and scenographic works which testify to his ingenious talents and avant-garde methods. Modern

07.12.2010 27.03.2011

Gallery, Andrije Hebranga 1, phone 00385 1 604 10 55, www.moderna-galerija. hr

Edo Murtić, Tri bijela svjetla

Dubrovnik 17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00,

The 2nd Blue Tooth The only criterion needed is that the film is shot entirely with a mobile phone, anyone can apply and it’s a great meeting spot for established and amateur artists who are able to communicate and

Divine Grace — The Artistic Heritage of the Franciscan Province of St Jerome

16.12.2010 - 20.02.2011

800 years ago St Francis of Assisi landed on Croatia’s shore during a storm, and it was at that time that he founded the first Franciscan community here. This exhibition is a display of the treasury of the communities in the Franciscan Province of St Jerome that covers most of Croatia’s coast. This rich collection of sacral art will brighten up the gloomiest of winter days. Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4, phone 00385 1 485 19 26,

The magical world of spiders and scorpions

January - March

Magical for some, terrifying for many – and for yet others a form of therapy? This exhibition has expert guides who will introduce you to real live creepycrawlies and tell you about their anatomy, biology and ecology. The Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, phone 00385 1 485 17 00,

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From the archives of the Blue Tooth Festival




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Phone 00385 1 235 77 28, www.

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share their experiences. The competition will screen amateur films which have been divided into theme categories. Welcome to the 21st century!


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From the archives of the Museum of Contemporary Art

Edo Murtić

From the arc

Art Déco, Evening dress / From the archives of the Museum of Arts and Crafts

6 Masters of the Open Skies This exhibition, held on the centenary of the first time birds were ringed in Croatia, is a chance to learn about our feathered friends and the evolution of avian flight. It was the ringing of birds that enabled scientists to reveal the secrets of birds’ migratory patterns, while modern satellite telemetry allows us to track their astonishing journeys even more accurately. The Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1,

January - September

phone 00385 1 485 17 00,

Audi FIS World Cup Vip Snow Queen Trophy 2011 04.01 & 06.01 Men’s and women’s slalom races for the

World Cup.

Sljeme. Croatian Ski Association, Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11, phone 00385 1 309 30 09,

Century of Blues

12.01 - 22.01

The international Century of Blues festival takes place in the renowned BP Jazz Club. Among this year’s guests are Ian Segal and the Mike Sponza Blues Band, and Dana Gillespie and the Joachim Palden Duo. A toe-tapping, bluesy time is guaranteed! BP Club, Teslina 7,

Culture Fair Festival

20.01 - 23.01 Arts of all sorts, you name it

and it is here! This is a platform that encourages young creative artists to present their talents and skills through solo projects, intellectual work in theatres, dance, performances, film, fine art, music, literature, workshops, fashion and production design. Free and produced for the young, by the young! Student’s Centre, Savska 25, phone 00385 1 459 36 36,

Art Déco — Art and Culture in Croatia between the two World Wars

26.01 - 30.04

See the development of style and design, new materials, technology, and the influence of the avant-garde in the 1920s and 1930s throughout Croatia. Works kept in leading museums and private collections include the likes of Ljubo Babić, Krsto Hegedušić, Oskar Herman, Vladimir Becić, and other national greats who were part of this striking art movement. Art as it once was! Museum of Arts and Crafts, Trg maršala Tita 10, phone 00385 1 488 21 11,

8 The Tiger Lillies

Elisso Virsaladze

Eccentric, twisted, dark, slightly perverse, mystically humorous, real yet unreal! This three-piece has amassed a cult following worldwide with its opera slash gypsy folk fusion of music. Their newest show, Cockatoo Prison, is based on songs surrounding a group of prisoners, each of whom is introduced song-by-song. You will have to see to believe. Student’s Centre Cinema,

Georgian pianist Elisso Virsaladze studied at the conservatories in Tblisi and Moscow, and was particularly influenced by professors Heinrich Neuhaus and Yakov Zak. She has won many prizes, including at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and the Schumann Competition in Zwickau. Her

Savska 25,

Elisso Virsaladze



The T-HT Award: An annual prize organised by Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art and T-HT, the Croatian offspring of the pink German telecom giant. Works by contemporary multimedia artists are shown in an exhibition and stand for nomination by the international panel of judges and the public for one of four awards. Works fall into two categories: media arts (video, film, internet) and art/technology (e.g. robotics, electronic art). Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik

04.02 - 06.03

17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00,

EPTA — The 4th

Svetislav Stančić The Croatian branch of the European Piano Teachers’ Association (EPTA) was founded in 1987 on the initiative of well-known pianist and piano teacher Vladimir Krpan. Today

Restaurant Week


greatest love is the music of the composers of the 18th and 19th centuries, especially Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and Schumann, but she is best known for her performances of contemporary Russian music. Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

gastronomic scene comes alive 18.02 - 13.03 Zagreb’s with many of the finest city restaurants

giving food lovers an offer too difficult to refuse. Restaurants will have three daily menus with each menu consisting of a three-course meal for 100 kuna. What a bargain and a great way to sample authentic Croatian delicacies! Other gourmet events will also be held so check out the restaurant websites. www.

Magdalena Kožená A prolific performer with a varied repertoire, this young Czech singer enjoys great popularity and is perhaps best loved for her performances of Baroque pieces and her operatic work. This promises to be a spectacular evening if you enjoy top-flight singing full of depth, emotion and passion. Vatroslav


Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11, www.

Lisinski Jazz Cycle / Croatian Composers’ Society: Brussels Jazz Orchestra, Maria Joao, David Linx Maria Joao and David Linx provide the vocals in this interpretation of Gershwin’s “folk opera” Porgy and Bess – which includes the favourites “Summertime” and “It Ain’t Necessarily So”. The Portuguese and Belgian singers form a charismatic duo providing dramatic interest against the backdrop of the jazz big band, promising a vivid experience on both the aural and visual dimensions. The Small Hall of the Vatroslav Lisinski


Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

om the archives of Zagreb Concert Management

International Piano Competition

07.02 - 13.02

EPTA has 47 branches, and the annual Svetislav Stančić International Piano Competition has been held in Croatia since 1999.


Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra / From the archives of Zagreb Concert Management

12 Carnival in Zagreb In the 1920s, the bourgeois class of Zagreb were known to hold masquerade balls; there were dances and social parties with people dancing till dawn. The tradition of our city carnival beckons at the Flower Square; dress up, wear a mask, the colour, the fun, the music and the dance, be what you have always wanted to be, in the true spirit of carnival.


Flower Square,

Zoltán Kocsis & Barnabás Kelemen

Kocsis is a sparkling personality not only in his native 08.03 Zoltán Hungary but in the global world of music. As well as being a

superb pianist, he is also a conductor, composer and chamber musician. Here, he appears with talented young violinist Barnabás Kelemen, who at the age of 21 won First Prize of the Mozart International Violin Competition in Salzburg, three years later the gold medal at the International Violin Competition at Indianapolis and in 2006 the Knight’s Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary. Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4,

Barnabás Kelemen / From the archives of Zagreb Concert Management

phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

Fire of Anatolia A Turkish dance sensation that amalgamates hundreds of styles of Anatolian folk and contemporary dance in a musical spectacle! It is spiritual, rhythmic, vigorous and emotional. The show lays claim to the Guinness Records for one of the fastest dance performances with 241 steps per minute. Travelling the world over, Zagreb gets its dose of harmonious Turkey. Arena Zagreb, Lanište bb,


Pompeii — Life in the Shadow of Vesuvius The Roman city of Pompeii, frozen in time under a blanket of volcanic ash and pumice, has been a source of fascination ever since it was rediscovered in 1599. This exhibition aims to provide an insight into the lives and loves of the Pompeiians through exhibits such as statues, frescoes and jewellery which were buried under ash or carried off in flight from the eruption. Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski

15.03 - 10.07

trg 4, phone 00385 1 485 19 26,

Pompeii, Forum



21st Spring Jazz Review

Suzana Horvat

Founded and organised by the Zagreb Jazz Club of the Croatian Composers’ Society, this jazz review was initially intended as a platform for presenting Croatian jazz talent and young musicians, but in recent years there have also been guest appearances by foreign artists. This is one of a series of jazz festivals that heralds the coming of Spring to Zagreb! The Small Hall of the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana

16.03 - 19.03

Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

The Metropolitan in the Lisinski: G. Donizetti: Lucia De Lammermoor The libretto of this “dramma tragico” is based on a novel by Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott, “The Bride of Lammermoor”, which he claimed was based on the true story of a young couple prevented from marrying by family tradition. The story was adopted for his libretto by Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti and premiered in 1835. The score contains the famous “Mad Scene” which allows singers to display their technical brilliance and which fans of the film “The Fifth Element” might recognise. Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana


Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

From the archives of the Klovićevi dvori Gallery

peii, Bracelet

Springtime Jazz Fever BP Club is the pulsing heart of 19.03 - 02.04 Ifjazzthein Zagreb, the Springtime Jazz Fever

festival is the moment when it leaps with life and love. Held since 1988, every year an impressive roster of Croatian and international jazz greats take the stage in this intimate little club, very often getting together for an informal jam. Great fun, and excellent music. BP Club, Teslina 7,

Faithless One of the leading world electronic music bands return to our city in promotion of their latest album, ‘The Dance’. In a career spanning two decades, fans can bop and hop the night away to some of their classic hits including, ‘Insomnia’, ‘We Come 1’, ‘God is a DJ’ and ‘Mass Destruction’. Dom Sportova Hall,


Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11,


16 Roger Waters — The Wall Tour


Lyricist, bassist and co-vocalist, he is one of the creative geniuses behind iconic psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd. Roger Waters returns to the stage with his greatest master piece – The Wall. After a 25 year wait, Waters tours 25 European cities, rekindling the progressive melodies of a grand era. Arena Zagreb, Lanište bb.

Moscow Soloists Established in 1992, the Moscow Soloists are hailed by critics as among the best orchestras today. Their diverse repertoire spans the spectrum from early music to contemporary pieces, and some of the finest musicians that have played with them include Sviatoslav Richter, Gidon Kremer, Mstislav Rostropovich, Sarah Chang, Maxim Vengerov, Vadim Repin, Shlomo Mintz, Barbara Hendricks and Jessye Norman. Yuri Bashmet is, according to “The Times”, “one of the greatest living musicians” who has sparked renewed interest in the viola as an instrument which can be played to dazzling effect. Vatroslav Lisinski


Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

The Zagreb Time Machine to a world of yonder where 16.04 - 25.09 Welcome we go back in time every Saturday

between 11am and 1pm, from spring to autumn. Venture to the lavish Zrinjevac Park and listen to waltz, operetta songs, Italian canzone, jazz or evergreen at the Music Pavilion. If you head to the Upper Town then you might meet a poet, a blacksmith, a postman or some other legend or hero from the city chronicles. See the dancing folklore groups with their colourful costumes and ancient songs that keep our heritage alive. Either way, both locations are serene, nostalgic and reminiscent of a golden era. Zrinjevac Park, Upper Town., zagrebackivremplov

The Zagreb Time Machine / From the archives of Zagreb Tourist Board

The Changing of the Guard It’s not every day a girl gets to see a parade of fine young chaps resplendent in knee-high boots, so when opportunity knocks it’s not to be missed! The Changing of the Guard is ably handled by the Royal Cravates, the Croatian regiment founded within the French Army in 1664. It’s a two hour ceremony that takes place at noon every Saturday and Sunday during the season, the procession leading you past the city’s most famous monuments. The bright red scarves you’ll see the guards wearing are the forerunners of the modern tie, named by the French “à la Croate” – later becoming “cravat”. www.

16.04 - 18.10

Queer Zagreb

The Changing of the Guard / From the archives of Zagreb Tourist Board

25.04 - 07.05

Queer Zagreb is Croatia’s international festival of gay culture, running since 2003 and now the biggest such event in Central and Eastern Europe. Queer Zagreb this year will feature theatre and contemporary artists from Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and the USA as well as Croatia. There will be an extensive film program dedicated to Asian gay cinema. The festival also has great gay parties with hundreds of party goers dancing all night to some of the best local and regional DJs.

Saint Mark’s Festival St Mark’s Square is set alight on April 25 as it is the patron’s feast day. Churches and concert venues are visited by devotees of classical, chamber and sacral music as renowned soloists and ensembles from Croatia and abroad perform with zest.

25.04 - 24.05

The 11th Naj, Naj, Naj Festival A groundbreaking festival aimed at giving children a taste and a passion for theatre. It has an international flavour with over 15 local and foreign companies involved. It is somewhat unique in that performances are non-puppetry, simply true theatrical art. Held in spring and across several city theatres, last year it attracted over 6000 visitors and best of all, it is free. Zagreb Theatres (Zagreb Youth Theatre,

26.04 - 01.05

Gavella Theatre, Komedija Theatre, Trešnja Theatre, Zagreb Puppet Theatre),


Blind Guardian

With its roots in the 1980s, this German band is one of the strongest influences on the power and speed metal scenes. Full of the imagery of Tolkien, horror and the tradition of the travelling bards, this is sure to be an evening of high drama, buzz-saw guitars, sweeping orchestral strains and earthshattering walls of sound, interspersed with the odd folk ballad.

Boogaloo Club, Vukovarska 68,


The Secrets of Grič oldest part, the Upper Town, is full of secrets and ghosts 29.04 - 30.09 Zagreb’s of the past, including those you can read about in the stories of

Marija Jurić Zagorka, the city’s best-loved novelist. This tour takes place under the cover of darkness, with costumed guides showing you hidden corners of the city by lamplight, introducing you to the famous faces of Old Zagreb. On Fridays and Saturdays in the warmer months, your guide awaits at 10:30 pm at the beginning of Mesnička ulica. Turn up and let the adventure begin… hair-raising moments are included in the ticket price!

Design through a Bottleneck — Flowing Volume as a Source of Inspiration

An international product design exhibition May created by superstars such as Frank Gehry, Philippe Starck, Gaetano Pesce and Allessio Curto in partnership with the Croatian Association of Visual Artists in the Applied Arts. This year’s exhibition has a special focus on bottle design. ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčićeva 14, phone 00385 1 481 37 46,

The 46th Zagreb Salon This triennial exhibition dedicated to the applied arts and design is one of the premier events on the Croatian art scene. This year’s exhibition has the title Manuscripts of the Modern Age. HAZU Glyptotheque, Medvedgradska 2, phone 00385 1 468 60 60,

The Beauty of Chinese Painting and Taiwan – Nature and People Two spring exhibitions at the Ethnographic Museum celebrating art and culture in the Far East. One displays replicas of masterpieces kept at the Chinese Musuem of the National Palace, pictures created during various dynasties and including landscapes, still life and portraits. The other presents the work of leading Taiwanese photographers showing the colour and rich cultural heritage of this island nation, including mountain and coastal scenery, folk dance, theatre and images of daily life. Ethnographic Museum, Trg Mažuranića 14, phone 00385 1 482 62 20,

The Zagreb Time Machine / From the archives of Zagreb Tourist Board


Nautilus Cup / From the archives of the Museum of Arts and Crafts

Silver and Gold from the ThyssenBornemisza Treasury Coming from the fabulous Museo ThyssenBornemisza in Madrid, this exhibition May - August of secular works of art in silver and gold consists of some 50 pieces, mainly by German goldsmiths from the 15th to the 18th century, including renowned Nürnberg and Augburg goldsmiths Hans Pezolt, Melchior Gelb, Veit I Mohringer, Heinrich Straub and Martin Rehlein. The exhibits are the property of art collector Francesca von Habsburg. Museum of Arts and Crafts, Trg maršala Tita 10,

phone 00385 1 488 21 11,

Croatian Musical Youth Jazz Orchestra Zagreb — In Memory of Peter Herbolzheimer - Guest: Andreas Haderer A concert held in memory of the prolific and charismatic trombonist and big band leader who died in March 2010. Romanian-born Herbolzheimer did much to promote jazz in his adopted country of Germany, becoming musical director of the German national youth jazz orchestra in 1987. Featuring Andreas Haderer, the lead-trumpeter of the WDR Big Band.


Konzerthausorchester Berlin With the upheaval of World War II and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the orchestra has faced many obstacles in the past. Thankfully, this famous symphony continues to perform with prowess. Conducted by Lothar Zagrosek, with Mirijam Contzen on violin, the repertoire includes music by the greats W.A. Mozart and L. van Beethoven. Vatroslav Lisinski Concert


Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

Zagreb Open

07.05 - 15.05 ATP Challenger Tour Tennis tournament.

Top Spin, Jarunska 5, phone 00385 1 369 36 90,


Mladost Sports Grounds, Jarunska 5.

13.05 - 15.05

Zagreb’s open international championships in table tennis for juniors and cadets. Dom Sportova, Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11. Zagreb Table Tennis Association, Vukovarska 284, phone 00385 1 639 85 88,

Metropolitan at Lisinski — R. Wagner: Die Walküre


One of Wagner’s best-known compositions comes alive in ‘The Ride of the Valkyries’. Premiered in 1870, it is the beginning of Act III that caught the popular imagination and carries with it a great tale of fallen heroes and battle cries. Many have made renditions but the original still stands as a classic masterpiece. Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg

Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,


Museum Day


International Museum Day has been celebrated all over the world every year since 1977. This year’s theme is “Museums and Memory”. As part of the celebrations an educational game will be held over a month from 15.04 – 15.05 on the subject of “Touch”.

From the archives of the Croatian History Museum


Mark’s Fair

18.05 - 22.05

Take a stroll down memory lane Zagreb style. For centuries city craftsmen held a vital place in society and ‘Mark’s Fair’ returns to the glory days with stalls, re-enactments, plays and people dressed as nobles, jesters and knights. Modern day craftsmen present their products and ancient tools as well as replicas of medieval torture machines. Ban Josip Jelačić Square,

Gerald Clayton Trio Gerald Clayton will be just 27 this month, and he is already a prodigious musical talent. He comes from a family chock-full of jazz legends who often play together. In 2006 Clayton won second place in the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Piano Competition and he has already been nominated for two Grammy awards. Described by the “All About Jazz” website as “a sensation”, this evening looks set to provide some blistering jazz. The Small Hall of


The 5th Jewish Film Festival

22.05 - 28.05

Zagreb is home to a unique world film festival committed entirely to promoting Jewish culture. Some forty films include classics, documentaries and new movies produced by renowned Jewish filmmakers. The event takes place at the prestigious Europa Cinema and double Oscar winner Branko Lustig (Schindler’s List, Gladiator) is president of the festival. Shalom! Europa Cinema and other locations,

From the archives of the Jewish Film Festival

the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, Trg Stjepana Radića 4, phone 00385 1 612 11 11,

Mars Festival

double whammy event with the cities of Zagreb and Ljubljana combining to 27.05. Abring musical diversity, atmosphere and world class entertainment to fans! Skunk

Anansie, Kavinsky, and The Rakes performed last year alongside home grown acts TBF, Let3, Urban&4, and Edo Maajka. Stay tuned for another hot line up of top class artists that are set to grace the stage in May.

Dancing in the Street — Dancing against Violence (celebrating Zagreb day)

Zagreb joins a list of world capital cities with ‘Dancing in the street’, a huge street party set in the heart of town. Join over 10,000 people who boogy the day and night away in style and all for a good cause. Bop away from Zrinjevac Park to the Flower Square, or from Tkalčićeva Street to Ban Jelačić Square.


10th Matija Ljubek International Memorial Kayak and Canoe Races

will for the 10th year running host Croatian 29.05 Zagreb and foreign kayakers and canoeists at Croatia’s

The Jousting Tournament at Medvedgrad

29.05 - 30.05

Experience a true medieval adventure with knights, guardsmen and ladies of the Silver Dragon Order re-enacting tales of a grand era. The ancient walls of Medvedgrad have withstood many attacks over the centuries, so why not see how they were defended. Better still, become a knight for that day and prove to the ladies that chivalry and honour still exist.

The 10th European Short Story Festival in Zagreb and Split, this year’s 29.05 - 03.06 Held festival’s guests include: Yiyun Li (USA),

Julia Franck (Germany), Olga Tokarczuk (Poland), James Kelman (Scotland, UK), Arnon Grunberg (The Netherlands), Georgi Gospodinov (Bulgaria), Philip O’Ceallaigh (Ireland), Andrej Blatnik (Slovenia), Frode Grytten (Norway), David Albahari (Serbia), Etgar Keret (Israel) and Petina Gappah (Zimbabwe). To mark the Festival’s 10th birthday, an Anthology of European Short Stories will be published comprising stories by writers who have appeared at the festival over the years.

From the archives of the Animafest

largest kayak and canoe races named after the Croatian Olympic champion. Lake Jarun,

From the archives of the Mars Festival

Skunk Anansie


The 46th Floraart International Flower Exhibition

31.05 - 05.06

What do you get when cross flora with art? Floraart! Filled with colour, scent, shape and imagery, this is a horticultural and cultural event which dates back to 1891. Gardeners, florists or avid nature lovers can see an oasis of flowers, plants and fauna with plenty of fun and festivity provided. Lake Bundek,

Animafest - The 21st World Festival of Animated Film

animation is your fascination then be sure to attend the second 31.05 - 05.06 Iflargest festival of such in Europe. Since 1972, this event has continued

From the archives of the Nature Park Medvednica

to follow the production and ongoing advancements in world animated film. It features both competitive and non-competitive films, forums, and best of all, it brings the world of animation to a wider audience. Europa, Movieplex and Tuškanac cinemas.

Exhibition “The Language of Baroque Art”, part of the virtual “Museums With No Frontiers” project “Museums With No Frontiers” is a project and website aiming to create “a vast trans-national museum that presents works of art, archaeology and architecture in the context in which they were created”, all online - a wonderful opportunity to discover art and culture from all over the world. A permanent collection June “Discover Baroque Art” is being created, with Croatia one of eight countries featured. Visit , and at the touch of a button you’ll be able to see Baroque treasures from Zagreb and beyond. Museum of Arts and Crafts, Trg maršala Tita 10, phone 00385 1 488 21 11,


24 From the archives of Park-in-Zagreb


Miroslav Krleža, Saloma / From the archives of Eurokaz

This festival pushes theatre, dance, performance, and other related art forms to a new level; a level of innovation, impulse and endless horizons makes it an eye-catching spectacle. Eurokaz is the best of its kind in this region and

Cest is d’ Best Our oldest street festival attracts a kaleidoscope of street performers in music, art, theatre and things that are simply non-conventional. It is one of the tourist and

Park-in-Zagreb A two week festival with free activities and performances throughout the day 10am - 2pm, 4pm - 7pm and 8pm - 4am. Among the attractions concerts by Croatian and June are international bands, film screenings from the festival circuit, drama productions, exhibitions, workshops and classes, book readings, lectures and round tables. All in the Ribnjak park behind the Zagreb cathedral! Ribnjak park, Ribnjak Youth Centre and Purgeraj club,

Dokukino for Tourists Lo and behold, a cinema purposefully established for documentaries! If you are in town between June and September, all the films screened will have English subtitles. A small but kind gesture for our visitors! Dokukino Croatia, Katančićeva 3, phone 00385 1 481 37 11, www.

The 11th International Fireworks Festival Bundek Lake is ablaze once again with this traditional fireworks festival just along the Sava River. A spectacular display of colour and glare is set to light up the sky each night and the event is always filled with live bands and streams of beer, food and wine to be had. Lake Bundek.

Photo: Kat Baulu / RiP: A Remix Manifesto, Natio

Gradec Summer Cinema for its 25th anniversary it will include internationally renowned artists from France, Spain, the USA, Canada, Brazil, Congo and more. Museum of

Contemporary Art and Zagreb Theatres.

The picturesque Upper Town of Zagreb and in particular the district of Gradec is home to what we call ‘moonlight cinema’. The starry skies and hot summer nights are your every excuse to venture out and watch & a selection of European, American and other cult films from the past to the present. Upper Town, www.

01.06 - 30.06 01.08 - 30.08

CH Zagreb Open 2011

02.06 - 05.06

end of June/ beginning of July

Beach volleyball championship for seniors (men and women). Lake Jarun, Malo jezero, Zagreb Beach Volleyball

Association, Vukovarska 284, phone 00385 1 639 85 90,

cultural symbols of our city where its streets and squares become a stage. It is free, fun and festive! www.cestisdbest.


Bon Jovi These hard rock legends from New Jersey kick off their European tour smack bang here in Zagreb. This is their first trip to our city which will unite generations of fans. Hear their greatest tracks from ‘Living on a Prayer’ to ‘A Bed of Nails’ and their many other sing-along hits. The Circle Tour will be the band’s longest with a smashing 135 concerts worldwide.


Maksimir Stadium, Maksimirska 128.

From the archives of Dokukino Croatia


Nach Moskau / From the archives of The Zagreb World Theatre Festival

onal Film Board of Canada

26 Born in 1921, sculptor Ivan Kožarić still has the enviable élan of a young Turk of the art world. His work combines nuanced minimalism with a strong playful streak. The sculptures of the Sun in Zagreb’s Bogovićeva ulica and of modernist poet A. G. Matoš on Štrossmayerovo šetalište are both his works. Kožarić at the tender of 86 moved into a new studio, bequeathing his old atelier to the Museum of Contemporary Art. This exhibition of sketches from the atelier promises to offer a fascinating insight into the life and mind of a great artist and humorist. Museum of Contemporary Art,

10.06 - 21.08

Avenija Dubrovnik 17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00,

D Day Do you fancy design that is creative and unconventional? Then come on down to D Day which is a 24 hour fair organised to help designers from this region present their fresh ideas. All 120 exhibitors are under the age of 30 and the fair is a great way to network and connect young designers to the business sector. 4000 visitors expected!


From the archives of The Museum of Contemporary Art

Exhibition of Drawings from the Collection of the Kožarić Atelier

Oldtimer Rally Zagreb 2011

11.06 - 12.06 A review of classic cars and motorbikes.

20.06 - 22.06

The In Music Festival always has a brilliant line-up of acts featuring everything from global giants of rock and electronic music to Croatian and regional acts of all kinds, plus DJ parties stretching into the early hours. The festival takes place on the shores of Jarun Lake so you can enjoy time on the beach if the weather’s nice. There’s a well-managed campsite with all kinds of creature comforts laid on. All round, it’s a five-star experience. Jarun, Hrvatske mladeži island.

Photo: Joris Bulckens / From the archives of T-Mobile In Music Festival

T-Mobile In Music Festival

D - Day

Ivan Kožarić

Fête de la Musique In many countries, the summer solstice is marked by an all-night celebration of music, the Fête de la Musique. The idea was dreamt up by Joel Cohen, an American musician, back in 1976, and it took off and spread around the world. The idea is to celebrate both professional and amateur music. All concerts must be free and all music styles are covered – rock, jazz, classical and electronic. Come, dance and celebrate music and high summer!


Observeur du Design The Observeur du Design is a travelling exhibition organised by the French Agency for the Promotion of Industrial Design (APCI) that acts as an ambassador French design at home July for and abroad. Criteria for inclusion in the exhibition include innovation, cost reduction, comfort and respect for the environment. HAZU Glyptotheque, Medvedgradska 2, phone 00385 1 468 60


Zagreb Summer Nights An annual summer cultural festival running throughout the month of June. Zagreb’s Upper Town venues of the Klovićevi dvori Gallery and the Gradec stage provide the atmospheric backdrop for performances by artists from Croatia and all over the world. The focus is on more “serious” music, but the programme is also enlivened by regional folk music, jazz, blues and world music as well as theatre.

Zlatni medvjed

02.07 - 03.07

Croatian open championships in swimming. Šalata Sports and Recreational Club, Schlosserove stube. Medveščak Swimming Club, phone 00385 98 41 79 60.

Fantastic Zagreb 2011 is the year that Croatia gets its first “fantasy” film festival – i.e. sci-fi, horror, thrillers, fantasy, animations, experimental film, 3D and other related genres, all to be screened at open air locations and cinemas throughout the city. Apart from an extensive programme of films organised into competitive categories, there will be concerts, exhibitions, parties and more filling the summer nights with fantastic people and happenings. Guest visits from a handful of world-renowned authors and film-makers are rumoured...

02.07 - 09.07


28 Elton John With over 250 million record sales under his belt, Elton John is one of the most commercially successful artists of all time. The outrageously-attired singer, songwriter and pianist counted Princess Diana among his fans and friends, and who is going to argue with that? Perhaps someone who might point out that his adopted middle name is “Hercules”. But then the mighty Sir John can take a swipe at them with his Grammy Legend Award and roar to the Queen “Off with their heads!” Arena


Zagreb, Lanište bb.

Amadeo Stage There’s no better feeling on a warm summer night then the sense of expectation of magic about to take place under the stars in the glorious courtyard of the Natural History Museum, the home of the & Amadeo summer theatre. This is the very spot where Zagreb’s first public theatre (the Amadeo Theatre) had its home between 1797 and 1834. Every year some 200 theatre and music performances are held, as well as multimedia events, both by Croatian and foreign artists. A popular Zagreb summertime institution and one more good reason to spend summer in the city! The Atrium of the Croatian Natural History Museum,

14.07 - 31.07 16.08 - 05.09

Demetrova 1, phone 00385 1 481 69 08,

Zagreb Air Meeting Top Gun eat your of acrobatic flying,


heart out! A presentation gliders and parachuting.

Lučko Airport. Zagreb Air Association, Rakovčeva 10, phone 00385 1 231 41 21.

The 9th Zagreb World Theatre Festival When the Croatian tourist season reaches its July peak, traditionally Zagreb’s theatre scene went into hibernation until early October, kept on life support by events such as the Amadeo stage performances. However, once everyone’s safely back in town, the doors

The 45th International Folklore Festival The city turns ethno with a concoction of dance ensembles from all over the world presenting the beauty of their national dances. It is a sight to see with performers wearing astounding traditional

Ljubljana-Zagreb Cycling Race

From the archives of the Zagreb Air Association

International professional cycling race. Zagreb Cycling Associa-

Ivan Ladislav Galeta Ivan Ladislav Galeta is a specialist in media arts, especially film and photography. His work draws on the experimental currents of the 1970s, he is analytical in his approach and pedantic in execution. This

Peeping Tom / From the archives of The Zagreb World Theatre Festival

September of the cultural new year swing open with the Zagreb World Theatre Festival. One of the city’s most treasured festivals, it attracts the very best in theatre from all over the world and is one very good reason to welcome the autumn. www.



7:11 PM

Page 1

From the archives of The Zagreb World Theatre Festival

20.07 - 24.07 costumes. Get to know Croatia and one of our best kept secrets in folklore. Crafts, choirs, dance workshops, and exhibitions make this a multicultural bonanza. Upper Town, Ban Josip

Jelačić Square.


PIF — the 44th International Puppet Theatre Festival

tion, Rakovčeva 10,

September/October retrospective brings together for the first time Galeta’s work, a timely opportunity to re-evaluate it as a coherent whole. Museum of Contemporary

Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00,

is a highly popular annual festival of 05.09 - 11.09 PIF puppet theatre, first held in 1972. It was

first organised by members of the Student Esperanto Club, hence the name PIF from the Esperanto “Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo”. It’s very much an open festival, cheering up the city streets and squares as well as bringing life and hilarity to the theatres. In keeping with its roots, the festival has a colourful international character. MCUK, Božidara Magovca 17, phone 00385 1 660 16 26, www.mcuk.


Zagreb Ladies Open The biggest women’s tennis tournament in Croatia. Maksimir Tennis Center, V. Ravnice bb.


10.09 - 18.09

30 IAAF Grand Prix Zagreb 2011 — The Hanžeković Memorial


An international athletic meeting gathering some of the biggest names in world athletics. Mladost Sports Park, Jarunska Street 5. Zagreb Sports Association, Vukovarska 284/III, phone 00385 1 309 13 77,

The 7th 25 FPS International Experimental Film and Video Festival

Peter Kubelka, photo: V. Kanić

E. van der Heide, Expanded Cinema performance, photo: H. Grgić

Film buffs can choose from multitudes of short and experimental films that explore the medium of film making. It’s not Hollywood, it’s avant-garde and it’s a melting pot for film directors, producers and critics from this side of Europe. It includes expanded cinema, audio-visual performances, a fabulous catalogue, competitions and more. 25 FPS

20.09 - 25.09

Festival, Nova Ves 18, phone 00385 1 457 22 03,

The 12th Young Artists Platform

Perforations — A Week of Live Art An international festival held in Zagreb, Rijeka and Dubrovnik gathering some of the most interesting names in contemporary art in the Balkans. “Perforations” features contemporary dance, theatre and live art, commissioning and co-producing new work from the artists. The festival is part of the Imagine 2020 network dedicated to combating climate change using the arts to raise awareness.

Nebo World Music Festival From Tibet to China, Armenia to Sweden, encompassing all the world’s minorities in between, this festival of traditional, ethno and folk music gives the wider public an insight into world music trends! It values the richness of each culture forging mutual respect and understanding. Open your ears and hearts to a world of music!

Roses Hangin - Perou / From the archives of the New Circus Festival

The labour that has gone into this event is coming to fruition many of today’s choreographers first stepped onto the stage right here. The stage is set again for young, up and coming choreographers October and dance artists to express their ideas, improvisations and talents, thus treating dance art fans to some innovative and original arrangements.

Croatian Jazz Parliament

01.10 - 14.10

This autumn jazz festival in the legendary little jazz club, BP, is a platform exclusively for Croatian jazz musicians of all styles, including promising young musicians. BP Club, Teslina 7, www.bpclub.


Zagreb Marathon

international marathon held on the streets of Zagreb, 09.10 An starting at the main Ban Jelačić Square.

Zagreb Athletic Association, Vukovarska Street 284, phone 00385 1 639 85 86,

The 6th Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival - Zagreb kom 6 Growing in size and stature, this event promotes a style of classical music with highly acclaimed local and international musicians partaking annually. Dubbed as ‘the music of friends’, it seeks to promote this somewhat forgotten musical style in a world of never-ending musical genre. Music for the soul!

15.10 - 22.10

Croatian Music Institute,

Zagreb Film Festival Who is going to win this year’s Zlatna kolica (Golden Pram) award? In its 9th edition, the festival features three separate international competition programs (feature film, short film, documentary film), and one for short films made by Croatian directors. Film enthusiasts can pick and choose with one week of great cinema to be had. Europa Cinema, Varšavska 3, phone 00385 1 482 94 77, www.

16.10 - 23.10

New Circus Festival This popular event takes over Zagreb’s theatres and alternative cultural hotspots for a few days each November to put on contemporary circus November performances. Gathering the best in new circus talent from all over the world, this is a great chance to catch some international premieres. A side event, the Red Room cabaret, is also excellent. 2011’s festival will be dedicated to the theme “Other Bodies”.

The Croatian War of Independence Held 20 years after the war broke out, this exhibition displays for the first time the Museum’s collection of items from the wartime period (1991-1995). It documents the process of forming a Croatian State after breaking away from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and of the course of the war that followed. It explores the significance of the war and of independence, as well as asking how attitudes have changed in the light of information that has emerged over the last two decades. The Croatian History Museum, Matoševa 9, phone 00385 1 485 19 00,


32 Fairytales on Ice: Alice in Wonderland

From the archives of Press KK Medo

Fairytales on Ice Relive your childhood through this traditional spectacle on ice. The marvels of famous children’s fairytales November are presented live with music, lighting and costume. Immerse yourself into another world which can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Dom Sportova, Krešimir Ćosić Square 11.

One Hundred Years of Croatian Scenography and Costume Design An exhibition with the theme of children’s theatre and puppetry. This biennial is organised by the Theatre and Film Section of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists in the Applied Arts. ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčićeva 14, Mimara Museum, Trg Franklina Roosewelta 5, phone 00385 1 482 81 00

Film Mutations: The Festival of Invisible Cinema This is a film-symposium with influential film thinkers critically presenting major issues related to the world of cinematography, both past and present. Thought-provoking topics such as the digital age, the politics of film curatorship, film culture and more are staged through innovative programs and pedagogies. Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00, www.

Vip Jazz Festival The seventh annual Vip Jazz Festival is sure to bring some of the greatest names in music to Zagreb again: previous incarnations of the festival have featured Sonny Rollins, Chick Corea, Bela Fleck and Ornette Coleman. Taking place over three days, the lineup is small with just three performances, but in this case quality definitely triumphs over quantity. www.vipzagrebjazzfestival. com

French Kiss Tour #3 Following the success of the 2009 “French Kiss” concert, this year’s concert will bring together three new jewels of the French independent music scene: Constance Amiot, Elodie Frégé and Katel, all folk-pop-rock singers in that inimitable French style. Each of these young rock personalities is also a passionate and talented guitarist. The concert promises a blend of Parisian gypsy jazz, ballads with country accents and pop rock sounds.

Znam te (Aš tave žinau), D. Šarutytė

From the archives of the French Institute in Zagreb From the archives of the Zagreb Film Festival

Tilva Roš, Nikola Ležaić


Pljačkaš (Der Räuber), Benjamin Heisenberg

Nevoljena (The Unloved), Samantha Morton

Mamut (Mammuth), Gustave de Kervern, Benoît Delépine


The exhibition “Socialism and Modernism” is the result of four years of work by a team of researchers from various cultural, educational and research institutions on the visual and cultural of modernism. In November/December heritage sifting through archives and art collections, the team attempted to answer the questions “How does post-war Croatian / Yugoslav society define the terms “modernity” and “modernism”?”, and “How does modernism manifest itself in the visual arts, design and architecture?” The exhibition presents their findings. Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, phone 00385 1 605 27 00,

Croatian Theatre Showcase Every year at the beginning of November, the Croatian Centre of UNESCO’s International Theatre Institute puts on a showcase of theatre for foreign theatre experts such as festival and theatre directors, critics and translators. Croatian theatre is one of the country’s highlights but it’s still not well represented on the global level, so this platform has been created to help the international audience get acquainted with the Croatian drama scene. Performances have English translations. Performances are also open to the public: see

A. T. Stipančić Memorial Tournament

An international table tennis tournament organised in honour of the great Antun Tova Stipančić who won 27 gold, silver and bronze medals at Louise Brooks, Pandora’s Box

Collective Perspectives – Individual Choices: Visual Culture in Croatia in the Second Half of the 20th Century

ZGRAF11 largest and longest-running international exhibition of graphic 09.11 - 04.12 The design and visual communications in Croatia, ZGRAF11 has been held

every three years since 1975. Gathering designers, theorists and critics, the aim is to discuss design in contemporary society and enjoy some good art! Zagreb Fair, Pavilion 19, Avenija Dubrovnik 15.

PSSST! The Silent Film Festival See some of the classics of the genre or better still, some of the newest features including works by your average Joe. Since films today can be shot by mobile phone or web camera, the initiative here is to give artists and people in general a chance to express themselves in this particular way. Could we see the next Hitchcock or Spielberg? Trešnjevka Cultural Centre, Stara Trešnjevka Park 1,

10.11 - 13.11

From the ZGRAF archives

03.11 - 07.11

European Theatre Night

11.11 - 13.11 World and European Championships. Dom Sportova, Krešimir

Ćosić Square 11. Zagreb Table Tennis Association, Vukovarska Street 284, phone 00385 1 639 85 88, www.stsz. hr

One evening in the year dedicated to the dramatic and performing arts, European Theatre Night is celebrated in most major Croatian theatres. It’s a night when theatres come alive with the buzz of meetings, conversation and new ideas both among theatre professionals and the audience. Exchange programmes are held, familiarising the Croatian public with the treats that European theatre holds and promoting the Croatian dramatic arts abroad.


Mladost Meeting extremely strong international swimming 19.11 - 20.11 An competition with leading European and From the archives of the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre


World swimmers.

Mladost Sports Park, Jarunska Street 5, phone 00385 1 363 72 11,

Zagreb Dance Ensemble —

A Dance Performance with the Working Title “Being Me” Following the great success of its work with Sahar Azimi in the performance “UTF-8”, the Zagreb Dance Ensemble continues a series of co-productions with world-renowned choreographers by inviting to Zagreb Spanish choreographer Laura Aris Alvarez of December the Ultima Vez troupe. She will perform with the ensemble in a piece with the working title “Being Me.” The work of Alvarez and of the Ultima Vez group is known for its confrontational energy and artistic impact, so this is sure to be thrilling to watch and to have a strong philosophical undercurrent. ZKM Theatre, Teslina 7,

The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu / From the archives of The Human Rights Film Festival


36 Mister Morgen, a Musical Biography The musical biography of a highly popular Croatian singer, musician and entertainer who went on to achieve December international fame. His song “Morgen” became a hit in German-speaking countries, hence his nickname, “Mister Morgen”. www.komedija. hr

The 9th Human Rights Film Festival A simple concept and a brilliant festival – films of all kinds with fascinating and thoughtprovoking subjects all involved with one or more aspects of human rights. The programme includes the past year’s output of human rights-related films, as well as retrospectives of great films with relevant topics. Supporters include Amnesty International, and the festival asks us to remember those among us whose rights are not respected.

The 6th “Lace in Croatia” Exhibition Croatian lace was entered on the UNESCO list of non-material cultural heritage in 2009. Techniques used in Croatian lace-making depend on the region: gossamer-thin lace from Lepoglava in inland Croatia is made using bobbins, while the equally famous lace from the island of Pag is made using a needle and thread and Hvar island lace is made from the fibres of the agave plant. Apart from these most famous centres, lace-making has been a traditional craft in much of the country since the 12th century. This promises to be a beautiful exhibition. Ethnographic Museum, Trg Mažuranića 14, phone 00385 1 482 62 20,

Golden Spin of Zagreb

strongest ice-skating competition in Croatia and one of the oldest in 08.12 - 11.12 The the world.

Dom Sportova, Krešimir Ćosić Square 11. Croatian Ice-Skating Association, Krešimir Ćosić Square 11, phone 00385 1 301 23 23, .

Photo: Šime Strikoman, Najživlji božićni bor na svijetu! (“The liveliest Christmas tree in the world!”), 222nd Millennium photo

Advent 2011 With the end of the year fast approaching, Advent is when Zagreb really blossoms and is more beautiful than ever. The city overflows with activity and in the spirit of the Holy Season, we invite you to come and join us in December 2011 by warming your palate with our traditional mulled wine or homemade gourmet sausages in the heart of town. The city squares are jampacked with lovely wooden stalls filled with authentically hand-crafted souvenirs and art works; whilst sightseeing there are Christmas concerts and skating rinks to enjoy amongst other things. Whatever you may choose, one thing is certain: that you will enjoy the festive atmosphere amidst serene surroundings and jolly locals, as we together bid farewell to another year, and eagerly await the New Year!

Publisher: Zagreb Tourist Board Kaptol 5 | 10 000 Zagreb phone: 00385 1 4898 555 | fax: 00385 1 4814 340 | For the Publisher: PhD Amelia Tomašević Assistant: Ana Landeka, Marlisa Fašaić, Davor Guvo, Dubravka Mičić Editor: Višnja Arambašić Production: Plava Ponistra d.o.o. Design/Layout: Gordan Karabogdan Researcher: Kristina Kovač Text: Nataly Anderson, Frank Jelinčić Map copyright: Zagreb Tourist Board No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of going to press and assume no responsibility for changes and errors. Printing: Grafing, Zagreb Print run: 6000


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