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ANDOVER HIGH SCHOOL office: 218.4600 1744 N. Andover Road Andover, Kansas 67002

Main Registrar/Counselor Office: 218.4203

July, 2010 Dear Parents/Guardians and Andover High School Students: Enclosed in this packet are the necessary forms to enroll your child for the 2010-2011 school year. The packet includes a variety of forms necessary for you to complete the enrollment process. As you review your child’s schedule please help your student stay abreast of their high school graduation requirements and the Kansas Board of Regents information to ensure their curriculum choices meet the guidelines and their educational goals. Please visit the district website at http://www.usd385.org and select “Andover High” and review information in the 2010-2011 Enrollment Guide. Parents are encouraged to go to PowerSchool (your ID/PW is listed below) through the district web site and post your changes on-line. Ø Carefully review and update items on the 2-page “Student Enrollment Information” forms (including non-residing parent information). Of particular importance: Has your cell phone number replaced your land line number? Have your work numbers changed? Updated email address? Ø Updates and corrections to your email addresses must be done on the paper enrollment form. Ø Complete and return all forms (with required signatures) as found in your enrollment packet. Payment by check or cash: you are encouraged to enroll by mail sending your completed enrollment forms and payment for all appropriate fees to the address above. Packets can be submitted at any time in person at the main high school office. Ø Ø Ø Ø

Fee Schedule: review, complete, sign and return (including forms for the District Family Passes and Bluestreak subscription). Checks are payable to “Andover High School.” Lunch account: will still require a separate check payable to “USD385 Food Service.” (include student name/grade) AHS Trojan Family Booster Club payable to Andover High School, attn: Booster Club with completed form.

COUNSELOR HOURS Beginning Tuesday, August 10 the counselors will be available to see returning students and/or their parents regarding schedule issues. A separate letter is included detailing the available dates and times. BEGINNING OF SCHOOL SCHEDULE Thursday, August 19, freshman and students NEW to the district (7:50 a.m. start time) Friday, August 20, first day of school for ALL students District Activity Calendars are available on the District Website at www.usd385.org. Student handbooks will be issued to students and discussed with them during the first week of school. We encourage you to take the time to review the handbook with your child. The handbook is also available on the AHS web page. “Meet the Teacher” Night: Wednesday, August 18 at AHS Meet your child’s teachers, your high school staff, and attend important meetings! Your attendance is vital to the strong high school parent support we enjoy! v v v v v

Meet Your Teacher Night 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Families circulate to visit with teachers Booster Club Welcome Meeting 5:45 p.m. Auditorium Freshman/New Students Parent/Guardian Meeting 6:00 p.m. Auditorium Senior Parent/Guardian Meeting 6:30 p.m. Auditorium Trojan Night Parent/Guardian Meeting 7:00 p.m. Auditorium

I am looking forward to a great year! Sincerely, Bob Baier, Principal

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