New Student Enrollment forms

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If you are a new student to the Andover School District and will be attending Andover Central High School during the 2011-2012 school-year, print and follow these directions. 1) Andover schools require you to live in the district in order to attend – proof such as a bill with your name is required. 2) Print and fill out the following : a. New Student Enrollment Forms (2 pages - please include an email address if you have one) b. Request for Transcript Form c. Home Language Survey (Spanish version available) d. Enrollment Worksheet -Look though the enrollment links in this article and find all the information associated with your child’s grade next year. Using the form Classes offered to “your” grade will help. 3) Mail the 4 completed forms and proof of address to: Andover Central High School Attn: Connie Molina 603 E Central Andover, KS 67002

During the summer you will receive instructions on completing the enrollment process and paying fees. If all goes well your child’s schedule will be done and with the enrollment information you receive in the summertime you will be given directions on how to view your child’s schedule online through our PowerSchool system. If at any time you feel lost or confused or just have questions, feel free to contact the Counselors’ office at 218-4700, option #2. Or by email: Mrs. Molina – Registrar – For enrollment purposes the counselors will be divided as such: Mrs. Stinson – 10th & 11th Grade Counselor – Mr. Calabro – 9th & 12th Grade Counselor –

Request For Transcript and Cumulative Record Andover Central High School To: ___________________________________


____________________________________ ____________________________________ Dear Registrar: This certifies that ___________________________________. (DOB)______________________ _____grade, enrolled at Andover Central High School on ________________________________. Please send records for this student, including high school and middle school transcripts, test records, immunization records, birth certificate, psychological and diagnostic evaluations. We will also need your grading scale and withdrawal grades along with the period of times these grades represent. Public Law 93‐380, regarding the “Release of School Records” has been modified by SB 182, Article 5, Privacy of Pupil Records, 1047 that reads: “A school district is not authorized to permit access to pupil records to any person without parental consent or under judicial order accept that: Access shall be permitted to the following: Officials and employees of other public schools or school systems including local, county or state correctional facilities where educational programs leading to high school graduation are provided. Where the pupil intends to or is directed to enroll, subject to the rights of parents as provided is Section 10939.” 

Please mail to: Connie Molina, Registrar  Andover Central High School  603 E Central  Andover, Kansas 67002  Phone: 316‐218‐4403  Fax: 316‐733‐7325

Thank you Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________ Student’s Signature, if over 18_____________________________________ ************If student is transferring from a school in Kansas, please send KIDS assigned Student ID # _________________________________________________________________________________________

Andover Public Schools Home Language Survey Student’s Name _________________________________ Date____________________ Month/ Date/Year

The Andover School District offers programs for students who are developing in their English communication ability. According to federal guidelines, each school district is responsible for collecting information about the home languages of their students. The following survey provides the district with the information needed in determining which students will be assessed for English language proficiency. All students in the district must have a home language survey on file. If you are the parent of more than one student, please complete a survey for each child who attends an Andover school.

What language is spoken in the home? ________________________ What is the student’s first/native language? ____________________ List any other languages spoken by the student __________________ Is this your child’s first year in a U.S. school? ____yes


If no, list the date the students first enrolled in U.S. school __________________ Month/Date/Year

Please list the names and ages of any other children who live in your home. ______________________________








Thank you for helping the district in collecting the information necessary for providing the best education possible for your children!

____________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian 06/01/08

Encuesta del Lenguaje Hablado en el Hogar Estudiante _________________________________

Fecha____________________ mes/día/año

El Distrito Escolar de Andover ofrece programas para los estudiantes quienes estén desarrollando su habilidad de comunicarse en inglés. Según las guías federales, cada distrito escolar es responsable de recopilar información de los lenguajes hablados en el hogar de sus estudiantes. La siguiente encuesta le provee al distrito la información necesitada para determinar cuáles estudiantes estarán evaluados por su competencia de comunicarse en inglés. Todos los estudiantes del distrito tienen que archivar una encuesta del lenguaje hablado en el hogar. Si usted es padre de más de un estudiante, por favor llene una encuesta para cada estudiante quien asiste a una escuela de Andover. ¿Qué lenguaje se habla en el hogar? ________________________ ¿Cuál es la lengua natal/primera del estudiante? ____________________ Haga una lista de otros lenguajes que sean hablados por el estudiante ______________________________________________________________________ ¿Es éste el primer año de su hijo en una escuela de los EE.UU.?



Si no es, anote la primera fecha en que el estudiante inscribió en una escuela de los EE.UU. __________________ mes/ día/año Por favor haga una lista de los nombres y edades de cualquier otro niño que viva en su hogar. ______________________________






¡Gracias por ayudarle al distrito a recopilar la información necesaria para proveer la mejor educación posible para sus hijos!

____________________________________________________________ Firma del Padre o del Guardián Legal


ENROLLMENT WORKSHEET - - NAME________________________GRADE (The numbers below DO NOT represent hours – they are merely there to help you pick the number of classes)




SEMESTER 1 1. __________



2. __________



3. __________



4. __________



5. __________



6. __________



7. __________



SEMESTER 2 1. __________



2. __________



3. __________



4. __________



5. __________



6. __________



7. __________



***ALTERNATES*** __________













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