András Török's Budapest: A Critical Guide

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This book tries to combine three types of guides with the advantages of all three: the Baedeker type, the critical guidebook and the alternative guide

A C r i t i ca l G u i d e

book. It tries to serve you as an “invisible host”. There is a Hungarian saying for things that seem

“It’s essentially a loving and learned essay on the city slyly disguised as a guidebook. What he really does is to capture the soul of the city and its denizens, past and present. His evoca tive observations and opinions, laced with wit and candor could only have

impossible: ‘an iron ring made out of wood’. Even if

come from one clever guy who’s truly

this book cannot overcome the language difficulties,

lived the life in Budapest. You’ll read

it is designed to put the visitor at ease when making

were a novel.”

every page of this book as though it

his own plans to discover the city. After all, it is


easier to get help with the language from friends, business partners, interpreters or hotel receptionists, than to get ideas for spending one’s time.

“Not just about Budapest but about any

PEST BUDA A Critical Guide

ANDRÁS TÖRÖK, aka Simplicissimus b. 1954 is an author, lecturer, and long time chronicler of the Budapest urban scene. This is the seventh edition of his third book. He studied English, History and Modern Greek in his native Budapest during the 1970s, then he sharp ened his wit in the dissident intellectual salons. Later he worked as translator, teacher, graphic designer and, after the Fall of the Wall, deputy minister for culture and President of the National Cultural Fund. Meanwhile, instead of writing new books, he rewrote this same book, over and over again. He is a founder and regular columnist of the monthly Budapest, re launched for the third time. A critic has called this book “The Bildungsroman of the author, who is a cross between a local his torian, a journalist and a fiction writer.”

A n d r á s TÖRÖK’S

city. Torok introduces the reader both to the soul of one of the world’s most soulful cities and to its haunts, dives, corners, and backwaters. Read it a week before you go, brush up on the way there, immerse yourself in Torok’s Budapest, and you will experience the city in a way that none of the other available guides can begin to convey.” JOHN FARAGO, NYC on

“What better to accompany a visit to


41 maps by

András Felvidéki

Budapest than someone like Andras Török, a person who knows Budapest inside out, from top to bottom, and then some. Great job Mr Andras Torok! Take my hat off to you Sir!”

3900 Ft



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