Fastlane Magazine - Issue 43

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is produced by the Australian National Drag Racing Association LTD.

Amanda Cobb ( Design: Daniel Goonan - TwoSixOne Design ( ), Amber Simms Photography, Brad Stott, Cackling Pipes, Outlaw Images, Red CentreNATS, High Octane Photos, Wizzas Photography, Little Gem Motorsport Photography. Cover Photography:, High Octane Photos, and Amber Simms Photography.


A change was made to technical inspections and logbook applications from the 8th of July 2024.

In recent times, while the logbook fee application was $89, up to a further $200 technical inspection fee can been charged by each inspector. $100 of this was

forwarded to ANDRA head office, while the balance covered the inspector’s expenses and time. The funds received by head office are used to cover officials’ expenses at race meetings in each division.

Since the 8th of July, logbook applications now cost $189 (senior categories), while

inspectors may now only charge up to $100 for their time and expenses. While there is no change in pricing overall, the way the funds are collected has changed.

If you have any questions about this change, please email


The 2024/2025 ANDRA Rule Book has recently been released and is available online at

Stay tuned for details as to when hard copies will be distributed to ANDRA members. Additional copies will also be available for purchase at that time.

The Annual General Meeting will be scheduled during October 2024 with further details soon to be released regarding dates and the venue, but we are working towards tying this in with the Spring Nationals.

We are also currently investigating an opportunity to offer video link

attendance options, to allow as many ANDRA members as possible to attend if they so wish.

Further details will be emailed to all ANDRA members once they are finalised.


One of the ‘big tick’ items of ANDRA being a membership-based organisation is the fact the members can drive the direction of the peak body.

ANDRA does not have a single owner making reactive decisions to maximise profits or to try and remain relevant in the market. It is owned by the members, for the members. There are no other shareholders.

The overall strategic direction should therefore be based on membership engagement and direction. However, at the same time, we all need to be mindful there are a lot of outside influences which sometimes can hinder the ability to deliver every member wish, and every decision will not always sit well with every member.

In theory, things always look to be straight forward, but in practice, it never is! This is especially true when members are not armed with the factual information which will determine what decisions are made.

There are a range of commercial confidences, intellectual property and legal issues, privacy issues, and other similar factors which always play a part in any decision – this is why our structure and governance need constant attention. The Board also needs to be strategic in governing what is the sport’s peak body, looking at the bigger holistic picture and making decisions that meet our strategic objectives.

As an organisation we need to have the policies, procedures and structures in place to assist with our decision making; as decisions at all levels – including by the Board, Management, the Operations Committee, National Rules Committee, Handicap Committee and others – need to be made with confidence and all the correct checks and balances.

Conflicts of interest inevitably emerge, as they do in every organisation. However, it is the way they are handled which is the key, and having the right checks and balances in place assists in managing this.

With all of this in mind, we have begun an intensive review, including working hard behind the scenes in recent months on a range of general administrative and governance related issues.

We started with the Board; and have reviewed and developed some good governance practices over the past six months which will continue to evolve and improve as part of an ongoing process.

While we have reviewed our strategic priorities, at the same time we have implemented a conflict register, where all Board members officially record potential conflicts. We have also included an internal Board performance review on the agenda for an upcoming Board meeting.

This Board review includes exploring Sports Governance Standard principles and outlines a sports governance framework as recommended by the Australian Sport’s Commission; addressing culture, behaviours, strategy, duties, powers, responsibilities, accountability, transparency and integrity amongst other key attributes of good governance. Further, we will continue to roll out reviews to the other committees over the coming months and this may lead to necessary constitutional changes to address things such as length of tenure of different committees to ensure a natural and consistent turnover of committee members.

The biggest thing you will start to notice, will be more regular communication. I will be providing a Members’ CEO report at regular intervals to update members, while initiatives such as Fastlane Magazine will continue every quarter too, with reports such as this.

You may also be invited to participate in surveys from time to time, to assist in obtaining member feedback and to help us keep in touch with what the members want to see from their peak body.

I want to remind you also that opportunity is provided by becoming a member to have an influence on the direction of

ANDRA, and this goes for people in the Eastern states too, who may not currently be a member. For example, the Divisional Councils in Queensland and New South Wales have current vacancies, and these could be filled relatively easily. So, if you are in these divisions, it might be worth considering them as an opportunity to contribute at a higher level.

ANDRA may not be perfect, and we recognise that things which have occurred in the past may have been handled differently. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and we won’t always get it right, but we are committed to driving improvement for our members – that is why we need your voice and are ready to listen, so we can make decisions which are in the best interests of the Australian drag racing industry.

I hope you will engage with us to help us steer our great sport forward. If you have feedback or questions you would like to share with us, please email info@andra.

Best wishes,

The new ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship, which launched into action recently with the Desert Nationals, has been pleased to welcome the support of numerous businesses ahead of its inaugural 2024/2025 season.

Huntsman Racing – which also sponsors a number of its fellow race teams –is headed up by 2022 Supercharged Outlaws ANDRA National Champion and multiple silver ANDRA Christmas tree winner, Mark Hunt, and is sponsoring the Supercharged Outlaws bracket. To learn more, please click here.

The Modified Bike bracket meanwhile is now being backed by Rob Cassar’s Ballistic Performance Parts, with the former Top Fuel Motorcycle and Competition Bike champion enthusiastic about the new series and supporting the bracket in which he got his drag racing start back in 1996. To learn more, please click here.

The popular Top Qualifier Medallion is now being supported by New Gen Business Park, a development project under

the stewardship of eight time national champion and Top Fuel Motorcycle record breaker, Chris Matheson. To learn more, please click here.

And finally, it has just been announced that the Super Stock bracket is now to be sponsored by Jackie Watt Consultancy / Fardella and Watt Racing for the 2024/2025 ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship season. To learn more, please click here.

ANDRA Chief Executive Officer, Tim McAvaney, said he was pleased to have the support of these businesses as the new ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship roars into life.

“ANDRA is extremely pleased to have such highly respected industry members such as Mark Hunt and Huntsman Racing, Rob Cassar and Ballistic Performance Parts, Chris Matheson and his New Gen Business Park, and Jackie Watt Consultancy / Fardella and Watt Racing supporting the new ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship,” McAvaney said.

If you are looking for business opportunities within the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship, please email

For more from ANDRA, visit

Photos thanks to Amber Simms Photography & High Octane Photos


ANDRA recently announced a great new initiative to assist venues to make important risk management improvements to their facility.

As the FIA-recognised governing body for drag racing in Australia, ANDRA is committed to supporting venues at all levels of the sport.

The new Risk Management Grant Scheme

will offer both permanent and temporary venues up to $10,000 to assist in nominated risk management projects at their facility.

Projects such as improved safety barriers, lighting and timing upgrades, fire extinguisher upgrades, canteen safety, risk management plans and other related safety measures will be the key focus of the scheme.


With plenty of history, amazing photos, and fantastic profiles on some of our sport’s biggest personalities, administrators and competitors over the 50 year journey, the 50th anniversary of ANDRA special edition of Fastlane

Magazine is a must-read.

ANDRA members can contact the ANDRA office to request a copy by emailing, or pick up a copy at selected race meetings.

Permanent tracks will qualify for a grant up to $10,000, while temporary facilities including aerodromes will qualify for grants up to $3,000.

For the full details, please click here.


The ANDRA Member Benefits Program has been created to offer its loyal members the opportunity to receive discounts to products from supporting companies. By joining the program, your business and products will be promoted to a performance-based target audience. Participating businesses of the ANDRA Member


Benefits Program receive promotion through ANDRA’s database of over 5000 members and race fans, as well as exposure through the ANDRA website and the regular MotorMail email newsletter. This is the perfect platform to launch new products, advertise monthly specials and any other sale promotions you may have.

If you would like more information on the program or want to complete your free registration, please visit

To view a listing of all ANDRA Member Benefits Program offers, please go to

As a valued ANDRA business partner, you can receive maximum exposure through the ANDRA Drag Racing brand and its events. Your company will be showcased whenever and wherever possible and there is a host of ways you can support ANDRA drag racing, including investment in the following:

For more information and to discuss opportunities, contact









ANDRA Drag Racing is back with the new ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship now underway!

The new series was announced earlier this year as a direct response to member feedback, and its calendar has been worked around existing and proposed National Drag Racing Championship (NDRC) and Track Championship level events, to ensure competitors can compete successfully in all three levels of sportsman racing.

Delivering what ANDRA members want from ANDRA Christmas Trees to ANDRA records and lots more at incredible member tracks in the NT, WA, VIC and SA, ANDRA couldn’t be more excited for what is to come for the 2024/2025 ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship.


At the centre of the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship – and all activities undertaken by ANDRA – are the ANDRA members and member tracks.

“ANDRA is proud to be a member based organisation and will always be there for our members,” said ANDRA Chief Executive Officer, Tim McAvaney.

“The overwhelming feedback from our members has been that ANDRA needs a platform to continue to build on its rich history.

“The important things to our members, as highlighted in our recent ANDRA member survey responses, included a ‘racers’

championship incorporating ANDRA Christmas Tree Trophies, The John Storm Memorial Trophy, the Longest Distance Travelled Award and Top Qualifier Medals.

“Sportsman competitors have also been loud and clear on the fact that they also need events where they shine and are ‘the show,’ while consistent application of rules through the ANDRA rulebook has also been an important point raised by our members.

“As an organisation which operates for our members, it was vital for ANDRA to act on this feedback and we are excited about what we have been able

Photos thanks to Bright Design, Cackling Pipes, Amber Simms Photography and Wizzas Photography.

to achieve to answer the calls of our members and member tracks.

“Establishing this series allows us to appropriately serve our member base and continue to deliver our respected and sought-after member benefits and awards, while filling a gap in the Australian drag racing landscape.

“Our members and our rich history are the most important assets that we have, and this Championship combines both beautifully!”


As evidence of this series’ presence alongside of, instead of in competition with, the NDRC is evidenced in the fact that not only has great work been put into to avoid all possible date clashes, but a number of the events are also doubling as points-getting opportunities for the NDRC Sportsman title.

“It is important for competitors to realise that this series complements what is already in place and ANDRA continues to support the NDRC as the National Championship, across both sanctioning bodies,” McAvaney said. When the calendar was announced, Andy Lopez of the NDRC was quoted as saying: “any initiative that delivers rewarding racing for Sportsman racers and sustainable events for tracks around Australia is worthy of support! We hope that including NDRC points at select ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship events will

encourage greater participation from those chasing national recognition, and further support the tracks and racers.”


The 2024/2025 ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship recently got underway with round one at Alice Springs Inland Dragway’s Desert Nationals, held across August 24 and 25. You can find out more about how this great event unfolded by visiting the race report featured later in this magazine.

Round two will see the Championship visit Mildura’s Sunset Strip in September for the annual Sunset Nationals across September 21-22, with the track also set to hold an optional test day for competitors on Friday September 20. From Mildura, the Championship will make the trek to Western Australia in November for the Perth Motorplex’s Goldenstates on November 22-23, where Gold ANDRA Christmas Tree Trophies will be on offer.

South Coast Raceway will then host the South Coast Nationals two weeks later across December 7-8 with an optional track-run test day on Friday December 6, prior to a two month break over the hectic summer period. The second half of the Championship will kick off with back-to-back events at Dragway at the Bend on February 8-9 – with this event also doubling as a track championship round – and the Twilight Nationals back at Mildura’s Sunset Strip on February 1415.

sponsorship, support of awards and more, there is a variety of ways that businesses’ can put their brand and their message in front of dedicated ANDRA racers at these events.

The penultimate round of the season will see teams visit Whyalla’s Steel City Raceway on March 15-16, before the Grand Final is hosted at Dragway at The Bend on a to be confirmed date, where Gold ANDRA Christmas Tree Trophies will again be on offer. Of these events, it has so far been confirmed that the Desert Nationals, Sunset Nationals, Goldenstates and South Coast Nationals will count towards the NDRC points tally.

A number of opportunities exist for organisations to get involved and support the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship and the ANDRA members. From championship sponsorship, bracket

“For this Championship to succeed, we need not only the ANDRA members to come out in support of the soon to be announced events, but also for sponsors to back our brackets across the season, ensuring point fund payouts to competitors at the end of the season,” McAvaney said.

“We are very excited about what we have to offer bracket partners in return for their investments – if you are interested in being a part of this exciting new Championship for Australia’s sportsman racers, please get in touch today to learn more about what we can offer.”

To discuss bracket sponsorship opportunities, or for more information, please email


The Board of Evolve Facility Management recently announced that interim General Manager Gavin Migro had been formally appointed to the position of GM.

While Migro has held the interim position since September 2023, he has been part of the Motorplex since before the first shovels of dirt were turned and around motorsport for long before that.

“I was born into it – dad (Con Migro) was the Speedway boss before I was even born at Claremont Speedway, and then I raced from the time I was 15 for around 20 years across a number of speedway classes,” Migro explains.

“I worked at Claremont Speedway myself for a number of years prior to its closure, and then started out at the Motorplex in Marketing from its beginnings, while dad was the Speedway Manager there as well.

“I was focused on selling sponsorship in the early days across drag racing and speedway at this awesome venue, and when dad – who by then had been Speedway Manager for more than 30 years at Claremont plus the first three at the Motorplex – decided to retire, it felt like a natural progression for me, so I put my hand up.

“I was still racing sprint cars at that point, but decided it was probably a good time

to retire from racing and take up the challenge of being the new Speedway Manager, working under Gary Miocevich and Kevin Prendergast.

“That was at the end of the 2003/2004 season, and I went on to hold the position for 22 years, achieving a lot that I was proud of in that time including hosting several Australian championships.

“While it was a tough initiation for speedway having a new venue at the time, we have seen the trajectory climb up and up to where we are at today.”

When previous Motorplex GM Paul Trengove stepped down at the end of

August 2023, Migro put his hat in the ring for the position.

“I did so because I have such a passion for the venue and I feel like I can help to make a difference to the overall operation across all of the respective sports,” he said.

“My father and the late Gary Miocevich were instrumental in working with the then Government to construct this venue for both drag racing and speedway, and to continue their legacy is something I am really, really proud of.”

Migro is relishing the new role, with many exciting plans underway for all facets of the venue.

“It is challenging as there is a lot of new stuff to learn, but it is exciting,” he said of how he is finding the role so far.

“With the Motorplex coming up to its 25th season we are really excited about putting together a great season for all the Motorplex’s respective sports to showcase how great this place is.

“We are truly blessed here with a good team of people that all have great skills and who are all very passionate about the venue – it is wonderful to be able to lead these like-minded people to keep the juggernaut rolling and I really feel like

we can create great events that the fans will get behind and the racers will love.

“There is a lot of exciting things in the works already for the whole venue –we recently announced the High Limit International for speedway as well as a five round burnout championship with some big prize money, and we also have lots of exciting things underway on the drag racing side.

“For example, we are working hard on finding new ways for drag racers to celebrate their awesome sport here at the Motorplex, and this means continuing and growing our existing proven and loved events such as the Goldenstates, Westernationals, Night of Fire and Nitro Max amongst others, while also pursuing international events and involvement and other new opportunities.

“Drag racing is a really great sport and I am proud to be working with Ray Treasure and the rest of the team to try and take it to the next level here at the Motorplex, and we certainly have the skills amongst our team to do that.”

There is certainly no doubt that Migro’s love for the Perth Motorplex runs deep.

“I am very excited about this wonderful opportunity, and I am very passionate about the venue,” he said.

“I love everything to do with the Motorplex – I think it is not only probably the most important motorsport venue in WA, I think it is perhaps one of the most important facilities in the nation, being so very successful while being so remote.”

Evolve Facility Management Board Chair, Garry Watterson, said he is enjoying working with Gavin.

“I would like to wish Gavin well in his role as the General Manager of the Perth Motorplex,” Watterson said.

“As I have been working with Gavin in his acting role, he has clearly demonstrated a passion for the Motorplex.

“He is eager to develop his skill sets to manage and lead the team at the Motorplex to further improve this great venue.

“I am looking forward to continuing to work with Gavin.”

With Migro’s appointment to GM, a new Speedway Manager will be appointed in the near future.

To learn more about the Perth Motorplex, visit

Photo credit
High Octane Photos

The ultimate festival of wheels returns to Alice Springs on Father’s Day weekend, celebrating everything on four wheels over three action-packed days (30 August – 1 September 2024) showcasing the very best in street machines, elite show cars, hot rods, classics and exotics.

When it comes to the drag racing action, the Heavy Hitters racers will deliver unmissable action on Friday night while there will also be plenty of exciting grudge runs on Saturday morning across Street (11.00 and slower) and Pro (10.99 and quicker) classes.

To celebrate 10 years of Red CentreNATS, the total prize pool has jackpotted to over $55,000! Burnouts, drags, and more are going to be bigger than ever with huge prize money up for grabs. Included in the prize pool is an incredible $21,000 split over the Heavy Hitter Drag Racing brackets, with some classes set to see the winner going home with $5,000!


Huge prize money and racing under lights in front of a packed house with fireworks on and off the track at Alice Springs Inland Dragway will ensure the Heavy Hitters Drag Racing as part of Red CentreNATS is not to be missed! Seven ET-based categories will race heads up, pro tree with cars and bikes both duking it out from 6.30pm to 10.30pm on Saturday August 30. Three qualifying rounds will precede elimination format racing, and if you break out, you lose.


• 6.50 – 7.99 seconds - $5,000 for the winner, $1,000 for the runner-up

• 8.00 – 8.99 seconds- $5,000 for the winner, $1,000 for the runner-up

• 9.00 – 9.99 seconds- $3,000 for the winner, $750 for the runner-up

• 10.00 – 10.99 seconds- $1,500 for the winner, $500 for the runner-up

• 11.00 – 11.99 seconds- $1,250 for the winner, $250 for the runner-up – NEW BRACKET

• 12+ seconds- $750 for the winner – NEW BRACKET


As well as all the drag racing on offer, RCN10 will also feature tyre-shredding burnouts on the Burnout Pad at Alice Springs Inland Dragway, while the Red CentreNATS Supercruise will see event entrants of any level able to send it at Alice Springs Inland Dragway for a packed crowd in a brand-new driving experience for the event – a straight-line skid down the track allowing entrants to shred tyres without the competition element of drag racing or burnouts.

At other event locations, Lasseters Centre of Entertainment will host the Lasseters Scrutineering; a Show ‘n’ Shine, Great Northern 4WD Track and also Grass Driving at Blatherskite Park, the popular Yeperenye Shopping Centre Street Parade, the largest of its kind in Australia. Also included in the program will be the Lasseters Tarmac Time Trial.

For more event information and schedules, visit

Image supplied by Red CentreNATS


AGE: 13











How did you get into racing?

My dad is 2023 ANDRA national Modified champion, Simon Barlow, so he introduced me to the sport.

What do you consider as your racing highlights?

Racing at the Festival State Nationals at Dragway at The Bend earlier this year when both dad and I top qualified was definitely a standout.

What has been your favourite ANDRA-track event to date?


The 2023 Junior Nationals at Mildura’s Sunset Strip as it is three days of racing and hanging out with everyone. It was only my third event and I lost all four of my races, but I still had lots of fun!

What do you love about Junior Dragster Racing?

Going fast, being competitive, and having friendly rivalry with my friends.

What is your ultimate racing goal/dream?

To win at the same event as my Dad.

What do your school mates think about what you do? Nothing, because I don’t tell them!

What future goals do you hold for yourself in your racing, and also away from the track?

I want to win a championship and away from racing, I want to be a professional sports player in the AFL.

Is there anyone you would like to thank for being part of your drag racing journey? Dad, Dad, and did I mention, Dad?!

Photo credit Cackling Pipes


AGE: 59





BEST ET AND SPEED: 7.53 @ 182.82MPH







How did you get into drag racing?

The same as a lot of other people I know – I just progressed from fast street cars to race cars.

What is it you love about racing in Top Sportsman?

It is a great bunch of people and a really good mix of cars. It is also very tough racing.

What do you love about your home track, South Coast Raceway?

It isn’t too far from home, and as I said earlier, it is a great track with really good people.

What has been the highlight of your ANDRA drag racing career so far?

That would be a toss-up between winning the first event at the new Sydney facility in 2015 and winning the first Top Sportsman round at South Coast Raceway – anytime you can be first at something is pretty special.

What are your upcoming racing plans?

Just to pick and choose which events I run at and to have as much fun as possible. And to stop messing up in the first round haha! I am excited as well to see how the new ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship plays out.

Is there anyone who you would like to shine the spotlight on for their involvement in your racing?

That would definitely be my wife Judy and my long time crew guy, Branden. Without these two people in my corner, racing life would be pretty damn hard.



ANDRA was recently very pleased to welcome Tony Miskelly of South Australia and Aaron Brookes of New South Wales to the ANDRA Board.

Miskelly and Brookes were appointed to the Board following a meeting of the Operations Committee (made up of all Division Directors) on June 20.

This meeting elected Brookes (NSW division) and Miskelly (Central Division) to take the positions formerly held by Nathan Peirano (QLD) and Paul Drady (VIC) respectively.

Tony Miskelly is based in Adelaide and has served with the Royal Australian Navy as a Weapons Engineer for the past 40 years. He had joined the Navy in 1984 as an electronics technician specialising in underwater sensor systems, before becoming a Weapons Engineering Officer in 2001 after completing Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Engineering.

He has also completed a Masters Degree in Management in 2006, has served on nine ships, saw active service in the Middle East, and was awarded the Conspicuous Service Cross as part of the 2020 Australia Day Honours.

“For the last 10 years I have been at the forefront of introducing the Aegis combat system into Australian destroyers, including commissioning HMAS Hobart, the first of its class to be built at Osborne in South Australia, and the establishment of the $650m foreign military sales case for the destroyer upgrade due to commence in 2025,” Miskelly explains.

“More recently, I established the Enterprise Partnering Agreement with Saab Australia to deliver acquisition and sustainment of the Saab family of combat management systems.

“From a professional viewpoint, I am a Certified Practicing Engineer (CPEng) and have completed the Foundations of Directorship through the AICD.

“I feel that my Defence training and skills are directly portable to fulfilling a senior role in ANDRA, with experience in areas such as risk management, complex problem solving, planning, project management, regulatory and policy awareness and effective communications.

“Further, being an engineer, I am addicted to the technical aspects of drag racing, and those that know my race car will certainly understand that perspective.”

Miskelly has been an ANDRA member since 2012, racing in Super Sedan. He is also a SFI certified ANDRA Technical Inspector.

He had commenced competitive drag racing in 2010 whilst in the USA when on a personnel exchange with the United States Navy, racing his 1974 AMC Hornet hatchback in North Carolina and Virginia. He also crewed on a race car that went to final 32 in Pinks All Out at Virginia Motorsports Park.

“Being in the USA gave me a good appreciation of how diverse drag competition meetings can be from mom and pop country tracks with buy backs, to the NHRA Nationals through to the Yellow Bullet Nationals with 650 sportsman competitors,” said the 59-year-old.

Joining the Board, Miskelly has a key goal in mind: “I want to assist ANDRA to regain its reputation as the sanctioning body of choice and the premier organisation running a sportsman drag racing championship.”

“I am looking forward to the challenges

“Since being back in Australia I have been a regular competitor at Portland, Mildura, Whyalla, Calder and AIR and also more recently Darwin, Alice Springs and The Bend. In the most recent season, I won ANDRA trees at Hidden Valley and Mildura and was the NDRC Western Conference Champion.”

that lay ahead, and in particular to being part of the team that listens to the membership base, shaping decisions for the benefit of members,” he continued.

“Nirvana for me would be the reputation of ANDRA and ANDRA Championship Drag Racing returning to being highly regarded and respected. I may not have immediate answers and when I don’t, I am committed to engaging with those that do to enable informed decision making.”

Aaron Brookes has been around drag racing his whole life.

“I grew up around the sport, with my mother being the influence – we used to live near Bob Shephard and she used to hang out with the team and I spent many race meetings in a pram in the paddock!” Brookes explains.

“After getting my license in 1997, I did some offstreet racing with various cars over the years before licensing in a comp dragster a few years ago.

“I have proudly been a steward since just after Sydney Dragway opened, the NSW Division Chief Steward since 2016,

and am also a Tech Inspector and the Division’s Rule Committee representative since 2018.”

Even away from the track, Brookes is in constant contact with key members of Australia’s drag racing community.

“I am a qualified parts interpreter and have worked as a sales representative for some of Australia’s major players in the day to day automotive parts game and also as a business development manager, specifically in the high performance parts sector, for the last 14 years with VPW Australia, Vibrant Performance, and now with Haltech/Race Winning Brands,” Brookes explains.

“I spend every day talking to our sport’s key stakeholders, be them participants or suppliers.

“Overall, having been a steward for so long and having worked at all levels of events sanctioned by ANDRA from street meetings to regional club events at airports, to major group 1 events, I feel I can bring a holistic perspective on what the sport – as a whole – needs.

“I have seen both the bad and the good, and have heard the feedback from people who come to the race track.”

Brookes, who is based in Sydney’s South West, is looking forward to this next step

in his ANDRA career.

“To my mind, ANDRA being a memberrun not-for-profit organisation is truly the best solution for drag racing in Australia, and I look forward to bringing a different perspective to hopefully help to restore ANDRA to the heights and participation we had years ago,” said the 44-year-old.

“I would also like to grow the engagement with the grassroots of the sport, those people who race at the regional temporary facilities, special event racers and the test and tune guys.

“I am certainly excited for the challenge and hope that I can live up to the high expectations of everyone.”

ANDRA Chair, Katie Cassar, welcomed Miskelly and Brookes to their new roles.

“Both Tony and Aaron have rich if very different backgrounds which will allow them to bring some unique perspectives to the ANDRA Board, and I greatly look forward to working with both of them,” Cassar said.

“I would also once again like to take this opportunity to thank Nathan and Paul for their dedicated service to the ANDRA board.”

To learn more about the ANDRA Board Members, go to

( Left ) Tony Miskelly ( Above ) Aaron Brookes



Alongside Supercars’ Darwin Triple Crown event, the Hidden Valley Drag Strip ensured fans of high-octane action were spoiled for choice across June 14 and 15, hosting the popular Nitro Up North event each evening.

Two 11,000hp Top Fuel dragsters headlined plenty of racing action over the two evenings, with Phil Lamattina and Kyle Putland delivering plenty of exciting action, while Nitro Max Nitro Funny Cars, Dragsters and Altereds – including the popular Nitro Thunder, InAFrenzy, Thumpa and Grumpy racers – came all the way from Perth to deliver no end of exciting flame-throwing action.

Also hitting the track was match racing between local hero Matt Abel’s Top Doorslammer and the Alcohol Funny Car of his son Aidan Abel, and plenty of thrilling racing from the fan favourite Supercharged Outlaws competitors plus lots of local car and bike brackets racing in a heavy hitters format.

When it came to the competition classes –run over a Chicago Shootout format – the following racers were celebrated in their respective brackets:

• Street Bike – A-Final winner: Gary

Richards, runner-up: Remo Thomas

• Wild Bunch – A-Final winner: Garthe McIntyre, runner-up: Dennis Bayklis

• Street Car – A-Final winner: Shane Crow, runner-up: Preston Binks

• Competition Bike – A-Final winner: Dean Hersey, runner-up: David Denner

• Super Modified – A-Final winner: Josie Hodgins, runner-up: Dan Hodgins

• Super Street – A-Final winner: Claudio Petrilli, runner-up: Shaun Boyer

“Nitro Up North is always a brilliant event and a real highlight, and 2024’s instalment was no exception,” Hidden Valley Drag Racing Association President, Matt Abel, said.

“Thank you to all the racers and spectators who came out to support this event, we are so proud to put on a huge show for drag racing fans both old and new on this special weekend for the NT and we can’t wait to do it all again next year!”

For more information about Nitro Up North, visit

Kyle Putland
Matt Abel
Sue Stewart
Images thanks to Brad Stott
Aidan Abel



August 17 and 18 saw the Sunraysia Drag Racing Association host the Nostalgia Drags, the opening event for its 2024/2025 drag racing season.

“There were lots of cool cars and great people – this event always delivers a successful weekend,” SDRA President, David Thornton, said. The proceedings kicked off with a Friday night barbeque, which set the scene for the weekend ahead.

“It was a great social event with plenty of laughs and a couple of drinks,” David explains. Saturday’s racing then saw plenty of thrilling action unfold on the Atlantic Oils Sunset Strip, albeit with some interruptions thanks to some inclement weather around lunchtime.

“We almost got through the two rounds of qualifying before we had a small shower,” David explains.

“Our staff had the track ready to go to start racing again shortly after, and then we had another shower!

“A series of delays after further showers (and even some hail) required a massive effort by our volunteers and racers to get the track ready again to start racing, and they did it.

“We got going and completed qualifying, and then pushed on into the evening for as long as the track was safe and made it through two rounds of racing.”

Saturday evening then hosted a fantastic dinner, before Sunday morning welcomed competitors and volunteers with a pancake breakfast which ensured everyone was ready to get started and complete the event.

“Only one more round of racing was required to determine the finalists, and then we were able to run the finals which did not disappoint when it came to entertaining racing!”

Congratulations to the following winners and runners-up:

• Oz Muscle - Winner: Peter Karayannis, Runner-up: Nick Karayannis

• American Muscle – Winner: Tony Antonino, Runner-up: Rick Pfitzner

• Vintage Gas – Winner: Ash Hayley, Runner-up: Troy Newton

• Hot Rod – Winner: Noel Inman, Runner-up: Ed Emanuelli

• Nostalgia Super Stock – Winner: Kieley O’Connell, Runner-up: Wayne Edwards

• Top Gas – Winner: Brian Keane, Runner-up: Peter Furlanetto

• Middle Eliminator – Winner: Peter O’Connell, Runner-up: Bill Crozier

• Top Eliminator – Winner: Dale Tucker, Runner-up: Chris Dalton

“I want to say a massive thanks to all of our track staff for another huge effort leading up to and during the event and getting it done,” David said.

“Thanks also to the Rambunctious Rodders for your help putting the event on and feeding us all.

“This was another fantastic event completed under trying circumstances, and we look forward to our upcoming events and hopefully, with some better weather!”

Next up at the Sunset Strip is the Sunset Nationals. Go to for info.

Photo credit: Little Gem Motorsport Photography


Taking out the wins for their respective brackets were Cooper Plummer (Junior Dragster), Dean Gunson (Ballistic Performance Parts Modified Bike), Gary Baker (Super Sedan), Leon Davies (Top Sportsman), Edge Mallis (Competition Bike), Josie Hodgins (Modified), Mark Hunt (Huntsman Racing Supercharged Outlaws), and Michael Bridges (Super Street).

Joining them in being celebrated at the end of day presentations were the event runners-up, Bailey Hawke (Junior Dragster), Tyson Gaghan (Ballistic

Also recognised were winners of the Top Qualifier Medallions presented by New Gen Business Park: Katrina Read (Super Street), Coooper Plummer (Junior Dragster), Dean Gunson (Ballistic Performance Parts Modified Bike), Tony Miskelly (Super Sedan), Bradley Hicks (Modified), Vlado Turic (Top Sportsman), Edge Mallis (Competition Bike) and Garthe McIntyre (Huntsman Racing Supercharged Outlaws).

For Mark Hunt, an enthusiastic proponent of the new ANDRA Regional Sportsman

and the car didn’t want to play nicely, but everyone’s car was the same. In the end, we persisted, making a few changes along the way to make it a little bit better, and in the final it all came together and we won,” Hunt explains.

“I am so happy that we have done the trip for this first round of the new ANDRA series, and got the points and the travel points too.

“The weather was beautiful and the people up here are great – Dan and Josie Hodgins did a fantastic job, as did all the

Images thanks to Amber Simms photography

people here, it is just great”

For Dean Gunson it was a particularly successful weekend in Ballistic Performance Parts Modified Bike, with the racer top qualifying and winning the event.

“It has been quite an emotional weekend,” Gunson said.

“At Thursday lunch time I was pretty much resigned to not making the event as I was having an issue finding an oil filter to suit my bike, and then a mate came through with the goods.

“We had a really good qualifying, I was very happy with that, and I should really dedicate this win to Bryan Finn for red lighting when I ran a nine-seven on a tenthree dial in!

“We had clutch issues also, overall we were up and down like a rollercoaster, but it all worked out and I am just stoked! This is beautiful!”

Top Sportsman winner Leon Davies was exceptionally grateful following his victory in the Northern Territory.

“It was a great weekend with very enjoyable racing, even if they were very hot conditions! The car went well, everything is pretty fresh on it and new so it was a bit scary to start with, but everything ran perfectly and the car was consistent – it was just awesome. And I want to say congratulations to Vlado on the runner-up,” Davies said.

“I would like to thank the whole Alice Springs crew that run the show and all the people that were out there working in the heat; my wife for crewing for me and

doing an awesome job; Cory and Katrina Read for helping out and also Kayla for giving us a hand in the last run to the final.

“I would also like to thank my sponsors, Custom Kitchen Company, EP Windscreens, Rick Daniels Recycling, Snape Crash Repairs, and MGA Port Lincoln.

“Finally, I would also like to send a great big thank you to the ANDRA series for starting up again, it is just great, and also to Cory Read for building my transmission and Bullet Race Engineering for refreshing my motor, as well as everyone else who has given me a hand getting the car to where it is.”

Also on track at the Desert Nationals were the Street Car, Street Bike and Junior Drag Bike brackets, with Bill Hodgins, Brian Moore and Immanual Gillatt taking the wins respectively in these classes. For results from the Desert Nationals, please click here

ANDRA thanks Alice Springs Inland Dragway and all of its volunteers and

sponsors as well as all of the ANDRA officials and volunteers for an outstanding racetrack and a well-run event.

The ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship will next be on track at Mildura’s Sunset Strip for the Sunset Nationals across September 21-22. For event information, visit

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