Fastlane Magazine - Issue 42

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is produced by the Australian National Drag Racing Association LTD.

Amanda Cobb (

Daniel Goonan - TwoSixOne Design ( )

Cackling Pipes, Motorsport Australia and Revved Photography, Ash Wilson/Street Machine, Yazmin Brown, the library of Vivian Nicholls, NT Major Events, Steven Bloomfield Photography, John Harney and

fastlane 3 STAGING LANES 4 16 THE PERFECT LIGHT 18 RACER PROFILES 15 ASID GIRLS ON TRACK 20 RACE REPORTS Contact Details Phone: 08 8271 5355 Email: Address: 287 Payneham Road, Royston Park, South Australia 5070 ANDRA Chair and Staff Andra Chair : Katie Cassar CEO: Tim McAvaney Office Manager: Tammy Brown Licensing and Membership: Amanda Geddes & Janelle Mannix Technical Officer: Scott Halfyard Media & PR Officer: Amanda Cobb Fastlane


Following completion of the ANDRA Divisional Elections for 2024, the makeup of the five Divisional Councils has been confirmed.


Rob Cassar (Divisional Director)

Doug Penna

Wade Kisyma

Tim Stewart

Sue Stewart

Bill Caris

Shane Walker

Edgel Mallis

Darryl Chamberlain

John Parisi

Leith Darrach

Maxine Oppes


Nathan Peirano

Aaron Stibbs

Wayne Downes

Ross Bryant

Jodi Townsend

Ken Lowe

Craig Baker

Western Australia

Murray O’Connor (Divisional Director)

Andrew Frost

Geoff Chaisty

Nick Gardiner

Ian Jenkins

Elizabeth Johns

Peter Glover

Michael Tomas

Sandro Principe

Paul Garbellini

New South Wales

Aaron Brookes (Divisional Director)

Paul Stephen

Andrew Hurst

Jim Rowley

David Erickson

Central Australia

Tony Miskelly (Divisional Director)

Ryan Lee

Bradley Hicks

Mathew Walden

Kym Puckridge

Cory Read

Harry Harris

Greg Oborti

Nominations were invited during February and at the close, an election was required for the Victorian Division Divisional Director position. In all other Divisions no nominations above the number required were received.

ANDRA thanks the outgoing Divisional Directors Paul Drady, Nathan Peirano, and Paul Stephen for their outstanding contributions to ANDRA and Australian Drag Racing.

ANDRA also welcomes the new Divisional Council members, welcomes back the renewing and ongoing DC members, and thanks the outgoing DC members for their service.

The new Divisional Councils will come into effect on May 31st.

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As we approach the end of the financial year, it is a good time to reflect on how ANDRA has performed financially and strategically over the past twelve months.

While it has been a difficult year, we can now see some positive movement towards a brighter future. The financial results will no doubt reflect the large public liability premiums that we are experiencing in 2024.

While we have made some big changes and are heading in the right direction, there is still work to do and the next twelve months will be pivotal. The recent member survey in March and April was very well received with 414 responses recorded.

There were a range of questions allowing us to ask members what we are doing right, what can we improve on, and what can we do differently.

Some of the responses were not surprising, such as attending to the myriad of licencing and member service response issues we have experienced –primarily due to the change of staff and our inability to employ further resources.

While not surprising, it was definitely helpful to hear from members on this topic and with the appointment of a new office manager in April, members will now be experiencing a greater level of service. At the same time, we are also closing the gap on some other issues including notification of licence and member renewals.

A lot of the other issues raised were around the lack of consultation for members, communication, and the issues around the transition to the NDRC for sportsman competitors.

Part of any Strategic Plan is to consult the stakeholders and gain the data to form and then support a plan going forward. While the Divisional Councils were the primary resource for the Board to draft our Strategic Priorities Update, the member survey data further supported

the plan, which helped confirm what we need to do moving forward. The positive flow on from that, is that the members have spoken about what they want and expect from ANDRA.

While we might not be able to wave a magic wand and fix every individual issue, what we will be able to do is address the underlying issues that are important to moving ANDRA forward.

These areas of focus are covered in the Strategic Priorities Update. So please, if you haven’t had time to read the members email from the 10th of May, have a look at it and the two documents it contains –the Survey Summary and the Strategic Priorities Update.

Another focus area we have been working on quietly behind the scenes has been our general Governance. The Board has now set up a Finance and Audit Committee to oversee the finances and make recommendations to the Board for consideration when required. Another focus of the Committee will be to work closely with the Auditor to

ensure timelines are met in relation to the Annual General Meeting and other similar compliance issues. The next governance project will be to review the National Rules Committee (NRC), the Operations Committee (Ops) and the Index Committee.

The type of things the review will look at is the election process, length of tenure, meeting times and other terms of reference. Of course, some of this may link back to the constitution which will also be reviewed as part of this process.

Finally, thank you for your support of ANDRA through which has proved a difficult time. We are working hard on providing a great base from which to restore confidence back in Australia’s peak body for Drag Racing.

If you have feedback or other questions you would like to share with us, please email

Best wishes,

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The Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) was pleased recently to welcome Tammy Brown to the team as its new Office Manager. Brown is based in ANDRA’s Royston Park (SA) Head Office, working five days a week.

With 35 years of experience in administration and management roles across accounts, payroll, customer service and office management, Brown – who has also lectured at TAFEs in the areas of accounts and payroll – is already proving a valued addition to the ANDRA team.

Brown is also familiar with the needs of sporting associations, having spent the last ten and a half years working Racing SA’s finance support and training role, supporting clubs with accounts and payroll.

“I don’t mind rolling up the sleeves and helping when I am needed in any role,” Brown said.

“Although I am new to drag racing, I have always been around cars and karts

growing up. My dad is a motor mechanic and owns his own business restoring cars, so I have grown up around all things automotive and motorsport and I am now pleased to support my son in racing go karts also over the last seven years.

“I have been very excited to start working at ANDRA, and I hope by bringing my experience and learning some new skills along the way I can help get the office back to providing the supportive role it should for the members.

“I have already learnt so much and was so pleased to attend my first drag racing event at the Riverbend Nationals. It was very exciting and enjoyable to meet a lot of wonderful and supportive people, and I am looking forward to working with you all moving forward.”

ANDRA Chief Executive Officer, Tim McAvaney, asked ANDRA members to join him in welcoming Brown to the role.

“We are very pleased to have Tammy in the office with us as our new Office Manager,” McAvaney said.

“I once again want to thank our members for their patience over the last nine months. With Tammy’s help, we are excited about further improving our service delivery to ANDRA members.”

ANDRA members can contact Brown on or via the ANDRA office phone on (08) 82715355.


Want to be closer to some awesome Drag Racing action? Then why not become an ANDRA Steward?

Becoming an ANDRA Steward is easy as 1, 2, or 3…

1. Speak to a Drag Racing Official at the track.

2. Contact your ANDRA Divisional Director

3. Call the ANDRA Head Office and speak to Scott Halfyard (Technical Officer) on 08 8271 5355.

Some of the ANDRA Steward’s responsibilities and activities include:

• Assist the public, the Promoter, Competitors and Track Officials whenever possible

• Advise all participants on ANDRA policies, rules, and procedures

• Observe and report on infringements of rules

• Receive and investigate all formal protests and deliver findings on the spot if possible

• Referee in any disputes and deliver findings on the facts available

• Confirm the class eligibility of vehicles

• Conduct fuel and weight testing of vehicles

• Conduct reporting for record setting purposes

• Endorse ANDRA Licences and Logbooks as required

• Observe the event and report on it to ANDRA

If this sounds like something you are interested in and you want more information, please call ANDRA on 08 8271 5355 or email


Many drag racing fans will remember this standout machine, the K&N dragster known as ‘The Hustler.’

The Hustler was driven to great success by Howard Nicholls between 1970 and 1981, after he had earlier steered to great acclaim an FJ Holden in a shared venture with Paul Ghosn from 1969 to 1971.

Nicholls, often called ‘Mr Consistency’, arrived in Australia from the UK at eight years old in 1952. A radio and TV technician by trade, he had a real passion for driving and was a formidable problem solver who relished a challenge while sporting a great generosity of spirit.

Before turning his hand to drag racing, Nicholls started out driving and modifying MGs. In his drag racing career, Nicholls – who sadly passed away on the 14th of January this year at the age of 79 –competed at 137 events, winning 25, taking the runner-up honours 34 times,

and bringing home six ANDRA Christmas Trees as well as many national records.

In those days drag racing was still closely aligned to hot rodding and very much a do-it-yourself pursuit. Building on his trade skills Howard taught himself to be a first-rate fabricator, welder and machinist

and developed The Hustler into a national ET record holding car.

Nicholls’ last pass was in 1981 but that wasn’t the end of the story, with The Hustler nowadays still making appearances at Sydney Dragway from time to time.

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Photo courtesy of John Harney

Drag racing legend Graham Withers was one of five new members inducted into the exclusive Australian Motorsport Hall of Fame recently. The ceremony on the Tech stage at the Australian Formula One Grand Prix brought the number of inductees into the Hall of Fame over a period of 124 years to 93.

In announcing Withers’ induction, Motorsport Australia Hall of Famer and Supercars legend Dick Johnson AM summed up Withers’ accomplishments as follows:

“Graham Withers is a threetime Australian Top Eliminator drag racing champion and was runner up on two other occasions. He pioneered drag racing, emulating his American hero Don Garlits.

“Withers won his first national title in 1966 in a 1000hp rail dragster only three months after he entered the sport. The category was so new that it was only the second national title held.

“Withers was regarded as fearless and

escaped several high speed crashes, but went on to become recognised as Australian drag racing’s first full time professional.

“His times by today’s standards seem slow but were groundbreaking back then. He claimed his second national title with a pass of 7.87 seconds.

“His quest to become the first to crack 200mph (320km/h) was unsuccessful. His fastest achievement was 199.54mph. He crashed trying to find the extra speed.

“Graham Withers became a motorsport components innovator. Many of his performance products were taken up the US market.”

Joining Withers in being inducted into the Hall of Fame were the late Garrie Cooper, Australia’s most successful domestic race car constructor and a former national sports car champion; five-time Motocross Champion, Craig Dack; two-time Speedway Sportsman of the Year, Bill Barrows OAM; and the late Jack Ahearn, who was second in the 1964

World Motorcycle Championship.

Dick Johnson, already a Hall of Fame member, was also made a lifetime Motorsport Australia Member of Honour.

The stellar lineup of heroes was selected by a panel comprising each of the five disciplines of the sport: Motorsport Australia, Motorcycling Australia, Karting Australia, Speedway Australia, and the Australian National Drag Racing Association.

The Hall of Fame concept was adopted in 2016 to honour the top tier of achievers and to inspire the next generation of competitors, administrators, and volunteers.

Its membership is so exclusive that it accounts for less than one inductee per year since motorsport first began in Australia on 1 January 1900, the day Federation was declared.

The Australian National Drag Racing Association congratulates Withers and all of his fellow inductees on their induction.

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ANDRA is currently finalising a hard copy of the ANDRA rule book for 2024. This means you have the opportunity to advertise your business directly to our dedicated membership, in an important reference guide which is used continuously by members across the year.

The placement of the advertisement can be tailored to your business and placed in an industry relevant section of the ANDRA rule book. Available spaces include:

• Back Cover – $2500

• Inside Front/Back Cover – $1750

• Full Page – $1100 (x1), $1000ea (x2), $900ea (x3)

• Half Page – $650 (x1), $600ea (x2), $550ea (x3)

• Quarter Page – $400 (x1), $350ea (x2), $300ea (x3)

If you are interested in advertising in the ANDRA Rule Book, please be sure to reach out to to discuss these opportunities as soon as possible.

Also available are advertising spaces in ANDRA’s digital FASTLANE Magazine. ANDRA’s official member publication,

FASTLANE is sent out electronically for free to all ANDRA and NHRA members plus licence holders and race fans.

Available spaces include:

• Back Cover – $1400

• Inside Cover/Inside back Cover – $1050

• Full Page – $700

• Half Page – $450

• Quarter Page – $250

• *Add 15% for ads placed prominently between pages 4-7

• Audio and Video Ad – add $200 for a video ad to be included in back cover, inside front, inside back cover, double page, full page, half page only. Video ads no more than a minute long. For longer, please contact us. Add $100 for audio ad to be included in all ads. Does not include classifieds

For more information and to discuss your advertising needs, please email


With plenty of history, amazing photos, and fantastic profiles on some of our sport’s biggest personalities, administrators and competitors over the 50 year journey, the 50th anniversary of ANDRA special edition of Fastlane

Magazine is a must-read.

ANDRA members can contact the ANDRA office to request a copy by emailing, or pick up a copy at selected race meetings.



The ANDRA Member Benefits Program has been created to offer its loyal members the opportunity to receive discounts to products from supporting companies. By joining the program, your business and products will be promoted to a performance-based target audience. Participating businesses of the ANDRA Member


Benefits Program receive promotion through ANDRA’s database of over 5000 members and race fans, as well as exposure through the ANDRA website and the regular MotorMail email newsletter. This is the perfect platform to launch new products, advertise monthly specials and any other sale promotions you may have.

If you would like more information on the program or want to complete your free registration, please visit

To view a listing of all ANDRA Member Benefits Program offers, please go to

As a valued ANDRA business partner, you can receive maximum exposure through the ANDRA Drag Racing brand and its events. Your company will be showcased whenever and wherever possible, for example: racers will carry decals representing your logo, trophies will feature your branding, commentators will make reference to your involvement across events and media reports will highlight your involvement.


There is a host of ways you can support ANDRA drag racing, including investment in the following: For more information and to discuss opportunities, contact


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an industry that is no stranger to risk, your vehicle, transporter and tools are exposed to risks every day. Our longstanding history working with the motor sport industry, means our insurance experts understand your risks and can help you find the right cover to keep your passion on track. PROUDLY SUPPORTING ANDRA




Queensland’s largest car and bike festival, Rare Spares Rockynats, recently wrapped up for its fourth year after smashing records and welcoming motorsport enthusiasts from all over Australia.

The Australian National Drag Racing Association sanctioned the drag racing activities, sponsored by Garrett Advancing Motion, across the Easter event (March 29-31), with more than 57,000 visits recorded across the event’s three days.

Records were also smashed in entrants with 1,640 cars and bikes participating in the festival across the weekend and the public saw more than 400 cars participate in over 1,200 drag passes in this year’s street drag, making the competition the biggest drag racing event in the country.

Taking out the drag racing accolades were:

• Pro Street Winner: Paul Butler, Gemini

• Pro Street Runner-Up: Daniel List, LX Torana

• Super Street Winner: Chris Riley, HZ GTS

• Super Street 2nd: Andrew Borg, XY Falcon

• Street Winner: Dan Rollingson, 1955 Chev

• Street Runner-Up: Mark Johnston, WB one-tonner

• Bike Winner: Nathaniel Lehr, Yamaha MT

• Bike Runner-Up: Blake Morgan, Triumph 675

It was the second time Butler has taken out the Pro Class trophy, after also tasting success in 2024 in his 1976 TX Gemini.

“I am obviously pumped to win, especially for the second time,” Butler said.

“I actually broke the gearbox the weekend

before while testing for Rockynats and had to fly to Melbourne on the Tuesday to get parts we couldn’t get anywhere else, for my gearbox guy Ben Vlekken to rebuild it on the Wednesday so we could leave on the Thursday morning.

“When we got to Rocky we hadn’t done a pass on the new gearbox, so that was a bit scary, but it all went well thankfully,” said the car builder, who is responsible for three-time Grand Champion winner Billy Shelton’s VL.

“While that was tricky, last year I was racing this car and also prepping Billy’s car in the show hall, so it was a little less frantic this time around.

“With Billy not having his car on show this year (you can only win Grand Champion

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three times with the same car) he was here giving me a hand as well, and I had Justin Simpson from Horsepower Solutions helping me with remote tuning, which was really great.

“It was definitely a relief to get the win after everyone has put in so much work, Justin took time out of his Easter with his family, Billy was here helping, Ben put in so much in the week to rebuild the gearbox, and there are all my other mates who help me as well – you don’t do this yourself, so it is a relief to win it for them and I think later, when you look back on it and what we did, it is a bit rewarding as well. It is pretty cool.”

As well as high praise for his team, Butler has plenty of good things to say about Rockynats.

“I have had a car since Summernats #5 –I have been around these shows for ages and I build cars for a living, and I can say wholeheartedly that I think the Rockynats is the best event in Australia, without a doubt.

“It is the best event for the car person in Australia, and for the family, it is Queensland’s little secret at the moment – the best event, hands down, with the best atmosphere.

“I think the move from Easter moving forward will be a good thing, and I think it is only going to grow.

“It is great that Garrett have been sponsoring the drag racing every year, and the $5000 voucher for the win is really good. I will be using the one I got this year to upgrade the turbo in this car. I think it is really cool that they get behind it and I want to thank them for their support.

“We do these events all over the country and it really is just the best in Rocky –especially having the drags going down the main street, that is just unbelievable.

“Our team stay right on the drag strip at Rocky’s best hotel for all things Rockynats, The Heritage Hotel, so I want to send a big shout out to all the staff there.

“And thank you to the event organisers as well for making Rockynats the best in the country!

“I can’t wait to come back next year for number five, I will have five cars that I have done racing next year and they will all be capable of winning, I think we are going to see a very strong field and very tight racing.”

Incredible cars and competitions were not the event’s only highlight, which boosted the local economy with an injection of millions of dollars. The event also hosted Aussie rock sensation Choirboys as part of a full line-up of live music and family-friendly competitions like the RockabillyNats Pinup Competition and Mulletfest.

Advance Rockhampton Tourism and Events Manager Zac Garven said he looked forward to seeing the event return next year.

“It’s fantastic to see the community and local businesses step up to support the event for its fourth instalment,” Mr Garven said.

“Rockynats is just one of the many milestones in our major events calendar, but as the hero event, we are very excited to continue the momentum and deliver a fantastic outcome for Australians across the nation,” he said.

Rare Spares Rockynats 05 will take place from 4 – 6 April 2025. For more information on the event or to access FAQs, visit

Photos courtesy of Ash Wilson/Street Machine


The popular Nitro Up North event is back for 2024, hitting the Hidden Valley Drag Strip across Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15, alongside Supercars’ Darwin Triple Crown event at the neighbouring Hidden Valley Raceway.

Two 11,000hp Top Fuel dragsters will headline plenty of racing action over the two evenings, with Phil Lamattina and Kyle Putland set to deliver plenty of exciting action.

But that won’t be all the nitro-action on show either – with the Nitro Max Nitro Funny Cars, Dragsters and Altereds – including the popular Nitro Thunder, InAFrenzy, Thumpa and Grumpy racers –

coming all the way from Perth to deliver no end of exciting flame-throwing action.

Fans can also look forward to a match race between local hero Matt Abel’s Top Doorslammer and the Alcohol Funny Car of his son Aidan Abel, as well as plenty of thrilling racing from the fan favourite Supercharged Outlaws competitors plus lots of local car and bike brackets racing in a heavy hitters format.

“Nitro Up North is always a fantastic event and a real highlight of our calendar,” Hidden Valley Drag Racing Association President, Matt Abel, said.

“From Top Fuelers to the huge Nitro Max

show and a long list of highly talented drag racers and their high-speed cars and bikes lining up for both evenings here at the Hidden Valley Drag Strip, there will be no end of entertainment on offer during this huge weekend for motorsport in Darwin.

“We can’t wait to put on a huge show for drag racing fans both old and new, making sure the Hidden Valley Motorsport Precinct is absolutely pumping day and night across the weekend.”

For more information about Nitro Up North, visit

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The FIA Girls on Track program will be making its way to the Northern Territory this year with two events scheduled for June.

With the help of Motorsport NT and Major Events NT, the popular initiative aimed at increasing motorsport participation for young women will return to Darwin after a successful edition last year, while running an event in Alice Springs for the first time.

Alice Springs will host the first of the two Inspire events at the Alice Springs Inland Dragway on Thursday the 6th of June –the day prior to the famous Tatts Finke Desert Race, which serves as the second round of the BFGoodrich Motorsport Australia Off Road Championship.

Helping run the event will be Girls on Track Ambassador Kate Peck and Girls on Track Champion Nicole Bryant.

The following week, FIA Girls on Track relocates to the Top End of Australia for an event at Hidden Valley Raceway, which will run on Friday the 14th of June and in conjunction with the Repco Supercars Championship’s betr Darwin Triple Crown.

Both events are open to girls aged 8 to 15 years old and encourage an interest in STEM subjects through activities and workshops showcasing the various

career pathways in the sport.

Motorsport NT President Gary Pendlebury was excited to have two programs running in the Territory this year.

“Motorsports NT and Motorsport Australia are very excited to announce that the Girls on Track Program for 2024 will include Darwin and Alice Springs,” Pendlebury said.

“We are particularly thankful to the Central Australian Drag Racing Association for their support in the first Girls on Track Alice Springs Program and look forward to another successful year.

“Motorsports NT thanks the NT Government and Motorsport Australia and all of our NT Motorsports Clubs who continue to support Girls in Sport Initiatives.”

Girls on Track Ambassador Kate Peck echoed Pendlebury’s sentiments.

“I cannot wait to return to the NT to deliver another brilliant Girls on Track program,” Peck added.

“Last year saw us deliver a massive event in Darwin that completely booked out with over 100 girls.

“This time, we are even more thrilled; we’ll be hosting our first of two programs in the NT for 2024 in Alice Springs, a location known worldwide for its Finke Desert race.

“A huge thank you to Motorsport NT for their unwavering support, we could not have done it without you.”

You can get more information on the FIA Girls on Track program by clicking here.



A number of Perfect Light performances have been celebrated of late, with Vlado Turic (South Coast Nationals), Andy Kahle (Westernationals), Yvette Gregg (Westernationals) and Adriana Cartledge (Ken Scroop Memorial) all achieving the prestigious marker at recent events.

Kahle, Gregg and Cartledge spoke with us about their thoughts on their Perfect Light achievements.


Andy Kahle’s Therapy on Wheels team races in support of Breast Cancer Care WA, and strives to share the benefits of motorsports and teamwork for mental health, especially when battling a serious illness like Breast Cancer. The 55-yearold breast cancer survivor started racing in 2012 in Super Sedan, and today competes in Super Street.

“I hadn’t done much competition racing this season – it had mostly been about doing our charity passenger rides and having the car on show. But we did promise that the Westernats would be the showcase event for our engine builder and a chance for him to step the car up into full competition mode and show the public what it could really do,” Kahle explains.

“We went into the event with only one desire, to run into the eights. And personally, I wanted to just get past that elusive first round of eliminations.

“In the test and tune we got very close to running an eight. The second qualifier on the first day saw an 8.99, then we backed it up on the last qualifier with an 8.98. The team was happy, and the rest of the weekend was just about having some fun.

“I made it through the first round of eliminations, so I was happy – everything we wanted for the weekend had been achieved.

“In the second round of eliminations I drew Denise Downe. She is a good racer, but I had nothing to lose, because we’d already achieved what we wanted to. Everything else that weekend was a bonus.

“Chasing Denise down I didn’t think I was going to catch her, but we were door to door at the finish line. I didn’t see the win light so didn’t know who had won – it was that close – but one of the officials at the end of the track gave me a thumbs up!

“I didn’t know about the light until I got back to the pit bay and the crew told me. Wow. I was in shock. Denise pulled a .005 light. It was such a close race that had

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Photo courtesy of Steven Bloomfield Photography ADRIANA CARTLEDGE – KEN SCROOP MEMORIAL

I not pulled a perfect light; I would not have won the race.

“Overall, it was an awesome event. All the stars were aligned for us making it a successful and relaxed weekend for the whole team.

“The star of the show for the weekend was definitely our sponsor HEMI Headquarters. But I also must say a huge thankyou to Allfast Race Cars for this amazing original build, and AndyK Design for looking after all our marketing behind the scenes, as well as a huge thank you to all our sponsors, supporters, and fans –we wouldn’t be here without them.”


Perth’s Yvette Gregg has been racing since 2002 in Super Street, Super Sedan, and Top Sportsman, and achieved the Perth Motorplex’s Driver of the Year and Super Sedan Champion honours in the 2015/2016 season.

At the 2024 Westernationals, Gregg set a Perfect Light in the first round in Top Sportsman.

“The Westernationals event was very up and down for us, we got eliminated in the first round as I had to abort the pass,” Gregg explains.

“I thought it was a great light, but at the time it didn’t feel like the perfect light.

“The Westernats for Perth is always a fantastic meet as it is our biggest one for the season.

“We are working on upgrades now for the new season, with thanks to Superoo Falcon Spares, Aaron, Sandro, Neil and Mikayla for their support.”


Twenty-seven year old primary school teacher Adriana Cartledge has been racing since 2010, starting out in Junior Dragster before progressing to Street Fighter and now the Modified ranks. She won her first Gold Christmas Tree at the 2023 Ken Scroop Memorial, backing that up with another at the 2024 running of the event.

“We were excited and ready to go racing for the Ken Scoop Memorial as we had missed a couple of meetings earlier in the year. I was quite happy with how the car performed in qualifying,” Cartledge said.

“We qualified in number two with a 4.508 at 152mph pass with a 0.001 light. Our little brother Billy passed away a few weeks prior so heading into eliminations I knew I had one job to do… win!

“Billy was with us last year at the Ken Scoop Memorial and I was excited when I won my first Gold Christmas Tree, so I wanted to back it up and win the ANDRA tree for him!

“We had a tough field of modified racers, so we stayed focused taking on one round at a time. The finals saw us taking the win against Cory Dyson with a 4.507 on a 4.50 dial in. We were ecstatic!

“The Perfect Light came in a bye run in the semi-finals – I hadn’t run the car at full noise through the finish line at this point yet as I had passed my other opponents before the finish line and threw the chute out early to avoid any breakouts, so we knew that this was our chance to test the dial in for the finals. We ran a 4.51 on a 4.50 dial with a perfect light.

“I knew that it was a good light and was hoping it would be consistent with my lights throughout the meeting. In the second round I cut a 0.009 and had 0.001 and 0.010 in qualifying.

“I have had quite a few perfect lights throughout my years of racing, and I was pretty happy with this one, giving me confidence heading into the final.

“We loved the Ken Scoop Memorial event, as we love all the events at Mildura! Thank you to all of the track staff and volunteers for running the event in the 40 degree heat! It was run flawlessly,” she concluded, while thanking her husband Luke, family and crew, and sponsors Prostreet Towing and Transport, APD Carburettors, Race Max Direct, Wild Ink by Activated Industries, ETS Racing Fuels and Racecomp Motorsports.

Photo courtesy of Cackling Pipes Photo courtesy of High Octane Photos YVETTE GREGG – WESTERNATIONALS ANDY KAHLE – WESTERNATIONALS











You were the top qualifier in Super Street at the Riverbend Nationals earlier this year – how did it feel to take that out?

It was awesome and great to show the boys how it is done!

Overall how was that event for you?

It was a great event, totally awesome. It was a shame I lost in round three and didn’t make the finals though.

What have you been up to since the Riverbend Nationals and what do you have planned coming up?

I am looking forward to the next season of racing, and hopefully to getting my first Christmas Tree trophy. I am looking forward to my new naturally aspirated engine and some extra additions to my Fuel Tech EFI also.

What do you love about your home track?

The facilities are fantastic and the racing surface is awesome.

How did you get started in drag racing?

My hubby asked me if I wanted to race the XF (which had a turbo on it). I said okay, I will give it a go, and now I am hooked. I have been involved in motorsport since I was born.

What is it you love about racing in Super Street?

The fierce competition and beating the seasoned competitors. Overall I love the drag racing family too, and have made so many new friends. It is great to see more females getting involved in the sport as well.

Is there anyone who you would like to shine the spotlight on for their involvement in your racing?

I want to send a big thank you to two people – my hubby (Cory Read) for allowing me to race his car, which is now mine! And for getting the car ready and the tune on point. Also Ryan Lee for helping me set up the car and for all his advice.

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Photo courtesy of Cackling Pipes


AGE: 15











How did you get into racing?

I originally started showing interest in drag racing at a very young age (4) when watching my grandfather race his Top Sportsman A Model Coupe. As I grew up, I started learning more and more about cars until I eventually went ahead and purchased my own car which was a 2006 Halfscale Junior Dragster in 2022.


You were the Junior Dragster runner-up at Dragway at The Bend’s Riverbend Nationals – how was that event for you and in particular, the final?

It was a very fun meeting, and it was good catching up with all my interstate mates. Unfortunately, in round one I had to race against my sister, where I just took the win. I then went on to drive through to the final against a good friend of mine, Cooper Plummer. I went 0.013 to his 0.022 and ran 8.379 on an 8.36 dial-in, and he ran an 8.08 on an 8.08 dial-in, which was good enough to get around me at the top end by just 0.001 of a second, which was 3.6cm.

How do you like racing together with your sister?

Racing is one big family sport, but when you get the honour of racing against and with your own little sister now that is something special. I am honoured to say I have been able to be there for my sister and help her throughout her racing career. I enjoy every second of it. She definitely is a force to be reckoned with and I am extremely excited to see where she goes in this sport.

What is your ultimate racing goal/dream?

I would really like to eventually go through a couple of the sportsman categories until I eventually end up in my favourite class, which is Top Doorslammer/Pro Slammer. I would love to have a steer in one of them.

Is there anyone you would like to thank for being part of your drag racing journey?

I would like to say a very, very big thank you to my grandparents – without them I would not be able to do anything I do today. Another very special thank you would go to my mum who pays for a lot of my racing. Thank you to my crew and everyone that has helped up throughout my career, and I would also like to say another very big and special thank you to James Lowday. He is like an older brother to me and has taught me a lot throughout my racing career and without him I don’t think I would be anywhere near as good as I am.

Photo courtesy of Cackling Pipes




Top Fuel well and truly put on a show for a packed house at the Perth Motorplex across the 53rd MacTrack Westernationals.

It was a case of two Phils in the A-Final with Phil Read taking on Phil Lamattina, with the pair delivering a breathtaking side by side three second pass, with Read (3.910/503.44kph) taking his second consecutive Westernationals victory, beating Lamattina (3.950/463.99kph) to the line by a margin of six feet.

Phil Read wasn’t the only one doing a double in group one with Benny Stevens backing up his 2023 Westernationals win with not one but two 2024 Westernationals Gold Christmas Trees as Top Fuel Motorcycle contested two championship rounds at the event. Stevens took the round one A-Final win over Damien

Muscat when the first A-final was run at midday Sunday after a windstorm put a stop to it being run the night before, and then raced through to his second A-Final of the day, that time against Wayne McGuinnes, who defeated Stevens in the Goldenstates A-Final back in November.

In Top Doorslammer, John Zappia made a massive strike back in his title fight against Russell Taylor, taking the A-Final win over the rookie with a crowd pleasing 5.676 at 407.61kph. Russell meanwhile red lit on the line and then had to get off it after the Camaro SS started turning to the right.

In the Aeroflow National Sportsman Championship, Cooper Plummer (Junior Dragster), Cameron Lockett (Super Street), Paul Nieuwhof (Modified Bike), Kathy Regan (Super Sedan),

Paul Garbellini (Modified), Jason Lippi (Top Sportsman), Kasey McClure (Supercharged Outlaws), Michael Holister (Competition Bike), Errol Quartermaine (Super Stock) and Connor McClure (Competition) all took out victories.

Kathy Regan took out her first Gold Christmas Tree trophy with the win in Super Sedan aboard her Holden VK Commodore. The Armadale (WA) racer faced off against Nicholas Puglia in the final, after having earlier defeated Josh Roe (round one), top qualifier Luke Guppy, and Andy Kahle.

Paul Garbellini has made the move to the Modified ranks this year, and after taking out the Westernationals last year in Super Street, the former national championship winner was very pleased to take another victory. On his way to the

Michael Holister Photos courtesy of Cackling Pipes

final with his P&L Motorsports Dragster against runner-up Neil Gannaway, the Orelia (WA) racer successfully took on Andrew Frost (round one), Jeff Acton and Michael Morrison. Paul Ryan was the top qualifier.

In Super Street, Cameron Lockett was ecstatic to celebrate what was his first win in quite some time, and his first Christmas Tree. Lockett and his HSV GTS took the win over Chris De Bruin in the final, after having earlier emerged victorious from battles against Timbo McClure (round one), Paul Hill, Tony Antonio, and Lee Watson. Steph Gullotto was the top qualifier.

After taking the win in Modified Bike, Paul Nieuwhof was counting his lucky stars. Nieuwhof rode his Kawasaki all the way to the final against Paul De Klerk with earlier victories over Geoff Smith, Andrew Sellears and Connor Wood before a semifinal bye, with the Heathridge (WA) racer reporting luck played a key role in his success. Ashton Kilvington was the top qualifier.

Cooper Plummer’s win in Junior Dragster was an emotional one, marking his first ever Gold Christmas Tree win. Plummer – also the top qualifier for the weekend – took the victory over Luca Lamattina in the final after having earlier taken on Mason Hamilton (round one) and Isaac Adamos before a round three bye and a semi-final win over last year’s top qualifier, Seth Jarvis.

In Top Sportsman, top qualifier Jason Lippi took the win over Geoff Chaisty in his Pontiac Grand Am – a relatively new car for the Mariginiup (WA) racer. Lippi went to the final after having earlier taken wins from Sinisa Brecich (round one) and Roger Moorhouse before a semi-final bye.

In Supercharged Outlaws, the Christmas Tree went to Kasey McClure and her Don Davis Dragster, with this marking a second consecutive Westernationals win for the Serpentine (WA) competitor, with this year’s victory coming over the same racer with who she did battle in the final last year – Norbert Claite. Kasey McClure ensured her place in the final fight for the

Tree with wins over Greg James in round one and Peter Appleby in round two before a semi-final bye. It was a successful weekend of racing for the McClure family, with Kasey’s brother Connor, of Whitby (WA), also tasting victory with a win in Competition Eliminator. Connor and his Holden Torana took the victory over top qualifier Steven Martin following earlier wins over Moreno Gullotto (round one), Russell Ladbrook and Rick Johns.

In Competition Bike, Michael Holister, and his Kawasaki ZX14 took the win over top qualifier Chris Allen. Competition Bike employs a Chicago Shootout format, with both Holister and Allen securing three wins apiece to book their tickets to the final.

In Super Stock, top qualifier Errol Quartermaine took the win over Steve Norman. As the top qualifier, Quartermaine – from Hillman in WA –enjoyed a round one bye in his Ford BA Falcon before a semi-final win over Kim Fardella.

For results from the Westernationals, please click here

ANDRA thanks the Perth Motorplex management and all of its volunteers and sponsors as well as all of the ANDRA officials and volunteers for an outstanding racetrack and a well-run event.

Benny Stevens Cameron Lockett John Zappia Kathy Regan Errol Quartermaine Connor McClure Cooper Plummer Jason Lippi





A fantastic Ken Scroop Memorial at Mildura’s Sunset Strip featured plenty of incredible performances from more than 120 Aeroflow National Sportsman Championship competitors despite soaring temperatures.

Up for grabs at the March 9-10 event were not only coveted Christmas Tree trophies, but also the prestigious Ken Scroop Memorial trophy for the winner of Super Street, with that particular honour picked up by Andrew Francis.

Joining Franics in the winners’ circle were Taylor Horton (Junior Dragster), Colin Griffin (Super Gas), Dean Jamieson (Modified Bike), Tony Miskelly (Super Sedan), Adriana Cartledge (Modified), Glenn Henley (Top Sportsman), Dale Tucker (Supercharged Outlaws), Joe Khoury (Competition Bike) and Craig Geddes (SuperComp).


On his way to taking home both the Christmas Tree trophy and the Ken Scroop Memorial trophy with victory over Tony Antonino in the Super Street final, Francis and his FC Holden had taken on Matthew Smart, Peter Karayannis and Bruce Pain before a semi-final bye. Antonino meanwhile had done all he could to have a crack at the big trophy with earlier wins over Kieley O’Connell (round one) and Katrina Read before a round three bye and a semi-final win over Andrew Waight – who had dispatched top qualifier Malcolm Todd in round two.

For Kilmore (Victoria) racer Cartledge, it was an emotional victory in the Modified bracket aboard her Undercover Dragste, following the passing of her brother Billy in the weeks prior. Cartledge had ensured her place in the Modified final against Cory Dyson by emerging victorious from face offs with Derek Wills and Kenny Stewart

before a semi-final bye, while Dyson had taken on Daniel Carranza (round one), Peter Brown and top qualifier Simon Barlow.

In Top Sportsman, Glenn Henley continued his winning streak with another event victory in his Datsun 1200 Ute, this time over top qualifier, Vlado Turic. Henley had raced his way through to the final with round wins over Stuart McBain (round one) and Jason Young before a semi-final bye, while Turic had put out Cory Read in round one before a round two solo and a round three victory over Greg Damiani.

In Competition Bike, Joe Khoury of South Hurtsville in New South Wales took the win over Edge Mallis in the final with his Harley Davidson Destroyer. The bracket employs the three round Chicago Shootout format, with Khoury and Mallis heading to the finals after three wins apiece, with

Photos courtesy of Steven Bloomfield Photography Andrew Francis

Khoury defeating Rob Church (round one) and Jake Hamilton-Moderate (round three) with a round two solo, while Mallis emerged victorious from races against Hamilton-Moderate (round one) and Church (round two) before a round three bye. Top qualifier Ken Collin had two wins and was looking good for the final but ran into bike troubles in round three.

In Super Sedan, Tony Miskelly and his Ford Probe were sure to maximise their weekend with a win over Ned Karanovic in the final after having top qualified earlier in the weekend. Miskelly, of Salisbury East (SA), had taken on John Pellas in round one before a round two bye, before seeing off Chris Lioulios in the semi-final. Karanovic meanwhile had faced off with Joe Carbone, current champion Lance Larcombe and Sean Maher on his way to the final showdown for the bracket.

In Modified Bike, Dean Jamieson was another racer to convert a top qualifying performance into an event win, taking the victory over Derryn McGregor in the final after having earlier dispatched Nick Thompson in round two after enjoying a round one bye. McGregor meanwhile had successfully taken on Cheryl Beddoes (round one) and Marius du Toit on his way to the final match-up.

Craig Geddes was yet another to have his arms full at the presentations, claiming the event win and the top qualifier honours in the Super Comp ranks following victory over Mitch Oxley in the final. The ninetime national champion and his dragster enjoyed a bye in his first round thanks to his TQ status before defeating Leigh Donaldson in his semi-final, while Oxley meanwhile had taken on Matt Forbes (round one) before having his own solo pass in the semi-final.

In Super Gas, Colin Griffin and his Toyota Celica took the win over Graeme Spencer. The Cragieburn racer had ensured his spot in the final by emerging victorious from battles against top qualifier Rob Bergamin (round one), and Jordan Spencer (round three) while enjoying a

round two bye. Spencer had taken wins from Des Woolstencroft (round one) and Warren Bull (round two) before his own bye in the semi-final.

In Junior Dragster, Taylor Horton of Lethbridge in Victoria had another successful weekend at the track, taking out their second national event win with a solo final after Indy Vickery was unable to take part in her semi-final bye run due to an issue with her clutch belt when approaching the start line. Taylor had earlier taken on Edith Maggs (round one), Lachlan Walker, Ayden Lanciana and Nathaniel Kuchel on his way to the final.

It was also a special victory for Dale Tucker as a long-time resident of Renmark in South Australia – the hometown of Ken Scroop. Tucker and his HQ GTS Monaro took the Supercharged Outlaws win from top qualifier Mike Evans in the final following a round one match-up against Shaun Kerkman and a semi-final bye, while Evans had a round one bye thanks to his TQ achievement before putting Brad Sullivan on the trailer in the semis.

For results from the Ken Scroop Memorial, please click here ANDRA thanks the Sunraysia Drag Racing Association management and all of its volunteers and sponsors as well as all of the ANDRA officials and volunteers for an outstanding racetrack and a well-run event.

Colin Griffin Dale Tucker Dean Jamieson Glenn Hanley Joe Khoury Taylor Horton Adriana Cartledge Craig Geddes




There is no doubt the Riverbend Nationals was an absolute cracker of an event end to end, featuring Top Fuel, Top Doorslammer, Pro Stock and Pro Stock Motorcycle as well as the Aeroflow National Sportsman Championship –which crowned its Western Conference winners.

For Top Fuel in particular, it was an incredible event, with many heralding it as the best Top Fuel racing in a long time, featuring a new quickest and fastest Top Fuel ET and MPH record for Australia and outside the US, 13 three second passes, four of them side-by-side, and seven at more than 500kph, and the fourth Top Fuel winner from as many events.

Damien Harris foreshadowed things to come with a 3.777 second 527kph solo

pass in round one, before he got to work setting the new quickest and fastest Top Fuel 1000ft ET and MPH outside of the US in round two. In a beautiful twist of fate for that history making pass, Harris was lined up against the previous record holder, Peter Xiberras, with the Rapisarda Autosport International racer blowing Xiberras’ previous 3.742 second with an eye wateringly quick 3.733 second, 529.81kph pass, cementing his name in infamy.

While Harris then set his sights on the Gold Christmas Tree when he headed to the A-Final, it was Phil Lamattina who would take the top honours with a hole shot win. Lamattina made his way to the A-Final victory with first a blistering side-by-side hole shot win (3.837 second / 514.5kph) against Wayne Newby (3.798/513.73) in

round one – his first hole shot victory of two for the day – followed by a solo run in round two (3.824/485.45).

In Top Doorslammer, the A-Final once again saw John Zappia line up against Russell Taylor to battle it out for the Gold Christmas Tree. Both Zappia and Taylor were on song, with each taking wins in rounds one and two in the lead up to the final. Ultimately it would be Zappia taking the top honours and continuing the rivalry that’s been brewing for the last three rounds with 5.602 second 413.47kph pass, over Taylor’s 5.707 second 414.37kph run, delivering him back-to-back event wins.

In Pro Stock, Rob Dekert was looking for a hat-trick for the weekend in the A-Final but was caught short when he red lit

Photos courtesy of Cackling Pipes Glenn Henley

while racing alongside Tyrone Tremayne. Tremayne also red lit but was still able to record the win with a 6.873 second 320.56kph pass. The win marks the end of a highly successful weekend for top qualifier Tremayne, who also recorded a personal best with a 6.86/320.45kph on Saturday. In Pro Stock Motorcycle, The A-Final win went to Maurice Allen with a 7.438 second 251.94kph pass against Luke Crowley who red lit the tree in his eagerness to get off the line.

Taking out the Western Conference wins in their respective Aeroflow National Sportsman Championship brackets were Colin Griffin (Super Gas, runner-up: Jordan Spencer), Cooper Plummer (Junior Dragster, runner-up: Sarah Osborne), Tony Antonino (Super Street, runnerup: Michael Jennings), Dean Jamieson (Modified Bike, after runner-up Lucas Neagoe), Tony Miskelly (Super Sedan, runner-up: Martin Mirco), Kenny Stewart (Modified, runner-up: Simon Barlow), Glenn Henley (Top Sportsman, runner-up: Leon Davies), Dale Tucker (Supercharged Outlaws, runner-up: Shaun Kerkman), Craig Geddes (Competition, runner-up: Matt Forbes), Steve Norman (Super Stock, runner-up: Kim Fardella), and Chris Allen (Competition Bike, runner-up: Edge Mallis).

Joining them in being celebrated at the end-of-event presentations were the event winners and runners-up, with the following racers taking out the Riverbend Nationals accolades: Jason Wilson over Des Woolstencroft (Super Gas), Cooper Plummer over Zayne Condello (Junior Dragster), Andrew Waight over Michael Bridges (Super Street), Dean Jamieson over Matthew Yard (Modified Bike), Martin Mirco over Joe Carbone (Super Sedan), Daniel Carranza over Derek

Wills (Modified), Jason Young over Greg Damiani (Top Sportsman), Dale Tucker (no runner-up) (Supercharged Outlaws), Chris Allen over Ken Collin (Competition Bike), Steve Norman over Kim Fardella (Super Stock) and Craig Geddes over Matt Forbes (Competition Eliminator).

It was a case of winner takes all for Craig Geddes with the Victorian racer taking out the Western Conference win for Competition Eliminator, as well as the Riverbend Nationals event victory and the Top Qualifier honours. Geddes stormed to victory on Sunday, enjoying a round one bye before going on to defeat Frank Intini in round two to secure his spot in the event final against runnerup Matt Forbes, who had defeated Mitch Oxley in round one and enjoyed a bye in round two.

In Super Gas Colin Griffin was the only racer on the points cap heading into the event but was pursued closely by Graeme Spencer, Jordan Spencer, and Robert Bergamin. Graeme Spencer got his weekend off to a strong start by taking the Top Qualifier position but was knocked out early in Sunday’s running by eventual event runner-up, Des Woolstencroft. Ultimately, it was points leader Colin Griffin who would claim the Western Conference win despite being knocked out in round two by Woolstencroft, with Griffin’s victory over Vasilios Hondros and Jason Wilson’s defeat of Bergamin in round one helping to seal the deal for the Victorian. Wilson would go on to claim the event honours, defeating Jordan Spencer in round two before lining up against Woolstencroft in the final.

In Top Sportsman it perhaps wasn’t the Riverbend Nationals finish that Glenn

Henley was expecting, but that didn’t stop him from being announced as the Western Conference victor after a dominating season that saw him go into the event with the maximum 50 bonus points thanks to his many event wins across the season.

Despite a first-round knockout by David Foster, Henley had enough points going into the final day’s racing to secure the Western Conference win ahead of runnerup Leon Davies. Davies, in turn, knocked out fellow contender Valdo Turic in round one before falling to Greg Damiani in round two. Event runner-up Damiani would go all the way to the final against Jason Young thanks to additional defeats over Roc Puccini (round one) and Foster (round three), plus a bye in round four. Young ensured he was able to race all the way to the end by defeating Peter Grandoni (round one), Darren Parker (round two), Cory Read (round three) and Sam Cardinale (round four) before his final stand against Damiani to take out the event victory.

In Competition Bike it was a successful weekend for Chris Allen, claiming not only the Western Conference win but also the Riverbend Nationals. Competition Bike employs the three-round Chicago Shootout format for its racing, with a 13-strong field of Comp Bikes putting on plenty of entertaining racing for the

Tony Miskelly Chris Allen Tony Antonino Kenny Stewart



packed crowd. Allen secured his spot in the final against runner-up Ken Collin with a round one win over David Willis, a bye in round two and a win from Rob Church in round three. Collin, meanwhile, had bested Gavin Dohnt and Willis in rounds one and two respectively while enjoying a bye in round three. Top Qualifier Edge Mallis also put in a strong showing on Sunday, defeating Church and Mark Habel in rounds two and three and enjoying a bye in round one.

In Junior Dragster it was double the celebrations for Cooper Plummer, who not only claimed the Riverbend Nationals event victory, but also the Western Conference win. On his way to the win, Plummer defeated Todd Wagner in round one before knocking out top qualifier Talor Horton in round two, before round three brought a victory over Lachlan Walker. Plummer then lined up against event runner-up Zayne Condello in the final. Western Conference runner-up Sarah Osborne had a strong showing throughout the day, making it through to round three before being knocked out by Condello, with prior wins over James

Barlow (round one) and Madalen Datson (round 2).

In Modified Bike Dean Jamieson had his hands full, claiming the accolades for the Western Conference win and the Riverbend Nationals event win. Jamieson, who was also the weekend’s top qualifier, went into the weekend with 280 points behind Lucas Neagoe and Johnny ‘Hog’ Ireland – who were both on the cap – as well as Derryn McGregor (290) who did not take part. Jamieson’s event and Western Conference win came following race victories over Colin ‘Baldy’ Sainsbury and Michael Cristoforo in rounds one and two, before a bye in the final sealed his spot in the final, where he took the victory over event runner-up, Matthew Yard. Despite being knocked out in round one by Cristoforo, Lucas Neagoe still has plenty to celebrate, being named as the Western Conference runner-up.

Supercharged Outlaws racer Dale Tucker was another who had multiple accolades to claim at the end of weekend presentations at Dragway at The Bend, claiming the Riverbend Nationals event

win and also the Western Conference win. Tucker went into the weekend’s event as the only racer to have hit the points cap and converted that lead into a comfortable Western Conference win.

Tucker found his way to the event final after emerging victorious from battles with Mike Evans (round one), Western Conference runner-up Shaun Kerkman (round two), and Larry Basile in the final. Kerkman, who was next behind Tucker in the points, headed into the weekend and secured the runner-up position with a successful match-up against David Pessios in round one before coming up against Tucker in round two. Meanwhile, the weekend’s Top Qualifier, Milan Dokic, advanced to round two with a bye in round one before being knocked out by Basile in that round.

Tony Antonino was announced as the Western Conference winner for Super Street following a countback after being eliminated in the second round by event winner, Andrew Waight. Antonino came into the weekend on the points cap alongside Michael Jennings, who was

knocked out in round one by Top Qualifier Katrina Read. Waight’s event win came after knocking out Wayne Edwards in round one and Read in round three, before a victory over Tex Griffith in round four before the final match-up against Michael Bridges. It is worth noting that if Bridges had been able to win the event final, it would have been him and not Antonino celebrated as the Western Conference winner.

Tony Miskelly might have been dispatched in round three of the Riverbend Nationals, but that wasn’t enough to stop him being heralded as the Super Sedan Western Conference winner. Miskelly also claimed the Top Qualifier honours before going on to make it through two rounds of racing with a bye in round one and a defeat over Darren Russell in round two before coming up against event runner-up Joe Carbone in round three. Carbone made it all the way to the semi-finals with victories over Kym Driesener (round one), John Pellas (round two), Miskelly (round three) and Steve Paech (round four). Event winner Martin Mirco was able to best Carbone in the final after taking defeats over Deb

O’Connell (round one), Lance Larcombe (round two), and Ned Karanovic (round four), with a bye in round three.

The Western Conference win for Modified was almost anyone’s game heading into the Riverbend Nationals, with a host of racers in mathematical contention coming into the event at Tailem Bend. Ultimately, Kenny Stewart would prove successful, with three round wins across the event enough to seal the deal. Stewart first lined up against Anthony Raschella in round one before defeating Western Conference runner-up and Top Qualifier Simon Barlow in round two.

He was then knocked out of further event contention by eventual event winner, Daniel ‘Batdan’ Carranza, in round three. Carranza made it all the way to the top step of the ladder with wins over David Bonetti and Cory Dyson in rounds one and two, then coming up against Stewart in round three before going on to defeat event runner-up Derek Wills in the final. Wills had booked his place in the final by taking race victories from Daniel Bader (round one), and Fiona Crisp (round two)

before a bye in round three. The Super Stock Western Conference win could have gone one of three ways, with contenders Steve Norman, Kim Fardella, and Graeme Simms all on the cap and all competing at the Riverbend Nationals at Dragway at The Bend. Both Norman and Fardella made it through to round two – with Norman defeating Darrin Gay and Fardella defeating Simms in round one – before going to battle for the Western Conference and Riverbend Nationals wins. Norman would ultimately prove victorious in the final stand-off with an 8.225 second 264.28kph run over Fardella’s 8.474 second at 255.93kph.

After securing the Top Qualifier position, Nick Totsikas was unable to take part in Sunday’s elimination rounds.

For results from the Riverbend Nationals, please click here

ANDRA thanks the Dragway at The Bend management and all of its volunteers and sponsors as well as all of the ANDRA officials and volunteers for an outstanding racetrack and a well-run event.

Tyronne Tremayne Steve Norman Photos courtesy of Cackling Pipes Phil Lamattina (foreground) and Damien Harris

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