RECLAIMING WHY WE LEARN Education for the Curious Mature Mind
Andrea Loubert
Student: Andrea Loubert Date: 12.10.2020 Contact: 617.987.1965 E-mail: Research Advisor: Contact: E-mail: Thesis semester:
TBD TBD TBD Spring 2021
Executive Summary
Thesis Statement
Framing the Thesis
Performance Program
Health and Wellness
Case Studies
Site Context Analysis
Constructed Argument
Visualizing Program
Presentation Panels
Thesis Outline
55 3
R ECL A IMI N G WHY WE L E ARN Education for the Curious Mature Mind Andrea Loubert 617.987.1965
conceptual model study of interlocking grids
E xe c utive Su m m ary This thesis is concerned with reclaiming why we learn. To arrive at this question of why, I analyzed what education is, what it is for, and who it is for. It was evident to see that today’s education structures stress product and purpose, mostly in the form of vocational training. Herein is where the problem lies- the intrinsic value is not being fully recognized, the ability to transform, encourage process, virtue, and personal growth is lost. To propose a restructure of educational policy in its entirety would be quite frivolous. Yet considering how education has the capacity to be a lifelong and lifewide process, adult education becomes an ideal candidate for investigating how to reform society’s ideals of the value of education through architecture. Especially considering the capacity for expertise, creativity and genius is realized in post-adolescent and mature lives. In this, pedagogy is crucial. I will be investigating the relationship between educational pedagogy and human cognition. This investigation of pedagogy and the capacity under which people learn has led me to the following methods of inquiry: 1. What external factors influence adults’ needs and their ability/acceptance to learn? 2. How does andragogy (adult pedagogy) play a role in the autonomy and independence of adult learners? 3. How can the internal motivation to learn be
stimulated in the mind? These idiosyncrasies between the learner and the pedagogy are crucial in understanding the capacity to reach intrinsic education. Similarly, it is one where both factors need to change simultaneously to cause a true paradigm shift within education. This change must be fostered by a new type of educational facility, wherein the barriers, needs and desires of mature education are recognized. That is the ultimate goal of this thesis, to inspire self-motivated education within the mature mind so as to actualize the inner genius in everyone. This goal can be broken down into the following terms of criticism:
1. Can I create an environment that reflects the needs of mature learners so that education is easily facilitated? 2. Can I create an andragogy that encourages the many different modalities of learning? An andragogy that understands human cognition and progress? 3. Is there a clear relationship between the built environment, and the theoretical andragogy within this project?
The project is to be situated in Ford City: a
neighborhood district in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Ford city is a district with a rich industrial history that has contributed to a unique sense of place and purpose in the area since the 1900s. Much of the district consists of working class individuals between the ages of 2535, living in typical suburban neighborhoods. These neighborhoods were formed as ‘worker towns’ to serve the booming industry of the Ford Motor Company of Canada in 1904. Since this time, the town has seen in a decline in the automobile industry and the need for diversification and rediscovery of skills. This makes the area a prime location for this thesis’ educational facility. Additionally, placing an educational facility with the purpose of education for virtue opposed to vocation, in a town meant to serve a capitalistic workforce, creates an irony that I am excited to explore. The site I have chosen at 1650 Alexis Rd, is approximately 775’ x 430’. The parcel contains the abandoned Gordon McGregor School, a historic structure built in 1924. This project will aim to reuse the existing structure, by inserting a new transformed pedagogy inside the building’s shell. Additional educational space and support programming will be added within the surrounding site, becoming an asset for the community and school. The site will become a multifaceted, community-oriented activity node for all of its users.
A bstra ct Education is the backbone of contemporary society, and it has been at the forefront of progress and innovation since the beginning of humanity. However, this obvious importance and status of education has not been mirrored in the ways we build educational facilities, the way we teach in modern structures, and how we perceive and place value within education. This thesis explores these conditions and proposes a specific set of criticisms under which to understand how architecture can cause a shift in educational theory and environments. I begin to investigate adult education as a function of educational integrity; in regard to how education has the capacity to be an enjoyable life-long process and how one’s inner-genius can be realized much later into an adult’s life. As such, pedagogy, or andragogy, becomes critical in developing this thesis and understanding the human cognition of a mature mind. The andragogy will influence the built environment- this will become the central feedback loop in this thesis. Further, the designated site in Ford City, Ontario is one that has been used historically for unfulfilling factory work. This creates an interesting irony to explore, on that rests between the historic use of workmanship and education of virtue opposed to vocation.
Th e s is Stat e m e nt “If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow”
- John Dewey
American Philosopher
This thesis is concerned with reclaiming why we learnto investigate how to inspire education for adults after vocational training. This is a very large question, and for the most part, current educational systems are rigid in nature and largely unchanging. The need to rethink these systems has become more profound as disciplines in human cognition have posited that the human mind is a multifaceted, multicomponent instrument, which cannot be captured in today's current pencil-and-paper systems.1 To understand the notion of educational reconstruction in this thesis, it is first necessary to dissect the nature and roles of education itself.2 What is education for? What is education? Whose education? The first question is concerned with the instrumental values of education; broadly speaking, the need for vocational training, personal growth and development, and promotion of cultural ideals. These functions stress the need for purpose and product, focusing on results rather than ecological process. To answer “what is education”, one can look to what is lacking in the description for what education is for. Education is for process, purpose, and transformation It is the intrinsic nature elemental to education.
As for the last question, whose education, the answer becomes less clear. Much focus is put on early childhood development and post-secondary structures, but why must we stop learning? People of all ages have the capacity to learn, and yet the current systems prescribe undesirable learning objectives for any adults whom are looking for informal education outside of vocational training. This is a huge inadequacy in education as the developmental trajectory of individuals does not end after adolescence. The capacity for expertise, creativity and genius can be crafted well into post-adolescent and mature lives3. A restructure of the accepted educational theory would manage in a way that is process, as opposed to product, oriented, bolster ownership and autonomy, encourage the different types of intelligence, and cause a paradigm shift in how society views education. I believe architecture has a large role in this transformation. The rigidity of current policies are reflexive of the boxes that which they inhabit, and the boxes are reflexive of the pedagogy. It is a recurring cycle, one where both variables must change simultaneously. Providing a space that will inspire adults to learn freely, is to provide a space that will inspire intrinsic education. The built environment of this new learning complex will transform in order to be transformative.
Howard Gardener, Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (Cambridge: BasicBooks, 1993), 70.
Stephen Sterling, Sustainable Education (Foshole: Green Books, 2001), 24.
Gardener, Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice, 55.
Figure 14
Princip le
Andra g og y
Pe d a go gy
• An adult is autonomous, an independent decision maker • Mutual exchange of training transactions • Mutual assistance relationships
• The child is dependant, directed by an adult • Teacher dominates hierarchy • Mentoring relationships
Experience and Communication
• Ability to connect with life • Communication is between everyone • Everyone’s experience is valued as a learning resource
• Limited life experience • One-way communication – from teacher to student • Teacher experience is valued as a main course
Willingness to Learn
• Adults know what they want to learn • Participants are grouped into interest groups • The facilitator helps participants to identify their learning needs
• The training course is defined in advance • Learners are grouped by marks and grades • The teacher decides on the training course
Time Perspective and Orientation Learning
• The need to apply knowledge in life/work as soon as possible • Emphasis on the problem • “Work on today’s problems today” mentality
• The child learns for the future, “stores” knowledge • Emphasis on the subject • The subjects are learning now for future use
Fram ing the Th e s is As explained, education refers mostly to the preparation of individuals to enter the work force, or the instrumental value of learning. This raises a question: is education’s superlative purpose only to provide the fundamentals of existing in society, and then be forgotten? Shouldn’t the virtue of education be continued long after “graduation”? This question has sparked a new interest in the field of andragogy, or the subdiscipline of pedagogy referring specifically to adult learners. To help decipher the main differences between the two principles, a comparative table between andragogy and pedagogy is shown in Figure 1. The table is divided to encompass the four main doctrines within educational theory.
education to adult-centered education; insofar as societal roles, responsibilities, and internal motivations towards education. These fundamental understandings of the distinctiveness of the adult mind lead to the methods of inquiry concerning this thesis:
transformative in principle, but the building itself must lend itself to upholding the principles in question. The built environment must not limit the capacity to learn but instead encourage, facilitate, and grow with the students. From this notion, the terms of criticism arise:
What factors influence adults’ needs and their ability/acceptance to learn?
Can I create an environment that reflects the needs of mature learners so that education is easily facilitated?
How does andragogy play a role in the autonomy and independence of adult learners?
Is there a way/type of education that would ensure that the knowledge acquired would benefit the user’s role within society?
Can I create an andragogy that encourages the many different modalities of learning? An andragogy that understands human cognition and progress?
Is there a clear relationship between the built environment, and the theoretical andragogy within this project?
Keeping these key differences in mind, one can begin to analyze the assumptions made about adult learners. For example, it is noted in the experience and communication section that adults typically have more experience in which to connect and draw conclusions from. Thus, one may also deduce that since adults are more conscious of their experience, and value it more than children, that they have greater difficulty accepting things that are contrary to their experience5.
How can the internal motivation to learn be stimulated?
Along the same notion, analysis can continue to be made about the divergence from child-centered
However, in order to be a truly impactful learning space, not only must the theory and andragogy be sound and
Through thorough investigation of the outlined methods of inquiry, I will gain a comprehensive understanding of the desires and requirements of adult learners in which to necessitate a successful andragogy, or learning environment.
Natalyia Machynska, Andragogy - The Science of Adult Education (Ukraine: van Franko National University of Lviv, 2020), 27.
Machynska, Andragogy - The Science of Adult Education, 28.
To synthesize, the terms of criticism are concerned with program, theory, different modalities of learning, and a stimulating built environment. These factors should converge together to result in a more ecological educational paradigm, one that is reflected wholly in both the architecture and the theory encompassed within.
This model is based on the notion of education as a window, or portal to holistic human development, self-discovery and morality far into adult life. This idea is represented by 'frames' of different sizes. Further, this model takes into consideration that people take their own pathways to learning and development, and may cross through their individual educational 'frames' at different paces and with different methodologies.
Performa nce Pro gram Children are asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?”. Their answers are often grandiose and extravagant: “an astronaut”, “a scientist”, maybe even “the President”! Often these aspirations do not come to fruition, as they are too far reached and, other, more attainable career paths emerge through adolescence. But was that child really interested in astronomy, biology, or politics? Do these interests fade with time or do they simply get pushed to the back of our minds, to be replaced with repetitive deadlines, stresses, and routines? As the class progresses on, she forgets the dreariness of her daily routine. The edges of her imagination are vibrating with an old, yet familiar sense of inspiration. This influx of new, alluring information becomes a sudden salience in her mind, reverberating off the walls of her habitual psyche. She feels inspiration from her adolescence that, for a time, was left dormant. The sensation of creative stimulus is refreshing and welcomed.
Health a nd We lln e s s The concept of sustainable or ecological education is one that responds directly towards the global responsibility of ensuring the general well-being of people. Sustainable education, with reformed pedagogy/andragogy, has the potential to become:
• aware of the uniqueness and potential of each individual, and of the qualities of any locality and environment • ethical in concern to extending the boundaries of care and concern from the personal and the present, to the social, environmental, non- human and future dimensions •epistemic, as in aware and critical of its own worldview and bases6
From this, one can see how education has the potential to create a better world, rooted in contributions to holistic human development and morality far into adult life. Further, the building itself will become an integral part of the city and urban fabric. The placement of a public facility, with copious amounts of support programming, ultimately adds value to the urban realm. Access to recreational spaces and natural light have been proven to sharpen the mind and improve the population's health. Additionally, it has the potential to create jobs
and commerce for the city. Ford City has seen a small population increase within recent years. This increase would be complemented nicely by a facility of this sort, as it would attract new residents into the area. Additionally, considering the education and income levels of this area, it becomes evident that the support programing I have included in this project will greatly increase its attractiveness within the community. This work is situated within the realm of educational theory, as well as the psychology of the adult mind. The concepts of andragogy, historic educational theory and the psychology of the human mind (so as to inspire creativity) will be extensively researched and documented. This ultimately will result in a concomitant and thoughtful design, one which has the potential to foster a mutual understanding amongst students and educators, and reform educational policy. This notion of reform or reconstruction is critical to this thesis, as it speaks to the principle of architecture as more than just a building, but rather as an agent for activism and social good.
Stephen Sterling, Sustainable Education (Foshole: Green Books, 2001), 84.
City of Windsor, Ford City: Community Imporvement Plan (Windosr, Ontario, 2018), 40.
Population Change 7
Education Levels
Income Levels of Population (15 +)
C as e St u die s École Polytechnique
Vittra Telefonplan
Handmade School
G a sp a r d Mo ng e Palaiseau - Franc e Case Study One
social/collaborative spaces learning spaces administrative
Éco le Po l y t e c hni qu e
Ecole Polytechnique is one of the most renowned and respected universities in France, ranked the 87th best university in this year’s World University Rankings. The school was founded within the confines of the postrevolutionary concept of the grandes ecoles; which, was the notion of imposing severe discipline and control over curriculum, awarding of degrees, conformity of views and personal habits. As time as progressed, the rigidness of these original guidelines has relaxed some. While the curriculum is not as strict and the pedagogy not as mandated, the original space built can only change in so many ways. Moreover, how has the fixed nature of the architecture impacted the way in which one can teach?
which the “best” is determined. In this case, supremacy of one school over another is based on standardized testing and acceptance rates within a specific discipline, such as engineering or psychology. From this, one can posit that the space itself has been a continued advocate for regulated testing, accordingly influencing the teaching that occurs within. Standardized testing inherently causes teachers to “teach to test” rather than teaching for understanding and curiosity. The rigidity of this space, while maintaining a positive social connotation ultimately campaigns for educational restraint and a loss of creative and educational exploration.
One can see in the simplified axonometric to the left that the education spaces and the social/collaborative spaces are quite segregated. Further, the main social space is bordered on all sides by a ring of administrative spaces, not unlike a prison block with a central courtyard. The learning spaces are arranged into different blocks, the varied stages of learning stacked amongst the floors. The classrooms follow the standard layout of arranged desks, lecture desk up front, and limited glazing on the exterior. While this school places high in the rankings for universities, it is important to understand the means in
Ro sa n Bo sch
Sto c kho lm - Sweden Case Study Two social/collaborative spaces learning spaces administrative
Vittra Te l efo npl an
Vittra Telefonplan is a Swedish school without any walls. Opposed to the standard classroom setting, Vittra is organized around innovative pedagogical principles constituting of the watering hole, showoff, cave, campfire and laboratory. These spaces have been named as such because they facilitate different types of learning that were deemed critical to a child’s development. There are areas of communal gathering and discussion, presentation, seclusion and self-inquiry, casual dialogue as well as more typical spaces for practice related learning.
space as an educational tool by completely getting rid of classrooms and desks. They have accounted for acoustics, space planning, lighting, furniture and modular installations to instead create a learning landscape that provides for the individual student’s needs while providing flexibility, play and creativity.
Further, while the spaces are able to adapt to different social conditions, they have also left space for technological growth, whether the students are sitting, lying down or standing up. There are dedicated areas for digitization and the mobile floor plan allows for significant changes in the future. Opposed to the previous example, the learning and social spaces intermingle within the single floor plate, moving organically and occurring wherever feels natural. While this completely open learning approach may seem beneficial for self-exploration an growth, typically it has been criticized for creating a learning environment that is too distracting and unproductive. However, this project has been able to design the
A nna Her ing er a nd Eike Ro swa g
Dinajpur - B angladesh Case Study Three social/collaborative spaces learning spaces administrative
Ha n d ma de S cho o l
The Handmade School is a two storey school building made with earth and bamboo that is intended to help local children to learn with joy. The construction of the school itself was a learning experience as it was built utilizing historic building techniques by local tradesmen. However, the techniques used were slightly modified to allow for more structural integrity. The school still utilizes the standard format of classrooms, with the addition of an organically shaped system of caves along the rear of the rooms. The thick, earthen walls of the classrooms and cave system advocate for touching, nestling up against, sleeping, and retreating into for exploration or seclusion. In contrast to the space below, the upper floor is washed in light. There are openings in its bamboo walls that allow for cross-ventilation, sweeping views across treetops, and intriguing light shows from the colorful saris on the ceilings.
cave system. Additionally, through the space, children are finding a new, refreshing local identity that has been achieved through the thoughtful design. The space has effectively exploited local cultures and building techniques to create a successful learning environment. Although it is doubtful if this building will be able to stand the test of time or be able to modernize with increasing globalization and digitization.
Although the concept of the classroom is the same, how does the construction of the space inform a new way of learning? The airy structure, the colorful details, the soft walls and caves all feel different than the typical school, while still technically being clarified as a classroom. This notion of utilizing local materials and tradesmen embedded more of a sense of “home� and comfortability within the space, in junction with the soft
plan to section 26
massing and structure
circulation to use
natural light
additive and subtractive
repetitive and unique
Ha n d ma de S cho o l - Pa rt i An a l ysi s
I chose to further analyze Anna Heringer's Handmade school as I was particularly intrigued with how the design not only accommodated for, but encouraged, different modalities of learning. The main way in which the structure inspires different methods of learning is through the 'soft caves' at the back of the building, as seen in plan and section. The uniqueness of their size, shape and lighting conditions emphasize their importance within the building. It is clear to see how the building has been formed around the cave system, as each more traditional classroom space has equal access into and out of the caves. Moreover, the second floor is distinguished from the lower floor to create a sense of horizontal balance thorugh repetitive structural elements, in contrst to the organic form of the caves. Additionally, one may consider the materiality of the structure and how this influences the type of learning within the building. The site map to the right showcases areas in close proximity to the site that were used to locally source building materials. Thus, bringing the exterior vernacular into the building to allow children to feel more at peace within the space.
Image: Anna Heringer, METI Master Plan, 2006, illustration, 27
A nnot at e d B iblio g ra p hy
Dewey, John. Experience and Education. New York, NY: Touchstone, 1938. Experience and Education, although a bit outdated, I believe will still be a relevant source to my thesis. While technology and many other factors have updated dramatically since 1938, John Dewey, often times referred to as the most influential thinker on education in the twentieth century, lays out significant fundamentals within the field of education. The theories discussed in the book deal with the notion of actual needs, problems and responsibilities within education opposed to responding to societal trends. The intimate relationship between experience and education is discussed thoroughly, while maintaining the principle of learning untainted by personal experience. These theories will apply to my thesis in a broad way, as a general understanding of the history of educational theory will produce a more comprehensive building.
“Education as growth or maturity should be an ever-present process.�
1 30
Dewey, John. The School and Society and the Child and the Curriculum. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1990.
This reprinted volume of two highly regarded educational treatises will be critical to understanding the importance for schools within a larger environment. The first volume, The School and Society will indefinitely provide insights as to the history of the school itself and the pedagogy. Further, it outlines ideas on how to adopt and change within the confines of physical form, political boundaries and social progress The second essay deals more with the influence of specific curricula on the developing child, which I do not think will be as useful within my thesis as I have decided to not look at youth education. However, perhaps the theories made about stimulating creativity and experimentation will be applicable within my thesis.
Dinmore, Ian. “Interdisciplinarity and integrative learning: an imperative for adult education.” Education 117, no. 3 (1997): 452+. https://link. bacl&sid=GPS&xid=493e31af. This journal article deals with formal and informal learnign within adult education. It makes the case for the importance of experience over traditional teaching styles. Additionally, it defines the provisions of interdisiplinarity and integrative learnign and how they affect educational theory. This readingwill be helpful as it breaks down the two main categories of learning and provides a basis on which to inform the types of learning spaces in this thesis.
“There is no institution, no classroom, no teacher, and no curriculum, but it is valid learning, nonetheless.”
Machynska, Nataliya, and Halyna BOIKO. 2020. “Andragogy - the Science of Adult Education: Theoretical Aspects.” v24 (1): 25–34. http://search. t=true&db=aph&AN=143669269&site=eds-live. This journal article will be critical within my thesis. It is the first relevant journal article I’ve found published in 2020, while also expicitily focusing on adult education, or the science of andragogy. The article seeks to reveal the theoretical bases of andragogy as a science, thoroughly analyzsing the major principles of andragogy and how they may impact the learnign styles within an educational environment.
4 31
OWP/P Architects, VS Furniture, and Bruce Mau Design. The Third Teacher: 79 Ways You Can Use Design to Transform Teaching & Learning. New York, NY: Abrams, 2010.
Unlike the two previous citations, this book deals specifically with architecture and design within education. While I am not looking for a “how-to” manual on how to design educational spaces, this book outlines many precedent studies to validate the proposed design solutions. Although, this book does focus on early childhood education, it provides excellent case studies, research initiatives and basic principles on which to leap off from.
“When designing schools, don’t let today’s reality limit tomorrow’s possibilities.”
5 32
Salama, Ashraf M. Spatial Design Education: New Directions for Pedagogy in Architecture and Beyond. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2015.
Spatial Design Education focuses specifically on architectural education and studio pedagogy. While I am not envisioning my thesis to focus on the same thing, this book does outline many different types of pedagogy throughout the decades along with their successes and failures. I think it is also important to note that one of the core principles in architectural teaching is to inspire creativity and critical thinking. This principle can also be applied at a larger scale and hold some meaning within the frameworks for my thesis. That is, ways in which to stimulate creativity within adult education.
Sterling, Stephen. Sustainable Education: ReVisioning Learning and Change. Foxhole: Green Books, 2001.
“Most mainstream
For this citation, I believe it is first important to note when it was published. Although not the most recent, it is written in such a way that many of the principles can still be applied today. For example, the book discusses the roles of education within society, a transmissive versus transformative agent, the power of educational theory and much more. What I am hoping to gain from this reading is a more contemporary outlook on educational theory to build off the informational theory from the first two John Dewey books. I believe through this, I will have a comprehensive understanding of educational theory both in a historic and modern context.
unsustainability- through
Pink, Daniel H. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future. New York, NY: Riverhead Books, 2012.
education sustains
uncritically reproducing norms, by framenting understanding and by recognizing only a narrow part of the spectrum of
This book posits six essential aptitudes on which professional success and a strong mind depend. The six principles are outlined with guides on how to master each one, how to “teach” the brain and providing a framework on which to rewire thinking. I believe this book will be crucial, and extremely innovative within my thesis. If I can include these principles within the built environment, some which in which to trigger “right-brained” thinking, I believe it will my design to become more suitable and successful towards my target audience.
human ability and need.”
8 33
it, etro
N r, O o s ind
1650 Alexis Road, Ford City, Windsor, ON
S It e Contex t Sit u at io n a l A na l ysi s The site is located within Ford City, in Windsor Ontario as shown below. Windsor is in close proximity to the Windsor-Detroit waterfront and has a rich, diverse history.
and hospitals to serve the people. Thus, Ford City became a densely knit fabric of residential single-family homes, central commercial strips, and nodes of activity centered around main streets, churches, and schools. However, in recent years the city has sen a decline in the automobile industry and dilapidation befall many of its residential neighborhoods as people seek to diversify their work experience.
Location of Ford City in
Location of Site in Ford City
Ford City was the birthplace of the automobile industry in Canada. By 1913, Ford Motor Company of Canada employed 1,400 people at $4.00 an hour, a much higher wage than other manufacturing jobs at the time. This industrial boom attracted immigrants and caused exponential growth in the area. This has resulted in the largest stock of preserved 1920s buildings west of Montreal; yet this rich history is often ignored. This influx of growth and development created a need for housing and infrastructure. Worker towns were created to house Henry Ford's employees, as well as schools
This rich history of industry and education for the sole purpose of vocational applications, makes this site an ideal location for this thesis. As people have become stagnant in their careers, the Education Center for the Curious Mature Mind shall provide some much needed inspiration as well as a network of individuals from which to learn. Gordon McGregor Elementary school, shown to the right, was built in 1924 to serve the many young families in Ford City. The school filled immediately, and even required an expansion in 1931 of 5 additional classrooms. The school closed in 2016 due to lack of enrollment and has remained abandoned on the site. I intend to reuse this structure in my thesis, as well as incorporating it with new construction and landscaping.
Ford City is located in between three other historic districts: Riverside, Sandwich West, and Walkerville. Walkerville was similarly a worker town, with residences constructed to support the employees of Hiram Walker.
However, the commercial strips of Drouillard Rd and Seminole St create many nodes of activity to encounter. Both streets feature a number of restaurants, artist spaces, churches, schools, and retail fronts. Drouillard Rd is of particular importance as it has a direct link to the Windsor waterfront.
Ford City
Sandwich West Neighboring Districts
As these were all individual towns at a point in time, they each function as an independent microcosm at a smaller scale. After an analysis of Ford City, it was simple to pinpoint the commercial strips in the city, as well as the surrounding residential and industrial areas. The residential areas are sprawling in nature, and in need of some diversification to support multi-use programming.
Sit e A na l ys i s
primary node
commerical strip
community node
secondary node
pedestrian dominant
hard edge formed by either
soft, transitional edge created
high vehicular traffic
row residential housing or
between back of site and community
rail line
industrial park
recreational space behind
bus route
Gordon McGregor School - 1924
Holy Trinity Church - 1947
Ford Power Plant -1922
Our Lady of Rosary - 1908
2 1
Located at 1650 Alexis Road, structure is abandoned but still standing. This thesis proposes to reuse the existing structure.
Located at1420 Drouillard Road, this Byzantine style Orthodox church is a symbol of religion and diversity. This church was built by Russian immigrants and still serves the community today.
Located at 3001 Riverside Drive E., this structure has remained an iconic symbol of industry since its construction.
Located at 2879 Riverside Drive E., this church is the oldest structure in Ford City. It has seen revolutions, riots, and many dedicated parishioners. Today, it has been adapted to an event center.
Zon in g Re q ui re m ent s Pr ov is io n
Total Lot Area: 292,970.62 ft2
Requirem ent s
Zoning District
ID1.1 - Institutional District
Permitted Uses Front Setback
Business office, child care center, place of worship, school 6.0m (19.6ft)
Rear Setback
7.5m (24.6ft)
Side Setback
3.0m (9.8ft)
Building Height
Maximum of 14m (45.9ft)
Lot Coverage
Maximum of 50% lot area coverage
Open Space
Minimum of 20% landscaped open space
Existing Building
27,887.73 ft2
Lot Area
292,970.62 ft2
Building area
146,485.31 ft2 (50% of Lot Area)
existing building height = 9m (29'-6")
Nolli A na l ys i s
The Nolli analysis allowed me to observe the urban grain of the Ford City area. It became clear through this that there are three main axis that encompass the surrounding urban grid.
C on structed Argu m e nt In the words of Jeffery A. Lackney, educational architect, “[t]he school facility is much more than a passive container of the educational process: it is, rather, an integral component of the conditions of learning�1 . With this being understood, it is important to understand the conditions that must be considered in designing an educational complex. They will contribute to the comfortability of the educational environment without distracting from the educational agenda. The consultants that would be required to achieve this environment include, but are not limited to: acoustics engineering, HVAC consulting, lighting design, AV consultants/electricians, landscape design, and sustainability consultants. In relation to the considerations within the built environment, one must also consider the theoretical implications within an educational facility. This thesis requires extensive research and analysis into pedagogical theory vs. andragogical, the relationship between curriculum and space, and the individuality of the learner. This research will inform the way that the space manifests into a concomitant form, one that considers the seven different languages of learning and encourages education to occur.
becomes critical. This notion led me to begin to investigate the concept of grids. The school has an existing structural grid, that will inevitably begin to merge or breakaway from any new structure. How does the gird merge, fold, intersect and meet the existing? What are the conditions of space that are created within? How does this small, myopic grid relate to the larger city grid? Do they clash or are they harmonious? These questions will drive the final design. Additionally, there are multiple ways in which to deal with an existing structure. I am opting to preserve and reuse, opposed to demolishing. The method of adaptation I choose, whether that be adding, subtracting, carving, etc., will require an analysis of the existing structure. It will also require some retrofitting as the building is dated and will not meet my sustainability goals. The site is in a colder climate in Canada, so a tight, efficient building envelope is critical.
As this thesis proposes the reuse of the existing structure, the construction of any new buildings
Mo d e l E xpl o rat i o n
Con str u ct i o n C ase St u dy
The Wexner Center for the Visual Arts and Fine Arts Library is an excellent example of the interlockinggrid concept I described previously. The project considers the existing grid of the University, as well as the city itself, in proposing the new addition. The proposal integrates the existing geometries to project an image of belonging both to the campus and to the larger context of the city. The grids served different purposes, such as a pedestrian path, a direct route of entry to the Arts Center, as well as creating contrast between the addition and the city. This concept of aligning grids where it is deemed fit, vs. clashing grids to create specific moments of emphasis and contrast, is what interests me about this project and what i hope will inform this thesis.
Image: Eisenman Architects, Concept Illustrations - Wexner Center for the Visual Arts and Fine Arts Library, 1989, illustration,
V i s u alizing Pro gram The program will be comprised into three main sections: educational spaces, support programming, and green or interstitial spaces. The program will be weaved throughout the site so as to create a calming and harmonious approach. As such, the landscaping becomes crucial. Not only will it take up a large portion of the site, but having access to green space, natural light and outdoor settings has been proven to increase cognition and boost productivity.
Support Program
Often times the ways in which adult education systems are constructed creates barriers to actually attaining education, in other words, they don't contain the proper support programs. Uses such as: a daycare, a grocery store, etc. will be incorporated into the programming to account for the increased social responsibility of adults.
Educational/Teaching Spaces
Green/Interstitial Space
The educational spaces will encompass the different modalities of learning. The spaces will constitute a mix of formal and informal learning; which, will encourage experience-based learning, self-organization and the desire to learn.
Access to green space and spaces to exercise are crucial not only in maintaing a clear mind, but also in fostering a collaborative environment in which to engage with other people's experiences. These interstitial spaces will be incorporated smoothly within the program, contributing to the site and also the existing urban grain as a whole.
Educational Facility Entr y R e c e p t i o n D es k P r in t er/Co py A rea Equ i p m en t /S t o ra g e C ls t s R e st ro o m s L ib rar y G a l l er y S p ace Au di t o ri u m Se l f - D i rect ed E d u ca t i o n S p a ces Fo r m a l Learn i n g S p a ces I n f o rm al Learn i n g S p a ces M usi c E nv i ro n m en t s Wo r ks h o p s Gy m O u td o o r R ecreat i o n Cafe C h il d care
Direct adjac ency
G ro c er y
C lo s e and c o nvenient
G a rd en
May o r may no t s hare t he s ame s pac e S eparat ed by dis t anc e o r barrier Indifferent
Sp ac i al C o ns i de rat i on s
3 1
4 1
Educational 1. formal - 5,000 sf 2. informal - 5,000 sf 3. workshops - 4,000 sf 4. auditorium - 1,000 sf Support 1. gym- 1,000 sf 2. child care - 1,000 sf 3. grocery - 1,000 sf 4. cafe - 300 sf
Common 1. entry/lobby- 300 sf 2. library - 2,000 sf 3. gallery - 1,000 sf
Mechanical 1. mechanical, storage, and misc. - 4,200 sf
Size of site compared to program and existing building.
R ECLA IMIN G W HY WE L E A RN Education for the Curious Mature Mind
This thesis is concerned with reclaiming why we learn- to investigate how to inspire education for adults after vocational training. This is a very large question, and for the most part, current educational systems are rigid in nature and largely unchanging. The need to rethink these systems has become more profound as disciplines in human cognition have posited that the human mind is a multifaceted, multicomponent instrument, which cannot be captured in today’s current pencil-and-paper systems. I begin to investigate adult education as a function of educational integrity; in regard to how education has the capacity to be an enjoyable life-long process and how one’s inner-genius can be realized much later into an adult’s life. As such, pedagogy, or andragogy, becomes critical in developing this thesis and understanding the human cognition of a mature mind. The andragogy will influence the built environment- this will become the central feedback loop in this thesis. Further, the designated site in Ford City, Ontario is one that has been used historically for unfulfilling factory work. This creates an interesting irony to explore, on that rests between the historic use of workmanship and education of virtue opposed to vocation.
Methods of Inquiry What factors influence adults’ needs and their ability/acceptance to learn? How does andragogy play a role in the autonomy and independence of adult learners? Is there a way/type of education that would ensure that the knowledge acquired would benefit the user’s role within society? How can the internal motivation to learn be stimulated?
Through thorough investigation of the outlined methods of inquiry, I will gain a comprehensive understanding of the desires and requirements of adult learners in which to necessitate a successful andragogy, or learning environment.
Terms of Criticism Can I create an environment that reflects the needs of mature learners so that education is easily facilitated? Can I create an andragogy that encourages the many different modalities of learning? An andragogy that understands human cognition and progress? Is there a clear relationship between the built environment, and the theoretical andragogy within this project?
The terms of criticism are concerned with program, theory, different modalities of learning, and a stimulating built environment. These factors should converge together to result in a more ecological educational paradigm, one that is reflected wholly in both the architecture and the theory encompassed within.
sketchbook pages
Pr e s entation Pan e ls S I t e A na lysis Ford City was the birthplace of the automobile industry in Canada. By 1913, Ford Motor Company of Canada employed 1,400 people at $4.00 an hour, a much higher wage than other manufacturing jobs at the time. This industrial boom attracted immigrants and caused exponential growth in the area. However, in recent years the city has sen a decline in the automobile industry and dilapidation befall many of its residential neighborhoods as people seek to diversify their work experience. This rich history of industry and education for the sole purpose of vocational applications, makes this site an ideal location for this thesis. As people have become stagnant in their careers, the Education Center for the Curious Mature Mind shall provide some much needed inspiration as well as a network of individuals from which to learn.
Location of Ford City in
Location of Site in Ford City
Gordon McGregor Elementary school was built in 1924 to serve the many young families in Ford City during the height of the auto industry. The school closed in 2016 due to lack of enrollment and has remained abandoned on the site. I intend to reuse this structure in my thesis, as well as incorporating it with new construction and landscaping.
1650 Alexis Road, Ford City, Windsor, ON
commerical strip
hard edge formed by either row residential housing or industrial park
soft, transitional edge created between back of site and community recreational space behind
Co n c e pt Developme nt
This initial model was conceptual in the sense that it was an exploration of a principle. I intended to study the notion of education as a portal, or frame, to holistic human development. This model takes into consideration that people take their own pathways to learning and development, and may cross through their individual educational ‘frames’ at different paces and with different methodologies.
This sketch exercise contemplated the existing structure on the site. The structure conforms to traditional educational structure, with long, straight hallways flanked by different classroom blocks. Although not the most effective strategy, one can’t ignore the historical significance of the building. I began to think about maintaining the structure but superimposing a new grid.
This model is a continuation of my sketch exercise. I created a modular grid structure similar to the existing one of the school, and experimented with how it may fold, bend, warp, expand, shrink, and intersect with itself. This model will be the basis of my conceptual development moving onwards.
Th e s is Outlin e Introductory Review - 1st Week
Final Review- 13th Week
- review thesis proposal - site reivew - intial concept drawings review
- all general requirements - renderings, wall sections, details,pedagogy
Final Book - 15th Week Preliminary Review - 3rd Week
- generation of multiple schemes - porgram overlay on site - sketches
- Thesis book completed, signed by: Thesis Faculty Thesis Advisor Sirector of Thesis Student
Schematic Review - 5th Weel
- selection of one scheme - plans - elevations - sections - perspectives
Design Development - 9th Week
- all previous work + comments and crtiques - refinement of orthogonal drawings - preliminary details - structural and mechanical review
Andrea Loubert 94 Hammond St, Boston, Ma 02120 617.987.1965 |
Education Boston Architectural College
Boston, MA 08/2019 - present
St. Clair College Windsor, ON 09/2016 - 06/2019
DET Innovation Workshop Nanjing, China 05/2018 - 06/2018
Candidate for Master of Architecture Current GPA of 3.99
Three year program focusing on technological and design skillsets in architecture Awarded Faculty Academic Award at graduation for highest G.P.A Received School of Engineering Technologies letter for Academic Distinction for outstanding academic performance for six consecutive semesters Granted the Rob Lain Memorial Scholarship as well as the Ford Motor Company of Canada Scholarship.
Participated in the third annual Nanjing College of Information Technology’s (NJCIT) DET Engineering Innovation Workshop.
Skills Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation Windsor, ON 02/22/2019
Community Activities 09/2016 - 04/2019
Received the prestigious Lieutenant Governor’s Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation for continued participation in preservation intiatives. Active member of St Clair’s Architecture Club. I facilitated community involvement in events such as: Sponsoring the WRSA’s “Spotlight on Architecture” promotion at Windsor’s International Film Festival Leading an interactive booth for Open Streets Windsor Participating in a booth for Ford City's Dropped on Drouillard Street Festival Training younger architecture students to aid in the smooth transition of the Architecture Club after graduation.
AutoCad Revit Rhino Revit Sketchup Rhino 3D Print Laser cut
Photoshop Image Illustrator Lightroom InDesign ArcGIS Analysis Climate Consultant
ENGLISH native
Experience Architectural Intern SDI Architecture Boston, MA 09/2020 - present
Lighting Design Assistant Insight Lighting Studio Boston, MA 07/2020 -08/2020
Urban Environments Intern NBBJ Boston, MA 11/2019 - 06/2020
Worked alongside senior supervision to create construction drawing sets for residential and commercial projects of varying sizes. Actively involved and particpated in the planning process from concept development to construction administration.
Developed construction documentation for a wide range of project types under supervision of senior leadership. Worked alongside clients and local representatives to coordinate product sourcing and construction issues.
Assembled multiple analytical diagrams for numerous master planning projects while refining graphic standards to align with project’s overall concept. Assisted in the planning of community engagement meetings and presentations.