Contamination by Andrea Cappelletti

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These extraordinary civilizations that had, truly for millennia, taken another path, that had faced life, death, nature, the gods in a different way from others. They had invented their own way of writing, eating, combing their hair; civilizations that for centuries have treated their patients differently, have looked at the sky, the mountains, the rivers differently; who had a different idea of how to build houses, of making temples, another conception of anatomy, a different concept of soul, force, wind, water. These civilizations today are pushed and judged only with respect to their being similarly modern in globalization. Isn’t it sad? For humanity in general, which loses a lot in losing its diversity and becoming all the same.


Architectural Portfolio I Andrea Cappelletti

Dear Mr./Ms. :

尊敬的先生 / 女士 :

I graduated in Master of Architecture from Politecnico di Milano, attending both Bachelor and Master taught in English.

我毕业于米兰理工大学的建筑学硕士学位,并且本科 和研究生都是英语授课。

I am sending this application for the position of Designer in Shanghai. Because of my deep interest in Space Matrix, I am also available to start working remotely due to the pandemic situation.

我是想申请上海设计师一职。由于我对 Space Matrix 的浓厚兴趣,我也可以在新冠病毒的情况下开始远程 工作。

I love the high quality of shape and space that you are able to provide in your projects. I have been intrigued, in particular, by your way of facing the Chinese reality still keeping high attention to detail. I always have been interested and fascinated with the world outside Italy, volunteering in Africa, and by the oriental culture and world in general with a particular focus on Japan and China. Attending Politecnico di Milano I had the chance to explore China, its history, its culture with greater intensity. The friendship cultivated in university with Chinese classmates, the journey made in China in 2016 and 2019, attending a summer school, and the study of the Chinese language at Confucius Institute in Milan certainly contributed to this in-depth study that continues to this day. Due to this passion, I learned how to be productive in an international environment and team. My goal for the future, moreover, became to work and live in China. During my Bachelor I have worked within an architecture department dedicated to the design of national and international exhibition stands, set-ups in dedicated locations for marketing meetings, and corporate Open days. During this experience, I learn deeply to use 3D Modelling, in particular Rhino and Grasshopper, implementing it in my projects. I sincerely want to have this work opportunity, so I am available to work as soon as possible, full-time.

我喜欢贵公司高品质的形态和空间在所有您的项目 中。特别是您面对中国现状的处理方式,并且您对细 节也很关注。 我对意大利以外的世界一直很感兴趣和着迷,所以有 在非洲做志愿者,对东方文化和世界也很感兴趣,特 别是对日本和中国。而就读于在米兰理工大学,我有 机会去探索中国的历史,它的文化有更多的魅力。在 大学里不仅与中国同学建立的友谊,也在2016年和 2019年在中国的旅行,并参加了一个由上海交通大学 举办的 “中国的文化”的设计项目。 并且在米兰孔子学院的中文学习的经历,对这些研究 都非常有帮助。 由于这种热情,我学会了如何在一个国际环境和团队 中高效率工作。并且,我未来的目标是在中国工作和 生活。 在我的学士期间,我在一个建筑部门工作,专门负责 设计国内和国际的展台,在特定的地点为营销会议和 企业开放日进行布置专用场所。在这段经历中,我深 入学习使用3D建模,特别是Rhino和Grasshopper。并 在我的项目中实施它。 我真诚地希望有这个工作机会,所以我可以尽快全职 工作。 祝好 Andrea Cappelletti 周才凯

I hope to hear back from you regarding my application. Sincerely Andrea Cappelletti 周才凯

Milano +39 3331751865 AndreaCiaoChina

Milano | + 39 3331751865 |

中文 简历

  WeChat ID : AndreaCiaoChina

Andrea Cappelletti English CV




Architect graduated in Master of Architecture from Politecnico di Milano, a motivated individual who can work in a busy environment and find solutions to new problems and situations. Excellent team working skills and interpersonal ability. Creative, able to find original solutions to problems. Punctual, honest, and fast learner. Other Interest : coding, Chinese and Japanese culture, art, sport.


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Mother tongue


IELTS Band score 7.5


HSK 2 - 3

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Education Master of Architecture - Built Environment - Interior

2019 - 2021


Politecnico di Milano | Milan, Italy Bachelor of Architectural Science

2012 - 2019

Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoint

Experience Project Management course

07. 2020

Politecnico di Milano| Milan, Italy

Autocad Archicad

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07. 2019

SJTU | Shanghai, China The course aimed to show the significance of China design and encouraged students to think about the future of China.

10. 2016 - 12. 2018

Welcome Adv | Bergamo, Italy Concept,design layout and materials proposal for national and international exhibition stands, setups in dedicated locations for marketing meetings and corporate Open days.


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Fundamental knowledge and methodologies of Project Management with reference to the international model IPMA®.

Rhinoceros + Grasshopper Revit SketchUp 3ds (Autodesk Certified - Advanced Level Rendering )


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Support the studio in completing plans, sections, masterplan development for architecture projects. Helping, moreover, the studio workers in 3d modeling.

Laser Machine Maquette Wood Working

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04. 2016 - 07. 2016

Studio 28architettura | Bergamo, Italy

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Illustrator Photoshop InDesign

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Editing / Graphic

Production Architectural Intern




Stand and Events Architect


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Politecnico di Milano | Milan, Italy

SJTU Summer School - China design

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Extracurricular Actvities School Construction

07. 2018 - 09. 2018

Project Abroad | Ghana, Africa The project aid the Ghana craftsmen in building, with local technique and materials, some muchneeded new classrooms for the local primary school.

I authorize the processing of my personal data present in the curriculum vitae pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and of the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679). I authorize the processing of my personal data present in the curriculum vitae pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and of the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679).

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GREEN OASIS Architectural void regeneration in the complex reality of Shanghai Master Thesis Project : 01.2021_07.2021 Location : Shanghai, China Supervisor : Prof. Marco Bovati Cosupervisor : Arch. Gerardo Semprebon Role : Single author The topic of the project was part of the Workshop “China Design” held by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the summer of 2019. It was deepened afterward in a Master Thesis Project that focuses on the redevelopment of a block in the center of Shanghai, architecturally redefining an area currently used as a parking lot. The project consists of the design of a multifunctional architectural complex, whose main theme concerns the study of food and its production, trying to define a balance between plant and built spaces. Given the complexity of the reality of Shanghai and the requests to which I have tried to respond, I have arrived at a project in which various functions, actors, and architectural choices coexist, among which a balance has been sought. In this way, the possibility of a sustainable and conscious urban redevelopment was offered, which takes into account the project site and the different and complex relationships that involve it.



From top to bottom : Site photo, Urban Expansion, Spaces

Connection, Open

From left to right : (first row) Height, Heritage, Function. (second row) Vegetation, Open Spaces, People Concetration


Existing Condition

Photo Survey


Existing Condition


20 m

Urban Axonometry

Settling Down

Urban Strategy


Design Intentions






Ground Floor



20 m

First Floor



20 m

Second Floor



20 m

Third Floor



20 m

Fourth Floor



20 m




20 m


Functional Program and Users

North Elevation


12 m

Functional Program and Vertical Connection

South Elevation


12 m


5 50% open area


33% open area



11% open area


1. Perforated Aluminium Panel 1000 x 2000 mm 2. T beam 3. DEJO grate ( in service walkway of 800 mm) 4. U steel profile 5. metal fins ( steel post ) 50 x 60 mm

Perforated Aluminium Panel Facade

Direct Light


Seasonal Analysis









East Elevation


12 m

Long Section


12 m

Main Facade

Interior Courtyard




PAVILLIONS FOR CONVIVIALITY An experimental project regenerating an abandoned village in Sicily. Architectural Design Studio : 10.2019_02.2020 Location : Santo Pietro, Sicily, Italy Professors : Marco Navarra, Francesca Zanotto, Chiara Nivosi Role: Group leader Collaborators : Jiayi Fan, Ivana Varinac, Itana Filipovic The studio concerns the territory around the Oak forest from Santo Pietro cork involving about ten urban centers in a vast and complex area occupied by agricultural and activities breeding. The project deals with experimenting with new and innovative building systems in collaboration with the experimental station of graniculture and the Sicilian companies operating in the field of bio-architecture. In particular, the project develops an experimental pavilion dedicated to biodiversity to be used for different activities, (exhibitions, tasting of typical products, meetings, conferences).






First Pavillion Elevation, Sections, Plan


First Pavillion Elevation, Exploded Axonometry

Second Pavillion Elevation, Sections, Plan

First Pavillion Exploded Axonometry, Construction Details


INHABITING ANTIKYTHERA Contrasting depopulation phenomenon in the Greek island of Antikythera. Thematic studio : 02.2020_06.2020 Location : Antikythera, Greece Professors : Laura Daglio, Stamatina Kousidi Role: Architect Collaborators : Santiago De Francesco, Matteo Tuti The course has the aim of proposing and developing a possible strategy to be enacted in the Greek island of Antikythera. The strategy will suggest a possible theme or topic for the development (tourism, archaeology, agriculture, health, and well-being, etc.), investigating it and evaluating the feasibility at the different scales and through the different steps of the transformation process Finally, the architectural design proposal suggests the renovation of the existing heritage and the construction of a new system of building/facilities linked with the theme of exploration by walking.



Current Mobility System

Historical Landmarks

Ornithology Map




Itineraries Typologies


Itineraries Intersections

Itineraries Resting Area

Itineraries Changes


Isolation Points


Birdwatching and Hiking Points

Astronomy Points

First Floor


Ground Floor





CHRYSALIS Deployable living Habitat Architecture for Human Space Exploration : 10.2020_02.2021 Location : Clavius Crater, Moon Professors : Valentina Myriam Anna Su mini, Vittorio Netti Role: Architect Collaborators : Santiago De Francesco, Ma Xinyu, Chen Xue Project published on Politecnico di Milano Website The course has the aim of exploring possibilities to send a manned mission to the Moon in this decade and allow for future human habitats and even cities on Mars by 2050. The strategy suggests a deployable habitat mainly made with capsules at the surface of the moon as one step of the human space exploration and we consider taking the moon as a springboard for further space exploration. Chrysalis Module is partly inspired by chrysalis in nature. Its focus is on make easier its deployment by using the concept of foldability. Hexagon is taken as the best pattern for the foldable surface, the radiation protection will be provided by Kevlar plus carbon fiber reinforced polymer. While the columns extend, the floor slabs and cap unfold at the same time. Interior Furnishing is very particular and has been studied so that while astronauts climbing up, they may use the interior furniture package adapting it every time to their needs: all furniture will be hidden.




SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION Volunteer experience of schhol construction in Africa Projects Abroad : 07.2018_08.2018 Location : Akuapem Hills, Ghana, Africa Role: Architect The project aid the Ghana craftsmen in building, with local technique and materials, some much-needed new classrooms for the local primary school. In this process, all the members have been involved directly in the production of material and in the construction, aided and guided by the locals.

Roof Structure


Laying the floor

Site Construction

Scaffolding and , in background, me while working



OTHER EXPERIENCE Studio 28A : 04.2016_07.2016 Location : Bergamo, Italy Role: Intern Support the studio in completing plans, sections, masterplan development for architecture projects. Helping, moreover, the studio workers in 3d modeling. Welcome Adv : 10.2016_12.2018 Location : Bergamo, Italy Role: Stand and Events Designer The activity carried out at the Welcome Adv was concentrated within their Division dedicated to the design of national and international exhibition stands, set-ups in dedicated locations for marketing meetings and corporate Open days, including the meeting with clients and technical partners, the concept of the exhibition, the design layout and the proposals relating to the materials.

All the works presented here belongs to the respective studios 29 and companies.

Studio 28A : (right to left) Oratorio di Castelleone 2.Parco arrampicata CAI a Bergamo


Welcome Adv. : (Left to right) 1. BKT Agritechnica 2018 2. BKT Sima 2017


Thank you for your attention 谢谢您的时间

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