Kronos Design. Boutique Maria Isabel 2017 English Version

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© Grupo María Isabel Design: Kronos Design

Adriana Sánchez-Mejorada and Andrea Clemente

Text:: Guadalupe Ochoa, Esperanza Bustillo Puente, Andrea Clemente,

and María del Carmen Bernal Editor: Ediciones Ruz

Not part of this book may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any in-

formation retrieval system, electronic oe mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Copyright 2017 Boutique María Isabel

Prologue Sergio Raimond-Kedihac Navarro Anna Fusoni MarĂ­a del Carmen Bernal Ilustrations MarĂ­a Guadalupe Ochoa

Yesterday ... the beginning.

Creating a brand. Adventure, risk, commitment. First selection of unmistakable stamp fashion. Today ... we continue.

Traditional wisdom and fascination for the new.

Constant creation of great fashion for the woman with class. Tomorrow ... new generations.

They will follow the style, the idea that transforms, the passion for fashion.

We share our past, our present and our future;

our highest value of creating beauty and art in dress.




CONTENTS 11 A woman who leaves a mark .... Sergio Raimond-Kedilhac Navarro 15 Maria Isabel‌a grey pearl memory Anna Fusoni

19 Reflections about a woman and fashion MarĂ­a del Carmen Bernal G. 25 Origins of the founder and the brand 51 Creation of Atelier 67 Development of a new era 87 Expansion of the stores 121 New century 159 Accessories and complements 195 Parades of Maria Isabel 250 Artistic Environment 253 The seal of a brand 260 Advertising 280 Future of Maria Isabel 287 Appendix: Anthropology of fashion 299 The team of Maria Isabel 313 Entrepreneur Awards 323 Acknowledgment


If you wonder what secrets there are behind a prestigious brand of women's clothing, you can discover the story of a great woman who, thanks to her family values, convictions, capacity for risk and determination, has placed her name in the windows of the fashion, an image that reflects a refined lifestyle ... MarĂ­a Isabel. My first contact with MarĂ­a Isabel Valdes de Ares was in 1997 when, as a successful businesswoman, she became a student of IPADE, a business school in Mexico, seeking to improve her professional knowledge, share her social concerns and strengthen human values. She was characterized in the classroom by a natural human treatment; skilled for finances and numbers; a combination of open mind, kind treatment and mature judgment. What she did not solve by arduous study that represented to prepare the cases, full of problems and numbers, she resolved by listening to others with genuine interest, feminine intuition and common sense. Throughout the thirty-week program, people get to know each other and some make their mark. MarĂ­a Isabel is one of them, because of her personal way of feeling and living her "concern for misery", which for her is not only relieved by assistance programs, but promoting everything that dignifies the person, everything one can do , from the imperative to eradicate levels of indigence and material misery, starting with giving more employment, and living a decent deal at work, things that are solved with money; but in addition and with greater importance, the miseries in customs, which must be resolved by dignifying one's own behavior and raising morale, especially of women in treatment, culture, art and fashion. This book transmits with amity her experiences, during different period of life, testifying that to face in the present times of globalization, it requires style and convictions, that sometimes is to go against the flow. A characteristic note of this book is that it fits in different literary genres: biographical, contemporary, adventures, drama, culture, business, philosophy, and art ... The story is an agile and entertaining presentation of different facets of the life of Maria Isabel like fashion, business, social worker and friendship.


The foundation of her business is that with relatively few resources a wellcoordinated wardrobe can be made. Women could look attractive, with elegance and dignity. Fashion is the culture of people. Maria Isabel lives to dignify fashion. How many are citizen of a country because of they were born there? MarĂ­a Isabel is Mexican by decision, love and commitment, without representing the denial of her origins, but rather the opposite, with a deep sense of solidarity and universal widening, in the style of Pablo de Tarsus, trying to do everything with everyone. She is concerned about poverty in Mexico and Spain. Material, intellectual, cultural and spiritual poverty; she participated on social and personal initiatives. She invested money, time and piece of advice, with affection and determination, directly to individuals with the intention of improving their personal life and avoid error and scandal. "Do not be afraid ..." she proposes to each one of her friends whom she invites us to build a culture of truth, freedom and commitment; to say things as they are and not to silence everything that dignifies, both in professional meetings as in the boss-subordinate relations, client-providers, and family. Everyone- she said- delves into the truths of the profession itself and promotes them, only in this way life is meaningfull and help to and improve society. Supported by the foundation of her convictions, she built a morality of triumph which is neither conceit nor ingenuity, but the cheerful firmness of a woman who calls Jose Ortega y Gasset's own words: "Elegance is an essential facet of the human species; like truth, beauty,and justice. " Sergio Raimond-Kedilhac Navarro

Past Director of Insituto Panamericano de Alta DirecciĂłn de Empresa (IPADE) 1980-2002 IPADE Professor 1972-2009



María Isabel as a brand and as a boutique has always been in our collective memory of Mexican fashion. Its elegant logo and jeweled windows have been for more than four decades referent of what we wanted to wear for a special moment. Personally, in my focused preference for black and anonymity, I can not pronounce Maria Isabel's assiduous client, although if an addict to her very particular type of glamor, projected in the boutiques, in their dressers and in their parades of haute couture, where my fascination for the handling of fabrics, colors and buttons was absolute. I remember buying a long black skirt and a silky pearl grey blouse, delicious to the touch, long sleeved top pleated, which was repeated in the neck like a modern and discreet ruff.The pearl buttons matched exactly with the color of the blouse.This has been almost 30 years ago and it is one of my fashion experiences that I remember delightful. It was a process that, I imagine, many women repeat with some frequency: search for something special for a new year. Where else but in Maria Isabel? The nervous adventure not only to search, but to find something that reflects the spirit of the woman ... the attention of the saleswoman ... the adjustments made to perfection. I felt like a Queen. I do not remember the year but I remember perfectly with my black skirt and grey pearl blouse. I even remember the dinner at the University Club. It was a perfect fashion experience. The blouse and skirt have disappeared, but not the thrill of feeling extraordinarily good with the post, which returns me every time I walked through a Boutique María Isabel. In the 1980s, when Guadalupe Ochoa, with whom I interacted frequently at the Fashion Group, joined the company as a fashion designer in Boutique María Isabel, I had a greater perception of the person behind my happiness at the end of the year. A blonde woman, beautiful and assertive. Always impeccable, dominating the scene of their parades, businesswoman and host at the same time, interacting with their guests-clients as if they knew them in the most


intimate. And yes, indeed he knew them and knows them because there is nothing more intimate for a woman than the feeling of being proud of what he is wearing. When Maria Isabel asked me to write a prologue for this book, I loved the idea because it was a way to thank the emotions of that New Year's Eve. In addition, the invitation allowed me a greater rapprochement with this successful businesswoman and I found a sensitive person, with values and concerns. A man must have a son, Maria Isabel has had and forged three; write a book, which today becomes a testimony of efforts and achievements, private and public. And plant a tree. MarĂ­a Isabel, at this moment in her life, exercises a very special gardening planted so that the less privileged have the tools that allow them to overcoming and dignified life. To be the straight and leafy trees that today's Mexico needs so much. Who would have said that fashion could have so many facets? Anna Fusoni

Fashion analyst



Working with Maria Isabel Ares on this book was for a lesson of life. Sharing with her concerns, her achievements, her pains and her need to leave on writing the experience of her life as a woman, wife, mother and businesswoman has confirmed my thoughts about her as a woman and fashion. If I had to describe in a few words the story of Maria Isabel Ares, I would paraphrase Francisco de Asis: "Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you will find yourself doing the impossible." I am sure that Maria Isabel never imagined what she would accomplish in her life, however, throughout the book is revealed the face of a woman with a concrete mission, in love with life, with great faith and who did everything to obtain the best possible results. Several are the lessons that I learn from the life of Maria Isabel Ares:

Her faith on God and her love for the family were the engines that motivated • to create this company.Throughout the book, you can realize the gratitude, her delicacy and admiration that she refers to her parents, her grandmother, her sisters, her husband and her children. They have supported and motivated her during the last years.

Needless to say that the vision and attitude about suffering has transformed • Isabel into the woman that she is today, she has known how to make the Maria most of this experience, making her life and her work a piece of art.

It seems that Maria Isabel expresses in her designs a concept of beauty that highlights the attributes of being a woman.Their way of conceiving fashion and style • reflect their human quality and their soul. Being the core of intimacy something so personal and in its greatest incommunicable depth, Maria Isabel manages to open the doors of her heart on this book. Her fashion designs show us that the most attractive women are those who contain in their biography,


in their bodily presence and in her beauty, a greater wealth, an accumulation of feminine human reality that can not be improvised. In the Maria Isabel style, physical beauty appears as a vital project linked to corporality, where the woman is responsible for her choice and reflection.

I would like to thank to my dear friend Maria Isabel for allowing me to look through the window of her heart this exciting world of fashion. I conclude with these words of Enrique Loewe that portray undoubtedly this great fashion businesswoman: Maria Isabel Ares. "People who have a little charisma, who have a concept of mission, who have a clear idea of what their life is and what they are engaged, they already have a share of elegance that is evident." MarĂ­a del Carmen Bernal G.

Past Director of Pedagogy, Universidad PanamĂŠricana Director of the Research Center for the woman in the High Direction, IPADE




SPAIN For a child, living in simplicity and naturalness which produces contact with a life devoid of complications, it is an experience that marks you forever.

Maria Isabel Valdes Sampedro was born in the Asturian village of Quintueles, a small town in the Council of Villaviciosa, which means fertile village. Its river is the greater of the Principality of Asturias, and the area that surrounds it is known for the quality of its cider and the abundance in Pumaraes, name of the groves of apple trees. Cider is elaborated with them. "My grandfather made bottled cider, known as Sidra Sampedro, so in the family children were raised with cider and not with milk and I was not the exception during my upbringing."

Centuries old trees, beaches of impressive beauty, deep caves, native forests, large waterfalls, wind blowing in front of the sea, waves that thunder in large rocks, cliffs that receive the flight of the gulls, are just some of the natural elements with extraordinary character which define her place of origin. In spite of this exceptional natural beauty, the first years of Maria Isabel were developed in an era in when Spain lived the Civil War, that began in 1936.

Due this situation, many families moved from the big cities to the protection provided by small villages. The Valdes Sampedro family moved from Gijon, an Asturias town of great importance, due to its considerable size, to the safety of Villaviciosa, a small town. It was possible to stock up on fresh food thanks to its proximity to the countryside and the sea.

Acuarela de Alonso. Asturian View


Like others who were fortunate enough to escape the horrors of the war in time, Maria Isabel enjoyed a childhood in direct contact with nature, rain, grasslands, trees, animals, snow, sea, the silence of the fields and the harmony of simplicity. "I was fortunate, despite having gone through a very difficult time both for me and the rest of the world, that I was about to enter World War II. I remember that time in the open air, without complications, in which I was surrounded by nature, that time when I felt loved by my family and I learned to love others. " Maria Isabel liked to play and developed her creativity to supply the material. "Maybe I lacked things, but none indispensable to my growth as a person." Observer, she soon became aware of how the adults around her faced the difficulties by supporting each other in constant and disinterested collaboration; "I witnessed the way in which the goodness of man was awakened in the face of adversity."

This time of crisis led to his family to use in depth in the daily work with the sole purpose of subsisting. "In times of war, the immediate is the important thing," I learned the way the adults around me faced their problems, looking for solutions to them and finding the true meaning of life. The path to happiness was built daily, always with a positive attitude, great learning of my years as a girl, is knowing that we can direct our thoughts to work in our favor, making them true allies. "It is confirmed by this experience of life that pain is inevitable but misery is optional.

The difficulties of those times led the whole family to join in a strong bond as a safe haven. "Knowing me part of a large and united family, marked my life forever. This was, in addition to being endearing, amusing, because we were all integrated, all under the protection of my grandmother, who was an extraordinary woman, with an undeniable sense of aesthetics and good manners, which taught us the taste for the feminine, artistic and beautiful. Although, my maternal grandmother was a true gendarme, with the passage of time the memories that come to the memory of that woman so strict, are very beautiful. From


Don Prudencio and doña Benigna Valdes Sampedro parents of María Isabel.

The Sampedros, owners of the cider Sampedro.

María Isabel the day of her first communiion in Spain when she was 5 years old.

MarĂ­a Isabel and Maruchy, her sister with some friends in the ship from Spain to Cuba.

Don Prudencio and doĂąa Benigna Valdes Sampedro.

her I learned to be delicate and dedicated, demanding and laborious. She forged part of my character and the essential attributes of being a woman. "

She may seem overly sentimental, but her memory still gives me energy and whenever I am in need of strength, I remember that faith in my grandmother towards her grandchildren. "If you do your best with what you have, you will succeed," she told us. The difficulties caused by the war also dwindled under the protection of faith in God, through a great family spirituality. "Thanks to these circumstances, I learned that the people around you are the reflection of God's love. I developed an active faith." In the mid-forties, the future would give MarĂ­a Isabel a new destination in Cuba, a place that her father had previously traveled for various personal reasons and she came later with her family.


MarĂ­a Isabel with her familily and friends in the ship Marques de Comillas to Cuba.


CUBA For me, joy is an extraordinary gift ... something that comes from the deepest. The most intelligent people are those who know how to be happy ... and that is what I found in Cuba.

Maria Isabel arrived on the island when she entered adolescence. "Cuba is in my heart as the memory of a happy, sincere, enthusiastic, and positive people; a paradise full of charming people". Once the family settled in, Maria Isabel and her sisters entered a school run by Spanish nuns, finding in that institution true educators. "They really gave us a training in values and virtues that influenced my personality; I remember those years as a time in which I met very valuable people who left a mark on me and to this day I maintain their friendship. " At the end of basic education, Maria Isabel entered the University of Havana in whose classrooms he studied Commercial Sciences. Few women continued their education. "There were only two women in male students classroom. I soon learned to make my way in the world, a fact that has been repeated throughout my career, as I have always belonged to councils and groups of varied business scale in which the majority of its members are men. "

The strongest trace left by the Cuban people in the memory of Maria Isabel was the joy of their people. "For me, joy is an extraordinary gift that God gives, it is something that comes from the deepest. Intelligent people is who knows how to be happy ... and I admire you for it, it teaches us that we must live life and not let us live it. If you do not understand and accept life as it is, we will forward to something else and never succeed. Giving the best of each one at a time is the right thing to do." In those early years of youth, life would bring a new and definitive change of residence. She, along with her sisters and a friend had spent a short vacation in Mexico, during that trip she met Mr. Tome Ares would become her husband.








1. María Isabel on her graduation.

2. Bachelor party.

3. College exhibition.

4. Event in the Habana, Cuba.

5. María Isabel at her bachelor party.

6. Walk around the ranch. 7. Sweet fifteen party.

8. Benigna Sampedro de Valdes with her dau-

thers. María Isabel, Olga and Maruchy. 9. Fashion parade.




MarĂ­a Isabel with Tome, dating pictures

MEXICO Choose what kind of person we want to be What kind of family to form and in the future? What kind of company we want to have and preserve? Life improves when we assume the responsibility to live better. Our freedom is our greatest strength.

Maria Isabel settled in Mexico after her marriage and formed a family with the arrival of her children Maribel,Tome and Francisco. Over time, she strengthened her roots here and with a full family life, she was anxious to explore new ways to complement her existence, those who could develop her potential as a professional woman.

"I believe that when God gives us life, it makes us commit ourselves to seek our happiness with the resources we have at hand. For me, the time had come to live by choice, to have a comprehensive life plan and to develop it. Generating several options and choosing what I thought was the best".


MarĂ­a Isabel the day of her wedding with a dress by Fernando Pena.









1. 2. y 3. Weeding of María Isabel and Tomé.

4. María Isabel and Tome at their honey moon. 5. First years of marriage.

6. María Isabel and Tome with Maribel.

7. With their three children at the college.

8. Maribel with her mother in god Tere Prado de Rivera Torres.

9. María Isabel and Tere with their daugthers

Maribel and Tere.

10. With María Ares de Ponton.


11. The family Valdes Sampedro.



MarĂ­a Isabel and Tere Prado de Rivera Torres.

FOUNDATION OF MARIA ISABEL Only those who pursue the realization of a dream, can reach it.

From the hand of his friend Teresa Prado de Rivera Torres, history began in the sixties. Both had fun dressing their friends, so, driven by growing recognition among their social group took the opportunity to unleash the ease with which they did.

The possibility of Maria Isabel to travel abroad, facilitated the beginning of this adventure, since she could acquire in Spain clothes of very high level in style and quality like classic garments, tailor suits, sets and impeccable cut dresses, that later both partners offered their exclusive clientele in pleasant meetings.

The style with pill hat, small matching bag and gloves as a complement to a pencil cut dress, complemented with short sleeve jacket, was the fashion guideline of that time, in which Jackie Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn were the best reference in terms of style and elegance. "We loved the clothes and thought we had the good taste to choose the appropriate, so we went making a name among our most intimate circle." One afternoon, walking by the Mall of Tecamachalco, located in the State


Tere Pado de Rivera Torres.

Olga, her sister, and María Isabel.

of Mexico, both friends sat down to have a coffee in the then crowded Lecrin cafe. Good luck made them see that the room in front of their table was a sign "Rent" and immediately began to develop a plan. "At a certain age it is very important to let your mind dream," recalls Maria Isabel, with the conviction that that was when it all began.

"It was born in us the enterprising and entrepreneurial woman that takes us to put our plans into action. Tere and I were housewives dedicated to our family. We also sought to develop in the world of work, where women began to visibly stand out. In 1967, the first boutique María Isabel was inaugurated in the Centro Comercial Tecamachalco.This first achievement was a watershed in the story of the firm, as it brought with it the birth of the María Isabel brand and, with it, the beginning of a promising business career for both women.What had begun as a pastime took on a more formal character. Driven by the enthusiasm of the achievements, new goals were born.

"Undoubtedly, there is greater performance in every respect when you enjoy what you do. Proof of this is that, before our first anniversary, we had expanded the boutique of Tecamachalco with the annexation of seven stores, and we managed to open the second boutique María Isabel, located in the Pedregal, south of Mexico City.


First Parades of María Isabel. Tere Prado, Male Prado –star model the first years of the brand – and Monica Rivera Torres.


At the same time, the business dumbbell between the two women was strengthened. "Contrary to all the negative that is said in a friendship, which risks breaking when there are economic interests involved, I want to mention, as a posthumous tribute, that Tere was the best partner I could have besides becoming a dear friend and invaluable companion. A true brotherhood was born among us and we loved each other as dear friends. I found a treasure in it, rest in peace, who was for me the best proof that friendship multiplies enjoyments and divides sorrows. "

New and greater responsibilities made them take with seriousness and professionalism that first illusion to dress the Mexican woman of society. Maria Isabel continued to grow in the face of the surprise of the closest, who witnessed the success achieved in such a short time.

Maria Isabel and Tere maintained and increased the enthusiasm and commitment of the first day. "Some people told us we were lucky. I am convinced that we work hard to achieve our goals. For me, triumph is not a donation, it is a conquest, because we keep intact the commitment and we add discipline, planning and enthusiasm for our activity. "

Maria Isabel became known as a complete clothing line, addressed to the distinguished woman in society.Their clothes were displayed on the showy windows of their boutiques, and they were an example of the elegant style with classic touches that already identified the signature as their personal seal.

The windows of their successful boutiques, showed exclusive garments that, at that time, was impossible to find elsewhere. It was imported fashion, with an elegant and modern style. An example of this was the sets of dress and sack to match with avant-garde touches, the kaftans made of printed cottons and the loose pieces that complemented the dress of the woman who looked for an impeccable dress style. We made a dream We started a morning.









1. María Isabel con su mamá y sus hermanas. 2. Con sus hijos Tomé y Francisco.

3. María Isabel con Tomé.

4. Cuatro generaciones: abuela, hija, nieta

y biznietos.

5. The Grand Mother Valdes Sampedro with

their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 6. y 7. María Isabel at the civil weeding of


8. At religious weeding of Maribel.

9. María Isabel and Maribel with Javier, her

grandsoon at his weeding

10. María Isabel with her grandchildren.




MarĂ­a Isabel en su ambiente

familiar con su esposo, hijos

y nietos:

Tome, her husband;

with her daugther Maribel and soon in law

Mario, Tome; Francisco Ares and Lorena;

and her grand children: Javier, Isabel, Santi-

ago, Alexa, Marito, Andrea and Tomesitos.



Only succeed who can understand that any adversity carries in its core the seed of profit

Throughout the decade of the seventies, the borders of our country closed to acquire products of foreign origin, which was a serious problem for Maria Isabel who had like norm to offer exclusive fashion imported to their customers.

"These circumstances obliged us, the few owners of boutiques in Mexico to buy our products in the same places of the capital, which prevented us from offering the accustomed exclusivity and demerit in the competitive advantage that had always distinguished Maria Isabel."

The staff of the firm had few products to offer a clientele accustomed to acquire in their boutiques, garments that brought refinement and good taste to their wardrobe. However, it is in moments of crisis that the real opportunities are given, provided they know how to recognize. "It may seem banal, but I think the best ideas come up in the most unexpected moments and that's what happened to me. One morning I got up, went through the boutique and I found the vendors with their souls on the floor because of the difficulties of that moment and I remember that I did not know what to say. I went to the beauty salon, I changed my hair color, I managed to attend an important event, later I could see clearly: we would found Atelier Maria Isabel, whom we named Aressa. The important thing is not the circumstances we face, but the decisions we


make. The way events are dealt with is more important than the events themselves. Certainly crises are moments to grow. All problems are an opportunity to learn.

Having her own factory meant for Maria Isabel the possibility of making an exclusive line of fashion, as well as an exponential growth since, from that moment, the creativity of the designers, who hired immediately, the ideal place to materialize your projects.

Maria Isabel began to make clothes that fit the fashion of the moment and maintained the elegant style to which she had accustomed to her clientele. Part of the success of the firm to date is due to the fashion concept that Maria Isabel handles, "fashion is the reflection of society on one hand, and our personality on the other. As a sociological phenomenon, it must be subdued to our critical spirit, the one that assures us that our concept of beauty, of good taste, are not betrayed by opinions of others that perhaps do not attune to our way of being."

The brand offered in their creations an impeccable style that the international celebrities look like the straight dress with belt and the elegant costumes at night. On the contrary, sets of trousers and waistcoats were also produced with a clear influence of the seventies, although with the refined taste that distinguished their designs.

Once again, the women of Mexican society relied on Maria Isabel's proposals that offered them the prevailing tendencies of each moment and a distinguished style of being a woman.This confirmed that "who loves her task finds fulfillment."












Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: in fashion creation, time is conjugated. During the 1980s, Maria Isabel, Tome, Francisco, and Maribel, the children of MarĂ­a Isabel, were integrated into the firm.

"I recognize that my children prepared themselves conscientiously to assume each one of their new responsibilities within the company, making it grow and providing fresh ideas, typical of their generation. Like John Paul II, I think that gratitude works wonders with the soul, therefore, I have always lived grateful to my children for the unconditional support they gave me to keep the company going. Years later my daughter Maribel would return to take care of his family of full time and the company would be in charge of Francisco and Tome. "

Edna Woolman comments: "Fashion can be bought, style is something that one must own," and in this new stage, MarĂ­a Isabel began to create seasonal collections for spring-summer and autumn-winter with a company logo. The private parades to the clients of the firm, became an integral advice on fashion, sharing with them a style guide that would allow them to form a complete image of themselves. Thus was created a complicity between Maria Isabel and their clients, who began to feed the brand by letting them know their needs as Mexican women looking for an elegant and modern style.

Appropriate designs for daytime activities such as blouses, sacks and trousers in loose or combined pieces, as well as seducers dressed for nightlife and important social commitments, gradually shaped the proposal of Maria Isabel, who began to clear a wider horizon within fashion and ended up defining their path.


It was that era of fine and colorful jewelry from the middle of the eighties to the beginning of the nineties. Great details of buttons, shoulder pads, trimmings, shields, and fringes. Maria Isabel elaborated a masculine line, the tendency of loose clothes, that left free to the body.

A signature style was born. The fascination of textiles with subtle drops or textures of glossy otomanes, resulted in the first designs in their studio. The complex structures of the tailoring were studied to achieve a silhouette full of harmony in the first sets inspired by the Chanel line, with novel and artisan handrails and multicolored boucles.

This universal trend, with thier sets of two pieces whose ornate jacket was the star and the seductive black dress were elaborated in very fine crepe.They were imposed like a classic style that marked a stage in Maria Isabel. It was established the quality in their creations from the original sketch to the final gift.

During these years, the first private collections were announced, highlighted by the chosen trends, such as the Mediterranean line, inspired by the sea, with cross-stitched blazers, with gold buttons made by MarĂ­a Isabel herself and seductive white of linen or cotton for wide pants or boggie shorts.

In these summer collections, the new appearance of a top with a rod, a garment with which the trend of the bustier began, accompanied by bolero and polished skirt, combined the new trend with the classic elegance of a timeless skirt.


For her first autumn-winter exhibitions, Maria Isabel bet on showing the influence of the luxury achieved on European couture catwalks. Satin-look twill appeared in tailor-made geometric dresses with rhinestone or rhinestone buttons, as well as, the cocktail tuxedo set, which featured striking contrast in matte and glossy fabrics.

For the night the opulence was primordial. In the gala dresses, the sinuous break of the taffeta, the velvet plaits, the inner corsets, the waist and the large volume in the skirts, achieved the majesty of the image that Maria Isabel wanted to project on the woman, with colorful that remembered the majesty of the precious stones.

At the end of the eighties, with the reopening of import permits in Mexico, MarĂ­a Isabel set a new precedent as the first companies in our country to obtain a new license for the importation of fabrics, proposals, as well as having its own production, Maria Isabel boutiques offered the latest fashion in clothing from England, Spain, Italy, Hong Kong and the United States.

Gradually, Francisco Ares and Maria Guadalupe Ochoa designer who has a successful career within the firm, managed to turn the atelier Maria Isabel into a company specialized in the production of multiple designs, especially grand gala and cocktail.












Boutique Maria Isabel developed her own line of Mexican clothing, our brand is called Aressa, in the Artelier located in Naucalpan, where Haute Couture dresses were made under the leadership of the fashion designer Lupita Ochoa and the Director of the factory Francisco Ares. For more than 37 years he specialized in haute couture.Tailor-made suits were created where customers could select fabrics of Mexican origin and imports from various parts of the world, including New York, Italy, France, Spain, Korea and Japan predominating. Exclusive models were designed, where the designer Lupita Ochoa after an interview with clients developed the dress according to her personality and the event. The fabric had 50 seamstresses.

Mr.Tome Ares was the first to obtain an import permit in the decade of the 80's which placed the brand in a privileged place, since the brand could import rich fabrics from Asia to add lordship and exclusivity to the garment of Mexican fashion.

Boutique MarĂ­a Isabel has made fashion parades at Casa de la Bola, Centro Lebanese, with Rotarians and other venues. Our social commitment is demonstrated by inviting a foundation or group of volunteer charity ladies to participate in the project and donate the sale of the tickets to beneficial works.This social face has positioned us as a company with social responsibility.

























A name, a brand, a prestige ... and a single commitment: create and innovate a style in fashion.

With the nineties came the challenge of expanding the chain of boutiques María Isabel with the same prestige as the one obtained by the original. On the recommendation of Tomé, María Isabel goes to study the ad2 program in ipade. This fact was a watershed in her vision as an entrepreneur. "In the ipade I felt supported by my ideas, I felt very well with the teachers and with the mentality of the institution. I felt at home. I learned to make decisions, to make new friends, to make networks and awakened in me the concern to help those women who want to be better businesswomen. " This new decade brought with MarIa Isabel the consolidation in terms of the design and the own preparation of dresses of exclusive designs in fabrics of the highest quality. A key part of Boutique María Isabel's strategy is to have a presence in Triple AAA Shopping Centers.This guarantees a large number of visits to the shopping center and also capture our ideal client, who is a sophisticated woman, who travels and has a good economic level. Our ideal client is a woman who wants to dress with exclusive designs from different parts of the world.

With this impulse to the company, in the following years new premises would be inaugurated in the Avenue Masaryk, place in which the best boutiques of the world converge, showing the new culture of the luxury and the sophistication, as well as of the Shopping Mall Interlomas in December 2011. Through these creations, complete collections of clothing of minimalist work were put on sale for casual engagements, such as cocktail pants and sacks with avant-garde details, whose image was complemented by fine jewelry. The expansion to the province includes the opening of Boutiques in Galerias Querétaro on December 6, 2003 and Galarias Guadalajara on March 15, 2004.


We also opened an Outlet in Punta Norte 2006, where international companies of renowned brands are located, offering the population an offer at very economic prices. In the second half of 2017 we also enter into the digital markets, we make alliances with already positioned portals for specialized internet sales, we put on sale our line in digital portals like

The trends were contextualized in several lines of clothing, configured mainly by dresses and loose garments, in which most of the occasions interpreted shocking proposals, but when they were created and thought for specific needs, they were giving the pattern for the image of the woman dressed by Maria Isabel.

Her atelier echoed the new trends promoted through the television series that took root in the taste of the new woman, entrepreneurial and powerful.The silhouette of large shoulder pads in sacks that came almost to the middle of the thigh was born, accompanied by very short skirts or trousers and Maria Isabel softened this image in an airy vision of femininity.

Remarkable aspect of the sets for the day was the use of multiple shell or metallic buttons, with colorful pastel shades, although the version of strong contrasts was more noticeable in the short dresses for young people, in which the cloth was used which over time has become an essential element of the elegance in the signature, which worked in multiple forms of overlapping parts and in the design of blouses with puffed sleeves or skirts of structure two ruffles, petals. The strength gained by the success of the main models in foreign catwalks like Claudia Schiffer, managed to revitalize the fashion to the Chanel style of Lager-


feld. The Italian style of provocation in necklines, ornamentation and use of satin in Versace or the enthronement of the red color by Valentino. This and more leaked in the creations of Maria Isabel adapting them to the reality of the Mexican woman who chose the new, but maintaining a more personal style.

Within the spectacular range of trends, the bustier emerged strongly, which undoubtedly was the great protagonist in Maria Isabel during much of the decade of the end of century.This garment, which successfully mixed the daring image of the show with the elegant style of the classic designers, a year in which nearly a thousand of them were made, of different styles and with different materials, transforming it into a more conservative proposal according to the mexican woman The so-called Queen of Pop, Madonna, popularized a bustier design by Jean Paul Gaultier, which set a historic precedent in the world of fashion and this phenomenon translated into a piece that in Maria Isabel exalted the seduction of women through endless fabric and colorful versions. The same was made in satin contrasting with otomanes, in velvets or playing with organza braids.The success was complete when they were accompanied by large pants in gauze, or bulky skirts of taffeta.

The bustier was transformed appropriately, in order to emphasize the youthful presence within the brand. Nowadays, this garment has diversified, forming part of a long dress or as a complementary detail of a classic tailoring suit and favorer. Despite having been multiple the tendencies of these years, were the dresses for important commitments of the day or the exclusive creations at night for the hostess of a luxurious, those who showed the singular and blissful adventure of fashion. The elegant ladies assiduous to the proposals of Maria Isabel, women with full social presence who needed the accessory or complement for that unforgettable occasion, became more and more present.

This was how Memories emerged, a collection from the nineties in Maria Isabel, which introduced again the trend of lace, used in the creation of evening bags covered in silver, gold or multicolored stones, combined with the sinuosity achieved by silk chiffons in gradient shades. The silk, enthroned in the models of


day, like sweaters of spectacular reinforcements or of famous dresses with waist full pleated bustier, that has remained like one of the classics of Maria Isabel. The hats, elaborated with a extreme sophistication in designs that combined in color with linen or silk suits, always with the latest in prints, such as floral, colorful modernist image and turquoise incursion.

At the end of the nineties, the influence of the North American designers was determined by the minimalist tendency, which appeared in some classic costumes of Maria Isabel. The cuts were simplified and the ornamentation was reduced considerably. Before the sobriety, the elements that gave touches of brightness to the designs arose and the accessories became more showy. He emphasized in Maria Isabel the enormous jewelry of necklaces, pins, belts and bags of the classic style Chanel, in addition to that they designed spectacular scarves in form and color, as well as loose garments that challenged the austere, since they did not forget the feminine necessity of attraction and taste for the new in fashion. Noteworthy in the nineties was the increasingly widespread strength in signing the youth line.

It also emphasized the Spanish trend influenced by the ethnic and the bohemian, which drove the trend of the broadsides of endives that created the romantic movement in short party dresses or long dresses that were beginning to be ordered for the end of course parties. At the same time, thanks to the dynamism of the new generation, the analysis of fashion trends of the moment, from its offices located in Miami and Barcelona and the experience of its founders. There are several boutiques Maria Isabel in Mexico City, located in the most prestigious Shopping Centers like Coyoacan, Satelite, Moliere and Santa Fe. At this mall a second store was opened to satisfy the demand of a clientele that had consolidated the brand as the largest in Mexico in terms of fashion and has more than a dozen boutiques located in the best areas of the city.

Likewise, the presence of the brand in the province arrived in Queretaro and Guadalajara. For MarĂ­a Isabel, the last decade of the twentieth century has been an adventure accompanied by Tome Ares.
























NEW CENTURY The great leap of the twentieth to twenty-first century, is to unite creative talent with business management.

In the new century, the creators of Maria Isabel discover that the elements of the past have been put at the service of the avant-garde, so they have resumed, combined, recreated; updating those elements that in the last century shaped the successful development of fashion, such as the Dior look silhouettes of the fifties; the sidereal or ethnic lines of the sixties and seventies; without forgetting the power of the eighties and the minimalism of the nineties.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, without a doubt, the unstoppable success of information technologies, mass artistic shows and, above all, the enriching blend of multiple cultures, have provoked a fascinating and complex diversity of proposals in fashion, which constitute a challenge to produce designs that maintain the practical for its use and at the same time are inserted in the most remarkable advances of the avant-gardes.

With the entrepreneurial spirit of always, Maria Isabel continues its growth, breaking new ground in the competitive world of fashion with two great truths as a banner: exclusivity and quality.




























ACCESSORIES AND COMPLEMENTS The proper use of accessories, complements your style.

Nowadays, the accessories are in great demand in Maria Isabel, since they have become the ideal complement of an appearance, completing the image, the "look" of the woman who carries them.

In the line of handbags and shoes for party, have multiplied designs and colors to blend comfort and style. The shoes become a bald element to wear short cocktail dresses, evolving their design to the delicate work of textured skins, and, as fashion dictates, with heels up to ten centimeters; tendencies similar to those of the bags that acquire a prominent place thanks to its wide range of options.

In the sumptuous range, the key element is a fox coat. In 100% wool imported with silken cashmere or carved textures, this luxurious complement with stripes of genuine fox fur has become one of the key accessories of the Maria Isabel Boutiques.

Likewise, necklaces, bracelets, rings, pins and earrings, are a very feminine bet that rejoices and highlights any outfit. Finally, an excellent companion of the personality of the woman, she created the fragrance Maria Isabel that reflects the way of being and living of the woman identified with the seal of the brand.













Our objetive: transform an image with the beauty of fashion.

The importance of style is that reflect beyond the exterior, it becomes the expression of a truly personal world.

From a small studio, Aressa was transformed into a highly specialized manufacturing center. The designers hired by the brand understood Maria Isabel's entrepreneurial vision, as well as, her determination and commitment to offer excellent quality, wrapped in a style of classic elegance. Then came the design itself, in principle provocative, innovative, always with the paradigm of maintaining the tradition of creating beauty and art in dress, and even when the new collections continued to appear privately to an exclusive clientele, the expansion of the firm resulted in the realization of magnificent parades, always breakthrough, surprising and highly attended.


For Maria Isabel, it was more to organize a parade, but about using all the means available to create a unique and innovative concept.

Maria Guadalupe Ochoa and Francisco Ares, consolidated as the creative duo to create parades that left a mark. "On one occasion we introduced a bride dressed in black. It was an evening dress, very elegant, to which we added a black veil and a tiara of bright; and the model paraded with a bouquet of orange tulips in her hands. It was not intended to show Gothic effects, but to recreate the color black as a key element in the elegance of women.The dress, however surprising the audience, had a remarkable sales success. "

For the parades of Maria Isabel the concept is basic, because it is what makes a parade an unforgettable event.They have dressed the models in layers, as if they were swordsmen, have been covered with fine fur coats that when removed, showed the most modern bathing suits. Scenographies have been created that recall places as distant as a Haitian beach or desert in the Sahara. It is interesting to note that, from the first parade. It was customary to perform each and every one of them in support of a particular social cause, a premise that continues to the present day.

These large parades, celebrated once or twice a year with the influx of more than 500 guests, are carried out to help the solvency of various social works. Maria Isabel comments: "I am passionate about helping women, helping them to change their attitude, a change inside, to show them how events are facing. Personally I think that there are still a million reasons to say yes to life. "








Achieve lasting elegance to innovate a style.

The Maria Isabel style has been able to redefine the word elegance, as a style of good taste and creative intelligence, which refers to the inner virtues of the woman who dares to be different. Its fine versions encompass all those aspects that are demanded within the wardrobe of a woman updated with good taste.

"In these times, it seems that the word elegance is very devalued, but it is necessary to take it back," says Maria Isabel "it requires at least that each person knows herself perfectly, both in the physical as in the social and professional as well as the knowledge of the appropriate circumstances. "

Given this vision, in which style and elegance are merged into the women's wardrobe, the firm has managed to maintain the same identity over time, not only as an imitation of external fashion, but as the expression of a truly personal world. According to the dictionary, elegance and style are grace, distinction in bearing, dress and manners. In dress, they are a human quality that consists in choosing the best, that choice is the result of intelligence, of knowledge. In bearing, they require a physical and moral culture. In the treatment they require an intellectual and spiritual preparation.

Let's look a little at some of the elements that make up elegance and style:


• Aesthetic taste: discernment and sense of beauty or ugliness of things. Harmony and proportion. • Distintion: places the person above the vulgarity and within the manor. It likes to fly, dreams and climbs. • Naturality: responds to the authentic, in the background to the interior. It lacks affectation and pretense. • Irrepetible: refers to concrete, distinct and unique subjects. As Coco Chanel said: "To be irreplaceable, one must always be different." • Strong Personality: The backbone of elegance is personality. • Avant-garde: The backbone of elegance is personality.

The style and elegance make the dress a second skin that prolongs the beauty of the soul and the solidity of values and beliefs, hence it can be said that when the woman dresses in style, she discovers her soul. It was already said by one of the creators who have left a definite mark on the evolution of the fashion Coco Chanel: "true elegance can only be achieved with simplicity and freedom of movement ... there are no ugly women, but careless women."

All this combined with the quality of materials, exclusive and original designs, details in cut and preparation, timely selection of the best international fashion, the personalized attention of professional advisers in each of her boutiques, are just some of the many reasons that distinguish this brand from the others. Thus, the woman who carries a design Maria Isabel, knows that it will make her feel unique, because it was made thinking about her. One of the biggest competitive advantages of Maria Isabel is that it has its own line of exclusive models in a plural style, whose predominant designs are the gowns for the relevant occasions, which can be requested in another size, fabric or color , according to the taste and needs of each client, a particularity that has become a gold seal for the firm.

Maria Isabel, besides being a pioneer in her field in Mexico, brings an indisputable depth and prestige, since much of the success of this firm is that she has been able to accompany the woman in her own evolution, in her personal search for a style , understanding that it should never conform to a strict formula, but depends to a great extent on the society in which it is lived, as well as on its tastes, circumstances, values and even states of mind.


The woman who identifies with what Maria Isabel offers, is one who loves life, seeks to be authentic and manages to combine a personal elegance, one that responds to the latest trends, that harmonizes in harmony his family life with her professional side and even finds a way to develop personally. Although it is never justified to make value judgments, on a woman and a man by their appearance, in some way, the dress defines the user in a certain direction. Elegance does not refer to the display of power and money, nor to the accumulation of excessive and expensive over the body, is exclusively the work of good taste and selective intelligence.

"The way you dress says a lot about how you really are," says Maria Isabel, because the wardrobe is in a sense a reflection of our interior, so it is very important to dress like a real woman, to reflect your personality Muccia Prada comments: "I have always found that women with a surprising personal style are powerful, interesting and even intelligent. Very intelligent. They know who they are and what they want to project to the world. These women understand that what they put in the morning is the first thing people see of them. He tells the world a little bit of his story. And more importantly, their clothes affect the way they feel throughout the day. "

To achieve this, it is necessary to create a special fashion, based on an infallible formula that allows women to wake up to their own style. We must unite the creative talent of the current fashion, the cultural aspect with the business strategy to turn art into industry. It is necessary to merge "the poetry of creation with the prose of the company." This creation, this search for the clothes that women choose to highlight their personality, is the core point in the work of those who conform Maria Isabel.The idea of reflecting through the dress the expression of a truly personal world, without forgetting that fashion changes and what remains is style, is what has given Maria Isabel that distinctive touch. Every season we carefully study the trends that emerge in the main fashion markets in the world; colors, fabrics, silhouettes and accessories, and are transformed into the appropriate design..

Dream, imagine and create the fashion has been our seal and greater commitment; hence the statement: “Maria Isabel more than fashion is class!�















INTERNATIONAL PARADES Boutique Maria Isabel is aware of fashion trends,Tome Ares and Francisco Ares travel frequently to the fashion capitals like Paris. Milan, Düsseldorf, London, New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Atlanta. It is a constant work to know what the great European, Asian and American designers do, as well as, to discover new talents.

Boutique María Isabel developed her own line of Mexican clothing, our brand is called Aressa, in the Artelier located in Naucalpan, where Haute Couture dresses were made under the leadership of the rfashion designer Lupita Ochoa and the Director of the fabric Francisco Ares. For more than 37 years Aressa has specialized in haute couture. Custom suits were created, where clients could select the fabrics and were designed exclusive models.

Boutique María Isabel has made fashion parades at Casa de la Bola, Centro Lebanese, with Rotarians and other venues, our social commitment is demonstrated by inviting a foundation or group of volunteer ladies to participate in the parade and donate the sale of the tickets to beneficial works. This has positioned Boutique Maria Isabel as a company with social responsibility.

Tome Ares was the first to obtain an import permit in the decade of the 80's which placed the Maria Isabel in a privileged place, since the brand could import rich fabrics from Asia to add lordship to our Mexican brand, Aressa.

Boutique Maria Isabel has three distribution centers: a) Barcelona with Ropa Habitares, we obtained the authorized export permit to guarantee that the products are made in the European Union; b) Miami with Real Estate LLC, which serves as the distribution center of USA and Canada; and c) Mexico City, which helps export the Aressa collection. de la colección Aressa.




Boutique Maria Isabel has been successful because it has developed a unique strategy in the Marketing Mix or the 4 P's of marketing. PRICE Boutiques María Isabel compete in price and quality by taking into account the TC of the US dollar, for instance, in the important devaluations, we grow our factory. When the euro is low in 1999 that was below the dollar we bought more through the office of Europe, buying less in the US and producing more in the factory. In years where the euro was very expensive as it was in 2008, purchase in Europe is minimal and more is bought in the USA and Maria Isabel increse more production in our factory. Boutiques Maria Isabel has 2 shopping centers operating: Barcelona and Miami. PRODUCT We have a national brand Aressa, which for more than 30 years has represented 70% of Grupo María Isabel's income. We buy products in fashion capitals like New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Milan, Rome, London, some German capitals, Korea, China and Tokyo. Maria Isabel has a shopping group that are continuously aware of the latest trends, great designers and attend fashion shows to discover new talents. Our products are exclusive, therefore, we only have few pieces of each model. Maria Isabel designs tailored dresses. All our Boutiques have dressmakers who make arrangements for the dresses to fit perfectly to the body of our clients. PLACE Maria Isabel started with 2 stores in Tecamachalco and Pedregal, then migrated all our boutiques only to Triple A Shopping Centers, where there would be anchor stores that will guarantee the visits of the ideal clients profile. Boutiques are located in privileged places of Mexico City, State of Mexico, Guadalajara and Queretaro.


In 2017, Maria Isabel joined digital market contemplate, and we began to explore the online sale of our products at famous market sites. PROMOTION Our products are timeless, Special Offers make the product cheaper for our select clientele. For example, fox fur coats and scarves are classic products that must be in a closet. Maria Isabel promotes on our windows, internal televisions of the Boutiques, distributing catalogs, advertisements on magazines, email marketing, social networks and web page. Our collections are announced at parades. Maria Isabel participated on soap operas with major TV chain like Televisa, wearing famous artists. Tome Ares has promoted the brand on television programs over the internet and open television, as well as, on newspapers. Lately Maria Isabel joined the online market through specialized portals in the sale of clothing.


Headquarters at Lomas of Tecamachalco






Boutique Maria Isabel has stood out for its style and set a trend within the world of fashion, so recognized artists of the world of the spectacle and beauty reigns come to our boutiques to buy great dresses for the red carpets.

Maria Isabel have dressed several soap operas, such as "El Privilegio de Amar" (The Privilege of Love), where Adela Noriega the protagonist, a beautiful model that struggle to create a name on the world of the fashion, was dressed throughout the soap opera. In that same production Boutique MarĂ­a Isabel dressed Elena Rojo, a famous fashion designer who was the antagonistic role in the soap opera.

Later, Maria Isabel was invited to dress the soap opera "La Madrastra" (The Step Mother), where the beautiful Victoria Ruffo wore some of our clothes and Jaqueline Andere, who was her sister-in-law, wore only Maria Isabel dresses during the film. Silvia Pinal acquired several models of our boutiques, which made her look spectacular during the "Casos de la Vida Real" (Cases of Real Life), a TV show.

During "Nuestra Belleza Mexico" Mexican Beauty Competition, Lupita Jones, Mexican Miss Universe 1991 was the image of Boutique Maria Isabel and dressed the beauty reigns that represented their states at the Competition. Ximena Navarrete, during her career to crown Miss Universe 2009, wore Maria Isabel dresses.The magazine "Hola", a socialite magazine, wrote a report about Lupita Jones, Miss Universe 1991, and Tome Ares, the Director of Maria Isabel. Boutique Maria Isabel is well known as a luxury brand to dress Beauty Reigns as well as famous artists and politicians.









Throughout these 50 years, Boutique Maria Isabel has promoted their Boutiques on media like windows, internato TV, magazines, newspapers, and television interviews. Maria Isabel has launched different campaigns, Andrea Clemente is the Director of Marketing, she is on charge of the advertising department.

Maria Isabel has numerous parades at beautiful buildings like Casa de la Bola. Maria Isabel installed screens in Boutiques, where clientele can look our collection and help to choose the right dress.

Maria Isabel joined the digital area and incorporated markeing email, facebook page, instagram and other social media, as well as, website.

In 2017, started the sale on line through well known specialite clothing sites. Maria Isabel continues to innovate and participate in different activities. Maria Isabel was recently invited to participate in the 2017 Fashion Summit and earned the National Fashion Award 2017.

Our goal is to dress women with style and elegance and that each of them shine in social events, make them stand out for their beauty and sophistication. Wearing a Maria Isabel dress is an extension of the spirit.











Endless adventure that, in the future, will germinate in new ideas and concepts. Maria Isabel is committed to enter the world of fashion not only hundreds of new designers, but the entry into the scene of movie stars or television as creators of a style.

It is because of the explosion of ideas as well as the emergence of new materials in this twenty-first century and the phenomenon of globalization that fashion has fallen into a unique eclecticism.There is the appearance of the "vintage", the "retro", the mixture of tribal styles, the notorious influence of the show and so many more phenomena that will become a challenge to produce designs that, on the other part, are already inserted in the immediate future of the brand.

The innovation in the creations of Maria Isabel will go hand by hand with its classic proposal with avant-garde touches and in the quest to continue encouraging women in the development of their personality. A new era is presented for the signature, and the solera that grant the work and the experience, will maintain the spirit of its story.

Maria Isabel will continue to surround herself with valuable and talented people, as well as having the intense professionalism new generation. Tome, General Director and Francisco, Creative Director. "Life is a succession of lessons that must be lived to understand them," said Emerson, the past, past is and must be learned from him.

The future is not assured, only our time, is the present and offers us the opportunity to succeed and achieve happiness, doing the best we can with what we have.




A WALK THROUGH FASHION AND TIME A walk through fashion It is a sign of the time, the constant transformation of fashion

To pronounce on the history of fashion is to recognize an idea and its realization; it is equivalent to defining the history of the human being through time, since each era has been marked by a style in the dress that reflects not only the needs of the moment, but also the culture and the art that surrounds it.

Protecting itself from climatic changes with animal skins was the first motivation of the primitive man and woman to cover themselves, to which soon added an instinct of shelter not to exhibit its body. Gradually, the dress was, besides a practical use, a way to demonstrate its culture and its social status. Thus, fashion owes its extraordinary development to the importance which for man has had its outward appearance, a reflection of his own life and inner world.

Around 3000 BC, the Egyptian civilization set the tone for the making of a wardrobe, in particular with the invention of schenti, linen cloth in rectangular form tied on the hip with a leather belt, the of horizontal stripes blue and white that was reserved to Pharaoh. Approximately from 1200 BC, the Hebrew civilization created garments with which they could withstand the high temperatures of Canaan, such as kaftan, a loose mantle that allowed men and women alike to remain fresh.

In the days of David and Solomon, male Hebrews customarily adorned their clothing with visible accessories and complements such as sticks and crowns, while the women covered themselves with colorful blankets and curled their hair, highlighting it with beautiful diadems.


A different case was the Greeks, who from the seventh century until the time before the Christian era, made their dress a very particular seal.The basic garment was the chiton, a piece of rectangular woolen cloth that was gathered around the shoulders with the help of a brooch and, while the women covered them to the ankles, the men barely reached their knees. In addition to this kind of tunic, both men and women wore the himation, a characteristic piece to cover only one shoulder. As accessories, this civilization imposed the bracelets of several laps attached to the forearm, elaborated with remarkable designs. From the first century BC, the toga was the main dress for the Romans.This garment fit the body in folds, so that one end was placed on the chest and, crossing over the left shoulder, surrounded the back and back forward, passing under the right arm. the emperors, elaborated in purple cloth and embroidered with gold thread.

With these examples, it is clear that fashion has been a firm reference for the human being and its context, as it was also during the medieval period, in which princes and courtiers defined each other through their clothes, made in Asian silk for royalty or velvet for subjects.

In Belgium, a lace was created, delicate embroidery made by hand with a soft texture that gained an extraordinary popularity in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the old continent, with it elaborate details were elaborated in sleeves, necks, necklines and even socks, opening the fashion in the light of the Renaissance period. It was then that fashion became a seal of opulence for both the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy and even the intellectuals, who made it grow as a defining instrument of identities, created the paradise of seeing and being seen. It was from the eighteenth century, when European peasant women began to use a kind of corset or girdle to keep their body upright during daily tasks. Originally, this garment was buckled in front, representing nothing more than a complement to the long wool or cotton dress that was at that time among the female working class.

Over the years, wealthy women adopted it as a basic element in their attire, as it allowed them to perfectly delineate their figure, pushing the bust up and gently marking the waist.


Thus began the story of one of the most romantic and sensual garments in the women's wardrobe: the bustier, whose name comes from a French expression that designates a tight bodice.

On the other hand, Marie Antoinette represented a milestone in the history of eighteenth-century fashion. Stripes with silver threads, brocades, pronounced necklines and high heels were some of the contributions of the last queen of France, who wore large and expensive dresses, elaborate hairstyles and spectacular jewels that scandalized the French people, provoking a revolution in which, along with the wigs of the nobles also fell their heads, as a symbol of a time marked by social inequality.

Wars and confrontations brought definite changes in the fashion industry. The most important, perhaps, was the struggle of women against political and social constraints, which was manifested in her wardrobe, more practical and with freedom of movement. She lightened and freed her body from heavy ties and ties that prevented her from being part of the struggle for her rights and ideals and began a new stage in the world of fashion.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, one of the most famous pieces of fashion history was born: the blue jean, by Levi Strauss, a visionary businessman from Germany who arrived in the United States in the heat of gold, opening his own clothing factory in which he made tough trousers for the miners, made of brown denim, material made from carts.The resounding success of this production and the consequent demand for an increasingly scarce cloth led Levi to replace it with a blue one, very similar to what is now known as denim.

At the dawn of the nineteenth century and up to the first years of the next century, the social basis of fashion was extended thanks to the invention of haute couture, consolidating its power of persuasion as well as its ability to blend image and reality, becoming a source inexhaustible desire.The woman made her way through the world and a new protagonist burst into the women's clothing during her transition to the transition: the hat, which was a very important complement to the transformation of her outfit. The decade of the twenties put the United States of America at the climax of opulence and the head of the world economy, and soon seduced the especially wealthy Europeans, because it was a frank opening to consumerism. Cars, clothing, jewelry, travel, houses, appliances; everything was possible thanks to credit.


In the middle of this decade, the skirt, possibly the most famous dress of the women's wardrobe, was shortened to the knee, a fact that marked a milestone in the fashion of that time, being the most elegant women then the drivers of change imposed without pause, but without haste.

The women danced jazz, charleston and blues, dressed in haute couture dresses photographed in the first magazines published for them, portraying relevant female characters of the time, as a middle-aged Frenchwoman who would become a fashion icon at World level: Gabrielle Coco Chanel, better known as Chanel, who brought the world an elegant and comfortable fashion with its motto: freedom to move, creating the infallible black dress as well as the twopiece suit for women. Europe entered the thirties as a leader of elegance in dress, a position it occupied until 1939, the year in which World War II began, thus truncating the plans of many new creators who limited their production due to the bad situation economic, resulting in a fashion of the forties, opaque and based on the military style.

The elaboration of excessive hairstyles and make-up, as well as a large number of accessories such as gloves, handkerchiefs and fake pockets on the sacks of both men and women, made up for the scarcity of resources. Paris was under the Nazi occupation and London defended itself with its allied troops, reason why the United States was in need of creating its own fashion without the aid of the European talent. A nostalgia for times past filled the 1950s with fine skins, cashmere and diamonds, which Marylin Monroe spread from America on and off the cinema screens, to become a legend.

After the difficult times, Europe began to wake up in search of the lost throne with young talents like Christian Dior, who in 1946 opened the first haute couture atelier in Paris and was the creator of the so-called "new look", a fashion that aimed to reduce waist of the woman to its minimum expression, creating with it an extreme femininity. In the 1950s, the student style of the new generation appeared in America, as well as the "beatnik" style, whose street and popular beginning was directly linked to rock music with icons such as Elvis Presley.


Little by little, Europe found its place again, driven by new artistic proposals such as the Beatles, an English musical quartet that revolutionized fashion with its somewhat lugubrious dress, long hair and pointed boots.

From this moment, the fashion turned its attention towards the taste of the teenagers of the whole world, because they represented a potentially important and, without a doubt, promising market. In the sixties, designer Mary Quant completely changed the dress industry by imposing the miniskirt, a garment that was reduced to a small piece of cloth that covered half to thigh, this being a consequence of the youthful liberation represented by Twiggy, one of the first recognized top models worldwide. The feminine style was defined in two schemes: on the one hand, the little girl fashion that mixed innocence and sensuality and on the other, inspired by the growing competition between the United States and the Soviet Union for the conquest of space territory during the so-called Cold War, which resulted in a social movement based on the idea of love and peace.

In those years, the Italian designer Emilio Pucci overflowed his creativity in countless tribal prints, very much in keeping with the time that was being lived in which nature was venerated in opposition to the war and also created the socalled tube dress, design that continues current to this day.

In contrast, plastic and patent leather, the result of technological advances, began to be used not only in clothing but also in all kinds of accessories such as earrings, necklaces, boots, shoes and bags and in details such as buttons and borders.

Ives Saint Laurent, known as Dior's most accomplished student, caused a stir when he presented his first couture collection in this decade with concepts as novel as his trapeze line dresses, as well as the female tuxedo that positioned the use of pants in the woman, who adopted it without reservations. At the other extreme, this genius of haute couture opted for the design of very feminine blouses, as well as evening dresses with transparencies.

The decade of the seventies began without much change, the most significant being the return to nature with the use of materials such as cotton and wool,


defining retro fashion in their designs and prints. The young people became involved in the Vietnam War and exploded the "flower power" as well as the cult of the mystic. The new generations looked to the east and professed hippism.

Under this form of life, trousers were born with the classic elephant's paw, Indian-style shirts and pacifism, coupled with the growing popularity of feminism, which paradoxically translated into a masculinization of clothing, since women put comfort to beauty, beginning to create the so-called unisex clothing or what is the same clothes for both sexes. At the same time, the designer Pierre Cardin began to be known as a complete brand to put together the "total look", introducing in the malls from clothes to accessories and accessories with his name.

In those years, Japan was disembarking the Issey Miyake fashion to the new continent, which witnessed the real fabric crafts made by this oriental designer, creating amazing textures in different and varied fabrics finely tailored in detail. In music, rock groups began to take shape and with them, designers like the English Vivienne Westwood, who was the first to define a punk style in their clothes, decorated with tacks, leathers and other similar elements, that the singers of that time they imposed among the youth.

It took a few years for fashion to change once more. Cotton gave way to lycra, made boots of different styles and lengths, as well as Swedish shoes with an exaggerated height. The simplicity in the forms disappeared, while the hairstyles and makeup were exaggerated to the limit. With the arrival of the eighties, began the disco period, one of the most unbridled and striking in terms of dressing.The Italian Gianni Versace exploded the sensuality of these excesses in fashion, creating a line of clothing inspired by the ornamentation Greek and made it reach the whole world through a global brand. On the other hand, the Chanel of the early 20th century had a second air with the German Karl Lagerfeld at the behest of the firm, who pushed the primary style of Coco to make it a classic that was distinguished by the use of trimmings, pearls and applications in bags and shoes, as well as the design of clothing with an impossible to match seal that sometimes topped with a camellia on the left side of the jacket.


At the end of this decade, disco music gave way to pop, a soft rhythm in which the ethereal primacy over the loaded. Coupled with this new cadence, the Japanese Yohi Yamamoto introduced to the world of haute couture the volume in his garments, playing with superimposed pieces of clothing, while claiming the use of the black color in the dress of youth as a symbol of elegance.

The mass media were an excellent showcase for fashion. American television became the queen of entertainment with successful series of rich landowners, powerful oil tankers and rancid wine-growing families who displayed their economic power, projected by beautiful female protagonists wearing miniskirt and triangular bag topped with large shoulder pads, designer's look French Thierry Mugler.

The entrance to the nineties represented a kind of purification of all the previous excess in what refers to an overloaded fashion, with the motto "less is more". The quality of the materials took precedence over other considerations and designers like Giorgio Armani proposed the minimalism in the dress, whereas the famous creator Prada bet by a style city, elegant and functional.

In contrast to the last decade, the woman purified her style, paying attention to the rule that, the more elegant she wanted to be, the less she had to wear, whether in clothes or accessories to round her image.

Getting back to basics was a change that came with this new century and even reached out to women's underwear.The genius of haute couture, Jean Paul Gaultier, immortalized his art thanks to his particular reinvention of the corset, with singer Madonna as his muse and greatest exponent worldwide.

The twenty-first century is undoubtedly marked by many of the earlier trends that fashion has had over time, which is known as the revival.

The search for new materials focused on the basics and ecological, goes hand in hand with the simplicity of natural sophistication that designers such as Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren and Carolina Herrera recreate in their collections. Nowadays, fashion decides to return to the beautiful, bets on globalization, looking for a style that is adaptable to the common denominator of women, who can more and more often afford to access their proposals and follow the trends of season with which the fashion is dictated, being this a synonym of accessibility.


To this day, a particular brand is no longer just its art and its ingenuity, because its name has become a concept that is diversified in multiple options, from clothing to accessories, complements and even a perfume.Se vive una ĂŠpoca de las mil opciones en el vestir, donde cada mujer puede recrear su propio estilo de acuerdo a su conocimiento por la moda, asĂ­ como a su personalidad, estilo de vida y experiencias. AsĂ­, la moda se ha convertido en el reflejo de una actitud, de un ser humano.

At the dawn of this century, the fusion fashion prevails, an eclecticism in any case, because to talk about trends in fashion is to put on the table an infinity of proposals, a phenomenon that continues without appearing that garment that gives a full identification to the current era .

It evokes past successes in a more stylized way and if one speaks of innovation, technology is recognized thanks to the advanced techniques in the service of new fabrics, colors and materials. Those who know this industry agree that the key to success is to recognize the creative talent of today's fashion, as well as the cultural aspect and business strategy, turning the art of fashion into a serious, important and permanent industry.

The Maria Isabel brand, along with the trends that have prevailed over time, has been able to select the most representative of each era, adapt the classic in dressing with avant-garde details of fashion and fuse the poetry of creation, with the prose of the company.





Maria Isabel is an eloquent example of how worthwhile things do not come quickly or easily. It is a company that reflects with its achievements that the important thing is not the conditions but the decisions. Maria Isabel Ares learned to live by choice, with passion, love, effort, sacrifice and time. She knew what kind of person she wanted to be, what kind of family to form, and what type of company to build and conserve.Together with this faith and the determination with which she has created her professional project, MarĂ­a Isabel has known how to surround herself with valuable and talented people. "I greatly appreciate the importance of the work team that supports and grows the firm, because without them by my side, the result would not have been possible."

And that work team was able to grow thanks to two essential links of the firm. On the exclusive manufacturing side, it is Francisco Ares who, in an ascending way, stands out as Creative Director of the Aressa, where, with his talent and in union of creative and innovative executives, he faces the challenge of achieving the design and the production of the most exclusive fashion lines that have produced the seal of Maria Isabel.

Tome Ares current CEO of Maria Isabel, who, has been able to detect opportunities in the broad spectrum of Mexican fashion, not only by planning but also by taking actions in the difficult financial management of a wide and successful chain shopping.Tome Ares has represented the company and made major changes to join the most prestigious shopping centers in different states of the country.

Adolfo Seemann de Leon, as Director of the Maria Isabel Group until 2011. Gabriela Sotes de la Garza has been the supervisor of Boutiques Maria Isabel for more than 25 years, has been outstanding for her responsibility and loyalty to the company. Felipe Sanchez Navarro joined the firm as an advisor since 2012.

The current Director of Marketing Andrea Clemente who tirelessly promotes the brand. His commitment and professionalism, together with the team members, have led the firm to success.












A story of adventure, courage and commitment

Tome Ares, General Director of Boutique Maria Isabel and main partner receives several awards for his business trajectory within the world of fashion and expansion to other sectors such as real estate, restaurants and financial field.

From a very early age Tome Ares began his career in the fashion world, his thesis won 3 national awards in economics, the first award by the National Chamber of Commerce and Tourism; the Tlacaelel award, and the third award was given by the National Bank of Mexico.

His thesis to graduate from the economics career called "Economic Sprinkler" has colorful characters Prudencio Buttons and Armando Numbers that explain that the import substitution model would become obsolete given the high rates of inflation and the political landscape would obtain import permits.

Tome Ares made a tribute to his grandparents Prudencio and Benigna by creating a story in his thesis, where both characters had a fashion factory and they had to calculate fabric and how to negotiate with banks to improve their business.

At the age of 21 Banamex, the main Mexican Bank, hired him to act in 6 commercials to promote Olympic Games 1982 in Spain. With the money he buys shares from his father's maquiladora and he founded ARESSA, a high fashion clothing shop in Ciudad Neza, who later moved to Naucalpan. Tome Ares obtains the first import permit, carries out more than 25 trips to the East to import high quality clothing at competitive prices. He travels to Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand and Japan and brings fabrics to the Aressa clothing factory. Creates the Mexican brand ARESSA, a high fashion fashion and trend shop, has for several decades dressed prominent ladies of Mexican society. Aressa accounted for 40% of Boutiques MarĂ­a Isabel's sales. Years later, ARESSA serves as a distribution center for two Real Estate companies LLC (USA) and Ropahabitares SL (Spain, for Europe), which are real estate developers and central purchasing companies.


At the age of 26 he graduates from IPADE in the AD-2 Senior Management program and he was president of his generation. At the age of 30 he moved to the main capital of fashion: New York and studies the Master of Fashion Buying and Merchandising (FBM) at New York University (NYU) with the aim of preparing for the imminent arrival 2 years after NAFTA. He gets the SUMMA CUM LAUDE award, for getting the best score of master generation.

At age 23, he joined Boutique María Isabel. The brand had an important development under his leadership from 2 stores in Tecamachalco and Pedregal that opens her mother he open 14 stores located in the main shopping centers of Mexico City, State of Mexico, Queretaro and Guadalajara.The first stores in Tecamachalco and Pedregal closed since the fashion market had changed its location mainly to important Shopping Centers. He started the expansion, with the first Boutique in Perisur, later open a Boutique in the heart of Polanco in Presidente Mazaryk. Currently the chain has several Boutiques including Santa Fe, Satellite, Paseo Interlomas and Queretaro, incorporates an Outlet chain in Punta Norte.

Boutique María Isabel celebrates 50 years under Tome Ares leadership. In 2017, the Senate of the Republic nominated him to the National Award for Professional Excellence 2017. The Awards Ceremony was held in the Senate Chamber located on Calle Xicotencatl on July 14, 2017. Same year he won the Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2017 and will appear on the cover "Men of Success". Tome Ares earned The Doctor Honoris Causa by Claustro Mundial Universitario in 2017. That same year, Edgar Valenzuela the President of the Board of Directors announces that Boutique María Isabel wins the National Fashion Award 2017 awarded by the Fashion Summit and organized by Ferrari.

In 2017 Tome Ares is nominated to earn the Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Cambridge.

In the last semester of 2017,Tome Ares was invited to several TV programs on the internet to share his experience with entrepreneurs. Appears on ASTL.TV on the program "Leaders in Action" with Gildardo Avendaño; in Proyectate Radio on the programs "The Age of Change" and "Transformando T".

Boutiques Maria Isabel celebrates 50 years in 2017 and this has been the best year of the company when his General Director,Tome Ares has earned several awards for his remarkable career.







ACKNOWLEDGMENT To Mexico, to Edgar, to Claustro Mundial de Universidades, to my team of Boutique Maria Isabel and restaurants 100ยบC Fresco y Mexicano.

To my mother Maria Isabel Ares, as a tribute for her 83 years of life and 4 years of fighting agains ICTUS.

To my children Alexa and Tome.To Gaby Sotes for her loyalty to Maria Isabel, to Andrea Clemente for her dedication to obtain the Doctorate.

To my love Rossy.

To my Spanish friend Tomas and his boat.

I want to leave testimony that a Mexican can achieve the most important awards with dedication and work. There are no limits when you work on your dreams!



This book was made in October 2017


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