Università degli Studi di Firenze, Faculty of Architecture
Florence (Italy), 2011-2017 degree mark 110/110 with honors
Scientific high school diploma
Liceo Scientifico “Augusto Righi” Cesena (Italy), 2006-2011 diploma mark 100/100
Patriarche, (France) 2021-Ongoing
Mijicarchitects, Rimini (IT) 2019-2021 Cino Zucchi, Milan (IT) 2017-2019
Internoundici, Cesena (IT) 2017
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk AutoCAD
Sketchup Pro
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Cinema 4D Studio
Microsoft Office Suite
Freehand drawing
Physical model making
personalworks projects
Tipology: Directional building
Designer: Cino Zucchi Architetti
Site: Milan, Italy
Year: 2017/2018
Surface: 30000 m2
Competition: Third classified
The design for the new A2A headquarters is based on a straightforward concept: two buildings that complement each other in type, function, and architectural presence. These buildings will interact through a new public green space called the “Energy and Environment Garden,” which connects Piazza Trento to the large new park on the railway yard. The complex of the old thermoelectric power plant still reflects Milan’s industrial expansion from the early twentieth century. Its expansive spaces, repurposed for modern use, will serve as both a site of historical memory and a bridge to contemporary urban life, linking the area’s historical industrial roots with new urban developments.
Piazza Trento
Tipology: Residential and receptive building
Designer: Cino Zucchi Architetti
Site: Nice, France
Year: 2018
Surface: 10000 m2
Current status: Under construction planivolumetricview
Under the guidance of the Lambert Lenack study, the team—comprising CZA, Sou Fujimoto Architects, Anouk Matecki Architectes, Carta Associés, Chartier Dalix, and Laisnè Roussel— won the “Destination Meridia” competition. The masterplan for the new district, located east of the historic city center, is based on compositional and functional principles. It features three large squares (Piazza Metropolitana, Piazza Meridia, and the Patio), three distinct types of buildings (metropolitan, urban, and patio), and three types of green systems (internal courtyards, facades, and green roofs).
typefloor explanatoryaxonometricscheme
Percorsipedonalidi accesso al centro
Tipology: Religious building
Designer: Cino Zucchi Architetti
Site: Florence, Italy
Year: 2018
Surface: 3700 m2
Competition: First classified (ongoing)
The new project environments are designed not as a contrast to the existing building but as a series of spaces that gently integrate with the historical relationship between country villas and their surrounding gardens. In this context, the project’s design concept takes the form of a semi-subterranean space that reveals its inhabited nature only in parts. The three prayer rooms are set approximately five meters below the level of the existing gardens, subtly revealing their presence through long, geometrically irregular windows.
Tipology: Company headquarters
Designer: Cino Zucchi Architetti
Site: Florence (FI), Italy
Year: 2019
Sostenibilità e ambiente: una strategia integrata
Competition: Third classified
Nella nostra proposta per l’edificio di Novoli, la sostenibilità ambientale è perseguita attraverso strategie volte alla drastica diminuzione dell’uso di energia e risorse rispetto agli standard minimi di progetto, riducendo l’impatto ambientale dell’intervento con l’obiettivo di un complesso che, progettato per essere Nearly Zero Carbon possa ambire a diventare Zero Carbon nel prossimo futuro.
The new complex is designed to be a vibrant and appealing space that accommodates the daily activities of many people and fosters regular interaction between a financial institution and its clients. The updated design of the block reflects the existing context and its assets: the reconfigured perimeter guides visitor movement towards new communal spaces, which serve as connectors between different areas. This integration allows the office building to harmonize with the surrounding public spaces and the enclosed garden.
Questo approccio progettuale è coerente con i diciassette punti per lo sviluppo sostenibile enunciati dalle Nazioni Unite che ci indicano gli aspetti da considerare non solo per una buona progettazione, ma anche per influire positivamente sull’ambiente e la società. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, il progetto dovrà essere caratterizzato da alti livelli di innovazione sia in termini di soluzioni proposte che di tecniche utilizzate nella progettazione.
I punti qui delineati costituiscono delle tracce da verificare e affinare in collaborazione con il team di specialisti che sarà definito dalla proprietà.
Controllo delle radiazioni solari
incrociato tra questi due fattori della radiazione solare incidente sulle facciate dell’edificio esposte nelle varie direzioni ha portato a scegliere per ogni facciata la giusta proporzione tra dispositivi diversi di mitigazione (elementi frangisole esterni orizzontali e verticali – principalmente adoperati sulle facciate nord est e nord ovest verso le strade – e lamelle orizzontali – sulle facciate sud-est e sud-ovest verso il giardino), nonché di diverse composizioni di vetri filtranti e/o basso emissivi.
Acqua ed energia
La generazione termofrigorifera realizzata con pompa di calore polivalente ad acqua di falda con restituzione dell’acqua in corsi d’acqua superficiali o in sottosuolo, garantisce alti livelli di efficienza energetica. L’acqua di falda potrà essere utilizzata non solo per scopi energetici, ma anche come acqua per i consumi non potabili prima delle restituzione al reticolo idrografico.
In un edificio contemporaneo, il controllo della radiazione solare incidente sulle superfici perimetrali e sulla copertura è uno degli elementi cardine al fine della riduzione dei consumi energetici e della massimizzazione del comfort ambientale degli spazi. Il diverso percorso del sole nelle diverse ore e stagioni deve far trovare un complesso equilibrio tra i momenti in cui la radiazione va cercata (principalmente per ragioni termiche nei mesi freddi) e dove invece vada mitigata (sia per ragioni termiche che di comfort visivo) nei mesi caldi o dove il sole abbia un angolo di incidenza basso. Un accurato studio
The design features a straightforward and intuitive distribution scheme that aligns well with the urban context. This effective resolution of the internal layout and open space design ensures that the office building is both efficient and adaptable, eliminating unnecessary circulation routes while encouraging interaction. The existing urban block benefits from a clear structure that delineates both external and internal open spaces.
Un’ulteriore riduzione del consumo di acqua potabile e dell’acqua conferita in fognatura potrà sarà ottenuta attraverso l’uso di essenze arboree autoctone, irrigazione a goccia, recupero delle acque piovane e delle acque grigie, sanitari a flusso ridotto, uso di acqua non potabile per lo scarico dei sanitari e dove possibile l’uso di pavimentazioni semipermeabili. Oltre all’utilizzo di pompe di calore ad acqua, la strategia energetica può prevedere l’installazione di fotovoltaico ibrido per la generazione contemporanea di elettricità e acqua calda, fotovoltaico trasparente sulle facciate a sud e utilizzo di energia prodotta da fonti rinnovabili. Questa proposta non è pensata solo per il progetto di oggi, ma per essere adattata e
Tipology: Residential complex
Designer: Patriarche
Site: Saint-Nazaire (Nantes), France
Year: 2023
Surface: 5.750 m2
Project: Ongoing project
Mission: Project leader
masse - ÉCH. 1/2500
The site is built around a forest path that connects the coastal trail to the center of Gavy. This path, like a stone walkway, shaped the layout of the area, with a large public space at the center connecting the different sections, homes, and amenities. In the middle of the neighborhood, there’s a park with trees for shade and open areas that allow views of the horizon. The project creates a new way of living where cars are kept on the edges of the site, making the center a calm space for walking and biking.
Légende de type
Légende de type
The plots in the woods are designed as compact units, each containing 12 to 14 apartments across 3 to 5 levels. These attractive residences feature dual orientations and spacious terraces that seamlessly connect to the surrounding woodland. The design maximizes sunlight and offers unobstructed views for every apartment.
The contemporary architecture harmonizes with the natural setting, with bold, minimalist forms that foster social interaction. These dynamic units are scaled to fit both the site and the neighborhood. A central courtyard serves as a communal space, integrated with the landscaped surroundings, while terraces and balconies, interspersed with structural elements, create a rhythmic façade.
High energy efficiency is a key priority, minimizing environmental impact.
1. Le Fondouk
Le Fondouk est historiquement une auberge dédiée à l’accueil des voyageurs. Abri. Voyage. Dépaysement. Carré autour d’une grande cour. Lieu d’échanges. Autant de mots qui définissent notre projet qui est un lieu d’échanges intellectuels et artistiques, un abri pour les artistes et les spectateurs, un lieu où l’illusion dépayse l’esprit.
2. Séparation des
Le site de base mesure
Nous le divisons en îlots droite duquel on met fonctionnel du projet, l’hôtel, le spa, le sport et l’amphithéâtre.
Tipology: Film Studios
Designer: Patriarche
Site: Marrakech, Morocco
Year: 2023
Surface - Prix: 300 hectares - 900 milion euros
Project: Ongoing project
Mission: Project leader
1. Le Fondouk
Le Fondouk est historiquement une auberge dédiée à l’accueil des voyageurs. Abri. Voyage. Dépaysement. Carré autour d’une grande cour. Lieu d’échanges. Autant de mots qui définissent notre projet qui est un lieu d’échanges intellectuels et artistiques, un abri pour les artistes et les spectateurs, un lieu où l’illusion dépayse l’esprit.
2. Séparation des programmes
1. Le Fondouk
1. Le Fondouk
Le Fondouk est historiquement une auberge dédiée à l’accueil des voyageurs. Abri. Voyage. Dépaysement. Carré autour d’une grande cour. Lieu d’échanges. Autant de mots qui définissent notre projet qui est un lieu d’échanges intellectuels et artistiques, un abri pour les artistes et les spectateurs, un lieu où l’illusion dépayse l’esprit.
The Fondouk has historically served as an inn for travelers—offering shelter, a pause in the journey, and a change of scenery. A square surrounding a large courtyard. A place of exchange. These elements shape our project: a space for intellectual and artistic interaction, a refuge for both artists and audiences, and a place where illusion plays with perception. The site spans 680m by 480m and will be divided into sections along a central green axis. To the right will be the cinema studios, the heart of the project, while to the left, leisure and self-improvement facilities such as a hotel, spa, sports center, academy, arena, and auditorium will be located. A key feature is the canopy, which visually unifies all areas, giving the site its distinctive and recognizable character. Luxor will become instantly recognizable from aerial views. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the canopy serves a functional purpose, shielding public spaces—streets, squares, and parks—from the sun, ensuring a cool, refreshing environment even in the heat of the day.
2. Séparation des programmes
3. Unification
La canopée est un élément essentiel dans le projet car il vient unifier visuellement l’ensemble des fonctions et donner une unité de caractère.
3. Unification
La canopée est un élément essentiel dans le projet car il vient unifier visuellement l’ensemble des fonctions et donner une unité de caractère.
Le site de base mesure 680m x 480m Nous le divisons en îlots avec un axe vert central à droite duquel on met les studios de cinéma, coeur fonctionnel du projet, et à gauche les loisirs tels que l’hôtel, le spa, le sport center, l’académie, l’arena et l’amphithéâtre.
2. Séparation des programmes
3. Unification
Le site de base mesure 680m x 480m Nous le divisons en îlots avec un axe vert central à droite duquel on met les studios de cinéma, coeur fonctionnel du projet, et à gauche les loisirs tels que l’hôtel, le spa, le sport center, l’académie, l’arena et l’amphithéâtre.
3. Unification
Le Fondouk est historiquement une auberge dédiée à l’accueil des voyageurs. Abri. Voyage. Dépaysement. Carré autour d’une grande cour. Lieu d’échanges. Autant de mots qui définissent notre projet qui est un lieu d’échanges intellectuels et artistiques, un abri pour les artistes et les spectateurs, un lieu où l’illusion dépayse l’esprit. 48
4. Protection solaire
La canopée est un élément essentiel dans le projet car il vient unifier visuellement l’ensemble des fonctions et donner une unité de caractère.
Le site de base mesure 680m x 480m Nous le divisons en îlots avec un axe vert central à droite duquel on met les studios de cinéma, coeur fonctionnel du projet, et à gauche les loisirs tels que l’hôtel, le spa, le sport center, l’académie, l’arena
Outre l’aspect visuel, efficacement du soleil tels que les rues, les places l’ensemble une ambiance
4. Protection solaire
efficacement du soleil les espaces publics du projet, l’ensemble une ambiance fraîche, même en plein jour.
La canopée est un élément essentiel dans le projet car il vient unifier visuellement l’ensemble des fonctions et donner une unité de caractère.
Outre l’aspect visuel, la canopée vient protéger efficacement du soleil les espaces publics du projet, tels que les rues, les places et les parcs donnant à l’ensemble une ambiance fraîche, même en plein jour.
4. Protection solaire
Outre l’aspect visuel, la canopée vient protéger efficacement du soleil les espaces publics du projet, tels que les rues, les places et les parcs donnant à l’ensemble une ambiance fraîche, même en plein jour.
The canopy is the part of the forest corresponding to the tops of the tallest trees. It is also called the the forest’s upper level. In direct contact with the atmosphere and sun rays, it constitutes an ecosystem in its own right. The canopy is an environment that presents a very rich biodiversity and biological productivity. The canopy brings protection to the village of cinema. Sometimes dense, sometimes sparse, it brings life to outdoor spaces and connects the different elements of the program together. Under its benevolent shielding can be found places of rest shaded paths or terraces.
The site analysis identifies key pathways for nonmotorized transportation, creating a flexible network of adaptable spaces. The enhanced landscape and riparian forest merge two ecosystems, with vegetation extending across the campus to provide cooling areas and protection. The division of blocks and foundations, shaped by the landscape matrix and pathways, generates diverse ground-level spaces. All blocks and buildings are porous and accessible, encouraging connections and open spaces, contributing to a vibrant, human-scale campus. The upper structures emphasize morphological diversity, bioclimatic orientations, clear sightlines, and minimized visibility between buildings. The campus is fully dedicated to non-motorized transport, with light vehicles limited to two parking areas on Rue Henri Koch, ensuring comfort and connectivity with the hospital and nearby neighborhoods. Terraces and rooftops offer numerous outdoor spaces with expansive views, supporting various natural environments and uses.
Tipology: Office complex
Designer: Patriarche
Site: Marseille, France
Year: 2024
Surface: 23.000 m2
Project: Competition
Mission: Project leader
The opening of the GPMM site and J0 halls presents an opportunity to revitalize a central area of Marseille, connecting it to an existing square and the sea. While these halls may appear solid, they are actually vast open spaces sheltered by an Eiffel-style structure. The GPMM project aims to create a hybrid space linking the port and urban area, with the following objectives:
- Strengthen the identity of a major international port institution, supporting new uses in a rapidly developing urban district.
- Preserve one of the last industrial-port relics from the 2nd Empire and 3rd Republic by repurposing it.
- Provide public access to an urban space that has fluctuated between vacant and occupied on an underused pier.
- Continue developing a central hub around Place de la Joliette, connected to the commercial port, complementing the city center with projects like Les Terrasses du Port, Les Docks, and the J1 hangar project.
Tipology: School complex
Designer: Andrea Alessandri, Alessandro Piraccini
Site: Sassa (AQ), Italy
Year: 2017/2018
Surface: 20.000 m2
International design competition: Third classified planimetricview
The core idea is to create a structure that not only serves educational purposes but also becomes a hub for the entire district—a place of reference, meeting, and community gathering. This goal is achieved by introducing a decentralized school model, where independent buildings harmoniously integrate with public spaces and green areas. The project’s philosophy stems from the traumatic event that deeply affected the local communities. Originally envisioned as a single functional unit, the entire school complex was divided into four distinct, autonomous parts— the Infant School, Primary School, Secondary School, and Gymnasium—following the earthquake.
The new buildings are closely integrated with the site’s natural morphology, and the layout of the outdoor spaces is designed to connect the various school blocks with the surrounding landscape. A key design feature is the reference to the mountain profile, reflected in the roof’s shape, which echoes the contours of the nearby mountain pastures. The fragmentation of the structure is emphasized through a dual treatment of the façades: the outer shell will feature compact, urban-style surfaces finished with plaster, while the inner core, forming the architectural heart of the complex, will balance glazed surfaces, colored solar filters, and larch wood. groundfloorplan
L’edificio scolastico verrà dotato della flessibilità necessaria in grado di generare diversi scenari didattic e rendere lo spazio
Tipology: Nursery school
Designer: Andrea Alessandri, Alessandro Piraccini
Site: Massalengo (LO), Italy
fluido e creativo al fine di raggiungere questo obbiettivo gli spazi interni saranno definiti da pareti vetrate apribili e tendaggi che genereranno privacy e molteplici possibilità di utilizzo L’edificio proporrà, sia nel profilo delle facciate esterne che nei blocchi di servizio interni alle aule, la forma archetipa della casa rendendo più calda e accogliente la permanenza dei giovani fruitori.
Year: 2019/2020
Surface: 1.500 m2
International design competition: Finalist project
Lo spazio delle attività libere verrà realizzato tramite una successione di setti portanti sagomati ad arco creando uno spazio avvolgente che, come un rifugio, infonderà sicurezza nella psicologia dei piccoli. Il progetto, partendo dalla scala territoriale fino al design degli interni, si caratterizzerà
Design uniformity will be achieved by aligning the architectural concept with the typology of the Cascina Lombarda, a significant cultural element in the Po Valley. Just as the Cascine once served as social and economic centers of the region, the school will lay the foundation for fostering community in small towns and urban neighborhoods.
On the facade, the abstraction of the traditional portico is represented by a series of structural partitions. These not only define the interior spaces but also create a dialogue with the adjacent primary school and the vertical rhythm of the prefabricated panels that form the facade. Like the portico, which creates an intermediary space between indoors and outdoors, the building’s design will be highly responsive to natural elements such as sunlight and cross ventilation. The aim of providing a sustainable and innovative solution to energy efficiency will not rely solely on high-performance building envelopes and systems, but will also be embedded in the architecture itself, which seeks to address these challenges through strong compositional principles.
Tipology: Primary and High school
Designer: Andrea Alessandri
Site: Marene (CN), Italy
Year: 2023
Surface: 3.500 m2
International design competition
The project for the new school complex in Marene aims not only to serve an educational purpose but also to become a reference point, a meeting place, and a hub for the neighborhood. This goal is pursued by dividing the new structure into two distinct units: the school building on the right (with the primary school on the ground floor and the secondary school above) and the shared building (gym and auditorium) for community use outside school hours. Internal access to the gym is provided via the large common atrium, while maintaining the gym’s independent use.
The unique site and the coexistence of the existing school during the new construction led to positioning the classrooms (all with optimal exposure) with views of the large school park to the south and creating a square in front of the main entrance to the north.
Tipology: Private house
Designer: Andrea Alessandri
Site: Gambettola (FC), Italy
Year: 2022
The project focuses on restoring a building in a historic center, where the scale of the intervention is modest, but the quality is paramount. The design approach is both conservative and innovative: it respects the building’s original character, materials, and external appearance towards the city, while introducing a modern reorganization of the interior spaces.
The intervention preserves the building’s volumes and shapes, aiming instead to enhance the principle of form over function. This applies from the macrolevel of the property units, relocated under their respective roofs, to the micro-level of the internal rooms, which align with the varying roof pitches.
The living areas are positioned to the south in new wooden volumes, with direct access to terraces, which now serve as true external extensions of the residences. Further internal reorganization includes the repositioning of vertical connections, achieved through a central glazed connector. This connection provides access from the residential levels to the garden on the ground floor, a spacious area with both covered and open spaces.
Tipology: Multifunctional building
Designer: Andrea Alessandri
Supervisor: Fabrizio Rossi Prodi
Site: Gambettola (FC), Italy
Year: 2017
Graduation thesis: Mark 110/110 with honours
The project arises from the desire to redevelop and revitalize the site of the former tobacco factory in the historic center of Gambettola, a town in Romagna. Functionally, it involves the creation of a center dedicated to new methodologies in manufacturing, featuring laboratories, research facilities, and shared workspaces that appeal to both emerging digital manufacturing companies and innovators. Additionally, the project includes a museum, auditorium, study and conference rooms, as well as a large green square connected to the town’s main thoroughfare, with the goal of making it a vibrant space open to the entire community.