Limeade Read why English teachers can’t get enough of the new Rhet Comp “It girl” Reflection inside!
Introducing the hottest of Rhetoric and Composition
Read what Andrea Cazares learned in Beth’s class!
Table of Contents Editor’s Letter Reflection My Favorite Work Horoscopes
Hello! As we approach the end of the semester, it is necessary to reflect on the year. As I wrote this magazine, I wanted to incorporate my natural writing styles and demonstrate to Beth what I learned. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you for an amazing year full of rhetoric and composition. Have a fantastic summer!
Reflection As the year comes to a close, I am
There are certain systematic guidelines
posed with the question: what have I
presented in Rhetoric and Composition
learned in Rhetoric Comp II? After much
II that transfer across disciplines. For
thought and consideration, I have come
example, labeled sections allow for linear
to the conclusion that I have significantly
thoughts and easy comprehension – a
increased my knowledge of writing for a
concept that is true regardless of the
purpose. Most importantly, I have
subject matter.
evolved as a writer and developed a rich desire to tackle any future assignment that requires writing, especially within my discipline, biology. Writing in my discipline is straight
Rhetoric and Composition has provided the necessary tools and techniques vital to making my writing materialize. Most importantly, it has motivated me to explore the richest, most
forward; scientific writing involves the
profound form of expression. For the
explanation and synthesis of facts and
remainder of my academic career, I will
patterns discovered in the natural world.
be expected to collect and analyze critical
data in a manner that will subsequently
Writing in general could be seen as a
result in a diagnostic lab report. I believe
defensive line you’re trying to pursue.
this class demonstrated the importance of
For starters, everyone is trying to make a
prioritizing your thoughts and ideas to
touchdown (or successfully present
ultimately have an end result that is clear
information) in spite of all the physical
and concise. As I engaged in
barriers and obstacles. Writing is similar
conversations with Dr. Johnson, my
to this sport in that it takes a fine tuned
biology lecture professor, I realized that
technique to swivel around hurdles and
many scientists tend to write extra
barricades such as writer’s block or
information in an attempt to make their
second guessing. In essence, writing
lab reports seem more significant, but
could be compared to the sport since
often the scientists tend to make the
both require team work, motivation, and
reports less clear. This realization will
strategic planning to conquer the
allow me to deeply examine my own work
physical experience of winning the
as a scientist when the opportunity
spectator’s approval and respect, or
writing a successful piece.
In an attempt to demonstrate my
For my hot topic research, I looked
knowledge of football, I will compare the
at considering the importance of writing
game to writing and offer this metaphor.
about hot topics. One thing that I have
always enjoyed about being a biology
importance of ideas. Writing allows the
major is that you’re always looking to
opportunity for everyone to be able to
publish new data and information that
persuade someone to have the same
solves ancient questions. My hot topic
views of a topic as your own. Similar to
research consisted of reading other
writing, research takes a countless
journals over the topic of my research,
amount of planning. From the beginning
which was the importance of HeLa cells.
of the semester, we learned the
My research also centered around the
importance of research techniques and
acquiring of knowledge in order to be
finding key words to assist research. The
able to read long articles with distinct
lessons from Brittney Johnson allowed
me to see everything that comes into
Rhetorical writing falls back on an idea of argument. For our presentations, we looked at the importance of argument
place in order to carry out quality research. Looking back on old assignments, I
and ultimately persuasion that is
am pleased to say that my capability to
associate with argumentation. I learned
write has evolved. From my hot topic
that my writing needs to pick a side and
research report, I have demonstrated the
offer the best points to persuade
ability to provide the reader dense
someone into considering the
content in a way that is easy to
understand. My earliest recollections of
this class still seem to be the concept of
writing pieces provided the ability for my
providing evidence versus informing. I
voice to seep through the text. In
have realized that I should make
addition, I believe that incorporating
transition words a must in order to
humor is a positive way to maintain the
transmit a clear written report.
audience’ attention. Grammar was always my weakness.
As I continue my education at St. Edward’s, I am faced with the question of
However, after taking this class, I gained
what I will take away from Rhetoric and
the knowledge of being able to practice
Composition II. Because this class
grammatically correct sentences to
focused so much on writing specifically
maximize the clarity of the content that
for our majors, I have to say that the
my readers were ingesting. Truthfully, I
majority of the concepts we covered in
am always successful when revising
class were fundamental to my career
others’ work. It is my personal writing
path. The research report and the hot
that I fail to detect the slightest
topic report were two assignments that
imperfections, but the class offered me
addressed the importance of writing in a
techniques to look more critically at my
specific form geared to my major. My
own work. The challenges that I face as I exit
professor in biology helped reinforce the
classes are as memorable and engaging as
idea that writing is key to articulating
this one. Peace out Rhet Comp, it’s been
thoughts and meaning. Furthermore, I
am positive that this class was beneficial in establishing the norms of writing for a specific purpose. Rhetoric and Composition II was a great class to take and encouraged me to reach my potential as a college writer. I can only hope that my future English
My Favorite Work What’s up with that arguing? What kind of argument is this? Win or lose we’ll fight it out Agonistic here we go Shout and yell reality (Here we go!) It's low-key a contest There is also inquiry-based Let’s get it started in here (Yeah) Let me teach y’all something (That was fun!) Do it all again on Monday (One more time!) Let me convince y’all something real quick (Oh my God!) I might do it all again (That's boss shit) I just found someone That doesn’t really agree (Robert Horry!) I’m not going to argue (Oh, no, no!) Because I am always right (Straight up!) So take that opposite It comes in many forms (Paper hunting!) (Wait) Don’t get me started again There’s also inquiry based though (Don't let 'em in, shhh) What’s up with that arguing? What kind of argument is this? Win or lose we’ll fight it out Agonistic here we go Shout and yell reality (Here we go!) It's low-key a contest There is also inquiry-based Let’s get it started in here Argue with me Argue with me (Higher) Everywhere yo Ooh, argue with me (Get lit my nigga) Ooh, argue with me Arguments can happen at anytime Everything can be an argument (ya) Ooh, it’s persuading Anything can be an argument Ooh, it’s a fallacy Ooh, is it potato or potatoe Ooh it’s inductive Ooh, arguments are all we know
Ooh, its a slippery slope Appeal to authority, you or me? Either one’ll be fine though Ooh, generalization, all y’all do is generalize. Counter Argument Argue with me Argue with me (Higher) Everywhere yo Ooh, argue with me (Get lit my nigga) Ooh, argue with me I'm out here working hard everyday Trying to figure out what to say, to tell you my side But you don't listen, you interrupt You won't close your mouth and you're always abrupt Here's my proposal, let's have a debate One person talks while the other just waits We'll work together to find a solution No more enemies and no more intrusions It's about the problem and how can we fix it We'll work together instead of against it With double the effort things will be easy If I mess up you're here to appease me Arguments help things progress, together we'll never digress It's getting late, so let's go And get this argument show on the road
What’s up with that arguing? What kind of argument is this? Win or lose we’ll fight it out Agonistic here we go Shout and yell reality (Here we go!) It's low=key a contest there is also inquiry-based Let’s get it started in here
Argument Rap
Horoscopes Scorpio Oh my goodness, this is your month! The boy you like will finally talk to you. The stars will align just for you!
Aquarius Watch out young Aquarius! Someone is looking to steal your boyfriend. Tell them to buzz off!
Taurus You will earn a sick amount of cash. But be careful Taurus! Try not to spend it all in one place.
Leo Ah, Leo. May is definitely your month. The boy you’ve been crushing on might have a crush on you! Congratulations!
This is the month to quit your job! Sure you need the money, but take a vacation, enjoy yourself!
I see a fun vacation in your future. Hit the Bahamas or even San Antonio, TX. The possibilities are endless!
Someone will talk real mess about you on Facebook. Shut down pregnancy rumors as soon as you can! How dare they, that belly is from a good Chipotle meal!
Let’s hope you don’t get cancer!
Gemini Ah Gemini, I see an A in your future! Work hard on your finals!
Virgo Summer is approaching and you still aren’t bikini ready. It’ll be okay young Virgo! Today is the day you put down that burrito and enjoy a nice day in the sun!
Capricorn Do you like corn, Capricorn?
Libra Today is the day to get your butt off the couch and sing to the top of your lungs!