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Andrea Eveland

Sioux City, United States

Likes: -food (especially cheese and chocolate, although not usually together) -your mom -candles -pedicures -puppies -hats -Wednesday nights at Brothers -fancy parties -traveling -The theme song to Boston Legal: "BOW BOW, bowdeedah bow de bow wow...OH YEAAAH" Dislikes: -scary movies -pickles -when a song I hate is on every radio station at once -bad grammar and spelling -tattoos -jeans with holes or paint already on them -stupid car magnets/bumper stickers -semis -people who won't use their blinker -people who spell their names wrong -people who name their kids things like "Reignbow" and "Lethal" -little kids splashing me in the pool -tacky lawn decorations -eagles--pictures of them, statues of them, all of them -Nickelback -crocs -The Jonas Brothers are the bane of my existence
