Healthy Eating Life CookBook

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Healthy Eating For Life


《健康養生食譜》 本食譜內容只供參考,不能視為或依賴作為醫學意見,或代替由 醫生或合格專業醫護人員提供的醫療診斷或治療。讀者採用本書 任何建議之前,應自行負責向家庭醫生或合格專業醫護人員尋求 適當的醫學意見。 出版機構: 加拿大糖尿病協會 耆暉會 心臟及中風基金會 南河谷社區健康中心 加拿大腎臟基金會 頤康中心 2012 年 10 月

HEALTHY EATING FOR LIFE COOKBOOK This recipe book is for reference only and is not intended to be considered or relied upon as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses or treatments from physicians or qualified healthcare professionals. The reader is responsible for obtaining appropriate medical advice from a physician or other qualified healthcare professionals prior to acting upon any information available throughout this publication. Published by: Canadian Diabetes Association Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association Heart and Stroke Foundation South Riverdale Community Health Centre The Kidney Foundation of Canada Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care October 2012

前言 作爲聖米高醫院的心臟專科醫生和心臟及中風基金會華人社區委員會副總裁,本 人衷心歡迎這本《健康養生食譜》的出版。書中收集的食譜部分是專為有長期病 患而喜愛中式食品的人士設計。 健康飲食是控制長期病患和改善整體健康最重要的事情之一,每個人都可以做得 到。多年來,醫療界編寫了大量健康飲食指引。然而,根據我行醫的經驗,我發 現要求病人改變他們長久以來的飲食習慣仍然是一大挑戰。 讓病人跟隨一個列出所有成分和步驟的食譜,往往比跟隨醫生的忌口清單來得容 易。可惜,為長期病患者設計的食譜爲數不多。由於大部分食譜只集中於歐美式 食品,來自不同族裔背景的病人選擇更少。因此,這次心臟及中風基金會與另外 五個基金會和機構合作出版這本《健康養生食譜》,著實令人感到振奮。 這本食譜的獨特之處是提供健康而道地的中式家庭食品。書中的 36 個食譜均由 註冊營養師審閲,並且提供營養分析,令讀者您清楚了解攝取的養分。這些食譜 涵蓋四種最普遍的長期疾病,即心臟病、腎病、糖尿病和骨質疏鬆,部分更爲長 者而設,因此最適宜需要處理多種長期病患的人士和家庭。 在您開始使用這些令人讚嘆的食譜之前,我大力建議您細閱本書第一部分的健康 信息。裏面總結了上述四種長期病患的健康飲食指引,並且提供實用的提示,例 如怎樣選購健康的材料和決定正確的食物份量。當然也不應錯過每個食譜裏的“ 營養師小語”所提供的實用建議。 本書樹立榜樣,示範健康食譜如何配合我們多元文化社區的飲食需要。我相信您 會欣賞書中的資訊和實用工具。希望讀者們培養健康的生活方式,同時充分享受 烹飪和吃的樂趣。


Foreword As a cardiologist at St. Michael’s Hospital and Vice President of the Chinese Canadian Council of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, I heartily welcome this edition of Healthy Eating For Life Cookbook, a collection of recipes designed for people living with chronic diseases and a craving for delicious Chinese food. Healthy eating is one of the most important things anyone can do to manage their chronic illness conditions and improve their general health. Over the years, plenty of healthy eating guidelines have been developed. However, in my medical practice, I have realized that asking patients to change their long-standing eating habits remains a big challenge. It is often easier to have a patient follow a recipe that has illustrated all the ingredients and steps than a piece of doctor’s advice listing foods he or she should not eat. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of cookbooks designed for people with chronic diseases. Choices are even fewer for those from diverse ethnic backgrounds, given that most cookbooks only focus on European-American style food. It is exciting, therefore, to see the partnership between the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the other five collaborating foundations and organizations in publishing this Healthy Eating For Life Cookbook. This cookbook is unique as it presents you the authentic taste of home-style Chinese food with a healthy twist. The 36 recipes in the book have been reviewed by registered dietitians who also provided nutrition analysis for each recipe so you the reader will have a clear idea about your intake of nutrients. The recipes cover four most common chronic diseases, namely heart diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis, as well as old age. Thus, it is ideal for individuals and families that have to deal with multiple chronic diseases. Before you start using these amazing recipes, I strongly recommend you to read through the general health messages in the first part of the book. It sums up the healthy eating guidelines for the four types of chronic illness conditions and gives you practical tips such as how to shop for healthy ingredients and decide on the right amounts of food. I am sure you don’t want to miss the hands-on tips given in the Dietitian’s Corner in each recipe, either. I think this cookbook has set a good example of how healthy eating cookbooks can cater to the diet preferences of our diverse community. I believe you will appreciate the information and hands-on tools provided in this cookbook. I hope all of you live a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the fun of cooking and eating.


籌劃委員會 Annie Chung-Hui Kwok Keung Fung Sosan Hua Edith Lam Leon Lau Anne Le-Quang Helen Poon Charles Wong

南河谷社區健康中心 (顧問營養師) 頤康中心 顧問營養師 耆暉會 加拿大腎臟基金會 加拿大糖尿病協會 心臟及中風基金會 頤康中心

《健康養生食譜》編輯組 Phillip Chan Annie Chung-Hui Kwok Keung Fung Sosan Hua Leon Lau Lisa Lau Leqin Lu Becky Pang Helen Poon Cherie Wan Susanne Wong Barbara Yang Andrea Lau Matthew Tang

加拿大腎臟基金會 南河谷社區健康中心 (顧問營養師) 頤康中心 顧問營養師 加拿大腎臟基金會 註冊營養師 心臟及中風基金會 註冊營養師 心臟及中風基金會 註冊營養師 頤康中心 翻譯/文稿編輯 平面設計 平面設計

鳴謝 Maggie Chan Lobo Cheng Cecelia Chiu Hilda Chow Randi Garcha Baron Hau Winnie Kam Stephanie Kwok Loretta Lam Jenny Lau Bonnie Lee Vicky Ngo C.H. Tung Julie Wong Kelvin Wu Ivy Yeung

頤康中心 (義工) NICE 廣告設計公司 多倫多大學衛生科學碩士生 加拿大腎臟基金會 加拿大糖尿病協會 心臟及中風基金會 富橋公關顧問公司 西山社區服務中心 (營養師) 富橋公關顧問公司 加拿大腎臟基金會 (義工) 富橋公關顧問公司 士嘉堡全科醫院洗腎服務 (營養師) 星島日報 南河谷社區健康中心 星島日報 加拿大糖尿病協會 3

Steering Committee Annie Chung-Hui Kwok Keung Fung Sosan Hua Edith Lam Leon Lau Anne Le-Quang Helen Poon Charles Wong

South Riverdale Community Health Centre (Consultant Dietitian) Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care Consultant Dietitian Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association The Kidney Foundation of Canada Canadian Diabetes Association Heart and Stroke Foundation Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care

Editorial Group – HEFL Cookbook Phillip Chan Annie Chung-Hui Kwok Keung Fung Sosan Hua Leon Lau Lisa Lau Leqin Lu Becky Pang Helen Poon Cherie Wan Susanne Wong Barbara Yang Andrea Lau Matthew Tang

The Kidney Foundation of Canada South Riverdale Community Health Centre (Consultant Dietitian) Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care Consultant Dietitian The Kidney Foundation of Canada Registered Dietitian Heart and Stroke Foundation Registered Dietitian Heart and Stroke Foundation Registered Dietitian Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care Translator/Copy Editor Layout Artist Layout Artist

Acknowledgements Maggie Chan Lobo Cheng Cecelia Chiu Hilda Chow Randi Garcha Baron Hau Winnie Kam Stephanie Kwok Loretta Lam Jenny Lau Bonnie Lee Vicky Ngo C.H. Tung Julie Wong Kelvin Wu Ivy Yeung

Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care (Volunteer) NICE Design and Advertising Inc. MHS student at University of Toronto The Kidney Foundation of Canada Canadian Diabetes Association Heart and Stroke Foundation Focus Communications Inc. West Hill Community Services (Dietitian) Focus Communications Inc. The Kidney Foundation of Canada (Volunteer) Focus Communications Inc. The Scarborough General Hospital Renal Program (Dietitian) Sing Tao Daily South Riverdale Community Health Centre Sing Tao Daily Canadian Diabetes Association 4

引言 數百年來,“使老百姓得溫飽”是中國政府維持社會穩定的基礎。然而,對於許多華人來説,食物不僅是 維持生命的必需品。家人一同吃飯的時間,也是教導孩子和增進家庭關係的良機;隨著時間轉移,不同地 方特有的食物和風味豐富了地方文化;筵席和宴會更是款待朋友和向友邦示好的方式。隨著華人移居世界 各地,這些特質也被帶到了海外。無疑,飲食是中國文化很重要的部分。 華人根據食物對人體的影響,有系統地把食物分成不同類別。中醫勸告病人忌吃某類食物,使身體加速痊 癒,由此可見一斑。另一方面,西方社會把食物視爲影響健康的主要因素。這種觀點愈來愈普遍,因此出 現了各種不同的專家:營養學家、營養師以及在醫療場所、工業、學術機構和政府裏工作的研究人員。食 物和營養專家通過科學期刊、會議和工作坊進行知識傳播和交流。然而,最終目的必須是把知識全面地傳 遞給食物使用者——為家人預備膳食的主婦;生活繁忙,經常光顧快餐店的人;以及喜歡嘗新和品嘗異 地風味的人。 一個人吃的食物反映了他/她的生活環境和生活方式;這些都受他/她的社會階級、家庭結構、成長過程和 朋輩等的影響。因此,生活方式的轉變既可以由外在推動,也可以發自内心。不管怎樣,知識是所有轉變 的開端。這正是本書的目標:提供轉變的選擇,培養更健康的身體,對急性和慢性疾病有更強的抵抗力。 這本食譜是“至親吾情”關顧者研討會的副產品。該研討會是多個機構合作舉辦的週年項目。2008 年的 研討會以健康飲食為主題;其後,參與機構希望在社區裏擴展這個項目,讓更多人受惠。在《星島日報》 的支持下,六個參與機構在該報的周刊裏連載了 60 個健康食譜,以長期病患者和體弱人士為對象。爲了 確保食譜符合華人口味和營養標準,每個食譜都由註冊營養師悉心設計、分析,以及嚴格地烹調和品嘗。 這個項目曾經參與多個健康推廣活動,並獲頒多個獎項,包括: 2010 年護理模式獎,由安省健康中心協會頒發。 2010 年壁報展出,加拿大營養師協會。 2010 年壁報展出,美國營養及飲食學會(前稱美國營養師協會)。 獲選參展2010 年醫療保健創新博覽會。 2011 年“談到食物及健康生活獎”之“與使用者溝通卓越獎項”。 此外,渥太華華埠商業促進區曾經贊助一個根據此項目食譜舉行的宴會。餐館業的支持別具意義,有助向 社區人士推廣健康飲食。 參與機構得到傳媒、政府、工業協會、企業及社區的鼓勵和支持,整理了這個項目收集的有用資訊,編製 成這本食譜。


Introduction For centuries, “keeping the people warm and eradicating hunger” has been the foundation of social stability in China. However, for many Chinese, food goes much beyond sustaining life. Dinner time is doubled up as an occasion for teaching children and enhancing family cohesiveness; local foods and flavours have evolved over time to enrich regional cultures; and feasts and banquets are ways to highlight hospitality among friends and nations. These attributes are brought overseas as the Chinese migrate to different parts of the world. There is no doubt that food is intimately integrated into the Chinese culture. The Chinese categorize food methodically into different groups based on how they affect the body. This is apparent from the fact that a herbalist would advise the patient to suspend certain kinds of food to speed up recovery from an illness. On the other hand, in Western societies, food is increasingly being treated as a major determinant of health, with the emergence of various specialists such as nutritionists, dietitians and researchers working in health care settings, industries, academic institutes and governments. Scientific journals, conferences and workshops facilitate the dissemination and exchange of knowledge among food and nutrition specialists. The ultimate goal, however, has to be that the knowledge be passed down in a comprehensive manner to the consumers of food – the homemakers who prepare meals for families, people on the run who frequent fast food stalls, and people who like to try new and exotic tastes. The food one consumes reflects the person’s living environment and lifestyle, which are affected by one’s social class, family structure, brought-up and peers, among others. So changes in lifestyle are driven both externally and internally. Nonetheless, all changes start with knowledge. This is where this cookbook comes in. It provides options for change, leading to a healthier body that is better equipped to ward off diseases, both acute and chronic. The cookbook is a spin-off of the “I Care” symposium, an annual joint project by a number of organizations. After the 2008 event that focused on healthy eating, the sponsors sought to expand the project to reach out to more people in the community. With the support of Sing Tao Daily, the six co-sponsors published a total of 60 healthy recipes in the newspaper’s weekly insert, with focus on various chronic diseases and vulnerable groups. To ensure the recipes carry Chinese flavors while meeting nutritional standards, each was thoroughly formulated, scientifically analyzed and vigorously prepared and tasted by registered dietitians. The project has been taken to a number of health promotion events and received various awards, including the following: Model of Care Award by the Association of Ontario Health Centres, 2010 Poster presentation, Dietitians of Canada, 2010. Poster presentation, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as the American Dietitian Association), 2010. Selected exhibitor in Celebrating Innovations in Health Care Expo, 2010 Excellence in Consumer Communication, Speaking of Food and Healthy Living Award, 2011. In addition, a banquet based on the recipes from this project was sponsored by the Chinatown Business Improvement Area in Ottawa. The support from the restaurant industry carries special meaning and helps promote healthy eating to the community at large. With the encouraging support from the media, government, industry associations, businesses and the community, the sponsors have consolidated the useful information gathered in this project, culminating in the production of this cookbook. 6

目錄 安省心臟及中風基金會 粥類






前言 籌劃委員會 / 《健康養生食譜》編輯組 / 鳴謝





越式蕎麥冷麵 配香烤雞肉







43 加拿大糖尿病協會








甘薯、蘋果、 葡萄乾砂鍋

西方古法燉 牛腩

芒果莎薩配 米粉








57 耆暉會







碧綠金果 笑哈蝦







































夏日迷你豆腐 薄餅











頤康中心 湯類










意大利青瓜 炒雞柳









1 3





何謂健康飲食? - 膳食計劃基本法


- 購物的時候

11 - 12

- 食物標籤

15 - 20

- 進食分量

27 - 28

- 立即行動!






安省心臟及中風基金會 資訊












Table of Content The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Forward


Steering Committee / Editorial Group & HEFL Cookbook Acknowledgement




Table of Content


What is Healthy Eating? - Meal Planning Basics


- When you shop

13 - 14

- Food Labeling

21 - 26

- Portion Size

29 - 30

- Take Action


Be mindful of Salt


Reading and Using the Cookbook







Eight Treasures and Sweet Potato Congee

Japanese Style Fried Chicken

Orange Glazed Salmon

Tofu Vegetables Stir Fry

Vietnamese Cold Soba Noodles with Chicken Breast

Almond Milk with Egg White







Canadian Diabetes Association Snack






Bite-sized Fillet of Fish Sandwich

Sweet Potato, Apple and Raisin Casserole

Old-fashioned Beef Stew

Mango Salsa over Vermicelli

Speedy Singapore Noodles with Pork and Peppers

Individual Miniature Cheesecakes







Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association

Key Messages from The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario


Key Messages from Canadian Diabetes Association


Key Messages from Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association


Key Messages from The Kidney Foundation of Canada


Key Messages from South Riverdale Community Health Centre 100 Key Messages from Yee Hong Centre For Geriatric Care








Conch Soup Delight

Savory Oatmeal Porridge

Stir-Fry Shrimp with Apple

Glazed Sweet and Sour Spareribs

Five Spice Beef Short Ribs

Osmanthus Jello with Longan











Ma Po's Tofu (Bean Curd)

Stir-Fried Chicken with Red and Green Peppers

Roasted Turkey Breast

Chinese Mini Rice Pudding





The Kidney Foundation of Canada Dim Sum

Double Mushroom Marbled Tea Egg Cilantro Siu Mai (Steamed dumpling)

87 114



South Riverdale Community Health Centre Snack






Berry Berry French Toast

Treasure in a Wrap

Crispy Tofu Fingers with Honey Dijon Sauce

Summerlicious Mini Tofu Pizza

Cheesy Tea Biscuit

Modified Green Tea Mochi







Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care Soup






Laver Sin Qua Dried Mushroom Soup

Pumpkin Lean Pork Soup

Stir-fry Mixed Veggies

Shredded Turnip with Fish Paste

Stir fried chicken with zucchini

Pumpkin Cake with Red Bean Paste









1.1 膳食計劃基本法 李太太每個星期工作40小時,工餘還要照顧家庭。她有兩個孩子,一個正在學步,另一個 正處於少年階段。她還照顧患有長期疾病的公公婆婆。在這個章節裏,我們會用李太太一 家作爲例子,幫助您探索和明白健康飲食基本法。 經過一個星期忙碌的工作之後,李太太終於有時間完成她每週要做的家務。當她計劃下週 的膳食時,必須考慮她的孩子和公公婆婆的需要。她希望家人吃得健康;可是,預備一家 六口的膳食絕不簡單。因此,預先制訂膳食計劃十分重要。如果李太太在前往超市之前制 訂計劃,她便較有可能作出有依據和健康的食物選擇,而且更有可能符合預算! 李太太計劃一週的膳食時,經常參考她貼在冰箱上的《加拿大食品指南》。政府出版這個 指南,目的是幫助公衆攝取健康身體所需的養分、維生素和礦物質。跟隨指南有助減低痴 肥、二型糖尿病、某些癌症和骨質疏鬆的風險。您可以上網到下載指南,或向就近 的社區健康中心索取。 李太太也覺得每週派發的超市傳單很有用,能幫助她選購時令食材和獲得購物折扣。她也 留意附近的農夫市場,因爲她可以在那裏購買新鮮的農產品。 李太太習慣在冰箱上張貼一個她不斷更新的購物單,把已經用完的物品記錄下來。爲免選 購食物時一時衝動或受到誘惑,她避免在肚子餓的時候前往超市,並且按照她預備好的清 單購物。有時候,她會帶同孩子到超市,教導他們如何選擇蔬果。

貼士 前往超市之前: 以下提示能幫助您作出更健康的選擇, 避免衝動地購物,節省時間和金錢: 每週制訂膳食計劃。 更新您的購物單,把用完的物品記錄下來。 跟隨《加拿大食品指南》。 使用每週超市傳單幫助您計劃膳食。 切勿空著肚子購買食物!


What is Healthy Eating? 1.1 Meal Planning Basics On top of her 40-hour work week, Mrs. Lee takes care of her family. She has a toddler and a teenager at home; she also looks after her in-laws who are living with chronic diseases. In this section, we will use Mrs. Lee’s family as an example to help you explore and understand the basics of healthy eating. It’s the end of a busy week and Mrs. Lee finally has time to complete her weekly routine. When Mrs. Lee does her meal planning for the week, she has to consider the needs of her children as well as her in-laws. While she wants her family to eat healthy, feeding a family of six can be challenging. This makes planning meals ahead of time very important. By having a plan before visiting the grocery store, Mrs. Lee is more likely to make healthy and informed food choices. She is more likely to be able to stay within her grocery budget as well! Mrs. Lee always refers to Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide that she has on her refrigerator when she is meal-planning for the week. The goal of the Guide is to help the public meet its needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential for good health. Following the Guide will help reduce the risks of obesity, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. You can obtain a copy of Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide online at or from your local community health centres. Mrs. Lee finds weekly flyers also useful because they help her buy foods that are in season and get sales discounts. She also pays attention to sales at local farmer’s markets because she knows she can always get fresh produce there. Mrs. Lee makes it a habit to keep an ongoing shopping list on the refrigerator so that items can be written down as they run out. To avoid making purchases based on impulse and temptation, Mrs. Lee avoids shopping with an empty stomach and she follows her list at grocery stores. Sometimes, she would bring her children along and teach them how to choose vegetables and fruits.

Tips Before going to the grocery The following tips will help you make healthier choices, avoid impulsive buying, save time and money: Make meal planning a weekly routine. Update your shopping list and write items down as they run out. Follow Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide. Use weekly flyers to help plan your meals. Never shop with an empty stomach!


1.2 購物的時候 李太太吃飽了,帶著購物單出發到超市去。她常常記著以下的提示: 熟習你定期光顧的超市的佈局,以免受到超市的促銷手法影響。 超市的外緣購物(參考“超市的佈局”圖中的黃色部分)。 新鮮的蔬果、肉類和替代品,以及奶類食品通常放在超市的外圍通道。 經常按照您的購物單選購食物。 避免到加工處理食品或垃圾食品的通道,以免受到誘惑。 冷凍餐、加工處理食品以及垃圾食品通常有高分量的鈉、脂肪、糖和防腐劑。 其他購買健康食品的地點:

農夫市場 — 某地區的農夫和小販定期聚集,售賣多種產品,包括新 鮮、時令的當地農產品。 優質食物箱 — 把優質蔬果放在大小不一的預訂箱子裏,運送到城中 各個地點。 查閲詳情,請到下列網址:

約克區食物網絡 (York Region Food Network, 綠色地帶 (Green Belt, 多倫多環保聯盟 (Toronto Environmental Alliance,


超市的食物擺放 肉類及替代品例如,(豆腐)含有豐富蛋 白質、鐵、鋅和其他養分。

牛奶、酸奶和豆漿飲料提供豐富的鈣質 ,讓我們建立強壯的骨骼和牙齒。

選擇較瘦的肉類,因它們所含的脂肪和 膽固醇較低。

尋找低脂肪的選擇,例如脫脂奶和 1% 牛奶。它們提供同樣的養分,但卡路里 較低。

限制熟肉、香腸和其他加工處理肉類的 分量,因它們所含的鈉和脂肪較高。

您可以先轉喝 2% 奶,然後逐步轉喝脫 脂奶;按部就班比較容易!



豆類、扁豆、果仁和花生醬也屬於肉類 及替代品。




加工食品 全穀物有豐富纖維素。纖維素能助您穩 定血糖及促進定時通便。

蔬菜和水果提供許多重要養分,包括纖 維素、維生素 A 和 C。

在您的穀物選擇中,最少應有一半是全 穀物。如果您不能放棄白米飯,您其餘 的穀類食物便應該選擇全穀物,例如全 穀物麵包和全穀物意大利麵。

選擇時令食品,既便宜又好吃! 選擇冷凍及罐裝蔬果產品時,比較營養 細目表,選擇鈉和糖分較低的產品。




1.2 When you shop With her shopping list in hand and a full stomach, Mrs. Lee is ready to go! Here are some tips she always keeps in mind!

Familiarize yourself with the layout of the grocery store you regularly visit to avoid the marketing tactics of grocery stores. Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store. (refer to the highlighted sections in the “Layout of a Grocery Store” diagram). Fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and alternatives, and dairy products are usually located on the outer aisles of the grocery

Always follow your shopping list.

Stay away from the following aisles to avoid temptations TV/frozen dinners, processed items and junk food that are usually high in sodium, fat, sugar and preservatives.

Other places to get healthy food: Farmer’s Market – a group of local farmers and vendors gathered regularly to sell a wide range of products including fresh, local and seasonal produce. Good Food Box – high quality vegetables and fruits assembled in pre-ordered boxes of different sizes and delivered to various sites across the city.

For more information, visit the following websites: York Region Food Network ( ) Green Belt ( ) Toronto Environmental Alliance ( )


Layout of a Grocery Store Meat and alternatives, i.e. tofu, are rich in protein, iron, zinc and other nutrients. Choose leaner cuts of meat because they are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. Limit deli meat, sausages and other processed meat as they are high in sodium and fat.

Milk, yogurt and soy beverages are great sources of calcium needed for building strong bones and teeth. Look for lower fat options, such as skim milk and 1% milk. They provide the same nutrients with fewer calories. If you drink homogenized milk, switch to 2% milk first. Take it one step at a time; it will make the change easier!

Meat and Alternatives

Milk and Alternatives

Beans, lentils, nuts and peanut butter are considered meat and alternatives too!

Beans, Lentils and Nuts


Junk Food

Processed Food Whole grains are filled with fibre. Fibre can help keep your blood sugar steady and promote regular bowel movements. Make at least half of your grain choices whole grain. If you can’t give up white rice, make your other grain choices whole grain, for example, whole grain breads and whole wheat pasta.

Vegetables and fruit are excellent sources of many important nutrients, including fibre, vitamin A and vitamin C. Choose products that are in season. They are cheaper and tastier! When choosing frozen and canned vegetables and fruit products, compare the nutrition facts tables and choose those that are lower in sodium and sugar.

Vegetables and Fruits

Grain Products


1.3 食物標籤 食物標籤幫助我們在購買食物和進食時作出健康和有依據的選擇。法例規定大 部分預先包裝的食物必須附有成分清單和營養細目表。李太太養成了習慣,在 超市購物時閲讀食物標籤,為家人預備健康的膳食。 閲讀食物標籤幫助李太太比較不同產品,更有效地處理家人的特別飲食需要。 根據食物標籤,她可以尋找含有較多有益養分的食物,例如纖維素、維生素 A 、鈣質和鐵質,以及含有較少脂肪、飽和脂肪、轉化脂肪、糖和鈉的食品。

在這個章節裏,我們將會集中探討下列三項: 營養細目表 成分清單 養分聲明


A. 營養細目表 李太太知道她可以在預先包裝的食品上找到營養細目表。她在家裏練習數 次之後,已經能夠輕鬆地使用這個圖表。營養細目表的格式一致,展示 13 種核心養分的卡路里和資料(圖 1)。在營養細目表上,李太太可以 找到某個分量的食物所含的 13 種核心養分和卡路里的分量。

圖 1、營養細目表

閲讀營養細目表的六個簡易步驟: 1. 首先看看圖表上端的進食分量。 例如,上圖顯示某種食品 125 毫升或 87 克所含的營養資料。 營養細目表只供參考,因爲其上的進食分量可能跟您實際進食的分量有別。

2. 記著:卡路里 = 能量! 在上面的例子裏,該種食品125 毫升或 87 克將會提供 80 卡路里。 如果您進食的分量是營養細目表顯示的雙倍,別忘記卡路里也會倍增!


3. 選擇含有較多纖維素、維生素 A、C、鈣和鐵質的食品。 4. 選擇含有較少脂肪、飽和脂肪、轉化脂肪、膽固醇、鈉和糖的食品。 5. 使用 % 每天攝取量來比較不同食品。 % 每天攝取量是根據健康飲食建議而提供。 這些數字可以告訴您在一份食物裏含有多少養分。 較健康的養分,例如鐵和鈣,應以百分之15 或以上為目標。 不那麽健康的養分,例如鈉,應以低於百分之 5 為目標。 6. 看資料要全面!有些食品可能含有高纖維素,但同時也含有較高卡路 里和糖分。

現在,讓我們實習一下!李太太的小兒子想帶一些餅乾在學校作爲 小吃。李太太拿起兩盒餅乾,開始比較它們的養分。哪一盒是比較 健康的選擇?




營養細目 每4塊餅乾(15克)

營養細目 每8塊餅乾(20克)



% 每天攝取量

卡路里 60

% 每天攝取量

卡路里 120

脂肪 1 克


脂肪 1 克


飽和脂肪 0 克 + 轉化脂肪 0 克


飽和脂肪 0.4 克 + 轉化脂肪 1 克


膽固醇 1 毫克

膽固醇 2 毫克

鈉 70 毫克


鈉 135 毫克


碳水化合物 21 克


碳水化合物 21 克


纖維素 3 克


纖維素 3 克




維生素 A


維生素 A


維生素 C


維生素 C






2份 餅乾甲

由於餅乾甲每份有 4 塊而餅乾乙每份有 8 塊,餅乾甲的卡路里和養分需要倍增 ,方便作出比較。


營養細目 每8塊餅乾(30克)

營養細目 每8塊餅乾(20克)



% 每天攝取量

卡路里 120

% 每天攝取量

卡路里 120

脂肪 2 克


脂肪 1 克


飽和脂肪 0 克 + 轉化脂肪 0 克


飽和脂肪 0.4 克 + 轉化脂肪 1 克


膽固醇 2 毫克

把進食分量轉爲 8 塊餅乾之 後,可見卡路里、膽固醇和 鈉的含量十分相近。

膽固醇 2 毫克

鈉 140 毫克


鈉 135 毫克


碳水化合物 42克


碳水化合物 21 克


纖維素 6 克


纖維素 3 克




維生素 A


維生素 A


維生素 C


維生素 C






雖然餅乾乙有較多鐵質,可是餅乾甲有較多纖維素和鈣質,而且 含較少飽和脂肪和轉化脂肪,因此是較佳選擇。

關鍵是看資料要全面! 閲讀食物標籤需要練習。您可以閲讀您喜愛的穀類早餐食品或曲 奇盒子上的營養細目表,藉此練習一下。嘗試數次之後,便會覺 得比較容易了。開始時在家裏練習一下,會比較容易。 18

B. 成分清單 成分清單告訴我們食品是用什麽材料製造的,例如糖或麵粉的種類。以下的成 分清單顯示食品裏的糖是紅糖。 成分清單為消費者提供額外資料,讓他們作出有依據的食物選擇。這個清單也 為有過敏症及其他健康問題的人,以及不想攝取某些成分的人提供資料。清單 上的成分是按重量排列,從最重到最輕。意即在某種食物中,排在前面的成分 較多,排在後面的成分較少。讓我們看看以下例子: Ingredient list: white flour, brown sugar, water, hydrogenated fats and oil, egg, chocolate chip, sodium bicarbonate 成分清單:白麵粉、紅糖、水、氫化脂肪及油、雞蛋、巧克力碎粒、碳酸氫鈉

這個成分清單告訴我們:在這個食品裏白麵粉的分量最多。 下表幫助您理解成分清單: 養分/成分


紅糖、玉米糖漿、葡萄糖 (Fructose, Glucose)、濃 縮甘蔗汁、果糖、半乳糖、含高果糖玉米糖漿、蜜 糖、轉化糖、乳糖、麥芽糖、糖蜜、蔗糖,或大部 分結尾是 “-ose” 的英文字

Saturated Fat 飽和脂肪

熏肉、牛肉脂肪、黃油(牛油)、雞肉脂肪、可可油、 椰子或椰油、氫化脂肪及油、豬油、棕櫚或棕櫚核油、 全脂奶粉固形物、起酥油

Trans Fat 轉化脂肪

硬人造黃油、氫化脂肪及油、部分氫化脂肪及油 、起酥油

Sodium 鈉

發酵粉、小蘇打、磷酸氫二鈉、蒜鹽、穀胺酸單鈉 鹽(味精)、洋蔥鹽、鹽、醬油或任何有“鈉”字 的名詞


C. 養分聲明 李太太也留意食品包裝上的養分聲明,如果她想在飲食中更多攝取某些養分, 她會留意包裝上是否有“來源”、“高含量或好的來源”,或“極高或極佳來 源”等養分聲明。如果她想在飲食中減少某些養分,她會找養分聲明中帶有“ 不含”、“低含量”或“減少”等字眼的食品。 養分聲明並非法定。它們雖然突出了食品的性質,李太太還是覺得營養細目表 提供更多資料,更能幫助她滿足家人具體的飲食需要。 如果您想獲得更多有關營養標籤的資訊,可以瀏覽加拿大衛生部的網站:。


1.3 Food Labelling Food labelling helps us make healthy and informed choices about the food we buy and eat. The ingredient list and the nutrition facts table are mandatory on most pre-packaged food. Mrs. Lee makes it a habit to read the food labels at the grocery store to prepare healthy meals for her family. Reading food labels helps Mrs. Lee compare products and better manage the special diets for her family. With the help of food labels, she can look for foods that have more beneficial nutrients such as fibre, vitamin A, calcium and iron and less of fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and sodium.

In this section, we will focus on the following: Nutrition Facts table Ingredient list Nutrient content claims


A. Nutrition Facts table Mrs. Lee knows that she can always find the Nutrition Facts table on prepackaged products. After some practice at home, Mrs. Lee is now comfortable with using Nutrition Facts tables. The Nutrition Facts table has a consistent format displaying calories and information on 13 core nutrients (Figure 1). From there, she can find the amount of 13 core nutrients and calories in an amount of food.

Figure 1. Nutrition Facts table

6 easy steps in reading a Nutrition Facts table: 1. Look at the amount of food (serving size) displayed at the top of the table. For example, the above Nutrition Facts table is specific for 125ml or 87g of a certain food. This is the amount in which the rest of the nutrient information is based on. Use the table as a reference only as the serving size stated may differ from the amount you eat.

2. Remember Calories = Energy! In the example above, 125ml or 87g of the product will give you 80 calories. If you eat twice the serving size indicated on the table, don’t forget to double the calories!


3. Choose products that have more fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. 4. Choose products that have less fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol , sodium and sugar. 5. Use the % Daily Value to compare products. The % Daily Value is based on recommendations for a healthy diet. They can tell you whether there is a little or a lot of a nutrient in one serving. For nutrients that are healthier such as iron and calcium, aim for 15% or above. For nutrients that are not as healthy such as sodium, aim for less than 5%.

6. Remember to look at the overall picture! Some food products might be high in fibre, but also high in calories and sugar.

Now let’s give this a try! Mrs. Lee’s younger son, Timmy, wanted crackers for snacks at school. Mrs. Lee picked up two boxes of crackers and started to compare them. Which one is a healthier choice?


Nutrition Facts Per 4 crackers ( 15 g )

Nutrition Facts Per 8 crackers ( 20g )



% Daily Value

Calories 60

% Daily Value

Calories 120

Fat 1 g


Fat 1 g


Saturated Fat 0 g + Trans Fat 0 g


Saturated Fat 0.4 g + Trans Fat 1 g


Cholesterol 1 mg

Cholesterl 2 mg

Sodium 70 mg


Sodium 135 mg


Carbohydrate 21 g


Carbohydrate 21g


Fibre 3 g


Fibre 1.5 g


Sugar 1 g

Sugar 2 g

Vitamin A


Vitamin A


Vitamin C


Vitamin C










2X Cracker A

Since Cracker A has 4 crackers per serving and Cracker B has 8 crackers per serving, the amount of calories and nutrients of Cracker A needs to be doubled to compare the crackers.

Cracker B

Nutrition Facts Per 8 crackers ( 30g )

Nutrition Facts Per 8 crackers ( 20g )



% Daily Value

Calories 120

% Daily Value

Calories 120

Fat 2 g


Fat 1 g


Saturated Fat 0 g + Trans Fat 0 g


Saturated Fat 0.4 g + Trans Fat 1 g


Cholesterol 2 mg

Cholesterl 2 mg

Sodium 140 mg


Sodium 135 mg


Carbohydrate 42 g


Carbohydrate 21g


Fibre 6 g


Fibre 1.5 g


Sugar 2 g

As we can see, the calorie, cholesterol and sodium contents are very similar after converting the serving size to 8 crackers.

Sugar 2 g

Vitamin A


Vitamin A


Vitamin C


Vitamin C










Although Cracker B is higher in iron, Cracker A is a better choice because it is higher in fibre and calcium. It is also lower in saturated fat and trans fat.

The key is to look at the bigger picture! Reading food labels takes practice. You can practice by reading the Nutrition Facts table on your favorite box of cereal or cookies. Try it a few times and it will get easier! You may find it easier to do this at home in the beginning.


B. Ingredient list The ingredient list tells us what is used to make the product, such as the type of sugar or flour used. In the following ingredient list, for example, the sugar used is brown sugar. The ingredient list provides additional information for consumers to make informed food choices. It is also a source of information for individuals with allergies, other health concerns, and for those who wish to avoid certain ingredients in their diet. The ingredients are listed in order by weight, from most to least. This means that a food contains more of the ingredients listed in the beginning and less of the ingredients listed at the end. Let’s look at the following example: Ingredient list: white flour, brown sugar, water, hydrogenated fats and oil, egg, chocolate chip, sodium bicarbonate This ingredient list tells us that white flour is found in the greatest amount in this product.

Here is a list to help you decode the ingredient list: Nutrients/Ingredients

Might also appear as:


Brown sugar, Corn syrup, Dextrose, Evaporated cane juice, Fructose, Galactose, Glucose, High fructose corn syrup, Honey, Invert sugar, Lactose, Maltose, Molasses, Sucrose or most words that end with “-ose”

Saturated Fat

Bacon, Beef fat, Butter, Chicken fat, Cocoa butter, Coconut or coconut oil, Hydrogenated fats and oils, Lard, Palm or palm kernel oil , Powdered whole milk solids, Shortening

Trans Fat

Hard margarine, Hydrogenated fats and oils, Partially hydrogenated fats and oils, Shortening


Baking powder, Baking soda, Disodium phosphate, Garlic salt, Monosodium glutamate (MSG), Onion salt, Salt, Soy sauce or any word with “sodium” 25

C. Nutrient content claims Mrs. Lee also pays attention to the nutrient content claims. For those nutrients she wants more of in her diet, she looks for products with these nutrient content claims: “source”, “high in or good source” or “very high in or excellent source”. For those nutrients she wants less of in her diet, she looks for products with these nutrient content claims: “free”, “low” or “reduced”. These nutrient content claims are not mandatory. While the claims highlight features of products, Mrs. Lee finds the Nutrition Facts table more informative in helping her better meet the specific dietary needs of her family. If you want to learn more about nutrition labelling, visit Health Canada’s website at


1.4 進食分量 李太太買齊了購物清單上的所有東西之後,便準備做飯。雖然在幼年時,她的 父母教導她要把碟子上的食物吃光,她知道最好還是跟隨身體的提示,吃飽了 便停止。她知道過量的卡路里會導致體重增加;因此,如果有太多吃剩的食物 ,她下一次便會調整分量,把額外的食物留給下一頓飯。 李太太從前不曉得在每一個食物組別裏應該吃多少分量。她在一個社區中心的 烹飪班裏,學會了用她的雙手作爲參考,以決定在每一個食物組別裏應該吃的 分量。她覺得這個方法很管用,而且能照顧個別家人的需要。

在一頓飯中, 蔬菜— 您的雙手能拿多少便吃多少。





另一個記憶的好方法:您每頓飯應該有一半是蔬菜, 另一半應該平均分為澱粉質和肉類/肉類替代品。


1.4 Portion Size After getting everything on her shopping list, Mrs. Lee is ready to prepare her meals. Although she was taught to finish her plate at a young age, she knows it is best to follow her body cues and stop eating when she is full. Knowing that excessive calories might lead to weight gain, she would adjust the portion next time if there are too much leftovers. She could also save the extra food for the next meal. Sitting at the dinner table, Mrs. Lee used to have trouble with how much food to eat from each food group. From a community cooking class, she learned to use her hands as a reference for determining the portion of food to eat from each food group. She finds this method convenient and personalized.

In a meal, Vegetables - as much as you can hold in both hands

Fruit/ Starch - size of your fist


Meat and Alternatives - as big as your palm (don’t include your fingers) and as thick as your last finger

Fats - the size of the tip of your thumb

Another good way to remember is that half of your meal should be vegetables, and the remainder half should be divided equally between starches and meat/meat alternatives.


1.5 立即行動! 開始健康飲食永不會太遲!健康飲食的基礎是多樣化和適可而止。您付出的每 一個努力將會幫助您減低患長期疾病的風險。應為自己定下能實現和量度的目 標。例如,您下個月的目標可以是購買全穀物麵包代替白麵包。每次實行一個 轉變,不要給自己太多壓力。記著:長遠的轉變需要時間,不會立即見效。每 一個努力都很重要,因此,您要繼續嘗試,不要放棄!目標是培養健康的飲食 習慣,保持健康和均衡飲食,同時仍然能夠享受您喜歡的食物。


1.5 Take Action! It is never too late to start eating healthy! A healthy diet comes from variety and moderation. Every effort you make counts towards reducing your risks of developing chronic diseases. Set realistic and measurable goals. For example, your goal for the next month can be to replace your white bread purchase with whole grain bread. Make one change at a time and do not overwhelm yourself. Keep in mind that making long-lasting changes take time; they do not just happen overnight. Every effort counts so keep trying and do not give up! The goal is to develop healthy eating habits, maintain a healthy and balanced diet, and still be able to enjoy the food you like.


小心攝取鹽分 近年,鈉的攝取量愈來愈引起關注。鈉是鹽的主要成分,也是傳統中國菜中很 普遍的成分。多個研究一致顯示:攝取過多鹽分與高血壓和其他健康問題有關 。中式調味料不少含高鈉,例如醬油、蠔油、豆豉酱、魚露和海鮮醬。此外, 我們可能沒有留意部分隱蔽的鈉來源,包括預先包裝食品中常見的亞硝酸鈉、 苯甲酸鈉、糖精和味精。 持續進食高鈉飲食可能增加某些長期疾病的風險,包括高血壓、慢性腎病、痴 肥、某些癌症、骨質疏鬆及腎石。研究顯示大部分加拿大人攝取的鈉過於他們 所需。所有年齡組的人都可以因減低鈉的攝取量而受惠。下表列出一個健康的 人每天建議攝取的鈉分量。一茶匙的鹽可以給我們 2300 毫克鈉,實際上已高 於我們每天所需的分量。

健康人士每天建議的攝取量 年齡






9- 50


50 - 70


70 以上


以下是如何減少攝取鹽分的一些建議: 在餐館進餐時,要求減少鹽、味精、蠔油和其他醬油及調味料。 點菜時,要求把醬油放在一旁。 進食有湯底的菜肴時,避免把湯喝掉,或用水把湯稀釋。 吃白米飯而非炒飯或炒麵。 嘗試用下列香料增加菜肴的味道: • 檸檬草、檸檬、薑、蒜 • 芹菜、洋蔥、蔥、水果 • 五香粉、洋芫荽、百里香、八角茴香 • 茴香、月桂葉、薄荷及中國香草


Be Mindful of Salt Recently, sodium intake levels have been gaining more attention. Sodium is a major component of salt, which is a very common ingredient in traditional Chinese cuisine. Research has consistently showed that consuming too much salt is related to high blood pressure and other health problems. Many Chinese condiments such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, black bean sauce, fish sauce and “hoisin” (seafood) sauce are high in sodium. In addition, we may be unaware of some hidden sources of sodium. These include sodium nitrite, sodium benzoate, saccharin and monosodium glutamate (MSG) that are commonly found in pre-packaged food. A diet consistently high in sodium can increase the risks of certain chronic diseases. These include high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, obesity, certain cancers, osteoporosis and kidney stones. Research shows that most Canadians consume more sodium than needed. Individuals in all age groups can benefit from decreasing their sodium intake. The recommended daily intake in a healthy individual is listed in the chart below. One teaspoon of salt can give us 2300mg of sodium, which is already higher than what most of us need everyday.

Recommended Daily Intake for Healthy Individuals Age

Sodium (mg)





9- 50


50 - 70


Over 70


Here are some tips on how to cut down on salt intake: When eating out at a Chinese restaurant, ask for low salt, MSG, oyster sauce, other sauces and condiments. When ordering at a Chinese restaurant, ask for sauce on the side. When eating soup-based dishes, avoid drinking the soup and/or dilute the soup with water. Eat white rice instead of fried rice or fried noodles. Try the following spices to add flavours to your dishes: • Lemongrass, lemon, ginger, garlic • Celery, onion, green onion, fruits • Five spices, parsley, thyme, star anise • Fennel, bay leaves, mint and Chinese herbs 34

閲讀及使用這本食譜 註冊營養師在食譜中的“營養師小語”一欄提供營養分析,並且在每個食譜中 突出某些食物對於糖尿病、腎病、骨質疏鬆、心臟病以及一般健康飲食的具體 效益。您應該經常參考每個食譜所附的營養細目表。 食譜的顔色代表提供食譜的夥伴機構: 加拿大糖尿病協會 耆暉會 心臟及中風基金會 南河谷社區健康中心 加拿大腎臟基金會 頤康中心


Reading and Using the Cookbook Nutritional facts are provided by a Registered Dietitian in the Dietitian’s Corner. For each recipe, the dietitian highlights the specific health benefits of certain foods for individuals with diabetes, kidney disease, osteoporosis, heart disease and healthy eating in general. You should often refer to the nutrition information table accompanying each recipe. The recipes have also been colour-coded to the partnered organizations: Canadian Diabetes Association Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association Heart and Stroke Foundation South Riverdale Community Health Centre The Kidney Foundation of Canada Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care



心臟健康 健康飲食是改善心臟及身體健康的最重要行動之一。


• 把碟子的一半裝滿顔色豐富的多種蔬菜。

• 我們攝取的鹽分其中八成來自加工處理食品或預先烹製食品

• 把四分之一碟子裝滿全穀物,例如紅米和百分之 100 全穀物麵包。 • 魚類、禽類、瘦肉或豆科作物(鷹嘴豆、小扁豆、豆腐) 應該填滿餘下的四分之一碟子。

• 多吃全穀物和蔬果,以攝取更多纖維素——健康飲食的必備成分。

蔬菜和水果——每天 5-10 份

。限制烹調時用鹽或在餐桌上添加鹽,並且少吃鹽分高的罐 頭食品或預先烹製食品。 • 留意食物標籤上鹽的分量,並且在準備食物時使用其他調味 料,例如香草、香料、檸檬汁和蒜,以減少鹽分攝取量。


• 每天吃 5-10 份蔬果,因爲它們有豐富的養分(維生素、礦物

• 在超市選購食物時,尋找包裝上有健康

質和纖維素),能促進心臟健康。每天最少吃一種深綠色和橙 色的蔬果。 • 選擇烹調時用少量或沒有添加脂肪、糖或鹽的蔬果。

檢查(Health Check)標誌的食品。

• 附有健康檢查標誌的食品已獲營養師檢 查,符合《加拿大食品指南》對鈉、纖 維素、脂肪及其他重要養分的要求。


• 《加拿大食品指南》建議每天攝取 30-45 毫升(2-3 湯匙)不 • • • •

飽和脂肪,包括烹調用的食油、沙拉醬、非氫化軟人造黃油及 蛋黃醬。 使用如葵花籽、橄欖或黃豆油等植物油,因它們含較少飽和脂 肪,是健康的脂肪。 除掉肉類看得見的脂肪,避免吃皮。這樣可以減少不健康(飽 和)的脂肪和卡路里。 使用較低脂肪的烹調方法,例如烤、焙和蒸。避免吃煎炸食物 。限制飽和脂肪的攝取量;那大多存在於肥肉和全脂奶類食品 中。 避免攝取轉化脂肪;這類脂肪存在於硬人造黃油、起酥油、快 餐食品以及許多在商店售賣的烘烤食品中。 心臟及中風基金會全部資訊可上網瀏覽



營養師小語 增加攝取水溶性纖維的竅門: 這款八寶粥創新地使用蕃薯作 材料,不但增加天然甜味,還 • 可以提高原來已屬高纖粥的膳 食纖維含量。 水溶性纖維已證實有助身體減 少吸取膽固醇,並能降低人體 • 內的總膽固醇及低脂蛋白密度 膽固醇( 即壞膽固醇 ) 的水平。 含豐富水溶性纖維的食物包括 :燕麥片、燕麥麩、豆類、蘋 • 果、梨子、草莓、瓜類、大麥 和西蘭花等。 • 建議每日吸取5至10克水溶性 纖維。


早餐享用穀類如燕麥片等,選 用高水溶性纖維的水果作為餐 膳之間小食。


材料 (8 杯份量)


蓮子 紅豆 蕃薯(切粒) 乾百合 生花生 蜜棗 圓肉 五穀米 蜂蜜 水

1. 把紅豆用凍水浸過夜或最少4小時。 2. 把蓮子用水浸3小時。 3. 把乾百合用水浸1小時。 4. 五穀米用水輕輕沖洗,然後放入 一大 鍋的熱水中。 5. 把蓮子和紅豆放入鍋中,煮 45分鐘 ,然後放入蜜棗、乾百合、圓肉、花生 和蕃薯。 6. 把火調低,用慢火再煮45分鐘 成粥 。 7. 加入蜂蜜稍為增加甜味。 8. 冷或熱食均可。

2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 1個 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 3 湯匙 (45 毫升) 9 粒 (75 克) 9粒 1 杯 (250 毫升) 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 11 杯 (2.75 升)

本食譜由註冊營養師許楚珊撰寫。心臟及中風基金會 提供。欲了解更多中文健康資訊,請瀏覽心臟及中風 基金會的網站。此食 譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每杯) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

173 卡路里 4克 2克 0克 0 毫克 36 克 3克 7 毫克 230 毫克 83 毫克 21 毫克



• 利用炸粉和栗米片來做

出油炸食物的口感,既 受歡迎,又沒有多餘的 熱量。

可以隨個人喜好以魚柳 或瘦豬肉代替雞肉。


不妨伴以富含抗氧化劑 的色彩豐富沙律,加上 此低脂焗雞,作為美味 有營養的午餐。

不經油炸的香脆有營低脂焗雞 材料 (6 人份量) 麵粉 Panko (日式炸粉) 粟米片 (碾碎) 白脫牛奶 蒜粉 黑胡椒粉 甜椒粉 噴霧罐芥花籽油 去皮雞腿 (大腿及小腿各3件)

製法 ²/³杯 (150毫升) 1杯 (250毫升) ½杯 (125毫升) 1杯 (250毫升) ½茶匙 (2毫升) ½茶匙 (2毫升) ½茶匙 (2毫升) 1茶匙 (5毫升) 6件 (1.5磅)

泰式調味汁材料 青檸汁 魚露 糖 新鮮辣椒 (剁碎) 蒜蓉

3湯匙 2湯匙 3湯匙 2茶匙 1湯匙

(45 毫升) (30 毫升) (45 毫升) (10毫升) (15 毫升)

營養分析 ( 1塊雞加 1湯匙調味汁)

1. 將所有泰式調味汁材料拌勻,待用。 2. 在淺身大焗盤蓋上一張牛油紙。 3. 將焗爐預熱至華氏425度 (攝氏220度)。 4. 用一個淺碗,將乾材料 (麵粉、甜椒粉、 黑胡椒粉和蒜粉) 拌勻。 5. 再用一個淺碗放白脫牛奶。 6. 用第三個淺碗,拌勻炸粉和粟米片。 7. 沖洗雞塊,用紙吸乾水。 8. 將雞醮進白脫牛奶內,塗沾均勻。 9. 將雞塊放入乾材料內,再醮牛奶,然後 醮進粟米粉和炸粉,再略為噴上芥花粉油。 10. 將雞塊擺放焗盤上,切勿重叠,以確保 雞塊受熱均勻,放入焗爐焗40分鐘,或至 雞熟即可。

本食譜由註冊營養師許楚珊撰寫。心臟及中風基金會提 供。欲了解更多中文健康資訊,請瀏覽心臟及中風基金會 的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

208 卡路里 20 克 5克 2克 66 毫克 19 克 1克 625 毫克 250 毫克 38 毫克 47 毫克


營養師小語 • 不飽和脂肪可以幫助降低「低脂蛋白 密度」膽固醇( 即壞膽固醇 )水平。不 飽和脂肪可分為「單元不飽和脂肪」 及「多元不飽和脂肪」。 • 進食以健康方式烹調的魚類,有助減 低患上心血管疾病的風險,因為魚類 含有奧米加-3脂肪酸,這是一種健康 的多元不飽和脂肪。 • 攝取奧米加-3脂肪酸的最佳方法是進 食深海冷水魚類,例如鯖魚、沙甸魚 、鯡魚、彩虹鱒魚和三文魚。此外, 芥花籽油、黃豆油、奧米加-3雞蛋、 亞麻籽、核桃、美洲薄殼胡桃和松子 也含豐富的奧米加-3脂肪酸。

香橙三文魚 富含奧米加 -3 有益心臟的美味三文魚

材料 ( 4 人份量) 三文魚柳 (去皮) 橙皮 (刨絲) 鮮橙 (榨汁) 蜜糖 鹽 胡椒粉 百里香 橄欖油

• 如何在日常飲食中攝取奧米加-3脂 肪?

製法 12安士 (360 克) 1茶匙 (5毫升) 1個 (131 克) 1茶匙 (5毫升) ½茶匙 (2毫升) ½茶匙 (2毫升) 酌量 2茶匙 (10毫升)

1. 徹底洗淨和擦乾鮮橙。 2. 用一個中幼度的磨刨把橙皮刨成 幼絲,直至整個橙只剩下白色的內皮 。橙皮絲可提升三文魚的味道,但白 色的內皮帶有苦味,所以不要用。 3. 將橙切開,榨汁。 4. 把橙汁、蜜糖、胡椒粉、百里香 和橙皮絲混合淋在三文魚柳上,醃

本食譜由註冊營養師許楚珊撰寫。心臟及中風基金會 提供。欲了解更多中文健康資訊,請瀏覽心臟及中風 基金會的網站。此食 譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

15分鐘。 5. 拿起三文魚柳,醃料留作煮芡汁 用。 6. 在三文魚柳塗上橄欖油,然後放 在已經預熱的烤爐上,烤至肉色轉白 便把魚柳反轉,共需烤7至9分鐘, 時間按三文魚柳的厚度而定。 7. 在一小鍋中以大火把剩下的醃料 汁煮成芡汁。 8. 把芡汁淋在三文魚柳上即成。


- 每星期進食最少兩份新鮮或急凍魚類 ,或者含高奧米加-3脂肪酸的罐頭魚 類(每一份=75克或2½安士),並選用 低脂煮食方法,例如:蒸、烤、炒。 - 每日用1至2湯匙亞麻籽粉,灑在食物 上,例如麥片、穀類早餐、粥、湯、 麵類、飯、酸乳酪。 - 好好享受把核桃灑在冷或熱的穀類 食物、酸乳酪、烘烤食物和 餐後甜 品上,例如低糖 中式合桃糊。每日 可進食1至2茶匙不經油 烘、沒加鹽 的硬殼 果仁。

營養分析 (每 3 安士)

熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀

194 卡路里 17 克 12 克 2克 48 毫克 4克 0克 339 毫克 312 毫克

197 毫克

16 毫克


營養師小語 • 枝豆( 或稱日本大豆 )富有口感, 味道獨特,讓您也禁不住想要成 為素食者。枝豆不但含「良好」 食物脂肪,含鹽量也低,會讓您 吃不停口。 • 不妨以枝豆作為零食,這種豆含 有豐富纖維(½杯就有4克纖維), 可在超級市場的冰櫃處找到。枝 豆容易烹調,只要放在水中煮數 分鐘,等冷卻後便可以進食,但 應避免加鹽。


• 大豆含非常高質量的植物蛋白與 動物蛋白質,跟肉類、牛奶和蛋 類非常相似。不同處在豆類產品 含低飽和脂肪,以及高多元不飽 和脂肪,而且沒有膽固醇,可用 來代替差不多任何肉類。


• 豆類產品也是鈣、鎂、鐵和鋅 的最佳來源。

材料 ( 4 杯份量) 去莢枝豆 雪藏粟米粒 特硬豆腐 (切粒) 橙色燈籠椒 (切粒) 蒜苗 (切成約2吋長小段) 葡萄籽油 蒜頭 (刴爛) 海鮮醬 胡椒粉

• 嘗試每星期最少吃2份豆腐(1份 =150克或¾杯)。

製法 ¾杯 (175 毫升) 1 杯 (250 毫升) ¾杯 (175毫升) 1 杯 (250 毫升) 1 杯 (250 毫升) 2 茶匙 (10毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1½茶匙 (7 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升)

本食譜由註冊營養師許楚珊撰寫。心臟及中風基金會提供 。欲了解更多中文健康資訊,請瀏覽心臟及中風基金會的 網站。此食譜所提供的資 料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問題,請與您的醫生 或保健提供者查詢。

1. 把豆腐切成細小的方粒。 2. 洗淨蒜苗,切成約2吋長 的小段。 3. 洗淨橙色燈籠椒後去籽, 切成與豆腐粒大小相若的小 粒。 4. 將油倒入鑊中至熱,炒香 蒜頭約30秒。放入粟米、枝 豆、燈籠椒、蒜苗和豆腐, 炒10分鐘或直至豆腐轉金黃 色。 5. 加入海鮮醬和胡椒粉,繼 續多炒5分鐘。 6. 上碟,伴以糙米食用。

• 用低脂煮食方法烹調豆腐,例 如蒸或炒,又可把豆腐放於海 鮮或蔬菜湯或粥內。 • 避免炸的豆腐產品,例如豆腐 卜(炸豆腐塊)或油炸豆腐的菜 餚,如紅燒豆腐。

營養分析 (每 ¾ 杯)

熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣


143 卡路里 9克 6克 1克 0 毫克 15 克 3克 38 毫克 426 毫克 105 毫克 147 毫克


營養師小語 • 傳統的冷麫菜式採用含 高不飽和脂肪的芝麻醬 汁,如欲減少攝取脂肪 ,不妨一試這款低脂越 南魚露醬汁。這款經改 良醬汁的含鹽量也較傳 統越南魚露醬汁為低。

越式蕎麥冷麫配香烤雞肉 營養均衡的越式新配搭

材料 ( 5 人份量) 蕎麥麫 (乾) 青瓜 (切絲) 紅蘿蔔 (去皮切絲) 生菜 (切絲) 橙色燈籠椒 (切絲) 去骨去皮雞胸肉 (切絲) 橄欖油 胡椒粉 青蔥 (切絲) 無鹽焗花生 (壓碎) 薄荷葉

½杯 (125毫升) ½杯 (125毫升) ½杯 (125毫升) ½杯 (125毫升) 10安士 (300 克) 2 茶匙 (10毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) ¼杯 (50 毫升) ¼杯 (50 毫升) ¼杯 (50 毫升)

越南魚露 魚露 水 糖 新鮮青檸汁 新鮮辣椒 (切碎)

• 也可以用全麥意大利粉 替代蕎麥麫。

Almond Milk with Egg

製法 2 束 (200克)

2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 4 湯匙 (60 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15毫升) 1 湯匙 (15毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升)

本食譜由註冊營養師許楚珊撰寫。心臟及中風基金會提 供。欲了解更多中文健康資訊,請瀏覽心臟及中風基金 會的網站。此食譜所提 供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問題,請與 您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

• 這款夏日小菜可作多樣 變化,既可作頭盤小食 ,也可成為主菜。

1. 把越南魚露的配料拌勻備用。 2. 把蕎麥麫依照包裝指示煮熟 (用沸水將 麫條煮5分鐘,瀝乾水份,用凍水沖洗並 再次瀝乾水份),待用。 3. 把青瓜、紅蘿蔔、生菜、燈籠椒和蔥 洗淨切成幼絲。 4. 薄荷葉只用葉片,用水浸5分鐘,沖洗 兩次,然後切成小片。 5. 把雞胸肉切雙飛 (即把整塊雞胸肉從側 面橫切成相連薄塊,以縮短烹調時間)。 用橄欖油和胡椒粉醃雞胸肉,然後放在烤 爐上以高中溫烤至全熟 (至沒有血水)。 6. 雞胸肉離火,待冷卻後切成幼長條, 待用。 7. 把蕎麥麫放在一大碗中,加上青瓜絲 、紅蘿蔔絲、生菜絲、燈籠椒絲和蔥絲。 8. 把一半的薄荷葉混入,餘下的留待裝 飾用。 9. 淋上越南魚露,加上碎花生,拌勻所 有材料,再放上烤雞肉。 10. 上碟前加上薄荷葉裝飾即成。這小菜 最適合作冷盤。


• 這款小菜可讓您在飲 食中加入多種不同的 蔬菜。素食者可以豆 腐絲替代。

營養分析 (每杯) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

282 卡路里 23 克 6克 1克 35 毫克 37 克 1克 679 毫克 404 毫克 172 毫克 33 毫克


營養師小語 • 這款新的低脂甜點,使用較少的糖 ,並加入蛋白和牛奶,以做出香濃 幼滑的口感。進食這款傳統甜品時 ,可以灑上亞麻籽粉,以增加纖維 素和奧米加-3的含量,加強對心臟 健康的益處。 • 杏仁含豐富的單元不飽和脂肪、蛋 白質、纖維素、鎂、鉀、維生素E 及其他抗氧化物。 • 亞麻籽含豐富源自植物的奧米加-3 。許多研究顯示亞麻籽有助降低人 體內的膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白膽固 醇(即壞膽固醇)、三酸甘油脂和血 壓的水平。此外,也可以預防血小 板凝集,因此可以降低患上心血管 疾病的風險。亞麻籽也含豐富木酚 素(提供纖維素)。

蛋白杏仁茶 令人回味有益心臟健康的香濃甜點

材料 ( 3 人份量) 未經加工的 整粒生杏仁 水 蛋白 亞麻籽粉 1% 低脂牛奶 糖

製法 半杯 (125 毫升) 1 杯 (250 毫升) 3隻 3 茶匙 (15 毫升) 2 杯 (500 毫升) 4 湯匙 (60 毫升)

本食譜由註冊營養師許楚珊撰寫。心臟及中風基金會提 供。欲了解更多中文健康資訊,請瀏覽心臟及中風基金 會的網站。此食譜所提 供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問題,請與 您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

1. 把杏仁放入水中浸泡過夜或 最少4個小時,然後把水倒去。 將杏仁放入沸水煮10秒後倒去 沸水,待杏仁冷卻至室溫,便 可輕易去皮。 2. 把已去皮杏仁和水倒入攪拌 機,磨成糊狀,約需3至4分鐘 。用紗布過濾杏仁渣,令杏仁 糊更幼滑。 3. 雞蛋只取蛋白備用。 4. 將糖和杏仁糊倒入鍋內,用 中高溫煮熱。當快要滾起時, 加入牛奶,然後熄火。 5. 慢慢倒入蛋白並且迅速攪動 以避免結成塊狀。 6. 上桌前在每份杏仁茶灑上1 茶匙亞麻籽粉。 7. 即可享用。

• 牛奶含豐富鈣質和維生素D。飲用 2%或以下的低脂牛奶,更能降低 飽和脂肪的攝取量。 • 以牛奶替代部分的水,可以增加這 甜品的鈣質含量,並帶來更幼滑的 口感和味道。 • 只需在杏仁茶灑上亞麻籽粉,便是 在日常飲食中添加奧米加-3和纖維 素的簡易方法。 •

蛋白不含膽固醇,是飽肚和提供 蛋白質的優質食材。


(1 杯/250毫升) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣


245 卡路里 12 克 10 克 2克 7 毫克 29 克 2克 141 毫克 424 毫克 249 毫克 247 毫克

Key Messages from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario

Heart Health Healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to improve your general health.

Balanced Diet - Change your plate proportion!

• Trim all visible fat from meat and take the skin off poultry and fish can reduce unhealthy (saturated) fats and calories.

• Fill about ½ of the plate with a colourful variety of vegetables.

• Use lower fat cooking methods such as baking, broiling and steaming and avoid fried foods. Limit your intake of saturated fat mostly found in fatty cuts of meat and fullfat dairy products.

• Fill ¼ of the plate with whole grains such as brown rice and 100% whole-wheat bread. • Fish, poultry, lean meat or legumes (chickpeas, lentils, tofu) should make up the remaining one-quarterof the plate.

• Avoid trans fats, which are found in hard margarine, shortening, and many ready made snack foods, baked goods and fried fast foods.

• Increase consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables to increase consumption of fibre; a vital component of a healthy diet.

Sodium • About 80% of the salt we consume comes from processed foods or prepared foods. Limit the use of salt in cooking or added at the table and limit canned or prepared foods that are high in salt.

Vegetables and Fruit - 5-10 a day • Eat 5 to 10 servings every day as they are rich in nutrients (vitamins, minerals and fibre) that are heart healthy.

• Read labels on food packages for sodium content, and use other seasonings such as herbs, spices, lemon juice and garlic during food preparation to reduce salt intake.

• Have at least one dark green and one orange coloured vegetable each day. • Choose vegetables and fruit prepared with little or no added fat, sugar or salt.

Health Check • Look for the Health Check symbol on food packaging in the grocery store.

Fat • Canada's Food Guide recommends 30 to 45 mL (2 to 3 tablespoons) of unsaturated fat each day that includes the oil used for cooking, salad dressings, soft nonhydrogenated margarine and mayonnaise.

• Health Check products are reviewed by dietitians for sodium, fibre, fat, and other important nutrients based on the Eating Well Canada’s Food Guide.

• Use vegetable oils such as canola, olive or soybean as they are healthy fats that are low in saturated fats.

All information is retrieved from the heart and stroke foundation on



Dietitian's Corner Tips: Try to increase intake of soluble fibre • Using non-traditional ingredient of sweet potato in this recipe not only adds natural sweetness, it also increases the fibre content of an already high fibre congee. • Soluble fibre has been proven to help reduce the absorption of cholesterol. It can lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol. • Foods rich in soluble fibre include oatmeal, oat bran, legumes, apples, pears, strawberries, melons, barley and broccoli. • It is recommended to take 5-10 grams of soluble fibre each day. • Include grains such as oatmeal in your breakfast, and snack on fruits with high soluble fibre.

Eight Treasure and Sweet Potato Congee Ingredients

Nutritional information

per serving (1 cup) Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

173 Kcal 4g 2g 0g 0 mg 36 g 3g 7 mg 230 mg 83 mg 21 mg

(makes 8 cups)

Dried lotus seeds

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Dried red beans

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Sweet potato (diced)

1 whole

Dried lily buds

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Raw peanuts

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Dried dates

9 pcs (75 g)

Dried longan

9 pcs

Dried mixed grains

1 cup (250 mL)


2 tbsp (30 mL)


11 cups (2.75 L)

Developed by Sosan Hua, RD. © The Heart and Stroke Foundation. For more information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Soak red beans in cold water overnight or at least 4 hours. 2 Soak lotus seeds in cold water for 3 hours. 3. Soak lily buds for 1 hour. 4. Slightly rinse dried mixed grains with cold water before adding to a large pot of hot water. 5. Add lotus seeds and redbeans to the pot. Cook for 45 minutes before adding dates, lily buds, longans, peanuts and sweet potato. 6. Turn to low heat and allow the congee to simmer for another 45 minutes. 7. Mix in honey to slightly sweeten congee. 8. Serve hot or cold.


Dietitian's Corner • Use of panko and cornflake gives the crunchy texture of deep fried foods that everyone loves without excess calories. • You can easily substitute chicken with fish fillet or lean pork. • Make a colourful salad rich in antioxidants and top with this low fat version oven fried chicken for a healthy lunch.

Nutritional information per serving (1 chicken piece with 1 tbsp dipping sauce) Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

208 Kcal 20 g 5g 2g 66 mg 19 g 1g 625 mg 250 mg 38 mg 47 mg

Japanese Style Fried Chicken A lower-fat crispy chicken recipe without deep frying Ingredients

(makes 6 servings)

All-purpose flour

²/³ cup (150 mL) Panko (Japanese bread crumbs) 1 cup (250 mL) Cornflake cereal (crushed) ½ cup (125 mL) Buttermilk

1 cup (250 mL)

Garlic powder

½ tsp (2 mL)

Black pepper

½ tsp (2 mL)


½ tsp (2 mL)

Canola oil spray

1 tsp (5 mL)

Skinless chicken (3 drumsticks and 3 thighs) 6 pieces (1½ lbs)

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Fish sauce (available in most Asian grocery stores) 2 tbsp (30 mL) Sugar

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Fresh chili (minced) Garlic (minced)

1. Combine all the Thai sauce ingredients, mix well and set aside for dipping. 2. Cover a large baking sheet with parchment paper. 3. Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C). 4. In a shallow bowl, mix the dry ingredients (flour, paprika, black pepper and garlic powder) together. 5. In the second shallow bowl, add buttermilk. 6. In the third shallow bowl, mix panko and cornflake together. 7. Rinse chicken; pat dry. 8. Dip chicken in buttermilk; coat well.

Thai dipping sauce Lime juice


2 tsp (10 mL) 1 tbsp (15 mL)

Developed by Sosan Hua, RD. © The Heart and Stroke Foundation. For more information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


9. Place chicken in the dry ingredient mixture. Dip chicken in buttermilk again, then place chicken in the cornflakes and panko mixture. Lightly spray chicken with non stick spray. 10. Arrange chicken on the baking sheet; make sure you don’t overlap chicken to ensure even cooking. Place in oven for 40 minutes, or until chicken is well done. 11. Serve hot with dipping sauce.


Dietitian's Corner • Unsaturated fat can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. There are two types of unsaturated fat - monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. • Eating fish that is cooked in a healthy manner helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in part because they are a good source of omega-3, a healthy polyunsaturated fat. • The best sources of omega-3 fats are cold-water fish such as mackerel, sardines, herring, rainbow trout and salmon, as well as canola and soybean oils, omega-3 eggs, flaxseed, walnuts, pecans and pine nuts.

Orange Glazed Salmon

• How to increase intake of omega-3 fats in daily diet? - Eat at least 2 servings of fresh or frozen fish, or canned fish rich in omega-3 fats (each serving = 75 g or 2½ oz) each week. Use low fat cooking method, such as steaming, grilling or sautéing. - Sprinkle 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed in your oatmeal, cereal, congee, soup, noodles, rice or yogurt. - Enjoy walnut added cereal food, yogurt, roasted food and dessert, for example, low sugar level walnut pudding. You may take 1-2 teaspoons of unsalted and oil free kernels daily.


Salmon fillet (without skin) 12 oz (360g) Orange zest

1 tsp (5 mL)

Fresh orange (juiced)

1 tsp (5 mL)


½ tsp (2 mL)


½ tsp (2 mL) pinch

Olive oil

(3 oz.)

Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

1 whole (131 g)


Dried thyme

Nutritional information per serving

(makes 4 servings)

2 tsp (10 mL)

Developed by Sosan Hua, RD. © The Heart and Stroke Foundation. For more information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.

194 Kcal 17 g 12 g 2g 48 mg 4g 0g 339 mg 312 mg 197 mg 16 mg


Directions 1. Throughly wash and dry orange before zesting. 2. Use a medium-fine grater, grate the orange until only the white pith remains over the fruit. The orange zest will be used to flavour the salmon. Be careful not to use any white pith as it is bitter in taste. 3. Cut orange in half and squeeze out all the juice. 4. Mix orange juice, honey, salt, pepper and orange zest together, marinate salmon for 15 minutes. 5. Remove salmon from marinade. Save marinade to make the glaze for the salmon later on. 6. Brush salmon with olive oil before placing them on the heated grill. Cook until fish turn opaque and turn the salmon over once during cooking. It will take approximately 7-9 minutes altogether depending on the thickness of the salmon. 7. In a small pot using high heat, reduce the leftover marinade to a glaze. 8. Drizzle the glaze over salmon before serving.


Dietitian's Corner • Edamame adds amazing texture and flavour that you may convert to become a vegetarian. Rich in healthy fats and low in salt, this dish will leave you asking for more. • Snack on edamame which is very rich in fibre (½ cup contains 4 grams of fibre). You can buy frozen edamame at most supermarkets. Edamame is very easy to prepare, just boil in hot water for several minutes and it is ready to serve (avoid adding salt). • Similar to meat, milk and eggs, soybeans contain very high-grade plant and animal protein. But unlike meat, milk and eggs, legume products are low in saturated fats, high in polyunsaturated fats and free of cholesterol. Legume products can be used to replace meat in almost any dish. • Legumes are also very good source or calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. • Try to eat at least two servings of tofu each week (each serving = 150 grams of ¾ cup). • Use low fat cooking methods, such as steaming or sautéing, to prepare tofu. Or cook tofu with seafood or vegetables in soup or congee. • Avoid deep fried tofu products, such as tofu puffs, or any dishes with deep fried tofu, for example, Spicy braised Deep Fried Tofu.

Nutritional information per serving (¾ cup)

Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

143 Kcal 9g 6g 1g 0 mg 15 g 3g 38 mg 426 mg 105 mg 147 mg

Tofu Vegetables Stir Fry A colourful dish rich in proteins and nutrients Ingredients

(makes 4 cups)

Shelled edamame ¾ cup (175 mL) Frozen corn 1 cup (250 mL) Extra firm tofu (cubed) ¾ cup (175 mL) Orange pepper (diced) 1 cup (250 mL) Garlic stems (looks like chives) 1 cup (250 mL) Grape seed oil 2 tsp (10 mL) Garlic (minced) 1 tsp (5 mL) Hoisin sauce 1½ cup (7 mL) Pepper

¼ tsp (1 mL)

Developed by Sosan Hua, RD. © The Heart and Stroke Foundation. For more information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Cut tofu into cubes. 2. Wash and cut garlic stems 2 inches in size. 3. Wash orange pepper and remove seeds. Dice orange pepper in the same size as tofu. 4. In a wok, heat oil and brown garlic for 30 seconds. Add corn, edamame, orange pepper, garlic stems and tofu. Stir fry for 10 minutes or until tofu is golden brown. 5. Add hoisin sauce and pepper. Stir fry for 5 minutes. 6. Serve hot with brown rice.


Dietitian's Corner • Traditional cold noodle dishes use sesame dressing which is high in unsaturated fats. If you want to cut down the fat, try this low fat Vietnamese fish sauce instead. This modified version is also lower in salt than traditional Vietnamese fish sauce. • This is an excellent and versatile summer dish that can be served as an appetizer or entrée. • You can substitute buckwheat noodles (soba) with whole wheat spaghetti. • This dish is an excellent way to add a variety of vegetables to your diet. For vegetarians, try julienne tofu instead.

Nutritional information per serving

(approximately 1 cup) Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

282 Kcal 23 g 6g 1g 35 mg 37 g 1g 679 mg 404 mg 172 mg 33 mg

Vietnamese Cold Soba Noodles with Chicken Breast Ingredients

(makes 5 servings)

Soba noodles (dry) 2 bunches (200 g) Unpeeled cucumber (julienne) ½ cup (125 mL) Peeled carrot (julienne) ½ cup (125 mL) Leafy lettuce (julienne) ½ cup (125 mL) Orange pepper (julienne) ½ cup (125 mL) Boneless, skinless chicken breast 10 oz (300 g) Olive oil 2 tsp (10 mL) Pepper ¼ tsp (1 mL) Green onion (julienne) ¼ cup (50 mL) Roasted unsalted peanut (crushed) ¼ cup (50 mL) Fresh mint leaves ¼ cup (50 mL)

Fish sauce Water Sugar Fresh lime juice Fresh chili (minced)

2 tbsp (30 mL) 4 tbsp (60 mL) 1 tbsp (15 mL) 1 tbsp (15 mL) ¼ tsp (1 mL)

Developed by Sosan Hua, RD. © The Heart and Stroke Foundation. For more information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Mix all the fish sauce ingredients together and set aside. Prepare soba noodle according to package direction (put noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes, quickly drain and rinse with cold water and drain again). Set aside. Wash and prepare cucumber, carrot, leafy lettuce, orange pepper and green onion. Julienne all the vegetables. Only use the leaves of the mint. Soak in water for 5 minutes and rinse twice before cutting it into small pieces. Butterfly the chicken (slice the whole chicken breast in half to allow quick cooking time), marinate with olive oil and pepper. Put chicken on the grill and cook on medium high heat until fully cooked (juice should run clear). Remove chicken from the grill, cool and then cut into thin long strips. Set aside. To assemble the noodle dish, in a large bowl, add soba noodles first and then top with julienne cucumber, carrots, orange pepper, leafy lettuce and green onion.

8. Mix in half of the mint leaves. Save some for garnish later. Pour in the fish sauce. Add crushed peanuts, mix well with all the ingredients and serve with chicken. 10. Before serving, garnish with mint leaves. This dish is best served cold. 9.


Dietitian's Corner • This new low fat version uses less sugar while egg white and milk are added to create a rich and creamy texture without compromising on the taste. To further increase heart healthy benefits of this traditional dessert, you can sprinkle ground flaxseed for the extra touch of fibre and omega-3 fats. • Almonds are rich in monounsaturatedfat, high in protein, fibre, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E and other antioxidants. • Flaxseed is rich in plant derived omega-3. Many studies have shown that flax seed may help reduce cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It may also prevent platelets aggregation and therefore, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Flaxseed is also rich in lignan (providesfibre).

Almond Milk with Egg White

• Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D. Choosing lower fat milk (2% or lower) will further help reduce saturated fat intake.


• Replace some water with milk will increase the calcium content of this dessert while creating a creamier texture and taste. • Simply sprinkle flaxseed on the almond milk is an easy way to add omega-3 fats and fibre to your diet. • Egg white is free of cholesterol and is a great source of protein to satisfy your hunger.

Enjoy a heart healthy creamy dessert

Raw whole plain almonds ½ cup (125 Water 1 cup (250 Egg whites Ground flaxseed 3 tsp (15 1% milk 2 cups (500 Sugar 4 tbsp (60

Directions 1.

mL) mL) 3 mL) mL) mL)

Developed by Sosan Hua, RD. © The Heart and Stroke Foundation. For more information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.

Soak almonds overnight or at least 4 hours and drain. To peel skin off, quickly blanch almond in boiling water for 10 seconds and let it cool to room temperature before peeling. The skin should come right off.

2. Add peeled almonds and water to blender and blend until smooth for about 3-4 minutes. Filter almond grit using cheese cloths to ensure a smooth texture. 3. Crack whole egg but use egg white only, beat egg white and set aside. 4. Add sugar and smooth almond concentrate into a pot and heat over medium high heat. As the almond milk comes to a boil, add 1% milk and turn off heat.

Nutritional information per serving (1 cup/250 mL) Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

(makes 3 servings)

245 Kcal 12 g 10 g 2g 7 mg 29 g 2g 141 mg 424 mg 249 mg 247 mg

5. Slowly pour in egg white and stir quickly to avoid forming lumps. 6. Stir in 1 tsp of ground flaxseed to each serving 7. Serve immediately.



健康的血糖水平 糖尿病是一種長期疾病,令您的身體改變了使用和儲存碳水化合物的方式。在一天裏平均 地攝取碳水化合物,有助控制您的血糖水平。選擇健康飲食,減少不健康的脂肪,對於預 防及控制糖尿病十分重要。

碳水化合物 • 大多存在於麵包、意大利麵、馬鈴薯、牛奶、酸奶、豆類、小扁豆、水果、糖分高的食物和富澱粉 • • • • •

質的蔬菜(例如南瓜和豌豆)裏。 在您的主餐進食 30-50 克碳水化合物;小吃則攝取 15-20 克碳水化合物。 選擇高纖維素的碳水化合物,例如全穀物,有助控制血糖。 建議每天攝取 25-50 克纖維素。 纖維素的來源包括全穀物、水果、蔬菜和豆科作物。 尋找標明“無添加糖分”(no added sugar) 的食物標籤,以控制糖尿病。

脂肪 • • • • •

轉化脂肪和飽和脂肪令您血液裏的膽固醇增加。 飽和脂肪主要存在於動物產品中,例如肉類和奶類食品,也存在於椰子和棕櫚油裏。 轉化脂肪存在於硬人造黃油及部分預先包裝食物裏,例如曲奇及炸薯片。 健康的脂肪是來自植物的不飽和脂肪,在室溫是液體,例如橄欖油、葵花籽油、果仁和油梨(牛油果)。 奥米加-3脂肪酸是健康的脂肪,通常存在於鮭魚(三文魚)、吞拿魚、亞麻籽和雞蛋裏。

更多健康飲食提示 • • • • • • • •

吃什麽都應適可而止;您仍然可以偶然吃糖果。 每天在大概相同的時間吃同一分量的食物,使血糖水平得以穩定。 正餐和小吃不要省略,因爲那可能會影響您的血糖水平。 經常攝取足夠的水分。 應吃較小分量和較少份高脂肪和高蛋白質的食物。 選擇能減低脂肪攝取量的烹煮方式,例如蒸、煮、燉、煨及帶汁液的烘焙。 使用食品包裝上的營養細目表,留意卡路里、碳水化合物和其他養分的攝取量。 烹飪時經常使用健康的替代品。



營養師小語 • 通常來說,魚是替代紅肉的極佳 低脂食物。魚含有豐富蛋白質, 也含有鐵質、維他命 B12、硒和鋅 。脂肪豐富的魚類還含有奧米加 -3( 包括多元不飽和脂肪酸EPA和 DHA)和維生素D。


• 可用雞胸肉替代魚柳來做這款漢 堡。 • 想減低鹽量,可在醃魚時減少用 鹽。


• 欲一步減少攝取脂肪,可刪去或 減少低脂蛋黃醬和意大利水牛乳 酪的用量。

材料(18 份漢堡)


龍脷魚柳 (新鮮或解冰的 冰凍魚柳) 1½ 磅 (680克) ¼ 茶匙 (1亳升) 鹽 ¼ 杯 (60亳升) 麵包糠 蒜粉 ½ 茶匙 (2亳升) 無鹽檸檬 胡椒調味料 1湯匙 (15升) 大雞蛋 1隻 (50克) 梅子蕃茄 (切片) 3個 (180克) 生菜葉 (切絲) 4片 (40克) 低脂蛋黃醬 3湯匙 (45亳升) 不加工的低脂意大利 水牛乳酪 6片 (120克) 小型法式麵包 6 個 (230克) 芥花籽油 ½ 茶匙 (2亳升)

1. 預熱焗爐至華氏425度。 2. 沖洗魚柳後用紙巾抹乾,在兩面 灑上鹽,備用。 3. 在一個淺碟中,混合蒜粉,麵包 糠和無鹽檸檬胡椒調味料,備用。 4. 把焗盤鋪上錫紙和塗上芥花籽油 。 5. 把雞蛋打成蛋液,倒進淺盤中。 將魚柳塗上蛋液,再沾上已調味的麵 包糠,放在焗盤上。 6. 將魚柳焗大約20-25分鐘至魚肉全 熟。 7. 把每條魚柳平均切成3份。 8. 把麵包切開 (如喜歡熱食,可先行 焗熱),塗上蛋黃醬然後鋪上魚柳、 意大利乳酪、蕃茄和生菜製成漢堡。 9. 將漢堡切成3份,放在碟上。每一 份用牙籤固定。即可享用!

由加拿大糖尿病協會提供。食譜由南河谷社區健康中 心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨及社區工作員黃翠珊負責撰 寫。營養師小語由註冊營養師許楚珊提供。欲知更多 糖尿病資料,請瀏覽加拿大糖尿病協會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專 業醫療意見。如有任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提 供者查詢。


• 避免採用加工乳酪,特別是脫脂 乳酪,因為它們含有極高的鈉( 鹽)。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

110 卡路里 11 克 3克 1克 30 毫克 8克 1克 240 毫克 190 毫克 91 毫克 84 毫克


營養師小語 • 蕃薯是世界上其中一種最有營養 的蔬菜。它含有豐富的抗氧化劑 ,維他命A和C、纖維、鉀和低 脂肪含量。蕃薯的肉身顏色有白 色、黃色和橙色。而它的皮有白 色、黃色、橙色、紅色或紫色。


• 雖然蕃薯的味道很甜,它的升糖 指數卻較低。患糖尿病的人士可 享用適量蕃薯而不會造成血糖大 幅上升。 • 切碎的無花果或杏脯可替代葡萄 乾。 • 這食譜比一般的含較高碳水化合 物。祗適用於特別聚會。如用代 糖或無加糖楓葉糖漿,可減低碳 水化合物份量。


材料(6 人份量)


蕃薯 (去皮,切方塊) 1磅 (500克) ¾ 茶匙 (4毫升) 薑茸 ¼ 杯 (50毫升) 無加糖楓葉糖漿 ¾ 茶匙 (4毫升) 玉桂粉 人造牛油 ( 溶化 ) 2湯匙 (30毫升) ¼ 杯 (50毫升) 葡萄乾 核桃( 切碎) 2湯匙 (30毫升) 蘋果 (去皮,切方塊) ¾ 杯 (175毫升)

1. 用微波爐或蒸的方式將蕃薯稍煮 些微不熟。瀝乾水份,放在預先噴 上蔬菜油的烤盤上。 2. 將薑茸、楓葉糖漿、玉桂粉、人 造牛油、葡萄乾、核桃碎和蘋果放 在一個小碗中拌勻。然後倒在蕃薯 上,不用蓋,以350度華氏(或180 度攝氏)烤20分鐘或直至鬆軟。

此食譜取自 Katherine E. Younker 編輯的《加拿大糖 尿病食譜大全》。由加拿大糖尿病協會提供。營養師 小語由註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷 社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文 編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多糖 尿病資料,請瀏覽加拿大糖尿病協會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。「健 食養生」食譜是安省六大公益機構首創的合作計劃 ,致力推廣新一代的健康飲食文化,加強公眾對健 康飲食能夠預防及控制長期病患的意識。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣


170 卡路里 2克 6克 1克 0 毫克 30 克 6克 4克 80 毫克 260 毫克 40 毫克 29 毫克


營養師小語 • 這款在西方傳統中被視為能安 撫心靈的食物,營養非常豐富 ,包括維生素A和C、維生素B 雜、鐵、磷、鎂和鋅。


• 這傳統風味牛肉食譜可當作一 個主餐,因為每份含有足夠碳 水化合物和蛋白質。祗需加一 碟蒸菜或配合您口味的沙律, 便是一頓可口的晚餐。


材料(6 人份量)


多用途麵粉 ¼ 杯 (50 毫升) 胡椒粉 ½ 茶匙 (2 毫升) 菜油 約 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 牛腰肉 (切成 1½吋或 4 厘米方塊)

1½ 磅 (750 克)

洋蔥 (中型,切粒) 2個 蒜頭 (切碎) 3粒 乾百里香 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 乾馬鬱蘭 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 月桂葉 1片 紅酒 (或以牛肉湯替代) 1 杯 (250 毫升)

番茄膏 3 湯匙 (45 毫升) 低鹽牛肉湯 約 3 杯 (750 毫升) 紅蘿蔔 5條 西芹 2莖 馬鈴薯 (約5個) 1½ 磅 (750 克) 四季豆 12 安士 (375 克) 新鮮洋芫茜 (切碎) ¼ 杯 (50 毫升) 此食譜取自 Katherine E. Younker 編輯的《加拿大糖尿 病食譜大全》。由加拿大糖尿病協會提供。營養師小語 由註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷社區健康 中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心 社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多糖尿病資料,請瀏覽 加拿大糖尿病協會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何 問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

1. 將麵粉,鹽 (隨意) 和胡椒粉放進 厚身保鮮袋拌勻。將牛肉分批放入保 鮮袋內沾上麵粉,然後放在碟上待用 。剩下的麵粉待用。 2. 將一半的油放進鑊,以中高溫火 加熱,分批將牛肉煮熟至金黃色。然 後放在碟上待用。 3. 將爐轉到中低溫火。將洋蔥、蒜 頭、乾百里香、乾馬鬱蘭、月桂葉和 剩下的麵粉加入鑊中;一面攪拌一面 煮4分鐘至軟熟。加入紅酒和番茄膏 ,繼續一面攪拌一面煮。加入牛肉及 肉汁,然後倒入牛肉湯。 4. 一面攪拌一面煮直到開始變稠。 把火轉小,蓋上鍋蓋,用中低溫火繼 續煮 1小時,不時攪拌。 5. 將紅蘿蔔去皮和直切成兩半。再 將紅蘿蔔和西芹切段,約1½吋 (4厘 米)。將馬鈴薯去皮,每個切成4份。 把所有蔬菜放入鑊,用溫火煮30分鐘 。 6. 把四季豆兩端剪去和切成2吋 (5厘 米)長,放入鑊內拌勻,如有需要, 可添加牛肉湯至淹蓋蔬菜。用溫火煮 30分鐘或至蔬菜軟熟。拿走月桂葉, 洒上洋芫茜,以鹽和胡椒粉調味。


• 在烹調前將牛腰肉上的脂肪盡 量去除可減少飽和脂肪。 • 如果您以普通牛肉湯取代低鹽 牛肉湯,每份食物的含鹽量是 854毫克。 • 本食譜所含的鉀頗高,對於 要限制膳食中鉀的攝取量的 人士來說,並不適宜進食。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

300 卡路里 23 克 9克 2.5 克 40 毫克 28 克 5克 5克 210 毫克 1069 毫克 62 毫克 151 毫克


營養師小語 • 紅色和綠色燈籠椒和芒 果都含有豐富的抗氧化 劑,包括維生素A、C和 胡蘿蔔素。這些抗氧化 劑可減少神經和血管的 損害( 常見於糖尿病和心 血管疾病 )。


• 糖尿病患者不必完全避 免進食澱粉質如大米、 米粉或麵食來控制血糖 。重要的是注意碳水化 合物攝取量。


材料(6 人份量)


米粉或細麵條 8安士 (250克) 芒果 (切成小方塊) 1 ¾ 杯 (425毫克) 甜紅椒 (切成小方塊) ¾ 杯 (175毫克) 青椒 (切成小方塊) ½ 杯 (125毫克) 紅洋蔥 (切成小方塊) ½ 杯 (125毫克) 橄欖油 3湯匙 (45毫克) 檸檬汁 3湯匙 (45毫克) 蒜頭 2茶匙 (10毫克) ½ 杯 (125毫克) 香菜 (即芫茜)

1. 依照麵條包裝的指示,用水將麵條 煮熟,直至麵身爽口。用凍水冲洗, 瀝乾水份,待用。 2. 將芒果、甜紅椒、青椒、紅洋蔥、 橄欖油、檸檬汁、蒜頭、香菜 (即芫茜 ) 攪拌成莎薩醬。拌入麵條即成。可在 室溫進食。

此食譜取自 Katherine E. Younker 編輯的《加拿大糖尿病 食譜大全》。由加拿大糖尿病協會提供。營養師小語由 註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷社區健康中 心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社 區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多糖尿病資料,請瀏覽加 拿大糖尿病協會的網站。

小竅門 • 使用熟而甜的芒果會增加濃郁 的香味 (及較甜);未熟的芒果會 帶酸味。 • 可預早準備好莎薩醬存放於冰箱 ,這可使它增加香味。加入麵條 便可進食。

此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何 問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

270 卡路里 7克 1克 0 毫克 45 克 9克 3克 6 毫克 277 毫克 22 毫克 20 毫克


營養師小語 • 可把這食譜分成數份較小的餐 量,然後放進冰箱。進食時用 微波爐加熱即可。 • 除用全麥意粉外,也可選用米粉 ,意大利粉、蕎麥麵等替代。 • 加入多一些蔬菜和全麥麵食, 可令傳統的炒米粉增加纖維素 含量。


• 欲減少此食譜的碳水化合物, 並同時增加更多的維生素和礦 物質,可增加燈籠椒的份量和 加入芽菜。


材料(6 人份量)


豬肉 (柳梅) 1 磅 (454 毫克) 菜油 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 大蒜 (只要白色和淺綠色部分, 切絲) 1束 蒜頭 (剁爛) 2 大粒 紅色燈籠椒 (切絲) 1個 黃色燈籠椒 (切絲) 1個 綠色燈籠椒 (切絲) 1個 雞湯 ¾ 杯 (175 毫升) 咖哩粉 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 蠔油 ¼ 杯 (50 毫升) 粟粉 2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 全麥意大利粉 12 安士 (375 克) 新鮮芫茜或洋芫茜 (切碎)

1. 豬肉切條,約2吋乘¼吋 (5厘米乘 5毫米)。把油放入鑊或易潔鑊,以高 溫火加熱。將豬肉煎至金黃色,上碟 待用。將大蒜、蒜茸、各色燈籠椒、 雞湯和咖哩粉倒入鑊內,加蓋煮2分鐘 。加入蠔油,兜勻。 2. 把粟粉加上1 湯匙水 (15毫升) 拌勻 ,連同豬肉放入鑊,待醬汁煮滾。兜 炒1至2分鐘或至豬肉全熟。 3. 將全麥意粉放進大煲用水煮至軟熟 。瀝乾後,將意粉放回大煲,再加入 所有配菜和芫茜,把芡汁兜勻。

• 不同顏色的燈籠椒含有豐富的 維生素C、A、K和B6,以及鉀 、錳和膳食纖維。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

¼ 杯 (50 毫升)

此食譜取自 Katherine E. Younker 編輯的《加拿大糖尿病食 譜大全》。由加拿大糖尿病協會提供。營養師小語由註冊 營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷社區健康中心之註 冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社區工作員 黃翠珊負責。欲知更多糖尿病資料,請瀏覽加拿大糖尿病 協會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


380 卡路里 29 克 7克 2克 55 毫克 55 克 3克 6克 140 毫克 579 毫克 53 毫克 361 毫克


營養師小語 • 鄉村軟酪可改用8安士(250 克 )包裝低脂奶油乳酪 (cream cheese) 來代替。 • 焗好後的迷你乳酪蛋榚可以 配上各式草莓及水果片作裝 飾,再塗上2茶匙無加糖的 杏脯果醬增添光澤。 • 選用優質的純香草精,能為 低脂奶類製品所製成的甜點 增添可口美味。


• 糖尿病患者可採用控制份量 的方式來進食低脂甜點,這 也是健康飲食的選擇。


材料(10 人份量)


低脂鄉村軟酪 1杯 (250毫升) 低脂茅屋乳酪 1杯 (250毫升) 1 3 杯 (75毫升) 砂糖 雞蛋 (中型) 1隻 低脂酸奶油 ¼ 杯 (50毫升) 粟粉 ½ 茶匙 (2毫升) 香草精 (即雲呢拿油) 1 8 茶匙 (0.5毫升) 水果蓉 (隨意)

1. 預熱焗爐至華氏350度 (攝氏180度 )。將10個鬆餅紙杯放進鬆餅焗盤內。 2. 用攪拌機將鄉村軟酪、茅屋乳酪及 砂糖打至軟滑。混入雞蛋、酸奶油、 粟粉和香草精打勻。 3. 將打好的材料平均分放在鬆餅紙杯 內。 將鬆餅焗盤放進一個較大的焗盤 ,大焗盤內倒入熱水至一半滿。 烘烤 30至35分鐘,或直至把竹籤插入蛋糕 再拔出時不沾黏。將紙杯蛋糕從大焗 盤取出,放在架上冷卻後即可食用。 4. 如喜歡,可以用水果蓉伴食。

此食譜取自 Katherine E. Younker 編輯的《加拿大糖尿 病食譜大全》。由加拿大糖尿病協會提供。營養師小語 由註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷社區健 康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該 中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多糖尿病資料, 請瀏覽加拿大糖尿病協會的網站。

• 雖然這款乳酪蛋榚的飽和脂 肪和糖是較一般乳酪蛋糕為 低,但仍要控制進食份量, 這是很重要的。如果要多吃 一件,便要額外作三十分鐘 的步行運動。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


100 卡路里 7克 3.5 克 2克 30 毫克 9克 7克 0克 135 毫克 73 毫克 95 毫克 97 毫克

Key Messages from the Canadian Diabetes Association

Healthy Blood Sugar Diabetes is a chronic disease that changes the way you use and store carbohydrates. Balancing your carbohydrates throughout the day may help control your blood sugar. Eating a healthy diet low in unhealthy fats is a very important part of preventing and managing diabetes.

Carbohydrates • • • • • •

Mostly found in bread, pasta, potatoes, milk, yogurt, beans, lentils, fruits, sugary foods and starchy vegetables (e.g. squash and peas). Have 30-50 g of carbohydrates in your main meals and 15-20 g of carbohydrates in your snacks. Choose carbohydrates high in fibre such as whole grains to help control blood sugar. It is recommended to have 25-50 g of fibre daily. Sources of fibre include whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Look for labels that say “no added sugar” to manage diabetes.

Fats • • • • • • •

Trans fats and saturated fats raise your blood cholesterol. Saturated fats are mainly found in animal-based products, for example, meat and dairy products, but are also found in coconut and palm oil. Trans fats are found in hard margarine and some packaged foods, for example, cookies and chips. Healthy fats are unsaturated fats that come from plants and are liquid at room temperature, for example, olive oil, canola oil, nuts and avocado. Omega-3 fatty acids are also healthy fats, usually found in salmon, tuna, flaxseeds and eggs.

More Healthy Eating Tips • • • • • • • • •

Eat everything in moderation; you can still have sweets occasionally. Eat the same amount of food around the same time every day to stabilize blood sugar levels. Don’t skip meals or snacks as it may affect your blood sugar levels. Always stay hydrated. Eat smaller portions and fewer servings of foods high in fat and protein. Choose cooking methods such as steaming, poaching, braising, boiling, stewing and roasting with liquids to reduce fat intake. Choose vegetable-based proteins more often than animal-based proteins. Use Nutrition Facts tables on food products to keep track of calories, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Always find a healthy alternative or substitute when cooking.



Dietitian's Corner • Fish in general is an excellent low fat alternative to red meats. It is rich in protein and is a source of iron, vitamin B 12, selenium and zinc. Oily fish are packed with omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA) and is a good source of vitamin D. • You can substitute fish fillet with chicken breast in this recipe. • To further reduce sodium content, cut down on table salt when marinating fish fillet. • To further reduce fat content, omit or use smaller amount of low fat mayonnaise and/or low fat cheese. • Avoid processed cheese especially fat-free cheese as it is high in sodium.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

110 Kcal 11 g 3g 1g 30 mg 8g 1g 240 mg 190 mg 91 mg 84 mg

Bite-sized Fillet of Fish Sandwich An appetizer with healthy fats Ingredients

(makes 18 servings)

Sole fillets (fresh or frozen and defrosted) 1½ lb (680 g) Salt

¼ tsp (1 mL)

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425°F. 2. Rinse and pat dry the fish fillets. Sprinkle salt on both sides of the fish and set aside.

Bread crumbs

¼ cup (60 mL)

Garlic powder

½ tsp (2 mL)

3. In a flat plate, mix garlic powder, bread crumbs and lemon pepper. Set aside.

1 tbsp (15 mL)

4. Line a baking pan/dish with aluminum foil. Spread canola oil on the foil.

No salt added lemon pepper seasoning Large egg

1 (50 g)

Plum tomatoes (cut into slices)

3 (180 g)

Lettuce leaves (cut into shreds)

4 (40 g)

5. Beat the egg and pour into a flat dish. Coat the fish fillets with egg and then the seasoned bread crumb mixture and place on the baking sheet.

3 tbsp (45 mL)

6. Bake for 20–25 minutes at 425°F until the meat flakes easily.

Non-processed low fat mozzarella cheese 6 slices (120 g)

7. Remove from oven and separate each fillet into thirds.

Small French rolls

8. Slice open the French rolls (warm them up in the oven if preferred), spread with mayonnaise, place a piece of fish and top with a slice of cheese, lettuce and tomatoes to make a sandwich.

Low fat mayonnaise

6 (230 g)

Canola Oil

½ tsp (2 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Developed by Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


9. Cut the French roll into thirds and place on a serving tray. You may hold the sandwich in place with a toothpick. Ready to serve!


Dietitian's Corner • Sweet potato is one of world’s most nutritious vegetables. It is rich in antioxidants (vitamin A, C), high in fiber, potassium and low in fat. Their flesh ranging from white and yellow to orange in color and the skin ranges from white, yellow, orange, red or purple. • Although sweet potato tastes very sweet, it is actually low in glycemic index. People living with diabetes can enjoy moderate amount of sweet potato without causing a sharp rise in blood glucose. • You can use chopped dates or dried apricots to substitute for raisins. • This recipe should be reserved for special occasions as it is relatively high in carbohydrates for an everyday meal. Sugar substitutes or no sugar added maple syrup can be used to reduce the amount of carbohydrates.

Sweet Potato, Apple and Raisin Casserole A fragrant and sweet holiday dish Ingredients

(makes 6 servings)

Sweet potatoes (peeled and cubed) Ground ginger

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

No sugar added maple syrup

¼ cup (50 mL)

Ground cinnamon Margarine (melted)

170 Kcal 2g 6g 1g 0 mg 30 g 6g 4g 80 mg 260 mg 40 mg 29 mg

1 lb (500 g) ¾ tsp (4 mL)

¾ tsp (4 mL) 2 tbsp (30 mL)


¼ cup (50 mL)

Walnuts (chopped)

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Sweet apples (peeled and cubed)

¾ cup (175 mL)

Adapted with permission from the Publisher of Complete Canadian Diabetes Cookbook, edited by Katherine E. Younker, 2005. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions. Healthy Eating for Life initiative is the first of its kind, rolled out by six partner organizations in Ontario. The ultimate goal is to promote healthy eating in a fun and culturally relevant manner as a way to help prevent and better manage chronic diseases.


Directions 1. Steam or microwave sweet potatoes just until slightly underdone. Drain and place in baking dish sprayed with nonstick vegetable spray. 2. In a small bowl, combine ginger, maple syrup, cinnamon, margarine, raisins, walnuts and apples; mix well. Pour over sweet potatoes and bake at 350°F (180°C), uncovered, for 20 minutes or until tender.


Dietitian's Corner • Red and green peppers and mangoes are rich in antioxidants including vitamin A and C and beta carotene. These antioxidants work together to reduce damages to nerve and blood vessels as seen in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. • People with diabetes don’t need to completely avoid starch such as rice, vermicelli or pasta in order to control their blood glucose. It is more important to exercise portion control when it comes to carbohydrate intake.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

270 Kcal 7g 1g 0 mg 45 g 9g 3g 6 mg 277 mg 22 mg 20 mg

Mango Salsa over Vermicelli A taste of summer salad Ingredients


Vermicelli or other fine-strand noodle/pasta 8 oz (250 g)

1. Cook pasta/noodle in boiling water according to package instructions or until desired tenderness is reached. Rinse with cold water. Drain and set aside.

(makes 6 servings as an appetizer)

Mangoes (diced)

1¾ cups (425 mL)

Sweet red pepper (diced) ¾ cup (175 mL) Red onion (diced)

½ cup (125 mL)

Sweet green pepper (diced) ½ cup (125 mL) Olive oil

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Lemon juice

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Crushed garlic

2 tsp (10 mL)

Coriander or parsley (chopped) ½ cup (125 mL) Adapted with permission from the Publisher of Complete Canadian Diabetes Cookbook, edited by Katherine E. Younker, 2005. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


2. In bowl of food processor, combine mangoes, red peppers, onions, green peppers, oil, lemon juice, garlic and coriander. Blend ingredients until a salsa like consistency is reached. Pour the salsa over the pasta. Serve at room temperature.

Tips Use a ripe mango for a more intense and sweet flavour; unripe mangoes will give a more sour flavour. Prepare salsa earlier in the day and refrigerate to allow the flavours to mix and intensify. Pour over pasta and it’s ready to eat.


Dietitian's Corner • This comfort food is an excellent source of nutrients including vitamins A and C, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. • This stew can be served as a meal since it contains adequate amounts of carbohydrate and protein per serving. All you need to add is a side dish of steamed vegetables or your favourite salad, and dinner is ready. • To reduce saturated fat, make sure you trim all the visible fats from the stewing beef. • If you use regular beef stock instead of reduced sodium beef stock, the sodium content in this recipe is 854 mg/serving. • This recipe is high in potassium, and is not suitable for those who need to restrict potassium in their diet.

Old-Fashioned Beef Stew Ingredients All purpose flour

¼ cup (50 mL)

Pepper Vegetable oil

½ tsp (2 mL) Approx. 2 tbsp (30 mL)

Stewing beef (cut into 1½ inch or 4 cm cubes) 1½ lb (750 g) Onions (medium, chopped) Garlic (finely chopped)

2 3 cloves

Dried thyme

1 tsp (5 mL)

Dried marjoram

1 tsp (5 mL)

Bay leaf

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

300 Kcal 23 g 9g 2.5 g 40 mg 28 g 5g 5g 210 mg 1069 mg 62 mg 151 mg


(makes 8 servings)


Red wine (or additional beef stock)

1 cup (250 mL)

Tomato paste

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Low sodium beef stock Approx. 3 cups (750 mL) Carrots


Stalks celery


Potatoes (about 5)

1½ lb (750 g)

Green beans

12 oz (375 g)

Fresh parsley (chopped)

¼ cup (50 mL)

Adapted with permission from the Publisher of Complete Canadian Diabetes Cookbook, edited by Katherine E. Younker, 2005. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


1. Combine flour, salt (optional) and pepper in a heavy plastic bag. In batches, add beef to flour mixture and toss to coat. Transfer to a plate. Reserve remaining flour mixture. 2. In a deep wok, heat half the oil over medium-high heat; cook beef in batches until browned all over. Transfer to a plate. 3. Reduce heat to medium-low. Add onions, garlic, thyme, marjoram, bay leaf and remaining flour to the wok; cook and stir for 4 minutes or until softened. Add wine and tomato paste while continuing to cook and stir. Return beef and any accumulated juices to the wok and pour in beef stock. 4. Continue to cook and stir until mixture is slightly thickened. Reduce heat, cover and simmer over medium-low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. 5. Meanwhile, peel carrots and halve lengthwise. Cut carrots and celery into 1 ½-inch (4 cm) chunks. Peel potatoes and quarter. Add all vegetables to the wok. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. 6. Trim ends of beans and cut into 2-inch (5 cm) lengths. Stir into stew mixture, adding more stock if necessary, until vegetables are just covered. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes more or until vegetables are tender. Remove the bay leaf and sprinkle in parsley. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.


Dietitian's Corner • This recipe can be parceled into smaller portions that can be frozen for individual meals – just reheat in the microwave. • Whole wheat pasta is used here, but any type of pasta, such as vermicelli, spaghetti or buckwheat noodles can be used as substitutes. • Use of more vegetables and whole wheat pasta add fiber to a traditional dish made with vermicelli. • To further reduce the amount of carbohydrate of this dish while adding more vitamins and minerals, you may opt to increase sweet pepper portion and add bean sprouts. • Sweet peppers in different colours are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese and dietary fibre.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

380 Kcal 29 g 7g 2g 55 mg 55 g 3g 6g 140 mg 579 mg 53 mg 361 mg

Speedy Singapore Noodles with Pork and Peppers A simple recipe with a bit of a kick Ingredients


(makes 6 servings)

Pork tenderloin

1 lb (454 g)

Vegetable oil

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Leek (white and light green part only, cut into thin strips) Garlic (large cloves, minced)


2 cloves

Red bell pepper (cut into thin strips)


Yellow bell pepper (cut into thin strips)


Green bell pepper (cut into thin strips)


Chicken stock

¾ cup (175 mL)

Curry powder

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Oyster sauce

¼ cup (50 mL)


2 tsp (10 mL)

Whole wheat spaghetti 12 oz (375 g) Chopped fresh coriander or parsley ¼ cup (50 mL)

1. Cut pork into thin 2-inch by ¼-inch (5 cm by 5 mm) strips. In a wok or large nonstick skillet, heat oil over high heat. Brown meat on all sides; remove to a plate and set aside. Add leek, garlic, pepper strips, chicken stock and curry powder to skillet; cover and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in oyster sauce. 2. In a small dish, dissolve cornstarch in 1 tbsp (15 mL) water; add to skillet along with pork. Bring sauce to boil; cook, stirring, for 1 to 2 minutes or until pork is heated through. 3. Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water until tender but firm. Drain well. Return to pot; stir in meat mixture and coriander. Toss to coat well in sauce. Adapted with permission from the Publisher of Complete Canadian Diabetes Cookbook, edited by Katherine E. Younker, 2005. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



Dietitian's Corner • Substitute one 8-oz (250 g) package of light cream cheese for the ricotta cheese. • Decorate cheesecakes with berries and sliced fresh fruit; glaze with 2 tbsp (30 mL) no-sugar-added apricot spread. • Make sure you buy a high quality pure vanilla extract, which will add amazing flavour to any dessert that uses low fat dairy products. • Portion control of low fat desserts can be a part of the healthy food choices for people living with diabetes. • Although this dessert is relatively lower in saturated fats and sugar than regular cheesecake, it is always important to practice portion control. If you do decide to go for second, make sure you take an extra 30 minute walk.

Individual Miniature Cheesecakes A bite sized treat to satisfy your sweet tooth Ingredients

Low-fat ricotta cheese Low-fat cottage cheese Granulated sugar

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

1 cup (250 mL) 1 cup (250 mL) 13

cup (75 mL)

Egg (medium)


Light sour cream

¼ cup (50 mL)

Cornstarch 100 Kcal 7g 3.5 mg 2g 30 mg 9g 7g 0g 135 mg 73 mg 95 mg 97 mg


(makes 10 servings)

½ tsp (2 mL)

Vanilla extract


tsp (0.5 mL)

Fruit puree (optional) Adapted with permission from the Publisher of Complete Canadian Diabetes Cookbook, edited by Katherine E. Younker, 2005. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie ChungHui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


1. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line the muffin tin with 10 muffin paper cups. 2. In a food processor, combine ricotta cheese, cottage cheese and sugar; purée until smooth. Beat in the egg. Blend in sour cream, cornstarch and vanilla until well mixed. 3. Divide batter among the muffin cups. Set muffin tin in a larger pan; pour in enough hot water to come half way up sides. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until tester inserted in centre comes out clean. Remove from water bath; cool on wire rack. Chill. 4. Serve with fruit purée, if desired.


家庭健康 由於生活繁忙,我們往往忙著做其他事情,放棄了與家人一同進餐的時間。家庭 成員愈來愈少一同進餐,漸漸失去了維繫關係的寶貴時間和傳統。 • • •

在幼年時學習的飲食習慣可以成爲終身習慣,對一個人的健康有極大影響。 家裏的成年人與孩子一同進餐時,可以把健康飲食付諸行動,以身作則。 一同進餐讓家人保持聯繫,也令進餐時間更加愉快。

盡量利用家庭時間 • •

讓孩子幫忙預備膳食。詢問他們喜歡和不喜歡吃什麽。如果他們幫忙預備飯餐,便較有可能 吃那些食物。 進餐時避免分散注意力,關上電視、電腦、電子遊戲和手機。

膳食計劃幫助家人吃得健康 • • •

預先計劃未來一個星期做什麽菜,可以確保您和家人有健康和均衡的飲食。 使用《加拿大食品指南》,找出應吃什麽食物和分量,達致健康、均衡的飲食。 參考本書中“何謂健康飲食”部分所提供的膳食計劃資料。

確保家人安全 • •

大多數食物中毒事件發生在我們自己的家裏;因此,認識和實行安全處理食物的方法十分重要。 剩菜殘羹應在烹煮後 4 小時之内放進冰箱裏,在次日吃掉。 - 如果您不清楚食物在冰箱裏放了多久,最好還是把它丟棄。

不要在廚房的櫃台上解凍肉類(細菌在攝氏 4-60 度生長得很快)。 採用以下方式解凍肉類: - 提早一天在冰箱裏解凍,或 - 用流動的冷水解凍,或 - 在微波爐裏解凍,或 - 烹煮時解凍。

• • • •

處理生肉的刀和砧板應與其他食物分開。 在切蔬菜和切熟肉之間應該清洗刀和砧板。 處理生肉之後用肥皂洗手。 經常清洗或更換抹碗碟的毛巾。



營養師小語 • 哈密瓜在六月至八月是最甜和 芬香。加入這材料可增加湯水 的天然甜味。


• 哈密瓜含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素, 對眼晴健康十分重要。如要增 加這食譜的胡蘿蔔素,可以用 少許油一起煮哈密瓜。


材料(8 人份量) 急凍響螺頭 瘦肉 哈密瓜 (即皺皮瓜) 紅蘿蔔 蜜棗 薑 水

製法 1 磅 (450 克)

10.5 安士 (300 克) 10.5 安士 (300 克) 10.5 安士 (300 克) 2 粒 (約 40 克) 1片 10 杯 (2.5 公升)

1. 解凍急凍響螺頭,放入滾水內飛水 ,拿出,用餐刀刮去污物,並拿去腸 藏及沖洗乾淨。 2. 洗淨瘦肉,飛水。 3. 哈密瓜及紅蘿蔔去皮切成方塊。 4. 煲滾清水10杯,加入響螺頭、瘦肉 、哈密瓜、紅蘿蔔、蜜棗、薑,煲滾 後以中火煲2小時便可飲用。

此食譜由耆暉會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由 南 河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供, 中 英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知 更 多活動及服務資料,請瀏覽耆暉會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀

180 卡路里 27 克 3克 1克 70 毫克 10 克 5克 1克 140 毫克 397 毫克

249 毫克

77 毫克


營養師小語 • 雜豆和燕麥片含有豐富的 水溶性纖維。令飽肚感維 持較長時間,有助控制食 量和體重。


• 罐頭雜豆雖然方便,但含 有頗多的鹽份,所以要用 冷水沖洗才使用。


材料(2 人份量) 罐頭雜豆 玉米粒 燕麥片 清水 鹽、胡椒粉 素煙肉

製法 ½ 杯 (120 克)

3 湯匙 (45 毫升) ½ 杯 (125 毫升) 2½ 杯 (675 毫升) 少許 (隨意) 2 茶匙 (10 毫升)

此食譜由耆暉會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由 南河 谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供, 中英文 編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知 更多活動 及服務資料,請瀏覽耆暉會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

1. 先用凍水沖洗罐頭雜豆5分鐘 ,備用。 2. 先將清水煮滾,放入雜豆, 素煙肉及玉米粒煲滾。 3. 再加入燕麥片。 4. 煲滾後較慢火。 5. 煮1分鐘便可食用,期間要攪 拌。 6. 加入少許鹽和胡椒粉便可享 用。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣


150 卡路里 7克 2克 0克 0 毫克 28 克 1克 5克 160 毫克 75 毫克 92 毫克 64 毫克


營養師小語 • 水果含有豐富的纖維和維生 素。烹調時可採用新鮮、罐 頭或冷藏水果。 • 常用作烹調的水果包括蘋果 、鳳梨、桃和果莓等。


• 烹調水果時,最好把水果切 成相同大小,以便均勻烹調 。而且,應避免烹調時間過 長和用過多水份來烹調水果 ,以免水溶性維他命流失, 例如維他命B雜和維生素C。


材料(4 人份量)


去頭大蝦 ½磅 (226克) 蘋果 (切粒) ¾個 西芹 (切粒) 2莖 紅色燈籠椒 (細型,切粒) ½個 菜油 2 湯匙 (30毫升)

1. 蝦去殼和腸, 用醃料醃約半小 時。 2. 調味料放入小碗中,拌勻待用。 3. 用易潔鑊燒熱1湯匙油,將蝦放 入,炒至呈粉紅色,上碟待用。 4. 燒熱1湯匙油,兜炒西芹片刻, 加入蘋果和燈籠椒,快炒至將熟, 將蝦和調味料放入,兜炒至調味芡 汁變稠即可。

醃料 低鹽醬油 粟粉 白胡椒粉

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 少許

調味料 低鹽醬油 糖 粟粉 凍水

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 2 湯匙 (30毫升)

此食譜由耆暉會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河 谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文 編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多活動 及服務資料,請瀏覽耆暉會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

210 卡路里 23 克 9克 4克 170 毫克 8克 4克 1克 220 毫克 293 毫克 243 毫克 65 毫克


營養師小語 • 豬肉是屬於優質的膳食蛋白 質,對身體組織生長(特別 是兒童),收補和保持組織健 康,幫助免疫系統功能和傷 口的痊癒。 • 豬肉含有維生素B雜。維生素 B雜能幫助身體製造紅血球, 保持神經系統健康和可能改 善情緒。 • 你可以嘗試用豬扒肉(腰部) 來代替排骨,這樣可再減低這 食譜的脂肪和卡路里。


• 根據加拿大飲食指南,健康人 士每天需要1–3份的肉類和肉 類代替品(如瘦肉類、豆類、 豆腐、雞蛋,果仁和種子)。 1份已煮熟的瘦肉= 2.5安士( 75克);1份已煮熟的豆類 = ¾杯(175毫升); 1份果仁 和種子= ¼杯(60毫升)。


材料(4 人份量) 瘦排骨

製法 2 磅 (約 900 克)

糖醋料 酒 萍果醋 低鹽醬油 糖 薑茸 白胡椒粉 清水

2 湯匙 (30 毫升) ¼ 杯 (60 毫升) 4 茶匙 (20 毫升) 6 湯匙 (90 毫升) 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) ½茶匙 (2 毫升) ½杯 (125 毫升)

1. 把排骨洗淨,除去部份脂肪, 然後切條。 2. 用中火,把排骨放入滾水內煮 大約5分鐘,然後用冷水沖洗,備 用。 3. 將所有糖醋料放入鍋內混和並 煮滾。 4. 將排骨放入鍋內,用慢火炆約 半小時至排骨熟和剩下小量汁,即 成。

此食譜由耆暉會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由 南 河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供, 中 英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。 欲知更 多活動及服務資料,請瀏覽耆暉會的網站。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


210 卡路里 22 克 9克 3克 75 毫克 8克 7克 0克 182 毫克 400 毫克 200 毫克 28 毫克


營養師小語 • 牛肉含豐富的鋅。我們的身 體需要鋅來保持正常生長, 發展性功能,保持營養素運 作,幫助免疫系統功能和傷 口的痊癒。 • 嗜大量酒、營養不良的人士 、素食者和年長人士會有較 高風險的鋅缺乏症狀。鋅缺 乏的症狀包括有貧血、生長 延遲、較高風險受到感染和 減慢傷口的痊癒。 • 蒜頭不但可以增加食物的味 道,也可以對心臟健康有好 處和減低患癌症的風險。


• 烹調蒜蓉前,最好先將已準 備好的蒜蓉放在碗中約 10–15分鐘,這樣可讓蒜蓉 揮發更多對健康有好處的營 養素。


材料(6 人份量) 牛仔骨,切小件 生粉

2 磅 (約900克) 5 湯匙 (75毫升)

醃料 低鹽醬油 五香粉 糖 蒜蓉 生粉 麻油 古月粉

8 茶匙 (40毫升) ½茶匙 (2 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 2 茶匙 (10毫升) 2 茶匙 (10毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) ½茶匙 (2 毫升)

製法 1. 牛仔骨沖洗乾淨,用醃料醃約 半小時。 2. 將每件牛仔骨沾上少許生粉*。 3. 放入已預熱400度華氏焗爐內焗 約20分鐘或焗至金黃色。 * 將另一較易的方法是將牛仔骨放入已 裝了生粉的膠袋內,輕輕略搖以致生粉 沾滿牛仔骨。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

此食譜由耆暉會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由 南 河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供, 中 英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。 欲知更 多活動及服務資料,請瀏覽耆暉會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


180 卡路里 15 克 9克 3.5 克 35 毫克 9克 1克 0克 240 毫克 156 毫克 92 毫克 15 毫克


營養師小語 • 這食譜有助培養親子感情, 小孩可幫助將龍眼切粒和把 材料攪拌。 • 桂花糕製成後,小孩也可以用 有趣的曲奇餅模將糕點切成不 同形狀。 • 除了龍眼肉之外也可選用其他 水果。 • 龍眼大約在五月中至八月豐 收,可把新鮮龍眼洗淨,去 皮和核,然後放在冰櫃留待 日後使用。


• 杞子含高鉀,所以不適合含 高鉀的腎病人士。 • 中醫常用杞子來治療疾病, 但是現在沒有足夠科學根據 來證明。


材料(8 人份量)


桂花糖 ¾杯 (175 毫升) 桂花 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 杞子 1½ 湯匙 (20 克) 新鮮龍眼肉* (去皮和核)

1. 龍眼切粒備用。 2. 用冷水沖洗杞子。 3. 將桂花糖、桂花、杞子及3杯清 水用中火同煮5分鐘,拌勻。 4. 將以上桂花糖水趁熱沖入魚膠粉 中,拌勻至魚膠粉全部溶解。 5. 加入龍眼肉粒,再加入2杯冷開 水,拌勻。 6. 全部材料倒入淺平糕盤中,放入 雪櫃。約30分鐘後將開始變稠的桂 花糕液略為攪拌,使桂花平均分佈 。放回雪櫃。 7. 冷藏至完全凝固後,即可取出切 件食用。

大約 1 杯 (235 克)

魚膠粉 熱清水 冷開水

56 克 3 杯 (750 毫升) 2 杯 (500 毫升)

* 可用罐頭龍眼代替,需要隔走糖漿,然 後用冷水沖洗多次。 此食譜由耆暉會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由 南 河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供, 中 英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。 欲知更 多活動及服務資料,請瀏覽耆暉會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

• 杞子含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素和 玉黃素,是保護眼部健康的 重要元素。 • 現在不清楚杞子對孕婦和餵 哺母乳婦人是否安全,進食 前請先諮詢您的醫生。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣


70 卡路里 6克 0克 0克 0 毫克 12 克 6克 1克 15 毫克 98 毫克 16 毫克 9 毫克

Key Messages from

Family Health With our busy lifestyle, we often give up family meals to make time for other things. However, families are losing valuable bonding time and traditions as they continue to have less time to share meals together. • Eating habits learned at a young age can become lifelong habits contributing to the health of an individual. • Adults in the family can act as role models by putting healthy eating into action when eating together with their children. • Sharing meals helps families stay connected and makes mealtimes more enjoyable.

Make the most out of your family time! • Let your kids help with meal preparation. Ask them what they like and dislike. If they help cook the meal, they are more likely to eat it. • Keep distractions away during mealtimes such as TV, computer, videogames and cell phones. Meal planning helps the family eat healthy! • Plan ahead what to cook for the week to ensure you and your family have a healthy and balanced diet. • Use Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide to find out what types of food and how much to eat for a healthy and balanced diet. Keep your family safe! • Most food poisoning occurs in the comfort of our own home; thus, it is very important to understand and practice safe food handling. • Leftovers should be refrigerated within 4 hours after cooking and be eaten by the next day. - If you have doubts about how long the food has been in the fridge, it is probably best to discard it. • Do not defrost your meat items on the kitchen counter (bacteria grow very quickly between 4-60°C). Instead, - Defrost in the refrigerator a day ahead, OR - Defrost by using running cold water, OR - Defrost in the microwave, OR - Defrost as part of the cooking process. • Always use a separate knife and cutting board for raw meat. • Wash your knife and cutting board in between cutting vegetables and cooked meat products. • Wash your hands with soap after handling raw meat. • Wash or replace your dish towels frequently.



Dietitian's Corner •

Cantaloupes have a sweet and fragrant flavour, especially from June-August. Adding this ingredient to the soup can enhance the soup’s natural sweetness.

Cantaloupes are rich in beta carotene, a vitamin important for your eye health. To maximize the beta carotene in this recipe, cook the cantaloupe with a little oil.

Conch Soup Delight A sweet and delicious soup Ingredients

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

180 Kcal 27 g 3g 1g 70 mg 10 g 5g 1g 140 mg 397 mg 249 mg 77 mg

(makes 8 servings)

Frozen conch

1 lb (450 g)

Lean pork

10.5 oz (300 g)


10.5 oz (300 g)

Red carrots

10.5 oz (300 g)

Dried dates

2 (40 g)

Slice of ginger

1 slice


10 cups (2.5 L)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian, and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Defrost the frozen conch, boil in boiling water, then rinse with cold water. Remove dirt and innards with a knife. 2. Wash and boil lean pork, then rinse with cold water. 3. Peel and cut the cantaloupe and carrot into pieces. 4. Bring 10 cups of water to a boil. Add the conch, lean pork, cantaloupe, red carrot, dried dates and ginger. Boil again. 5. Simmer in medium heat for 2 hours.


Dietitian's Corner • Beans and oats are great sources of soluble fibre. They make us feel fuller for a longer period of time and help control your hunger and weight. • Canned beans are convenient; however, they contain a lot of salt, so rinse them well in cold running water before using.

Savory Oatmeal Porridge Nutrition for the whole family Ingredients

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

150 Kcal 7g 2g 0g 0 mg 28 g 1g 5g 160 mg 75 mg 92 mg 64 mg

(makes 2 servings)

Canned mixed beans

½ cup (120 g)

Corn kernels

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Oats Water

½ cup (125 mL) 2½ cup (675 mL)

Salt, pepper (optional) Vegetarian bacon

dash 2 tsp (10 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian, and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Rinse the canned beans with cold running water for 5 minutes. 2. Boil the water and stir in canned beans, vegetarian bacon and corn. 3. Return the pot to a boil and stir in the oats. 4. Return to a boil, and then reduce the heat and simmer. 5. Cook uncovered for 1 minute, stirring occasionally. 6. Add a dash of salt and black pepper to taste. Ready to serve.


Dietitian's Corner •

Fruits are rich in fibre and vitamins. Fruits that are fresh, canned or even frozen can be used in cooking.

Fruits that are commonly used for cooking include apples, pineapples, peaches and berries.

For even cooking, cut fruits into same size. Avoid cooking fruit for too long and avoid using too much liquid, otherwise some water soluble vitamins such as B complex and vitamin C will be lost.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

210 Kcal 23 g 9g 4g 170 mg 8g 4g 1g 220 mg 293 mg 243 mg 65 mg

Stir Fry Shrimp With Apple A sweet and savoury pairing Ingredients


(makes 4 servings)

Headless shrimp with shells

½ lb (227 g)

Apple (diced)


Celery (diced)

2 stalks

Sweet red pepper (small, diced)


1. Remove shells and devein shrimp. Marinade the shrimp using the marinade ingredients listed above for half an hour.

2 tbsp (30 mL)

2. Combine sauce ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well and set aside.

Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

3. Heat about 1 tablespoon of oil in a non-stick wok. Stir fry shrimp until the shrimp turns pink in colour, remove from the wok.

Vegetable oil


White pepper


Sauce Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Cold water

2 tbsp (30 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian, and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


4. Heat about 1 tablespoon of oil in a non-stick wok. Stir fry celery briefly, and then add the diced apple and red pepper, stirring until almost cooked through. Add in the shrimp and the sauce mixture and stir constantly until the sauce thickens. Ready to serve.


Dietitian's Corner • Pork is a high quality dietary protein which is important for body tissue growth (especially for children), repair and maintenance, immune system function and wound healing. • Pork also contains B vitamins complex which help our bodies to make red blood cells, keep our nervous system healthy and may improve mood. • You can use pork loin chop to substitute pork ribs in order to further decrease the fat and calorie content in this dish. • According to Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide, a normal healthy individual needs 1–3 servings of meat and alternatives (lean meat, legumes, tofu, eggs, nuts and seeds everyday.) 1 serving of cooked lean meat = 2.5 oz (75 g); 1 serving of cooked legumes = ¾ cup (175 mL); 1 serving of nuts and seeds = ¼ cup (60 mL).

Glazed Sweet and Sour Spareribs Flavour sensation in your mouth! Ingredients

(makes 4 servings)

Lean pork ribs

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

210 Kcal 22 g 9g 3g 75 mg 8g 7g 0g 182 mg 400 mg 220 mg 28 mg

2 lb (900 g)

Sweet and Sour Sauce Chinese vooking wine

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Apple cider vinegar

¼ cup (60 mL)

Low sodium soy sauce

4 tsp (20 mL)


6 tbsp (90 mL)

Minced ginger root

2 tbsp (30 mL)

White pepper

½ tsp (2 mL)


½ cup (125 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian, and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Wash the ribs, then trim off the fat and cut into long strips. 2. On medium heat, blanch the ribs in hot water for aproximately 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Set aside. 3. In a wok or sauce pan, add in all sweet and sour sauce ingredients, stir and heat until boiling. 4. Add the ribs into the sweet and sour sauce and cook on low heat for half an hour until the ribs are cooked thoroughly and the sauce has been reduced. Ready to serve.


Dietitian's Corner • Beef contains a rich source of zinc which is necessary for a normal body growth, sexual development, maintain proper use of nutrients, proper immune system functioning and healing of wounds. • Alcoholics, malnourished individuals, vegetarians and the elderly tend to have a higher risk of zinc deficiency. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include anemia, delayed growth, higher risk of infection and poor wound healing. • Garlic does not only enhance food flavor, it is also beneficial to heart health, and may decrease cancer risks. • Leave finely chopped or minced garlic stand for 10–15 minutes prior to cooking. This way will allow more of the beneficial nutrients in garlic to be released.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

180 Kcal 15 g 9g 3.5 g 35 mg 9g 1g 0g 240 mg 156 mg 92 mg 15 mg

Five Spice Beef Short Ribs Ingredients

(makes 6 servings)

Beef short ribs (in small sections)

2 lb (900 g)


5 tbsp (75 mL)

Marinade Low sodium soy sauce

8 tsp (40 mL)

Five spices powder

½ tsp (2 mL)


Directions 1. Wash the beef short ribs, and marinate for half an hour using the marinade ingredients. 2. Coat short ribs lightly with corn starch.* 3. Bake in a preheated oven at 400˚ F for 20 minutes or until cooked and golden brown.

1 tsp (5 mL)

Minced fresh garlic

2 tsp (10 mL)


2 tsp (10 mL)

Sesame oil

1 tsp (5 mL)

White pepper

½ tsp (2 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian, and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


* An easy way to coat the beef short ribs is to put them in a plastic bag with corn starch and shake gently.


Dietitian's Corner • This is a child-friendly recipe. You can involve your child in cutting the longan, and mixing the ingredients. • Your child can use their favorite cookie cutters to cut the osmanthus jello into different shapes. • Besides using longan, you can add other fruits as well. • Longan is in season between midMay and August; you can wash the longan, remove skin and seeds, then freeze for future use. • Goji berries have a high potassium level, so it’s not suitable for kidney patients who have high potassium levels. • Goji berries have been commonly used in Chinese medicine for treating diseases; however, there is no sufficient scientific evidence about their effectiveness. • Goji berries are rich sources of beta carotene and zeaxanthin, which are important nutrients for eye health. • It’s not clear whether goji is safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, talk to your doctor first before taking it.

Osmanthus Jello with Longan A fragrant snack/dessert Ingredients Osmanthus sugar

¾ cup (175 ml)

Dried osmanthus

1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Dried goji berries

1½ tablespoon (20 g)

Fresh longan* (remove skin and seeds) Approx 1 cup (235 g) Gelatin powder

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

70 Kcal 6g 0g 0g 0 mg 12 g 6g 1g 15 mg 98 mg 16 mg 9 mg


(makes 8 servings)

56 g

Hot water

3 cups (750 ml)

Ice cold water

2 cups (500 ml)

*Fresh longan can be substituted with canned longan; before using, remove the syrup and rinse with cold water several times. This recipe is provided courtesy of Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian, and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


1. Cut the longan into small pieces. Set aside. 2. Wash the dried goji berries with cold water. 3. On medium heat, boil osmanthus sugar, dried osmanthus and dried goji berries in 3 cups of hot water for 5 minutes. Stir well. 4. Pour osmanthus mixture into gelatin powder, and keep stirring until all the gelatin powder is dissolved. 5. Add in the longan pieces, then add 2 cups of ice cold water. Stir well. 6. Pour longan jelly mixture into a square pan and refrigerate. Approximately 30 minutes later, take it out from the refrigerator, stir and make sure the osmanthus flowers are spread evenly. Return to the refrigerator. 7. Keep longan mixture refrigerated until fully set. Cut into pieces. Ready to serve.


腎臟健康 腎臟病人根據病情、年齡及病歷有不同的飲食需要;因此,跟隨註冊營養師的飲食建 議十分重要。您可能需要多留意某些養分,例如蛋白質、鈉、鉀、磷和流質。 蛋白質 • • •

蛋白質是體力的重要來源,用以維持體重和肌肉,幫助身體對抗傳染病。 含豐富蛋白質的食物包括肉類、魚類、禽類、雞蛋、豆腐和牛奶。肉類較瘦的部分比 較健康,因爲它們含有較少飽和脂肪。 麵包、穀類早餐食品、其他澱粉質和穀類食物、蔬菜和水果等含有小量蛋白質。

鈉 • • • • •

鈉可以影響您的血壓,使身體承受的壓力增加。 加工處理肉類例如熏肉、香腸和午餐肉含高鈉。快餐和罐頭食品一般也是高鈉食品。 閲讀營養細目表有助選擇低鈉食品。 嘗試使用香草和香料、醋和檸檬代替鹽,加強食物的味道。 到餐館進餐時,要求減少食物中的鹽分,並且把醬汁放在一旁。

鉀 • 一般存在於蔬果、肉類和奶類食品裏。 • 高鉀食物包括馬鈴薯、南瓜、香蕉、橙、番茄、乾豌豆和豆類。 磷 • 磷是一種礦物質,有助保持骨骼健康、強壯。 • 磷存在於多種健康食物裏。 • 在營養細目表上沒有規定必須列出磷的分量。磷也可以作爲防腐劑,加添在食品裏, 可能稱爲磷酸或磷酸鈉。 • 加工處理肉類和飲料,例如可樂和啤酒,都含有磷酸鹽。 流質 • 流質包括所有在室溫是液體的飲料,例如水、湯、果汁、冰淇淋、冰棍、冰和果凍。



營養師小語 • 腎病患者需要控制鹽(納 )的攝入量和避免進食含 高鈉的食物。高納飲食可 導致高血壓、臉腫、手腳 腫脹、呼吸短促及加重腎 的負荷。 • 建議腎病患者每天攝納量 應少於2300至2500毫克 (大約相等於1茶匙)。 • 很多點心含鹽量較高。這 款自製點心含有較少的鹽 份、中量的鉀和磷成份, 對腎病患者較為適合。

香茜雙菇燒賣 美味和低鹽的點心

材料(可做約 24件) 芫茜 冬菇 瘦免治豬肉 金菇 上海雲吞皮 紅蘿蔔(刨絲) 紹菜


2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 2隻 225 克 (約半磅) 50 克 22-24 克 ¼ 杯 (60 毫升) 75 克

調味料 糖 低鹽醬油 粟粉 麻油 黑胡椒粉 五香粉

• 本食譜的材料及調味料中 ,採用麻油、芫茜、五香 粉等來加添味道,無需再 添加太多鹽份。

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升)

1. 冬菇放入熱水中浸10分鐘。 2. 將芫茜、冬菇、金菇和紹菜切碎 。 3. 把調味料與豬肉拌勻。 4. 然後加入切碎的芫茜、冬菇、金 菇和紹菜,拌勻成餡料。 5. 放半湯匙的餡料在雲吞皮中央。 6. 將雲吞皮四邊向上收攏,將餡面 壓平,讓頂部露出。 7. 放上少許紅蘿蔔絲作為裝飾。 8. 蒸盤上先掃上油以防黏底,排上 燒賣。 9. 蒸15分鐘即成。

少許 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《 腎病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿 大腎臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社 區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由 該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料 ,請瀏覽加拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


• 在食用燒賣時,可沾些大 紅浙醋添加味道。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

210卡路里 10克 9克 3克 25毫克 22克 1克 1克 200毫克 217毫克 84毫克 17毫克


營養師小語 • 蛋白質是一種最大的營養素 ,對我們身體功能是十分重 要,而洗腎病人很容易流失 這營養素。雞蛋能簡單快捷 地提供完全蛋白質,以補充 身體所需。


• 腎病病人不宜攝取過高鹽份 ,因為會增加腎臟的負擔, 在烹調時可用一些香料來增 加食物的味道,並同時減低 鹽的攝取量。


材料(8人份量) 雞蛋

製法 8隻

調味料* 花椒 八角 低鹽醬油 水 紅茶葉

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1粒 3 湯匙 (45 毫升) 2 杯 (500 毫升)

1. 將調味料放入煲內煮滾。 2. 雞蛋用水烚熟取起,輕敲裂蛋殼 (但不可脫落)。將蛋放入調味汁中 用慢火煮約45分鐘。 3. 若要更入味,可將雞蛋繼續浸在 調味汁中。放入雪櫃,浸過夜。食 時去殼。

2 湯匙 (30 毫升)

* 調味汁用後應貯藏在雪櫃內。每次使用 時可加 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 低鹽醬油。

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎 病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎 臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健 康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中 心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請 瀏覽加拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何 問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀

90 卡路里 8克 5克 1.5 克 185 毫克 2克 0克 1克 240 毫克 187 毫克

83 毫克

60 毫克


營養師小語 • 遵照醫生的指引,身體含高 磷的腎病人士,可能需要在 餐前服用阻止磷質被腸吸收 的藥物。 • 高蛋白質食物(如牛肉、豬 肉、火雞、雞肉、魚、海鮮 、蛋白、牛奶、乳酪、酸乳 酪等)通常含高磷和其他營 養素,請與營養師商討進食 份量。


• 含低磷的食物包括:白麵 包、白米、米粉、上海麵 、通心粉、烏冬、雪葩、米 漿、果汁、非可樂汽水和爆 米花等。




瘦免治豬肉 4 安士 (125 克) 半硬豆腐 (切成半吋方粒)

1. 免治豬肉用醃料醃15分鐘。 2. 拌勻汁料待用。 3. 燒熱油,爆香蒜茸和辣椒,加入 豬肉,兜炒至熟,放入豆腐,輕輕 兜炒至熱,用汁料埋獻,洒上蔥花 ,即成。

1 件 (12 安士或 350 克)

蒜頭 (切碎) 2粒 新鮮紅辣椒* (去籽切碎) 1隻 蔥 (切粒) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 菜油 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) * 辣椒可隨個人的喜好而增減。

醃料 菜油 低鹽醬油 廚用酒 麻油 糖

1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《 腎病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿 大腎臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社 區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由 該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料 ,請瀏覽加拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何 問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) ½茶匙 (2 毫升)

汁料 低鹽醬油 麻油 水 生粉

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 3 湯匙 (45 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升)


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

150 卡路里 10 克 12 克 2克 10 毫克 4克 1克 1克 60 毫克 174 毫克 116 毫克 304 毫克


營養師小語 • 如果腎臟不能正常運作, 磷質會積聚在身體內,磷 質太高會造成骨骼問題和 皮膚痕癢。 • 腎病患者可能需要控制膳 食中的磷質。 • 高磷食物包括:內臟、 蝦米 、 花生醬、 豆類和乾豆、 糙米、 全麥麵包和餅乾、 麥麩麥片、牛奶、乳酪、酸 乳酪、 雪糕、豆奶、 朱古 力、果仁和種子、 發粉、意 大利薄餅、大量骨類和肉 類煮的濃湯、 阿華田®、好 立克® 和可樂等。

雙椒炒雞丁 豐富抗氧化劑小炒

材料(4人份量) 去骨雞肉 (切粒)) 蒜頭 (切片) 青燈籠椒 (切粒)) 紅燈籠椒 (切粒) 水 菜油

製法 ½磅 (250 克) 2粒 ½隻 ½隻

2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 2 湯匙 (30 毫升)

醃料 雞蛋白 低鹽醬油 生粉

½隻 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

汁料 低鹽醬油 廚用酒 浙醋 糖 麻油 生粉 水

1. 用醃料把雞肉醃約半小時。 2. 將調味料放入碗中,拌勻待用。 3. 燒熱1湯匙油,爆炒雞肉至半熟, 盛起待用。 4. 燒熱1湯匙油,爆香蒜片,加入青 、紅椒兜炒,放下2湯匙水,再炒片 刻 (約1分鐘)。將雞放入青紅椒內, 加入調味料,兜炒至獻汁變稠即成。

2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎 病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎 臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健康 中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社 區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加 拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 2 湯匙 (30 毫升)


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

210 卡路里 12 克 15 克 3克 40 毫克 5克 2克 1克 160 毫克 82 毫克 14 毫克 7 毫克


營養師小語 • 這是一個含有中等份量鉀 的傳統假日食譜。 • 因為腎臟功能衰退和在洗 血液過程中流失血,對於 腎病病人,貧血是很普遍 。大多數貧血病人需要在 醫務人員指導和監察下來 補充鐵質,葉酸和/或維他 命B12。


• 小紅莓含低鉀,但含豐富 維他命C。當維他命C與鐵 質一同攝取時,有助鐵質 吸收。





1. 火雞洗淨去肥,然後用紙巾將火雞 抹乾。 2. 把蒜頭、迷迭香、橄欖油、第戎芥 末、檸檬汁、蜜糖、黑胡椒粉和鹽放 在碗中拌勻,然後均勻地搽在火雞胸 肉上。 3. 將火雞胸肉放在烤盤上並蓋上鍚紙 。 4. 烤爐預熱至350˚F(180˚C),將 火雞胸肉放入烤爐烤25分鐘。 5. 將鍚紙取走,繼續烤30至40分鐘 或用肉類溫度計量度雞內部(最厚部 份)在165˚F(74˚C) 即可。 6. 可和紅莓醬一同享用。

2 磅 (大約 900 克)

乾迷迭香* 〈切碎〉

2 茶匙 (10 毫升)

蒜頭〈切碎〉 蜜糖 法國第戎市芥末 檸檬汁 橄欖油 鹽 黑胡椒粉

2粒 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) ¼ 茶匙 (1 毫升) 茶匙 (2 毫升)

* 可以用新鮮切碎迷迭香(2 升)代替。

30 亳

自製紅莓醬材料 (可做約 1 杯)

新鮮或冷凍小紅莓 2 杯 (500 毫升) 蜜糖 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 小紅莓汁 ¼ 杯 (50 亳升) 橙皮〈磨碎〉 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 肉桂粉 1 茶匙 (5 亳升) 水 ½杯 (125 亳升) 粟粉 2 茶匙 (10 亳升)

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎 病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎 臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健康 中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社 區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加 拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

200 卡路里 28 克 2.5 克 0.5 克 70 毫克 14 克 11 克 1克 140 毫克 345 毫克 236 毫克 21 毫克


營養師小語 • 我們身體需要攝取足夠卡 路里來提供能量和保持正 常身體的運作。我們的能 量主要是來自碳水化合物 ,脂肪和蛋白質。有些腎 病病人,需要限制蛋白質 的攝取,因此他們的主要 能量是依靠碳水化合物和 脂肪,蛋白質則為少量。


• 對於有腎病的小童,不足 夠的卡路里攝取而引致生 長遲延和營養不良是很常 見的。


• 這菜譜是適合需要額外卡 路里而沒有高血糖的腎病 病人。



片糖 1片 1 /³ 杯 (75毫升) 或黃糖 * 或白糖 ¼ 杯 (50毫升) 1 /³ 杯 (75毫升) 高碳水粉‡ (隨意) 滾水 ½ 杯 (125毫升) 凍水 ½ 杯 (125毫升) 粘米粉 ¾ 杯 (175毫升)

1. 用滾水煮溶片糖(和高碳水粉) 2. 粘米粉放大碗中,加入凍水拌勻。 3. 將糖水逐少加入粉漿中,攪勻。 4. 倒入3個小碗中用大火隔水蒸25分 鐘。冷熱食均可。

* 用片糖或黃糖的砵仔糕是金黃色,白糖 是白色的砵仔糕。 ‡ 高碳水粉:Polycose®和Caloreen®是 沒有甜味的碳水化合物(或糖)補充品 ,可以添加食物的卡路里而不增加蛋白 質、磷、鉀或鈉。因為這是糖的一種, 所以並不適用於糖尿病患者。

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎 病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎 臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健康 中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社 區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加 拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

280 卡路里 2克 0.5 克 0克 0 毫克 66 克 24 克 1克 20 毫克 116 毫克 45 毫克 28 毫克

Key Messages from The Kidney Foundation of Canada

Kidney Health Dietary needs change depending on the stage of the kidney disease, as well as the age and the medical history of an individual; therefore, it is very important to follow dietary recommendations from your Registered Dietitian. Protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and fluids are some nutrients that you might need to pay more attention to.

Protein • Protein is an important source of energy used to maintain weight and muscles as well as to help fight infections. • Protein-rich foods include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, tofu and milk. Leaner cuts of meat are healthier choices as they are lower in saturated fat. • Protein can also be found in smaller amounts in foods such as breads, cereals, other starches and grains, vegetables and fruits.

Sodium • Sodium can affect your blood pressure and increase the stress on your body. • Processed meats such as bacon, sausages and luncheon meats are high in sodium. Fast foods and canned foods tend to have a high amount of sodium as well. • Read Nutrition Facts tables to help make lower sodium choices. • Try using herbs and spices, vinegar and lemon to enhance the flavour of foods instead of using salt. • When eating out, ask the server to limit the salt on your food and order gravy or sauce on the side.

Potassium • Commonly found in vegetables and fruits, meats and dairy products. • High potassium foods include potatoes, squash, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, dried peas and beans.

Phosphorus • Phosphorus is a mineral that helps to keep bones strong and healthy. • Phosphorus is in many healthy foods. • It is not mandatory to list phosphorus in the Nutrition Facts table. Phosphorus can also be added to food products as a preservative, which may be referred to as phosphoric acid or sodium phosphate. • Processed meats and beverages such as colas and beer contain phosphates.

Fluids • Fluids include anything that is liquid at room temperature, for example, water, soup, juice, ice-cream, popsicles, ice and jello.



Dietitian's Corner • People with kidney disease need to control salt intake and avoid high sodium foods. A diet high in sodium can cause high blood pressure, swollen face, legs and hands, shortness of breath and add more stress to the kidney. • Recommended daily sodium allowance for kidney patients: less than 2300–2500 mg (approximately 1 teaspoon). • Most often, dim sums are very high in sodium; this home made dim sum has low sodium, moderate potassium and phosphorus content which is more suitable for kidney patients. • This recipe uses seasonings/ ingredients (sesame oil, cilantro, five spices) to enhance flavours without adding too much sodium. • You can also serve the steamed dumplings with Chinese red vinegar as dipping sauce.

Double Mushroom Cilantro Siu Mai (Steamed Dumpling) A tasty and low sodium dim sum Ingredients

(makes 22-24 pieces)


2 tbsp (30 mL)

Dried shiitake mushrooms Ground pork-lean

225 g (approx. ½ lb)

Enoki mushrooms

50 g

Wonton wrappers (Shanghai style)

22–24 pieces

Carrot (finely grated)

Nutritional information

Chinese cabbage (Nappa)

Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium


per serving

210 Kcal 10 g 9g 3g 25 mg 22 g 1g 1g 200 mg 217 mg 84 mg 17 mg

2 pieces

¼ cup (60 mL) 75 g

Marinade 1 tsp (5 mL)

Low-sodium soy sauce

1 tbsp (15 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Sesame oil

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Black pepper


Chinese five spices powder

1 tsp (5 mL)

Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Soak shiitake mushrooms in hot water for 10 minutes. 2. Finely chop the cilantro, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, Chinese cabbage into small pieces. 3. Mix together all marinade ingredients, pour over ground pork and mix well. 4. Mix all chopped ingredients (except carrot) with pork to make Siu Mai filling. 5. Place about ½ tbsp of the filling in the middle of each wonton wrapper. 6. Gather up the sides of the wrapper and leave the top open and the filling exposed. 7. Garnish with grated carrot on top. 8. Place some oil on a steaming dish to avoid the dumplings from sticking and place the dumplings on the plate. 9. Steam for 15 minutes. Ready to serve.


Dietitian's Corner • Protein is a macronutrient, which plays an important role in a number of bodily functions. Protein is lost in many dialysis patients. Eggs are a quick and simple complete protein source to replenish the body’s protein. • Patients with kidney disease are not suitable to have high salt intake as it will increase the kidney workload. Using various spices is a way to enhance flavours while adding minimal salt.

Marbled Tea Egg Quick and tasty complete protein appetizers Ingredients


(makes 8 servings as an appetizer)

Nutritional information


Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

Szechuan peppercorns*

per serving

90 Kcal 8g 5g 1.5 g 185 mg 2g 0g 1g 240 mg 187 mg 83 mg 60 mg


Seasoning Broth 1 tsp (5 mL)

Star anise


Low sodium soy sauce Water

3 tbsp (45 mL) 2 cups (500 mL)

Black Chinese tea leaves

2 tbsp (30 mL)

* Refer to the Chinese name of this spice when buying it in a Chinese grocery store. The seasoning broth should be covered and stored in the refrigerator after each use. With each use of the seasoning broth, you can add 1 tsp (5 mL) of low sodium soy sauce.

1. Place all seasoning broth ingredients into a saucepan and bring to a boil. 2. Using a separate pot/saucepan, hard boil the eggs and remove from the pot. Crack the egg shell but do not peel. Add eggs to broth, simmer about 45 minutes. 3. For best results, let eggs soak in broth over night in the refrigerator. Peel egg shells before serving. Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



Dietitian's Corner .

• Under the direction of doctors, people with high phosphorus levels in their blood may need to take phosphorus binders before meals. • High protein foods (e.g. beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish seafood, egg whites, milk, cheese, yogurt etc.) usually contain high levels of phosphorus and other nutrients; it is best to discuss with your dietitian about portion sizes. • Examples of low phosphorus foods: white bread, white rice, vermicelli, Shanghai noodles, macaroni, udon, sorbet, rice beverage, fruit juice, non-cola soft drinks, and popcorn etc.

Ma Po’s Tofu (Bean Curd) A simple tasty dish Ingredients Lean ground pork

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

150 Kcal 10 g 12 g 2g 10 mg 4g 1g 1g 60 mg 174 mg 116 mg 304 mg


(makes 8 servings) 4 oz (125 g)

Tofu (medium firm; cut into ½" cubes) 1 block (12 oz or 350 g) Garlic (finely chopped)

2 cloves

Fresh red chilli pepper* (seeds removed, finely chopped )


Green onion (chopped)

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Vegetable oil

1 tbsp (15 mL)

* Adjust the amount of chilli pepper used based on how spicy or mild you prefer the dish to be.

Marinade Vegetable oil

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)

Chinese cooking wine

1 tsp (5 mL)

Sesame oil

1 tsp (5 mL)


½ tsp (2 mL)

Sauce Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)

Sesame oil

1 tsp (5 mL)


3 tbsp (45 mL)

Corn starch

1 tbsp (15 mL)


1. Combine marinade ingredients. Add in ground pork, and let it marinate for about 15 minutes. 2. Combine sauce ingredients. Set aside. 3. Heat vegetable oil in a wok or frying pan and sauté garlic and chilli pepper. Add in the pork and stir fry until the meat is cooked thoroughly. Add in the tofu, and stir-fry gently until heated through. Whisk in sauce mixture, stir constantly until sauce thickens. Garnish with green onion. Ready to serve. Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Dietitian's Corner • If your kidneys do not function properly, phosphorus will build up in the body. High phosphorus levels in the body can cause bone problems and itchy skin. • Kidney patients may need to limit the amount of phosphorus in their diet. • Examples of high phosphorus foods: organ meats, dried shrimp, peanut butter, beans and lentils, brown rice, whole wheat bread and crackers, bran cereals, milk, cheese, yogurt, ice-cream, soy milk , chocolate, nuts and seeds, baking powder, pizza, soups or broths made with lots of bones and meat, Ovaltine®, Horlick®, coke and others.

Stir-Fried Chicken with Red and Green Peppers An antioxidant powered stir-fry Ingredients

Boneless chicken (cubed) Garlic (thinly sliced)

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

210 Kcal 12 g 15 g 3g 40 mg 5g 2g 1g 160 mg 82 mg 14 mg 7 mg


(makes 4 servings) ½ lb (250 g) 2 cloves

Green pepper (cubed)


Red pepper (cubed)



2 tbsp (30 mL)

Vegetable oil

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Marinade Egg white


Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Sauce Low sodium soy sauce

2 tsp (10 mL

Chinese cooking wine

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Chinese red wine vinegar

1 tbsp (15 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Sesame oil

1 tsp (5 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)


2 tbsp (30 mL)


1. Combine marinade ingredients with chicken, and let it marinate for half an hour. 2. Combine seasoning ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside. 3. Heat half of the oil in a wok. Stir-fry chicken until half cooked and remove from wok. 4. Heat the remaining oil. Add garlic and sauté briefly. Add red and green peppers, then add 2 tbsp of water and stir-fry for another minute. Return chicken to wok. Whisk in seasoning sauce, stir constantly until sauce thickens. Ready to serve. Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Dietitian's Corner • This is a traditional holiday dish that contains a moderate amount of potassium. • Anemia is common in patients with kidney disease because of kidney dysfunction and blood loss during hemodialysis. Many patients with anemia often need to supplement their diet with iron, folic acid, and /or Vitamin B12, with guidance and supervision from their healthcare providers. • Cranberry is low in potassium, and a rich source of vitamin C. When vitamin C is taken together with iron, iron absorption is enhanced.

Roasted Turkey Breast A simple holiday dish Ingredients

(makes 8 servings)

Turkey breast, boneless (skinless)

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

200 Kcal 28 g 2.5 g 0.5 g 70 mg 14 g 11 g 1g 140 mg 345 mg 236 mg 21 mg

2 lb (~900g)

Dried rosemary* (chopped) 2 tsp (10 ml) Garlic (chopped)

2 cloves


2 tbsp (30 ml)

Dijon mustard

1 tbsp (15 ml)

Lemon juice

1 tbsp (15 ml)

Olive oil

1 tbsp (15 ml)


¼ tsp (1 ml)

Ground black pepper

½ tsp (2 ml)

* You can substitute with fresh chopped rosemary (2 tbsp- 30ml) instead.

Homemade Cranberry Sauce (Makes approx. 1 cup) Fresh or frozen cranberries Honey

1tbsp (15 ml)

Cranberry juice

1/4 cup (50 ml)

Orange peel (grated) Ground cinnamon powder

1 tbsp (15 ml) 1 tsp (5 ml) ½ cup (125 ml)


2 tsp (10 ml)


1. Rinse and remove any fat from turkey, using paper towels to dry the turkey. 2. In a small bowl, mix garlic, rosemary, olive oil, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, honey, pepper and salt together. Brush seasoning all over turkey breast. 4. Place the seasoned turkey breast in a baking pan and cover with foil. 5. Roast in a preheated 350°F (180°C) oven for 25 minutes. 6. Remove the foil and continue to roast for an additional 30-40 minutes, or until a meat thermometer indicates that the turkey meat’s internal temperature (insert thermometer at the thickest part of the breast) reaches 165°F (74°C ). 7. Serve with cranberry sauce.

2 cups (500 ml)



Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Dietitian's Corner • Adequate caloric intake is important to provide energy and maintain proper bodily functions. Our major energy sources come from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Some kidney patients need to restrict their protein intake, so their energy sources are mainly from carbohydrates and fats, and a limited amount of protein. • Growth impairment and malnutrition due to inadequate caloric intake are common in children with kidney disease. • This recipe is especially suitable for patients with kidney disease who need extra calories, and do not have any high blood sugar concerns.

Chinese Mini Rice Pudding A recipe for a touch of sweetness Ingredients

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

280 Kcal 2g 0.5 g 0g 0 mg 66 g 24 g 1g 20 mg 116 mg 45 mg 28 mg

(makes 3 servings)

Brown sugar

1 piece

Or Packed brown sugar Or White sugar*

/³ cup (75 mL) ¼ cup (50 mL) 1

Carbohydrate Supplement ‡ 1 /³ cup (75 mL) (optional) Boiling water ½ cup (125 mL) Cold water

½ cup (125 mL)

Rice flour

¾ cup (175 mL)

* Use White sugar for white pudding. ‡

Carbohydrate Supplement: Polucose and Caloreen (or sugar) supplements that do not taste sweet. They can add calories to your food without adding protein, phosphorus, potassium or sodium. Since it is a form of sugar, it is not suitable for people who have diabetes.

Directions 1. In small saucepan, dissolve sugar (and Carbohydrate Supplement) in boiling water. 2. In medium bowl, add cold water to rice flour, mix well. 3. Gradually add dissolved sugar to the rice flour mixture, stir well. 4. Pour into 3 small bowls. Steam over high heat about 25 minutes. Serve chilled or hot. Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



健康的骨骼 定期攝取足夠的鈣質,對於預防骨折十分重要。鈣質和維生素D 一起發揮作用, 使我們的身體保持骨骼強壯。

鈣的角色 • • •

鈣是保持骨骼和牙齒健康的礦物質之一 。 鈣也幫助心臟、肌肉和神經正常運作。 人體不會製造鈣,因此必須從食物或補充劑中攝取鈣質。

鈣的來源 • • • • • •

奶類食品含有大量鈣質,例如牛奶、酸奶和乳酪。 蔬菜,例如白菜和西蘭花等深綠葉蔬菜。 加鈣食品,例如橙汁、穀類早餐食品、麵包和大豆食品。 連骨的魚類食品,例如罐頭鮭魚和沙丁魚。 小扁豆和豆類也有豐富鈣質。 餵哺母乳是嬰兒最佳的鈣質來源。不能哺乳的婦女可以使用嬰兒配 方奶粉,為嬰兒提供鈣質。 參考《加拿大食品指南》中以上食品類別的每天建議進食分量。

維生素 D • •

曬太陽時,皮膚可以吸收維生素 D;然而,許多加拿大人在冬季裏沒有吸收足夠的陽光。 天然含有維生素 D 的食物包括魚類、肝臟和蛋黃。

我需要服用補充劑嗎? •

我們建議您從食物中攝取所有養分。然而,如果單靠飲食不足以攝取您所需的養分,您應該考慮 服用補充劑。 • 加拿大衛生部建議年逾 50 歲的成人每天應該服用 400 國際單位或 10 微克維生素 D 補充劑。 • 如果您正考慮服用維生素 D 補充劑,應諮詢您的家庭醫生、藥劑師或註冊營養師。

如果您沒有吃足夠的奶類食品? 選擇高鈣的非奶類食品,包括綠葉蔬菜、連骨罐頭魚、果仁、豆腐和加鈣飲料。 1



營養師小語 • 加入牛奶及芝麻,可令食品 更健康,並有助骨骼健康。 • 如果您想減少攝取糖份和熱 量,您可以用代糖來代替普 通黃糖或減少餐單中黃糖的 份量,而進食時可加入無添 加糖的糖漿。 • 腎病病人可用白麵包代替全 麥麵包。 • 牛奶和奶類製品含有乳糖。 有些人不能很有效地消化/ 分解乳糖而引致腹脹、脹氣 、腹痛、嘔吐吸腹瀉情況, 這就是乳糖不耐症。


• 如您有乳糖不耐症,可以採 用低乳糖奶品 ( 例如 Lactaid®或 Lacteeze®) 或 低乳糖 / 無乳糖 食品。




黃糖 ¼ 杯 (35 克) 肉桂粉 1½茶匙 (7 毫升) 無鹽牛油或植物牛油 (溶化)

1. 將黃糖、肉桂粉和溶化的牛油混 合,將1/3分量放在一個9吋乘13吋 的焗盤內。 2. 將6片麵包放入焗盤中, 再把1/3 的牛油混合物塗在麵包上。 3. 放上草莓和藍莓,然後灑上芝麻 。 4. 將其餘的麵包放在水果上,再塗 上餘下的1/3牛油混合物。 5. 將雞蛋、蛋白、牛奶和香草精拌 勻,均勻地淋在麵包上,要確保頂 層的麵包完全吸收蛋液。 輕輕把麵 包壓下,然後加蓋,放入雪櫃雪藏 一晚。 6. 第二天早上,從雪櫃拿出麵包, 把蓋除去,然後以華氏350度(攝 氏180度)焗30至45分鐘或至金黃 色。 7. 享用時可隨意灑上少量糖粉。

¼ 杯 (60 毫升)

全麥麵包 12 片 新鮮草莓 (切片) ¾杯 (175 克) 新鮮藍莓 ¾杯 (175 克) 雞蛋 (中形) 4隻 蛋白 (中形) 4隻 脫脂牛奶 2 杯 (500 毫升) 香草精 (即雲呢拿油) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)


2 湯匙 (30 毫升)

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998 年《腎病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。 由加拿大腎臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語 由南河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供 ,中英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲 知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加拿大腎臟基金會的 網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 鈣 磷

370 卡路里 13 克 16 克 3克 125 毫克 49 克 14 克 5克 320 毫克 450 毫克 164 毫克 273 毫克


營養師小語 • 豆腐是由大豆製成,含有天 然化合物異黃酮。異黃酮的 化學結構跟雌激素相似。雌 激素是一種女性荷爾蒙,它 可以減少骨質流失,保護停 經後婦女的骨骼健康。

碧綠藏寶卷 爽脆開胃小食



青豆 ½杯 (125毫升) 粟米粒 ½杯 (125毫升) 特硬豆腐 (切粒) 4.5 安士 (130克) 菜脯 (切粒) ½杯 (125毫升) 西芹 (切粒) ½杯 (125毫升) 蝦米 1 湯匙 (15毫升) 紅蘿蔔 (切粒) ¼杯 (50毫升) 橙色或紅色燈籠椒 (切粒) ¼杯 (50毫升) 紅洋蔥 (切粒) ¼杯 (50毫升) 生菜葉 (洗淨) 15片

1. 將菜脯以凍水浸約30分鐘以去除多


6. 上碟。

砂糖 低鹽醬油 麻油 粟粉 水

/8 茶匙 (0.5 毫升)


1 茶匙 (5 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 2 茶匙 (10毫升)

• 不同的大豆食物製品含不同 份量的異黃酮。例如½杯 (125毫升)的硬豆腐含27亳克 的異黃酮,但醬油或黃豆油 則不含異黃酮。

餘鹽分,然後擠乾水,切粒,備用。 2. 在鑊中用中火炒紅洋蔥約2分鐘。


3. 加入豆腐、 青豆、粟米粒、紅蘿蔔




鍋蓋煮約2分鐘至青豆和粟米粒變軟。 4. 把砂糖、低鹽醬油、麻油、粟粉和 水混合成芡汁。 5. 加入芡汁然後兜炒直至芡汁變稠。 7. 將2湯匙的餡料放在生菜葉中間然 後包成生菜卷,即可享用。

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎病 家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎臟基 金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健康中心之 註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社區工作員 黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加拿大腎臟基 金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問題 ,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 鈣 磷

80 卡路里 7克 3.5 克 0.5 克 0 毫克 8克 2克 2克 220 毫克 220 毫克 280 毫克 95 毫克


營養師小語 • 不同的乳酪有不同的特性 也有不的營養含量。.


• 乳酪雖然含鈣,但也含高 脂肪 , 要適量享用。


• 希臘白色軟乳酪和巴馬乾酪 的鹽份較為高而過多鹽份對 骨骼有不良影響。



硬豆腐 1 包 (440 克) 蛋 2 隻中型 巴馬乾酪(磨碎) ½杯 (125 亳升) Panko (日式麵包糠)

1. 將豆腐切成粗片然後將每片切成

½杯 (125 亳升)



1 湯匙 (15 亳升)

3. 在另一個淺盤中,混合無鹽調味


¼ 杯 (60 亳升)

蒜頭粉 白芝麻 乾香蔥粒*

1 茶匙 (5 亳升) 1 湯匙 (15 亳升) 2 茶匙 (10 亳升)

* 可以用 2 湯匙 ( 60 毫升) 新鮮香 替。


2. 將50亳升溶化牛油,蛋混合成蛋

料: 蒜頭粉、香蔥粒、日式麵包糠、 巴馬乾酪和芝麻。 4. 在焗盤中鋪上錫紙和塗上剩餘的 植物牛油或牛油。 5. 先將豆腐條塗上蛋液然後平均地 鋪上已調味的麵包糠, 放在焗盤上。 6. 用400度將豆腐條焗大約10-15分

芡汁 低脂蛋黃醬 Dijon 芥茉醬 蜜糖


鐘或直至金黃色。 ½杯 (125 亳升) 2 湯匙 (30 亳升) 1 湯匙 (15 亳升)

• 為了減少鹽的攝取量,由於 這個食譜使用巴馬乾酪,所 以食譜沒有添加其他鹽份。

7. 即可跟蜜糖芥茉醬一同享用。 此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎 病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎 臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健康 中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社 區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加 拿大腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 鈣 磷

100 卡路里 5克 8克 1.5 克 25 毫克 4克 2克 0克 110 毫克 56 毫克 60 毫克 74 毫克


營養師小語 • 缺乏維生素D會加快骨質流 失及增加患骨質疏鬆症的風 險。 • 維生素D與鈣一起可增加身 體內鈣的吸收。即使身體攝 取足夠的鈣,若沒有足夠的 維生素D,骨骼健康仍然會 受到影響。同樣,攝取足夠 的維生素D但沒有足夠的鈣 也會影響骨骼健康。

夏日迷你豆腐薄餅 色彩繽紛香脆小食



特硬豆腐 11 安士 (310 克) 橄欖油 2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 1/ 麵包糠 ³ 杯 (75 毫升) 紫蘇 2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 洋蔥粉 2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 牛至 (或稱意大利香草)

1. 預熱焗爐至華氏400度 (攝氏204度)

1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

「低鹽份」三文魚 1 罐 (213 克) 黑胡椒 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 刁草 (或稱蒔蘿) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 檸檬汁 2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 紅洋蔥 (切碎) ¾杯 (175 毫升) 1/ 薄餅醬 ³ 罐 (70 毫升) 意大利青瓜 (切碎) ½杯 (125 毫升)

番茄 (切碎) 1 杯 (250 毫升) 低脂孖寶芝士 (即低脂車打和 水牛乳酪) 1 杯 (250 毫升) 洋芫茜片 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

。在焗盆上塗上橄欖油。 2. 把麵包糠、紫蘇、洋蔥粉及牛至拌 勻備用。 3. 豆腐切片至¼寸厚,在豆腐外圍塗 上橄欖油,再黏上已混合的麵包糠, 然後放在焗盆上。 4. 瀝去罐頭三文魚內的水份。把罐頭 三文魚連骨頭弄碎,加入黑胡椒、刁 草及檸檬汁拌勻。再把紅洋蔥、薄餅 醬、意大利青瓜及番茄加入,拌勻。 5. 將以上混合材料平均擺放在豆腐片 上,再灑上芝士。 6. 將豆腐薄餅放入已預熱的焗爐中焗 15至20分鐘,直至表層芝士融化。 7. 灑上洋芫茜片作裝飾和調味即成。 此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998年《腎病 家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》。由加拿大腎臟基 金會提供。營養分析和營養師小語由南河谷社區健康中心 之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社區工 作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加拿大 腎臟基金會的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問 題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


• 含維生素D的食物包括蛋黃 、罐裝三文魚、鯡魚、牛奶 、添加維生素D的飲品如豆 奶、米奶和橙汁。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 鈣 磷

120 卡路里 10 克 7克 1.5 克 20 毫克 6克 1克 1克 117 毫克 264 毫克 253 毫克 193 毫克


營養師小語 • 對於有乳糖不耐症的人,有 些奶類製品較牛奶容易接受 ,例如乳酪、酸奶油和酸乳 酪。這些食品的乳糖含量比 牛奶少,不妨嘗試吃少量, 如沒有感到不適,可逐漸增 加攝取份量。

乳酪鬆餅 提升骨骼健康的早午餐點

材料(12人份量, 24 個鬆餅)


多用途麵粉 2 杯 (500 毫升) 發粉 2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 蘇打粉 ½茶匙 (2 毫升) 無鹽牛油 (冷凍,刨絲)

1. 預熱焗爐至華氏400度 (攝氏204度)。

脫脂牛奶 ¼ 杯 (60 毫升) 脫脂酸奶油 (即酸忌廉)

3. 加入低脂車打乳酪和細香蔥。

¼ 杯 (60 毫升)

¾杯 (175 毫升)

低脂車打乳酪 (刨絲,或選您 喜歡的低脂乳酪) 1 杯 (150 克) 新鮮細香蔥 (切碎) 2 湯匙 (10 克) 雞蛋 (中型) 2隻 此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998 年《腎病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》 。由加拿大腎臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小 語由南河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提 供,中英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。 欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加拿大腎臟基金會 的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

將麵粉、發粉和蘇打粉篩好。 2. 把牛油刨成絲,放進麵粉混合物中,

• 攝取過多鹽份會減低鈣質吸 收和增加身體內的鈣質流失 ,對骨骼健康產生影響。經 加工的乳酪的鈉含量一般比 未經加工的乳酪為高。 • 有些乳酪的脂肪含量頗高。 閱讀食物標籤,選擇含低於 20%乳脂的低脂乳酪。

用手將牛油和麵粉揉至呈粗粉粒狀。 4. 在另一碗中,將牛奶、脫脂酸奶油和 1隻雞蛋攪拌至糊狀。將奶糊放入麵粉混 合物中,輕輕揉成麵糰。雙手沾上少許 麵粉,把麵糰輕輕揉成球狀,但不可揉 太久。用刀把麵糰平均切成兩份。 5. 將一份麵糰放在已沾上麵粉的工作檯 上,用手壓平至1吋厚。 6. 用餅乾模切壓成鬆餅,然後放在已鋪 上錫紙或牛油紙的烤盤上。 7. 重複第5和第6步驟,將剩餘的麵糰切 壓更多鬆餅。 8. 將1隻雞蛋和3湯匙 (45毫升) 水拌勻 ,然後把蛋漿掃在每個鬆餅表面。 9. 焗15分鐘或至金黃色。 10. 即可享用,您也可伴以½杯 (125毫 升) 已加鈣和維生素D的橙汁。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 鈣 磷

230 卡路里 10 克 8克 2.5 克 50 毫克 27 克 3克 1克 270 毫克 124 毫克 143 毫克 139 毫克


營養師小語 • 脫脂奶粉比較價廉,容易處 存和含十分豐富的鈣質和蛋 白質。


• ¼杯(60毫升/50克)的脫脂 奶粉提供250毫克的鈣,大 約和1杯(250亳升)所提供的 鈣相同。


• 你也可選擇巳添加維他命D 的脫脂奶粉。

材料(12件) 糯米粉 白沙糖 脫脂奶粉 綠茶粉 冷水 薯粉 紅豆蓉

製法 1½ 杯 ( 150 克) ¼ 杯 ( 45 克) 4 湯匙 ( 100 克) 1 湯匙 ( 15 毫升) 1 杯 ( 125 毫升) ¼ 杯 ( 60 亳升) 4½ 湯匙 ( 90 克)

此食譜取自卑詩省溫哥華聖保羅醫院腎科部門1998 年《腎病家常食譜–為腎病患者設計之中國美食》 。由加拿大腎臟基金會提供。營養分析和營養師小 語由南河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提 供,中英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。 欲知更多腎臟健康資料,請瀏覽加拿大腎臟基金會 的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

1. 在適用微波爐的碗內,將糯米粉、 白沙糖和綠茶粉一同混合,備用。 2. 在另一個碗內,將脫脂奶粉和冷水 一同混合。 3. 將脫脂奶加入糯米粉內,拌勻。 4. 用微波爐適用的蓋子,把碗蓋好, 然後用高熱煮3分鐘*。 5. 在一隻碟子上,灑上薯粉,備用。 6. 將一雙手沾滿薯粉,然後把熟的粉 糰放上巳灑上薯粉的碟子上,用力切 成12等份。 7. 將每份粉糰沾上薯粉,捏成圓形, 然後輕力壓平粉糰中心。 8. 每份粉糰中心,包入大約¾茶匙紅 豆蓉,然後捏成球形。因為粉糰還是 很熱,請小心! 9. 待溫度適時,便可進食。

* 每個微波爐有不同電力,請參看你的微波 爐說明書,然後調節時間。


• 維他命D和鈣質是一對好同 伴,因而可增進骨骼的健康 。

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 鈣 磷

120 卡路里 5克 0克 0克 0 毫克 24 克 10 克 1克 59 毫克 159 毫克 128 毫克 101 毫克

Key Messages from South Riverdale Community Health Centre

Healthy Bones Getting enough calcium regularly is important in order to prevent our bones from breaking. Calcium and vitamin D work together in our bodies to maintain strong bones.

Role of Calcium • • •

Calcium is one of the minerals you need to keep your bones and teeth healthy . Calcium also helps the heart, muscles and nerves work properly. The body does not produce calcium, so it must be obtained through foods or supplements.

Sources of Calcium • • • • • • •

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are very high in calcium. Vegetables such as dark leafy greens, for example, bok choy and broccoli. Calcium fortified foods such as orange juice, cereal, bread and soy products. Fish products with bones, for example, canned salmon and sardines. Lentils and beans are also good sources of calcium. For pregnant women, breastfeeding is the best source of calcium for your baby. For women who cannot breastfeed, infant formula is another way to provide calcium to your baby. Refer to Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide for your daily servings of these food groups.

Vitamin D

• •

Vitamin D can be absorbed in the skin through sun exposure, but many Canadians do not get enough sun exposure during the winter months. Foods that naturally contain vitamin D include fish, liver and egg yolk.

Are supplements for me? • • •

It is recommended to get all your nutrients through the consumption of food. However, if diet alone is insufficient to meet your nutrient needs, you should consider supplements. Health Canada recommends that adults over the age of 50 should take a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU or 10 micrograms. Speak to your family doctor, pharmacist or registered dietitian if you are thinking of taking a vitamin D supplement.

What if you do not eat enough dairy foods? •

Choose non-dairy foods that are high in calcium, which include leafy green vegetables, canned fish with bones, nuts, tofu and fortified beverages.



Dietitian's Corner • The addition of sesame seeds and the use of milk create a healthier food choice that is good for your bones. • If you want to reduce your sugar or calorie intake, you can substitute the regular brown sugar with an artificial sweetener or reduce the amount of brown sugar in the recipe and serve with no sugar added syrup. • For kidney disease patients, you can use white breads instead of whole wheat breads. • Milk and dairy products contain lactose, a milk sugar. Some people are unable to digest lactose well, and will have bloating, gas, cramps, nausea and diarrhea symptoms after consuming lactose-containing foods. This is called lactose intolerance. • If you have lactose intolerance, you can choose low lactose milk, such as Lactaid® or Lacteeze®milk or choose low-lactose/lactose-free food products.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

370 Kcal 13 g 16 g 3g 125 mg 49 g 14 g 5g 320 mg 450 mg 273 mg 164 mg

Berry Berry French Toast A refreshing brunch delight Ingredients


(makes 6 servings)

Brown sugar Cinnamon powder

¼ cup (35 g) 1½ tsp (7 mL)

Unsalted butter/unsalted margarine (melted) ¼ cup (35 g) Whole wheat bread

12 slices

Fresh strawberries (sliced)

¾ cup (125 g)

Fresh blueberries

¾ cup (125 g)

Eggs (medium)


Egg whites (medium)


Skim milk

2 cups (500 mL)

Vanilla extract

1 tsp (5 mL)

Sesame seeds

2 tbsp (30 mL)

1. Combine brown sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. Mix well. Place 1/³ of the sugar mixture in the bottom of a 9x13 inch pan. 2. Place 6 slices of bread into the pan. Spread 1/³ of the sugar mixture onto the bread slices. 3. Scatter strawberries and blueberries on top of the bread and sugar mixture. Scatter sesame seeds on top. 4. Place the remaining 6 slices of bread on the fruit. Top with the remaining sugar mixture. 5. Beat eggs, egg whites, milk, and vanilla extract together. Pour evenly over the bread, making sure to soak the top layers of the bread. Press down lightly. Cover the pan and leave in the refrigerator over night to soak.

Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit

6. In the morning, remove from the refrigerator and bake uncovered at 350°F (180°C) for 30-45 minutes or until golden.

The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.

7. Enjoy! Sprinkle small amount of icing sugar if you want.



Dietitian's Corner • Tofu is made of soybeans, which contain natural compounds called isoflavones. Isoflavones have a chemical structure similar to estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone and it can reduce bone loss, and protect the bone health of postmenopausal women. • Different soy foods contain different amount of isoflavones. For example, ½ cup (125 mL) of firm tofu contains 27 mg of isoflavones; soy sauce or soy oil contains 0 mg of isoflavones.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

80 Kcal 7g 3.5 g 0.5 g 0 mg 8g 2g 2g 220 mg 220 mg 95 mg 280 mg

Treasure in a Wrap A stimulating appetizer with a crisp and crunch Ingredients

(makes 12 servings)

Green peas

½ cup (125 mL)


½ cup (125 mL)

Extra firm tofu (cubed)

4.5 oz (130 g)

Salted radish (diced)

½ cup (125 mL)

Celery (diced)

½ cup (125 mL)

Dried shrimp

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Carrots (diced)

¼ cup (50 mL)

Orange/red bell peppers (diced) ¼ cup (50 mL) Red onion (diced)

¼ cup (50 mL)

Green lettuce leaves (washed)

15 pcs

Sauce White granulated sugar 1/8 tsp (0.5 mL) Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)

Sesame oil

¼ tsp (1 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)


2 tsp (10 mL)

Directions 1. Soak the salted radish in cold water for 30 minutes to rinse out excess salt. Squeeze dry, dice and set aside. 2. In a wok or frying pan, sauté the red onion for 2 minutes on medium heat. 3. Add in the soy bean curd, peas, corn, carrots, bell peppers, salted radish and dried shrimp and stir fry about 2 minutes. Cover with a lid for about 2 minutes to soften the peas and corn. 4. In a small bowl, mix the sauce: sugar, low sodium soy sauce, sesame oil, cornstarch and water. 5. Pour the sauce into the pan and mix until the sauce thickens and covers the stir fry ingredients. 6. Transfer to a serving plate. 7. Place 2 tablespoons of fillings in the middle of a lettuce leaf and wrap up. Ready to serve. Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



Dietitian's Corner • Different cheeses have different properties and can differ in nutrient content. • Cheese contains calcium, but it also contains high fat, so eat in moderation. • Feta and parmesan cheese tend to be high in sodium; too much sodium can have a negative effect on bone. • For this recipe, since parmesan cheese is used, no additional salt is added to the recipe to limit the salt intake.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

100 Kcal 5g 8g 1.5 g 25 mg 4g 2g 0g 110 mg 56 mg 74 mg 60 mg

Crispy Tofu Fingers with Honey Dijon Sauce A tangy appetizer Ingredients

(makes 16 servings)

Extra firm tofu

1 package (440 g)


2 medium

Parmesan cheese (grated) ½ cup (125 mL) Panko (Japanese bread crumbs) ½ cup (125 mL) No salt seasoning mix

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Unsalted margarine/butter (melted) ¼ cup (60 mL) Garlic powder

1 tsp (5 mL)

White sesame seeds Dried chives*

1 tbsp (15 mL) 2 tsp (10 mL)

Directions 1. Cut the tofu into thick slices and then cut the slices into halves lengthwise to form strips. 2. Whisk approximately 50mL of melted butter with the eggs and then pour into a shallow dish. 3. In another shallow dish, combine all the seasonings: seasoning mix, garlic powder, chives, panko, parmesan cheese and sesame seeds. 4. Line a baking pan/dish with aluminum foil. Spread the rest of the melted butter or margarine on the foil.

* You can use 2 tbsp (60mL) fresh chives instead.

5. Dip the tofu strips first into the whisked egg mixture and then into the seasoned panko mix, coating evenly and place on the baking sheet.

Homemade Honey Mustard Sauce

6. Bake in a 400ºF oven for about 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Low fat mayonnaise

½ cup (125 mL)

Dijon mustard

2 tbsp (30 mL)


1 tbsp (15 mL)

7. Ready to serve, serve with honey mustard sauce. Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



Dietitian's Corner • Vitamin D deficiency will speed up bone loss and increase the risk of osteoporosis. • Vitamin D works together with calcium, and can increase calcium absorption in our body. Even if you have adequate dietary calcium intake, your bone health will still be affected if you don’t have adequate vitamin D. Similarly, adequate vitamin D without adequate calcium will also affect your bone health. • Vitamin D food sources: egg yolk, canned salmon, herring, milk, and vitamin D fortified beverages (soymilk, rice milk, and orange juice).

Summerlicious Mini Tofu Pizza Colourful and crunchy mini snack Ingredients

(makes 12 servings)

Extra firm tofu

11 oz (310 g)

Olive oil

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Bread crumbs


/³ cup (75 mL) 2 tsp (10 mL)

Basil Onion powder

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

120 Kcal 10 g 7g 1.5 g 20 mg 6g 1g 1g 117 mg 264 mg 193 mg 253 mg

2 tsp (10 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Low sodium salmon

1 can (213 g)

Black pepper

1 tsp (5 mL)


1 tbsp (15 mL)

Lemon juice

2 tsp (10 mL)

Red onion (diced)

¾ cup (175 mL)

Pizza sauce

/³ can (70 mL) ½ cup (125 mL) 1

Zucchini (diced)

Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (204°C). Lightly brush olive oil on a baking sheet. 2. Mix breadcrumbs with basil, onion powder and oregano. Set aside. 3. Slice the tofu into ¼ inch thick slices. Brush the sides and edges of the sliced tofu with olive oil, and coat the tofu with the breadcrumb mixture; put the coated tofu on the baking sheet. 4. Drain and flake salmon. Mix the salmon (meat and bones) with black pepper, dill and lemon juice, then add red onion, pizza sauce, zucchini and tomato.

1 cup (250 mL)

5. Use a spoon to spread the pizza mixture on the top of the sliced tofu. Top with shredded cheese.

Skim marbled cheese (shredded) 1 cup (250 mL)

6. Bake the tofu pizza for 15-20 minutes until the cheese has melted.

Parsley flakes

7. Sprinkle with parsley for garnish and seasoning. Ready to serve.

Half ripe tomato (diced)

1 tsp (5 mL)

Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



Dietitian's Corner • Certain dairy products, such as cheese, sour cream, and yogurt are better tolerated than milk by people with lactose intolerance. Those foods contain less amounts of lactose compared with regular milk. You can try to include a small amount of those foods in your diet, and then gradually increase the amount if they do not cause discomfort. • Excessive sodium intake can affect your bone health as it may decrease calcium absorption and increase calcium loss from the body. Processed cheese is usually high in sodium content, so choose unprocessed cheese instead. • Some cheese contains a higher fat content. Look for the lower fat cheese that contains less than 20% milk fat (M.F) by reading the food label.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

230 Kcal 10 g 8g 2.5 g 50 mg 27 g 3g 1g 270 mg 124 mg 139 mg 143 mg

Cheesy Tea Biscuits A bone boosting bunch Ingredients


(makes 8 servings – 24 biscuits) All purpose flour

1. Preheat oven to 400°F (204°C). Sift flour, baking powder and baking soda together.

2 cups (500 mL)

Baking powder

2 tsp (10 mL)

Baking soda

½ tsp (2 mL)

Unsalted butter (frozen, shredded) ¼ cup (60 mL) Skim milk Fat free sour cream

¼ cup (60 mL) ¾ cup (175 mL)

Low fat cheddar cheese (shredded) (or your favourite low fat cheese) 1 cup (150 g) Fresh western chives (diced) 2 tbsp (10 g) Eggs (medium)


Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.

2. Use a grater to grate the frozen butter into the flour mixture, rub in butter lightly with finger tips until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. 3. Stir in shredded cheese and chives. 4. In a separate bowl, whisk skim milk, sour cream and one egg until smooth. Add milk mixture into the flour mixture, and mix until a dough forms. Knead the dough with lightly floured hands a few times into a ball, but do not overdo it. Then, use the knife to cut the dough into half. 5. Place one part of the dough on a lightly floured surface and pat the dough with your hand to about 1 inch thickness. 6. Use a cookie cutter to cut the dough, and place the cut dough on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil or parchment paper. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with the rest of the dough. 8. Use a bowl to whisk one egg with 3 tablespoons (45 mL) of water, lightly brush over top of each biscuit. 9. Bake approximately 15 minutes or until golden. 10. Ready to serve. If you want, you can serve it with a ½ cup (125 mL) of calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice.



Dietitian's Corner • Skim milk is inexpensive, is easy to store and is an excellent source of calcium and protein. • A ¼ cup (60mL/50g) of skim milk powder provides 250mg of calcium, which is almost the same as 1 cup of skim milk. • You can also choose the skim milk powder with added Vitamin D. • Vitamin D and calcium are good partners in promoting bone health.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

120 Kcal 5g 0g 0g 0 mg 24 g 10 g 1g 50 mg 159 mg 101 mg 128 mg

A holiday celebrating dessert Ingredients (makes 12 servings)


Glutinous rice flour 1½ cup (150 g)

1. In a microwavable bowl, mix glutinous rice flour, white sugar and green tea powder together and set aside.

Granulated white sugar ¼ cup (45 g) Skim milk powder Green tea powder Cold water

4 tbsp (100g) 1tbsp (15 mL) 1 cup (125 mL)

Potato starch

¼ cup (60 mL)

Red bean paste

4½ tbsp (90 g)

Recipe adapted from the Chinese Renal Kitchen, Renal Department of St. Paul's Hospital, B.C. 1998. This recipe is provided courtesy of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. Nutrition analysis and dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Annie Chung Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more kidney health information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.

2. In another bowl, mix skim milk powder with cold water. 3. Pour skim milk into the glutinous rice flour mix, and mix well. 4. Cover the bowl with a microwavable lid, and cook mixture in the microwave at high heat for 3 minutes.* 5. Sprinkle a plate with potato starch. 6. Dust both hands with potato starch, and put the cooked dough onto the plate and then cut the dough into 12 portions. 7. Coat each portion with potato starch, form into a circle and press slightly to make it flat in the centre. 8. Fill the cooked dough with approximately ¾ tsp of red bean paste in the centre and roll into a ball. Be careful as the dough is still hot! 9. Ready to serve. * Each microwave has different power levels, check your microwave instruction book and adjust the time accordingly.



長者健康飲食 老化是每個人必經的自然過程。保持身體健康,可以讓我們享受生命的豐盛,減少對他人的依賴,特別是我 們的至親。健康的身體不僅減少季節性疾病的感染,更可以延遲長期疾病的發生及減輕其症狀。 影響我們健康的因素有很多,其中一個最容易控制的因素莫如我們的生活方式,包括我們每天的生活、運動 和飲食習慣。多點注意我們的飲食,對於保持身體健康有深遠的影響。改變我們的生活方式永遠不會太遲。

長者面對的挑戰 食物的味道不同了 年事漸高,我們的味蕾也愈來愈難討好。爲了能繼續享受食物,我們必須留意加添在食物中的鹽和糖的分量。 • 記得每天不要攝取超過一茶匙的鹽。 • 烹調時減少放鹽;取消餐桌上的鹽瓶。 • 嘗試用蒜、薑、大蔥、五香粉、洋蔥、辣椒或小量芝麻油調味。 有關鹽的詳情,請參考“小心攝取鹽分”部分。 對食物失去了胃口 進食問題可能導致體重減輕,失去肌肉,並且令身體較難抵抗傳染病。找出進食問題的根源,對症下藥。 • 牙齦、牙齒和假牙問題可能會影響進食的樂趣。 - 保持口腔健康和假牙合適十分重要。 - 如果您在這些方面有問題,應看牙醫。 • 改變烹調方式有助解決咀嚼問題。 - 烹煮的時間長一點,使食物更軟。 - 把食物切成小塊。 - 使用食物加工器把食物碾碎。 大便問題 便秘是許多長者常見的問題。您可以用以下方法改善問題。 • 每天喝足夠的流質,例如水、牛奶、果汁和湯。 • 避免喝茶、咖啡、汽水和其他含咖啡因的飲料。 • 攝取更多纖維素——吃大量蔬菜、水果和全穀物。應逐步增加纖維素的 攝取量,以免腹脹及產生氣體。 • 如有必要,喝點西梅汁幫助腸道活動。



營養師小語 • 紫菜(食用海藻)含有豐富的 維生素A和C、鈣、鋅、碘 和鐵。某些即食海藻含有 高鈉(鹽份);應盡量食用較 低鈉的即食海藻。 • 肉類含有豐富鐵和鋅質,但 許多時耆老因牙齒問題可能 較少食紅肉。耆老可以食用 某些植物如海藻,也能攝取 豐富的鐵和鋅質。

紫菜絲瓜冬菇湯 清爽消暑湯

材料(7 人份量) 絲瓜 紫菜 乾冬菇 薑 麻油 鹽 胡椒粉

製法 1 條 (約 405 克) 2 塊 (約 50 克) 8 隻 (約 120 克) 1片 ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升)

此食譜由頤康中心提供。營養師小語由安省心臟及 中風基金會註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南 河谷社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中 英文編輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更 多耆老活動及服務資料,請瀏覽頤康中心的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有 任何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


1. 乾冬菇洗淨,用水浸10分鐘,剪



熱量 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物

60 卡路里

糖 膳食纖維


2. 冬菇加入清水浸軟,約浸40分鐘 。擠乾水後切絲,浸冬菇的水留回 湯料用。 3. 洗淨絲瓜,削去瓜的硬脊,然後 切小塊。 4. 將冬菇絲加油及薑片爆一下。 5. 將三杯半水(包括浸冬菇的水)加 入煲中,水滾後加入絲瓜,煮約3分 鐘後再加入紫菜,煮約2分鐘可上碗 。 6. 可加鹽、麻油和胡椒粉調味。


1克 0克 0 毫克 21 克 3克

鈉 鉀

150 毫克

磷 鈣

89 毫克

47 毫克 59 毫克


營養師小語 • 南瓜含豐富的抗氧化劑和營 養素如胡蘿蔔素、維生素C 和K。這些維生素有利於防 止黃斑點退化和促進健康。 較軟的南瓜適合耆老食用。 • 這湯的香甜味來自南瓜和無 花果的天然甜美,因此無需 添加鹽份。隨著年齡增加, 味蕾往往退化,配合各種不 同味道的食材可提升調味作 用,並可減少用鹽量。

南瓜瘦肉湯 耆老簡易清心湯

材料(7 人份量)


南瓜 無花果 南杏 北杏 瘦肉 (豬肉) 陳皮 鹽

1. 首先把南瓜洗淨,去掉瓜核,然後去

1 個 (500 克) 4粒 2 湯匙 (24 克) 1 茶匙 (4 克) 12 安士 (350 克) 1 小片 ¼茶匙 (1 毫升)

此食譜由頤康中心提供。營養師小語由安省心臟及中 風基金會註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷 社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編 輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多耆老活 動及服務資料,請瀏覽頤康中心的網站。

皮,再開小塊備用。 2. 將無花果和南北杏洗淨。 3. 用清水將陳皮浸軟,然後刮去瓤。 4. 瘦肉洗淨後,放入滾水中煮大約5分

營養分析 (每份) 熱量 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物

120 卡路里

糖 膳食纖維


鐘。之後再次洗淨,瀝乾水份。 5. 將大約9杯水煲滾,把所有材料放進 煲內煲滾後,再轉用文火煲1小時,加

鈉 鉀 磷 鈣


此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


1克 1克 35 毫克 12 克 2克 190 毫克 427 毫克 132 毫克 34 毫克


營養師小語 • 薑和洋蔥其實可以令食物 增加香味而減少用油。


• 您可以用西蘭花、白菜、 意大利青瓜或椰菜作配搭 ,越多不同顏色的蔬菜, 越能令您吸收更多不同的 營養。


• 如想增加吸收蛋白質,可 以加入硬豆腐絲或豆乾。

材料(4 人份量) 紅蘿蔔 (切絲) 筊白筍 木耳 青椒 (切絲) 洋蔥 (切絲) 薑 菜油

製法 1 條 (300 克)

1. 木耳浸軟洗淨然後切絲。

1 條 (200 克)

2. 筊白筍洗淨去皮,祗要白色部分


10 隻 (50 克)



1 隻 (200 克)

3. 用菜油先爆香薑片。

90 卡路里

1 個 (100 克)

4. 再放入紅蘿蔔絲,木耳絲炒香約1

熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀

21 克

2片 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

分鐘,加入糖。 5. 倒入筊白筍,落醬油翻炒2分鐘。 6. 再加入青椒絲、洋蔥絲及鹽炒勻

調味料 低鹽醬油 糖 鹽 麻油 (隨意)

• 這是一款非常好的素菜, 可以取代任何肉類小炒。

½茶匙 (2 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) ½茶匙 (2 毫升)

,如喜歡,最後可淋上麻油,令炒素 絲更香口。 此食譜由頤康中心提供。營養師小語由安省心臟及中風基金 會註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷社區健康中心 之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該中心社區工作 員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多耆老活動及服務資料,請瀏覽頤康 中心的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何問題 ,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


磷 鈣

3克 2.5 克 0克 0 毫克 3克 4克 190 毫克 338 毫克 90 毫克 56 毫克


營養師小語 • 白蘿蔔含有豐富的維他命C 、纖維、葉酸、錳、維生素 B5及銅質。這些根類蔬菜天 生含有澱粉質;但相對於馬 鈴薯、白蘿蔔的卡路里含量 較低。 • 對於一些不喜歡魚的味道或 口感的人士,他們可能會喜 歡吃魚滑。但緊記,現成的 魚滑鹽份較高,所以不宜過 量享用。 • 如欲嘗試新口味,可用胡蘿 蔔或魚翅瓜來代替白蘿蔔。 • 如欲減少脂肪 攝取量,可 採用不沾鍋廚具,和以罐裝 植物食用油代替煮食用油。

銀蘿絲炒魚鬆 柔滑而彈牙的小菜

材料(4 人份量) 鯪魚滑 白蘿蔔 蒜蓉 芥花籽油 蔥 (切絲)

製法 8 安士 (225 克)


14 安士 (400 克)


2 湯匙 (30 毫升)



2. 將不沾鍋平底鑊燒熱,加入一湯

5. 將鑊燒熱加入一湯匙油,爆香蒜

蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷


2 湯匙 (30 毫升) 4條

匙油,放入魚滑,用鑊鏟略為壓扁, 用中火煎約三分鐘至金黃色,即翻轉

獻汁 鹽 糖 粟粉 白胡椒粉 水

1. 將鯪魚滑放入一個較深的碗內,

¼茶匙 (1 毫升) ¼茶匙 (1 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) 少許 1 湯匙 (15 毫升)

此食譜由頤康中心提供。營養師小語由安省心臟及中 風基金會註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷 社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編 輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多耆老活 動及服務資料,請瀏覽頤康中心的網站。

煎另一面。 3. 取出煎好的魚餅,待涼後切條。 4. 蘿蔔洗淨去皮後切絲 (或刨絲)。

。再放入魚條兜炒。把獻汁與水拌勻 加入鑊中,待獻汁濃縮後,放入蔥絲 ,上碟即可享用。

此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。


(每份) 190 卡路里 15 克 12 克 0.5 克 0 毫克 8克 1克 1克 180 毫克 178 毫克 128 毫克 49 毫克


營養師小語 • 意大利青瓜含有豐富的維他 命C、葉酸、維他命A、胡 蘿蔔素和鉀。深綠色的意大 利青瓜較黃色的意大利青瓜 營養為高。而意大利青瓜的 皮又含有豐富營養,不要將 皮削去。 • 意大利青瓜含較高水份, 卡路里的成份也較低。半 杯的意大利青瓜只含有18 卡路里。


• 雞胸肉較為低脂,含豐富蛋 白質和鐵質。對一些注重體 重的人士來說,雞胸肉是一 個非常好的選擇。


材料(4 人份量) 去皮無骨雞胸肉 意大利青瓜 薑 蒜蓉 芥花籽油


7 安士 (200 克) 14 安士 (400 克) 4片 3 湯匙 (45 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升)

2. 雞胸肉加入醃料拌勻,醃20至30分 鐘。 3. 將鑊燒熱加入半湯匙油,放入雞胸

• 可用瘦肉或牛肉代替雞胸肉 ,亦可用時令瓜果如合掌瓜 、芒果或密瓜代替意大利青 瓜。

4. 將鑊燒熱加入半湯匙油,炒香薑及 1 茶匙 (5 毫升) ¼ 茶匙 (1 毫升) 1 茶匙 (5 毫升)

調味料 低鹽醬油 水



醃汁 低鹽醬油 糖 粟粉

1. 將雞胸肉洗淨然後切片,意大利青

• 採用低鹽醬油是減低攝取鹽 份的好方法,但並不代表您 可大量食用。要控制鹽份的 攝取量,控制食物份量也是 很大的關鍵。

2 茶匙 (10 毫升) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升)

蒜蓉,再放入意大利青瓜兜炒。 5. 下調味料,加蓋煮一會,讓意大利

營養分析 (每份)



6. 放入雞胸肉炒勻,便可享用。

蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀

此食譜由頤康中心提供。營養師小語由安省心臟及中風 基金會註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷社區 健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編輯由該 中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多耆老活動及服務 資料,請瀏覽頤康中心的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任何 問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

磷 鈣


160 卡路里 12 克 10 克 2.5 克 30 毫克 7克 0克 1克 125 毫克 500 毫克 108 毫克 34 毫克


營養師小語 • 南瓜含有非常豐富的胡蘿蔔 素,纖維素和鉀。胡蘿蔔素 是一種強大的抗氧化劑,有 助於減緩衰老的進程,降低 患黃斑點退化的風險和可能 會阻止白內障的形成。


• 紅豆含高可溶性纖維,也是 健康的植物蛋白來源。研究 稱高可溶性膳食纖維可能有 助於降低膽固醇。


材料(24 個小南瓜糕) 南瓜 紅豆茸 (豆沙) 糯米粉 (1包) 菜油 蒜芯 (切成小段)

14 安士 (400 克) 7 安士 (200 克) 14 安士 (400 克) 1 湯匙 (15 毫升) 2條

此食譜由頤康中心提供。營養師小語由安省心臟及中 風基金會註冊營養師許楚珊提供,營養分析由南河谷 社區健康中心之註冊營養師鍾許嘉馨提供,中英文編 輯由該中心社區工作員黃翠珊負責。欲知更多耆老活 動及服務資料,請瀏覽頤康中心的網站。 此食譜所提供的資料不會取代專業醫療意見。如有任 何問題,請與您的醫生或保健提供者查詢。

• 這款健康甜品可用來替代傳 統的甜點。傳統的甜點使用 較多的糖和椰奶。

製法 1. 南瓜去皮去籽切塊,加1杯水以 小火煮軟爛,收乾水份。 2. 待煮好的南瓜降溫,加入糯米 粉和油拌揉成團,用擀麵棍將麵團 碾薄成約1分厚的南瓜皮。 3. 將南瓜皮用小圓餅模切成24份 。 4. 將紅豆茸均分成24小塊,然後 把紅豆茸放入南瓜皮中,包好。 5. 將紅豆南瓜糕用大火蒸約10分 鐘。 6. 用膠刀在南瓜糕表面壓劃如南 瓜狀,再以蒜芯放在南瓜糕頂點綴 裝飾即可。


營養分析 (每份) 熱量 蛋白質 總脂肪 飽和脂肪 膽固醇 碳水化合物 糖 膳食纖維 鈉 鉀 磷 鈣

100 卡路里 2克 0.5 克 0克 0 毫克 20 克 3克 1克 0 毫克 45 毫克 15 毫克 11 毫克

Key Messages from Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care

Healthy Eating for Older Adults Aging is a natural process for everyone. Staying healthy allows us to enjoy life to its fullest and reduce our dependency on others, particularly our loved ones. A healthy body not only reduces the incidents of seasonal diseases, but also delays the onset and reduces the impact of chronic diseases. There are many factors that can affect one’s health. Among the easiest ones to manage would be our lifestyle, including our daily routine, physical activity and eating habits. A little attention paid to what we eat can go a long way in keeping ourselves healthy. It is never too late to change our lifestyle.

Challenges Faced by Older Adults Food doesn’t taste the same any more As we grow older, our taste buds may become harder to please. In sustaining the enjoyment of food, we have to be watchful on how much salt and sugar we put in our food. • Keep in mind not to consume more than one teaspoonful of salt per day. • Go easy on the salt shaker during cooking and remove it from the dinner table. • Try using garlic, ginger, shallot, five spices, onion, hot pepper or a small amount of sesame oil to spice up the meal. For more information on salt, refer to the “Be Mindful of Salt” section.

Losing appetite for food Eating problems may lead to weight and muscle loss as well as making it harder for the body to fight infections. Find out the roots of eating problems and do something about them. • Problems with gums, teeth and dentures can make eating less enjoyable. - It is important to maintain your oral health and keep the dentures well fitted. - Visit a dentist if you are having trouble in these areas. • Changing the way we cook can help with chewing problems. - Cook the food a little longer to increase tenderness. - Cut food into smaller pieces. - Use a food processor to grind up the food.

Problems with bowel movement Constipation is a common issue for many older adults and seniors. There are a few things you can do to improve the situation. • Drink an adequate amount of fluid everyday. Consider water, milk, juice and soup. • Avoid tea, coffee, pop and other caffeinated beverages. • Take in more fibre - eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Fibre intake should be increased gradually to avoid bloating and gas. • Take prune juice to help bowel movement if necessary.



Dietitian's Corner • Laver (edible seaweed) is abundant in vitamin A and C, calcium, zinc, iodine and iron. Some ready-to-eat seaweed can be high in sodium; it is important to choose lower sodium seaweed. • The elderly sometimes limit their intake of red meats due to dental problems. They would benefit from eating plants such as seaweed that are rich in iron and zinc, nutrients that are commonly found in meats.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

60 Kcal 1g 0g 0 mg 21 g 0g 3g 150 mg 47 mg 89 mg 59 mg

Laver Sin Qua Dried Mushroom Soup A refreshing and cooling soup Ingredients

(makes 7 servings)

Vegetable sponge (sin qua) 1 pc (approx. 400 g) Laver (edible seaweed) 2 sheets (approx. 50 g) Dried mushrooms 8 pcs (approx. 120 g) Ginger

1 slice

Sesame oil

¼ tsp (1 mL)


¼ tsp (1 mL)


¼ tsp (1 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Wash the dried mushrooms and soak in water for 10 minutes. Remove the mushroom stalk and discard the water used to soak the mushrooms. 2. Soak the mushrooms in water again for 40 minutes. Squeeze the water from the mushrooms and cut into thin shreds. Keep the soaking water to use for the soup base. 3. Clean the sin qua and peel the hard ridges and slice into small pieces. 4. Fry the mushroom and ginger with a little bit of vegetable oil. 5. Add 3½ cups of water (including the mushroom soup base); add the sin qua once the water has boiled. Cook for 3 minutes, then add the laver and cook for an additional 2 minutes. 6. Add salt, sesame oil and pepper to taste.


Dietitian's Corner • Pumpkins are rich in antioxidants and nutrients – beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin K. These nutrients are beneficial to prevent macular degeneration and promote health. The soft texture of pumpkin is ideal for seniors to consume. • Soup can be flavoured by the natural sweetness of pumpkin and dried figs without the need to add too much salt. As a person ages, his or her taste buds often deteriorate. Using a combination of flavourful ingredients can help reduce the use of salt without compromising on taste.

Nutritional information per serving Calories Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

120 Kcal 1g 1g 35 mg 12 g 3g 2g 190 mg 427 mg 132 mg 34 mg

Pumpkin Lean Pork Soup Simple and soothing soups for seniors Ingredients

(makes 7 servings)


1 pc (500 g)

Dried figs

4 pcs

Apricot kernel (sweet)

2 tbsp (24 g)

Apricot kernel (bitter)

1 tsp (4 g)

Lean meat (pork)

12 oz (350 g)

Dried tangerine peel (chenpi) 1 small piece Salt

¼ tsp (1 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Wash the pumpkin, remove the melon seeds and skin, and then cut into small pieces. 2. Rinse and clean the apricot kernels and dried figs. 3. Soak to soften the dried tangerine peel, and then scrape away the inside of the peel. 4. Rinse the pork and boil in water for 5 minutes. Rinse the meat again and drain water. 5. In a pot, boil 9 cups of water and then place all ingredients into the boiling water. Once the water boils again, turn down the heat and simmer (low heat) for 1 hour. Season with salt.


Dietitian's Corner • Ginger and onion add great flavour to any stir fry dish without the need of extra oil. • You can substitute with your favourite vegetables – broccoli, bok choy, zucchini, or cabbage. Make your dish more colourful and you pack more essential nutrients.

Stir Fry Mixed Veggies

• To add protein to this vegetarian dish, you can also add firm tofu strips.

Simple Crunchy Stir Fry

• This is a great vegetable dish to complement any meat dishes.


(makes 4 servings)

Carrot (julienne)

1 (300 g)

Nutritional information

White bamboo-China

3 (200 g)

Green pepper (julienne)

1 (200 g)

Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

Onion (julienne)

1 (100 g)

per serving

90 Kcal 3g 2.5 g 0g 0 mg 21 g 3g 4g 190 mg 338 mg 90 mg 56 mg

Wood fungus

10 pcs (50 g)


2 slices

Vegetable oil

1 tsp (5 mL)

Seasoning Low sodium soy sauce

½ tsp (2 mL)


¼ tsp (1 mL)


¼ tsp (1 mL)

Sesame oil (optional)

½ tsp (2 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Soak to soften the wood fungus, then clean and cut into strips. 2. Clean and peel the white bamboo. Cut the white portion of the white bamboo into strips. 3. Heat the wok, then pour in vegetable oil and fry the ginger slices briefly. 4. Add carrot and black fungus to stir fry for 1 minute, then add sugar. 5. Add white bamboo strips, soy sauce and stir fry for 2 minutes. 6. Add green pepper, onion strips, salt and stir fry thoroughly. Remove from heat and, if desired, add sesame oil to give more flavour.


Dietitian's Corner • Turnip provides an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, manganese, vitamin B5 and copper. This root vegetable is starchy in nature but contains fewer calories than potato. • If you don't like to eat fish because of its texture and flavour, try fish paste panseared. However, be aware that store-bought fish paste can be high in sodium, so enjoy in moderation. • To give a different twist, you can easily substitute turnip with carrots or spaghetti squash.

Shredded Turnip with Fish Paste

• To further cut down the fat, use non-stick cookware and use vegetable oil spray instead of cooking oil.

A smooth and springy dish

Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

190 Kcal 15 g 12 g 0.5 g 0 mg 8g 1g 1g 180 mg 178 mg 128 mg 49 mg


(makes 4 servings)

Dace fish paste

8 oz (225 g)

Daikon radish/Chinese white turnip 14 oz (400 g) Minced garlic

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Canola oil

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Green onion (fine strips)

4 stalks

Sauce Salt

¼ tsp (1 mL)


¼ tsp (1 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Ground white pepper Water

Pinch 1 tbsp (15 mL)

This recipe is provided courtesy of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Put the fish paste in a deep bowl, add a small amout of cornstarch, pepper and water, mix well with a pair of chopsticks or a spoon in one direction until smooth and sticky. 2. Heat up a non-stick saucepan with 1 tbsp of oil, add in the fish paste and press lightly to flatten. Fry one side for about 3 minutes on medium heat to golden brown, flip and pan fry the other side. Remove to a plate and let cool. 3. Cut the fish cake into strips. 4. Peel, clean and julienne the turnip (or shred with a grater). 5. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a wok, add in the minced garlic and then the turnip, stir fry on high heat until tender. Add in the fish strips, stir fry and mix well with the turnip. Finally mix all sauce ingredients with water and add to wok until sauce has thickened. Sprinkle with green onion and serve.


Dietitian's Corner • Zucchini is rich in vitamin C, folate, vitamin A, beta carotene and potassium. Green zucchini contains more nutrients than the yellow zucchini. The zucchini skin is full of nutrients and best be eaten unpeeled to prevent los of nutrients. • Zucchini has high water content and is extremely low in calories. A ½ cup of zucchini contains only 18 calories. • Chicken breast is a great choice for those who are weight consccious as it is very low in fat but high in protein and iron. • Using low sodium soy sauce to replace regular soy sauce is a great way to cut down overall sodium intake, howerve, it does not mean you can use a large amout. To control your sodium intake, portion control is still the key. • Chicken breast can be replaced with lean pork or beef; zucchini can be replaced with seasonal melons or fruits such as chayote, mango or honeydew.

Stir Fried Chicken with Zucchini A tasty stir-fry Ingredients

(makes 4 servings)

Skinless and boneless chicken breast Zucchini

7 oz (200 g) 14 oz (400 g)


4 slices

Minced garlic

3 tbsp (45 mL)

Canola oil

1 tbsp (15 mL)

Marinade Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

160 Kcal 12 g 10 g 2.5 g 30 mg 7g 0g 1g 125 mg 500 mg 108 mg 34 mg

Low sodium soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL)


¼ tsp (1 mL)


1 tsp (5 mL)

Seasoning Low sodium soy sauce Water

2 tsp (10 mL) 1 tbsp (15 mL)

Directions 1. Wash and slice the chicken breast into strips. Wash the zucchini and cut into pieces. Set aside. 2. Marinate the sliced chicken breast for 20 to 30 minutes. 3. Heat ½ tbsp oil in a wok. Stir fry the chicken strip until cooked. Remove to a plate, drain off the oil and set aside. 4. Heat ½ tbsp oil in a wok. Stir fry the ginger and minced garlic until fragrant. Add in zucchini and stir fry. 5. Pour in the seasoning. Cover the lid and cook until the zucchini is cooked through. 6. Add in the chicken breast and stir fry. Ready to serve. This recipe is provided courtesy of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.



Dietitian's Corner • Pumpkin is very rich in betacarotene, fibre and potassium. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant which helps slow down the process of aging, reduces risk of macular degeneration and may prevent cataract formation. • Red bean is high in soluble fibre and is a healthy source of plant protein. Researches suggests that a diet high in soluble fibre may help reduce cholesterol. • This is a healthy alternative to traditional desserts that use more sugar and coconut milk.

Pumpkin Cake With Red Bean Paste Dessert with a taste of autumn Ingredients

(makes 24 mini cakes)


Nutritional information per serving Calories Protein Total fat Saturated fat Cholesterol Carbohydrate Sugar Dietary fibre Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium

100 Kcal 2g 0.5 g 0g 0 mg 20 g 3g 1g 0 mg 45 mg 15 mg 11 mg

14 oz (400 g)

Red bean paste

7 oz (200 g)

Glutinous rice flour Vegetable oil

14 oz (400 g) 1 tbsp (15 mL)

Garlic sprout (cut into small sections) This recipe is provided courtesy of Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care. Dietitian comments are provided courtesy of Sosan Hua, Registered Dietitian of Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Nutrition analysis are provided courtesy of Annie Chung-Hui, Registered Dietitian and editions to this recipe are provided courtesy of Julie Wong, Outreach Worker, of South Riverdale Community Health Centre. For more service information, please visit The information provided in this recipe does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions.


Directions 1. Peel the pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into pieces. Add 1 cup of water and boil on low heat until pumpkin is tender and soft, and liquid is reduced. 2. Once the cooked pumpkin has cooled, add the glutinous rice flour and oil and mix well to form a soft dough. Use a rolling pin and roll the dough to a thin sheet (about 1mm thick) that will serve as a wrapper. 3. Cut the wrapper into 24 small circles with a cookie cutter. 4. Divide the red bean paste (filling) into 24 balls, then stu the wrapper with the red bean filling. 5. Place in the steamer and steam on high heat for 10 minutes. 6. Use a plastic knife to slightly press "pumpkin" light grooves, and decorate with a small piece of garlic sprout on the top of the pumpkin cakes.



健康生活的鑰匙 A Key to Healthy Living 鈉是一種身體不可缺少的養份,在不同的鹽 類和食物中都可以攝取。但是,攝取過量則 可導致高血壓及慢性疾病, 例如心臟病等。多 加注意鈉的來源,會為你及你的子孫塑造一 個健康的生活模式。 Sodium is an essential nutrient to the body and in a variety of salts and foods; yet its high consumption can lead to high blood pressure and other chronic diseases, for example, heart diseases. By lowering intake of sodium, you are shaping a healthy lifestyle for yourself and future generations.

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