strengthening abilities of children in our community
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Report 2007/2008
page 2
have personally enjoyed the past year with the NONA Board of Directors as I have seen the fruits of our past labours come alive at the Centre. I have had an opportunity to see the many rooms of NONA being used and enjoyed. Seeing the children and families enjoy our building reminds me every day why we embarked on our building project five years ago.
Over the past year the Board of Directors of NONA has continued to guide the policies and vision of the NONA Child Development Centre. The eight members of the Board have dedicated many hours to fundraising and board meetings. While we continue to fundraise for the Treehouse, the Board has enjoyed a relatively “quiet” year at NONA. We continue to advocate through the provincial British Columbia Association of Child Development and Intervention (BCACDI) table for additional services for children with special needs, and we are pleased to see a small increase in therapy dollars, without any reductions in other programs.
Our Executive Director, Helen Armstrong, continues to successfully manage the day-to-day operations of NONA and represent NONA in the community. The Board appreciates and thanks her for her commitment to our organization. The staff of NONA continues to provide exceptional services to the children and families of the North Okanagan. I would like to thank them on behalf of the Board of Directors for their dedication and great work. Looking forward, the entire Board has agreed to return to the table to continue our important work. Next year will see the completion of Phase One of the Child Health BC project on our third floor, and the continued excellent service provision to the children of the North Okanagan. As the title of this report says, it is a time for the roots of the Treehouse to strengthen and grow. Thank you again to our members, the NONA Board, the families we serve, and our wonderful staff that bring a positive and professional attitude to work every single day of the year.
One project we are very pleased to see finished is Respectfully submitted, the completion of the playground. This project took the involvement of most of the NONA staff! From securing the base funding through Ronald Janice Foster MacDonald House, to ensuring that the Board President equipment was finally installed, the staff did a wonderful job. At times the staff were even involved in the physical labour of the project! We are very grateful the children now have a safe and accessible place to learn and play – thank you to all those that made our playground possible.
NONA Board of Directors 2007/2008 President Janice Foster
Director Peg Graham
Director Nancy House
Vice President Betty Barker
Director Linda Graves
Director Marlene Sokol
Treasurer Allen Dubeski
Director Jacquie Hansen
Director (Honourary) Betty Brisco
page 3
he theme of this years annual report is “Setting Down Roots”. We have chosen this theme because we have been in this building for three years, and we are now starting to feel at home in our Treehouse.
Positive feedback from families: “True concern about our children’s wellbeing, not just for today but for their future.”
Over the past year we have experienced “Your entire staff is patient, kind, stability in funding that is very welcome. Our knowledgeable and is readily available program contracts have remained constant, when we need them. We always feel very with a small increase to therapy funding . This welcomed and at home at your building stability has allowed us to look forward in as well as in our own home.” terms of growth potential and service delivery. I am very pleased with the growth within our “The positive attitude and programs, as well as the continued work done encouragement that “every child can.” towards improving and providing excellence in service delivery. Our community connection with the Ministry of Children and Family Development is strong and will continue to be Today we have finally put the last piece of the so for the next year. Treehouse puzzle in place. The playground is now complete! I know that this project took a The Treehouse is functioning at full capacity. great deal of work on behalf of the staff. The On the third floor, the pediatricians have project’s main funder was the Ronald settled into their space and on the other side, MacDonald house, whom we gratefully the Children’s Assessment Network is running acknowledge. Thank you to everyone who full force. Our recent partnership with Interior worked on the playground project; it could not Health and Child Health BC, will provide have been done without you. NONA with video conferencing capability within the province and beyond. Stay tuned for Looking forward, I am struck by the number of more about this multi-phased project. possibilities available to our Centre. With the stewardship of the Board, the experience and The Board of NONA had a very busy year efforts of the staff, and the continual guidance fundraising for the Treehouse. Their efforts of the families we serve, I can’t wait to see are recognized through the continual what we come up with next! Please take a few reduction of our mortgage. Their attendance at moments to read this report - if you have any board meetings, and efforts at fundraising questions don’t hesitate to talk to me. Thank events is invaluable. I have enjoyed working you to the Board, staff, and families for their with the Board and thank them for their continuing patience and support. support and direction through the year. Respectfully submitted,
For more information about our programs and services, please visit us at:
Helen Armstrong Executive Director
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Report 2007/08
setting down roots
Agency Performance 2007/2008 NONA Child Development Centre measures performance in four areas: We want to know: We make a positive difference in the lives of the children and families that we serve (effectiveness): •
92% of families surveyed felt that involvement with NONA programs made a positive difference to their children’s lives
92% of families surveyed felt that involvement with NONA programs made a positive difference to their family’s lives
96% of families surveyed felt that our staff worked with them to meet their needs regarding their children
We are efficiently using our space throughout the year (efficiency): •
The playroom is used on average 5 hours per day, 4/5 days per week.
The large therapy room is used on average3 hours per day, 4.7 /5 days per week.
The gym is used on average 2.5 hours per day, 4/5 days per week.
We contact families quickly after a referral has been made (service access): •
Average number of days for initial contact: 13.3
The families we serve are satisfied with the services we provide: •
92% of families surveyed reported satisfaction with our programs and services page 4
page 5
Some Interesting Statistics: FROM APRIL 1, 2007 TO MARCH 31, 2008 Ov erall Number of Referrals Per Y ear 433
2 0 0 7 /2 0 0 8 2 0 0 6 /2 0 0 7
2 0 0 5 /2 0 0 6
2 0 0 4 /2 0 0 5
In 2007/2008, this has doubled to 23% of all referrals.
2 0 0 3 /2 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 /2 0 0 3
27 6 0
1 00
2 00
3 00
83% of children referred to NONA live in Vernon/Coldstream area.
4 00
5 00
Most common reasons why children are referred to us: •
Concerns with communication development
Concerns with motor development
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapies-1.7 years
Delayed in more than one area of development
At risk for developmental delays
Speech Language Therapy-2.9 years
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Music Therapy-2.7 years
Average age at referral for early intervention services: • •
Infant Development Program-9 months
63% of children served this year were boys. 1
In 2002-2003, 11% of total referrals were from families who had concerns about their child’s development.
In 2007/2008, 283 children from the North Okanagan were referred for services from our Centre. That’s 84 more children than five years ago.
Top Community Referral Sources: In 2007/2008, we served 459 children.
1. Public Health Nurses 2. North Okanagan Paediatric Clinic 3. Family Physicians 4. BC Children’s Hospital
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Report 2007/08
setting down roots
Making Connections NONA Child Development Centre Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
NONA Child Development Centre 2802 34 Street, Vernon BC V1T 5X1 Phone: 250 549 1281
North Okanagan Neurological Association (NONA) Board of Directors 2008/2009 PRESIDENT
Janice Foster
Jacquie Hansen
Linda Graves
Nancy House
Allen Dubeski DIRECTOR Peg Graham
Marlene Sokol
Page 2
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
Page 3
Board President Report The past year has been a rewarding and enjoyable time for me as President of the NONA Board of Directors. I have had an opportunity to see the many rooms of NONA being used and enjoyed. Seeing the children and families enjoy our building reminds me every day how fortunate we are to have this facility in our community. Over the past year the Board of Directors of NONA has continued to guide the policies and vision of the NONA Child Development Centre. The seven members of the Board have dedicated many hours to fundraising and board meetings. While we continue to fundraise for the Treehouse, the Board has enjoyed a relatively “quiet� year at NONA. One of the highlights from the past year is the opening of the ChildHealth videoconferencing space on our third floor. This project has now moved to Phase II which involves the networking of other Child Development Centres in our region to NONA. This connection will broaden our ability to share information and learn from other professionals. We have also been fortunate to be included as a beneficiary in two fundraising events; the Brent Gilchrist Invitational, and the Rise Gala. I appreciate the work that went into these events, and thank all of those involved for making them successful. Our Executive Director, Helen Armstrong, continues to successfully manage the dayto-day operations of NONA and represent NONA in the community. The Board appreciates and thanks her for her commitment to our organization. The staff of NONA continues to provide exceptional services to the children and families of the North Okanagan. I would like to thank them on behalf of the Board of Directors for their dedication and great work. Looking forward, the entire Board has agreed to return to the table to continue our important work. We are also lucky to be expanding our Board this year, and we look forward to getting to know our new Board members. Thank you again to our members, the NONA Board, the families we serve, and our wonderful staff that bring a positive and professional attitude to work every single day of the year. Respectfully submitted.
Janice Foster Board President
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
Page 4
Executive Director’s Message Each year we produce an annual report describing the past year and evaluating how our performance has been. In order to reduce printing costs, this year the annual report will be available on our website. The theme of the report is “Making Connections”, something I think we have done very well this year. Through the many programs we provide to children and families, we are able to connect with the needs of the family, and to provide the best support we can. A powerful connection was celebrated in November 2008 with the opening of the videoconference facility housed on our third floor. This project is a partnership between NONA, the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the Interior Health Authority, and ChildHealth BC. The project provides the videoconferencing equipment and the supporting network so that NONA has the ability to host videoconferences for training – or anything else we can think of! I am grateful for the support of our partners in this project, and very proud of the staff running the site, and the many staff and community partners who are taking advantage of the training offered through this project. The connections made with community partners and internal staff are invaluable, and will help us to pave the way for fully accessible and timely training opportunities for our sector. We were again grateful to be connected to the Brent Gilchrist Golf tournament this year. Brent and his committee celebrated their 20th year of raising funds for the children of our province. Over the past 20 years almost one million dollars has been raised and donated to support services for children. Another connection is NONA’s involvement with the North Okanagan Early Childhood Development Coalition. The committee has successfully navigated the development of a strategic plan and funding guidelines for the Coalition. I am grateful to the staff that participate in the work done by the Coalition, and hope to see this work continue in the next year. If you are ever here at NONA on a Thursday at lunch time, chances are you will find a number of the staff participating in the lunch and learn series in our boardroom. Staff are both presenters and recipients during these sessions, and from attendance records they are a huge success. I see the list of presenters as each series is developed, and I know for some presenters it is a challenge to speak in front of a group of people. I would like to congratulate all of you for doing such a great job. The connections among staff during the Lunch and Learn series, as well as the connection between learning and practice, help us to continue to provide excellent service to our families.
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
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Over the last year our Centre has enjoyed a relatively quiet period. Our Board President however has had anything but. Janice Foster has the most energy of anyone I know – and she takes full advantage. Not only is Janice our Board President she sits on the Board of the BC Association of Child Development and Intervention, is the President of the North Okanagan Bingo Association, runs the student exchange placement program for School District 22, and recently found the time to help her husband run for office. I would like to highlight Janice’s work for NONA and her many connections to our community. At NONA we are lucky to have a dedicated Board of Directors, who stand by us year after year. Without their support it would be impossible to continue our service to children and families. Thank you to Jacquie Hansen, Linda Graves, Nancy House, Allen Dubeski, Peggy Graham, and Marlene Sokol for their support over the last year. Over the last six months we have all been watching the economy and especially for NONA, the budget process for the Ministry. There is no question these are challenging times. Through our connections both provincially and locally NONA continues to push for equitable and complete service for children with special needs and their families. I am confident that our advocacy is being heard, and I am hopeful that our core funding will be untouched in the coming months. As with most things in life, while new connections are made, some long time connections are lost. We said a sad farewell to Marjorie Palmer and Betty Brisco over the last year. These two pioneers of the Cerebral Palsy committee within the Pythian Sisters were responsible for many thousands of dollars donated to NONA. We thank them and their families for their generosity. As the Executive Director I find I am always looking forward, trying to plan for any upcoming issues or opportunities. I’m not sure what we will be facing over the next year, but I am confident that we have the Board and staff to be successful in anything that we face. As the families we serve show us year after year, there is nothing we can’t face if we work together. Respectfully submitted,
Helen Armstrong Executive Director
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
Page 6
Making the Connection: Referrals April 1, 2009-March 31, 2008
How many children were referred to NONA this past year?
Where are the children from?
Referrals continue to steadily increase.
Compared to last year, there was a 50% increase of referrals from children who live in Armstrong.
Overall number of referrals to NONA programs
Number of individual children referred
Who were the children that were referred? AGE AT REFERRAL PERCENTAGE 0-2
Out of Town
Who connected the children to NONA? 23% of all referral were from families who referred their children themselves.
Most community referrals are from the following service providers:
3 years
Public Health Nurses
2 years 10 months
Family Doctor
Child Care Settings
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2008-2009
Page 7
Agency Outcomes Effectiveness
89% of families surveyed reported that involvement with NONA programs made a positive difference to their child's life.
Better forecasting and hard work has resulted in the following efficiency:
90% of families surveyed reported that involvement with NONA programs has made a positive difference to their family's life.
“The hands-on approach not only makes a positive difference in my child but myself and family. I always received positive feedback after every appointment. What a difference!” (Mom of a 17-month-0ld & 3year-old).
NONA staff has worked with you to meet your needs regarding your child. 6% Uncertain
SCD Authorization Budget
Percentage Spent
* 7% under budget allows for slippage for unforeseen circumstances.
Our use of space has remained consistent from last year. The playroom is used on average 5 hours per day, 4/5 days per week. The large therapy room is used on average 2.5 hours per day, 4.1/5 days per week. The gym is used on average 3.6 hours per day, 4.2 /5 days per week.
Service Access Within 1 week of referral, families receive a letter that confirms their child’s referral and includes the NONA Family Handbook. On average, NONA staff contact families within 20 days of referral.
54% Strongly Agree
40% Agree
Satisfaction 94% of families surveyed reported that they were satisfied with NONA programs and services.
b u i l d i n g
o p p o r t u n i t i e s
NONA Child Development Centre
s t r e n g t h e n i n g
a b i l i t i e s
NONA Child Development Centre 2802 34 Street, Vernon BC V1T 5X1 Phone: 250 549 1281
North Okanagan Neurological Association (NONA) Board of Directors 2009-2010 PRESIDENT
Janice Foster
Claire Abbott
Nancy House
Peg Graham
Tania Milliken‐Heape
Linda Graves TREASURER
Allen Dubeski
NONA Child Development Centre
Jacquie Hansen
Annual Performance Report 2009-2010
Marlene Sokol
Page 2
Opportunities abound The past year has been a rewarding and enjoyable time for me as President of the NONA Board of Directors. It has gone by very quickly, and has been full of opportunity, activity and fun. Over the past year the Board of Directors of NONA has continued to guide the direction and vision of the NONA Child Development Centre. Our Board has grown by two new members, Claire Abbott and Tania Milliken‐Heape, new additions that have brought many great ideas to the table. Thank you to all of the Board for your ongoing support and work on behalf of the children and families we serve. As we sit here in the Clubhouse, I am again amazed at the good fortune NONA continues to have. Early this year we entered into an agreement with the North Okanagan Handicapped Association to purchase this house. This opportunity has allowed us to plan for the growth of our Autism Services program, and to dream a little about the future. I would like to thank Dave and Elaine Brew, Nancy MacDonald, and Joey Rivey for their support of NONA, and assure them that we will put all of our efforts into making this house a central place for children and youth with special needs. Our Executive Director, Helen Armstrong, continues to successfully manage the day‐to‐day operations of NONA and represent NONA in the community. The Board appreciates and thanks her for her commitment to our organization. As always, the staff of NONA provides exceptional services to the children and families of the North Okanagan. I would like to thank them on behalf of the Board of Directors for their dedication and great work. This spring one of our long time employees, Susan Wells, retired and we would like to wish her well in her endeavours. Thank you again to our members, the NONA Board, the families we serve, and our wonderful staff that bring a positive and professional attitude to work every single day of the year. Respectfully submitted, Janice Foster Board President NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2009-2010
Page 3
Report from the Executive Director Welcome to the Annual Report for the 2010 year, and thank you for taking the time to read our report and attend the annual general meeting. The theme for this year’s report is “building opportunities” which describes our last twelve months. Over the last year we had many opportunities and challenges to address—a few of them were:
The sluggishness of the BC economy, which affected both our Centre and the families we serve.
Severe cutbacks faced by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), although services to children and youth with special needs were somewhat protected. NONA continues to lobby locally and provincially for the protection of our services.
MCFD’s transformation of their service delivery model to be more family centered, something that NONA strongly believes in.
A visit to NONA by Minister Mary Pollock, which gave us the opportunity to highlight our services and our community.
The retirement of Susan Wells, IDP Supervisor after 23 years. Susan is off on an adventure to Nepal to provide infant development services to the underprivileged.
The acquisition of the Clubhouse! We are very grateful to the North Okanagan Handicapped Association for this opportunity. We hope to have the Clubhouse fully operational with services there for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders by January 2011.
Throughout all of this, NONA does what we like to do best – provide the best quality services to our families that we can. I am very grateful to the staff for their commitment and hard work. Our Board continues to guide the Centre with thoughtful decisions and a steady hand. Janice is tireless in her efforts to support NONA, and I thank her and the Board very much for the direction that they have provided.
NONA’s involvement was great for our family to feel supported at home during periods between Children’s Hospital visits. Thanks! We appreciated it!
As we face the upcoming year, I am sure there will be new opportunities and challenges around the corner. While it may be hard to predict the future of BC’s economy, one thing is for sure: NONA will be here to help the children. Thank you to the families we serve for your trust in us, and to our members for the shared belief in the potential of all children. Respectfully submitted, Helen Armstrong Executive Director
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2009-2010
Page 4
Referrals to NONA April 1, 2009‐March 31, 2010 How many children were referred to
Where are the children from?
NONA this past year?
341 children were referred to NONA. Referrals have steadily been increasing in the past five years.
Out of Town
Who connected the children to 250
21% of all referrals were from families who referred their own children.
0 2005-2006
Most community referrals are from the following service providers:
Who were the children that were
Public Health Nurses
Family Doctors
Child Care Settings
Boys vs. Girls BOYS & GIRLS
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2009-2010
Page 5
Agency Outcomes Effectiveness Looking back, did NONA’s involvement with your child help him or her? 100% of families who responded to our discharge survey answered NONA staff helped or helped greatly.
Before NONA, my child was unable to participate in any activity. NONA’s support, ideas & technical skills helped her develop properly so she could participate.
Efficiency 29% reduction in the interest of NONA’s long term debt Dependency on MCFD funding decreased by 1.1% in the past year
Service Access Overall NONA program staff decreased the time between the date of referral and first contact by 12% from last year. However, demand for the autism services has increased, particularly over the age of 6. Wait time for this program has increased significantly since the previous year as demand currently exceeds capacity.
Satisfaction MCFD contracts
Individualized funding
Fees for service Special events fundraising
100% of families who responded to our discharge survey reported that they would recommend NONA’s services to a friend whose child needed extra help.
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2009-2010
Page 6
NONA Child Development Centre
Nevan makes and eats his masterpiece.
Gabriella draws a picture of herself.
NONA Child Development Centre 2802 34 Street, Vernon BC V1T 5X1 Phone: 250 549 1281 North Okanagan Neurological Association (NONA) Board of Directors 2010-2011 PRESIDENT
Janice Foster
Jenny Balko
Nancy House
Peg Graham
Tania Milliken‐Heape
Claire Abbott TREASURER
Allen Dubeski
NONA Child Development Centre
Jacquie Hansen
Annual Performance Report 2010-2011
Marlene Sokol
Page 2
Message from the Board President The past year has been a rewarding and enjoyable time for me as President of the NONA Board of Directors. The year has gone by very quickly, and has been full of both rewards and challenges. Over the past year the Board of Directors of NONA has continued to guide the policies and vision of the NONA Child Development Centre. We welcomed a new Board member this Andrew with his mom, Melody, at our Connections ParentTot DropIn year, Jenny Balko, who brought with her expertise as a chartered accountant and the experience of having two young children. Unfortunately Jenny and her family are moving to Kelowna this fall, so we are losing her as a Board member. Thank you to Jenny for your help and guidance at the Board table. Thank you to all of the Board for your continued support and work on behalf of the children and families we serve. The Board concentrated on two areas over the last year, one being a successful accreditation survey and the other the development of a strategic plan for NONA. I am very pleased to say we were successful in the accreditation survey, and that we are making progress on our strategic plan. At the best of times I know the job of Executive Director is a tough one, but when money is tight and funding is hard to maintain, it can become even more challenging. Our Executive Director, Helen Armstrong and her administrative team, continue to successfully meet the challenges facing NONA, and they even manage to help us plan for the future. The Board appreciates and thanks them for their commitment to our organization. The staff of NONA continues to provide exceptional services to the children and families of the North Okanagan. I would like to thank them on behalf of the Board of Directors for their ongoing dedication and outstanding work. Thank you again to our members, the NONA Board, the families we serve, and our terrific staff that bring a positive and professional attitude to work every single day of the year. Respectfully submitted, Janice Foster Board President NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2010-2011
Page 3
Report from the Executive Director Welcome to the Annual Report for the 2011 year, and thank you for taking the time to read our report and attend the annual general meeting. Over the last year we have watched our province, region, and community struggle with the downturn of the economy and the increase in unemployment. In a lot of ways I am pleased to be able to say we are still here providing quality services. Our families are experiencing tougher than usual conditions and as a Centre, we are facing tougher cost pressures. It is always so important during tough times to have a stable and supportive Board, and I am very grateful that we have this at NONA. The Board is always on watch for NONA and the families we serve, and our Board President Janice Foster is a leader at the Board level as well as within our communities. Thank you to them for their continued support. A major accomplishment this past year was the successful completion of our CARF accreditation survey in March 2011. We earned another three year accreditation in Child and Youth Services, and for the first time, our Autism Services program has received accreditation for Supports for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I would like to thank all of the staff for their hard work, and to single out both Heather Todd, and our Board President, Janice Foster. I wasn’t able to participate fully in the second round of administrative surveys due to knee surgery, and Janice and Heather stepped in and got us through. Referrals over this past year have been stable, with the exception of growth within our Autism Services program. We are putting the Clubhouse to good use, with approximately 40 children using that facility. The Pythian Sisters were very generous this past year. The Lumby Pythians gave us a donation to address our equipment wish list within the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy programs. The Vernon Pythian Sisters continue to support our families through donation drives and equipment purchases. We are happy to report that families whose children have outgrown equipment have returned it back to NONA so it can be reused by other families. This truly is recycling at its best! As we look to the next year I am sure there are just as many opportunities and challenges ahead, as we have faced over the last year. It is hard to say how our economy will be doing in the future, but one thing for sure is that NONA will be here to make sure that children have the necessary help they need to meet their full potential. Thank you to the staff for your ongoing pursuit of excellent support to the families that come to NONA. And finally, we thank the families for your support and trust in our Centre. Respectfully submitted,
Helen Armstrong Executive Director NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2010-2011
Page 4
Referrals to NONA April 1, 2010‐March 31, 2011 How many children were referred to
Thank you to NONA we have a realistic
NONA this past year?
understanding of our child’s strengths &
Although the number of children referred was down somewhat from the previous year, overall our referral rate is consistent with the past 5 years.
delays. We also have a better understanding of the necessary steps needed to obtain each milestone (large or small) and to set goals.
2010-2011 2009-2010
Who connected the children to
NONA? Again this year, 21% of all referrals were from families who referred their own children.
2007-2008 2006-2007 0
Where are the children from? AREA
We received more referrals from our pediatricians this year, and less from the public health nurses. Referrals from family doctors remained the same. COMMUNITY REFERRAL
Public Health Nurses
Family Doctors
Out of Town
Child Care Providers
IHA Speech‐Language Pathologists
Community Service Providers
MCFD Staff
Hospitals Outside Vernon
Boys vs. Girls Referrals BOYS & GIRLS
NONA Child Development Centre
Annual Performance Report 2010-2011
Page 5
Agency Outcomes
Our child is in kindergarten now and absolutely excelling in all areas Thank you NONA!
Effectiveness In November 2010, we mailed out a client feedback survey. The results are based on the responses from 50 participants.
Revenue Sources
Outcome 1: Families understand their child’s strengths, needs and abilities.
100% felt that they had an understanding of their child’s strengths and abilities 100% felt that they had at least some understanding of their child’s delays and needs
98% of families felt that they had at least some understanding of the next steps for their child’s growth and learning
100% felt of families felt that could tell when their child was making progress
Outcome 2: Families are able to help their child learn and develop.
96% felt that they were at least somewhat able to help their child engage with others
98% felt that they were able to help their child learn new skills
92% felt they were able to help their child take care of his/her needs
96% felt that they were able to work on their child’s goals during everyday routines
MCFD contracts
Individualized funding
Fees for service
Our goal has been to slowly diversify our revenue sources and decrease our dependency on MCFD funding. While the loss of our MCFD Respite contract and a decrease in individualized funding meant that NONA did not meet this target, we have maintained our total revenues from MCFD funding at 81%.
Satisfaction 96% of families felt that NONA staff listened to them and respected their choices
100% of families felt that NONA staff developed a good relationship with their child and family
Service Access Average initial contact time by staff to get
hold of families of newly referred children was 30 days (same as previous year).
NONA Child Development Centre
Wyatt and his younger brother, Caleb, pose for the camera. Annual Performance Report 2010-2011
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