Andrea Anoni | Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio | 2014 - 2016

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ANDREA ANONI +39 3494516034 | 35 219 Padova | ITA

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PERFORMING CENTER Porto Marghera (VE) - IT University IUAV of Venice Atelier Project Master I - 2014

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VOTIV TEMPLE Kalambaka (THE) - GRE University UCL Tournai Workshop Master II - 2016

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RE-PAVILLION Mondorf (L) - LUX University UCL Tournai Seminaire Structure - 2015

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REFUGEE CENTER Matera (MT) - IT University UCL Tournai Atelier Project Master 2 - 2015

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nationality | Italian date of birth | August 5th 1992 address | 31st Via Bravi, 35129 Padua email | IT contact | 0039 349 4516034 BE contact | 0032 49 1112555 web |











Italian | native English | B2 French | B1

I’m Andrea, a master architecture student at the University IUAV of Venice, Italy. I’m currently spending my master second year as Erasmus in Belgium, at the UCL University of Architecture of Tournai. This experience has not improved my language skills only, but the ways I work and I look at the world and people too. All the times I start designing something I keep many ideas in my mind, but I know just one will make me happy and will make my project working. So I believe in ideas, and I believe in hard-working as well, I think architecture is about these two. I found so useful to know and after work with people with a different point of view. I want to keep learning how to reach my best results in many ways, not just the one that made me start. The following portfolio contains a selection of my master’s works, thanks for your consideration, hope you will enjoy!

Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | Autocad | 3DS Max | SketchUp | Artlantis | Archicad |

Office Suite | Windows | Mac OSX | Model making |

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Workshop Atelier 2016 Alberto Campo Baeza Februrary-July Learning From Greece Faculté d’architec ture, ingénierie architecturale, urbanisme (LOCI of Tournai, BE) Master Degree 2015-2016 Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) Faculté d’architecture, ingénierie architecturale, urbanisme (LOCI of Tournai, BE) One year of Erasmus Plus exchange in Tournai (Belgium) as part of my master at the University IUAV of Venice Workshop W.A.Ve Alejandro Echeverri Arquitectos University IUAV of Venice Winter Workshop Morpho Papanikolaou University IUAV of Venice

2014 July 2014 February

Master Degree 2014-2015 Architettura per il Nuovo e l’Antico (DACC) University IUAV of Venice Bachelor’s Stage 2013 Bongiana Architetture September Padua, Italy Workshop W.A.Ve Max Dudler Architekt University IUAV of Venice

2013 July

Bachelor in Architecture Scienze dell’Architettura University IUAV of Venice


Scientific High-School Degree 2007-2011 Liceo Scientifico Eugenio Curiel Padua, Italy


Ridley Scott


Hans Zimmer


Nat Geo





| Instagram @andreanoni_15

| Travelling 2016 | London | Rotterdam | Berlin | Florence | Leuven 2015 | Amsterdam | Bruxelles | Bruges | Antwerp | Ghent | Oostend | Matera | Paris | Lille | Lens | Lemps | Santander | Somo 2014 - 2013 | Wien | Bratislava | Munich | Krakow | Czestochowa | Auschwitz 2012 - 2011 | Madrid | Saragozza | Rome | Greece | Croatia 2010 - 2009 | New York | Washington | Orlando | Miami | Key West



Location | Porto Marghera (VE) - IT University | IUAV of Venice Period | Atelier Master 1 Professors | S. Maffioletti, M. Rigo, O. Mazzarella Team | + L. Vincenti + A. Varotto

In this page a scheme which represents the exploded geometry of the four levels of the project, each one has different circular empty spaces, useful like museal spaces, but essential to move up or down as well. Empty circles individually different, but designed to work together.

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In this page a photo of the model we realised for the final presentation, it was essential to use the right material to represent the facade we chose for covering the two boxes of our project. A project which looks different during the day and during the night

Our third year project takes place in the city of Porto Marghera, this area is the main industrial space of the region. A space without opportunities even if so close to the so celeb island of Venice in the other side. Designing something here we supposed to increase the civil value of these space, creating the opportuni-

-ty of working, living and enjoying the own hobbies in just one place, lots of different functions united together but separated in two big cubed buildings, smaller boxes inside bigger boxes. Most of the functions aim to creative topics like art, theatre, music, sports and several other services.

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In the previous two pages on top at the left the plan of the level +3, at the right a masterplan of the ground level, down at the left a section of the whole project faced on the water, o the right the same view in elevation. In this pages on top at the left a detail in 1:50 of the library, at the right a night simulation of the facade of the squared building. Down a section in 1:200 of the squared building. In the next two pages on top at the left a detail in 1:50 of the music bar, at the right a night simulation of the facade of the second building. Down a section in 1:200.

09 | 10 Designing the two buildings we wanted to play with the strong duality of the site: choosing a totally free plan for the first, by the sovrappositionof different concrete bars kept up by strong circular pillars, organizing all the spaces in a creative and totally freeway. A so big box is useful for the inner organisation of the spaces, but so huge to be naturally illuminated by the sunlight, that’s why we decided to apply a double semi-trasparent facade, to capture much light as possible from the sides of the building and we thought to a solution for the spaces so deeply inside the giant trasparent box: the idea was the integration of empty circular spaces in every ground level, to capture and trap the light from the higher one. The circular spaces create quite big empty volumes which became useful and we guess

11 | 12 so great for the exposition of several arts pieces, especially the kind which can float from the top,making these normal spaces became amazing. In the second building we chose an orthogonal grill, adapting all the spaces in just two directions, the results is a plan less free but more useful for the disposition of the whole administrative services. The aim of this double nature design project is representing the duality between the great importance of the art and culture of the city of Venice, against the rigid but necessary system established in the last century in Venezia Porto Marghera. The two sides which today permit each other to make everything work, like the two big building of the project we have designed.


A TEMPLE IN THE METHEORES Location | Kalambaka (THE) - GRE University | UCL Saint Luc Period | Atelier Master 1 Professors | A. Campo Baeza L. Blanckaert, O. Bourez, E. Sokolowska Team | Individual

The first aim of my project is to learn too much as possible from the traditional Greek temple type. I tried to make a re-interpretation of the greek temple and I choose as model the Parthenon. The greatest themes are proportions, materiality, axiality and the architectural elements of course. I draw the plan and the elevations in smaller size than the Parthenon but with the same pro-

In both the pages down a perspecives of the temple facing the valley, in this page a zoom of the area of the project and his own access path too.

13 | 14 In this page a bigger plan showing the topography of the different rock corps which define MetheorĂ . On top is underlined the slice zoomed in the previous page

On top the plans of the Parthenon in Athens, and the Tholos temple in Olympia, and the facade of the Parthenon, showing the lines of the golden ratio. They all are some of the references I chose for drawing my temple.

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On top the plan and the facade of the project, both of them influenced and based on the same line and style of my initial references.

portions, through the notion of the Golden Ratio. The architectural elements are decomposed and re-interpretated, the columnes become squared based and made by the same stone of the Meteora’s mountains, the rooftop plan covered by marm and the architrave becomes an empty stripe to make the light get inside. So a temple made by

stone, light and marm. The interior presents two different spaces, the first opened and directed to the great landscape of Meteora, to enjoy the great view on the valley. The second one is closed to exterior and, by a zenital light, is the space to stay with yourself and to find your interior tranquillity, a new version of the Greek ancient space called Naos.

On top the detailed plan of the project, down a section both in size 1:100

17 | 18 On top the zoom of some different kind of stone covers applied to the pillars of the temple, down a detailed section in size 1:20, compared with a slice of the Parthenon in different size


Architectes | Steinmetz, Demeyer Location | Mondorf - Luxemburg UCL Saint Luc | SĂŠminaire projet, architecture, structure Professors | P. Adam, A. Croegaert, G. De Groote, C. Evrard, O. Gallez, P. Robinet, B. Wittevrongel Team | + I. Cabrita + E. Alcalde Sanchez + D. Dubois + S. Bourzgui

In this page on top a tecnical detail of the coverture and down an assonometry exploded showing the original constructive informations of the Pavilion at his state of art

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In this page the whole section of the building at its state of art, down on the right two photos showing its aspect at its state of art

In this page on top a tecnical detail of the coverture and down an assonometry exploded showing the new constructive informations of the Pavilion relatives to our restoration project

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In this page the whole section of the building at its new state of art, down on the right two photos showing its aspect at its new state of art

A chaque référence est rattaché un scénario spécifique changeant un certain nombre de conditions du projet de référence. Il s’agit d’interventions spatiales, d’extensions, de modification des con-ditions d’appui, programmatiques ou autres. Par conséquent, le projet de référence devra être adapté à cette

nouvelle situation ainsi qu’à une autre matérialité. C’est cette recherche spécifique qui est l’objet de l’exercice et qui en constitue la seconde phase. Cette adaptation et/ou modification devra toujours se faire dans l’esprit du projet de référence, sans le dénaturer, sans mettre en cause ce qui en fait ses qualités.

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In this two pages a composition of different plans, on top in the left corner a plan of the entire area and the project by on top view, the second livel on black shows the plan of administration and restaurant, the third bigger level shows the ground floor of the logements complex.


DESIGNING AMONG THE SASSI Location | Matera (MA) - BA University | UCL Saint Luc Perdiod | Atelier Master 1 Professors | P. Accarain, E. Van Overstraeten Team | + J. Bogaert + R. Calujek + A. Molitor

Lieux de l’harmonisation des différences: Centre d’Accueil et Gestion de réfugiés demandeurs d’asile: Le projet est avant tout un lieu de déambulation qui dessert de façon évolutive et graduée, les différentes fonctions entre elles selon tel ou tel chemin. Le bâti se met en relation étroite avec la Gravina, constituant de la ville. Il relie le point haut : le parvis du monastère au point bas : le parvis de la Gravina; avec un dénivelé de plus de 22 mètre. Il cherche à se rendre accessible de toutes parts. La curiosité anime le parcours notamment par des appels de vues, de lumières et autres surprises générées par la dualité de vides et de pleins. Ainsi la masse «flottante» au-dessus des terrasses

construit les vides extérieurs. Ces vides permettent d’entretenir une relation avec les Sassis existants, particularités de Matera. Ces espaces interstitiels à qualités différentes rendent le projet ludique et attractif malgré la complexité de l’ensemble. Il rentre ainsi en analogie aux strates rocheuses de Matera, une succession de couches de tuf et de roche, une succession de vides et de pleins. Le bâti s’implante de façon à préserver un maximum l’existant comme l’escalier extérieur, accès principal des usagers du projet. Le point bas en relation avec la Gravina est le terminus des différents flux généré par la topographie. Le gradin de contrebas sym-

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27 | 28 bolise l’ancien fleuve qui se jetait dans la Gravina. Il devient ainsi notre point de départ du projet se divisant en trois chemins différents. L’escalier principal extérieur joint directement le parvis du monastère avec le point bas de l’ancien fleuve. Il distribue les diverses terrasses et connecte les fonctions de services à la personne, le centre sportif, la crèche et l’espace multimédia. Une mixité de fonctions. Il dirige l’usager vers le cœur du projet : noyau de distribution. Ce noyau se distingue à première vue comme un accident, il se requalifie par son impact dynamique sur le projet. Ce parcours rend cet ensemble accessible et appropriable par la ville. La thématique intime et partagé

génère l’animation des différents parcours du projet. Ainsi, les fonctions dialoguent entre elles, jouent des espaces, des vues, des lumières, des ombres générés par le vide et le plein, desservis par tout un jeu de circulations. Une mesure entre les arrivants, les arrivés et la ville s’anime tout comme l’existant par rapport au nouveau bâti. De l’ancien avec de l’actuel, de l’actuel avec l’ancien. Confrontation, mise à l’écart, dualité, gradation du fractionné et de l’individuel vers le monumental et la partagé, Matera se préserve et cherche à se sublimer. Le bâtiment comme un filtre, une transition, une passerelle.


Model | Own 3rd year project Period | Atelier Master 2 Professor | J. P. Couwenbergh Team | Individual Software | 3DS Max + Photoshop

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Model | Own 4th year project Period | Atelier Master 1 Team | + A. Varotto + L. Vincenti Software | Cinema 4D + Photoshop

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Model | Own 5th year project Period | Atelier Master 2 Team | Individual Software | SketchUp + Photoshop

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Model | Own 5th year project Period | Atelier Master 2 Team | Individual Software | Sketch Up + Photoshop

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