Fee proposal

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Andrea Reid ReiDesigns Mobile: 021 208 3571 Email: 0800andrea.reid@gmail.com Website: www.reidesigns.co.nz Office: (09) 818 7332 Address: 7a Picton Street Freemans Bay Auckland 1011 To:

Renee Davies Whitford Holdings Limited 20 and 50 Okaroro Drive Beachlands Auckland 2571

Date: 22 October 2012 Job number: UR037‐2012 GST Registered No: 10‐3180‐379 Dear Renee, Thank you for giving ReiDesigns the opportunity to work with you on this exciting project. ReiDesigns create solutions that suit the client’s personal requirements and tastes while responding to and enhancing the existing environment with sustainable, cultural and ecological elements in mind. Our office has recently completed 2 new subdivisions in the Whitford area approved under Proposed Plan Change 8. Seven new residential lots have been approved for the Whitford Estate Vineyard on Trig Road and ReiDesigns will be assisting in a Council run initiative to restore the native streams in the Whitford area. Our ten years experience and knowledge ensures that your property design project is in the best hands. For the site 20 and 50 Okaroro Drive, Beachlands, Auckland, 2571, ReiDesigns have prepared and provided a fee proposal and extra documentation with recommendations, information and suggested enhancements with regard to your property development objectives. The following documents will provide you with information entailing the details of the services we will provide, our project brief, the constraints investigated by the consultant Planner and our fee proposal. We do ask that you please provide us with your formal approval to access Land Information Memorandum (LIM) reports and any other disclosure(s) as we understand that there may be legal encumbrances from Auckland Council. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, Andrea Reid Director of ReiDesigns

Project Brief The following outlines ReiDesign’s scope of work for the combined sites 20 and 50 Okaroro Drive, Beachlands, Auckland, 2571. • Complete a visual assment, land assessment and geotechnical analysis of the property. • Research the Planning and Development Controls in the District Plan (specifically Plan Change 8) that effect this site. • Prepare an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) document that focuses on the landscape implications of the site. • Prepare and submit relivent information and apply for resource consent to Auckland Council. • Provide a statement on the development constraints and possibilities for the site. • Implement a complete design process that produces a fully rendered final design solution that makes the most efficient use of the land for housing development. • Investigate and incorporate mitigation techniques into the landscape design. • Liase with client, planner and any sub consultants regularly throughout the design process to ensure collaboration results in a thorough design that is understood and affirmed by all. Professional Recommendation The following recommendations are provided by ReiDesigns and take into account the information and advice provided by the consultant planner. For the properties: Pt Lot 2 DP 161649, being 27.1052 Ha Pt Lot 3 DP 153965, being 19.1700 Ha The two above allotments will be treated as a single property holding with a total allotment area of 46.2752 Ha. The property is situated in the Whitford Rural B Zone (Refer to Manukau District Plan, Section 12A.9.2). This allows for an average building density of 1 household unit per 5 hectares of land. Therefore maximum lot allowance for this property would be 8. However, a further incentive is given to encourage improvements to the natural and physical environment through "bonus lot" provisions. This means that by planting additional native vegetation in the Whitford area one can increase the property’s lot numbers. The amalgamated lots fall into the 33­55 Ha category (Refer to Manukau District Plan, Rule 12A.14.3.1), which means the maximum number of additional sites that can be created under this rule is 5, provided that 4 Ha of native vegetation is planted for each additional lot. The number of potential lots for this site is between 8 and 15 lots. To provide the maximum lot number of 15 lots, 32ha of your combined 46ha would be required to be planted out. As this would leave insufficient space for development, we have calculated that 12 ha of planting would need to be off site, which would require the additional cost of consent from neighbouring properties. Therefore our consultant planner suggests subdividing the property into 12 lots, which would only require 20ha of planting which is achievable on site. The different options regarding subdivision lot numbers will be discussed with you in more detail at the next client meeting. In a brief site analysis we have discovered that the proposed site has a small number of indicative constraint areas. These include several perennial streams (refer to diagram 1 image A), a road corridor (refer to diagram 1 image B) and native vegetation (refer to diagram 1 image C), These policy overlays are designed to protect Whitford’s rural character and identify the areas in the landscape that are more sensitive to a change in character or amenity as a result of development. Many building constraints are placed in these areas so the required planting needed on site will be mainly located in these areas.


Diagram 1 Policy Overlays (Full document images can be found in appendix 1).


A. B. C.



Slope Greater or equal to 15 degrees and perennial streams. Road corridor Native vegetation

N.B. Red line indicates the Whitford rural boundary. Pink is property 20 Okaroro Drive and purple is property 50 Okaroro drive. As there is currently no reticulated wastewater or effluent treatment plant servicing in the Whitford Rural Area, treatment will need to occur on site. The minimum size that a lot can be is 2500m2 when each lot has its own wastewater disposal system, but if a shared package treatment plant system is put in place the minimum lot size can be reduced to 1,000m2 (Refer to Manukau District Plan Rule 12A.14.2.5). It must be noted that a recreational trail follows the southern boundary road line and another that crosses the northeast corner of the property (Refer to Diagram 2). Where practicable, the trail shall provide access to features of scenic, historic and ecological interest in the locality and the width of the access way at any point shall not be less than 6 metres unless in the opinion of the Council a reduced width provides the required level of access (Refer to Plan Change 8 Rule 12A.11.5). Other property constraints include house positioning, height, size, style, fencing, access, entrance and lighting. A practicable Building Platform (PBP) will be identified for each proposed household unit. Each PBP will be located at least 10m from the road, away from any archaeological sites, outside of the 10m corridor extending either side of a perennial stream or overflow path and will not require the clearance of any native vegetation. Each house must not exceed 9m in height and not be any larger than 10% of the new property lot size. The house must be of a style that is sensitive to and reflects the rural character of the landscape with traditional fencing that ensures views of the rural landscape are maintained. Where possible the new access ways will follow the lie of the land and entrance ways will integrate with the visibly permeable fence lines. The property development will have low ambient lighting levels that are consistent with the rural amenity values. The subdivision resource consent application will need to be processed as a Restricted Discretionary Activity and Plan Change 8 provisions associated with the policy overlays will need to be addressed. An AEE will be produced to accompany the subdivision and land use consent applications. Several specialist consultancy services are required to assist us in performing this work as required in Plan Change 8. These will include, but are not limited to, a planner, ecologist, geotechnical engineer, hydrological engineer, civil engineer, surveyor and archaeologist. These sub consultants are not included in the fee proposal attached and will provide a separate timesheet at time of employment.


Diagram 2 ­ Proposed Recreational Trails (Full document image can be found in appendix 1). N.B. Proposed Recreational Trails are marked in blue. Pink is property 20 Okaroro Drive and purple is property 50 Okaroro drive. N.B. Rules referred to in the Auckland Council District Plan Operative Manukau Section 2002 – Chapter 12A Whitford Rural Area document in the above constraints can be found at: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/documents/districtplanmanukau/text/chap12awhitford.pdf Rules referred to in the Plan Change 8 – Rural Whitford document in the above constraints can be found at: http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/council/documents/districtplanmanukau/changes/pc8proposed_pla nchange.pdf Diagram 3­ View of property from Okaroro Drive.


Fee Proposal Outlines the anticipated tasks, outputs and price estimated for the identified role. Task Description Outputs Unit Hours 1



Pre­design Appraisal and definition of the project Landscape Assessment


Visual Assessment


Site Analysis


Client and sub‐ consultant Liaison

Price $80 p/hr

Current document

1 bound A4 document



Site visit assessing current landscape conditions such as the character and quality of the landscape. Site visit assessing possible effects on people of the changes in available views through intrusion or obstruction and whether important opportunities to enjoy views may be improved or reduced. A record of the site. This will include lists, descriptions, drawings photos and maps. Meetings with Client, Planner, Surveyor, Ecologist

1 bound A4 document



1 bound A4 document



1 bound A4 document



4 meetings





Pre­design Sub Total



Conceptual Design Design Concept

2 x A1 pages




Cost Estimate

Included in concept design




Assessment of Environmental Effects

1 x A4 bound document




Land Use Capability Analysis

The creation of a conceptual design that draws conclusions from the pre‐design analysis, meetings and assessments, and will become the basis for the developed design. Preparation of construction cost estimate based on preliminary concept. An assessment of the possible positive and negative effects this subdivision project may have on the environment. Geographic information system (GIS) Property analysis.

1 x A3 bound document.





Client and sub‐ consultant Liaison





Meeting with Client and 2 meetings relevant personnel to discuss the conceptual design and any amendments or additional ideas to help the project progress. Following meeting, amendments will be made to the concept plan.



Conceptual Design Sub Total

75 hrs



Developed Design Design Development

2 x A1 pages



1 x A4 bound document



2 meetings



1 x A1 page



1 x A4 bound document



2 meetings






Preparation of Resource Consent applications.


Client and sub‐ consultant Liaison




Cost Estimate Review


Client and sub‐ consultant Liaison

The creation of a developed design that follows on from the conceptual design and will become the basis for the final design. Resource Consent Applications will be prepared. This includes a review of the AEE and other necessary accompanying information. Meeting with Client and relevant personnel to discuss the developed design and any amendments or additional ideas to help the project progress. Following meeting, amendments will be made to the developed plan. Review of construction cost estimate based on developed design. Final development meeting confirming any final changes before final design is rendered.

Developed Design Sub Total


Final Design Final Design Solution

The creation of a final design that follows on from the developed design and will become the basis for the final design

2 x A1 pages







Computer Generated 3D Model


Planting Plan


Schedule of Quantities and Construction Drawings Final Renders


Using Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, a Computer Generated 3D Model Site plan detailing the planting specifications. Schedule of Quantities and Relevant Construction Details

1 Computer generated model



1 x A1 page



1 x A3 bound document



2 x A1 page



Client is presented with all the final documentation in this final Design stage meeting; Amendments will only be made at this stage if absolutely necessary. Arrangement is made for Resource Consent to be sent to Auckland Council Resource Consent Application sent to Auckland City Council





1 x A4 bound document



Developed Design Sub Total TOTAL

154 351

$12,320 $28,080


Client and sub‐ consultant Liaison


Resource Consent Application Offer of Tender

Invitation to tender and evaluation of tenders

Fee Information and Disbursements Total fee comes to $28,080 exc. GST Invoices will be issued monthly based on hours of work completed and percentage of work done. All fees are exclusive of GST. Disbursements Mileage rates 77c/per km Any additional work required and agreed upon with the client will be charged at $80p/hr. Paper and Printing will be charged at: A1 color print $35 per sheet A1 black and white print: $12 per sheet A2 color print $25 per sheet A2 black and white print: $8 per sheet A3 color print $7 per sheet A3 black and white print: $2 per sheet A4 color print $3 per sheet A4 black and white print: $.50c per sheet This fee proposal does not include fees for any consultants or specialists. They will provide their own timesheets to the client.


Authority Your agreement to the terms in this document gives us authority to act on your behalf in any necessary planning matters (Resource consents, ARC consents, Building consents or Tree consents etc) We trust this will meet with your approval and if there is anything you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please sign and return this page to us as confirmation that you wish us to proceed, so that we can get matters underway for you. Thanks again for your interest in ReiDesigns, We look forward to working with you. Yours sincerely, Andrea Reid Landscape Architect and Director of ReiDesigns Fee Proposal Acceptance Form Please indicate your agreement to the terms outlined in this fee estimate by signing, dating and returning a copy of this document to our office via post, fax or email. This needs to be received prior to work commencing on your job. Job No: UR037‐2012 Client Name: Whitford Holdings Limited Total estimated fees: $28,080 (Excluding GST & disbursements) Client (or Client Representative) signature: ………………………………………….. Date:….………………….


Appendix 1 Indicitive Constraint Areas, pages 71­73 0f the Manukau District Plan. Chapter 12A — Whitford Rural Area Page 73 Beachlands Wade Island Whitford Legend Location of High Voltage Transmission Lines Brookby Perennial Streams Slope Greater or equal to 15 Degrees Whitford Rural Area Boundary Clevedon Scale 1:50000 @ A4 Figure 12A.1 - Location of Perennial Streams and Slope Indicative Constraints Areas ||| ||| | || ||| || | | ||

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| I:\MCC_Project\Whitford_Study\Nov08_Calculations\Feb09_Recalculations\ByOverlay


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Manukau Operative District Plan 2002

Chapter 12A — Whitford Rural Area Page 74 Whitford Beachlands Wade Island Whitford Legend Location of High Voltage Transmission Lines Brookby Perennial Streams Native Vegetation Whitford Rural Area Boundary Clevedon Scale 1:50000 @ A4 Figure 12A.2 - Location of Perennial Stream and Native Vegetation Indicative Constraints Areas I:\MCC_Project\PlanChanges\WhitfordRural_PC8


Manukau Operative District Plan 2002


Page 76 Chapter 12A — Whitford Rural Area Beachlands Wade Island Whitford ||| ||| | || ||| || | | || | || ||| |||||| |||||| | || ||| | || ||| |||||| | || ||| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| | |||| | | |||| | |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| Legend Brookby || Location of High Voltage Transmission Lines Road Corridor ||||||||||||||| || | Whitford Rural Area Boundary || || | | || | | Clevedon Scale 1:50000 @ A4 | | |||||||||||| |||||||||||| | || ||| FIG 12A.4 - Location of Road Corridor Indicative Constraints Areas ||||||




Manukau Operative District Plan 2002

Appendix 2 Recreational Trails, page 67 of Proposed Plan Change 8 Document.


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