Open and Distributed Design for Sustainability

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Open and Distributed Design for Sustainability The University-led SunRide project to diffuse sustainable mobility, supported by a web platform enabling incubation, open innovation, crowdfunding and implementation.

Master degree in Product Service System Design Supervisor: Carlo Vezzoli Assistant supervisor: Susanna Sancassani Thesis project by Andrea Remondini - 796846 Academic year 2014-2015

Open and Distributed Design for Sustainability The University-led SunRide project to diffuse sustainable mobility, supported by a web platform enabling incubation, open innovation, crowdfunding and implementation.

Master degree in Product Service System Design Supervisor: Carlo Vezzoli Assistant supervisor: Susanna Sancassani Thesis project by Andrea Remondini - 796846 Academic year 2014-2015




PART ONE: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1.1_SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY 20 _Introduction to Sustainable Mobility 20 _Mobility as key factor for socioeconomical development




_Sustainable PSS potential benefits


_Sustainable PSS applied to Distributed Renewable Energies




_Sustainable PSS innovations as win-win model


_Barriers to the introduction of PSS innovations




_How IPRs contribute to human development


_IPRs Governing laws



_Criticisms around IPRs


_The copyleft alternative


2.2_OPEN INNOVATION 72 _Open Innovation definition


_Case studies




_Open Source definition


_Open Source Hardware definition


_OSH treatment and 3D printing


_Case Studies 82 2.4_CROWDFUNDING 86 _Case Studies 88 2.5_CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSING SYSTEM 90 _What is Creative Commons 90 _The very essence of the organization


_The licensing system 90 _Creative Commons Licenses and icons







_Introduction to the topic


_A platform for the Mulo system




3.3_THE VALUE OFFERING 118 _A universities’ led PSS


_ Investing in Sustainable Mobility within low and middle-income contexts


3.4_SYSTEM STRUCTURE 122 _Stakeholders involved


_How does the SunRide system work?


_Stakeholders motivation matrix















This thesis starts from a master thesis

development of a web platform’s

project: the design of a solar-powered

prototype to support such project.

four-wheel light vehicle developed at

The Web Platform works to support

Politecnico di Milano, which led to a

Open Projects for its incubation to its

functioning prototype. Subsequently

implementation. Such projects are the

other master thesis followed to

way to evolve and further improve the

develop diverse variants within low

vehicle by exploiting the power of the

and middle-income contexts, using

Crowd; users participate and submit

the original drawings, hence, turning

their own vehicle design according to

such project into an open project

the project requirements. Here Open

which involved local universities and

Innovation takes place: materials and

different students. In one case so far a

resources are open source, they can be

second prototype was designed and

used as inspiration or even modified by

prototyped and tested in Cape Town

other users to propose more and more

for the transportation of people with

qualitative ideas.

disabilities. The research phase was carried out This thesis, by exploiting such basics

on the Open Innovation phenomena

and experiences, aims at designing a

and on the Intellectual Property

Product-Service System consolidating

Rights Management to be applied

such experiences into and effective

within an Open Source design and

and structured project to design and

implementation process, where the

diffuse sustainable mobility, promoted

creative effort of users can become an

and supported by universities through

intellectual resource for other users. The

an Open and Distributed Design

Creative Commons Licensing System

for Sustainability, Crowdsourcing

help authors protect their copyrights

and Crowdfunding. It led to the

and share their works without getting


damaged: with this strategy anyone can

institutions involved) - with their

legally build upon each other’s ideas.

invaluable creativity.

The Platform is Crowd-led also for financially support the projects; the

• Crowd of user - for their financial

emerging success of Crowdfunding

support, they have the power to bring

approach should facilitate the

the innovation alive.

investment of a promising design solution.

• Local Producers - to produce and implement the new designed vehicle.

The System Design Concept was

Their involvement beforehand is also

focused on the involvement of different

an attempt to start a self-sufficient

stakeholders to increase the project

business ecosystem, as it is often very


difficult to achieve in those realities due to a lack of resources.

• Universities - as project promoters, as well as pool of

In this thesis diverse design

resources and networking.

methodologies have been used

For every project, Politecnico di

in order to achieve such results,

Milano and Brunel University of

precisely Sustainable Product-Service

London are the promoters and

System Design (with more focus on

they start a partnership with a local

Service Design), Interaction and User

University showing interest to design

Experience Design.

sustainable mobility for a locallybased need. • Crowd of Designers (mainly design students form the partners



Questa tesi parte da un progetto di

ha portato allo sviluppo di un prototipo:

tesi: la progettazione di un veicolo

una piattaforma web per sostenere tale

a quattro ruote ad energia solare


sviluppato presso il Politecnico di

La piattaforma web funziona per

Milano, che ha portato ad un prototipo

sostenere progetti aperti per la

funzionante. Successivamente si

loro incubazione e attuazione. Tali

susseguirono altre tesi di laurea per

progetti sono il modo di evolvere e

sviluppare diverse varianti in contesti

migliorare ulteriormente il veicolo

a basso reddito, utilizzando i disegni

sfruttando il potere della massa;

originali trasformando tale progetto in

gli utenti partecipano e inviano il

un progetto aperto che ha coinvolto

proprio concept del veicolo in base

università locali e diversi studenti.

alle esigenze del progetto. Qui avviene

Finora un secondo prototipo è stato

l’Open Innovation: i materiali e le risorse

progettato, prototipato e testato a Città

sono a sorgente aperta, possono essere

del Capo per il trasporto di persone

utilizzati come fonte di ispirazione o


anche modificati da altri utenti per proporre sempre idee di crescente

Questa tesi, sfruttando tali basi ed


esperienze, si propone di progettare un sistema di prodotto-servizio per

La fase di ricerca è stata effettuata

consolidare queste esperienze in

sui fenomeni di Open Innovation e la

un progetto effettivo e strutturato

gestione della proprietà intellettuale da

per progettare e diffondere mobilità

applicare all’interno di un processo di

sostenibile, promosso e sostenuto

design aperto, dove lo sforzo creativo

dalle università attraverso un design

degli utenti può diventare una risorsa

aperto e distribuito per la Sostenibilità,

intellettuale per altri utenti. Il sistema di

Crowdsourcing e Crowdfunding. Essa

licenze Creative Commons proteggono


i loro diritti d’autore dando, allo stesso

• Progettisti (principalmente

tempo, la possibilità di condividere i

studenti di design dalle università

lavori senza danneggiarli: con questa

partner) - con la loro inestimabile

strategia chiunque può legalmente


costruire sulle idee altrui. La piattaforma è condotta dalla

• Massa di utenti - per il loro

massa di utenti anche per sostenere

sostegno finanziario, hanno il potere

finanziariamente i progetti; il successo

di portare in vita l’innovazione.

emergente del crowdfunding dovrebbe facilitare l’investimento di una

• I produttori locali - per la

soluzione progettuale promettente.

produzione e l’attuazione del nuovo veicolo progettato.

La progettazione del sistema è stato

Il loro coinvolgimento anticipato è

incentrato sulla partecipazione di

il tentativo di avviare un ecosistema

diverse parti importanti per aumentare

di business autosufficiente, spesso

il successo del progetto:

molto difficile da realizzare in quelle realtà a causa di una mancanza di

• Università - come promotori di


progetti, così come bacino di risorse e di contatti.

In questa tesi sono state usate diverse

Per ogni progetto, il Politecnico

metodologie progettuali al fine di

di Milano e la Brunel University di

raggiungere i risultati ottenuti, Sistema

Londra sono i promotori e iniziano

di Prodotto-Servizio per la sostenibilità

una collaborazione con un’università

(con maggiore attenzione per il Service

locale che mostra interesse per

Design), Interaction e User Experience

la progettazione di una mobilità


sostenibile su base locale.

Š Graham Crumb_ Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA




The World Business Council for

centuries, has incredibly contributed to

Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

the higher standard of living that most

Mobility 2030 report defined

developed countries now have. This has

“Sustainable Mobility” as “the ability

consequently translated into a greater

to meet the needs of a society to move

energy usage: over the 30% of the world

freely, gain access, communicate, trade

energetic consumption is created from

and establish relationships without

the transportation sector.

sacrificing other essential human or

By 2030, approximately 60% of the

ecological value today or in the future”.

world population will live in cities, therefore increasing all the issues that mobility brings along with its benefits:

_Introduction to Sustainable

more pollution and more energetic



Modern countries rely very much on a

There is a urgent need to address

crucial element such mobility, mostly

those issues by making mobility

for the development of social and

more efficient, more technologically

economic growth, since it transforms

advanced and less environmentally and

economies into great economies and

socially disruptive and simultaneously

facilitates human interactions and

preserving the many positive attributes


that make mobility desirable.

Great innovations such as the

Sustainable mobility takes into account

automobile made the twentieth century

alternative solutions of transportation,

the ‘golden age of mobility’ for many

such as car pooling, car sharing, bike

countries. The technology improvement

sharing, bike + train and reflect on the

that mobility underwent during the

necessity of moving (John Thackara, In


Š Erum Patel_Flickr_CC-BY


the Bubble). In many countries, low-

_Mobility as key factor for socio-

income inhabitants are excluded from

economical development

urban transport options. Transport is a key infrastructure sector: The socio-technical contexts that made

it can boost the economic growth

possible the phenomenon of growth

and is an crucial element of strategies

regarding transportation within western

for poverty reduction and general

societies, were mainly played by these

development. An improvements of

following big actors:

the infrastructures would reduce transport costs, resulting in a higher

• Political authorities, responsible


of the construction and maintenance of public infrastructures for public

In particular in developing countries,


the development of mobility is very important in order to bring to an

• Public authorities, responsible for

economic and socio-cultural growth,

public transportation management,

since mobility enables people to

which recently encouraged private

overcome distance, by providing the


essential links between production centres and markets, it would facilitate

• Private vehicle producers (cars,

the flow of goods and people along

trains and buses), free to experiment,

import-export channels, leading to an

develop and produce services.

economic growth. Design should be seen as an additional bridge between developed and developing countries in order to make


the latter grow: by collaborating on

has to be improved towards a more

how to make a wise use of renewable

sustainable way.[1] [2]

energy systems, differently than western countries did. Nowadays they are trying to counter-balance the mistakes made in the past, like excessive use of fossil resources to name a few. Mobility is the key of a country development, and for this reason it

1 Silvia Emili, PSSD Master Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Design of the transition strategy for a mobility PSS in Cape Town, 2013 2 Delfino, Remotti, PSSD Master Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Design and implementation of a sustainable mobility PSS in Cape Town, 2011

movement of people access to basic services

access to information

justifies where to invest

create employment


enhance development

improve well-being

enhance distribution of goods and services

achieve objectives

Figure 1.1_Sustainable mobility for social development



detergent and electricity (and the

specific type of value proposition that

service that supply them), maintenance,

shifts the business focus from selling

repair and disposal services.

products to offering a combination of

In the case of a traditional product sale,

products and services jointly capable

the producer of the washing machine

to fulfil a final customer satisfaction

has an interest in reducing material

(Goedkoop et al. 1999; UNEP 2002).

and energy consumption during the production phase (as well as the

To make this concept clearer, an

producer of the detergent and the one

example from a UNEP publication

of the electricity) but he has no direct

(UNEP, 2002) will be shown: satisfaction

economic interest either in limiting

unit of having clean clothes, there is

consumption during use or reducing

the need of a washing machine, water,

the impact of the resulting waste in the

As a company, you think about environmentally favourable ways of enhancing growth and competitiveness of your business

As a government, you are concerned about maintaining a sound economy and a healthy environment for all

As a citizen, you want to make responsible purchase decisions and improve your quality of life without adversely affecting the environment


Government promotes more sustainable production and consumption patterns

Companies provide a service instead of a tangible products

Consumers buy a service to fulfil their needs instead of buying a product

Figure 1.2_PSS: a winning solution (adapted from UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics)


type of business model permits to

Thus, talking about system innovation,

generate profit selling performances

it is meant an innovation that involves

instead of goods.

all the different socio-economic stakeholders of this satisfaction system.

In a traditional market the stakeholders involved in the process tend to optimise

PSS embodies a specific type of value

their own “segment, since they are

proposition that shifts the business

responsible for their phase of the cycle.

focus from selling products or services

The designer sits at the centre,

(as in the traditional economic model),

emphasising that he can influence

to offering a combination of products

the resource optimisation in different

and services jointly capable to fulfil a

phases but not necessary linking other

final customer satisfaction. This specific

part of the value chain.


Figure 1.3_Product sales versus PSS (adapted from UNEP, division of Technology, Industry and Economics)



Consumer buys a washing

Consumer rents a washing

Client buys a service from a company

machine to clean cloths in

machine to clean cloths in

(laundry) to clean cloths (company



determines best equipment and methods based on client’s needs)

Client owns, uses and stores

Company retains ownership

Company owns, maintains and stores

washing machine. Consumer is

of washing machine and is

the cleaning equipment including

responsible for maintenance and

responsible for maintenance.

washing machine. Company is

the “quality” of the cleaning

Client is responsible for use and

responsible for “quality” of the cleaning

“quality” of cleaning Initial investment for consumer

Consumer costs are spread over

Consumer costs are spread

could be considerable

time (they pay a low initial deposit

over time (they pay per wash)

and then pay per wash) Consumer ultimately disposes

Company is responsible for

Company is responsible for

of washing machine and buys

disposal and has incentives to

disposal and has incentives to


prolong use of product, reuse

prolong use of product, reuse

component and recycle materials

component and recycle materials


discrete resources optimization: phase-based (e.g. producer)

life cycle (system) resources optimization: product function-based

e.g. washing machine, function: clothes washing

Figure 1.4_Stakeholders in a product life cycle: discrete vs system resource optimisation

e.g. washing machine

e.g. detergent

e.g. maintenance service

Wide system resources optimization: solution based

e.g. solution = to have clothes washed

discrete resources optimization: phase-based (e.g. producer)

life cycle (system) resources optimization: product function-based


Figure 1.5_ Stakeholders in a product and services life cycle mix


Three main PSS features:

A shift from selling products to provide satisfaction, which means the fulfilment of a particular customer demand. Customer does not pay for the product but per unit of satisfaction delivered.

Change in product and resource ownership: the partnership providing the PSS keeps the ownership of all products part of the solution and consequently the relationship between producer and user does not end after the transaction.

Innovative network of stakeholders, considering changes in the supply chain structure and new actors configuration due to different interactions and partnerships between the stakeholders. Figure 1.6_PSS main features

In contrast, the PSS approach, moves

emissions) because the stakeholders’

away from phase based servicing

interests head to the same purpose.

and resource optimisation, to system

When the full system uses fewer

resource optimisation which is utility

resources, it has a definitively lower


overall cost and the gain can be shared among the various stakeholders.

In the traditional model there is no

If this notion of whole system

coincidence between economic value

optimisation is moved beyond a single

for individual stakeholders and overall

product life cycle to an interconnected

systemic resource optimisation.

series of product and service life cycles,

On the other hand, the potential eco-

therefore the potential for eco-efficiency

efficiency of a PSS relies on system

gains becomes even greater.

optimisation (in resource use and


_Sustainable PSS

• Customer-oriented: an approach to design the relationship between

A new design approach is needed in

the customer and the actors

order to develop and implement a

producing and delivering the PSS

sustainable PSS.

(Baines et al. 2007);

This is essential in order to move from product thinking to system thinking,

• System sustainability: an

and breakdown the business as usual

approach towards PSS eco-efficient

attitude (Manzini et al. 2001; Manzini

and socially equitable and cohesive

and Vezzoli 2003).

(Vezzoli, 2010).

The new design approach can be listed

Designers who have this new design

in four main parts:

approach should have new main skills to generate and develop sustainable

• Satisfaction-system: an approach

PSSs: like the ability to design an

of shifting from a single product

integrated system of products and

or service to the combination of

services fulfilling a particular demand

products and services capable to

of satisfaction, the ability to promote

fulfil the give demand of satisfaction

and facilitate new socio-economic

(Vezzoli, 2010)

stakeholder interactions, the ability to promote and facilitate participated

• Stakeholder configuration: the

design between different stakeholders

approach to design the configuration

and the ability to orientate the above

of the stakeholders network and the

processes towards eco-efficient and

interactions occurring between them

sustainable solutions (Vezzoli 2007).

(Vezzoli, 2010) In addition, the socio-ethical dimension


can be classified in three socio-ethical

_Sustainable PSS classification

groups: benefits for customers, benefits for the value chain and benefits for the

PSS system can be classified in three

society as a whole.

main areas:

These aspects in a PSS allow to improve many other societal fields: like

• Product-oriented PSS: services

improving the quality of life, enable a

provide added value to the product

responsible/sustainable consumption,

life cycle. It can be defined as a value

increase equity and justice in relation

offer where a company (or an alliance

to stakeholders, integrate weak and

of companies/stakeholders) puts

marginalized people in the value

at his offer centre the product and

chain, as well as creating new business

additional services complete the

opportunities for entrepreneurs.

offering. This strategy guarantees an

Š Kate Ausburn_Flickr_CC-BY

improved life cycle performance of


the product (sold to the customer).

own the product that provides it and

This type of PSS reduces the user’s

the payment regards only the time

responsibility in the use and/or

the product’s actual usage.

disposal of the product. • Result-oriented PSS: services • Use-oriented PSS: services

provide a “final results” for customers.

provide an “enabling platform” for

It can be defined as a value offering

customers. It can be defined as a

where a company (or an alliance of

value proposition where a company

companies/stakeholders) provides

(or an alliance of companies/

a customizable mix of services (in

stakeholders) offers access to

order to substitute the purchase and

products, tools, opportunities or

use of products), in order to provide

capabilities that enable customers to

a specific final result to meet the

get the results they want. The client

customer’s satisfaction.

gets the desired utility but does not


_Sustainable PSS potential

to the changing market and customers


preferences (UNEP, 2002). Environmental benefits:

A proper PSS design can generate

• Extend the product life span,

different benefits, the categories

facilitating repair, upgrading and

touched are: economic and

reuse of components.

competitive, environmental and socioethical.

• Intensify product’s use because

Economic and competitive benefits:

more people use the same product at

PSSs can improve the competitiveness

different times.

of the stakeholders involved. Market opportunities arise, as well as an

• Extend materials’ life, re-

improved strategic positioning, thanks

processing scrapped products.

to the shifting towards a PSS-oriented business strategy. (Goedkoop et al.

• Reduced use of resources in order

1999; Wise and Baumgartner 1999;

to diminish the usage of materials

Manzini et al. 2001; UNEP 2002; Mont

and energy of a given product in all


its life cycle phases.

This can be seen as a differentiation of the offering strategy from the traditional

Socio-ethical benefits: these benefits

product-based ones: it can provide an

can be grouped in two main clusters:

added value to the customers because

benefits for the customers and for the

it is possible to obtain the requested

society as a whole: for the customer,

satisfaction without large investments

PSSs may improve the quality of life

into products, as well as establishing a

because it increases the value of the

longer relationships with customers. It

offer and the derived satisfaction

can reply much more rapidly and easily

(Tukker et al. 2006).

In context with fewer economic

dissemination of skills (UNEP 2002),

possibilities (i.e. low-income and

to new business opportunities for

emerging contexts) customers have

entrepreneurs, as well as a stronger

much more access to products and

role for the local economy because

services since the PSS does not require

of the focus on the context of use

the payment for the full value of the

and consequently the enhancement


of local resources, by safeguarding,

The main benefits for the society as

regenerating and empowering local

a whole range from an increase of

economies and the related human and

local employment and a consequent

natural resources (Vezzoli 2007; 2010).

Š Julian Santacruz_Flickr_CC-BY



Figure 1.7_ PSSs potential benefits, adaptation from Ceschin



_ Sustainable PSS applied to

local communities, while fostering

Distributed Renewable Energies

democratisation of access to resources and enhancing local

Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE)


systems are increasingly considered

and dissemination of competences.

a crucial step to achieve a universal access to energy, consequently

Based on such aspects, Distributed

activating a wider social and economic

Renewable Energy (DRE) generation

development. Such systems underline a

could be defined: “Small-scale

set of sustainability-related aspects, like

generation plants harnessing renewable

environmental, economic and socio-

energy resources (such as sun, wind,

ethical ones:

water, biomass and geothermal energy), at or near the point of use, where the

• Inexhaustible resources: therefore

users are the producers – whether

the reduction of greenhouse gas

individuals, small businesses and/or

emissions and the drop of the

a local community. If the small-scale

environmental impact for extraction,

generation plants are also connected

transformation and distribution.

with each other (for example, to share the energy surplus), they become a

• Small-scale generation plants,

Renewable Local Energy Network, which

therefore the decrease of the

may in turn be connected with nearby

economic investment.

similar networks.” (Vezzoli et al., 2015).

• Installation, maintainance and

Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE)

management facilitation: therefore

and Sustainable Product Service

an easy plants installation and

System (S.PSS) have been lately started

management by individuals and

to be considered, if joint together, a


win-win model for all the stakeholders

_Case study:

involved, even in low and middle-

Distributed Solar Energy and electrical

income contexts.

devices as an all-inclusive package in

“A S.PSS approach may act as a business


opportunity to facilitate the diffusion of DRE-based value production systems

The Agroelectric System of Appropriate

(satisfaction system) in (all) low and

Technology (STA) and the Institute for

middle-income contexts, because they

Development of Natural Energy and

reduce/cut both the initial (capital) cost

Sustainability (IDEAAS), respectively a

of hardware purchasing and the running

for-profit and a not-for profit entities,

cost of maintenance, repairing, upgrade,

are corporations that were founded

etc., resulting in a key leverage for a

by Fabio Rosa. Through IDEAAS, he

sustainable development process aiming

developed The Sun Shines for All

at democratizing the access to resources,

(TSSFA), an innovative project whose

goods and services.� (Vezzoli et al., 2015).

aim is to provide energy services to

Figure 1.8_ Fabio Rosa and his home solar kit PSS in low-income rural Brazilian context.


Brazilians rural people.

• The focus on access rather than

Its business model is based on a leasing

hardware ownership reduces/avoids

structure: customers sign a three-year

initial investment costs (often too high

without termination clauses, except for

for low-income people), facilitating

the cost of uninstallation, to receive

the access to renewable energy.

cost-effective solar energy packages by paying a monthly fee. The company

• The selling of ‘unit of satisfaction’

owns the tangible equipments, such

reduces/avoids unexpected costs

as the hardware and the lighting and

for the hardware’s repair and/or

electrical outlets, while it provides via

maintenance, a conditions that could

leasing the energy service to customers.

lead to the interrupt the usage of the product.

From a S.PSS point of view, such business model is environmentally

• The focus on local contexts involves

sustainable because it uses solar

local stakeholders, thus building local

energy; it is socio-ethically sustainable

skills and empowerment.

because it gives poor people access to useful services; it is economically

• The enhanced labour/relation

sustainable because it generates

intensity may lead to an increased

business for TSSFA.

local employment and the diffusion of skills.[1]

Ultimately, Sustainable Product Service System applied to Distributed Renewable Energies may open new opportunities in low and middleincome contexts because of:

1 Vezzoli, C., Bacchetti, E., (2016), ‘The Sustainable Energy for All Design Scenario’, in Jonathan Chapman (Ed.) The

Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design (in print)



1.3_PSS INNOVATIONS WITHIN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR Product-service system innovation in

can be made for such cases:

the automotive sector is a promising approach to put into effect a more

• Product-oriented services: products

responsible consumption, lower

are sold with some additional

utilization of resources along with the

services, may it be maintenance,

related environmental benefits.

repair, upgrading, substitution and

Its actualization would potentially

product take back.

leapfrog the traditional market, but

With this approach, the company is

despite such potential pluses, different

economically interested in optimising

market and production barriers impede

the product life span by providing

its implementation and diffusion, since

services like maintenance contracts

it has to face a long-standing market full

or extended warranties on new cars,

of old and very stagnant habits.

provision of spare parts, fuel/energyefficiency information etc. Although this typology of PSS is the

_Sustainable PSS innovations as

easiest to be implemented (small

win-win model

changes in companies organisation and users behaviour), it is brings

PSS innovations within the automotive

limited environmental benefits.

industry is a concept that has been already implemented of late: examples

• Use-oriented services: service

are car leasing, car sharing and car

providers own the products and made

pooling, pay per service unit and

them available to users in different

integrated mobility etc. A classification

modalities like leasing, sharing and

(already mentioned in the previous

pooling. Similarly to the previous

paragraphs but this time declined to the

typology, the provider is interested in

automotive sector) of three main areas

maximising the use of the product,


in optimising its life span and in

specific final results. Consequently,

reducing the energy consumption,

companies create customised mix of

with consequent obvious benefits on

services and keep ownership of the

environmental terms.

products and the customer pays only for the provision of agreed results.


As the aforementioned typologies, the

_US: General Motor produced EV1,

provider is economically interested

an electric car from 1996 to 1999 for

in maximising the use of the product,

the US market, available in a limited

in optimising its life span and in

‘lease-only’ agreement of three

reducing the energy consumption in

years with maintenance and take


back services included. GM kept the ownership of the vehicles.


_Norway: Move About is a car sharing

_The national German railway

service in Oslo: the Norwegian

company Deutsche Bahn wants to

manufacturer Th!nk produced a fleet

provide an integrated mobility scheme,

of forty electric cars and users, by

declaring the intention to provide the

paying a monthly membership fee

entire chain of mobility from ‘house to

plus an hourly rate can have access to


the service, which has other incentives

To accomplish such goal, Deutsche

as well from the local administration

Bahn has to integrate different

like free parking, exemption from road

transportation modes based on an

pricing and authorisation to run in bus

intermodal network between local and


long distance public transport plus other mobility services like car-sharing,

• Result-oriented services: service provider and customer agree on a

leasing, bike sharing systems, etc.


It is possible to identify that a PSS

the stakeholders and users (usually

innovation focused on mobility is

ending after the transaction).

characterised by the delivery of a satisfaction unit, specifically in this

PSS can bring diverse environmental

case, the access to mobility.

benefits as well, even though within

Generally speaking, three innovative

the traditional automotive business

elements can be underlined:

model, economic interests do not converge with the environmental ones,

The network of intagrated

simply because of its ultimate goal of

stakeholders, including actors like

selling the greater amount of vehicles:

energy supplier, insurance company,

car companies are motivated in

local administration and public

accelerating the replacement of models

transport company, which usually

in order to increase sales.

works separately.

PSS can potentially offer new economic interests, such as:

The shift from selling products

to selling results, that is, is sold the

access to mobility; users pay for the

consumption in use: through a pay-

unit of satisfaction.

per-unit approach the provider keeps

Reducing the fuel/energy

the ownership of the vehicle, thus it is •

The change in product and

motivated to reduce its consumption

resources ownership. Differently

through different solutions, like the

from the traditional sale models,

introduction of more efficient engines,

the related stakeholders keep the

brake energy recovery systems,

ownership of all the products that are

suggesting to drivers the shorter

part of the solutions, resulting in an

travel route and so on. Consequently,

extension of the relationship between

less energy is used by the vehicle per


km, the overall costs are reduced and

_Barriers to the introduction of

profits are increased, along with all

PSS innovations

the environmental benefits, which are of great importance since the higher

As previously described, PSS innovation

environmental impacts of a car are

has been recognised as a potential win-

related to the use phase.

win solution: the beneficiaries of this range from producers to providers and

Extending vehicle/components

from users to the environment). Despite

life span: producers are pushed to

the implementation of innovative

avert the costs related to production

offerings, they have been undertaken

and disposal of vehicles, since they

often as pilot projects and their

keep the ownership of the vehicles.

development and scaling-up, once the pilots expire, is still uncertain.

Extending materials life span: to

This is because of the presence of some

avoid landfill costs and the costs for

“radical” characteristics within PSS

new materials by recycling and/or

innovations that act as barrier for their

energy recovery.

implementation and diffusion. The most significant barriers come:

Ultimately, PSS innovations can potentially bring profits while

simultaneously reducing and optimizing

the presence of an organisational

the usage of resources.

resistance in changing traditional

From companies, because of

market’s habits. The adoption of a PSS approaches require new design and management skills that are not widely diffused within firms and consultancy companies, which


in turn, would delay the design,

though such services have limited

implementation and market entry of

environmental benefits. In addition,

PSS solutions. Besides, because of the

the lack of knowledge about life cycle

medium-long term investments the

costs impedes full understanding of

PSS approaches require, there could

the potential economic benefits of

be uncertainties about cash flows, an

PSS solutions.

aspect that companies depend very much on.


From governments, since actual

laws may not favour the diffusion and •

From users, because of the

implementation of PSS solutions, as

difficulty of gaining customer

well as the creation of policies to help

acceptance about ownerless

corporate drivers promote and diffuse

solutions, mainly regarding B2C

such innovations.[1]

markets for user-oriented and

Š Department for Business, Innovation and Skills_Flickr_CC-BY-ND

result-oriented services. Differently, product-oriented services are more easily accepted and relatively diffused by users, since they require little behavioural changes, even

1 Fabrizio Ceschin and Carlo Vezzoli, The role of public policy in stimulating radical environmental impact reduction in the automotive sector: the need to focus on product-service system innovation, Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 10, Nos. 2/3, 2010


Š BMW Werk Leipzig_Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA

Š Graham Crumb_ Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA




“Intellectual property (IP) refers


to creations of the mind, such as

A patent is a legal document

inventions; literary and artistic works;

which gives the creator the right to

designs; and symbols, names and

exclude others from making, using,

images used in commerce.�[1].

selling and importing an invention

IP is a legal term to identify an act of

for a limited period of time, in

human creativity, whose purpose is to

exchange for the public disclosure

grant to the original creator exclusive

of the invention. Patents are

rights over his creation. It is considered

issued by governmental offices for

a form of property, specifically an

solutions to a specific technological

intangible property, because of the

problem, which may be a product

value it embodies: the creator can claim

or a process.[2]

moral and economic rights, that is receive attribution for the efforts of his

A patent infringement occurs when

work and the possibility to make profit

a third party makes use or exploits

by selling, licensing or transferring the

the invention without permission

property to third parties.

from the patent holder and the related court cases are generally

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

handled under the civil law[3].

include Patents, Trademarks,

Permission is typically granted

Copyrights, Trade Dress, Industrial

through a license.

Designs and in some jurisdictions, Trade

Famous examples of patented

Secrets. 2 WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook, WIPO Publication No. 489(E), 2008


WIPO Publication No. 450(E), 2003

3 Matthew L. Cutler: International Patent Litigation Survey: A Survey of the Characteristics of Patent Litigation in 17 International Jurisdictions, 2008



Figure 2.1_Examples of patents



inventions are the Telephone by

identical or confusingly similar to a

Antonio Meucci, the Incandescent

trademark owned by another party,

Light Bulb by Thomas Edison and

in relation to products or services

the Velcro system by George de

which are identical or similar to


those of the other party. Worldwide-known Trademarks are:

Trademarks: Any sign, symbol or expression that

Nike, Coca Cola, Star Wars, Sony, Ferrari and so on.

differentiates goods and/or services of a particular organization from


those of its competitors can be

Copyrights are exclusive rights

called a Trademark.

granted to the creator of an original

The main characteristic of a

work for a limited period of time.

Trademark is to indicate the

The right to copy only applies to the

source of the products or services

creator of the original work, is then

offered by the enterprise, so that

possible for him to make copies

consumers are able to associate the

and distribute it, as well as receiving

offering with the related business

attribution for his intellectual


efforts. Copyrights do not cover ideas and

There may be registered and

information contained within the

unregistered Trademarks, although

work itself but cover the manner

an official registration provides

and form through which it is

legal advantages for protection


and enforcement. A Trademark infringement occurs when one

“Copyright protection is above all

party makes use of a mark that is

one of the means of promoting,

© aaron_anderer_Flickr_CC-BY-ND

© captcreate_Flickr_CC-BY-NC



Figure 2.2_Collection of famous brands

Š Borrarcher_DeviantArt_CC-BY-ND



enriching and disseminating

appearance of mass-produced

the national cultural heritage. A

items in order to appeal consumers

country’s development depends to

in need of purchasing the item to

a very great extent on the creativity

perform its intended function.

of its people, and encouragement

Legally speaking, industrial

of individual creativity and its

design rights give attribution and

dissemination is a sine qua non for

protection to the rights holder


through an official registration.

Examples of copyrightable works

“Visual appeal is one of the

are books, musics, poems, movies,

considerations that influence the

drawings, articles.

decision of consumers to prefer one product over another, particularly

Trade Dress:

in areas where a range of products

The term Trade dress indicates

performing the same function is

characteristics of the visual

available in the market.”[5]

appearance of a product, a

Famous examples of Industrial

packaging, the design of shoes or

Designs are the Iphone, Ipod and

bags, that signify the source of the

Ipad by Apple, the Alessi Juicy

product to consumers. It is how

Salif by Philippe Stark and the

traders can stand out in the market

Piaggio Vespa Scooter by Corradino

through the look of their products.


Industrial Designs: Industrial Design refers to the visual

4 WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook, WIPO Publication No. 489(E), 2008

Trade Secret: A trade secret is a set of information

5 WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook, WIPO Publication No. 489(E), 2008

© Aconcagua_Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY

© Christos Vittoratos _Flickr_CC-BY-ND



which is generally not known or

_Objectives of IPRs

ascertainable by others. It may be a formula, industrial process,

The stated objective of Intellectual

commercial method, design and

Property Rights (IPR) is to foster

so on. Companies can potentially

innovation and promote progress:

obtain an economic advantage

according to Government policies,

over competitors or customers, as

the disclosure of new inventions gives

the trade secret holder can add

the society access to new knowledge

unique value to its own products

and know-how, boosting the creation

or services at the expense of

of new knowledge, research and

competitors which can not. This is

inventions as well as contributing to

mainly the reason why businesses,

economic and social development, “If

more often than never, undertake

some intellectual property is desirable

lawful methods to discover

because it encourages innovation, they

competitors´secrets, such as

reason, more is better. The thinking is

reverse engineering or employee

that creators will not have sufficient

poaching on the one hand, and

incentive to invent unless they are

potentially unlawful methods

legally entitled to capture the full social

including industrial espionage on

value of their inventions.”[7]

the other. Famous trade secrets examples are the Coca Cola recipe, Google’s proprietary search algorithm and the Nutella recipe.[6]

6 WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook, WIPO Publication No. 489(E), 2008

7 Mark A. Lemley: Property, Intellectual Property, and Free Riding. Staford Law School, 2005


_How IPRs contribute to human

and services, IPRs therefore unlock


competitiveness and promote broader dissemination of innovations through


publication and licensing.

IPRs protection represents a significant part of developed and developing

Market position:

economies, in terms of GDP,

Firms able to exploit their IPRs generally

employment, tax revenues and strategic

succeed better and have a higher

importance. IPR facilitates investments

market value. By securing, trading

for new technologies and inventions,

and licensing their IPRs, companies

as well as technology transfers in

can monetize and take financial

developed and developing countries.

advantages over competitors. This can

As the ‘knowledge economy’ advances,

also lead to a much more solid market

the real added value companies and

position, a situation which small and

economies can achieve will come from

medium enterprises (SMEs) can really

intangibles properties. Nowadays, most

benefit from, since SMEs generally

of the asset of many companies regards

use IPR more extensively than large


companies. Moreover, SMEs that use IPR report higher growth, income and


employment than those that do not.

IPRs can increase the innovation rate, by funding research and development


projects, they may help firms valorize

IPRs benefit consumers and society

their overall asset. A company which

as well. Companies are encouraged to

can take technological advantage

invest for quality and new offerings,

from its IPRs may force a competitor to

giving consumers a greater choice

seek for new and improved products

among the goods and services they


want and need. Thus, IPRs play an

Patent Cooperation Treaty (WIPO

important role within societies and

PCT), which ensures patent protection

political influence, they have the power

in multiple countries by filing one

to improve economies, technologies,

international application, within the

human wellness and development.[8]

signatory countries. It is used by the world’s major corporations, research institutions and universities.

_IPRs Governing laws

The International Trademark System (WIPO Madrid) grants registration and

The World Intellectual Property

protection for trademarks in multiple

Organization (WIPO) is the specialized

countries by filing one international

agency of the United Nations in charge

application. The major advantages are

of developing balanced and effective

the time and money saving factor and

IPRs policy systems, it was founded

the possibility to manage and renew

through the WIPO Convention in 1967.

marks through one centralized system.

Head quartered in Geneva, it currently

The International Design System (WIPO

has 188 member states.

Hague) provides the applicant a way to

WIPO provides international services for

register industrial designs in multiple

worldwide registration and protection

countries through one application,

of IPRs, both for businesses and

as well as the management of the

individuals. There exist three main

registered designs, like changes or

international treaties:


8, areas-of-work/intellectual-property/ ip-a-positive-force-for-society/, 04/05/15

9 WIPO, Guide to WIPO Services, WIPO Publication No.1020E, 2012

Š United States Mission Geneva_Flickr_CC-BY



_Criticisms around IPRs

to reject the narrow perspectives and simplistic picture the term “intellectual

One of the major critics around IPRs

property” suggests. Consider each of

regards its apparently vagueness and

these issues separately, in its fullness,

abstraction to the semantic validity.

and you have a chance of considering

Richard Stallman, founder of the Free

them well.”[10]

Software Foundation movement, argues “If you want to think clearly about the

In addition to this critic, for opponents

issues raised by patents, or copyrights,

of IPRs it would exist the rationale that

or trademarks, or various other different

ideas, because of their intangibility,

laws, the first step is to forget the idea of lumping them together, and treat them as separate topics. The second step is

© Mike Seyfang_Flickr_CC-BY

10 Richard M. Stallman. “Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It’s a Seductive Mirage”. not-ipr.en.html, 08/05/15


Š Casey Marshall_Flickr_CC-BY


cannot be owned. Ideas are not

person can “own” the good, so receiving

considered “scarce” goods, because

the benefit in using it. Such is the case

everybody can make use of the same

with all goods which have a limited

idea simultaneously, therefore the

supply, but with ideas and thoughts an

person who generated that idea has still

infinite number of copies potentially

complete use of it. The same reasoning


© Philip Serracino Inglott_Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA

is not applicable to resources which are “scarce” or that at least may be

Another criticism to IPRs concern the

depleted: in the case somebody owns

fact that they may harm innovation

a good which is lent to somebody else,

and progress. IPRs should allow people

the original owner has lost the use of

to make strides in knowledge from

that good, in other words only one

previous ideas and inventions, so as to


activate a “virtuous circle” which one

which argues that WIPO should “focus

innovation paves the way for a new one.

more on the needs of developing

Especially in the technology market,

countries, and to view IP as one of many

companies tend to take competitive

tools for development—not as an end in

advantages over questionable patents,


often too many, and practically hindering valuable progress which could improve their own business itself

_The copyleft alternative

and the lives of consumers. “Copyleft is a general method for Not to mention how big companies

making a program (or other work) free,

may confer authority over resources.

and requiring all modified and extended

IPRs in particular sectors may create

versions of the program to be free as

monopolies, where the few gain power

well.”[13] It is therefore the practice to

at the expense of the many who depend

freely distribute copies and modified

on those resources.[11]

versions of a work, may it be a software

The WIPO recognizes that conflicts

program, documents, designs and so

may exist between politically driven


laws of IPRs and IPRs for human rights and development. In 2004 the General

It works through a form of licensing: the

Assembly of WIPO adopted The Geneva

copyleft does exist because it is applied

Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization

11 Jeff Clark, Pro & Con: Intellectual Property, 2013,, 09/05/15

12 WIPO, Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization, 2004, http://www.cptech. org/IP/wipo/genevadeclaration.html, 09/05/15 13 What is Copyleft, https://www., 10/2015


over copyrights, therefore no copyrights

While copyright law gives authors

license, no copyleft practice. It basically

rightful control over copying,

can be identified as a copyright

distribution and modification of their

licensing scheme, in which an author

own works, instead, the goal of copyleft

waives some but not all of his/her rights

is to give all users the freedom to carry

to copy and make use of his/her work.

out these activities.

This is generally much more attractive

The copyleft approach has some

for authors: instead of allowing a

economic incentives as well:

work to fall completely into the

traditionally, copyright is designed

public domain (where no ownership

to promote progress by providing

of copyright is claimed), the copyleft

economic benefits to creators.

practice allows an author to impose

The copyleft choice leads to some

some restrictions on some rights.

complementary benefits and incentives

Copyright law is used by an author


to defend his work by prohibiting

• recognition from peers.

recipients to reproduce, adapt, or distribute copies of his work. In

• the incentive to keep a work open,

contrast, under copyleft, an author may

hence available to anyone.

give every person who receives a copy of the work permission to reproduce,

• preventing commercial

adapt, or distribute it, as long as (and

enterprises from absorbing and

here happens the very feature of the

selling an open work.

copyleft practice) any resulting copies or adaptations from the original work

Copyleft has economic effects beyond

are bound by the same licensing

the individual creators. Contextually


applied to the software sector, the presence of quality copyleft softwares can


force commercial entities to increase

(GPL) and the Creative Commons

the quality of their own products, since

Attribution Share Alike License, which

they must compete with free software,

are the most famous and used ones,

preventing, as a result, large commer-

the former mainly for softwares and the

cial firms from applying monopoly

latter for general creative works.[14] [15]

prices. In the final analysis, copyleft as a concept is usually implemented in the details of a specific copyright license, such as the GNU General Public License

14 Maher Marcus, Open Source Software: The Success of an Alternative Intellectual Property Incentive Paradigm, Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, 2000. 15 What is Copyleft?,, 10/2015

Š tkgd2007_Wikimedia Commons_original work by Jelte



_Open Innovation definition

collaborative way. They are no longer passive recipients,

Open Innovation is a term originally

but they are earning an active role of

coined by Henry Chesbrough, professor

participation, with the possibility of

and Executive Director of the Centre for

influencing and making decision over

Open Innovation at the Haas School of


Business at the University of California, to explain how companies need both

Charles Leadbeater studied about the

inflows and outflows of knowledge to

changes that our world is facing and

improve internal innovation and expand

how the web is the leading element of

the markets for external exploitation of

this process. The web plays a key role


in this: collaboration and participation

Chesbrough analysed how companies

phenomena are much more spread and

have started to look for other ways to

this represents a fundamental vector to

increase the efficiency and effectiveness

“spread democracy, promote freedom,

of their innovation processes.

alleviate inequality and to be creative

Companies which successfully

together”. The web becomes a platform

implemented such a new model are

for mass creativity.[1]

Procter&Gamble, Philips, Lego, GE and many more.

“Open innovation projects are based on five key principles:

Nowadays in a world of widely distributed knowledge , mainly thanks

• Core: a gift of knowledge able

to the coming of the world wide web,

to attract a community of capable

users of the internet are seen as a crucial resource of skills, knowledge and experiences able to solve problems in a

1 Charles Leadbeater, We-Think: Mass innovation, not mass production, Profile Books, 2009



• Collaborate: creation of selfgoverning communities that make

• Contribute: attraction of the right

the most of their diverse knowledge,

mix of people who have different

joined together by an animating goal.

ideas and access to tools that enable them to contribute.

• Create: there must be places where communities can publish

• Connect: rules for making

and share ideas. Open source

connections between people with

communities resolve the difficulties

different ideas to take on complex

of managing creative work by


decentralising decision making down

© Giorgio Montersino_Flickr_CC-BY-SA

to small groups.”


_Case studies:

Challenges are usually sponsored in order to amplify the reach of the

• OpenIdeo: the web platform was launched

initiative within the web, as well as enhancing the chances of its success.

in 2010 by the American design consultancy firm IDEO, with the

• Innocentive:

purpose to create a network of

is an American crowdsourcing and

creatives who could solve the toughest

open innovation management

problem of modern society (hunger,

company. It serves as bridge between

poverty, social cohesion to name a

companies with challenging problems


in different fields such as engineering,

The problems are proposed as

chemistry, medicine etc, and users or

challenges and participants can

“solvers“ who might be able to help

give their contributions by following

those companies.

different project phases: generally

Innocentive showcases on its website

starting from a research phase, a

the list of challenge problems to be

generation phase and a final feedback

solved by anyone, whose best solution

plus refinement phase.

will be awarded with cash money.






or blueprint, including subsequent improvements to it by anyone.

If the innovation has to be reached in an

The Open source approach gained hold

open way, then the inherent processes

with the rise of the Internet. Participants

require the sharing of particular

and users can modify those products

information and knowledge and be at

and redistribute them back into the

the disposal of users who want to use it.

community or other organizations.

The term “open source” refers to

The global network fosters an

something that can be modified

environment where knowledge can

because its design is publicly accessible.

be accessible and it allows access to

Although It originated in the context

inexpensive digital media and storage.

of computer software development,

Users are no longer limited to their own

nowadays it encompasses a set of

resources, but they are granted access

values, it promotes a universal access

to a vast network of resources, some

to a product’s design or blueprint, and

even free.

universal redistribution of that design


Moreover, users are granted access to

Innovation, it is argued that a trend

each other. They have the potential to

toward democratized innovation in

meet millions of their peers and this

physical products (e.g. open-source

aspect facilitates collaboration and

hardware) is occurring like the free

communication across international

and open-source software movement.

and cultural boundaries. The speed

In Open source hardware users

in which digital media travels on

collaborate with each other through

the Internet in turn facilitates the

a fair sharing of information with no

redistribution of resources.[2]

intermediaries in between, focusing on product improvement.

The Open source approach finds application in a wide range of fields

Generally speaking, the rise of open-

such as computer softwares, digital

source culture in the 20th century

media, hardwares, design, science,

resulted in a growing tension among

technology and so on inspiring an

users mainly because of the need

increased transparency and liberty

to access to content that is often

among different communities.

copyrighted, and the restrictive

Despite the original area of the Open

intellectual property laws and policies

source approach is the software and

governing the access to those contents.

digital world, the faster and faster

The complexity and ambiguity of these

spread of such a movement has also

doctrines creates an atmosphere of

given rise to the rapidly expanding


open-source hardware movement. In Eric Von Hippel’s book Democratizing

As a matter of fact, in the late 20th century, there has been a need to adopt

2 Steve Weber, The Success of Open Source, Harvard University Press, 2004

the intellectual property licensing techniques of free software and open-


source software to make the works

_Open Source Hardware

more freely available to others, such as


the GNU licenses for softwares and the Creative Commons licenses for creative

Hardware that is considered open


source needs its original design files and drawings to be publicly available,

Great examples of Open source works

so that anyone can study, modify,

are the operative systems Linux, Ubuntu

distribute, make, and sell the design

and Android, the Google Chrome

or hardware based on that design.

and Mozilla Firefox browsers, the

The hardware’s source, the design

OpenOffice and Gimp softwares, the

from which it is made, is available

VLC media player as well as the Content

in the preferred format for making

Management System (CMS) Wordpress.

modifications to it. Open source hardware should allow

Š opensource.com_Flickr_CC-BY-SA

users to make use of the original design

Š Altzone _Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA



files through open infrastructures,

The documentation must include

unrestricted contents and open-source

the original design files, preferably in

design tools, such as an open-source

an open source format file to allow

CAD software for product design,


in order to maximize the ability of

Since users are supposed to edit the

individuals to make and use the

design files and share back derivative


works, there is then the need of

A set of criteria and guidelines were

providing softwares that have an open

created are useful to best define

source structure. In case of the usage of

and regulate Open Source Hardware

a proprietary software, it might cause


a slow distribution of the design files since not every use might have or buy

Documentation is probably the most

the proprietary software.

important part and is what actually

A good open source approach requires

differentiates an open source hardware

the supply of an open source software

from a proprietary one.

in order to modify and freely distribute

As a matter of fact, the hardware

new designs for the crowd of potential

must be released with a proper set


of information that can help users understand the design itself, including

A user who modifies the original

the source files for modifications and

design file automatically gives birth to

distribution thereof.

a derivative work. In the open source approach and in terms of licensing,

If the documentation is not provided

all derived works must be distributed

straightaway, there must be an

under the same terms of the original

available and reachable source, ideally


via the internet without any charge.

It allows for the manufacture, sale,


distribution, and use of products

modify an open source software and

created from the design files, the

create a personal derivative, just lines

design files themselves, and derivatives

of code are needed. For Open Source


Hardware, besides the source file and the software to modify the design,

_OSH treatment and 3D printing

materials, devices and tools are most likely needed to build the hardware.

Open Source speaking, the main

Therefore, users dealing with Open

difference between hardware and

Source Hardware have to cope with

software is that, when it comes to

important expenditures, since it results

hardware, physical resources must

in tangible outputs, which cost money

always be committed for the creation

to prototype and manufacture, if

of physical goods. In contrast, software

compared with the far less costly Open

only exploit resources from the digital

Source Software.

world. Put simply, if a user wants to

Extensive discussion is still ongoing on ways to make open-source hardware as accessible as open-source software.

Š opensource.com_Flickr_CC-BY-SA

3 Open Source Hardware Association, Definition, definition/, 13/06/15


An interesting connection can grow

back into the community. The Arduino

between open design and open

hardware reference are distributed

hardware: users have access to open

under a Creative Commons license

source files and have the possibility

and are available on the Arduino Web

to physically create such files by using


3D printers (RepRap Project). Open hardware may become the final step of an open-production chain from a file (virtual) to a hardware (tangible product) shared among users, with potentially infinite applications available. This new approach can bring the open source world a step forward.

_Case Studies: • Arduino Project: is an open source hardware company which designs and develops electronic boards and softwares for physical computing. The free supply of this products allows anyone to design his

• RepRap Project: it is a British initiative to develop a 3D printer which can replicate most of its own components, therefore generating a “son“ (in fact the name stands for Replicating Rapid Prototyper). It is an open source initiative and designers are free to make modifications and substitutions, but they must re-share their improvements. The declared goal of the RepRap project is to create a device able to purely self-replicate, in order to allow the individual to manufacture many of the artefacts we use in everyday life.[1]

own digital devices and interactive objects, assuring a wide diffusion of such products all over the network and enriching the Arduino platform itself since designs and kits are shared

1 Jones, Haufe, Sells, Iravani, Olliver, Palmer, Bowyer, RepRap – The Replicating Rapid Prototyper, Cambridge University Press, 2009

© RepRap Project _Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA

© SparkFun Electronics _Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA



• OSVehicle:


is an open source hardware platform

A Creative Commons License is applied

for vehicles. On the official website

to the original drawings, guaranteeing

is possible to download the original

a wide diffusion over the network by

drawings and the assembly references

allowing users to redesign the vehicle

to build the car by yourself.

and create derivative works, in fact

The purpose of this project is to outdo

many projects have been started and

the traditional vehicle industry by

shared on the open platform.

entering the market through an open



Figure 2.1_ Connected Car Nika and FabCar, spinoffs of the original vehicle



Crowdfunding is a financial practice

a more ethical purpose. This is just to

where a large number of people finance

highlight how the choice of donors may

a project or an initiative by raising

influence the value of a crowdfunding

monetary contributions, tendentially via

campaign, also because they become

the internet. It is a form of alternative

promoters of the campaign they backed

finance and it happens because of

by spreading information about it over

the involvement of three key actors:

the internet.

a promoter who proposes the idea in need of finance, a group of people,

The main motivations which

namely the “crowd“, who are willing

usually push user to participate in

to support the idea and ultimately a

crowdfunding initiatives are those

“bridge” in between, that is usually a

that encompass the social sphere: the

web platform that brings the parties

feeling of being responsible for the


success of other’s initiatives, which belongs to the desire of ownership,

Crowdfunding is a web phenomenon

the awareness of being part of social

that nowadays is spreading and it is

initiatives, which belongs to the desire

used for a wide range of initiatives and

for social participation and the intrinsic

projects, for profit and non-profit, as

pleasure of receiving a payoff from

well as starting a company.

monetary contributions, which belongs

The role of the crowd is definitively

to the desire of investment.[4]

crucial in this process, since individuals trigger the initiative they support by enhancing the value of its offering: a crowdfunding initiative that is highly financed, will get much more importance than another initiative with



All that said, there is an important


distinction with open-source practises: in the case of open-source, the

• Reward-based crowdfunding: the

resources obviously belong to the

campaign ask to users a financial

community, which therefore can

support and they receive back

be exploited on an individual basis,

a reward, usually pre-selling the

everyone is allowed to make use of

product or service that is being

them. In the case of crowdfunding, the


resources will be used by one individual only (usually the promoter of the

• Equity-based crowdfunding:


the backer receives shares of the company, according with the amount of money pledged.

© Rocío Lara_Flickr_CC-BY-SA

There are two primary types of


_Case studies:

CROWDFUNDING Financial contributions from online investors, sponsors or donors to fund forprofit or non-profit initiatives or enterprises.

OPEN INNOVATION Use of sources outside of the entity or group to generate, develop and implement ideas.

Figure 2.3_Collection of crowdfunding platforms


COLLECTIVE CREATIVITY Tapping of creative talent pools to design and develop original art, media or content.


Š crowdsourcing.org_crowdsourcing.org_CC-BY-SA

Development of knowledge assets or information resources from a distributed pool of contributors



_What is Creative Commons

to legally perform actions we take for granted on the network: copy, paste,

The Creative Commons is a non-profit

edit source, and post to the Web.

organization whose purpose is to

The default setting of copyright law

facilitate the sharing of creative works

requires all of these actions to have

around the world, through free legal

explicit permission, granted in advance,

tools. It seeks the creation of a wider

whether you’re an artist, teacher,

public domain archive by providing

scientist, librarian, policymaker, or just

licenses which lighten the management

a regular user. To achieve the vision of

of Intellectual Property Rights over

universal access, someone needed to

creative works.

provide a free, public, and standardized

It was founded in 2001 and the first

infrastructure that creates a balance

set of copyright licenses was released

between the reality of the Internet

in 2002, inspired by the Free Software

and the reality of copyright laws. That

Foundation’s GNU General Public

someone is Creative Commons.”


_The licensing system _The very essence of the organization

The organization provides a set of licenses to give the public permission

“The idea of universal access to

to share and use a creative work. The

research, education, and culture is

most important consideration to do is

made possible by the Internet, but our

that its licenses are not an alternative

legal and social systems don’t always

to copyright, in fact once a creative

allow that idea to be realized. Copyright

work is finished, the author is assigned

was created long before the emergence

with his own moral rights, meaning the

of the Internet, and can make it hard

right of attribution, the right to have


a work published anonymously or

rights he/she waives for the benefit of

pseudonymously and the right to the

the recipients. Ultimately, the licenses

integrity of the work.

are simply based upon copyrights, which is well outlined by the Creative

The licenses that Creative Commons

Commons expression “All rights

provides work alongside copyrights:

reserved“ to “Some rights reserved“.[5]

they allow to manage which rights the 5 about, 14/10/2015

© Creative Commons - Mountian View HQ _Flickr_CC-BY

author wants to preserve and which


_Creative Commons Licenses and icons CC BY ATTRIBUTION This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

CC BY SA ATTRIBUTION - SHARE ALIKE This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft� free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.

CC BY ND ATTRIBUTION - NO DERIVATIVES This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.

Licensees may distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original work. (Copyleft.)




CC BY SA ATTRIBUTION - SHARE ALIKE This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.


CC BY NC SA ATTRIBUTION - NON COMMERCIAL - NON DERIVATIVES This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.



Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for non-commercial purposes. Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based on it.

Figure 2.4_Creative Commons Licenses and fetures overview

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work noncommercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.


_Case Studies: • Wikipedia: it is a web-based and free-content encyclopedia project supported by the Wikimedia Foundation. It started in 2001, as offshoot of Nupedia, a now abandoned project to produce a free encyclopedia.

information. Its collaborative approach is due the usage of a copyleft license: in fact to every article is applied the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license, which allows everyone to reuse and edit the content, as long as it is licensed under the same terms.[6]

Wikipedia allows web users to reach

• Innonatives:

almost every information of human

it is an online platform to solve

knowledge thanks to its openness:

sutainability-related topics. It is part

in fact everyone can edit an article

of the EU funded Sustainability Maker

by adding, removing or substituting


information, enriching the platform

On the Innonatives platform is possible

day by day, continuously updated and refined, making it a reliable source of

6 Wikipedia:About, 10/2015




to participate to a challenge that

crowdfunding session: money will be

addresses a sustainability problem,

collected from willing users until the

the user can give his own contribution

defined budget is reached.

to solving that problem by submitting potential ideas and suggestions.

The content that is sent to the platform is licensed with Creative Commons

The challenge contains a problem in

in order to facilitate the copyright

need to be solved by the Innonatives

management on the platform. This

community, the typical evolution of the

strategy makes the system much more

process starts from an idea submission

open and it encourages collaboration

to a solution submission (a detailed

and sharing among the participants.[7]

idea ready to be implemented). The next phase, once a winning solution has been awarded, is the

7 page/how-does-it-work-text, 10/2015





that piece of content could be used by

on different realities around open

another user, who could even improve

collaboration platforms: nowadays the

it and share it back, starting a positive

web offers a great deal of experiences

creative loop that will probably end up

and opportunities for users to grasp,

with a huge qualitative work.

in terms of finding ideas to share or financing a cause we care about.

A web platform that uses open

The role of design is to gain advantages

innovation approaches might be the

by exploiting such open collaboration

right path to pave a real innovation

realities: the success of a design project

process within the sector the platform

might be expanded since the pool of

is focused on: in the very case of this

resources (the internet)and intellectual

thesis is, in my opinion, a very good

resources (the crowd of users) are

one, since sustainability is a delicate

greater in number than closed

topic that usually web users care about.

collaboration processes. The chances of a great participation of The magnitude of a project might

users is likely to happen, a web platform

be increased if such open platforms

that provides an open and collaborative

allowed the distribution of the project

service of innovation towards

resources to the participants: if every

sustainable mobility sounds promising,

user could make use of a content and

and the assumptions to make it work

share it back to the community, there

are explained in the next chapters.

would be by far higher chances that

Š CharlesC _Flickr_CC-BY-SA



2.7_THE ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES WITHIN OPEN SOURCE CONTEXTS Nowadays also universities approach

MOOCs are a recent development in

towards the open source world, they

distance education and often having

specifically tap into the world of open

open-access features (open licensing


of content) to promote the reuse and

Theoretically speaking, open knowledge

remixing of resources.[2][3]

is knowledge that is free to use, reuse, and redistribute without legal, social or

Some universities provide knowledge

technological restriction.

to everybody for free, following the

This concept is related to open source

real approach aforementioned,

and the its definition is derived from the

that is, knowledge to use, reuse

open source definition.[1]

and redistribute. An example is the

The related phenomenon which is

LeNS network (Learning Network on

spreading via the web is called Massive

Sustainability) a project in which diverse

Open Online Course (MOOC), that is,


2 http://www.nytimes. com/2012/11/04/education/edlife/ massive-open-online-courses-are-multiplying-at-a-rapid-pace.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0, 11/2015

1 en/, 11/2015

3 cheverij/moocs-and-intellectual-property-ownership-and-use-rights, 11/2015

online courses aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the


universities are involved for curricula


development and teaching diffusion on Design for Sustainability focused on

Other universities provide their

product-service system innovation.

educational materials partly free and openly available to anyone, thus partly

The greatest value of such project

deviating from the original concept

is that any design student, teacher,

of open knowledge, meaning that

reseacher, designer, person can join

members can simply be viewers and

the network to view for free the Open

users of the academic material and not

Learning E-Package (learning Resources

part of its potential enrichment.

and tools) and the Project Courses.

One of those universities is the MIT

In a mutual effort, the members can

OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW), is an

download the resources and then

initiative of the Massachusetts Institute

modify them, facilitating the generation

of Technology (MIT) to provide some of

of local and regional Learning Networks

it knowledge available to anyone and

on Sustainability. The website is for free,

for free.

in copy left and open source and this

There are different courses at dispose

allows the distribution of knowledge for

of the members, ranging from

free and for everyone, while at the same

undergraduate to graduate courses,

the possibility to update and enrich that

from diverse topics to departments;

knowledge for the good of the whole

the user joins the course and the

4, 11/2015


academic material is available to

the Open Yale Course, a project of Yale

accomplish the course, which has all

University to share course materials

the necessary steps to be complited,

from its undergraduate courses.

like exams, projects and so on. Every

“Open Yale Courses (OYC) provides

course is led by a professor and “MIT

lectures and other materials from

OpenCourseWare is a publication of

selected Yale College courses to the

the course materials that support the

public free of charge via the Internet. The

dynamic classroom interactions of

courses span the full range of liberal arts

an MIT education; it is not a degree-

disciplines, including humanities, social

granting or credit-bearing initiative”.

sciences, and physical and biological

The platform uses Creative Commons

sciences.”[8] The platform is structurally

Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike

and legally similar to the MIT one.

license for a facilitated sharing of its materials.[5][6][7]

Also Politecnico di Milano offers

Another example of such platforms are

such platform, POK (Polimi Open Knowledge), established in June 2014,

5, 11/2015 6, 11/2015 7, 11/2015

is the first portal MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) Italian university that offers online courses free and open to 8, 11/2015


all. The main objective of the platform is to support students by providing access to courses. This platform, unlike the aforementioned ones, the user receives a certificate of participation after the course’s completion, if the minimum score is reached.[9]

9, 11/2015




Mulo as an open project that can be

Mobility for Labour purposes) is a family

developed in collaboration with other

of light working vehicles for urban

universities in different contexts and

contexts powered by solar, electric and

with different stakeholders: like local

human power, convertible in diverse

institutions, local companies, sponsors

variants like freight transport, people

and so on.

transport, green areas maintenance.

The basic idea is to cooperate with universities and local manufacturers, the first to collect and share knowledge

_Introduction to the topic

as well as networking with local realities, the latter to share skills and

The project started as master thesis

how-tos to grow professionally and

by Fabrizio Ceschin in Politecnico di

economically, sustaining, in the long

Milano in collaboration with DIS (Design

term, entrepreneurship and self growth.

and Innovation for Sustainability). The very first version of the vehicle was prototyped in 2009 by the high school

_A platform for the Mulo system

IPSIA “A. Ferrari� Maranello. Since 2009, Politecnico di Milano has

The idea of a platform able to support

activated four different master thesis to

online the vehicle dates back to 2013,

promote sustainable mobility through

thanks to the PSSD master thesis by

the PSS design with the related vehicle,

Silvia Emili, who conceptualize the basic

which every version has been adapted

idea of the system.

from the original version designed by

The purpose behind the platform is


to promote the Mulo system as an

The purpose of the DIS department

open and collaborative project, where

of Politecnico di Milano is to promote

global interactions happen with the


Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3 3.1_Mulo vehicle by Fabrizio Ceschin 3.2_SunRide vehicle by Emanuela Delfino and Silvia Remotti

Figure 3.4 3.3_Rasmiz vehicle by Maurizio Bazzi 3.4_Farka vehicle by Livia Martucci


purpose of a mutual learning from

customize it according to the final use,

the different experiments, through a

meaning that everyone becomes a

wider engagement of stakeholders,

designer who can really push the design

collaborators and promoters.


The whole concept was designed

Thus the web platform serves as

in order to facilitate the interaction

collector of ideas that users will provide

between the different stakeholders

project after project: their creativity will

who can participate to the initiatives:

serve the cause of sustainable mobility

the platform serves mainly as activator

to be implemented in low and middle-

of projects. It is possible for users to

income contexts.

start a project online by contacting the

The creation a community of


stakeholders is crucial too for the

The real value of this option lies in

success of the project: the more

its enabler factor: it acts indeed as

participants, the more the chances of

catalyst, as trigger to start new projects,


it increases the chances to implement real innovation by allowing every user

The homepage was designed to

to directly activate an initiative.

show a world map on which diverse projects were shown: its purpose is to

The second main purpose of such

give a clear message of the ongoing

platform is its openness about the

activities, from which users can grasp

design of the drawings. In fact the

the necessary information about the

resources are fully available for users to


accomplish the project requirements.

To serve the goal of creating a sharing

This feature allows users to modify

community, a resource repository

the existing design of the vehicle and

was placed in order to guide the user


Figure 3.5

Figure 3.5, 3.6_Mulo system’s early mockups by Silvia Emili


through the list of available material to be re-used for future projects: that is the asset of the platform from which everyone can draw the necessary resource to fulfil the project requirements.[1] [2]

1 Silvia Emili, PSSD Master Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Design of the transition strategy for a mobility PSS in Cape Town, 2013 2 Delfino, Remotti, PSSD Master Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Design and implementation of a sustainable mobility PSS in Cape Town, 2011

Figure 3.8

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.9


Figure 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10_Mulo system’s early mockups by Silvia Emili



As explained in the previous chapter,

resources. The final product is a the

this open innovation platform project is

development of a prototype of a web

based on the design of a solar-powered


four-wheel light vehicle developed at Politecnico di Milano, developed as

The Web Platform works to support

master thesis by the former student

Open Projects from incubation to

Fabrizio Ceschin.

implementation. The power of the

The success of that project led to the

crowd is the way to evolve and further

development of diverse variants of the

improve the vehicle to be implemented

original vehicle, produced and tested

in low and middle-income contexts: by

within low and middle-income contexts.

submitting their design proposals the

There was an early attempt to turn such

open innovation takes place.

projects into open projects, through

Materials and resources are open

the involvement of local universities

source, they can be used as inspiration

and different students. One particular

or even modified by other users to

project led to a second prototype of the

propose more and more qualitative

vehicle designed and tested in Cape


Town for the transportation of people with disabilities.

The research phase was carried out to discover and analyse the

This project aims at designing a

open innovation phenomena and

Product-Service System to design and

the intellectual property rights, to

diffuse sustainable mobility, promoted

be applied within an open source

and supported by universities through

environment, where the creative effort

an Open and Distributed Design for

of users can become an intellectual

Sustainability and crowdfunding, by

resource for other users.

leveraging past project experiences and

The Creative Commons Licensing


System help authors protect their

based need.

copyrights and share their works without getting damaged: the platform

• Crowd of Designers (mainly

added value lies in the fact that anyone

design students form the partners

can legally build upon each other’s

institutions involved): with their


invaluable creativity

The emerging success of crowdfunding should facilitate the investment of

• Crowd of user: for their financial

a promising design solution, the

support, they have the power to bring

collective financial support of the crowd

the innovation alive.

can be the springboard for a successful implementation.

• Local Producers: to produce and implement the new designed vehicle.

The System Design Concept was

Their involvement beforehand is also

focused on the involvement of different

an attempt to start a self-sufficient

stakeholders to increase the project

business ecosystem, as it is often very


difficult to achieve in those realities due to a lack of resources.

• Universities: as project promoters, as well as pool of

Diverse design methodologies have

resources and networking. For

been used in order to achieve such

every project, Politecnico di Milano

results, precisely Sustainable Product-

and Brunel University of London

Service System Design (with more focus

are the promoters and they start a

on Service Design), Interaction and User

partnership with a local University

Experience Design.

showing interest to design sustainable mobility for a locally-



The main value offering is the

applied within an open innovation

promotion and creation of a facilitating


environment for open collaboration.

The system involves the product

The platform itself is the enabling tool:

(the vehicle) and the service (online

it allows the creation of open source

platform) which play together in

projects to accomplish sustainable

order to provide the final goal of

mobility in low-income contexts.

implementation of a mobility project

The main strategy behind the SunRide

in low and middle-income contexts.

system is to outdo the traditional

The purpose is to create the right

vehicle industry by entering the market

environment to inspire users and attract

through an open platform: universities

stakeholders for the accomplishment of

play a major role as they are the

reliable and viable projects and ideas.

enabling actors of such platform, their guide and management could

The product is the Mulo vehicle

effectively bypass the old market and

designed by Fabrizio Ceschin as Master

implement a cheaper, more sustainable

Thesis at Politecnico di Milano and

and local-business-catalyst mobility.

the platform offering is based on this very product: the original drawings are

From a user’s viewpoint the value

available for users to download and

offering is the provision of a service:

adapt them according to the project

it is an environment where users and


stakeholders have the right conditions

The service is the web platform which

to innovate around the topic of

has the purpose of being a baseline

sustainable mobility.

for project activation, development and implementation, as well as main

The concept of the platform stands on

network for partnerships among

the Product-Service System approach,

stakeholders and as pool of resources.


These two pillars are the main value

_A universities’ led PSS

offering of the concept, a concept that has been designed around a delicate

Being a web platform entails all the

topic such as sustainable mobility.

benefits of the internet, therefore the

The target of this concept is to improve

possibility to reach out to every user

or create mobility solution within low

in the world, a place that has the role

and middle-income contexts, locations

to gather resources, information,

that very often do not have enough

ideas and people to accomplish the

capital and resources to set their own

sustainable goal.

mobility services.

As aforementioned, universities play the main role of promoters: their

The SunRide Platform serves as

involvement and management creates

channel of implementation of such

the conditions to establish product-

mobility services in a sustainable way:

service systems. The solid network

through a wide participation of users

of schools and academics is the

via the internet, and through an open

baseground for open innovation to

innovation approach, it would be

prosper. They gather and support the

possible to attract many stakeholders

critical mass of people needed to create

to participate to design vehicles to be

collaborative environments, whose

adapted and implemented in those

final goal is to implement sustainable

areas. The potential benefits of this

mobility and spread open innovation

open approach could lead to a real

around the world.

implementation of mobility services

The diverse range of people who might

due to the involvement of users and

get involved within the platform could

stakeholders who can provide the right

guarantee projects with higher chances


of success, because of the diverse professional fields likely involved, every


aspect of the project implementation

them, design an updated vehicle and

can be managed easily, from start to

upload them again on the platform.


Every resource can be downloaded

For example, designers will stress the

and used again, this is the spirit of

attention on the ergonomic aspect of

the open innovation platform, where

the vehicle, or on a particular use of

every contribution is a brick to be used

materials, as well as the creation and

again in another context or project and

fine-tuning of a mobility service along

to serve as inspirational material for

with the new vehicle; economists could

further improvements of an old project

design a reliable business model for the

or for a brand new one.

implementation, or a financial schedule

Such openness can really benefit to

to assure a solid profit over the years;

the whole community: poor contexts

engineers will focus on technical

might have a chance to improve their

features, anthropologists will probe the

mobility-related situation, while the

end user of the vehicle to ensure a great

open source community could confirm

user experience.

the potentialities of this approach and at the same time obtain resources and

These capabilities put together in one

material to further improve the open

project can really bring the innovation

source community itself. Last but not

alive: professionals will have their say

least, the design sector, as well as all

according to their field of study, making

the other professional sectors, can

the project much more reliable in terms

make use of their skills for the cause

of design and implementation.

of sustainable mobility, providing

Another important feature of the

their contributions and ideas in order

concept is that the drawings of the

to improve the conditions of poor

vehicle are available for modifications

contexts, but mostly to help people in

and adaptations: users can download

need of such a vital service like mobility.


_ Investing in Sustainable

service. Local resident would be able to

Mobility within low and middle-

create wealth and welfare within their

income contexts

own borders, be it regional or even national, which in turn creates new

Investing in sustainable mobility

wealth and welfare, an economic bloom

might bring diverse benefits. It is an

that was started by the implementation

investment that through the SunRide

of a SunRide project.

platform can really take place: in

Local job opportunities would benefit

the long term it might become the

this event as well: the implementation

worldwide hub to collaborate and

of a mobility service would create

create partnerships in the name of


sustainability. By improving the mobility conditions

Investing in sustainable mobility

within poor contexts, several positive

through an open innovation platform

scenarios might happen. Through the

would repay because the resources

functioning of the SunRide platform,

collected become extremely valuable

the implementation of a mobility

materials to be used as a baseline

service could really take place and

for future initiatives: past project

consequently changing critical

experiences are the asset that the

situations in low and middle-income

SunRide platform have, and such asset


could be the key to further improve the

By implementing a mobility project in a

platform itself, to inspire new ideas and

defined location, a country or a region

to involve new partners and universities,

might be ignited to start a positive

widening the collaboration and

loop: the implementation of a mobility

diffusing more and more sustainable

service might act as springboard for


future local businesses related to that



The SunRide system concept has been

will be awarded and the subsequent

designed in accordance with the final

production of the new vehicle will

goal of an actual implementation of

start, through the involvement of local

a mobility service within the defined

producers. The final implementation


will be the final step of the whole

In order to achieve this, different actors

SunRide process.

play different roles during each project phase: as a whole, these interactions assure the correct functioning of the

_Stakeholders involved

service offering, increasing the chances of a reliable and efficient mobility

As previously described, the


involvement of diverse stakeholders is

Such actors are Universities, Local

a crucial element within the SunRide

Producers, Sponsors and the Crowd of

system. Each actor has a defined


role with defined tasks that, if seen as a whole, bring the project to its

The flow of the different phases has

completion. Each role has a radius

been designed to guarantee the success

that covers one or more phases, each

of the projects and the creation of

of which is important for the system

partnerships for future initiatives.


A project is born when a request of activation is sent to the platform

The main actors in the SunRide system

promoters, followed by an agreement


and ending with the visibility of the project online, ready to receive the

• Universities:

contributions of the users. Once the

are the main platform promoters, the

design phase is over, the best solution

whole system relies mainly on their


support and network of partners.

to trigger the innovation event.

This project has two main and per-

Universities establish a valuable pool

manent promoters: Politecnico di

of resources as well: documents,

Milano and Brunel University of Lon-

information, knowledge set a val-

don, these universities have a strong

uable asset within the community,

partnership when it comes to sustain-

since case studies, project experienc-

ability topics and they are the perfect

es or novelties enrich the network’s

interpreter of such role as promoter

resources that in turn increase the

of the platform.

knowledge sharing around the sus-

The other important task of this actor

tainability topic, leading to a valuable

is to establish partnerships with other

ecosystem of actors and resources.

universities, usually local ones according to the project requirements, in order to create a solid pool of aca-

• Sponsors:

demic resources, local realities, local

the role of sponsors is to support and

networking, lecturers, experts and

further promote the projects.

skills which might definitively serve

Their involvement within the projects

for the success of the project.

might happen at the very beginning or even at the very end: they have to

The role of universities is very im-

collaborate with universities and all

portant for the functioning of the

other possible stakeholders in order

SunRide system: they have the power

to guarantee a successful project

to create the right conditions for the


projects and initiative to thrive. From

Their contribution must be useful

start to end, they act as incubator be-

to the project’s requirements and it

cause they collect and gather all the

must fit within the whole ecosystem

skills, ideas, materials and actors able

not to spoil or slow down the Sun-



main role

main actors

Platform promoters

Politecnico di Milano Brunel University Network of Universities

UNIVERSITIES main activities Manage the website

Evaluate ideas

Networking activities

Manage crowdfunding campaigns

Manage the projects

Manage the implementation

main role

main activities

Project supporters

Promote projects Financial support Skills support

main actors NGOs


Businesses Associations

Figure 3.11_Roles of the system’s stakeholders

Resources support


main role

main activities


Build the vehicle Test the vehicle Produce the vehicle

main actors Manufacturers Industrials


main role

main activities

Creative resources

Activate mobility projects Submit design solutions Fund ideas

main actors Students Professionals Experts



Ride process.

the local development: if the mobility

The support a Sponsor could provide

service is managed and delivered to

to the SunRide system ranges from

the local community by local busi-

a financial contribution during any

nesses, therefore the whole ecosys-

phase of the innovation process, as

tem will enjoy the likely bloom of

well as a promotion on diverse chan-

the local economy. It is a long term

nels to spread the word and reach

strategy which the platform and all its

out to new users and/or additional

stakeholders starts and resulting in a


empowerment of local resources, in terms of physical ones and in terms of human ones.

• Local producers: The role that this actor plays is signif-

The production of the new vehicle

icant in terms of project success and

will serve as real test to check all the

in terms of local development.

features and requirements that the

The primary involvement of local

project brief had to accomplish. The

producers is due to the strong con-

role of local producers is therefore to

nection the platform wants to estab-

validate and approve the final im-

lish by assigning the production of

plementation of the project on the

the new vehicle directly in the hands

field and consequently, sharing to

of local manufacturers, suppliers or

the community and the platform the

companies that operate in the as-

results in order to enrich the pool of

signed project location implementa-

resources, to be used as inspiration


and project experiences for future

Since the target location of the


platform are low and middle-income contexts, this strategy can increase


the crowd of people who can partic-

The spirit of the open platform

ipate to the design of an innovation

expands exponentially the chances

might be considered the most valua-

of offering high quality concepts and

ble factor of the platform concept.

projects: this is due to the easy inter-

Anybody can have his say about a

action of ideas and intellectual re-

project and contribute to the devel-

sources the platform provides for all

opment of a reliable solution to be

its members. According to the license

implemented: users can use their

given, every material is downloadable

creativity and their professional skills

and can be re-used by other mem-

to submit concepts and ideas that

bers to submit a brand new concepts

might be the next sustainable mobili-

or a refined and improved idea, the

ty service within a defined location.

essence of the platform for the role of

Š PROThomas Galvez _Flickr_CC-BY

• Users:


user, or contributor, is the possibility

partners and useful materials.

to build upon each others’ ideas.

With this feature the platform simply enables the chance to spot opportu-

The range of people who might

nities to tackle for the proposition of

become a user is wide: there is no

innovative ideas. The platform be-

restriction of profession, since every

comes the hub and the place where

intellectual resources is considered

to propose and address a problem,

valuable. A student may provide

to ignite and incubate sustainable

his own vision of the new SunRide

mobility projects.

vehicle in Malaysia, or a business manager who provides a solution for

All that said, every actor plays a cru-

a sustainable financial schedule over

cial part within the SunRide system,

the years, or even a team composed

which is mainly a web platform where

by different members and expertises

the innovation happens, but its core is

may submit the ultimate concept that

the interaction between one or more

would satisfy all the project require-

stakeholder that in a joint effort, yield

ments and facilitate the work of local

mobility solutions, through a platform

entities in terms of implementation.

which simply enables them to act like agents of change.

The platform serves not only as collector of ideas and solutions but as project incubator: the crowd of users

_How does the SunRide system

may highlight a mobility problem or


an opportunity in a defined location to be communicated to the plat-

The Sunride system revolves around dif-

form promoters, those who have the

ferent main phases, each of which takes

power to activate a project, look for

the whole initiative a little step further,


from start to its full completion.

bility of the project, its feasibility, its scope, possible partnerships, resources, expected outcomes and so on.

• Identification:

In case of a positive feedback, an

Everything starts by notifying a mobil-

agreement among the parties, stake-

ity problem or a mobility opportunity

holders, partners etc, will be formu-

to the platform promoters, be it via

lated in order to create a legal docu-

the dedicated channel on the website

ment for responsibilities, limitations,

or via phone with a direct contact.

rights and so on. All the parties are

Whatever the means of notification,

involved during this session, which

the very first milestone of a SunRide

is completed with the drawing up of

project is to make the promoters

a Memorandum of Understanding, a

aware of a potential chance to start

document that will be signed by all

a new mobility project, in the loca-

the involved parties. The document

tion identified either by the notifier,

will be available to everybody for

or to be set up later in relation to the

consultations on the related project

stakeholders involved or in relation to

page, once it will be activated and

partnerships or events.

online on the platform. After this agreement phase, the pro-

• Incubation:

ject can be brought alive by setting

this phase lays the groundwork for

up its own page on the web platform,

a possible project activation. The

with all the related information like

platform promoters meet and discuss

the design brief, project outcomes,

about the opportunity which has

resources and so on. The project is

been addressed and try to get to con-

ready to welcome the design contri-

clusions, discussing about the relia-



• Crowd design:

ment; it is followed by a short feed-

this phase has the purpose of collect-

back phase by the promoters and the

ing the creative designs of users who

experts involved within the project:

wants to contribute to the project

they provide suggestions to each pro-


ject so that the members can improve

The first step of the crowd design

the idea for the next step.

phase is the Concept Design: every

The succeeding step is the Solution

registered member of the platform

Design, where the users propose

can purpose his own idea and de-

much more detailed ideas and con-

sign which could possibly satisfy the

cepts. Ideally a solution is a refined

project requirements. Depending on

and enriched concept from the previ-

the licenses applied, the concepts

ous phase, but no bound with a previ-

sent are tendentiously available for a

ous concept is required to propose a

re-utilization by other users: thanks


to the openness of the platform each

As more demanding step, the Solu-

participants can re-use, modify and

tion Design step requires participants

improve other concepts to propose

to provide more detailed ideas, high-

an improved idea that might better

er quality concepts, as well as busi-

satisfy the project requirements.

ness models in order to guarantee the solidity of the idea.

There are no restrictions for partici-

During this step, as well as the previ-

pants in terms of project members,

ous one, users may use other’s ideas

they can participate individually or

and materials to be re-used and mod-

collectively as a team with diverse

ified, in accordance with the license

skills in it.


The duration of the Concept Design

The crowd design phase is finalized

step depends on the project agree-

with a final evaluation of the pro-


posed ideas: the platform promoters

funding initiative, the SunRide plat-

and the experts involved have to se-

form needs the support of more solid

lect the best concept, the one which

and validated crowdfunding plat-

will be implemented in the defined

forms, such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo


to name a few.

• Crowdfunding:

by those platforms, and supposedly

This phase has the purpose of col-

the most important, is the fact that

lecting money by a large amount of

those platforms have a consolidated

people in order to support the pro-

critical mass of users, which assures

duction and implementation of the

that a launched initiative can attract

winning idea.

many contributors and therefore

To organize and manage a crowd-

increasing the chances of a successful

Š 401(K) 2012 _Flickr_CC-BY-SA

The main benefit of being supported




Project request approval

Project activation

back - end environment

PROJECT ACTIVATED front - end environment Wait for Promoters’ approval

Title Problem/opportunity explanation Media upload

Form compilation to activate a mobility project

Contact information


Figure 3.12_Identification and project activation phase



Joint activation with stakeholders


Events flow


Set project agreement after approval: Memorandum of Understanding among the parties LAST

Events flow






Edit project brief Edit requirements Project management

Edit deadlines Quit project

back - end environment

WINNING IDEA front - end environment

Title Description Media upload

Edit/submit a new idea

Authors Intellectual Property Rights

Title Description Media upload

Submit an idea

Authors Intellectual Property Rights

Users Figure 3.13_Main steps during the Crowd design phase



Project support

Provide resources Provide expertises


Events flow


Final evaluation LAST

Events flow






Set requirement Set deadlines Set amount required

Campaign activation

Set implementation plan

back - end environment

IDEA FUNDED front - end environment

Enter an amount of money Give credit card credentials

Fund an idea


Figure 3.14_Funding phase



Edit requirement


Events flow


Edit deadlines Edit amount required Edit implementation plan



Events flow

Campaign management





Show project outcomes and enrich the platform’s asset back - end environment

VEHICLE IMPLEMENTED front - end environment

Share project’s outcomes and spark discussion for new initiatives


Figure 3.15_Implementation phase



Stakeholders produce the vehicle and favour its implementation



Events flow


Provide project reports and resources


Events flow




campaign. In the specific case of a

production of the new vehicle by the

SunRide project, which is related to

beforehand involved local produc-

sustainable mobility, could attract a

er/s, which start the construction of

great deal of supporters, due to the

the vehicle by using the technical

visibility of such crowdfunding plat-

drawings the winning users provided

forms, but mainly to the valuable goal

during the open design phase.

of a SunRide project, which has an

Once the vehicle has been produced,

important magnitude in terms of ethi-

tried and tested, modifications will

cal innovation and social behaviours.

be applied in case of need, it is ready

The SunRide platform by its own

for the actual implementation in the

means does not have the resources

form agreed within the Memorandum

to run its own crowdfunding architec-

of Understandings, be it a public mo-

ture: it would be potentially beneficial

bility service, or a social cooperative,

in terms of management and promo-

or a renting service and so on.

tion of such resources and services,

The completed and implemented

but at the moment is not a priority.

project needs to be shared back on the platform, in order to provide to

• Implementation:

its members resources, materials,

this is the final phase of the SunRide

project experiences which might be

system in which the previous com-

used for future initiatives or to further

mitment of all the parties involved is

improve vehicles or services.

capitalized with the implementation

The experiences lived become mile-

of a new sustainable vehicle.

stones to guide users and to be used

The financial resources collected, be

as references and case studies: here is

it from a sponsor, or a private inves-

where the SunRide asset takes place,

tor or via a crowdfunding campaign,

a valuable pool of resources for the

are now used to start the physical

final goal of sustainable mobility.

Figure 3.16_The SunRide process as a whole



_Stakeholders motivation matrix

• Universities to users: provide chances to participate in in-

The map shows the motivation each

novative projects and design mobility

stakeholder has to join and being in-

solutions, as well as resources and

volved within the system.

academic skills.

Generally speaking, the common goal is to implement sustainable mobility

• Universities to local producers:

solutions in low income contexts, via

provide participation to new projects,

the involvment of local producers and

to produce new vehicles, even indus-

via an open and crowd-design ap-

trially if required, therefore a potential

proach (the platform), subsequently

chance to start a local business with

each party has its own specific motiva-

related profits.

tions and benefits provided by the other parties.

• Universities to sponsors: provide projects to be promoted.

Main interactions: (those not mentioned do not happen)

• Users to universities: provide new ideas and concepts,

• Universities to universities:

therefore valuable contents and ma-

provide the sharing of contents, case

terials for future initiatives and further

studies, resources around the mo-


bility topic, as well as the network growth, establish new partnerships

• Users to users:

and the sharing of academic skills for

provide new materials and ideas,

the success of the projects.

therefore inspirational contents to provide new ideas and updated concepts, as well as networking due to


the creation of project teams.

• Sponsors to universities: provide project collaboration in terms

• Users to local producers:

of enhanced visibility, promotion,

provide new designs and new vehi-

nertworking and potential funding.

cles to build and produce. • Sponsors to local producers: • Local producers to universities:

provide project collaboration in terms

provide project involvment and po-

of potential financial support, as well

tential partnerships, local knowledge

as visibility and company promotion.

to increase the project success and local networking to widen the com-

Ultimately, each actor provides some

munity, as well as technical skills for

or many benefits to each other, demon-

the vehicle production.

strating that the SunRide system is built on strong partnerships and a solid

• Local producers to users: provide technical skills to build, test and produce new vehicles, as well as collaboration related to technical knowldege during the design phase. • Local producers to local producers: provide networking, case studies and resources based on past projects and experiences.






• • • • •

contents resources materials networking academic skills

• projects • chances to innovate the mobility sector • resources • academic skills


• • • • •

ideas concepts new materials new contents new resources

• ideas to build upon • contents update • inspiration • networking

• projects partnership • networking • local knowledge



• technical skills

• • • •

visibility project promotion funding networking

• technical skills • technical collaboration




• projects • vehicle production • new business to run

• projects promotion

• new vehicles to build


• funding • visibility • project promotion

Figure 3.17_Stakeholder motivation matrix

• networking • case studies • new experiences


3.5_INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS MANAGEMENT In an open innovation platform the

it is possible to apply these kind of

management of the intellectual proper-

licenses on creative works, this means

ty rights is a very delicate issue.

that all the resources uploaded by the

The real value on which the whole

participants can be licensed under the

platform is based is the possibility to

Creative Commons (CC).

build upon each others’ ideas, where

The main issue was to understand if

each concept or resource might be the

such licenses retain their validity over a

springboard for a better and improved

tangible product: it would be needed a

idea, for this reason, SunRide must

patent registration to confirm the phys-

provide a reliable, safe and efficient

ical product’s ownership to the original

system that can facilitate the re-utiliza-

creator, but, if not specified in the legal

tion of intellectual properties, primarily

document agreement, it would be

preserving attribution to the original

generally skipped in order to streamline


and facilitate the project’s bureaucracy.

The licensing system that can guar-

Two diverse scenarios will be now

antee such approach is the Creative

discussed to explain the intellectual

Commons organization. It provides

property rights are managed along the

a set of licenses that allow copyright


holders to choose which rights they

To be considered that every legal

want to preserve and which they want

aspect around every project within the

to waive. There are six types of licenses,

SunRide system is agreed and signed

explained in this book at 2.4, each of

by all the stakeholders involved in the

which has different characteristics to fit

Memorandum of Understandings (MOU)

to the needs of the copyright holder.

document, the project’s legal reference.

The research phase demonstrated that

© Drew Coffman_Flickr_CC-BY



No commercial license needed Vehicle drawings SCENARIO ONE

Commercial license needed Vehicle drawings


Commercial agreement among stakeholders


Local producer

Local producer

Figure 3.18_Scenarios around the Intellectual Property Rights Management

Vehicle implementation

Vehicle implementation


been designed to generate profit, • Scenario one: drawings with com-

such profit will be distributed among

mercial license.

the involved parties.

This scenario shows how the implementation process flows in case the technical drawings of the chosen

• Scenario two: drawings with

vehicle are licensed for a commercial

non-commercial license.

use (CC BY, CC BY SA, CC BY ND).

This scenario shows how the imple-

The open design phase is over and

mentation process flows in case the

the winner has been announced, the

technical drawings of the chosen

next steps is to deliver the drawings

vehicle are licensed for a non-com-

to the local producer in order to build

mercial use (CC BY NC, CC BY NC SA,

the physical vehicle. The technical


drawings are licensed with CC but its validity cannot be extended over the

The main difference with the previous

final product.

scenario is the private agreement which needs to be signed between

Without extra specifications within

the producer and the designer.

the MOU, the ownership of the final

Generally speaking, the CC non-com-

vehicle goes by default to the produc-

mercial feature is not an obstacle for

er who built it, who is in turn bound

the implementation process: in case

to stick to the agreement signed. The

somebody is interested in using for

drawings’ ownership, whose infor-

commercial purposes a non-commer-

mation is essential to produce the

cial licensed work, the user has the

final vehicle, remains to the original

right to ask a separated commercial


agreement to the original creator. If

The vehicle is produced and if it has

an agreement is reached, a document


which licenses the user to use the

mercial use of the vehicle. This legal

work for commercial purposes will be

practice may be treated directly with-


in the MOU document before the start

Therefore, a document between the

of the project.

parties will be created for the com-



The platform is designed to offer an

was lifted from the rest of the page.

easy navigation, to provide understand-

The menu itself contains all the rele-

able content, to delight the users during

vant paths the users need to have an

his experience in terms of graphical con-

easy and usable navigation: few and

tent. Therefore the three pillars which

highlighted buttons show the section

the website is based on are: Ease of use,

of the website they address, even

KISS method and delight.

grouped together within one button if more sections belong to one button. All that said, I tried to design an infor-

• Ease of use:

mation architecture which is accessi-

the website’s architecture is designed

ble, findable and organized.

for an easy navigation: it is possible to get to the required information from every webpage, an easy finding of


the content lightens the workload the

the approach “Keep It Simple Stu-

user would perform if an approximate

pid” was used as general guideline to

architecture was built.

design the whole platform.

The website menu is hanged on top

The webflow must have consisten-

of every page to guarantee a quick

cy along the user experience: each

reference and guide for users who

page needs to be designed properly

want to access to particular infor-

according to the content that has to

mation. Be it the homepage, or the

be delivered to the user, clear layout,

project page or the contact page,

explanatory iconography and so on.

the menu will always be on top and

The content has the priority over an-

visible even during the scrolling of the

ything else, that is why the size of the

webpages: the specific page content

page is screen-tailored: the content

will pass below the menu banner as it

and all its graphics and layout spread


Figure 3.19

Figure 3.19, 3.20_Structure of the website’s layout


out over the full-size of the page. In

• Delight:

order to get to the subsequent con-

the last pillar which the design of the

tent the user needs to scroll down to

whole platform is based on is the

see the whole page move until it is

delight one, to make the navigation,

fit to the full-size of the screen. This

interaction and the user experience

means that every webpage is de-

pleasurable and good-looking.

signed in different page-blocks (if two

The typeface used is Raleway Light,

or more contents need to be deliv-

with some exceptions of using a Rale-

ered in the same webpage) that take

way Medium or Bold for very impor-

the whole screen size.

tant texts. The choice of using such font is that it

Besides graphics and layout, the text

is a light and elegant sans-serif font,

of the webpages is relevant because

ideal to relax the eyes while reading

it conveys the principal meaning


which is supported by such graphics

The font dimension is 12 as normal

and layouts. That is why it has the pri-

text, 14 for an important text and 20

ority within the design of every single

for jumbo texts. The correspondence

webpage: text and relevant informa-

with the html language might be an

tion are usually placed on the upper

h3 (heading 3) for font 12, h2 for font

part of the screen and highlighted in a

14 and h1 for font 20.

way that is can be distinguished from the rest of the information, which

The iconographic approach plays a

are considered however relevant but

major role: the purpose is to convey

need to occupy a secondary position.

the main meaning of a content by relying more on the visual aspect rather than the literal one. During the platform navigation it helps the user


Figure 3.21

Figure 3.21, 3.22_Website’s graphics and iconography


and the reader absorb the message

in terms of webpage’s design: plain

in a more digestible way: the text and

colours have been chosen for each

the icons have the same importance,

section of the website, and to all the

there no hierarchical disposition, they

related webpages are applied with

support each other.

the same consistency, mainly to

The icons themselves are clear and

visually guide the user throughout

easy to understand.

his user experience. This approach is

Texts used in the webpages have the

also used within the project pages,

role to convey information in pills:

they use the colour of the phase they

short texts help the user understand

are going through, to help the user

the content in a sequential way, it is

identify it at first glance. Moreover,

useful in terms of the organization of

this is mainly useful within the world

the information itself and in terms of

map webpage, where all the SunRide

the design of the layout of the web-

projects are visible, a colour reference


is definitively solid to distinguish projects on the user’s screen.

Colour is another important aspect

Figure 3.23_SunRide logo by Emanuela Delfino and Silvia Remotti


Figure 3.24_SunRide’s system page

Figure 3.25_Projects Map page

Š baldiri_Flickr_CC-BY-SA




The layout of the website has been

section, within which are grouped the

designed to facilitate the overall user

What is SunRide, the How it Works and

experience and the related findability of

the Credits buttons.

information. At the right side of the menu there is To every webpage has been applied two

the login button, where the user by

master layouts: one for the menu bar at

entering its credentials can access to

the top of the page and a footer to the

the platforms services. The login is a

bottom of the page.

pop-up window that fades in at the upper-right area of the screen, provided

The menu bar has on the left side the

with all the classical options for

SunRide logo, to serve as homepage

signing in. An external user can join the

link if clicked (a trick widely used

SunRide’s community from that window

nowadays over the web); right after

by clicking on the related button to

it, the four main buttons are shown

register, signing up and become a

to allow users to find their way on

member of the platform.

the website. The organization of the wayfinding have been kept easy and

At the bottom of every webpage, a

light to facilitate the user’s navigation:

footer is placed to close the page itself.

such button are the Projects Map

There are the main links around the

link, the Project Activation link, the

legal specifications of the platform,

Resources link, within which are

such as the Terms and Privacy and

grouped the SunRide Drawings, the

the Intellectual Property Rights

Ideas Archive and the Sustainability

Management. Besides, a link to contact

Assessment tool buttons.

the promoters is visible on the right part of the footer, by clicking the text a

Next to that button there is the About

pop-up window opens up, like a form


Figure 4.2_Login/Sign up detail

Figure 4.1_Pages layout, menu


to be filled out; the user needs to enter

to the top of the page, in order to avoid

his information and the message to be

a long scrolling up in case the page is

delivered to the recipient, then press

long and full of content.

the button to send the message.

On the right edge, there are the buttons to link the platform’s presence

At the center of the bar there is a button,

on diverse social platforms, such as

quite common nowadays on the web,

Google+, Linkedin, Facebook and

that if clicked, it helps the user go back



Figure 4.3_Pages layout, footer

Figure 4.4_Contact the Promoters button, form detail



The website’s homepage is divided

steps and main features of the platform.

in four blocks, each of which has the

Another interaction is the scroll down

purpose to deliver a specific message to

button placed in the right-bottom

the user.

corner of the screen, whose purpose

The very first part has to communicate

is to help the user scroll the pages by

what this platform is all about: there is

clicking the arrow icon button. This is

the logo well displayed in the middle

a helpful features that is quite diffused

followed below by a short description

over the internet: since the pages of the

that has to be enough clear and

platform are mainly divided in blocks

concise. Such texts change according

that fit the size of the screen, I thought

to the slideshow on the background

it would be helpful to assist the user to

that scroll images horizontally. Their

navigate the pages with the minimum

purpose is purely evocative: the y have

effort; once the button is clicked, the

to show moments and experiences

page moves towards the next block.

achieved through the SunRide platform, be it the picture of the last vehicle

Right below the video section there

implemented or a set of concepts

is an introduction infographic which

grouped together for a previous project.

shows the user what is possible to do within this web platform. The first part

The main interaction the user can have

on the left shows the possibility to

here is the play button right below the

start a project and the related link right

texts. The video embedded shows in

below the text, the central part shows

two minutes and in a very informal and

how the user can contribute to the

clear way what is the SunRide system

platform both via his creativity and via

and how this platform works, along with

crowdfunding. The link below brings the

an appropriate iconography. A voice-

user to the Map of the Projects where all

over explains to the user the different

the initiatives are visible and interactive.

Figure 4.5_The SunRide Homepage in its entirety



The third part, the one on the right

possibility to have a wider vision of the

side of the screen, has the purpose to

ongoing projects.

introduce the vehicle which is used as

On the remaining part of the screen

basis for the implementation of new

the actual news is described by a little

models and spinoffs; the link below

text along with an appropriate title and

brings to the dedicated webpage, where

image. The related link to the project

all the information are available to

is placed below the description, this

have an understanding of it, as well as

allows the user to go to the project page

downloading the drawings needed only

whenever he/she wants.

for registered users.

The user has the possibility to choose view again the interested news by

Two links are clickable at the bottom

clicking the little circles right below the

of the screen: the first goes to the page

news which serve as indicators.

where the whole SunRide system is explained and described and the

The last block of the homepage is a

second one goes through the different

form for the registration of the user

phases of the process.

as a platform member: by signing up the user can have access to the

The next block regards the news around

main features of the service, like the

the different ongoing projects. This part

download of the technical drawings,

is designed as a slideshow of news: two

submitting a contribution during the

third of the page is dedicated to the

design phase, as well as participating to

world map, it serves as display to help

the crowdfunding phase. It is possible

the user spot the location of the news

to skip the form compilation by

and the related project. At the bottom

clicking on the related social network

the world map there is the link to the

button in order to connect the user’s

Projects Map page to give the user the

information via such platforms; this


Figure 4.6_First and second level, SunRide Homepage


is a quite spread approach to make

At the bottom of the homepage there

a seamless user experience. The user

is the sitemap to guide the user during

can alternatively register through the

his first experience on the website. On

classic form compilation: by filling it out

the right the promoters’ logos are well

and accepting the platform’s terms and

visible, namely Politecnico di Milano,

conditions, the user is now a member

Brunel University of London and Lens.

of the SunRide community and he/ she is ready to make a full use of its potentialities.

Figure 4.7_Sitemap detail, SunRide Homepage

Figure 4.8_Promoters and partners detail, SunRide Homepage


Figure 4.9_Third and last level, plus the sitemap, SunRide Homepage



This page of the platform is probably

the projects during their incubation

the most important because it

phase; it is possible to link the project

allows the user to have a clear and

activation page via this filter. The active

immediate glance of the SunRide

button shows only the ongoing projects:

system and process. The map allows

from this level, the user can have access

the interaction and link with all the

to the related project’s pages and in

projects on the platform, whether it is

turn interact with the different phases;

an incubated project or an ongoing or

the implemented button displays only

an implemented one, this page it may

the projects which have been achieved

be considered the dashboard the user

and locally implemented: the related

can interact with in order to support the

project’s pages explains the main

SunRide initiatives in every phase.

achievements, benefits and project’s timeline and resources to be reused,

The background is an illustration of the

as well as the display of the project’s

world on which the project icons are

timeline and the winning concept.

placed in correspondence of the project location. On the left of the screen a

The icons show the phases the project is

phase guideline legend is visible to help

going through: the Incubation, Concept

the user visually identify the different

Design, Solution Design, Crowdfunding,

stages of the projects.

Closed Project, Implemented Projects

On the right side is instead placed an

are the main phases within this page

interactive filter to visualise the projects

to distinguish the initiatives on the

according to their status: the show all

platform. By passing the mouse over

button allows a complete panorama

the name of the location a pop-up

of all the projects activated, run and

box appears with the main project

implemented by the SunRide system;

information: project’s name, the main

the incubated button filters only

stakeholders involved, the project’s


Figure 4.10_Projects Map page

Figure 4.11_Buttons of the Projects


actual stage and fulfilment percentage

the phase fulfilment and a description

and additional information about the

text to explain the user the project’s

days left to move to the next phase, the

requirements and goals along with

actual contributions in terms of ideas

some images and sources to better

sent and participating members.

frame the context.

This kind of information appear

The stakeholders are always visible

when the projects are going through

on the right side of the screen

the design phases, while for the

grouped within a box as well as the

crowdfunding phase the additional

legal information below the project’s

infos provided range from the current

description: the buttons open either

amount of money pledged and the

a new page or a pop-up window to

final goal of the campaign, while for the

display the project’s agreements

implemented projects the information

between the parties (Memorandum of

provided ranges from the original

Understanding) and additional terms

creator of the idea and the winning idea

and conditions specifying the project.

itself. The closed challenge window shows the very minimum amount

Below such introduction level, there is

of project’s information, which may

the list of the submitted ideas by the

range from none to the display of the

participants. Such concepts or solutions

stakeholders or other additional infos;

are displayed like cards along the

it depends mainly from the agreement

page: the user can see specifications

signed between the parties.

and details of each concept by clicking

Eventually, by clicking the button the

on the card. The thumbnail of each

link will bring the user to the dedicated

concept has the essential information,

project page.

project’s authors, sustainability assessment ranking and an image of

The dedicated project pages show

the idea.


Figure 4.12_Project’s information pop-up windows

Figure 4.13_Project page, introductive part

Figure 4.14_Project page, Concept phase, part one



Figure 4.15_Project page, Concept phase, part two

Figure 4.16_Project page, Solution phase, part one



Figure 4.17_Project page, Solution phase, part two


At the bottom of the page there are two

and resources sent by the authors

buttons regarding the submission by

regarding their idea are visible and

the users of ideas and solutions: the

available, if allowed, to be downloaded

button on the left brings the user to the

and reused by the members of the

submission page, the other buttons

platform: such material is the added

goes to the original vehicle drawings’

value of the platform and it will become


the asset for future initiatives and for inspiration.

The concept page is the showcase of the idea: at the top of the page the title

The submission page has a quick and

and the authors are visible, as well as, at

clear introduction level to explain the

the very right, a graphic showing if the

user how to upload his material and

idea is original or if it was created from a

to complete the submission: the form

previous idea, with the related Creative

to be filled out asks for idea’s title,

Commons license.

description, intellectual property rights

A text describing the idea is the main

management (hence if the idea is

content of the page, along with all

original or if it is a spinoff of another’s

the related pictures, renderings,

idea) and the creator’s names. Once

videos and infographics useful to best

this step is completed and all the

explain and convey the meaning of the

materials uploaded, the user has to fill

concept. Right below the descriptive

out the Sustainability Assessment in

part, the completed form about the

order to evaluate the concept in terms

Sustainability Assessment is shown

of different parameters and criteria:

to display the ranking the concept

since one of the main purposes of

was assigned; the user can look at the

the platform is to diffuse sustainable

different assessment’s parameters.

mobility, the higher the ranking, the

At the bottom of the page, the material

higher the chances to be chosen as

Figure 4.18_Concept submission page



Figure 4.19_Concept page, part one


Figure 4.20_Concept page, part two

Figure 4.21_Solution page, part one


Figure 4.22_Solution page, part two



vehicle to be implemented. At the

level of the webpage, as well as the

bottom of the page the user needs

presence of a informative box on the

to accept the platform’s terms and

right side of the screen, which provides

conditions and eventually press the

a general overview of the campaign

submit button to contribute to the

progress. The button below such

success of the project.

box links the platform to the related initiative on the chosen crowdfunding

The page layout just described is

platform, where the user can eventually

applied to project during the Concept

financially support the campaign.

Design or Solution Design phases.

At the bottom of the page there is a

For the closed project, little information

button to show the original project’s

is provided, only the stakeholders

description and design brief. Such

involved on the right side of the screen;

visualisation is hidden until the user

on the left side a compact form gives

clicks on the button, in order to keep

the possibility to the user to join the

the focus on the main content of the

project by sending to the promoters a

page: crowdfunding initiative.

request of participation, along with a motivational message.

The implemented project page has indicatively the same layout as the

The project pages regarding

design phases.

crowdfunding have a similar structure

The main differences are the presence

as the previous ones, the difference

of the winning vehicle, with description,

stands within the main content, which

images and authors, as well as the

is a sort of promotion of the winning

related link to the detailed concept

concept to be funded.

page; the presence, right below the

A brief introduction of the idea, along

concept description, of the project’s

with its authors, is provided in the main

timeline in its entirety: the timeline is

Figure 4.23_Solution submission page



Figure 4.24_Project page, Crowdfunding phase, part one


Figure 4.25_Project page, Crowdfunding phase, part two

Figure 4.26_Closed project page


made of the most important project’s

main information about that event, an

dates during the different project’s

event title, a description along with an

phases: the user can interact with such

appropriate image.

dates to obtain more information about

At the bottom of the page, all the

the main events that led the project

project’s resources, materials and

to its success. By clicking on the date,

deliverables are available for the whole

a pop-up box appears and reveals the


Figure 4.27_Implemented project page, part one



Figure 4.28_Implemented project page, part two


Figure 4.29_Implemented project page, part three



The project activation page has

to the compilation of the project

the purpose of pushing users and

activation form: the user, once he/

collaborators to activate sustainable

she has identified a mobility problem

mobility projects.

or opportunity, has to enter the main

The first page block gives an

information about such opportunity,

introduction to the actions the user

like a title and a description of it, along

can perform in order to send a project

with all the materials, resources or case

activation request: a jumbo title along

studies, which may help the promoters

with a smaller descriptive text introduce

better understand the issue. Such

the topic; below three icons depict

resources can be uploaded by the user

the main actions to achieve the result,

by clicking on the related area with the

along with the following text.

folder icon, then browsing the files and uploading them.

The next block shows the successful

Besides, the user is asked to enter his/

projects implemented thanks to the

her personal information like name and

SunRide system: the goal of this level is

surname, in order to have a reference

to push users to start a new projects; by

to contact back in case of request’s

peeking in the implemented initiatives,

acceptance; businesses, universities or

they fully understand the potentialities

other entities have to enter additional

of this platform. A showcase of three

information like the organisation they

case studies is visible for the user to

belong to and a phone number, to

have a deeper understanding of each

distinguish them from single users.

project history, simply by clicking on the

Such information are needed for

related image. Below the case studies

a business collaboration and/or

there is a button to bring the user to fill

academic partnership in order to better

out the form for the project activation.

define the stakeholders’ role within the

The final part of the page is dedicated

project’s hierarchy.

Figure 4.30_Project activation page




The drawings webpage has the purpose

assessment’s ranking; on the right side,

to introduce the user to the original

a chart provides technical information

vehicle that can be downloaded and re-

of the vehicle, like power, weight, main

used to create derivative works.

usage, as well as different criteria

The first block of the webpage gives

around its fabrication, like the amount

a brief about the history of the

of materials needed, the project

original vehicle, how it was born and

complexity, the building-time needed

developed by the then student Fabrizio

and the overall costs. The lower part of

Ceschin, along with a series of images

the level shows the original author/s,

representing the original vehicle and

the license applied, along with a link

some of its main spinoffs.

button to get the user to the related

The second block of the webpage

explanatory page, and the download

explains the main actions that the

button to save the files on the PC.

user may perform around the original

At the moment, within this platform

drawings: as a platform member, is

prototype, three vehicles are available

possible to download the drawings,

for downloads, namely the original

re-use such drawings to develop a new

vehicle drawings by Fabrizio Ceschin

concept and ultimately upload them

(the MULO project), the SunRide vehicle

for the concept submission. Three icons

tested in Cape Town by Emanuela

along with the appropriate text describe

Delfino and Silvia Remotti, and the

those actions.

SunAmbulance vehicle by Chiara

The next level of the webpage display

Tranelli, for the transportation of

the different vehicles available for

patients and injured people.

download: the layout provides a slideshow of pictures related to the

The ideas archive page serves as library

vehicle on the left, along with the

to help users search and find the

vehicle’s title and the sustainability

concepts submitted by the participants


Figure 4.31_Ideas archive page

Figure 4.32_SunRide drawings page in its entirety



Figure 4.33_SunRide drawings page, first and second level

Figure 4.34_SunRide drawings page, third level



Figure 4.35_SunRide drawings page, last levels


during the project’s phases to be used

of their concept. The aim of this tool is

as inspirations for other users and

to classify the concepts sent in order

to look for particular resources and

to add value and quality in terms of



The page gives a quick introduction

The first level of the page gives

to the content by explaining with text

an introduction to the tool, it was

the purpose of this page. Right below

developed by the Design and

the introduction, a form is available

System Innovation for Sustainability

to start a search of the idea needed:

department at Politecnico di Milano and

the user has to enter data following

the Learning Network on Sustainability

different criteria, like the name of the

(LENS), whose button to link to its

author or that of the idea, indicate the

website is available at the bottom of the

sustainability assessment ranking if


needed, indicating the license and/or

The rest of the webpage explains

filtering the concepts by projects.

the different topics the assessment

By pressing the search button, the user

encompasses, going through a

will receive the list of the concepts and

description and listing the main points

solution which are aligned with the

of such topic. The topics are: use

research parameters inserted: the user

intensification/extension, material

can then browse the concepts and

life extension, energy consumption

click on the desired one to go to the

reduction, material consumption

dedicated page to get the information

reduction, toxicity reduction and

and data needed.

resources conservation. The bottom of the webpage shows the

The Sustainability Assessment webpage is an explanation of the ranking tool used by users during the submission

ratings available to evaluate each topic.

Figure 4.36_Sustainability Assessment Tool page



Figure 4.37_Sustainability Assessment Tool page, part one


Figure 4.38_Sustainability Assessment Tool page, part two



This section of the website provides

design phase and the implementation

information about the platform itself


and about its functioning, how the innovation process works and what

The second level is built using an

actions the users can perform within

infographic about the SunRide system:

such platform.

the main stakeholders revolve around the project to show their importance

The webpage “What is SunRide“

in order to achieve the project’s goals.

introduces the platform itself by

Icons and text describe the role of each

explaining the main functionalities

actor, thus the user has a clear and

and characteristics: the page adopts

immediate understanding of the system

more an iconographic and infographic

as a whole.

approach than a textual one; by using such graphics, it is possible to

The third level shows the availability

convey to the user a greater amount

of the original drawings on the related

of information within a smaller area,

page: a banner introduces the topic,

as well as the advantage to provide

then a picture of the vehicle along with

such data all in one place, therefore

a descriptive text provide a general

comparable among one another.

understanding; three little icons to show the main actions around the usage of

The first level of the page introduces the

the drawings. Eventually, at the bottom

platform with little descriptive texts and

of the screen, there is the link to bring

where needed; there is a jumbo text on

the user to the dedicated page.

the top of the screen, a text right below it and four icons depicting the main

The last level show the crucial role of

features of the platform: opportunity

the platform promoters: Politecnico

identification, project creation, crowd-

di Milano and Brunel University, along


Figure 4.39_What is SunRide page, part one


with a local university partner which

crowd-design stage highlighted and the

is involved according to the project

final phases. Through this infographic

location, are the engines that run the

the user has a clear and general vision.

whole platform and those who sustain the community and the network of

From the second to the last level of

partners and collaborators.

the webpage, every stage is explained through a series of appropriate icons

The page introduces the topic with texts

and texts, as well as the actions to be

and right below such texts the main


promoters are shown by displaying the

The first phase described is the

university’s logo and a text to define

incubation phase, along with the button

its role within the system, along with a

which links to the project activation

picture of the main reference: Prof. Carlo

page; the second phase is the crowd-

Vezzoli for Politecnico di Milano, Prof.

design, which describes the difference

Fabrizio Ceschin for Brunel University

between concept and solution, along

of London and a local professor for the

with the button which links to the

local university.

projects map.

The “How it works“ page has the

The third phase is the crowdfunding

purpose of explaining to the user the

campaign and the last one is the

system’s phases, their features and the

implementation phase, along with the

actions the user can perform during

button which links to the projects map,

those phases.

in order to show the user the initiatives

The first level of the page is an

already implemented.

infographic which shows the SunRide’ process as a whole: the sequence of the phases represented by icons, the


Figure 4.40_What is SunRide page, part two

Figure 4.41_How it works page


Figure 4.42_How it works page, infographic detail



Figure 4.43_How it works, process detail one


Figure 4.44_How it works, process detail two


4.7_INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS MANAGEMENT This section of the website has the

four license criteria are shown and

purpose to clarify and give a general

described to make the user available

understanding of how the management

of the potential of such licenses. The

of the intellectual property works within

layout makes use of the appropriate

an open innovation platform.

icon and an explanatory text of the

This is a very delicate topic, since

attribution feature, the non-commercial

the importance of attribution is the

feature, the share alike feature and the

main pillar of creative profession; it

non-derivatives feature.

comes even more important when your concept, ideas and materials are

The next level has to introduce the user

available for re-usage by other people.

to the six different licenses available: the

That is why the Creative Commons

graphic shows the level of openness,

Licensing System has been chosen:

from the least restrictive license of

its wide set of licenses allow authors

the most restrictive one. Through this

to share their work without being

infographic the user has a general

damaged, since attribution is always

understanding of the different licenses

required to keep the usage legal.

to be applied to ideas and concepts.

The first level of the page gives and

The next level provides an explanation

introduction to the Creative Commons

around the licensing process on

entity, at the top a banner and a

SunRide: it is described what license

descriptive caption introduce the topic

and how it may be applied to an idea;

and right below another text explains

the scenarios show the user with the

what is it and by providing a button

freedom to choose the license he/

which links to the original website.

she wants and how a license may be

The second level of the webpage has

applied to all the submission according

more the nature of an infographic: the

to the agreement signed before the


project launch.

six licenses: it gives an understanding

The last part of the webpage shows

license has been applied, as well as the

a chart to visualise the different

conditions for the creation of derivative

application and interactions among the

works from an original one.

Figure 4.45_IPR management page, part one

of the conditions to be followed when a

Figure 4.46_IPR management page, infographic detail one


Figure 4.47_IPR management page, part two


Figure 4.48_IPR management page, infographic detail two


Figure 4.49_IPR management page, infographic detail three




This section of the website has the

of the different parts of the legal

purpose to provide to the users all the

document: a briefing is provided next

legal aspects and information which

to the related part, so that the user

make the SunRide system legal and

is able to catch the main meaning


without reading the whole and tough

In order to improve the user experience,


the terms and conditions of use part

On the left side of the page, there is the

and the privacy policy part have been

legal and full text, with all the details

separated in two different clickable

and specifications to be aware of.

areas: it is possible to access to the

This is the document which is always

desired information by clicking the tabs

recommended to read for a full and

placed at the top of the webpage. By

clear understanding of the SunRide’s

doing this, the clicked part will appear

terms and conditions of use, as well as

and the other one will stay hidden until

limitations, responsibilities, disclaimers

the user clicks again the related button.

and the privacy policy.

The layout has been designed to

The privacy policy text is available for

facilitate the user in reading such

reading by clicking on the related tab:

complicated and long documents:

the page will change and the text will

the terms and conditions document is

appear to be consulted.

divided in two main parts, on the right

No user-friendly text has been used

side of the page there is a particularity

here since the privacy policy text is a

that has recently started to be used

common document used in almost all

and then spread on the web, that is, the

fields, whose structure rarely changes;

user-friendly text of a legal document.

it is, besides, a less complicated

The purpose of this approach facilitates

document to read, that is why it is

the user’s reading and comprehension

shown in its entirety.


Figure 4.50_Terms and Conditions page, terms detail

Figure 4.51_Terms and Conditions page, privacy policy detail

Figure 4.52_Terms and Conditions page, Terms


Figure 4.53_Terms and Conditions page, Privacy Policy


Š baldiri_Flickr_CC-BY-SA

Š Colin Knowles_Flickr_CC-BY-SA




The SunRide Open Innovation Platform

department (Metodi E Tecnologie

for Sustainable Mobility has been

Innovative per la Didattica), whose

successfully designed and prototyped.

department manager, Dott.ssa Susanna

The project’s next steps regard the

Sancassani, is the assistant supervisor

actual online implementation, the

of this thesis.

developing of such platform to be working over different devices, such as

The debug phase is necessary to

tablets and smartphones, and the vision

actually test and improve the website’s

to create a trustful and copyrighted

performance in order to make it work in

brand, around the SunRide system and

the best way possible and to guarantee


a great user experience. Besides a likely html code improvement and fine-

The platform’s prototype is fully

tuning, there will be the need to connect

functioning: the pages’ links, the pages’

the website to a solid and efficient

layout, the animated effects, the forms

database, so that the user information,

and the videos have been tested over

all the data uploaded regarding the

and over during its design.

project’s submissions, as well as all the

The prototype will soon be put online

platform’s resources available for users,

on a server, by specific technicians

can be kept and stored. Once such

and researchers to start the debug

steps will be completed, the platform

phase. Such technicians may belong

will be ready to upload and download

to the school, Politecnico di Milano, so

data and information.

that the debugging is run internally,

Such platform will likely require the

to be also better overseen by the

supervision of a webmaster or ICT staff,

DIS Department (Design and System

or anyway a team who can manage

Innovation for Sustainability). Another

and take care of the overall platform’s

potential candidate may be the METID



Š ErickDimas 001_Wikimedia Commons_CC-BY-SA


Another possible growing of SunRide

The SunRide platform does not have

is to design and develop a responsive

such goals, but the possibility to

system, in order to make such platform

widen the radius of its presence over

viewable, available and usable from

the majority of devices, could really

different devices; a practice which

bring an invaluable benefit in terms of

nowadays is greatly spread over the ICT

accessibility and thus user involvement.

sector. The main goal of a responsive design for The benefits of having the SunRide

the SunRide platform would be to make

platform viewable on different devices is

the website usable from the majority

to primarily reach out to more potential

of devices: primarily from desktops,

users and collaborators: such website

which the platform was originally

available on smartphones may increase

designed from, mainly because it is

the chances of a “sharing effect“ and a

the ideal channel through which the

wider promotion and diffusion of it via

user can interact the best. Secondly

the internet. More users can get in touch

from tablets and smartphones, whose

with the platform during their everyday

features and limitations as well cannot

commuting, for instance, and therefore

provide the same yield as the desktop

interact and become a potential new

interface: smaller screens do not

member of the community.

facilitate interactions and visualisations,

These aspect are nowadays crucial if

therefore the main goal of bringing the

not even essential in the marketing

platform on such devices is mainly to

sector: the findability and ubiquity of

display the content at its best, and at

websites and application have great

the same time to “charm“ the user to

importance because of their ability

make him/her join the community and

to attract and involve a great deal of

to push the interaction on desktops

potential customers and users.

once available.

Figure 5.1_Responsive design on different devices



Figure 5.2

Figure 5.3

Figure 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5_Applications of SunRide on different devices

Figure 5.4

Š Brad Flickinger_Flickr_CC-BY



Another important step for a great and

entity, including a public institution or a

ambitious diffusion of the SunRide’s


system would be the creation and

The owner of the collective mark is

establishment of a trademark.

responsible for ensuring the compliance with certain standards (usually fixed

As described in the previous chapters,

in the regulations concerning the use

the creation of the SunRide trademark

of the collective mark) by its members.

could bring it to the next level: it could

Thus, the function of the collective mark

become a legal entity which pursues

is to inform the public about certain

sustainability goals worldwide, as well

particular features of the product for

as a reliable entity through which more

which the collective mark is used. Most

and more businesses and realities could

countries require that an application for

be willing to collaborate with.

a collective mark be accompanied by a copy of the regulations which govern the

The best option for this strategy would

use of the collective mark.

be the creation of a collective mark. Around such topic, the WIPO (World

Collective marks are often used

Intellectual Property Organization)

to promote products which are

states: “Collective marks are usually

characteristic of a given region. In such

defined as signs which distinguish the

cases, the creation of a collective mark

geographical origin, material, mode

has not only helped to market such

of manufacture or other common

products domestically and occasionally

characteristics of goods or services

internationally, but has also provided a

of different enterprises using the

framework for cooperation between local

collective mark. The owner may be

producers. The creation of the collective

either an association of which those

mark, in fact, must go hand in hand with

enterprises are members or any other

the development of certain standards

Š Caitlin Childs_Flickr_CC-BY-SA


Figure 5.6_ SunRide vehicle in Cape Town by Emanuela Delfino and Silvia Remotti


and criteria and a common strategy. In

The main benefits for the stakeholders

this sense, collective marks may become

is that the belonging to a group of

powerful tools for local development.

actors with shared goals and strategies

Associations of SMEs may, therefore,

could increase the chances of success,

register collective marks in order to

as well as the enlarged and enriched

jointly market the products of a group of

network of contacts and partners: this

SMEs and enhance product recognition.

facilitates the sharing of information

Collective marks may be used together

and data, it creates a preferred

with the individual trademark of the

channel for an easier and streamlined

producer of a given good. This allows

collaboration. Besides, it helps

companies to differentiate their own

businesses stand out from competitors:

products from those of competitors,

the membership to an ethically active

while at the same time benefiting from

association like SunRide may result in

the confidence of the consumers in

an increased customer’s confidence

products or services offered under the

regarding its products and/or services.

collective mark.�[1] Through this strategy, SunRide could This option could help the

become a real mark recognised

establishment of the SunRide system

worldwide, a cockade with which

as main and likely unique entity for the

the stakeholders and members can

implementation of sustainable mobility

emblazon themselves and being proud

through an open innovation approach

of their membership, for the ethical

and the collaboration of universities

support they are giving to the needful

and businesses.


1 WIPO website, http://www.wipo. int/sme/en/ip_business/collective_ marks/collective_marks.htm, 11/2015







Figure 5.7_ SunRide’s collective mark system




This thesis has led to different

implement new projects and to show

considerations: I am honoured and

how much effort was made to achieve

satisfied of the work accomplished

such results and successes.

so far. It all started and still is the realization of a student’s work pursuing

Besides, through the platform, there are

his graduation, but it is also the actual

chances to establish a great network

implementation of a student’s work

of contacts around the sustainable

in the real world. Nothing would have

mobility topic, as well as a great pool of

been possible without the invaluable

resources, materials, case studies and

support of different people, which made

real applied and implemented projects.;

such work possible and real.

it will likely become an important library to expand and deepen the knowledge

The SunRide platform is the completion

and the network.

of an effort started long time ago: an effort started by different students,

The SunRide platform may use the

whose thesis deepened the knowledge

school’s resources and network

around sustainable mobility. Such

(Politecnico di Milano) to further

knowledge, through the commitment

diffuse its presence over the world:

and work of the stakeholders

the LeNS (Learning Network on

involved, brought to further project

Sustainability) could provide additional

developments and experiences, which

skills, human resources and contacts

eventually led to the design and

to bring SunRide to a new level of

development of this web platform.

implementation. Its presence could

This thesis is just the tip of the iceberg

permeate in new sectors and its

and it hopefully can be the means to

resonance would definitively benefit

diffuse sustainable mobility around

from it.

the world: it may be the springboard to


The SunRide platform can act and serve

grouping of stakeholders with common

as contact point between the academic

goals and strategies to implement

world and the business world: a

sustainable mobility. From the user and

binomial which rarely meet with shared

customer’s perspective, the collective

goals and expectations, but with this

mark will increase the reliability of

platform, there might be a bridge

the system as a whole, as well as an

between these two areas, keystone

increased confidence, a sign of success

for a reliable and also profitable

and trust, also for possible investors.

collaborations for the accomplishments of sustainable mobility.

Last but not least, the refinement and

Users and contributors also have the

development of the SunRide platform

opportunity to have their say in terms of

for different devices, that is, responsive

design and funding, in a way that is not

design, could even multiply the

new to the internet, open innovation

diffusion and promotion of the platform

and crowdfunding, but it is applied

worldwide: the possibility to interact

in a new knowledge field through the

with it from tablets and smartphones

interactions of new stakeholders within

could amplify its presence, reaching out

a system of collaboration and shared

to more and more users and potential


partners, as well as intensifying the presence over social media.

In terms of legal establishment, the creation of a collective mark for the

The SunRide platform started as master

SunRide system can give birth to

thesis, it is now being debugged for

a group of interested and reliable

an online implementation, hopefully

stakeholders within an association

for a quick opening and for a fully

which has legal requirements to

functioning open innovation platform

become the first and likely the unique

for sustainable mobility.

Š Colin Knowles_Flickr_CC-BY-SA



_BOOKS • Product-Service System Design for Sustainability - C. Vezzoli, C.Kohtala, A. Srinivasan, GreenLeaf Publishing 2014 • Vezzoli, C., Bacchetti, E., (2016), ‘The Sustainable Energy for All Design Scenario’, in Jonathan Chapman (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design (in print) • The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property - M. David, D. Halbert, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014 • Costruire servizi digitali - M. Pillan, S. Sancassani, Apogeo 2003 • HTML&CSS, design and build websites - J. Duckett, John Wiley & Sons, 2011 • JAVASCRIPT&JQUERY, interactive front-end web development - J. Duckett, John Wiley & Sons, 2014 • Knowledge is beautiful - D. McCandless, William Collins, 2014 • Information is beautiful - D. McCandless, HarperCollins Publishers, 2009



Parasuraman, Bocconi University, 2009 • Open Innovation: a new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation - H. Chesbrough, Oxford University Press, 2006 • Crowdsourcing systems on the World-Wide Web - A. Doan, R. Ramakrishnan, A. Y. Halevy, Communications of the ACM, April 2011, vol. 54, no. 4 • Commercialising Intellectual Property: knowledge transfer tools - European IPR Helpdesk, 2013 • The Rise of Crowdsourcing - J. Howe, Wired Magazine, June 2006 • Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Exports in Developing Countries - L. Yang, K. E. Maskus, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Colorado, July 2008 • RepRap – The Replicating Rapid Prototyper - R. Jones, P. Haufe, Ed Sells, P. Iravani, Vik Olliver, C. Palmer, A. Bowyer • Motives for Participation in On-Line Open Innovation Platforms - T. Bakici, E. Almirall, J. Wareham, DRUID Working Paper No. 11-14 • The role of public policy in stimulating radical environmental impact reduction in the automotive sector: the need to focus on product-service system innovation - F. Ceschin and C. Vezzoli, Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 10, Nos. 2/3, 2010


• Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights – The Two-edged Sword - B. H. Hall, University of California at Berkeley, USA, University of Maastricht, the Netherlands • The case for open source appropriate technology - J. M. Pearce, Michigan Technological University, January 2012 • The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Technology Transfer and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence - R. Falvey, N. Foster, in cooperation with O. Memedovic, UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Vienna 2006 • The dynamics of crowdfunding: an exploratory study - E. Mollick, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2013 • The future of open innovation - O. Gassmann, E. Enkel, H. Chesbrough, R&D Management 40, 3, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010 • THE GEOGRAPHY OF CROWDFUNDING - A. K. Agrawal, C. Catalini, Avi Goldfarb, Working Paper 16820, NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, February 2011 • CREATIVE COMMONS, CC-PLUS AND HYBRID INTERMEDIARIES: A STAKEHOLDERS’ PERSPECTIVE - G. Russi, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford


_OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS • Intellectual Property Handbook - WIPO PUBLICATION No. 489 (E), 2004 • Guide to WIPO services - WIPO Publication No. 1020 (E), 2012 • The Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement: Objectives, Main Features, Advantages WIPO Publication No. 418 (E), 2012 • Open Innovation 2.0, yearbook 2014 - European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, 2014 • THE ECONOMICS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Suggestions for Further Research in Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition - WIPO Publication No. 1012 (E), January 2009 • CC+ Technical Implementation for the World Wide Web - http://

_THESIS • The introduction and scaling up of sustainable Product-Service Systems. A new role for strategic design for sustainability - Doctoral Dissertation of Fabrizio Ceschin, Politecnico di Milano 2012 • Sunride: design and implementation of a sustainable mobility PSS in Cape Town,


E. Delfino, S. Remotti, PSSD Master Thesis, AA 2010 - 2011 • Design of the transition strategy for a mobility PSS in Cape Town, Silvia Emili, PSSD Master Thesis, AA 2011 - 2012 • SunAmbulance: ambulanza ad energia solare e muscolare per contesti a basso reddito, C. Tranelli, Industrial Design Master Thesis, AA 2011 - 2012



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are under the public domain



I would like to thank first and foremost

girl gives me very much, I feel very lucky.

Prof. Carlo Vezzoli, whose expertise,

Thanks to my childhood friends Andrea,

support and availability have made this

Francesco, Matteo, Enrico&Enrico, for

thesis possible and this project real,

having been through a lot together, and

along with Susanna Sancassani, METID

for having contributed to make me the

director, for her technical support and

person I am.


Thanks also to those who were my

Thanks also to Barbara Colombo,

flatmates, Mich, Pisu and Roberto, for

Technology Transfer Office, for her

having met them and for those nice

support on legal aspects, as well as

years of living spent together.

Carlo’s assistants, Emanuela and Elisa, for their suggestions and for their

Special thanks go to the Italian song


song-writers, Nomadi, Battiato, Dalla and De Andrè, for having accompanied

My warmest gratitude goes to my family:

me throughout the project and for

to my parents Alberto and Mara, the

blocking any eventual and unconscious

most solid basis a son can walk on,

madness and/or crisis.

whereby I did what I could do; to my dear sister Valentina, whose exemplary

A small thank to myself, for the strength

strength and goodness make me see

I’m showing at the moment to seriously

the beautiful person she is and the

write such acknowledgements late at

fortune to have her as a sister; to my

night, which is not that easy.

aunt Vittoria and grandmothers Piera and Iside for having been there, always. Thanks to my Martina, adventure companion and reliable shoulder. This



Vorrei ringraziare innanzitutto il Prof

Grazie alla mia Martina, compagna

Carlo Vezzoli, che la sua competenza,

di avventure e spalla su cui contare.

il suo supporto e la sua disponibilità

Questa ragazza mi da tanto, mi sento

hanno reso possibile questa tesi e

molto fortunato.

realmente questo progetto, insieme

Grazie ai miei amici d’infanzia Andrea,

a Susanna Sancassani, direttore del

Francesco, Matteo, Enrico&Enrico,

METID, con il suo supporto tecnico e di

perchè ne abbiamo passate tante


insieme e perchè hanno contribuito a

Un ringraziamento va anche a Barbara

diventare quello che sono.

Colombo dell’ufficio Technology

Grazie anche a quelli che sono stati i

Transfer per il suo supporto sugli aspetti

miei coinquilini, Mich, Pisu e Roberto,

legali e giuridici, così come le assistenti

per averli conosciuti come persone e

di Carlo, Emanuela e Elisa, per i loro

per aver passato bei anni di convivenza

suggerimenti e per la loro pazienza.


I miei ringraziamenti più calorosi vanno

Un ringraziamento particolare

alla mia famiglia: a papà Alberto e

va ai cantautori italiani, Nomadi,

mamma Mara, la base più solida su

Battiato, Dalla e De Andrè, per avermi

cui un figlio possa camminare, grazie

accompagnato durante l’intero progetto

al quale ho fatto quello che sono

e per aver bloccato ogni mia eventuale

riuscito a fare; alla mia carissima sorella

e inconscia pazzia e/o crisi.

Valentina, la cui forza e bontà esemplari mi fanno vedere la bella persona che

Un piccolo ringraziamento a me stesso,

è e la fortuna che ho ad averla come

per la forza che sto mostrando in questo

sorella; a mia zia Vittoria e alle nonne

momento nello scrivere seriamente i

Piera e Iside per esserci sempre state.

ringraziamenti alla sera tardi, che non è facile.

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