Mindful History

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History History Mindful Shrink by

You don't need Superman or Spider-man to help you... and definitely you don't need to be a Superman or a Batman... you can be a real SuperHero like the ones that fought to improve our world! Be your ownBe your own We believe that you are a Super-Hero! SUPER-HERO

Mahatma Gandhi

He organized several non violent protests. During these protests, large groups of people would do things like refusing to work, sitting in the streets and peacefully disrupting Social Life .

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

Mohandas Gandhi is one of the most famous leaders and champions for justice in the world.

Gandhi attended law school in London and was famous among the faculty for his handwriting.bad Gandhi was put in prison several times for organizing these protests. He would often fast (not eat) while he was in prison.

Bethechangeyou wanttoseeinthe World What did Gandhi do?



Full Name: BornKaramchandMohandasGandhi:October2,1869in India Died: January 30, 1948 Best Known for: Organising non-violent protests

Soul,"title Mahatma, orhonorific"Greatwasgiventohimin1914.

Mahatma Gandhi



Try meditation. For the next 5 days every morning sit for 5 minutes quietly doing nothing! Practise: Compassion BethechangeyouwanttoseeintheWorld What Can you do? Gandhi - Challenge Try Meditation and Fasting. And write down any interesting feelings you had: Onthenextpagesyouhaveto: Try non eating For three hours every day try not eating anything (apart from water) to see how Gandhi felt during his hunger strikes Colour the Mandala PREVIEW

Slowly let the air out of the balloon (through the nose) as you release the breath from the belly. For the next 5 days every morning sit for 5 minutes quietly doing nothing! Try Meditation Be still and observe what's happening in your mind Start to take a slow, deep breath to fill your belly up with air, as if you’re trying to blow up a big balloon. Expand your belly as much as youFeelcan.their entire body relax each time they exhale, Relax your body and begin to take deep inhales and slow exhales through the nose. interestingWritedownanyfeelingsyouhad: Continue for several minutes. 1 2 3 4 5 PREVIEW

3 HOURS FASTING (NON-EATING) CHALLENGE CAN YOU COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE? Day 4 Day 5 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour appropriateeating)AfterEveryhourofsuccessfulfasting(non-tickthesquare Youcandrinkas muchwateras youlike: Trytodowhat Gandhidid! PREVIEW

Practise: Patience Use 7 different colours, try to use the same colour on the same area of the flower in order to respect the symmetry of the mandala. Colour the Mandala: Finish Takeyour time! Don'tmindthe time, doitslowly Example: PREVIEW

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

Lebanon1982 geographyyearsWhenTeresawas35old,shebeganteachinghistoryandinCalcuttaIndiawithoutgettingpaid.PREVIEW




Mother Teresa did everything she could to help those in need. She established a leper colony, an orphanage, a nursing home, a family clinic and a string of mobile health clinics. Name:AnjezëGonxhe inNorth

1997 Bestknownfor: Fightingfor therightsofthesickand helpless. She travelled through a war zone to rescue 36 children from the front line. The Children were left alone by the staff in an orphanage “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” What did Mother Teresa do?

HerSuperpower: Humility

Find a Family friend, Neighbour or a Family member who has some kind of difficulty and offer them your help. Practise: Humility Mother Teresa - Challenge “These are the few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of one's self To mind one's own business. Not to want to manage other people's affairs. To avoid curiosity [...] To choose always the hardest.” Mother Teresa, What can you do? Onthenextpagesyouhaveto: Learn about the daily activities Children have in some parts of the World Complete a 'Give Away' Challenge. Find what you have in common with Children who live in poverty in some parts of the World Complete circlesoverlappingtheand... GiveAway Challenge Let'sshare whatwehave! PREVIEW

Find a Family friend, Neighbour or a Family member who has some kind of difficulty and offer them your help. Keeptrackonthepeopleyouhelped,theirneedsandthe kindofhelpyouofferedthem. Who needed your help? What kind of help you have offered? What else can you do for them? What help did they need? WhatwouldMotherTheresado?Activity Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: PREVIEW

Activity Learnaboutthe dailyactivities Childrenhavein someparts oftheWorld: Children living in poverty have a different life and different activities than you. Read the story of Guha's daily routine and then go to the next page PREVIEW


Guhaisa7-year-oldboywholivesinaremote, mountainvillageinChina.It’sverycoldinthewinter,and histwosistershavetowalk20minutestoschooleveryday. Theyhavetocrossthreerivers,butonebridgehas collapsed,sotheyhavetojumpacrossonrocks.Ifthe waterlevelistoohigh,theycan’tgettoschool.

Guhaandhissisterssharealunchofcoldpotatoesandrice atschool,eventhoughit’scoldoutside. Whenhegetshome,Guhastartsafire,collectswater, feedsthechickensandpigs,andtakescareofthehorse, whichishisfavoritechore.Hewantstobeateacherwhen hegrowsup.

Whenhe’s12,Guhawillhavetogotoschool1.5hours away.He’llhavetolivetherebecauseit’stoofartowalk everyday. PeopleinGuha’svillagehavetowalkalongwaytocollect waterfromastream.Thevillagehasnopropertoilets.

Your everyday activities: Guha's everyday activities: PlayingExample: gamesvideo Activity DoingExample: Homework Activities bothyou have theFeedingExample: chickens C o m p l e t e t h e t w o c i r c l e s o n t h e n e x t p a g e . I n G u h a ' s c i r c l e w r i t e d o w n w h a t G u h a d o e s e v e r y d a y . I n y o u r c i r c l e , w r i t e d o w n w h a t y o u d o e v e r y d a y . T h e n , i n t h e o v e r l a p p i n g a r e a , w r i t e d o w n t h e s a m e a c t i v i t i e s y o u h a v e . PREVIEW

Weallhavethingsthatwedon'tneedinourwardrobes. Fromboard gamestoclothesandshoesyoudefinitely havesomethingswhicharesimilar,someclothesyou rarelywearorhavenotwornforyears.Well,don'tyou thinkthatitistimetostartgivingandpractisesharing. Give Away - Challenge How many things can you give away? Help the people who need your help and complete successfully the activity! Every item on the list bellow gets a certain number of points. Try to give as much as you can in order to achieve the highest possible score. Board game: 14 points T-shirt: 10 points Shoes: 11 points Video game: 25 points Book: 12 point Toys: 10 points Trousers: 10 points Hat: 8 points Give Away Let's share what we have! Your Score: /100 Remember that Mother Teresa gave everything away to the poor. She also gave all the money of the Nobel Peace Prize to comfort the helpless. You have one week to complete the challenge! You can also invite a friend to complete the challenge with you. PREVIEW

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