Corporate Design Manual
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual The Corporate Design Manual (CD Manual) gives you all the instructions which are obligatory for your work with the visual image of the TRANSPORT LEARNING project. By following these guidelines we will ensure consistency in the TRANSPORT LEARNING project through all ways of communication.
INDEX The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo ...................................................... 3 The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo symbol . ......................................... 4 The Logo: Colour Versions ................................................................ 6 The Logo: Colours ............................................................................ 7 The Logo Combinations .................................................................... 8 The Logo: Dimensions & Free Space ................................................ 10 Correct usage of the logo ............................................................... 11 Unauthorised usage of the logo ...................................................... 12 Integration of the IEE programme logo ........................................... 13 The Training Module Icons ............................................................. 14 Intergration of the IEE Legal Disclaimer ........................................... 16 Typography ..................................................................................... 18 The presentation slide templates ..................................................... 19 The deliverable template ................................................................. 21 Handout cover templates for the 8 Training modules ...................... 25 The letter template ......................................................................... 27 TRANSPORT LEARNING terminology ............................................... 28 The Site-Visits Materials .................................................................. 32 The USB flash drive for Site-Visits .................................................... 33 The Name Badges for Site-Visits ...................................................... 34 The Place Cards for Site-Visits ......................................................... 35 The E-Magazines in 8 languages ..................................................... 36 The Website ................................................................................... 38 The Teaser Card .............................................................................. 40 The Fact Sheet for Universities ........................................................ 41 The Brochure .................................................................................. 42
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo should be used on all dissemination and communication materials produced. It plays a role of utmost significance in creating brand association. Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to recreate the TRANSPORT LEARNING logo. Only the logo versions presented in this manual are correct and it is these that should therefore be used. The following elements form the TRANSPORT LEARNING logo: > The logo type / lettering > The logo symbol minimum size: 30 mm
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo symbol 1/2
Central to this project are 8 modules dedicated to sustainable mobility. The symbol of the TRANSPORT LEARNING logo is assembled from 8 single dots symbolising the initial letters of the project title, T and L. The 8 dots represent the number of training modules.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo symbol 2/2
„T“ for transport
+ „L“ for learning
= The „TL symbol“ of the logo is composed of 8 dots and symbolises the 8 training modules of TRANSPORT LEARNING
Exception: The background pattern
Important! Es ist erlaubt, die Grundform dieses Symbol als zusätzliches Gestaltungselement innerhalb von Publikationen zu verwenden (siehe XXX). Es ist nicht erlaubt, das Symbol „anstatt“ des regulären TL-Logos (inkl. Schriftzug!) zu verwenden.
Do not use the “logo symbol” as a stand-alone symbol without the lettering TRANSPORT LEARNING! It is not allowed to use the „TL symbol“ instead of the regular logo versions.
Don‘t use this symbol as stand-alone symbol without the lettering TRANSPORT LEARNING! It‘s not allowed to use the „TL symbol“ instead of the regular logo versions.
It is allowed to use the base form of this symbol in the form of the “background pattern” as additional design element for layouts and publications. The “background pattern” is provided separately as a readyto-use-file (also described later in this manual).
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Logo: Colour Versions
There are four basic versions of our logo: a coloured one, a greyscale one, a plain version (black and white) and a negative version of this plain logo. A negative version of the coloured logo does not exist. > > > >
basic logo COLOUR basic logo GREYSCALE basic logo PLAIN basic logo PLAIN, NEGATIVE (inverted)
All logos are designed for use in print and in digital media.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Logo: Colours The CMYK colour code should be used for all printed materials. For special printing, the PANTONE colour scale should be used. On the website and other electronic applications, the RGB colour scale, created through graphic software colour conversion, should be used.
Logo colours:
100 40 0 0
R G B #
0 118 189 0076bd
Blue 3005 C/U
75 0 100 0
R G B #
66 166 42 42a62a
Green 369 C/U
Additional colours used within the TRANSPORT LEARNING Corporate Design: The colour gradient from lightblue (C 40) to white is the leading colour for backgrounds within the TRANSPORT LEARNING project. Lightblue (C 40) is also used for the background pattern.
The colour gradient from dark blue (C 100 / M 60) to skyblue (C 100) is defined for horizontal banner elements.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Logo Combinations 1/2
There are only two components, which are allowed to be combined with the logo. On the one hand, the projects URL,, may be placed below the logo. On the other hand, the projects headline “Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport” may be used. This headline will be translated from English into eight other languages.
minimum size: 50 mm
1) the TRANSPORT LEARNING logo plus the subline “” 2) the TRANSPORT LEARNING logo plus the subline “Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport”.
minimum size: 50 mm
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Logo Combinations 2/2
Обучение за енергийно ефективно придвижване в града
Ενθάρρυνση των επαγγελματιών ώστε να επιτύχουν ενεργειακή εξοικονόμηση στις αστικές μεταφορές
Capacitación de profesionales para el ahorro energético en la movilidad urbana
Továbbképzés a hatékony, energiatakarékos városi közlekedésről
Abilitazione di professionisti per realizzare risparmi di
Inspirowanie praktyków dla osiągnięcia oszczędności energii
Capacitação de profissionais para a obtenção de poupanças de
Instruirea profesioniștilor, țintind eficiența energetică
energia nei trasporti urbani
w transporcie miejskim
energia no transporte urbano
în transportul urban
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Logo: Dimensions & Free Space 4 4 4 4
In order to create the maximum impact and visibility, the presence of a white space around the graphic signature is very effective. This space around the logo is called the exclusion zone and defines the minimum distance to other elements. This space individualises the logo by separating it from the surrounding elements (margin of the page, other logos, text or graphic elements).
The free space available should observe the minimum shown in the next image. The actual distance between the margins and the logo depends on the actual size of the logo.
8 8
3 3
1 1
Minimum distances:
1 1
Correct usage of the logo As a basic rule, the logo must be placed on the top right side in publications, letters, presentations or other reports. The space around the logo is called the exclusion zone. It defines the minimum distance to other elements (see also page 9).
Coloured logo, placed on white background
Coloured logo, placed on the colour gradient “lightblue to white”
Main usage: Coloured logo The coloured logo must only be used on two types of background: A white background as well as the colour gradient “lightblue to white” as leading background within the TRANSPORT LEARNING project. (see also “The logo colours”, page 6). Exceptional usage: Plain logo (black and white) The plain logo is destined to be used for single colour print products like Ballpoint pens, uSB stics, umbrellas or ruber stamps. The plain logo must be used in the TRANSPORT LEARNING blue as defined in this Coroporate Design Manual or in black. Other colours are not allowed (see also “unauthorised usage of the logo”, page 11).
Example: Presentation Slide Cover
Plain logo, blue on white (or inverse)
Plain logo, black on white (or inverse)
Unauthorised usage of the logo
The logo should never appear on one of the colours or similar colours which compose the logo.
The logo should never be written with another font type.
No shadow effects should be applied to the logo.
The logo should not be distorted in any way.
The logo should never be used with an outline.
No element of the logo should appear in unapproved colours.
No element of the logo should change its prescribed position.
The logo should not be rotated.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
Integration of the IEE programme logo
As TRANSPORT LEARNING is an IEE-supported project, it should display the banner of the IEE programme with the mention “Supported by” on all dissemination and communication materials produced. Therefore, programmes, cover pages of project reports, websites, brochures, flyers, posters etc. have to integrate the IEE programme banner as shown on the right. More information about the graphic design specifications and requirements of the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme at intelligent/implementation/communication_en.htm
plain (silkscreen)
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Training Module Icons 1/2
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Training Module Icons 2/2
Street design & traffic calming
Walking & cycling
Sustainable mobility campaigns
Parking space management
Families, schools & kindergartens
6 7 8
Communication training
Land use & housing
Public transport
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
Intergration of the IEE Legal Disclaimer 1/2
In addition to the IEE programme logo (Supported by IEE) you will also need to display the following legal disclaimer on any written information produced for your project. This disclaimer can be written in small font size and placed in less conspicuous parts of publications or documents (e.g. in the editorial information), but it is critical that it is actually displayed somewhere. Please use the following text in English for transnational communication and in your native language for national communication! The use of these disclaimers is obligatory for any material produced.
THE LEGAL DISCLAIMER IN ENGLISH The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
THE LEGAL DISCLAIMER IN PROJECT LANGUAGES BG Мнението, изразено в настоящата публикация е на авторите и по никакъв начин не отразява официалната позиция на Европейския Съюз. Изпълнителната агенция за конкурентоспособност и иновации, както и Европейската Комисия не носят отговорност за публикуваната в документа информацията. EL H αποκλειστική ευθύνη για το περιεχόμενο αυτής της δημοσίευσης είναι των συγγραφέων. Οι γνώμες που εκφράζονται στο παρόν δεν αντιπροσωπεύουν αναγκαστικά τις γνώμες της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. Η EACI ή/και η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δεν είναι υπεύθυνες για την με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο χρήση πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτή την δημοσίευση.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
Intergration of the IEE Legal Disclaimer 2/2
ES El contenido de esta publicación solo compromete a su autor y no refleja necesariamente la opinión de la Unión Europea. Ni la EACI ni la Comisión Europea son responsables de la utilización que se podrá dar a la información que figura en la misma.
IT La responsabilità per il contenuto di questa pubblicazione è unicamente degli autori. Questo non rispecchia necessariamente l’opinione della Comunità Europea. Né la Commissione Europea né EACI sono responsabili per qualsiasi uso che possa essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute.
HU A kiadvány tartalmáért az egyedüli felelősség a szerzőket terheli, és nem szükségszerűen tükrözi az Európai Közösség álláspontját. Sem a Versenyképességi és Innovációs Végrehajtó Ügynökség, sem az Európai Bizottság nem felelős a tartalmak bárminemű felhasználásáért.
PL Wyłączna odpowiedzialność za treść niniejszej publikacji leży po stronie jej autorów. Nie odzwierciedla ona opinii Unii Europejskiej. Zarówno EACI jak i Komisja Europejska nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności za wykorzystanie zawartych tu informacji.
PT O conteúdo da presente publicação é da exclusiva responsabilidade dos autores. Não reflecte necessariamnte a opinião da União Europeia. A EACI e a Comissão Europeia não são responsáveis por qualquer uso que possa ser dado à informação aqui contida.
RO Responsabilitatea asupra conţinutului acestei publicaţii aparţine în exclusivitate autorilor săi. Acesta nu reflectă în mod obligatoriu opinia Uniunii Europene. EACI şi Comisia Europeană nu sunt responsabile de utilizarea informaţiilor conţinute aici.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
FONTS FOR MS OFFICE DOCUMENTS ARIAL is used for documents generated with MS Office programmes and for all electronic media (PowerPoint presentations, Word Documents e.g. Reports, Letters etc). ARIAL is preinstalled on both PCs and Mac computers. In addition to that, Arial is used as the font for dynamic text on our website.
ARIAL bold for main titles sub titels and crossheadings
ARIAL regular for body text
Do not use other font types in MS Office documents to guarantee easy exchange of data! Dont use italic types for headlines!
ARIAL italic for accentuation, legends, ... within the body text and also for footnotes)
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The presentation slide templates 1/2 Standard presentation
Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport
For the headline of a PowerPoint presentation, the typeface Arial has to be used. The headline is the only part of the cover slide, which may be edited. Fixed elements of the cover page are: -
TRANSPORT LEARNING logo at the right corner of the page TRANSPORT LEARNING background pattern INTELLIGENT ENERGY EuROPE Logo at the right bottom of the page
For the standard PowerPoint slide, the typeface Arial has to be used. All text parts can be edited: − The title of the slide (written in Arial bold, blue) − The textbox and its layout (written in Arial, black)
Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport
Titel der Präsentation (ändern in Folienmaster)
First slide
Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport
Training modules
Header and footer, the TRANSPORT LEARNING logo as well as the IEE logo are fixed elements and cannot be edited.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Parking space management, access restriction and speed control Mobility management measures for families, kindergartens and schools Land use and housing in mobility management Public transport models Street design, streetscape and traffic calming Walking and cycling – counselling municipalities Design and implementation of sustainable mobility campaigns Communication training
Titel der Präsentation (ändern in Folienmaster)
Slide master
The presentation slide templates 2/2 8 Training modules First slide
Slide master
Parking space management, access restriction and speed control
Example: Training module 1
Parking space management, access restriction and speed control
• First level – Second level 1 – Second level 2 – Second level 3
Name Surname Organisation Location, Date Location, Date (change in slidemaster)
Mobility management measures for families, kindergartens and schools
Example: Training module 2
Mobility management measures for families, kindergartens and schools
• First level – Second level 1 – Second level 2 – Second level 3
Name Surname Organisation Location, Date Location, Date (change in slidemaster)
The deliverable template 1/2 Front page Fixed graphical elements: 1. The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo incl. the headline 2. The background pattern incl. colour gradient 3. The IEE logo 4. Editable text parts: „Style sheets“ and colours for fonts are predefined used fonts: Arial Regular & Arial Bold This template is provided as MS Word document.
Deliverable (Title)
Project: Transport Learning
Contract number: IEE/00/000/X00.000000
Type of report: (final,interim etc.)
Report period:
Report date:
Status of Deliverable:
Project coordinator: Prename Name, Organisation/Institution Author: Prename Name, Organisation/Institution Co-Author: Prename Name, Organisation/Institution Quality check by: Prename Name, Organisation/Institution
The deliverable template 2/2 Front page Following elements form the „inside pages“ of the report template: 1. The heading at the top line (editable) 2. The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo without the headline 3. The footer including the IEE logo and 1 editable text line
Headline 1 Headline 2 Headline 3 Headline Standard (Text 11 Pkt.): Kisuaheli neumix dok barcompe. Rewitz gofell queju vinre. Esni uz balomre rindupu doan, Neukifa in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim Vernas, orkefan sekap ton noschassu. Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan. Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck. Zontes fell den kranas. Ankisa im kloss vor lunkel am laschinke pro.
4. „Style sheets“ and colours for fonts are predefined used fonts: Arial Regular & Arial Bold Main font colours: „black“ for copy text and „blue“ for headline
(1) Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa (2) Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. (3) Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
Text 9 Pkt. Kisuaheli neumix dok barcompe. Rewitz gofell queju vinre. Esni uz balomre rindupu doan, Neukifa in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim Vernas, orkefan sekap ton noschassu. Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan. Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck. Zontes fell den kranas. Ankisa im kloss vor lunkel am laschinke pro.
Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
Placeholder for text
Page 4 of 4
The report template 1/2 Front page Fixed graphical elements: 1. The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo incl. the headline 2. The background pattern incl. colour gradient 3. The IEE logo 4. Editable text parts: „Style sheets“ and colours for fonts are predefined used fonts: Arial Regular & Arial Bold This template is provided as MS Word document.
Report (Title)
Prename Name Organisation Location, Date
The report template 2/2 Inside pages Following elements form the „inside pages“ of the report template: 1. The heading at the top line (editable) 2. The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo without the headline 3. The footer encluding the IEE logo and 1 editable text line
Headline 1 Headline 2 Headline 3 Headline Standard (Text 11 Pkt.): Kisuaheli neumix dok barcompe. Rewitz gofell queju vinre. Esni uz balomre rindupu doan, Neukifa in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim Vernas, orkefan sekap ton noschassu. Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan. Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck. Zontes fell den kranas. Ankisa im kloss vor lunkel am laschinke pro.
4. „Style sheets“ and colours for fonts are predefined used fonts: Arial Regular & Arial Bold Main font colours: „black“ for copy text and „blue“ for headline
(1) Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa (2) Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. (3) Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
• Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa • Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. • Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan. − Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa − Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. − Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
Text 9 Pkt. Kisuaheli neumix dok barcompe. Rewitz gofell queju vinre. Esni uz balomre rindupu doan, Neukifa in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim Vernas, orkefan sekap ton noschassu. Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan. Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck. Zontes fell den kranas. Ankisa im kloss vor lunkel am laschinke pro.
− − −
Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
Placeholder for text
Page 4 of 4
The Handout templates for the 8 Training modules 1/2 Example: Training module 1, cover
Parking space management, access restriction and speed control
Example: Training module 2, cover
Mobility management measures for families, kindergartens and schools
The Handout templates for the 8 Training modules 2/2 Example: Training module 1, inside page
Example: Training module 2, inside page
Parking space management, access restriction and speed control
Mobility management measures for families, kindergartens and schools
Headline 1
Headline 1
in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim
in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim
2.1 Headline 2
2.1 Headline 2
in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim:
in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum. Sunim:
2.1.1 Headline 3
2.1.1 Headline 3
After heading 3 the numbering stops.
After heading 3 the numbering stops.
1. lla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum 2. brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel 3. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan
1. lla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum 2. brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel 3. Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan
− Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa
− Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa
− Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel.
− Vor brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel.
− Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
− Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan.
• • •
lla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan
• • •
Page 5 of 8
lla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox am dokum brosal se kramp. Ornitan vom dels im prastel Yanas do matig, verkrom denn ist nol tum rubinan
Page 5 of 8
The letter template Fixed graphical elements
Example with placeholder text
KTC Kullinan Junktim Bortembalo Mr Zontes Drostinon Lartetra Oswanja 1 0000 Karoswetna EUROPE
KTC Kullinan Junktim Bortembalo Mr Zontes Drostinon Lartetra Oswanja 1 0000 Karoswetna EUROPE
City, Month 00, 2011
City, Month 00, 2011
Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra
Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra
Dear Mr Zontes Drostinon,
Dear Mr Zontes Drostinon,
Ysern drol lasch ekra dol in noviton. Cool, setten vonke jum hers in tretas, leschke vom kollies hant noschassu. Kisuaheli neumix dok barcompe. Rewitz gofell queju vinre. Esni uz balomre rindupu doan, Neukifa in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox
Ysern drol lasch ekra dol in noviton. Cool, setten vonke jum hers in tretas, leschke vom kollies hant noschassu. Kisuaheli neumix dok barcompe. Rewitz gofell queju vinre. Esni uz balomre rindupu doan, Neukifa in lenim dakai herangu de sal. Henri ounim herero wubu, havars en schekra dol Deck in noviton. Olla gefeph rhuss nekoscha kalain, he dok in bulassa de jussel masox
Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck. Zontes fell den kranas. Ankisa im kloss vor lunkel am laschinke pro. Drostinon hers olla makrasch, Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig dronte im kessel nir ohr el watassa. Junktim er vronelli bom klaro, eikisont dem lusch ankas ver dolliwatsch. Mest dommel en lattement, horch dessen bulassa Drostinon hers olla makrasch, Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig. Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig dronte im kessel nir ohr el watassa. Junktim er vronelli bom klaro.
Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck. Zontes fell den kranas. Ankisa im kloss vor lunkel am laschinke pro. Drostinon hers olla makrasch, Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig dronte im kessel nir ohr el watassa. Junktim er vronelli bom klaro, eikisont dem lusch ankas ver dolliwatsch. Mest dommel en lattement, horch dessen bulassa Drostinon hers olla makrasch, Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig. Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig dronte im kessel nir ohr el watassa. Junktim er vronelli bom klaro.
Drostinon hers olla makrasch, Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig dronte im kessel nir ohr el watassa. Junktim er vronelli bom klaro, eikisont dem lusch ankas ver dolliwatsch. Mest dommel en lattement, horch dessen bulassa de jussel opan. Losal dem bortem, von real in secke nthal may basement halt drente pest. Ysern drol lasch ekra dol in noviton. Cool, setten vonke jum hers in tretas, leschke vom kollies hant noschassu.
Drostinon hers olla makrasch, Fell gomers en Kullinan peri helzig dronte im kessel nir ohr el watassa. Junktim er vronelli bom klaro, eikisont dem lusch ankas ver dolliwatsch. Mest dommel en lattement, horch dessen bulassa de jussel opan. Losal dem bortem, von real in secke nthal may basement halt drente pest. Ysern drol lasch ekra dol in noviton. Cool, setten vonke jum hers in tretas, leschke vom kollies hant noschassu.
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
Kullinan Kessel nir Drostinon
Kullinan Kessel nir Drostinon
Contact/Sender: Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck (XYZ), Gomers en Kullinan 0-00, 0000 City, COUNTRY, E-mail: secretariat@gomers.xy, Phone: ++00 0000 0000
Contact/Sender: Paento lem schontikow, es Quirina dol schekra mal trenck (XYZ), Gomers en Kullinan 0-00, 0000 City, COUNTRY, E-mail: secretariat@gomers.xy, Phone: ++00 0000 0000
This template is provided as MS Word document. TRANSPORT LEARNING – CORPORATE DESIGN MANuAL
Through a definition of the core TRANSPORT LEARNING terms, misunderstandings between project partners should be avoided. In addition to that, a fixed terminology allows external stakeholders a better and faster understanding of the project. Core terms and expressions within the project are:
Technical training course: the technical training course is the teaching part of the training. The term technical training course does not imply that only theory is studied. It contains practical work next to presentation and ex-cathedra teaching as well, e.g. role plays and group work. The term is used to distinguish between the mini-projects, during which the trainees work independently on planning and implementing their respective mini-project, and the technical training course based on know-how and capacity building. There are eight technical training modules in the course, organised into four units. Do NOT use: theory training, training session, training lesson etc.
Training: the TRANSPORT LEARNING training is the generic term for the entire training. The training is composed of the technical training course, the development of an action plan for a mini-project as well as the implementation of a mini-project. Do NOT use: training session, training event, training day etc.
Training module: The training module is the individual training element of two days. There are eight technical training modules in the course. Each training module of technical training lasts for two days, in which one trainer teaches a group of trainees. Do NOT use: training element, training component etc.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
Training unit: to attract participants to take part in more then one training module, two modules of technical training will be held in one week. This pair of two technical training modules is called a training unit. Do NOT use: training, training batch, training week etc.
Training course Training unit 1 Week ➔
Training module 1
Training module 2
1 Week ➔
Training module 3
Training module 4
1 Week ➔
Training module 5
Training module 6
1 Week ➔
Training module 7
Training module 8
Action Plan: the action plan is the basis for the implementation of a miniproject. It describes the topic, target group, actions and any joint working to be implemented in the mini-project. The work on the action plan starts in the technical training module and is a fixed mandatory part of this. The trainees finalise the action plan on their own after the technical training. They receive guidance from the trainer and the training hosts on this. The action plan is a guideline and is neither an official deliverable nor is it obligatory for it to be completed. Do NOT use: activity plan, master plan, project plan, mini-project plan etc. Mini-Project: the mini-projects are the practical part of the training, in which trainees put the knowledge gained into practice. The miniprojects are developed in the action plans and are implemented by the trainees, with support of the trainers and training hosts. They will follow the technical training and last for a period from a few weeks up to a maximum of six months. Do NOT use: project, practical training project, trainees project etc. Trainer: the person who is carrying out the training. The trainer will teach the trainees during the technical training modules and will assist the trainees in the creation of the action plan and in the implementation of their mini-projects. Do NOT use: teacher, expert etc.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
Trainees: the participants in the training, working preferably for municipalities or energy / management agencies. Thus, the target group for the training are people already experienced in the field of energy efficiency or transport planning. Experts in the field of sustainable transport are not specifically targeted as potential trainees. Do NOT use: student, participant etc. Training host: Training hosts are the project partners, who organise the eight technical training modules in their home country. They act as a link between the trainers of the project consortium on the one hand and the trainees on the other hand. Do NOT use: host, trainee host, facilitator, organiser etc. Training region: A training region describes the convergence regions in the respective training countries. The eight training regions are the Bulgarian convergence regions, Greek convergence regions, Hungarian convergence regions, Italian convergence regions, Polish convergence regions, Portuguese convergence regions, Romanian convergence regions, Spanish convergence regions. Do NOT use: training area, training zone etc.
Training calendar: the training calendar gives an overview about date and location of the technical training. The training calendar is part of the TRANSPORT LEARNING website. It links directly to more detailed information on the technical training. Do NOT use: event calendar, training schedule etc. Training portal: the training portal is accessible on the website and includes three tools: Online Training Resource Centre; e-learning platform; and training replication manual. The training portal is a central element for the dissemination of the TRANSPORT LEARNING results. It serves as the one-stop-shop for training on sustainable transport topics. Do NOT use: training centre, training guide, training area, e-campus etc. Online Training Resource Centre: the Online Training Resource Centre is a collection of all TRANSPORT LEARNING training materials including materials from other projects identified during the survey of past and current transport training projects. It contains free to use best practise materials and concepts. The Online Training Resource Centre targets trainers who want to utilise the training materials for other training courses. It is not suitable for trainees as a self-learning tool. Do NOT use: Training centre, Resource Centre etc.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
e-learning platform: the e-learning platform transfers the content of the technical training course into an online platform. It develops the training materials to enable them to be used for self study by individuals. Therefore, it makes the training available to a much wider audience and potentially beyond the end of the project. The elearning platform is developed for trainees, who will use the elearning platform as a self-study tool. Do NOT use: e-Learning portal, e-learning tool etc. Training replication manual: this manual gives information on how to replicate the TRANSPORT LEARNING training. It aims to promote the training to universities and training organisations or any person or organisation having an interest in making use of the training. Do NOT use: guide, academic guide, training manual etc. eMagazine: the eMagazine provides general information about TRANSPORT LEARNING. It will be available EU-wide. A total number of 8 eMagazines will be published during the project life time, reporting on the progress of the project. The eMagazine will be translated from English into eight languages (BG, ES, EL, HU, IT, PL, PT and RO). Do NOT use: Magazine, Journal, Newsletter etc.
eNewsletter: the eNewsletter is supposed to give country specific, tailored information on the training. The eNewsletter will be written by each training host and disseminated on a national level, thus focusing on country specific issues. There will be 8 eNewsletters per host country. In total, 64 different eNewsletters will be published on the TRANSPORT LEARNING website (BG, ES, EL, HU, IT, PL, PT and RO). Do NOT use: Newsletter, News etc. Site visit: Site visits showing best practise in sustainable transport are being undertaken in Graz and Bolzano. For each city, two visits with up to 20 participants will be carried out. The site visits for politicians and administrations’ decision makers are intended to assist in creating political support for the sustainable transport measures. They are based on peer-to-peer communication and will include the local responsible politicians and decision makers in Graz and Bolzano as presenters and part of the host team. Do NOT use: training site visit, politicians visit etc. Training site visit: as part of the technical training, it is possible to organise a short site visit for a maximum of a half day. These training site visits will take part at the location of the technical training and will be organized by the training hosts. Do NOT use: site visit, host visit etc.
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Corporate Design Manual
The Site-Visits Materials Invitation Sheet Site-visits to study sustainable transport measures
Join us on our free studyand site-visits to learn more about best-practice examples in the field of urban mobility and transport!
© Graz Tourismus
© Südtirol Marketing / Clemens Zahn
A unique opportunity to look behind the scenes of two exemplary cities.
Who can apply?
How to register
The programme addresses employees of municipalities,
1. Choose location (Graz or Bolzano)
local politicians as well as other stakeholders interested
2. Send an e-mail to (Bolzano) or
in sustainable urban transport: •
Transportation / Spatial Planning / (Graz), indicating your interest 3. Receive confirmation and travel arrangements
Environmental department or similar
Bolzano (Italy)
Graz (Austria)
Energy Agency
If further information is needed, we are happy to
Local or regional political entity
help you with your travel arrangements or any
Environmental NGOs
other organisational tasks.
The programmes in Graz and Bolzano
Please note! Deadline for registrations: 26. 07. 2013
are both organised in English. Bolzano is an internationally known beacon for its
Over two days, the city of Graz will demonstrate
Corporate Cycling system, which was developed and
best practise of several aspects of sustainable urban
implemented to increase the modal share of cyclists.
mobility, such as: Shared Space, the mobility centre,
This, together with all the policies adopted, will be the
innovations in public transport, cycling policy and
focus of the one-day site visit.
more, depending on the specific interests of the participants.
Planning and implementing a corporate cycling
Key content of the site-visit:
system: focus on bicycle infrastructure, informati-
Visit of the mobility centre “Mobil Zentral”
tion and communication, marketing (e.g. corporate
Explore the Shared Space concept in practice
identity, bike barometer, video clips) •
Peer-to-peer approach:
of urban transport
Ökoinstitut Südtirol / Alto Adige Talfergasse 2, 39100 Bozen, Italy Benjamin Auer E-mail:
School streets: an effective approach of managing
Be on your feet:
Phone: +39 0471 980048
Guided bicycle tour
Go by public transport: focus on topics like barrier
Interactive programme, including cycling tours,
free mobility, real time information, public transport
walking trips, workshops etc. •
network, integrated tariff system •
Knowledge transfer: Get in touch with European experts in the field
(Graz Sonnenfeldplatz)
traffic in school areas •
Registration and Information
Exchange knowledge with local practitioners
Key content of the site-visit: •
Benefits for you
Focus on topics like bicycle parking and theft
Tailored programmes: flexible agenda based on your needs
Inform about local and regional cycling policy: •
accommodation, catering, entrance fees and training
bicycle map, campaigns
materials are included. Travel costs to Graz or Bolzano are not covered.
Site-visit host: Ökoinstitut Südtirol / Alto Adige
Site-visit host:
Austrian Mobility Research – FGM-AMOR
Join us on Facebook and LinkedIn
Free of charge:
prevention, network and signposting,
DAT .’13 13. 9 12./
TRANSPORT LEARNING started in May 2011 and is a 32 month project supported by the European Commission within the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. IT aims to create knowledge and capacity on sustainable transport policies and measures in municipalities and energy agencies of Europe’s convergence regions. Leagal disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Transport Learning „USB Stic C05 Twister“ Plastic handle colouring, spot colour : „Pantone Blue 3005 C/U“
The uSB flash drive for Site-Visits To hand over the data of training materials > Front/Reverse (handbook and presentation slides) to trainees.
Following logos (plain versions) are used: Front: The TRANSPORT LEARNING logo without subline Reverse: The IEE logo Plastic handle colouring: Pantone Blue 3005 C/u + logos are laser engraved
> Positioning
47 mm
47 mm
> Logo laser engraving
The Name Badges for Site-Visits Name badges templates for Site-Visits – Provided as editable template file in english as Adobe InDesign CS3 file, colours: CMYK – Document format size: DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm – Trimmed size: 89 x 54 mm
Editable text parts
Prename Name
54 mm
Site-visit Graz, 4th – 5th April 2013
Organisation/Company COUNTRY
89 mm
297 mm
Site-visit Graz, 4th – 5th April 2013
Prename Name
Place card templates for Site-Visits – Provided as as Adobe InDesign CS3 template – Document size: DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm – Folded size: 210 x 90 mm
The Place Cards for Site-Visits
Organisation/Company COUNTRY
210 mm
The E-Magazines in 8 languages 1/2 Regular information about the activities of the project TRANSPORT LEARNING: presentation of training content and course content, current event dates, reports from study visits, expert interviews etc.
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the European Union
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union
NO. 7 | DeCember 2013
NO. 6 | November 2013
NO. 3 | DECE DECEmbEr 2012
NO. 1 | JANUARY 2012
NO. 8 | March 2013
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union
Long-term use of training materials by universities and training organisations
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Training courses for municipalities and energy agencies
Highlights of Site-Visits to Graz and Bolzano
Experiences from training events in 2012
check out the final brochure now!
Dear reader,
Our services in short ........................................................ 2
We are happy to present the first issue of our project’s
Creating a knowledge base for Europe’s
the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme focusing on
e-magazine! TRANSPORT LEARNING is a new project in
Benefits of Site-Visits . ...................................................... .......................................................2 2
convergence regions ....................................................... 2 Where will the training course take place? What is the training about?
most crucially, on how, where and when you can make use
acts & figures – Site-Visits in a nutshell ........................ 7 facts .........................7
Training calendar May and June 2012 ............................ 4
Dear reader,
eight different countries visited either Graz in Austria or bol-
of TRANSPORT LEARNING’s services. Our e-magazine
When will the training take place? .................................. 3
In April and September 2013, 70 mobility practitioners from zano in Italy to learn about best practices in the field of
information on our main our achievements and ..................................................................... 5 Bolzano, italy activities, ......................................................................5
How will the training be structured?
Dear reader,
Highlights education and trainingofinthe the Site-Visits field of sustainable mobility.
3 austria .......................................................................3 Over theGraz, next two years, ...................................................................... we will provide you with topical
8 stories ..................................................................8 will keepSuccess you in touch with the................................................................. project’s progress and con-
One project, two objectives ..............................................2
NING project was a series ofImpressions training materials that in 2012 ........................... 5 LeArNING of training events
LeArNING Site-visits: which included guided already walking tours universities using
have been developed by international experts such as uni-
TRANSPORT LEARNING website............................................................. We kindly invite you to contacts 9 & imprint imprint..............................................................9
presentations by local politicians and mobility experts as
Integration of training content into
also to comment and give recommendations from your own experience in the field of training on sustainable mobility.
Services for you: site visits
Kind regards,
and training tools .............................................................. 5
Your TRANSPORT LEARNING team interested nterested in organising
a similar event in your city? the he guidelines for replication of Site-Visits can be downloaded here. here
the materials ..........................4
further uptake of training concept
Implementation of mini-projects ..................................... 7
versity lecturers, mobility experts and other professionals.
Dear reader,
quality of life are becoming increasingly more important. as a aresult of the rapid growth of motorisation and Transport can make big contribution to meet these goals
To reach the goal of empowering practitioners, several
sprawl, in particular Europe’s regions, and to ensure theban attractiveness of ourincities as convergence places worth
training activities have taken place in the framework of
main transport challenges that need to be faced are con-
TraNSPOrT LEarNING. With the brochure the project TraNSPO
gestion, air pollution, safety, cost-efficiency and acces-
to increase quality of life “Follow TraNSPOrT LEarNING LE
or mono-oriented solutions. responses have toand integrate to do so. TrANSPO TrANSPOrT LEArNING starts at that point
training course on sustainable urban transport policies
living, today and tomorrow. The question is no longer if we
should strengthen sustainable modes of challenges transport,don’t but have howsingle sibility for all. These present
The training materials were used in 64 trainingofevents all over ............................................... 8 Examples mini-projects
interview with professionals ticipants transferred the knowledge gained and two replicated
europe urope during 2012 and 2013. Wherever necessary, these
and we are happy inform you about an theefficient outputs these pubtheto users? how to develop andof attractive
Training calendar January 2013 .................................... 11 materials have been modified to meet the demands of prac-
lic transport you system? develop reliable and events. In this e-magazine can how learntofrom former traintrain
the newly learnt measures in contacts their home towns. Thus, the & imprint............................................................10 events also had a positive impact on the transport situation in europe’s convergence regions.
titioners and future transport professionals in the field of ur ur-
the example of several european Universities
and training providers and integrate TrANSPOrT LeArNING training materials into your courses and units. Its use is free of charge – just download from!
how to design a street to make it a secure space for all
E m p O w E r m E N t O f p r a c t i t i O N E r S t O a c H i E V E E N E r G y S aV i N G i N u r B a N t r a N S p O rt
cycling & walking networks? how to manage the parking ees and their experiences in participating in training events.
training across Europe! Kind regards, team Your TraNSPOrT T LEarNING LE
provision to avoid generating traffic and congestion?
These are only some of the issues faced by transport and
ban transport. In this e-magazine we would like to present to
Kind regards,
you the institutions that took up these materials: universities,
higher educational institutions and city We would visit isitnetworks. and forand the replicate upcoming training events also like to encourage you to use ourregister materials in January and April 2013! the training!
experiences, use our training materials and replicate the
ties and energy agencies. 32 training events were run in 2012
Contacts & Imprint ......................................................... 12
Kind regards,
in your city”, we aim to provide you an overview of the and measures. We hope that others will learn from our
approaches coming different but areas. organises free training events for from employees of related municipalimunicipali
training materials well as many other activities. and We are proud that some par par-........................................................6
Your TrANSPor TrANSPorT LeArNINGFollow team E M P O W E R M E N T O F P R A C T I T I O N E R S T O A C H I E V E E N E R G Y S AV I N G I N U R B A N T R A N S P O RT
Energy savings, a more sustainable lifestyle and a better
TRANSPORT LEARNING in action .................................. 4
for your seminar .................................................................3 like to share with you the highlights of these TrANSPorT through Graz and bolzano, excursions by bike, a series of
academic courses ............................................................ 5
Dear reader,
Experiences about TRANSPORT LEARNING ................. 2
ING e-magazine. One of the outputs of the TrANSPOrT
............................. 9 Guidelines the ..............................9 nects you directly withto ourreplicate main source of Site-Visits information: the contact us for more detailed and specific information, but
Welcome to the seventh edition of the TrANSPOrT LeArN-
materials and resources sustainable urban mobility. Intraining this e-magazine, we would
urban planning professionals in their daily work.
E m p O w E r m E N t O f p r a c t i t i O N E r s t O a c h i E v E E N E r g y s av i N g i N u r b a N t r a N s p O rt
Kind regards, E m P O w E R m E N T O f P R A C T I T I O N E R S T O A C h I E v E E N E R G y S Av I N G I N u R b A N T R A N S P O RT Your TrANSPOrT LeArNING team
E m p O w E r m E N t O f p r a c t i t i O N E r s t O a c h i E v E E N E r g y s av i N g i N u r b a N t r a N s p O rt
Examples of inside pages
The E-Magazines in 8 languages 2/2 Regular information about the activities of the project TRANSPORT LEARNING: presentation of training content and course content, current event dates, reports from study visits, expert interviews etc.
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the European Union
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union
NO. 7 | DeCember 2013
NO. 6 | November 2013
NO. 3 | DECE DECEmbEr 2012
NO. 1 | JANUARY 2012
NO. 8 | March 2013
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union
Long-term use of training materials by universities and training organisations
TRANSPORT LEARNING – Training courses for municipalities and energy agencies
Highlights of Site-Visits to Graz and Bolzano
Experiences from training events in 2012
check out the final brochure now!
Dear reader,
Our services in short ........................................................ 2
Benefits of Site-Visits . ...................................................... .......................................................2 2
the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme focusing on
convergence regions ....................................................... 2
Highlights education and trainingofinthe the Site-Visits field of sustainable mobility.
Where will the training course take place?
information on our main our achievements and ..................................................................... 5 Bolzano, italy activities, ......................................................................5
3 austria .......................................................................3 Over theGraz, next two years, ...................................................................... we will provide you with topical What is the training about?
most crucially, on how, where and when you can make use
acts & figures – Site-Visits in a nutshell ........................ 7 facts .........................7
How will the training be structured?
of TRANSPORT LEARNING’s services. Our e-magazine
When will the training take place? .................................. 3
Dear reader,
We are happy to present the first issue of our project’s e-magazine! TRANSPORT LEARNING is a new project in
Creating a knowledge base for Europe’s
8 stories ..................................................................8 will keepSuccess you in touch with the................................................................. project’s progress and con-
Dear reader,
In April and September 2013, 70 mobility practitioners from eight different countries visited either Graz in Austria or bol-
One project, two objectives ..............................................2
zano in Italy to learn about best practices in the field of
To reach the goal of empowering practitioners, several training activities have taken place in the framework of
living, today and tomorrow. The question is no longer if we
have been developed by international experts such as uni-
presentations by local politicians and mobility experts as
Integration of training content into
also to comment and give recommendations from your own
academic courses ............................................................ 5
experience in the field of training on sustainable mobility. Kind regards,
a similar event in your city? the he guidelines for replication of Site-Visits can be downloaded here. here
the materials ..........................4
further uptake of training concept
Implementation of mini-projects ..................................... 7
versity lecturers, mobility experts and other professionals.
main transport challenges that need to be faced are con-
TraNSPOrT LEarNING. With the brochure the project TraNSPO
gestion, air pollution, safety, cost-efficiency and acces-
to increase quality of life “Follow TraNSPOrT LEarNING LE
or mono-oriented solutions. responses have toand integrate to do so. TrANSPO TrANSPOrT LEArNING starts at that point
training course on sustainable urban transport policies
approaches coming different but areas. organises free training events for from employees of related municipalimunicipali
and measures. We hope that others will learn from our
should strengthen sustainable modes of challenges transport,don’t but have howsingle sibility for all. These present
training materials well as many other activities. and We are proud that some par par-........................................................6
The training materials were used in 64 trainingofevents all over ............................................... 8 Examples mini-projects
interview with professionals ticipants transferred the knowledge gained and two replicated
urope during 2012 and 2013. Wherever necessary, these europe
and we are happy inform you about an theefficient outputs these pubtheto users? how to develop andof attractive
Training calendar January 2013 .................................... 11 materials have been modified to meet the demands of prac-
lic transport you system? develop reliable and events. In this e-magazine can how learntofrom former traintrain
the newly learnt measures in contacts their home towns. Thus, the & imprint............................................................10 events also had a positive impact on the transport situation in europe’s convergence regions.
titioners and future transport professionals in the field of ur ur-
the example of several european Universities
and training providers and integrate TrANSPOrT
how to design a street to make it a secure space for all
LeArNING training materials into your courses and units. Its use is free of charge – just download from! E m p O w E r m E N t O f p r a c t i t i O N E r S t O a c H i E V E E N E r G y S aV i N G i N u r B a N t r a N S p O rt
cycling & walking networks? how to manage the parking ees and their experiences in participating in training events.
training across Europe! Kind regards, team Your TraNSPOrT T LEarNING LE
provision to avoid generating traffic and congestion?
These are only some of the issues faced by transport and
ban transport. In this e-magazine we would like to present to
Kind regards,
you the institutions that took up these materials: universities,
higher educational institutions and city We would visit isitnetworks. and forand the replicate upcoming training events also like to encourage you to use ourregister materials in January and April 2013! the training!
in your city”, we aim to provide you an overview of the
experiences, use our training materials and replicate the
ties and energy agencies. 32 training events were run in 2012
Contacts & Imprint ......................................................... 12
Kind regards, Your TrANSPor TrANSPorT LeArNINGFollow team
as a aresult of the rapid growth of motorisation and Transport can make big contribution to meet these goals
sprawl, in particular Europe’s regions, and to ensure theban attractiveness of ourincities as convergence places worth
LeArNING Site-visits: which included guided already walking tours universities using
TRANSPORT LEARNING website............................................................. We kindly invite you to contacts 9 & imprint imprint..............................................................9
Your TRANSPORT LEARNING team interested nterested in organising
Dear reader,
quality of life are becoming increasingly more important.
NING project was a series ofImpressions training materials that in 2012 ........................... 5 LeArNING of training events
Training calendar May and June 2012 ............................ 4
Services for you: site visits
Energy savings, a more sustainable lifestyle and a better
TRANSPORT LEARNING in action .................................. 4
for your seminar .................................................................3 like to share with you the highlights of these TrANSPorT through Graz and bolzano, excursions by bike, a series of
and training tools .............................................................. 5
Dear reader,
Experiences about TRANSPORT LEARNING ................. 2
ING e-magazine. One of the outputs of the TrANSPOrT
............................. 9 Guidelines the ..............................9 nects you directly withto ourreplicate main source of Site-Visits information: the contact us for more detailed and specific information, but
Welcome to the seventh edition of the TrANSPOrT LeArN-
materials and resources sustainable urban mobility. Intraining this e-magazine, we would
urban planning professionals in their daily work.
E m p O w E r m E N t O f p r a c t i t i O N E r s t O a c h i E v E E N E r g y s av i N g i N u r b a N t r a N s p O rt
Kind regards, E m P O w E R m E N T O f P R A C T I T I O N E R S T O A C h I E v E E N E R G y S Av I N G I N u R b A N T R A N S P O RT Your TrANSPOrT LeArNING team
E m p O w E r m E N t O f p r a c t i t i O N E r s t O a c h i E v E E N E r g y s av i N g i N u r b a N t r a N s p O rt
Examples of inside pages
The Website 1/2
Information and download web portal: Project information and a large download area for project partners and interested parties. The website is available in 9 languages and is programmed in HTML and CMS with internal area.
The Website 2/2
The Teaser Card Training on sustainable urban transport policies and measures TRANSPORT LEARNING offers training courses for municipalities and energy agencies. The service includes: • Practical transport training including guidance on the implementation of a small project • A set of training materials for courses at universities and other training organisations • Site visits on best practise in sustainable mobility for politicians and decision makers • An e-learning platform for individual distance learning • An Online Resource Centre of transport training materials for trainers The training courses cover eight different modules:
Looking for solutions?
Parking space management
Street design & traffic calming
Families, schools & kindergartens
Walking & cycling
Land use & housing
Sustainable mobility campaigns
Public transport
Communication training
Contact information: Technische Universität Dresden, Prof. Udo Becker The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Photos: iStockphoto (2), Artwork & Graphic Design: FGM-AMOR
The Fact Sheet for universities
Materialien und Übungen für Ihre Vorlesungen und Seminare
Wie sind die Materialien didaktisch aufbereitet und für welche Zielgruppen sind die Materialien geeignet? TRANSPORT LEARNING für Selbstlerner Für Studierende, Auszubildende und sonstige Interessenten mit geringen
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bis mittleren Vorkenntnissen eignet e-learning
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als Podcast runterzuladen.
Technische Universität Dresden Lehrstuhl für Verkehrsökologie
nare oder Projektstudien aufnehmen. Zur Verfügung stehen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo J. Becker
Reader, Präsentations-Folien sowie Praxisbeispiele und Übungen zu acht verschiedenen Mobilitätsthemen. Erwei-
TRANSPORT LEARNING für Fortgeschrittene
tern Sie Ihren Unterricht oder nehmen Sie die Unterlagen in die Pflichtliteratur für Studierende auf!
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Worum geht es bei TRANSPORT LEARNING?
In welchen Sprachen sind die Trainingsmaterialien verfügbar?
tionsfolien und Übungen nutzen, um
Online Training
diese direkt in ihre Vorlesungen ein-
Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität
Resource Center
zubauen. Außerdem sind die Reader
Dipl.-Geogr. Julia Zientek
gute Zusammenfassungen, die zum
Die Materialien wurden auf Englisch entwickelt und in die
Beispiel als Literaturempfehlung an
Sprachen Bulgarisch, Griechisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, PorTRANSPORT LEARNING ist ein von der EU gefördertes
Studierende weitergegeben werden
tugiesisch, Rumänisch, Spanisch und Ungarisch übersetzt.
Projekt (2011-2013), das Wissen und Kenntnisse zu dem Themenfeld Nachhaltige Mobilität verbreiten möchte. Im
Besuchen Sie uns auf
Rahmen des Projektes sind in Europa zahlreiche Fortbildun-
TRANSPORT LEARNING für Institute und Trainingsanbieter
gen für MitarbeiterInnen von Städten und Energieagenturen durchgeführt worden. Die dabei verwendeten Trainingsmaterialien und Übungen sind ab sofort kostenlos erhältlich.
Zu welchen Themen gibt es Trainingsmaterialien?
Interactive Guide
Radfahren & Zufußgehen Kommunikation & Moderation
unbedingt die Meinung der Europäischen Union wieder. Die Europäische Kommission übernimmt
möchten, dann werfen Sie einen Blick
keine Verantwortung für jegliche Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Informationen.
nahe Tipps und Empfehlungen zur Umsetzung eines Kurses zusammen-
Straßengestaltung & Verkehrsberuhigung
Schulisches Mobilitätsmanagement
Die alleinige Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Publikation liegt bei den AutorInnen. Es gibt nicht
Thema nachhaltige Mobilität anbieten in das „TL-Handbuch“, in dem praxis-
Raumplanung & Wohnen
Wenn Sie einen vollständigen Kurs zum
gefasst sind.
Öffentlicher Verkehr
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Parking space management, access restriction and speed control
Mobility management for families, kindergartens and schools
Walking and cycling – counselling municipalities
Land use and housing in mobility management
Public transport
Public transport models
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TranSPorT learning
1. Understand how communication works
2. Expand personal and profes-
sional communication skills
3. Become acquainted with the principles and concepts of stakeholder participation
4. Comprehend the role of dif-
ferent knowledge(s), as well as the drivers for participation
5. Gain competences in designing and executing collaborative processes
Communication and Participation – that’s what’s gonna save the human race!
Ursula Caser MEDIATEDOMAIN, Ltd., Portugal / Geographer and expert for communication dynamics, participative processes and conflict management, facilitation and mediation trainer.
Pete Seeger,
TranSPorT learning
Make mobility for children safe and environmentally friendly “Do children have to stay in the garage, so cars can play outside on the street?” the concept oF Mobility ManageMent
training MaterialS
A unique opportunity to experience transport solutions
Thousands of small steps to reach the goal
Accessible and free for everyone
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There is a consensus among EU Member States that there is a need to reduce energy consumption and to achieve greater energy efficiency. However, technical solutions alone cannot achieve the progress that is required to realise energy reductions in transport. Consequently, the travel behaviour of the population (how people move from A to B and how people use transport) must be brought into consideration. Mobility Management (MM) is a concept that aims to change the mobility behaviour of people. MM measures are often applied target group specific (e.g. addressing private/public companies, families or elderly people).
According to the European Platform on Mobility Management (EPOMM), Mobility Management is a concept to promote sustainable transport and manage the demand for car use by changing travellers’ attitudes and behaviour. At the core of Mobility Management are soft measures like information and communication, organising services and coordinating activities of different partners. Soft measures most often enhance the effectiveness of hard measures within urban transport (e.g., new tram lines, new roads and new bike lanes). Mobility Management measures (in comparison to “hard” measures) do not necessarily require large financial investments and may have a high benefit-cost ratio.
SpeciFic needS oF children aS road uSerS
From a physiological point of view, children have special needs that have to be considered when implementing transport measures. During early childhood, children are almost always in the phase of socialisation. They need to learn the meanings of symbols, norms and rules of social interaction and, as a result, are curious and learn a lot during each journey they make. This process takes place by means of imitation of role models, instruction, observation and others. Thereby, the childrens’ attitude towards mobility is consistently shaped and it is easier to set some positive examples in this phase of socialisation than later in their lives. Children often have a passive role in transport. They cannot drive cars and are slower than other transport users. As a result, children are often victims of negative traffic impacts but do not cause them. The accident risk of children in road traffic is higher than the risk for adults. Children have special physical characteristics with regard to body height, growth, respiration etc. On the one hand, children are smaller than adults and are thus more prone to negative traffic impacts such as vehicle emissions. On the other hand, children are easier to transport in more sustainable vehicles (e.g. in bikes).
In the early years of life, children cannot perceive the distance between them and an oncoming vehicle. Research indicates that the cognitive development of children occurs in four stages: (1) infants discover the world with their senses and with the aid of their actions; (2) at kindergarten age they develop the ability to represent
the environment through language and imagination; (3) at about seven years they start thinking in a legal way but it is not until adolescence (4) that a full development of systematic thinking is achieved. Given that, special attention must be given to children as a group of road users in all transport planning processes.
Mobility ManageMent MeaSureS addreSSing children
There is a variety of different, tested and proven measures addressing kindergarten and school children. Various databases and platforms give an overview of measures, such as BAMBINI (, SCHOOLWAY (www.schoolway. net), LifeCycle (www.lifecycle. cc) or Trendy Travel ( Among the most popular Mobility Management measures are: • Awareness raising campaigns to stimulate young children (and their parents) to walk, cycle to school or to use PT (e.g. Traffic Snake Game) • Action to promote the use of the bike (e.g. bicycle lottery, guided bicycle excursions, test
days for bicycles, bike maintenance workshops) • Action to promote walking to school (e.g. PediBus, Walk to School campaigns) • Action to promote the use of Public Transport to school (open days to boost public transport, free rides for participants of cultural events, visits to the public transport terminal / maintenance centre, workshops on how to use buses in a safe way, planning school and leisure trips by PT) • Workshops and lessons themed on eco-friendly mobility More information about campaigning can be found in the reader of Module 7 “Sustainable Mobility campaigns”.
1. Identifying problems of today Imagine a typical family in your city. What are their biggest problems in transport today? Which Mobility Management measure would make life easier for this family? 2. Travelling with children Have a look at the photos presented below and think about the following questions: • Have you experienced similar situations? • What do you like about the pictured situation? • What is missing/ absent? • Try to transfer the idea to your professional life and, what would you like to change?
Package of measure to promote cycling (Bulgaria);
Prize: participation at European Transport Conference
Zoya Stoyanova, Antonia Novakova; Prize: study-trip to Bolzano
TranSPorT learning
Converting Roadspace into a Place for People Facts
Nora Erdoiza (Architect at Gipuzkoa municipality) and Koldo Telleria (Lecturer at the School of Architecture of Donostia-San Sebastián)
Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, Spain
Time period:
5 days for preperation and organisation of the one-day event
EUR 1,500; Co-funding has been also given by the municipality
Web: watch?v=roqdfWA1Q3I D6832483C1257AD4003D2F03?OpenDocumen t&idioma=cas
he project was implemented in Egia neighbourhood in the city of Donostia-San Sebastian. Although Donostia has made consistent progress in making urban mobility more sustainable during the last few years, most of the interventions have occurred in central neighbourhoods and/or in those situated in flat areas. The Practical Training Project proposed by Kalapie (Urban Cyclists Association) is part of a programme called “Neighbourhood by Neighbourhood” aiming to intervene in hilly areas with a complex urban morphology.
Attract people’s attention to the distribution of urban space which currently mostly favours motormotor ised traffic; Make the inhabitants of Egia neighbourhood aware of the potential of certain areas to be shared or pedestrian spaces; Prepare the ground for a permaperma nent change.
Although the Practical Training Project resulted in only a temporary intervention, converting an inefficiently used roadway space to a “Place for People”, in reality it built on a more extensive study/project propospropos ing concrete street design and traffic calming interventions to improve pedestrians’, cyclists’ but also motormotorists’ mobility. Based on this study, the area to be temporarily changed, the actions to be taken and the temtem porary “alterations” of the street envi environment have been identified.
The area was closed to traffic and reclaimed as a pedestrian and encounter zone. Among the activities carried out were: • Temporary occupation of a roadway area of 500 m2 and transforming it into a new and revitalised pedestrian zone, to demonstrate its potential as the main area of access into Egia; • Temporarily closing a street used as shortcut by motorised traffic and transforming it into a deadend to demonstrate the significant reductions in traffic volumes and the benefits for the entire atmosphere of Egia; • Organising an exposition presenting the concept and main interventions proposed by the study developed for Egia; • Organising a play space and games for children; • Organising a self-service buffet on the day of the event.
Both the temporary occupation of the roadway, as well as the project presenting a new design for Egia, have been very well received. The evaluation of the success is based on: • the reactions and feedback received from the people attending the event; • the reactions in the media about the temporary event; • news on the City Hall webpage about the event and the design concept proposed for Egia; • the increase in the number of visits to the Egia project webpage.
Trainee in the modules Parking Space Management and Street Design
“The most important lesson learnt is the efficacy of a temporal change as a way to explain to the residents that the space might be changes and improved, and as an experimentation of the theoretical proposals. Resident’s awareness about the proposal and sustainable mobility has increased via the one-day mobility event.”
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Best practice in the field of sustainable mobility The effects of mobility planning measures are often only seen in the long-term. Traffic simulations and transport scenarios can demostrate (possible) future effects, but modelling software is expensive and is not always appropriate. A proven and very effective strategy is to visit other cities. The aim of such site-visits is to learn from role models, to understand problems experienced in other cities as well as to study the approaches adopted to address these problems. during the TRANSPORT LEARNING project, the project team invited stakeholders to visit Graz and Bolzano. 70 mobility practitioners from eight different countries visited the two cities in April and September 2013. The local hosts made the guests experience the results of a transport policy that follows the principles of sustainability, participation and integration.
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Visit the project website to view the most innovative and creative training projects.
12.03.14 13:29
4 | SiTe-ViSiTS
Examples of excercises
For the boy and the girl (Portugal); Raquel Carvalho;
and Klaus Birthler, Romania) receiving their certificates, handed over by Julia Zientek, FGM-AMOR
12.03.14 13:29
Mobility ManageMent MeaSureS For FaMilieS, KindergartenS and SchoolS
Study on the mobility of Municipal Office employees in Gniezno (Poland); Alicja Orzeł; Prize: study-trip to Bolzano
12.03.14 13:29
Walk & Lunch, Portugal
2 | Training Module 2
Walking Audit in Naples Carmine Aveta (Italy); Casimiro Monti, Antonio D’Ambrosio; Prize: participation at Walk 21 Conference
The winners of the “training-project-award” (Sandor Gal
Culture in Bike, Italy
TL_FB__draft_140304_FINAL_6_RA01_Bilder.indd 40-41
Walking Cities Network’ Website (Spain); Pablo Barco Ballesteros; Prize: participation at the Walk 21 conference in Munich
The pictures give an impression about the eight awarded projects. On the following pages, three very interesting and innovative training projects will be presented in detail.
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CIRCUS@UNI – Creative Intelligent Reforming Campaign for Urban Sustainability (Greece); Giorgos Chronopoulos, Evangelos Kyritsis; Prize: study-trip to Bolzano
Eight awarded Training-Projects
Certification and awarding Trainees who participated in one or more training modules and successfully implemented a Practical Training Project received an official certificate. Among all certified trainees, the eight teams who developed the most outstanding projects were awarded a prize. The prize was either a free study-trip to Graz or Bolzano (see page 54) or the opportunity to take part in an international transport conference. Three award winners went to Walk21 and European Transport Conference.
Converting Roadspace into a Place for People (Spain); Nora Erdoiza, Koldo Telleria; Prize: study-trip to Bolzano
3 | Training ProjecTS
Learning objectives
Communication Communic training
Within the project lifetime of TRANSPORT LEARNING, a total of 71 Practical Training Projects were carried out all over Europe. A huge variety of projects took place, e.g. temporary road redesigns, the set up of passenger information systems, the planning of new cycling infrastructure, the organisation of campaigns etc.
MuresOnBike- Parking space for bicycles and Critical Mass (Romania); Georgiana Birthler-Branea, Klaus Birthler, Sandor Gal; Prize: study-trip to Graz
12.03.14 13:28
2 | Training Module 8
Name: Organisation: Contact: Qualification:
Dealing with the most relevant themes for transport practitioners
(Benjamin Franklin)
topical training
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Communication training
Follow TRANSPORT LEARNING to increase quality of life in your city!
TRANSPORT LEARNING aimed to involve trainees beyond simply being present at the technical training. Based on the knowledge gained during this technical lecture, trainees implemented their own Practical Training Projects (PTP). PTPs are small scale projects with a short implementation time of a couple of weeks to half a year. Trainees carried out these projects as trainingon-the-job, usually in teams of two or three persons. They thereby developed their projects independently, but were continually guided and supervised by their trainers. The trainers gave advice on how to overcome barriers and find solutions.
Design and implementation of sustainable mobility campaigns
ood communication is essential for the success of planning decisions, and issues related to the transport sector are no exception. Transport experts need to find new approaches that can better integrate new forms of operation, while seeking solutions for complex problems. Transport planning cannot be carried out any more by any player, at any organisational level, using an isolated approach; it is necessary to compromise through facilitation and mediation using the expertise of all the players involved. If an administration, e.g. a municipality, tries to address this problem by cooperative decision making, focusing on the inclusion of the interests and needs of all stakeholders, group decision making processes are implemented in order to seek consent. Citizens and organisations will thus participate in policy formulation, and in policy implementation, at a local level. How to design and implement successful and truly participative communication is the topic of this training module.
Technical knowledge put into practice
Land use & housing
Communication training
Families, schools & kindergartens
Sustainable mobility campaigns
Parking space management
Walking & cycling
Are you interested in receiving more detailed information about one or more training modules? Download the full set of training materials including a self-study handbook/reader for each of the eight modules.
Street design & traffic calming
As final publication for the TRANSPORT LEARNING project, a brochure was designed in magazine style. It is meant to encourage employees of municipalities to make use of the wide range of tried and tested training materials for their professional development on “sustainable urban traffic design”. The chosen brochure format differed from conventional DIN formats.
TRANSPORT LEARNING developed eight stand-alone training modules, covering some of the most relevant topics of sustainable urban mobility. As the modules were not based on each other, trainees could select one or more modules that were of highest importance to them. In this brochure, each training module is summarised on four pages, highlighting the subject and introducing measures, policies and actions belonging to the topic.
Get an insight into the training content of TRANSPORT
Street design, streetscape and traffic calming
Eight stand-alone training modules about sustainable urban transport measures and policies
3 Practical
© Cork City Council & Cork Environmental Forum
2 Modular
The Brochure
Site-Visits A unique opportunity to look behind the scenes
© Graz Tourismus
Graz, Austria
As part of the site-visit, guided city tours as well as a bicycle excursion took place. The participants visited important destinations in Graz, for example the historical city centre, Graz’s main railway station, the mobility centre “Mobil Zentral” as well as the Shared Space area nearby Graz University.The programme was enriched through lectures about cycling policies, public transport planning, traffic calming and shared space, presented by representatives of the City of Graz, Holding Graz and Austrian Mobility Research.
© Zsolt Kilián
© Zsolt Kilián
© Zsolt Kilián
Bolzano, Italy
In Bolzano, the participants experienced the efforts of the local administration in making sustainable travel more attractive and economically competitive. Public transport planning and policies as well as strategic plans for the future were part of the programme. However,the main focus of the study visit was the city’s successful corporate cycling policy, an example of how a targeted, structured and comprehensive project can lead to strong increases in the numbers of cyclists in a relatively short time.
If you are interested in implementing your own Site-Visit on transport and mobility, please check the guidebook Site-Visit Concept
1. Opening ceremony in the city hall, Graz 2. Mobility Centre “MobilZentral”, Graz 3. Guided city walk – exploring Graz 4. Bicycle parking facility, Graz 5. Public Transport in Graz
6. Shared Space, Graz Sonnenfelsplatz 7. Bicycle excursion, Bolzano 8. Bicycle excursion, Bolzano 9. Participants of the Site-Visit to Bolzano 10. Cycling and pedestrian bridge, Bolzano
12.03.14 13:28
© Südtirol Marketing / Clemens Zahn
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Examples of inside pages
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