Buckminster Fuller Dome over Manhattan Mobility Utopia Walking City by Archigram
Metabolist Utopia Clusters in the air by Isosaki
Energy related Utopias
1945 US Office of Naval Research begins generous funding of many fields of science. 1939-45 World War II
Plass calculates that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will have a significant effect on the radiation balance.
1960 Keeling accurately measures CO2 in the atmosphere and detects an annual rise.
1930s Global warming trend since late 19th century reported.
Futurists Utopias
1920-1925 Opening of Texas and Persian Gulf oil fields inaugurates era 1914-1918 of cheap World War energy. 1910
1870-1910 Second Industrial Revolution. 1880
Temperature rise
1850 First Industrial Revolution.
CO2 atmospheric concentration
1896 Arrhenius publishes first calculation of global warming from human emissions of CO2. 1890
[CO2]: 290 ppm T°: 13,6°C
Modernist Utopias
1938 Callendar argues that CO2 greenhouse global warming is underway.
Spacerace URSS/USA
Industrial revolution
1962 Cuban Mis1956 sile Crisis, Phillips peak of the produces a Cold War. somewhat realistic computer 1945 [CO2]: model of Atomic 315 ppm bombing of the global T°: 13,9°C atmoJapan sphere.
1970 First Earth Day. Creation of US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the world’s leading funder of climate research. 1970
Futurist Utopia
1971 SMIC conference of leading scientists reports a danger of rapid global change caused by humans, calls for an organized research effort.
1987 Montreal Protocol
1998 “Super El Niño”
1997 Kyoto Protocol, setting 1982 targets to Strong glob- reduce gas al warmemissions ing since mid-1970s is reported, 1992 UN with 1981 the warmest Framework Convention year on on Climate record Change, 1981 Some but US blocks calls scientists for serious predict greenhouse warming 1991 “signal” Mount should be Pinatubo visible by explodes about the year 2000. 1990 First IPCC report says 1979 world has Second been warmoil energy ing. crisis.
2003 Numerous observations raise concern that collapse of ice sheets can raise sea levels faster. Deadly summer heat wave in Europe. 2001 Warming observed in ocean basins. 2000 Variety of studies emphasize importance of biological feedbacks in carbon cycle, liable to accelerate warming.
2050 [CO2]: 475 ppm T°: 15,6°C
700 ppm
600 ppm
500 ppm
400 ppm
300 ppm
Point of non-return 2013 [CO2]: 400 ppm T°: 14,5°C
Scientists are warning that Climate death rates One tenth change will bring linked to cli- of hemimate change sphere’s greater extremes will increase mammals in weather over the next unlikely 60 yrs. to outrun climate change Climate Climate change may Change increase risk By 2100, May the global Increase of water shortages mean sea the Risk of Severe in hundreds level will thunder- countries by rise 2.0 2050 meters storms 2100
1967 Manabe makes a convincing calculation that doubling CO2 would raise world 1956 Last CIAM. temperatures Modernism a couple of degrees. contestation. 1957 Launch of Soviet Sputnik satellite.
1973 Oil embargo and price rise bring first energy crisis.
1999 Massive “brown cloud” of aerosols 2005 from South H u r r i c a n e Asia detect- Katrina ed.
Cuban Missile Crisis
1988 Toronto conference. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is established.
1969 Astronauts walk on the Moon
1957-75 Spacerace URSS / USA
2100 [CO2]: 600 ppm T°: 17,6°C
2007 Fourth IPCC report warns that serious effects of warming have become evident
Mobility Utopias
Atomic bombing of Japan
+5°C Hurricane Katrina
1974 Serious droughts and other unusual weather since 1972 increase public concern about climate change.
Metabolist Utopias
Oil Crisis