Brand Guidelines
Purpose The purpose of these guidelines is to serve as a guide to ensure the brand focuses on its core strengths, create stronger brand awareness and raise the perceived value of the MCAST.
Contents. Brand Values
06 - 07
08 - 09
Clear Space
10 - 11
The Grid
12 - 13
Brand Colours
14 - 15
Correct Use
16 - 17
Incorrect Use
18 - 19
Decorative Element
20 - 21
College Identification
22 - 23
24 - 27
Photography Style
28 - 29
Applied Brand
30 - 39
40 - 41
When in Doubt
42 - 42
MCAST Brand Guidlines (6)
Tagline. Pride in vocational education.
Brand Promise. To be responsive to the economy and provide relevant vocational education.
Mission Statment. MCAST strives to provide vocational and professional training ensuring students reach their educational goals. Each program has the industry and community at its core; this ensures the that College is responsive to the needs of the individual and the economy.
Identity Rationale. The identity embodies three main messages, collaboration, progression and growth.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (8)
Clear Space. The following is the clear space should be applied for the MCAST logo. To ensure visibility and clarity, the MCAST logo should always appear with a minimum area of clear space around its boundary. This area should be free of any type or graphic element. This rule applies to all mediums where the MCAST brand is present.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (10)
Grid. It is important that this diagram is followed when applying the brand. This grid ensures that the brand is always consistent throughout any collateral produced by the college. There is no right or wrong way to use this grid. However one should always keep in mind consistency and clear space to give all elements breathing space. Margins can be adjusted according to the medium being used.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (12)
Margins | 15mm
Columns | 4
Gutter | 7mm
Brand Colours. Colour is a powerful means of identification. Consistent use of the MCAST colours will help build visibility and recognition for the brand and will set the overall consistent tone of the brand for all the materials produced. These colour schemes are always to be followed in conjunction with the instructions in the following pages.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (14)
Primary Colours
Bright Orange C
255 89 22
0 80 99 0
23 32 43
88 82 54 67
Black C
0 0 0 100
White C
255 255 255
Black C
0 0 0 100
427 C
118 189 192
26 21 19 0
Black C
0 0 0 100
Logo Correct Use. The logo must always be used and applied to any material by the guidelines shown here. The logo for small print cannot be reduced to a size smaller than 5mm in height. The icon can be used on its own as a decorative element. However, the typography should always be supported with the icon.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (16)
Primary logo
Incorrect Use. Failing to use the logo correctly will weaken its image and detract from consistency. Since the logo is one of the main representations of MCAST, its visual representation should be respected at all times in all circumstances. Please do not stretch, condense, add/change colour, alter, augment or distort the logo in any way.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (18)
Never remove elements from the logo.
Never add elements to the logo.
Never change the colour of the logo.
Never add an outer glow or drop shadow.
Never blur the logo.
Never flip the logo.
Never distort the logo.
Never reflect the logo.
Decorative Element. The logo’s M icon can be used as a decorative element where necessary. This enhances the overall look of the brand while keeping a consistent theme throughout the MCAST brand.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (20)
College Identification. The identity of different colleges is based on typography, and the icon will not change according to the department. This system will give out a signal that all three colleges are connected, and progression can be made. By doing so, we will ensure that no college is looked at in isolation.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (22)
University College logo.
Technical College logo.
Foundation College logo.
Typography. MCAST’s primary typeface is the Simplon font family in 4 different weights. Modern, flexible and easy to read, Simplon is uniquely suited for a broad range of visual communication. Multiple levels of typographic hierarchy are needed both for impact and clarity of communication.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (24)
Simplon Bold. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a bc d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890
Simplon Medium. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890
Simplon Regural. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890
Simplon Light. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890
Typography In Use. Use the following as a guide to know how type and copy must be set in your layout. Keeping to these guidelines will ensure a consistent style throughout all communicative material related to the MCAST.
Header Simplon Bold Leading
23-40 pt 27-30 pt
Sub-header Simplon Medium Leading
15-20 pt 15-18 pt
Body Copy Gilroy Regular Leading
11-15 pt 11-18 pt
MCAST Brand Guidlines (26)
On White Background:
MCAST Aircraft Maint Tech Course Leading to EASA. Part 66 Cat B1.1 Exam; Module 1 Mathematics This module ‘Mathematics’ forms part of the course: MCAST Aircraft Maintenance Technician Course Leading to EASA Part-66 CAT B1.1 Examinations. This course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary theoretical knowledge of aircraft maintenance and related mechanical systems at technician level. Students attending this module will be prepared to sit for the relative examinations organised by awarding bodies, which may lead to being awarded the EASA Part-66 Category B1.1 licence.
On Black Background:
Video Editing And Adobe Premiere Pro Introduction Lev.3 ECVET;2 Students will be able to understand the fundamentals of video editing, and how editing can make or break a video or film project. Students will be taught the fundamentals of Adobe Premiere Pro, which is the key Adobe software used for video editing. This is a 24 hr guided learning course. Students need to invest further hours in the course, which will include private study and home assignments. This is a 24 hr guided learning course. Students need to invest further hours in the course, which will include private study and home assignments.
Photography. Photography is a powerful way to communicate brand identity. The images chosen should be compelling and reflective of the energy that drives the College and all of its activities. Photographs of the institute, students, faculty, and staff should feel natural and unstaged while capturing the environment we work in a captivating composition. Please use images of high quality in full colour, with proper white balance and no extreme colour correction or editing.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (28)
Pride in Vocational Education
MCAST Brand Guidlines (30)
Brand In Use. The following pages contain examples of how the brand can be used using the guidelines provided in this book. The purpose of the following samples is to help and inspire you while working on the MCAST brand.
MCAST. Prospectus Cover
MCAST. Prospectus Spreads
MCAST. Uniform
MCAST. Bus Shelter Advert
MCAST. Name Tags
MCAST Brand Guidlines (36)
MCAST. Tote Bag
We inspire students to carve new paths in arts, science and technology. Pride in Vocational Education
MCAST Campaign
We inspire students to carve new paths in arts, science and technology. Pride in Vocational Education
MCAST Campaign
Manifesto The manifesto consists of four main areas that are being tackled through this rebrand, identity, consistency, student satisfaction and student commitment. It is critical that the following points are followed by both staff and students to ensure the brand promise is being delivered at every level. Further details can be found in the student manual.
MCAST Brand Guidlines (40)
Identity. 1. Collateral and campaigns produced should include the College’s tagline, Pride on Vocational Education. 2. Campaigns must convey stability and trust within the MCAST brand. Therefore structure and guidelines should be kept at all times while producing material for the MCAST identity. 3. Campaigns must always be direct and focus directly on the core strengths of the College. Taglines for campaigns should always be under 15 words; this guarantees that the message given is clear and direct.
Consistency. 4. Every student that graduates from MCAST will be able to produce work that is up to industry standard. By doing so, we will not only keep the level of our students consistent but will also help to address the skills gap. 5. All institutes must fall under one unified brand to ensure consistency. Separate social media platforms for various institutes are allowed but must be approved by the brand coordinator. 6. All assignments will reflect the industry within the area of study, and when possible the assignment will be a life case. By doing, so students will get relevant experience and exposure within the industry.
Student satisfaction and commitment. 7. All students must show a high degree of dedication towards their chosen course. 8. Each student is obliged to speak to a career advisor at least once a year. This initiative will ensure that students are on the right track and have a clear understanding of what career paths are available. 9. No disrespect will be tolerated at any level throughout the college. 10. Any issues that the students are facing should first be brought forward to the Institute rather than discussed on social media. Students together with College staff should work towards a solution rather than damaging the institute’s reputation via social media. 11. A student representative will be consulted on decisions that impact students.
When in Doubt Should one be unsure about certain details regarding these brand guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact the MCAST communications team via email at
Pride in Vocational Education