Holiday Edition 2013
Your Community Health + Wellness Magazine
Stay ENERGIZED Learn How to
Over the Holidays
’Tis the Season to Stay Balanced!
Steps to a Healthy Holiday Sweet Solutions Holiday Goodies Great Holiday Gift Ideas
Be Earth Friendly this Season
Holiday Crafts
Celebrate on a Budget Great Holiday Family Games 12 Days of Health and Fitness
Dazzle TIPS
The holiday season is a great time to enjoy the simple things in life. Enjoy those little things about your life and family that bring you happiness. Listen to nice music, eat great food and surround yourself with loving people!
Life Balance magazine HOLIDAY EDITION
CONTENT HEALTH & PREVENTION 08 7 Tips to Stay Healthy Over
BEAUTY & SELF CARE 34 Holiday Make-up Tips
10 Keeping Up with the Holiday Spirit
34 Party Hair 36 What is Crystal Therapy?
the Holidays
NUTRITION & RECIPES 14 Orange Pomegranate Salad 18 Sweet Solution Holiday Goodies SUCCESS & HAPPINESS 20 Celebrate the Holiday Season on a Budget
22 Homemade Holiday Cards HOMELIFE & RELATIONSHIPS 28 Healthy Holiday Traditions 32 Great Holiday Games for the Family
that Dazzle
FITNESS & RECREATION 39 5 Tips to Stay Fit and Lean Over the Holidays
40 12 Days of Health and Fitness GREEN & CLEAN LIVING 48 Someone’s Gotta Give PET HEALTH & WELLNESS 50 Making the Holidays Pet Safe
Great Holiday Gift Ideas | Page 30
Editor’s Note
The Spirit
Enjoy this holiday issue filled with love from our giving and caring community! Everyone wants to make their mark on the world; to make a difference in a truly meaningful way. I believe that one of the best ways to make a difference is by giving. Giving can come in many forms. It can be our time, our hearts, our donations; but it is the act of giving selflessly to others that encompasses the spirit of giving and it is that spirit for which bestows the greatest impact. The spirit of giving can enhance our lives and the lives of others, and teaching our children the true meaning of giving selflessly is the legacy we all want to leave behind. Giving exhibits heart. The larger our heart, the wider our hands, and the more character we develop. When we give for the benefit of others, we spread happiness and heart.
Photo Credit: Karolina Yen |
Giving promotes more giving. Giving to others selflessly creates a chain reaction of generosity. By giving, we are investing in the greater good, and that naturally motivates and perpetuates others to give. Every act of giving breaks selfish, narcissistic, and lonely tendencies, and replaces it with feelings of connection, love, and generosity. Giving is an expression of appreciation and gratitude. Giving is a form of showing others you appreciate and are thankful for them. Your giving acknowledges others as someone special and honour-
able. It is your ‘thank-you’ to others for being in your life in a caring and meaningful way. It is within all of our abilities to lead by example, and show others, our children and ourselves, that giving back to those in need, to those you love and to the unsuspecting, is what this holiday season, and every season, is all about! Our writers and advertisers have taken the time to provide you with the gift of health and wellness. As the holiday season approaches, we are faced with many challenges of staying fit, eating healthy, managing our time, our stresses, and our pocket books! It is the sharing of our community experts, and their giving of knowledge, that will allow all of us to get through the season with a smile, some joy, and our healthy bodies in tact! In the spirit of giving, I wanted to send a special acknowledgment to our advertisers. These companies make Life Balance magazine possible! Our supporters care about your health and wellness and giving back to their community. It is with heart-felt gratitude that we, at Life Balance magazine, wish them, and all of our readers, a very happy, healthy, and joyful holiday!
Andrea Seydel
Founder and Editorial Director
We are super excited to launch our YouTube channel. Another resource to help you stay balanced. | 4 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM
Issue 22
Your Community Health + Wellness Magazine
OUR VISION: To give every member of the local community the opportunity to live a healthy, positive and balanced life.
FOUNDER AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Andrea Seydel 416.456.7555 |
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Stephan Bunyan Elysia Cartlidge Corey Ferrier Dr. Heidi Fritz Laura Gray Dr. Ali Miller Pina Mormile Cathy Mount Dr. Philip Rouchotas Andrea Seydel Patricia Sica Alie Volpatti, Adrian Weglo Dr. Kate Wharton
Editorial: Written contributions and photos are welcome. We appreciate content from our local professionals. However, all content is subject to editorial review and becomes the property of Life Balance magazine. Editorial Note: The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed practitioner or health care provider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Life Balance Publishing Group Inc, its affiliates, or divisional companies. Different views may appear in feature articles and publication that may not be the opinion of Life Balance and its affiliates. Articles in Life Balance magazine are copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Printed in Canada by Life Balance Publishing Group Inc. Copyright © 2013 by Life Balance magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including photography, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed on 30% post-consumer paper with vegetable oil based ink. 100% recyclable. Please share this publication with friends and family and recycle when finished.
Thank-You for Making a Difference! 6 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays + Writing | Heidi Fritz, MA, ND and Philip Rouchotas, MSc, ND
is the season for hosting parties, shopping, and family gatherings. It is a time of many joys, but after it is all said and done, it can often leave us feeling a bit spent and sometimes even a few pounds heavier. But that doesn’t have to be our fate! It is possible to stay healthy throughout the holidays, and by doing so, we are likely to enjoy them that much more. Here are some practical tips to enjoy a healthy holiday season.
day gathering can feel overwhelming. However, taking on more than you can chew can backfi re, turning you from the host with the most to the Grinch! To combat the stress associated with multitasking, make lists that prioritize your tasks. Handle the most important ones yourself, then get others to help out where they can. Make some time to breathe! Five minutes of deep breathing can help reduce your stress and bring clarity to your day.
1| Minimize Stress: Trying to get a ‘million and one’ things done in preparation for the big party or family holi-
2 | Eat Healthy: You have been doing great all year - focusing on clean eating for example, but here come
It is possible to stay healthy throughout the holidays, and by doing so, we are likely to enjoy them that much more. the holidays, along with all of the temptations that you may not have the willpower to resist. The first thing to remember is to eat at regular intervals and keep your blood sugar stable so that you are less likely to give into cravings. Prepare healthy meals that freeze well, and use them when you’re in a pinch. Include protein and healthy fats with each of your meals to keep you feeling full and satiated. Keep healthy snacks like nuts, seeds and fruits on hand. When you are faced with that treat in question consider whether it is really worth it? For some, straying from a healthy diet causes little more than a few extra pounds gained. But for others, it can mean serious digestive upset and a slew of other unwanted symptoms. You likely don’t want to spend your holidays feeling ill, so choose the healthy alternatives, such as the fruit platter, veggie tray, crackers & hummus, nuts, and gluten-free desserts! 3 | Minimize Alcohol: A common temptation at holiday parties is alcohol. To maintain optimal health, it’s important to keep consumption to a minimum. Not only does it affect your liver function, but it can also reduce immune function. Additionally, feeling fatigued and sluggish the next morning can prevent you from accomplishing that list of tasks you need to get done, resulting in even higher stress levels. Enjoy yourself, but within reason. 4 | Stay Active: Exercise, as we know, is one of the essentials to good health. During this time of year, continuing on a routine can help reduce stress as well as prevent us from packing on the pounds. With the added tasks on our ‘to-do’ lists, however, it may be tempting to let exercise go to the back burner. While it is okay to take a temporary hiatus from exercise occasionally, staying away for too long can make it that much tougher to get back on track. As an alternative to cessation of your exercise routine altogether, opt to simply reduce your routine and keep it simple. Go for a walk with your family or a friend for example.
The main idea is to keep some form of activity in your life during this busy time and then resume your regular workouts again post-holiday season. Remember: A little can go a long way! 5| Get Enough Sleep: Your body regenerates when it sleeps. To do this, we require between seven to nine hours of good quality rest to reset the clock and keep your hormones in balance. You might think staying up late is wise, but without enough sleep, the list of tasks will inevitably feel much more daunting and you’ll likely get less accomplished. 6 | Support your Immune System: With the hustle and bustle of the holidays and all the added stress, it’s far too easy to catch a bug this time of year. Eating well and taking some basic supplements, such as a good probiotic and vitamin D, can help in keeping you healthy and prevent illness. If you don’t know what your vitamin D level is, consider getting tested. This is important in helping you select an appropriate dose. A naturopathic doctor can run this test for you. 7 | Make Time for Family: What are the holidays if we don’t make time for those we love? Spending quality time with those we love, whether its family or friends, is an essential part of staying healthy. Although these kinds of social relationships should not be reduced to simple biochemical responses, they have been shown to increase serotonin and opioid signaling. This has been shown to decrease the activation of our stress response pathway and increase our mental and physical well-being. This is also an opportune time to reconnect and mend broken relationships so that you can start a new year on the right foot! Heidi Fritz, MA, ND and Philip Rouchotas, MSc, ND are a husband-wife team practicing at the Bolton Naturopathic Clinic, located at 64 King Street West, 905-533-5300. Visit
Keeping Up
H liday Spirit with the
+ Writing | Dr. Kate Wharton, BScH, ND
s winter creeps in, many of us feel our energy, mood and motivation decline - and just when we need to keep up with a busy holiday season! It’s not surprising to feel like you’re running on empty with a constant drain of your mental, physical and emotional state, and experience the typical sleep-deprived, undernourished, over-stretched, high-speed schedule the holidays seem to demand. However, there are many ways to help your body achieve and maintain a better energy balance so you can actually enjoy the holidays, rather than struggle through them!
In Chinese medicine, energy is called “Qi” (pronounced “chi”), we can make Qi from food, but one of the most important ways we make Qi is by breathing deeply. Stresses, poor posture, being overweight and simple bad habits are some of the reasons why our breath doesn’t make it down to the bottom of our lungs. Belly breathing, also known as ‘diaphragmatic breathing’, is a simple way we can increase our Qi energy and improve our stamina, mental alertness, and mood (See Belling Breathing Instructions on Page 12). Lack of sleep is another way we can fail to replenish energy reserves. Most people know that eight hours of sleep per night is optimal. But what many don’t know is that the time you fall asleep is important too! Sleeping from 1:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M., for example, is not as restorative as sleeping from 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. This is because hormone secretion, body temperature, digestion, and other important restorative processes follow a twenty-four hour cycle linked to the light/ dark cycle. The later in the evening we fall asleep and the later in the morning we wake up, the more out of sync our cycle becomes. Although it may be difficult to go to bed by ten at night, especially with all that planning 10 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
and gift-wrapping to do, you’ll be rewarded with increased energy and clarity! What you eat and drink has a great impact on energy production and availability. If foods are making your body too acidic it will be harder for your cells to produce energy and clear wastes, making you feel heavy, fatigued and moody. Eating foods that create an alkaline environment in your body (fresh figs, green leafy vegetables, miso, pumpkin seeds, beets, celery, apples, and lemon) will invigorate your body while also boosting immune function to help you ward off pesky colds and flues. It is often recommended to take additional alkalizing supplements every morning, such as wheatgrass or greens powder. Simply mix these with warm lemon water, or diluted juice, to raise energy and remove toxins from the system (these also provide minerals, antioxidants, B-vitamins, fiber and aids in liver detoxification). Make sure to have a healthy protein at each meal and snacks to help keep you energized all day. Start your day with at least twelve grams of protein. Great examples of healthy proteins for the morning include: two eggs, one-half cup organic Greek yogurt, three-quarter cup steel-
cut oats, two tablespoons almond butter, or a smoothie made with soft organic tofu. Pack small portions of nuts or seeds for easy snacks throughout the day. These will help keep your energy up and prevent cravings for sweets. Although you may be surrounded by treats during the holidays, it is best to avoid them, or at best, keep them to a minimum; limit your treats to once every three days or less. Excess sugar is toxic to the body and causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels, resulting in plummeting energy and mood swings. Try to decrease all forms of refined sugar (brown, white, high fructose corn syrup, etc.) by using whole natural sugars in your cooking and baking instead (coconut sugar, natural sweeteners such as stevia or xylitol, or unpasteurized honey). Naturally occurring sugars allow you to ‘indulge’ without the negative impact to your health, energy or mood. Also, limit your caffeine intake. Although we often look to coffee to boost our energy levels, consuming more than one cup per day can actually promote burnout. This is partially due to water loss and dehydration, but also because, although coffee initially raises stress hormones giving a rush of energy, the long term effect wears out your adrenal glands (the root of your body’s energy supply and coping mechanisms for stress). Make time for regular exercise and yourself! This can seem impossible when you’re being pulled in so many different directions, but
Avoid stress and relax
Hit the gym
Add protein to your diet
Take Vitamins
Sleep from 10:00pm to 6:00am
Get natural source nutrients people that exercise on a regular basis handle stress better, get more nutrients out of their foods (due to better digestion), sleep better at night, look and feel younger and healthier, and get more joy out of their lives as a result! Wow! During the holidays, schedule in at least thirty minutes of exercise at least four times per week. Make it fun – family snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, or tobogganing are great outdoor fun activities, for example. Or
Drink plenty of water hit the gym, the yoga studio, or pool when the weather is frightful! Amid all the hustle and bustle, exercise is a great way to make time for YOU; to re-balance and restore yourself. You can also take advantage of twenty minutes of quiet time and read a book, stretch, meditate, enjoy a cup of calming herbal tea (try passion flower) or listen to music. Avoid the computer and television if you want to get the optimal benefit from relaxation time.
Supplements are a great help if you’re still struggling to keep up, despite working hard to maintain an energizing diet and lifestyle. When we are stressed, we require more B-vitamins. Bcomplex vitamins or a stress formula multivitamin (contains more B-vitamins than standard multi’s), can replenish much needed nutrients. Probiotics and digestive enzymes can help you get more nutrients out of the foods you eat. MORE ON PAGE 12
Stress regulating herbal extracts, such as Rhodiola, and extra magnesium at bedtime can aid in restorative sleep and reduction of stress hormones. Adding 1000 IU of vitamin D3 daily (very important in Canada from October to March) can help you cheerfully zip through your day! Always be sure to talk to a licensed health professional before starting any new supplement to ensure it is right and safe for you. From Natural Balance Naturopathic Medicine, we wish you a very safe, happy and healthy holiday season and a bright and beautiful New Year! Be well, share kindness and give love this year and always!
Belly Breathing Instruction This is a very powerful and very simple technique. It teaches you slow breathing from the diaphragm or belly. It relaxes you, and directly reduces many of the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Plan to practice belly breathing at least once a day, starting at five minutes. Then, gradually increase the frequency to two to three times daily. You can use this breathing when you have symptoms of digestive discomfort, feel anxious or have difficulty sleeping, as breathing slowly from the belly engages the parasympathetic nervous system and the ‘relaxation response’. Lye comfortably on your back, with a pillow under your head; your knees bent and back flat. You can stretch your legs out if that’s more comfortable. Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Once you’re comfortable, you can start the exercise. Inhale while you slowly count to four. Expand your belly as much as you can – like a balloon. You know you’re doing belly breathing right when you can feel your belly expand. As you inhale, imagine calming energy and restorative nutrients going to every area of your body. Then, exhale to the slow count of four, letting all the air out of the balloon. As you exhale, feel yourself letting go of tension and negative thoughts, and flushing toxins from your tissues.
Maximizing Energy to Maximize Enjoyment! 12 12 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM
Keep repeating the belly breathing to the slow count of four. When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the counting and belly breathing. After you have practiced this exercise for about a week, try doing your belly breathing when you are sitting or standing.
Orange Pomegranate Salad + Writing | Elysia Cartlidge
INGREDIENTS: large bunch spinach
large pomegranate
shallot (sliced paper thin)
fresh rosemary leaves, plus sprigs for garnish
1 tbsp
sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste *or other sweet-tasting citrus
Directions: 1
Cut the very top and bottom off of the oranges. Carefully slice off the peel, removing the white pith while sparing as much flesh as possible. Cut into ½" thick slices.
Add the spinach to a large bowl. Adding most of the dressing and turn with your fingers to coat.
Spread spinach on a large platter and tuck the oranges throughout. Scatter with pomegranate seeds and shallots.
Finish with a final drizzle of dressing, a scattering of rosemary leaves, a pinch of sea salt, and several twists fresh ground pepper.
Dressing The
INGREDIENTS: olive oil
¼ cup
orange zest
1 tbsp
orange juice
2 tbsp
rice wine vinegar or white wine vinegar
2 tsp
Dijon mustard
2 tsp
2 tbsp
shallot (minced)
1 tsp
rosemary (minced)
½ tsp
sea salt
¼ tsp
One at a time, whisk the zest, juice, vinegar, mustard, and buttermilk into the olive oil. Add the shallots, rosemary, and sea salt. Set aside while you prepare the salad.
Photo Credit: Elysia Cartlidge
Sweet Solutions
Holiday Goodies
+ Writing | Elysia Cartlidge
No-Bake Christmas Truffles! INGREDIENTS: natural almonds
2 cups
unsweetened cocoa powder
⅓ cup
ground cinnamon
½ tsp
vanilla extract
1 tsp
fresh pitted dates
coconut oil
1 tsp
Combine almonds, cacao and cinnamon in food processor. Process until crumbly.
Add vanilla, dates and coconut oil and process until mixture is combined. If mixture is still dry, add a tablespoon of water – the texture should be firm and sticky.
Remove mixture from processor and form into balls.
Roll the balls in one of the below decorative coatings. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container.
TIPS TO DECORATE For superb decorative fi nishes use, unsweetened coconut, chopped assorted nuts, dried cranberries and Goji berries.
Photo Credit: Elysia Cartlidge
the Holiday Season
+ Writing | Corey Ferrier
he holiday season is the time to enjoy the company of friends and family, and of course, to celebrate. It is also a time that can be very expensive! It is therefore important that the holiday frenzy doesn’t consume your bank account. To keep those hard-earned dollars in check, here is a five-step outline to create your very own holiday budget. STEP 1: Plan Ahead If you can, it is best to start planning a few months in advance of the holiday season to allow for the cost of holiday purchases and entertaining to be split among months. Often October, November and December budgets are used. Finishing your shopping early 20 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM
doesn’t just make sense on the budget side, but it can also help lower stress if you don’t have to run around on December 24th, which admittedly I have been guilty of in the past, but not this year! STEP 2: Make a List and Check it Twice In order to create an effective holiday budget you need to decide who’s on your gift-giving list. Are you giving to children, parents, siblings, friends, extending family, and coworkers? Are you a part of a gift exchange or Secret Santa? List all your gift buying responsibilities and create a budget for each person. In addition, write a list of any travel plans,
holiday events you’re attending, as well as ones you are hosting, and apply the expected costs to those events. If you don’t know the budget you have for a particular person or event, it’s time to set one. Once your lists are created, and you’ve estimated your costs, add all of your budget totals together and this number becomes your holiday season budget. Is it higher then you expected? STEP 3: Finding the Cash & Revising the List The holiday season budget total is what you want to spread over your months. But, what if your total is higher than you expected? One way to alleviate some financial burden is to
brate on a Budget!
hold off on making some purchases for you, and add them to your gift wish list instead. This provides a more diverse gift choice for those that need to buy for you…and perhaps a little pleasant surprise as well! Another strategy to cut your costs is to remove certain recipients from your list, such as choosing not to participate in the Secret Santa work exchange or drawing names with friends and, or family. Also, you can lower your budget for each gift. Instead of spending fifty dollars per person, reduce it to thirty dollars. After all, it’s the spirit of giving that’s important. Similarly, you can build, bake or create gifts to help reduce your costs. If you really need to keep your budget where it is, you can look
at the available options at your workplace and work additional hours (but be sure to maintain a healthy work-life balance!). STEP 4: The Sale Season The holidays inevitably come with retails sales. And, this is where step#1 becomes useful. Many of the sales start in October. By planning ahead and having your list and budget ready, you can take advantage of these sales. Buying items on sale can allow you to either come in under budget, or it can allow you to purchase more items within your allowed budget. You need to decide what is more desirable for your fi nancial situation. If you are on a very tight budget, for example,
it may be beneficial to come in under budget. But, if you are comfortable and have the extra cash in your savings, then perhaps you can “splurge” and buy those extra items with the money saved. Also, do your research. By comparing costs and knowing when you’re getting a good price will surely help you stay on track. STEP 5: Enjoy your Holidays! Now that you’ve planned, made lists, calculated your budget and shopped ‘til you dropped, you can take the time to enjoy the holidays with family and friends! You’ve done a great job to stay on budget and by planning ahead you’ve used your time wisely. See, it is possible to celebrate the holiday season on a budget! HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
Homemade Holiday Cards + Writing | Cathy Mount
Here is a fun and creative way to design your own holiday cards this season!
1 Start with some water colour paper or card stock. Cut and fold to the size you would like your card to be.
2 Next, tape off around the outer edge of the front page of the card with green painter’s tape. This will create a nice border for your card.
3 With a blue water colour paint (or whatever other creative colour you choose!) brush on with quite a bit of water so it is fairly wet.
4 Sprinkle some table salt directly onto the wet paint and watch the crystals dissolve to create a winter snow background. Once completely dry, gently peel off the tape to reveal your white border. There you have a fabulous, snowy winter background!
5 The next part can be completely up to you. A snowman, elves, or Christmas trees can be your art of choice! Cut some festive seasonal characters from felt and glue them on. We used paint pens to add the details, but coloured markers will also do the trick! Go crazy and add some glitter too!
Your very own holiday card! 22 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM
Dream Meaghan Zaremba’s
+ Writing | Courtesy of Tisho’s Music Academy
Music saved her life and her story and her dream is an inspiration for all of us here in Caledon!
t the age of five, a car accident crushed Meaghan’s skull, leaving doctors with little hope for her survival, let alone her quality of life. She suffered severe seizures, temper tantrums, headaches and depression...the mountain was too big for any normal person. But, Meaghan was a fighter and beat the odds. She shocked even the most brilliant medical minds in neurology. Three months and several brain surgeries later, she walked out of the hospital on her own. But for her mother, Danielle, the battle had just begun. She became determined to devote her life to take care of Meaghan’s needs, as well as take care of her two young sons.
It has taken a lifetime for my daughter to feel good enough about herself to even dare to have a dream of her own. This room is her dream. Please help make this dream a reality! - Danielle Zaremba, Mother of Meaghan
At the age of 17, Meaghan’s mother enrolled her in music classes. She wanted to give her a hobby, something to occupy her restless mind, and she had heard that music is very therapeutic in that way. Soon, Meaghan began to blossom. She studied piano, flute, theory, and vocal. As each year passed, she challenged herself even more. She attended every year-end recital and performed to the best of her ability. She became an inspiration to other students. Many parents in the audience tearfully watched her on stage as she stood fearlessly and sang and played the piano. Today, Meaghan works part-time teaching music to young children. She manages her own money and even drives a car. Having felt the effects that music has had on her own life, Meaghan now hopes to achieve an important goal: to create a very special music program on the premises of Tisho’s Music Academy where she studies. This program will provide musical instruction to others like her with physical or mental disabilities. In
order to do so, Meaghan will need $100,000, which will cover paint, carpet, blinds, electrical wiring, air conditioning, sound proofing panels, teacher’s wages for 2 years of the program, desks, mixing boards, speakers, chairs, books, sheet music, computers, and microphones. It will also cover instruments including drums, guitars (acoustic, bass, electric and monitors), and a piano. “Music saved my life,” explains Meaghan. “Without it, I don’t know where I would be. I was lost, didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t feel normal. Music showed me that I can do anything I set my mind to. It re-wired my brain. I feel and think differently now. I want to give back to all those like me who feel they are lost in this world. I want to open this door to freedom to everyone. I believe my brain would not be functioning had I not studied music. Imagine your child as a vegetable. Would you not move heaven and earth to give them a chance at quality of life? Please invest in The Meaghan Zaremba Music Room!”
“He has something bad growing inside his head sir,” explained Tess, “…and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We don’t sell miracles here little girl. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you,” the pharmacist said softly. The pharmacist’s brother, a well-dressed man from Chicago, who just happened to be visiting that day, stooped down. “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?” he asked. “I don’t know,” Tess replied with her eyes welling up. “Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can’t pay for it, so I want to use my money.” Photo Credit: Karolina Yen |
“How much do you have?” asked the kind man. “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered, barely audible. “And it’s all the money I have.” “Well, what a coincidence,” smiled the man, “A dollar and eleven cents - the exact price of a miracle for little brothers.” He grasped her mitten and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents.”
I’d Like to Buy a Miracle + Writing | Pina Mormile - Early Childhood Educator
’m sure many of you have read the story of the little girl who wanted to buy a miracle to save her brother. The story has circulated around the internet for years with differing versions and names being used. It goes something like this:
pharmacist’s attention, she finally took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter.
Little Tess went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jar from its hiding place in the closet. Slipping out the back door, she made her way six blocks to Rexall drug store with the big red ‘Indian Chief’ sign above the door. After waiting patiently for several minutes and trying to get the
Little Tess looked straight at the pharmacist. “Well, I want to talk to you about my brother Andrew,” she answered back in the same annoyed tone. “He’s really sick....and I want to buy a miracle.”
“And what do you want?” the pharmacist asked, clearly annoyed. “I’m talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven’t seen in ages,” he explained.
“I beg your pardon?” asked the pharmacist.
That well-dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. The operation was completed, free of charge, and it wasn’t long until Andrew was home and doing well. Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place. “That surgery,” Mom whispered, “was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?” Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle dollar and eleven cents... plus the faith of a child. It doesn’t matter whether this story is true or not. What matters is how it makes us feel - how it can motivate and bring us hope. I read somewhere that a miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law. As an Early Childhood Educator and Mother, I see little miracles every day. The greatest miracle of all is that, while we teach children all about life, they teach us what life is all about. Here’s to a joyful holiday… and little miracles!
Home Life
Holiday Traditions + Writing | Laura Gray
t’s that time of year again when we Canadians need to brace ourselves for the cold winter months ahead. Some of us look forward to the snow and the crisp, fresh air, but for others, it can mean a time to focus on the warm, cozy indoors. Either way, you can take this season and the holiday time, to bring some tradition back into your life by continuing some old favorites, or starting some new ones! The holiday season brings us all together. Students are usually home from school, we take extended vacations from our busy work lives or we spend extra time socializing with family and friends. So it’s the perfect time for traditional winter fun! Make it a tradition to keep your household active this winter. Our province is one of the greatest places to explore the great outdoors with our many beautiful parks and northern resorts. Whether it’s downhill skiing, crosscountry skiing, hiking, skating, or making snow angles, take the time to do an outdoor activity every week. Or, start an annual winter day, night or weekend event with family or friends. Throw a traditional pond skating 28 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
party, a toboggan party, or ski weekend at your favorite resort. If the outdoors just isn’t your cup of tea, there are so many indoor activities to keep you fit and active through the season. Have your family join the local curling or skating club and make it a weekly event. Grab a friend and join a fitness class or yoga and start the tradition that every holiday season that’s something special that you do together to stay fit and calm. There are a plethora of other traditions that can keep you entertained over the holidays including, but not limited to, starting an annual holiday party with friends, such as wine tasting party or game night. Each year you take turns hosting. For family time, start a “twelve days of fun” tradition and each family member can choose what they want to do (for a family of four for example, each would get three nights of their choice). Choose a baking night, movie night, game night, read your favorite books night; go out for dinner night…the possibilities are endless. Most communities share in a holiday parade. Take
this opportunity to gather family and friends for your annual parade day, followed by hot chocolate and chili night at your place. By repeating these new experiences each year, they will eventually become your tradition and maybe your children’s tradition. Perhaps you have had a tradition passed down to you, possibly from generations long ago. Take this time to show gratitude to the traditions of the past. And allow for the natural evolution of these traditions as they adapt to your changing world and a new generation. Teach your children the importance of why those traditions - whether religious, spiritual or community based - exist and why it brings happiness to your lives. Creating healthy holiday traditions, or following old ones, should be fun and meaningful for you. Use your traditions as an opportunity to be grateful for the beauty around you, the simplicity of life, and to share experiences with those you love.
Home Life
Great Holiday Gift Ideas Some great ideas to get you started!
Buy a Book: There are a slew of great health, fitness, recipe, and well-being books available that your recipient may find particularly useful to get them on the right path to living healthy. Perhaps one of your recipients has a health condition and a book specializing in that area would prove to be valuable.
Equipment to Get Active: Find out what those on your list love to do during their spare time and buy them the snowshoes, skis, yoga mat, or outdoor game set that they always wanted. Or, better yet, introduce them to something new and plan to participate together! Either way you will help them get out and get active!
Gift Certificate to the Spa: A gift certificate for a massage or a deep cleansing facial, for example, is a great gift the recipients will surely thank you for! Not only will they feel great, relaxed and de-stressed, but they will gain a ton of other health benefits, such as increased blood flow and improved digestion, reduced pain associated with injury or arthritis, improved sleep, as well as improved immune function, to name but a few! Wow - now that’s a gift we can all use over the busy holiday season!
Put all your Eggs in One Basket! A gift basket that is! Get your creative juices flowing and put together your own gift basket. You can make one that is filled with healthy, organic fare, such as organic chocolate, homemade baked-goods or bottles of organic wines and beers. Another great idea is to create one filled with skin and beauty products that are organic, and ethically created. With a one-of-a-kind gift basket, you’ll truly be the hit this holiday!
Sign them Up: Purchase a block of yoga classes, or sign them up for running, horseback riding or ski lessons. Or, for the ones that like to be challenged, rock climbing, obstacle course races, or canoe trips, are great ideas. Many people talk about their ‘bucket list’. Why not find out what’s on that list and pick one that promotes their health and well-being.
Stocking Stuffers: Stuff your loved one’s stocking with some healthy goodies, such as gift cards to that healthy café in your neighbourhood, small work-out items, such as socks or headbands, vitamins, or herbal teas, to name just a few.
+ Writing | Stephen Bunyan
e have all heard the saying “health is wealth”, and it truly is. It has become increasingly important to be proactive about our health these days due to the myriad of processed and fast foods that dominate our grocery store isles, an increase in exposure to pollutants and/or toxic chemicals, and an increase in sedentary (desk) jobs. So this holiday season why not give the gift of “health” and buy those on your giftgiving list something that will keep them moving, keep them eating right and keep them “wealthy” in health for a long, long time! Right here in the town of Caledon, we have a number of businesses that are dedicated to your health and wellness, so take advantage of your local merchants to give the gift of health and wealth this season!
Happy Holidays and may you have a healthy and wealthy New Year!
Home Life
Present Scramble 1
Place a small gift, or a ten dollar bill, in a tiny, wrapped box. Now, place that box in a larger, wrapped box, and that box in an even larger, wrapped box, and so on. Note: Be eco-friendly too and use newspaper or other used paper as the wrapping. The youngest person in your house picks a number between one and six. The fi rst person to roll that number is given oven mitts and the fi rst attempt to unwrap the largest box. They work until the fi rst one is unwrapped, then they pass the box and oven mitts onto the next person who rolls the magic number. The last person to unwrap the smallest box gets to keep the buried treasure.
Secret Snowman
Cut out a small snowman out of durable cardstock.
Attach it to someone’s back without them noticing (teehee!).
They have to wear the snowman until they discover it’s there. Then it’s their turn to place it on the next unsuspecting person. Don’t fret, the giggles from little ones will usually give it away before Grandpa has the snowman on all day!
Holiday Games for the Family + Writing | Dr. Ali Miller, Family Chiropractor
he holiday season is fast approaching and soon your kids will be home from school. Perhaps you’re taking some time off of work as well. In between all the hustle and bustle of shopping and preparing for the festivities; decorating the house and getting ready for the snow to fall, remember that the most important part about this holiday vacation is spending quality time with your family and friends. And, if you’re going to be spending all this time together, why not have a little fun too?
Here are some fun ‘ holiday spirit’ games to play with the little ones. Don’ t be a spectator; you may be surprised at how much fun you have too!
Homemade Gifts
This is a great family activity that yields beautiful and thoughtful gifts for the people you care about, such as teachers and friends. Some favourites include body oil, homemade granola, a decorative wreath made of various nuts and jewelry. The thought and time that goes into these gifts will not go unnoticed. For more ideas, visit these sites
Snowball Toss
Outside, flatten an area of snow and prepare buckets of snowballs for two teams.
Using a spray bottle filled with water and food colouring, spray a bullseye in the snow. The different circles represent different point values that you can determine.
Start the toss and see whose team scores the most points. Beware: this game usually ends sooner than later with an ultimate snowball fight!
Snow Mosaic
Lay in the snow to make a body print. Make sure you rock back and forth to pack the snow. Stand up carefully.
Create a portrait in the snow by fi lling in your body print with birdseed, cut-up fruit or vegetables, and spray bottles fi lled with water mixed with food colouring. You’ll never know how good you can look with birdseed hair and a lettuce skirt!
Mixed-Up Mittens
This is a great game if you have a lot of young children in your house over the holidays. 1
Have each child place their pair of mittens in the middle of a room to create a pile of mixed-up mittens.
At your signal, the children will race to the pile and see who can fi nd their mittens and get them on fi rst.
Get Outside
The winter season feels particularly long, so bundle up and get outside and enjoy the snow and crisp air! Skiing, snowboarding, skating, tobogganing, and snow shoeing are great family activities that are close to home. Just don’t forget to have that warm cup of hot chocolate waiting for you when you return!
Have a happy and fun holiday season!
Self Care
y a d i l Ho e-up Maks that Tip zzle! Da |
+ Writing Catherine Dayman Make-up Artist
As a make-up artist, the holiday season is my favorite time of year as it’s a time to pass on the natural look and do something dazzling!
To create that glowing, flawless face this season, use a slightly heavier foundation, topped with a compact bronzer.
Party Hair + Writing | Patricia Sica
An elegant party look is as easy as 1-2-3! I try to make all of my styles wearable and flattering. They can be everyday or something special - either way they can be pretty and easy to create!
The Messy Textured Elegant Party Hairstyle If this teased-and-tucked do had a motto, it would be “go big or go home.” This is a simple style that works with straight, curly, or wavy hair that is chin-length or longer. It’s easy, quick, and not very involved: Just twist it and go!
To emphasize your gorgeous cheek bones and add colour, mix a compact bronzer with some shimmering peach. For the eyes, follow the holiday trend and use a colour palate consisting of smokey grey, silver, and gold. Together, these colours will create a perfect evening look! Whatever your look, don’t be afraid to add a little sparkle and dazzle to your make-up this holiday season!
1 Start off by giving your hair texture and fluffiness by teasing it up with a comb.
2 To get the desired messy effect, second-day hair works well, or you can spritz dry shampoo or a texture spray around the bottom of your hair. Fluff your hair with your fingers. Tease more if you need to - the bigger the better to begin with.
3 Get Creative! Feel free to twist, pin or clip the hair in a loose and fun manner. Nothing you can do will be wrong here. If you desire a bit of control, smooth out the bangs with a round brush and blow dryer. Don’t worry about perfecting this style, as it is meant to be a messy fun style!
Self Care
What is Crystal Therapy?
rystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing. Knowing the basics of crystal healing can help anyone benefit from the use of this form of alternative therapy. How do crystals work? There is no scientific proof of the healing abilities of crystals, but according to “The Crystal Healer” it has been shown that crystals do have vibrational properties which both generate an electrical response to temperature change and generate a voltage in response to mechanical stress. Whether these are the reasons crystals help with healing both mentally and physically it is not certain, but many people do believe they help.
Gemstones house spiritual and healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt by whomever is nearby. Healers also place stones on their client’s reclined bodies to balance their chakras and aura. Each type of stone has its own unique talent. Gemstone colours, shapes, and textures all have special meanings. You can intuitively choose which crystals to use by noticing which stones you are attracted to. Keep your heart and hands open and allow the appropriate healing crystals to find their way to you. Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts.
to Stay Fit and Lean Over the Holidays + Writing | Andrea Seydel
is the season for holiday parties and family dinners that present an overflowing array of rich foods and an abundance of decadent desserts to challenge our willpower. Combine this with the cold weather that limits our outdoor workouts, and the results can be a loss of fitness and the dreaded weight gain. Finding the time to exercise and stay fit during the holiday season can be a hurdle to say the least. Here are some tips to help you stay in shape and ward off weight gain so you can look and feel great over the holidays and into the New Year!
Be mindful of what you eat. Awareness goes a long way when it comes to controlling how you behave at holiday parties. Mindless eating and drinking can lead to excess consumption of unhealthy options. You can take a deep breath, step back and remind yourself in that moment what is important to you. Be sure to choose a majority of the healthy options available, such as vegetable and fruit platters. You can bring healthy food options to the party you are attending if you suspect this will be in limited supply. Wake up early and add a workout to your morning. Or, schedule your workouts and commit to them like you do when you schedule a party on your calendar. Do time efficient, calorie burning workouts. When you wake up early, your mind and body are fresh with little opportunity for interruption. Early morning workouts rarely get postponed by other events happening during your day. Recruit a friend to be your fitness buddy. Having a partner to workout with will not only keep you accountable for your workouts, but it will also help encourage you, keep you motivated, and make your workout time fly by! Select a partner that you know will be as reliable as you!
Drink plenty of water! There is a reason most diets and fitness programs ask you to drink plenty of water; it’s because water helps you lose weight, gives you energy, and makes you feel more satisfied with less food. Water consumption helps organs function properly, and keeps your body healthy. It is best to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses per day. Manage your time well. Managing your time will allow you to keep up with your fitness regime. Get your holiday shopping organized well ahead of December 25th, and use on-line or local merchants as a time-saver whenever possible. Another great time-saving strategy is to plan out and prepare your healthy meals each week. There is nothing worse than running out of time and relying on fast food as your meal option. You’re sure to gain weight and feel the effects of poor eating over the holidays. Again, take the time to look at your agenda and fit your workouts, your healthy eating options, and your other commitments to ensure you use your time efficiently. Before the holidays are fully underway, make a conscious effort to plan, plan and plan and to stick to it, check in regularly, and of course, enjoy the holiday season. After all, ‘tis the season to look fantastic!
12 Days
of Health and Fitness W
ith the holiday season fast approaching, staying on a consistent health and fitness regime is challenging. Clean eating, proper training and quality sleep are all essentials for a healthy body.
+ Writing | Adrian Weglo
Here is how you can keep your fitness up and your health in check over the holidays. 1 Get Eight to Nine Hours of Sleep Proper sleep is an essential component when it comes to lowering stress and maintaining homeostasis within the body. Recent studies confi rm that getting more than six and a half hours of sleep will limit the body’s ability to create the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is directly related to belly fat. Tips: Supplement with magnesium, remove the television from your bedroom, and read before bed instead.
When you Lack Motivation: Call a Workout Partner Similar to a trainer, a workout partner will hold you accountable and push you to work harder. Be sure to pick a workout partner who has similar goals, work ethic, and accountability. Workout partners can be your greatest asset in the gym, so choose wisely. Tips: Choose a partner that is motivated and positive, someone you can count on to be there week in and week out; someone who will push you higher, not pull you down.
3 Drink Lots of Water Our muscles are 75% water, our brain is over 80% water - get the idea? Proper hydration is essential for the body to function optimally, especially on workout days. For those looking to lose weight, water acts as a great appetite suppressor and will help to remove toxins from the body at the same time. Tip: A properly hydrated individual should drink 0.6 oz of water per pound of body weight.
4 Reduce Stress Levels Stress can be the number one road block to an individual achieving a healthy body, both inside and out. The main causes of stress include lack of quality sleep and bad eating habits (diets high in simple carbohydrates and refi ned sugars). As a result of stress, our bodies become inflamed and therefore produce fat to shield the body from those internal fi res. Tip: Get that quality sleep every night and supplement with ginseng and magnesium.
5 Eat your Fruits and Vegetables The more your diet consists of whole foods, the more likely you are healthy. Fruits and veg-
etables are packed with vitamins and minerals and high in antioxidants. Sugars we consume from fruits do little to spike blood sugar and provide a nice substitute to snacking on more refi ned, sugary snacks. Tip: The darker the fruit or vegetable, the better. Green vegetables will help balance the pH level in your stomach.
6 Set Goals For those who have never been to a gym or worked-out before, starting is a goal. Every couple of weeks, evaluate where you were, where you are now, and where you need to be. Your body will adapt after six to eight workouts, so think change after every eighth workout. Tip: After every two weeks or eighth workout, change your routine. This can be done by changing sets, reps, exercises and rest intervals.
7 Think Portion Control A basic rule of thumb: eat until you are not hungry, not until you are full. Moreover, avoid fast food! Tip: Set a goal to eat ďŹ ve to six meals a day, and the portion control will take care of itself. MORE ON PAGE 42 HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
8 Include Cardiovascular Training In trying to lose or manage your weight, creating a calorie deficiency works best. This means to burn more calories than you consume in a day and you will lose weight. Tip: Focus on the treadmill and step machines as opposed to an elliptical or stationary bike.
9 Join a Class Similar to a personal trainer, joining a class is more likely to get you in the gym and sweating. Try to commit to a class a week as a starter. Tip: Pick a class that interests and challenges you as you will be more likely to attend.
10 Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator On non-workout days, or those individuals that sit at desk all day, wherever possible take the stairs. Climbing stairs is an ideal aerobic workout - that’s why the Step Master was created! Tip: Skip every second step as you climb the stairs.
11 Carry a Basket at the Grocery Store Those who eat healthy shop frequently and therefore require only a basket when shopping. Eighty percent of the food you purchase should be whole foods. Stay away from food in boxes and food that has a long shelf life. Make a habit of doing groceries twice a week.
Tip: Plan for two to three days of eating at time.
12 Don’t Skip Breakfast Your biggest meal of the day should be breakfast and should be high in protein, moderate in fat and low in carbohydrates. As your day wears on, cut your calories per meal. Dinner should be your smallest meal. Tip: Get up fifteen minutes early each day, so missing breakfast is not an option.
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Clean Living
Someone’s Gotta Give + Writing | Laura Gray, MSc
f you’re anything like me, you do care, but you fi nd it hard to think about what to make for dinner, let alone how to be the ‘Queen (or King) of Green’, especially over the holidays. Every year, I vow to be eco-conscious - not use wrapping paper (but it’s so pretty), not buy the toy with the fifteen layers of packaging (but my son really wants that one), or not use those plastic cups and plates when I’m hosting (because I am just too tired to do the dishes). But, alas, I know that it is my responsibility to do what’s right and to set a good example for my children. So, I know, someone’s gotta give...and that ‘one’ would be me! 48 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM
Hello? Is there anyone out there? Is there anyone who cares about preserving our environment? I mean really cares?
The holiday season is a time for giving, family, and gratitude. It is also a time for mass consumption of goods and services, and for most of us, indulgence. Not only does this mass consumption add up in our pocket books, but it also adds up and takes its toll on the environment. According to Environment Canada, “Canadians are often cited as being among the leading per capita producers of solid waste in the world”. Not the reputation I was going for! And, what happens to all of our generated waste? Most (73%) ends up in a landfill. This is a problem because they take up space, are a major contributor to soil and ground water contamination, and are one of the major contributors of methane gas - a polluting green house gas. The best approach to your attempt at an ecochic, green holiday is to think ahead. This ensures the greatest chance of success. Doing things last minute comes with many problems, and eco-friendly will surely drop to the bottom of the list. Start by making lists (electronic) - a list of what events you’re hosting, what events you’re attending, who do you need to buy for this year and what are some of the things you know they want? What supplies do you need? Those lists become your bible over the holidays. Keep them accessible, take them shopping with you. Update them as needed, but these lists will keep you prepared and thinking so that you stay on budget and allow you to think ‘green’. Think green means to look at those lists and take the time to research and adapt for the more eco-friendly alternatives. Think: How can I Reduce, Reuse, or Recycle this holiday? Here is a starter list of ideas for entertaining and gift-giving that keep in line with the true meaning of giving back to your loved ones, those in need, and Mother Nature too!
Send Electronic Invitations - for example,
Buy Tickets: To a show, an art class, or wine tasting class, for example.
Buy local and/or organic food and wine whenever possible.
Donate to a Charity in their Name: Check out: for a complete list of charities and non-profit organizations.
Clean Green: Use non-toxic and all-natural cleaners when cleaning your home. Save on Energy: Use LED lighting where ever possible. Use all natural candles, such as beeswax or soy candles. Dim your lights to create the right mood. Also, turn down your thermostat a couple of degrees when you’re entertaining. All the bodies will sure to keep you warm! Use all Natural Decorations: Opt for tree clippings and fresh herbs and berries (such as cranberries) for your décor instead of buying disposable goods. When buying new décor, strongly consider what material it is made from, its sustainability in your home, and what can be done with it after its use (i.e. is it recyclable or can it be donated?). The Christmas Tree: Cutting down one from a local tree farm has the least impact on the environment. The process to manufacture artificial trees generates pollution and waste, and once you are done with the tree, it ends up in a landfi ll where it does not biodegrade and leaches toxins into the soil. Rent! Using plastic plates and cutlery is bad for the environment. If you are entertaining for a large number of people, rent your dishes and boost your party from fare to flare! Gift Certificates: They eliminate the need for wrapping and the recipient can buy what they really want.
Reduce Packaging: Buy products with the least amount of packaging or consider the material it’s made from (recycled, recyclable, biodegradable). Come up with creative ways to wrap your gifts such as tea towels, buckets, or flower pots. And, reuse bags and boxes from previous years – and continue to use them as long as you can. Homemade: Frame your kid’s artwork, make a photo book on-line, or take advantage of any other craft, art, or skill you are good at doing. Baked goods are a lovely idea for teachers and bus drivers, as well as great stocking stuffers! Draw Names: Instead of buying for every member of your (adult) family or friends. This will save on the amount of goods purchased, which is good for the environment and your pocket book! Christmas Cards: Send an e-card. Make sure to send a message to have the e-card viewed by all in the family. Check out:, for some great ideas. Alternatively, photo holiday cards are a great compromise. Yes, they are printed, but your recipient is more likely to save that card as a keepsake than to throw it out. Or, look for cards made from recycled paper; they are much more readily available. Remember to enjoy the spirit of the holidays and know that to have a ‘greener’ holiday season, someone’s gotta give...just a little back to Mother Nature. Happy Holidays! HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
Pet Health
Making the Holidays Pet Safe + Writing | Alie Volpatti – Registered Veterinary Technician
he holidays are a wonderful time of year to come together with family and friends and share in lots of fun and feasts! Holiday time brings lots of new sights, sounds, foods and routines, which can cause stress and sometimes harm to our pets. A few simple measures can help keep them safe through the holiday season. Decorations The bright colors and textures of holiday décor can easily be mistaken as toys by young and inquisitive pets. Always play it safe and keep decorations at heights that cannot be reached by your pet. Tinsel, in particular, can be a beautiful addition to your tree, but its long and shiny appearance can be very enticing to pets and, if ingested, can cause gastro-intestinal upset or serious intestinal blockage. Edible tree decorations, such as cranberry or popcorn strings, are also very tempting to pets. They might try to grab them and can end up pulling the whole tree down in the process. Lights hung on the tree can be a hazard to curious pets because 50 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM HOLIDAY EDITION 2013
they can get tangled or inadvertently shocked from biting the wires. Poisonous Plants Mistletoe, holly and poinsettias are all lovely additions to decorate your home during the holiday season, but did you know that they could be poisonous to your dog or cat if ingested? Ingestion of mistletoe can cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, and if large amounts are consumed, an abnormal heart rate, collapse, low blood pressure, or seizures, can follow. Reactions to holly and poinsettia ingestion range from mild to severe gastro-intestinal upset and symptoms include, drooling, vomiting and diarrhea. Be sure to keep these plants out of reach from your pets and contact their veterinarian or the Pet Poison Hotline ( if you know or suspect that your pet has ingested something harmful. Food Holiday gatherings with family and friends generally center on a delicious meal filled with
sweet and savory items for everyone to enjoy. Many of us are excited to share these treats with our four- legged friends to include them in the celebration. Unfortunately, several of the foods that we enjoy over the holidays can cause havoc on our pet’s health. Rich and fatty meats such as turkey skin, drippings, gravy and trimmings can cause severe digestive upset and even pancreatitis. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney issues in dogs and cats, ranging from mild to severe, depending on the quantity ingested. Garlic and onions can cause gastro-intestinal upset, damage to red blood cells in the body, and even anemia. Last, but definitely not least, chocolate is the most common food accidentally ingested by pets over the holidays. The type of chocolate, the amount ingested, and the size of the animal will affect the level of toxicity. Darker and less sweet chocolates have more severe and toxic effects, for example. Symptoms can range from gastro-intestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea, but can escalate to hyperactivity, pancreatitis, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, and although rare, in some cases death. Again, it is very important to contact a veterinarian as soon as you realize your pet has ingested a toxic item, so that immediate action can be taken. Parties The holidays are a popular time to get together with family and friends. While entertaining is fun for us humans, it can be stressful on pets. To reduce the amount of stress your pet experiences, try to keep routines as close to normal as possible by keeping feeding and exercise on a regular schedule. It can be helpful to have a quiet place set aside where your pet is safe and can retreat from the party if they are feeling stressed. Also, be sure to monitor the doors closely as guests come and go, to ensure that your pet does not escape. Make sure they have current ID tags on at all times in case they do get out. Lastly, never leave children and pets together unattended. No matter how well behaved your pets may be, anything can happen in a new situation.