Life Balance - Summer 2014

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Your Community Health + Wellness Magazine

Natural ways to prevent a Sun Burn How to Stay Focused & Lose Weight


6years in Caledon

Setting Your Financial Targets Mission Pet Save Project Fun Outside Staying Focused at Work

Healthy Grilled Garlic Shrimp Natural First Aid Kit

Persistence: the key to good health


THE MISSION EDITION! Use your personal passion to drive you on a mission towards the best version of yourself. Life Balance magazine SUMMER EDITION


CONTENT HEALTH & PREVENTION 12 Athlete's foot 15 Vital Nutrients for your heart and arteries 16 Persistence: the key to good health 18 Are leg cramps ruining your good

SUCCESS & HAPPINESS 40 A refreshing & inspiring approach

21 Risk factors of having missing teeth NUTRITION & RECIPES 22 How to stay focused and

HOME LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS 44 Home staging for you and your home 46 Setting your financial targets 48 Learning doesn't stop just because

24 Grilled garlic and herb shrimp 28 Come in for the savings 30 Baby kale salad with strawberry

50 Summer art project: Fun summer tee 52 Project fun outside 54 Staying focused at work

to weight-loss

41 Family first aid with essential oils 43 Gain mental focus

night's sleep?

loose weight

and avocado

34 Mango raspberry greek yogurt partfait 36 Do you know your supplements' quality 38 Raw words

school is out

BEAUTY & SELF CARE 56 Here comes the sun 58 Over night beach hair look

Simply Healthylicious! 30 4 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM


FITNESS & RECREATION 62 The truth about martial arts 64 Fun summer fitness options PET HEALTH & WELLNESS 66 Mission pet save 68 Keep your dog properly hydrated GREEN & CLEAN LIVING 70 Eco-friendly driving options 73 How toxic are household odour eliminators?

Great of



ways to prevent a Sun Burn

consider rescue

Staying focused at work

Mission pet save:

+ Writing | Stephan Bunyan, RMT

+ Writing | Dr. Janet Henderson

We have all had those days at work when we just don’t seem to get what we set out to do done. It can be very frustrating and if it continues to happen often you will fall far behind or even worse lose your job! So how can you stay focused at work and not fall into the distraction trap? Here are ten things you can do to help you eliminate distraction and stay focused at work...

This is the time of year that we see lots of new pets. Spring has sprung and we are ready to enjoy the nice weather with a furry companion, but where do you look? Breeders have new puppies and kittens for sale but this is not the only option. There are many pets who are in need of a new forever home. Maybe their original owners are no longer able to care for them, maybe they were found and...



Here comes the sun... 56

Over Night Beach Hair Look 58 18 SUMMER 2014



Issue 24

Giving every member Your Community Health + Wellness Magazine



PHOTOGRAPHY Bret Teskey Karolina Yen





Family Foot Care Dr. Elie Klein Dr. Ali Miller Dr. Kate Wharton Dr. David Kostynyk

Bruno Zuccato Candice Plibersek Vera Robinson Elysia Cartlidge Luke Bernardi Jason Acosta

Maureen Hagan Kimberly Milousis Andrea Seydel

Fotini Walton Corey Ferrier Oxford Learning Cathy Mount Dr. Ali Miller Stephen Bunyan





Carla Furfaro Patricia Sica Mille Notte Lingerie

Jason Figliano Andrea Seydel

Janet Henderson Global Pet Foods

Carlos Martins Lara Miller




Bret Teskey

Candice Marie

Modern Imagery

Modern Imagery

Angela DiPucchio FI Hair the Salon



Provided by

Zerina Derveni

Klementine Designs

Miss Universe Canada 2014 Delegate



P.O. Box 267, Caledon Ontario, L7E 5T2 | 416.456.7555

Inkelite Designs | | 6 LIFEBALANCEMAG.COM    SUMMER 2014

of the local community the opportunity to live a healthy, positive and balanced life. EDITORIAL: Written contributions and photos are welcome. We appreciate content from our local professionals. However, all content is subject to editorial review and becomes the property of Life Balance magazine. Submit your editorial to EDITORIAL NOTE: The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed practitioner or health care provider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Life Balance Publishing Group Inc, its affiliates, or divisional companies. Different views may appear in feature articles and publication that may not be the opinion of Life Balance and its affiliates. Articles in Life Balance magazine are copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Printed in Canada by Life Balance Publishing Group Inc. Copyright © 2014 by Life Balance magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including photography, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed on 30% post-consumer paper with vegetable oil based ink. 100% recyclable. Please share this publication with friends and family and recycle when finished.

Thank-You for Making a Difference!

Editor’s Note


Life Balance on a Mission!


Photo Credit: Karolina Yen |

y message this edition comes from my personal experience in life lately. I feel like I want to encourage you to use your personal passion to drive you on a mission towards the best version of yourself. I want to promote strength and persistence in the face of doubt. My desire is to help you stay on your own personal mission so you can gain success in your life. Lately, I have been tested to stay strong and connected to my mission and purpose, so that I don’t let anything stand in my way. Hence, the inspiration for the magazine theme this season, “being on a mission.”

Never lose sight of your mission and connect to your uniqueness and you will flourish!


When someone criticizes you and says “You can’t”, turn around and say “watch me”. I always believe we should never surrender our dreams and hopes to the fateful limitations others might place on their own lives. Friends and co-workers who may have lack in certain area’s of their lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting critical beliefs on your dreams. I don’t mean to sound negative, but I want you to remember you are absolutely unique, and it is your own personal mission and dreams that make you special. Only you can lead your life. Be strong, determined and never be led, instead be your own leader on your own personal mission. Recently, I got temporarily derailed from my path and briefly lost sight of my personal passion. Only to find it again, I realized, it is my uniqueness and personal mission that drives me and keeps me going! Circumstances may cause interruptions and discouragement, but like my recent experience, I encourage you to never lose sight of your passion and if you do, reconnect to it as fast as possible.

It is easy to get derailed temporarily and start taking “influence” from other peoples opinions, feedback and suggestions. However, if we try to be ourselves and never lose sight of our dreams, because that is what has made us great in the first place, we live from an authentic place. Stay strong, determined and persistent and don’t let any thing or any one stand in your way! I believe the price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination you put in with best efforts. It took me three years, over 20 different applications, revisions, and a lot of stress, to qualify for the Registered trade mark Life Balance. It took me six years, over 20 local publication competitors, and many supporters to grow Life Balance magazine. It was with persistence and determination I was finally able to achieve this. Any of the objections, critiques or feedback specialists, that sometimes could derail me, I now use as my motivation to do better, be better and stay true to my mission. I am sure you have heard the expression, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! I encourage you to see adversity as opportunity and be the seed of motivation for positive change. Don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way. Connect to your determination and let it drive you on your own personal mission.

Enjoy The Life Balance Mission Edition!

Andrea Seydel Founder and Editorial Director


Behind the Scenes ...the cover mission begins


ince this summer issue of Life Balance magazine is about “being on a mission” we wanted to capture this feeling on the cover. When selecting Miss Universe Canada 2014 Delagate, Zerina Derveni we knew we had a girl on a mission. Born in Albania, raised in Germany and Canada, she has a Bachelor of Honours degree in Law and Society, a postgraduate diploma in Corporate Communications and Public Relations. She is currently completing her Master’s Certificate in Business Management, modelling and competing. Talk about a women on a mission.

We wanted colours and overall look of this cover to be something that would stand out. By choosing a bright pink background, we were able to give the cover that punch of summer colour.

We enjoyed combining the work and services of businesses from our community. We are thankful to the many talented professionals that are in our community and appreciate showcasing their great talent and professionalism. Check out Modern Imagery Photography Studio at, give them a call at 905-533-7722 or drop by the studio at 23-B Mill Street in the heart of downtown Bolton for all of your photography needs. Mention this issue of Life Balance and the promo code “MILB14” to receive 10% off of your next photoshoot from now until December 31, 2014.



Photo Credit: Bret Teskey |

The make-up application projected a flawless sun-kissed look with a natural flare. Hair stylist, Angie from FI Hair gave the model a loose beach wave to emphasize the light and clean impression. To wrap up the theme, local clothing store, Klementine fitted the model with a set of outfits and jewellery that connected with summer.



foot Athlete’s

+ Writing | Courtesy of Family Foot Care


thlete’s foot is a general term for a dermatological condition of the foot. Athlete’s foot or tinea pedis is a very common and contagious fungal infection of the skin. It mostly occurs on the bottom of your feet, or may present itself as a painful white spot or fl aking between the toes. Usually the appearance is that of itchy, red, fl aking/ peeling skin.



As the name suggests the condition occurs mostly in athletes and younger age groups. This is due to the fact that activity helps the condition along by creating a moist environment for the foot. Fungus can spread from one person to another with the aid of a warm moist environment like a gym floor, shower or even a moist towel. The most beneficial way to help resolve the issue at home is to keep your feet dry and clean. Avoid heavy lathering of moisturizers, try alcohol swabbing between toes, change your socks often especially after heavy activity and always use breathable cotton socks without any synthetic coloring.

Many people will try over the counter athlete’s foot creams and foot soaking medicines. If your condition is in fact athletes foot and you catch it early enough, the over the counter products are effective. It is important to note that athlete’s foot can be confused for other dermatological conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis as well as bacterial infections. It is therefore extremely important to have your chiropodist (primary health care practitioner specializing in the feet) to have a look at your feet. They have the proper guidance and tools that will provide you with an effective treatment plan which may include prescription medication and in office treatments.



Vital Nutrients for your Heart & Arteries |

+ Writing Elie Klein, Naturopathic Physician and author of “Read This if You Have a Heart” for Innotech Nutrition & co-founder of Dr. Klein's Healthy Heart Program.

The Problem: While billions of dollars are spent on research, heart disease is still the most common cause of premature death. Yet it is scientifically proven that heart disease is highly preventable and treatable through proper nutrition and supplementation. In most cases heart disease is associated with fatty and stiff arteries, or atherosclerosis, due to poor nutrition, smoking and lifestyle choices. In essence, these factors damage the collagen in the arteries and they become stiff, brittle and sticky. The Solution: In 1994, two-time Nobel prize recipient Linus Pauling PhD was awarded patent # US5278189A for a unique nutritional supplement formula for reversing atherosclerosis. The most important components of this formula

are high doses of Vitamin C and the amino acids lysine and proline, which are key for collagen repair. The result is that collagen and the arteries stop being sticky, so plaque starts sloughing off and exit the body through the portal system (liver and intestines). The arteries regain their flexibility, which has a favorable impact on blood pressure. Also, in the formula are CoQ10, vitamin E, folic acid, selenium, magnesium and potassium. Together they help cleanse, and repair the arteries leaving them strong and flexible. Vitamin C and magnesium also help normalize cholesterol levels and help your body produce Coenzyme Q10. Heart disease is highly preventable and treatable through proper nutrition and supplementation.




never give up. They align with Crush the turtle to motivate them and help them along. Disney style happy ending has Marlin reuniting with his son and a great new friendship between two fish emerges. Persistence.

Per-sis-tence: the key to good health. + Writing | Dr. Ali Miller, Chiropractor & Founder Family Health Chiropractic


ealth is our most valuable asset. It is something we strive for. Along the path of life we may face challenges with our health, we may stray away from our health goals and we may fail. The key to persistence is re-focusing to get it back. In one of the greatest kids movies Finding Nemo, Dory, the beloved fish, sings the mantra of true persistence “just keep swimming”. Surrounded by ocean waters with unknown dangers, she doesn’t give up. Instead, she hums a single tune and keeps on swimming,


trusting that everything will work out in the end. Her courage and tenacity doesn’t just help her own journey along, it also encourages Marlin to not give up hope in finding his son Nemo. Along the way they face the challenges of sharks, jellyfish and whales but

Being persistent is a skill that can help you reach a goal, get what you desire and can even be a means by which you assert yourself in the face of challenges. The application of persistence to any task is what distinguishes between those who are successful and those who fail. Health is no exception. Good health has four essential components. Our body has to be given the right fuel, our body needs to move frequently, our body has to have a clear nervous system and our mind has to manage stress properly. Applying persistence in each of these areas is what will move you closer to better health. Persistence requires a goal. Set yourself realistic goals. Be specific on the goals you want to achieve and set a time frame as to when you’d like to achieve them by. Go public with your goals as the more people that know you’re on a mission of attending the gym 3 times a week, the more likely you will follow through. Try adding to your existing routine instead of taking away. Eliminating sweets from your diet is harder than adding in water or more fruit and vegetables. If you can win with your goals, you are much more likely to continue on your mission.

Good health has four essential components. Our body has to be given the right fuel, our body needs to move frequently, our body has to have a clear nervous system and our mind has to manage stress properly. Find out what motivates you and make persistence fun. Is yoga a better means for you to clear your mind or is it a good visit with a friend? Find exercise that you enjoy and try different foods and smoothies to fuel yourself properly. Although it may feel noble to push through and not take breaks, rest is vital to maintaining persistence. Give yourself space to digest where you are on the journey. The longer the time it takes to achieve the goal,

The difference between them and the people who live in fear of failure is that successful people face the failure, learn from it and use it in their next attempt. Fall down seven times, stand up eight!

the more we risk losing motivation. To avoid this, small frequent rewards can keep you energized and focused.

Persistence isn’t easy on your own. Just like Marln needed Dory, we all need a team on our side to encourage us and help when the going gets tough. Find yourself a motivating trainer or friend to help get you to the gym. Talk to people who have accomplished big goals and ask for strategies of what worked for them. Visit a chiropractor that will make sure that your nervous system and body are functioning properly so that you can achieve optimal health.

Accept that failure happens. You may have a week where you don’t make it to the gym. You may have a weekend of eating and drinking the wrong things. You may not adapt properly to work stresses. Even the most successful people have failed.

One of the definitions of persistence is the continued or prolonged existence of something. There is no better way to define good health. Health requires us to make conscious good choices every day for a lifetime! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…




Are leg cramps ruining your good night’s sleep? + Writing | Dr. Kate Wharton, BScH, ND


wakening in the night to the agony of one’s calf or hamstring muscle twisting itself into a knot has happened to most of us at some point or another (for many people it is a regular occurrence, and not just at night!). The question is why do cramps happen to some people more than others, and what causes them anyway? Leg cramps, often referred to as “Charley horses” (a term coined by baseball players over 100 years ago for the cramps they got in their overworked leg muscles), occur when a muscle suddenly, involuntarily and forcefully contracts. The underlying cause of leg cramps is not always the same for every individual, but in each case the messages from the nerves (that normally tell the muscles to contract and relax, allowing us to walk/ move/ dance, etc.) get scrambled and the muscle responds by cramping up. Sometimes the cramps are caused by overexertion of the muscles (especially common in ‘weekend warriors’), structural disorders (fl at feet), spinal misalignment (causes pressure on the nerves that instruct the muscles to contract), prolonged sitting / inappropri-



ate leg positions while sedentary, pregnancy (due to changes in nutrient needs and calcium metabolism), or dehydration. Less common causes include diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), iron-deficiency anemia, thyroid and other glandular disorders and use of some medications (many heart drugs, diuretics, etc.). Low levels of certain minerals, known as electrolytes—magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium—are probably the most common cause of occasional leg cramps. These minerals are needed in sufficient quantities and ideal ratios for regulation of muscular activity, imbalances can confuse the muscles and nerves. If you are getting regular unpleasant wake-up calls from your legs you are probably not getting enough of these nutrients in your diet. Low amounts of these minerals can also be caused by chronic stress or illness, diarrhea or vomiting, and alcohol or drug use. When cramping does occur: follow your instinct to massage the cramped muscle, try walking on the affected leg and then elevate it. You can stretch your calf by grabbing your toes and pulling them upward toward your

knee. Applying heating packs or taking a warm bath with Epsom salts is also helpful.

To prevent cramping try some diet and lifestyle changes: Gradually build up an exercise program, and try to avoid sudden increases in activity that can overstress muscles and deplete nutrients. Stretch your legs regularly during the day and especially before bed. Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to areas that tend to cramp up about 10 minutes before bed. Keep blankets loose at the foot of the bed (to help prevent unnatural foot positioning during the night) Drink plenty of water (aim for at least 6 glasses daily, more if you are exercising, sweating or drinking coffee/ tea).

Why do cramps happen to some people more than others, and what causes them anyway?

Eliminate as much sugar and caffeine as possible from the diet.

nuts, cashews, organic milk products, peanut butter, sesame butter, avocado, banana, oranges, soy foods, potatoes (with skin), roasted turkey and most fish (salmon, etc.)

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (your best source of potassium) – avoid restrictive high protein, low carb diets that can lead to potassium deficiency.

Be careful about restricting sodium (salt) intake if you sweat a lot.

Specific foods rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium include: almonds, raisins, wal-

If cramps persist speak with a Naturopathic Doctor or other qualified health professional

about supplements (herbal remedies, vitamin C and E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamin B12, etc.) that may be helpful, and about getting tested for the conditions listed above.




Risk factors of having missing teeth + Writing | David Kostynyk DD, BSc.


ave you ever thought that a missing tooth may not be such a big deal as long as it’s not visible and nothing bad is happening? You may reason the cost, pain or time may not be worth replacing it. But what many people don’t know is that having one or more missing teeth can cause major problems to your oral and medical health in the long term. Each tooth is essential to the proper alignment of the bite. All present teeth support one another from shifting as well as the gums and the jawbone. When a tooth is lost and is not replaced it causes the teeth next to it to shift and tilt into the empty space. As a result, all other teeth will begin to shift into available spaces. The teeth above or below a gap can also start growing downward (or upward) since they have nothing to chew against and can loosen and eventually fall out. With missing teeth, all remaining teeth will be more susceptible to decay and gum disease. A domino effect occurs that can lead to pain and headaches. Present teeth help support the jawbone by applying pressure when food is being chewed. This provides a stimulus to the bone cells and keeps the bone cells from dissolving. When a tooth root is absent, the bone cells begin to die off.

If several or all teeth are missing, the entire jawbone deteriorates and dramatically affects the appearance of the face. This really makes someone look much older than they really are. If you decide get a dental implant at a later time, a bone graft may need to be done to hold the implant since some of the bone may have already dissolved. The problems from having missing teeth occur very slowly making it difficult to notice whether any change or damage is occurring. Bone loss from one missing tooth can be seen through an X-Ray. Make an appointment as soon as you can to avoid future problems and treat any missing teeth.

To discuss which option is best for you please call us to schedule your free consultation. Your Local Denture Specialist Since 1995. David Kostynyk DD, BSc.




focused How to stay

in order to reach your weight loss goals! + Writing | Andrea Seydel, Author of Mission Slim Possible: 10 Week Diet Revenge


taying focused can help you accomplish almost anything, from studying and doing well on a test to improving your relationships. Staying focused can help you reach your weight loss goals by providing clear direction, the ability to bounce back and connecting you to the purpose of your goals. Focus is the key ingredient to reaching any goal.


If staying focused on your weight loss goals is a challenge for you, try these few steps to keep you on target.

end of the stick that makes the tasks, choices, and daily living worth doing. Get clear on your direction!

Clear Direction:

Bounce Back and Remember the Purpose:

Often the lack of direction, not the lack of time, is the problem when it comes to reaching goals. We all have twenty-four hours in a day. If you know your target and your direction is clear, it is amazing how you can find the time to fit in the lifestyle choices you need in order to reach your goals. Keep yourself and your schedule organized. Being organized and having a clear plan for yourself, you will be better able to follow through on your weight-loss goals. Remove anything from your life that can distract you from your goals. Spend a bit of time each week to make a plan. Organize food, workouts, socializing and work. Make a to-do list to help you feel more focused and motivated to continue towards your goals. Pin point your and specify, what your goal is? Connect to the carrot at the

The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure. Always focus on the front windshield, or moving forward, and not the review mirror, or moving backward. By having a clear connection to the purpose or the ‘why’ around your goal, it will help to keep you motivated and focused forward. Part of the reason we lose focus is because we can’t see the connection between our behaviour now and how it effects us later. Remind yourself about why it’s important to lose weight, reach your target and stay focused. When you know exactly what your purpose and goals are, you can create a focus statement. You can say something like, “When I make good choices, exercise and walk a lot, I feel fantastic, I am proud of myself and I look amazing in my jeans.” Bounce

back when you fall short of your goals and connect to the purpose of your goal in order to move forward.

Notice Your Greatness: Sometimes we focus so much on what we don’t have that we fail to see, and appreciate what we do have! Make time for appreciation, breaks and relaxation around your goals. Though this may sound counter-intuitive this form of connecting and appreciating what IS, will actually help you stay focused, give yourself a break from pressure and help you get more motivated to reach your goals. Focus on what you have accomplished so far and give yourself appreciation for those efforts. Mark your successes and acknowledge your progress towards your desired goal. Set milestones and as you achieve them reward yourself. This will motivate you and make you more focused on your ability to obtain your goal.

Say “No” sometimes and avoid procrastination: Steve Jobs said, “Focusing is about saying No.” Managing your time goes hand in hand with meeting your target and following your to-do list. Try to complete your plan and follow through. Say “no” to anything that gets in the way of your goals and action plans. Procrastination is also a thief of time and delays your progress towards your goals. Procrastination derails your focus. Avoid delaying any of your activities and actions that could get you closer to your goals. Sometimes we agree to do other things for other people, rather than focusing on what we really need to be doing. Distractions are enemies to focus. Don’t get distracted from other peoples behaviours, requests and surroundings. Think of yourself as a mentally strong and determined person who control your thoughts, actions and choices. Focus is what keeps us on track towards our goals. If you think of an archer as they aim towards a target, it is essential that the archer have focus in order to hit the bulls eye. Likewise, when you want to create something in your life, for yourself, you need focus in order to achieve the goal or hit that target. Also, remember that there is no quick fix to achieving your goals. It requires your motivation, effort and time. However, your goals are far more attainable when you stay focused on them.

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” - Paulo Coelho




Try this!



Shrimp + Writing | Bruno Zuccato, Mozaic Fine Foods

Ingredients ground paprika

2 tbsp

fresh minced garlic

2 tbsp

Italian seasoning blend

2 tbsp

fresh lemon juice

2 tbsp

olive oil

¼ cup

ground black pepper

½ tbsp

dried basil leaves

2 tbsp

brown sugar, packed

2 tbsp

large shrimp (21-25 per pound)

2 lb






Directions: Whisk the paprika, garlic, Italian seasoning, lemon juice, olive oil, pepper, basil, and brown sugar together in a bowl until thoroughly blended. Stir in the shrimp, and toss to evenly coat with the marinade. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours, turning once. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat. Lightly oil grill grate, and place about 4 inches from heat source. Remove shrimp from marinade, drain excess, and discard marinade.


Place shrimp on preheated grill and cook, turning once, until opaque in the center, 5 to 6 minutes. Serve immediately.




Come in for the


Savings + Writing | Vera Robinson & Candice Plibersek

isters Vera Robinson and Candice Plibersek thought it might be fun to open up a winemaking store. Now, as they enter their eighth year as owners and operators of Bolton’s The Naked Vine, they can tell you that though it has been fun, the best part is knowing that they are helping people live better. Not only have Vera and Candice never worked together before, until 10 years ago Vera never even drank wine. But then a friend convinced her to try new things, which is how Vera got into drinking fruit wines. Candice, by contrast had always been a wine drinker and had spent some time working in a conventional


wine store so, she was already familiar with the wine products. What Vera lacked in knowing about wine she more than made up with her front of house experience. She came into this business after many years in the airline and airfreight indus-

try, providing customer service, marketing, sales and event planning as well as running a successful maid service. As with her previous roles, Vera knows how to please people but at The Naked Vine especially “everybody comes in happy and leaves happier. “It’s a great business for health” adds Candice. “Most people come to make wine here for the price point but stay because they realize the health benefits.” Because you are making your own wine you can control how much, if any, preservatives are added to your batch. If fact, more often than not, people who feel that they can’t drink wine are really likely to actually be intolerant of the potassium metabisulfite in our wine. The Naked Vine uses one seventh of the amount of this preservative as compared to what you will find in commercial wine. In laymen’s terms, this preservative is what causes people to get stuffed up, experience headaches and redness in the face. Because product shelf life needs to be maximized with commercial wine, preservatives are added. Some custom-

Stay because of the Health Benefits ers prefer their wine to be free of preservatives, which we have the ability to do since we’re producing them ourself. “Our wines typically last two to three years but I’ve had wines as old as five years and they have been fantastic” says Vera who recently uncorked and enjoyed a bottle from 2008. The trick is to cellar them properly. Wines don’t like excessive moisture because over time the humidity will seep through the cork and affect the wine. They also prefer to be kept in the dark and to remain undisturbed at a relatively constant room temperature. “Consistent temperature in storage is important but you don’t need a temperature controlled wine cellar” confirms Candice. The fact that The Naked Vine wines have up to 75% less sulfites than commercial wines is what keeps people coming back but the biggest selling factor from the onset is the ticket price. The Naked Vine carries “top of the line products that are sourced from all regions of the world” says Vera. Their most popular wine is the Amarone style that, when compared in a blind taste-test gets picked nine times out of ten against commercial options. It is comparable to a $48 bottle offering as opposed to only $9 per bottle at The Naked Vine, and you get to make it yourself. About a year ago, the ladies hired Cindy Noble to do wine productions, sales and customer service. Cindy came in one day to make her own wine and got hooked, mentioning that “it must be fun to work here.” Before she knew it that was exactly what she was doing. Cindy, who worked for the LCBO previously for quite some time says, that “wine is my passion.”

Now that she has been introduced to this reduced sulphite alternative Cindy says that she has trouble enjoying the flavour of LCBO wines. “I can taste the preservatives and find that they mask the flavour of the wine” she says.

People think the wines are sweet but no sugar is added, because there are less preservatives, you simply get a better appreciation for the fruit. Purity of flavour is important at The Naked Vine. Modern day kits are miles ahead of what kit wines used to be and the store uses reverse osmosis water to take out all the chlorine and impurities before using it in the wine making process. To gain the most pleasure from drinking a red wine the ladies recommend “decanting the bottle for at least an hour prior to serving to allow it to aerate and bring forward a greater fullness of flavour.” Though custom labels can be done on site, you can also get your bottles sand-blasted for anything from branding for a special occasion, such as a baptism or wedding, or marked with a corporate logo. If you plan on doing any amount of entertaining this year and are shaking your head at how much it is going to cost you, consider making a trip to The Naked Vine sooner than later. It will save you a bundle and you’ll be able to say what you are serving up came with a personal touch… or you can get a gorgeous decanter from The Naked Vine and keep in the little secret all to yourself.




Baby Kale Salad

with Strawberry & Avocado + Writing | Elysia Cartlidge, Registered Dietitian







The Salad baby kale

4 cups

avocado (cubed)


strawberries (washed, hulled & sliced)

8 large

almonds (sliced, toasted if desired)

2 tbsp

The Dressing Lemon juice

2 tbsp

extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp.

Dijon mustard

¼ tsp.


¼ tsp.


⅛ tsp.

freshly ground black pepper

⅛ tsp.

Directions: Assemble the salad ingredients. Mix the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Pour the dressing over top then sprinkle with the almonds.

This makes two smaller salads or one large salad.



Try this!




Add more

strawberries to your diet! Strawberries can help fight off bad cholesterol

Strawberries may help fight cancer

Nutrient-rich & packed with antioxidants

Strawberries keep wrinkles at bay

Strawberries may help regulate blood pressure

Excellent source of vitamin C

Strawberries have been shown to help promote eye health

Strawberry 1 Serving (100 G)

The antioxidants may help reduce inflammation of the joints



1 mg


153 mg 4.9 g





Mango Raspberry Greek Yogurt Parfait + Writing | Elysia Cartlidge, Registered Dietitian






Directions: Place the mango in a mini chopper and blend until smooth. Mash half the raspberries with the honey and set aside. Place a spoonful of mango purée at the bottom of four glass dishes or ramekins.



Top with a spoonful of yogurt, then a spoonful of raspberry purée. Scatter over a few whole raspberries and continue layering evenly between the glasses. Decorate with the fl aked almonds, chill for 15 minutes and serve.

Ingredients very ripe mango (peeled & stone removed)


fresh raspberries

1 cup

runny honey

2 tsp.

PC 0% Greek yogurt

1 cup

almonds (sliced & toasted)

¼ cup





Do you know your SUPPLEMENTSʼquality? + Writing | Luke Bernardi


ou go to your mainstream supplement/nutrition store. The shelves are lined with endless products and different brands of supplements. This can sometimes be overwhelming in trying to figure out which brand or supplements are the best quality and best bang for your buck in providing you the results you desire. Something as simple as trying to buy a whey protein supplement becomes a brand battle. So you trust your local stores staff and buy the product or brand they say is the best selling, most popular, or their favourite. Little do you or even the commission based staff member know, that best selling product contains fillers or is not providing the quality you thought is reflected by the brand, its image, or its label. This is the sad but true reality of the now overcrowded supplement industry.. The harsh truth is that many of the companies use advanced marketing tactics to pull customers into buying the product. The average consumer is not a supplement expert, nor do they want to be. The sad truth is that many consumers fall for the mainstream advertising tactics of companies and what they see everyone else using. The problem with this; They think because they are buying the popular supplements from the “big box, big name” retailers that they are getting the best, when in reality they are not. Walk into


any big name supplement/ nutrition retailer and you will most likely see the same products lining the shelves. These stores all fighting to offer the lowest possible price in a never ending battle for more sales. This ultimately diminishes the supplement brands quality and integrity. When this happens companies set out to hold their profit margins and continue to make more money, rather than secure brand integrity. The result is that they do whatever needed to their products and processes in order to make money. This often means using poor quality ingredients, using fillers, and contract-

ing out manufacturing to whoever can make the product cheaper at the time. So how can you avoid this and ensure you are always putting quality supplements in your body? By becoming educated on where the products come from and what should be in a supplements of a certain type. If a brand is advertising all over every magazine with intriguing images and claims without scientific studies backing claims, chances are they are doing so because the products quality cannot stand to sell itself. Try to keep it local and support local Canadian brands and retailers of which provide and produce some of the highest quality supplements available. Quality check example; Whey Protein: A Whey protein powders first ingredients on the ingredient list should be whey protein. Cold processed, ultra filtered, micro filtered, di-filtered, are all quality types. It should in actuality only contain

the protein itself, flavouring and sweeteners (if flavoured), a standard non-clumping agent, and at the most digestive enzymes to help your body process the protein and prevent bloating. The contents must be represented in the gram per gram supplement facts make up or you may not be getting the amount of protein you think, or that the product label claims. The simple fact is that if you are using poor quality supplements you will get poor quality results. In the world of nutritional supplements, its reality that you get what you pay for. High quality ingredients cost more to source, produce, and manufacture, and therefore the quality of the ingredients are represented in the price of the product. Protein supplements in particular are very expensive to produce and are in shortage at these times due to supply not meeting demand. As a consumer you cannot rely on your big name supplement retailer to always be telling the truth or wanting to give you the best products for achieving your goals. The reality is they are usually in the business to make money for the corporate shareholders. That means pushing products they have the highest margins on; usu-

Ingredients to steer clear of and approach with caution:   Glucose Polymers, aka: Sugars!   Corn Syrup Solids, aka: (High Fructose Corn Syrup)   Added individual Amino acids (If not representing those naturally containing from the protein)   Creamers, aka: Fat!

Noticeable signs of poor quality Protein Powders:   Poor mix ability (When mixed properly in a good shaker or blender).  Clumpy (when mixed in shaker)   Awful Taste   Contains added amino acids in the ingredients (not distinguished apart from those naturally occuring)   Sells like crazy as a direct result of marketing

Price to good to be true   Is pushed by retailers without backing quality   Claims to contain real chocolate chips, fruit, or cookie pieces that are not represented in the nutritional facts panel: Showing in calories, carbohydrates, sugars, or fats.

Chances are if it contains these ingredients but the calories and macronutrient break down seem too good to be true, then they probably are; and you are actually being lied to in the total calories and macronutrients you are consuming in the product. Note: There are exceptions with specialty formulated products; those designed for adding mass, muscle building etc.

ally those of the aforementioned poor quality. The staff working in these stores often do not know any better, nor have experience using the products themselves. They are told what products to push and what ones to steer customers away from to make the most money. At the end of the day these staff members are working to make their commission.

Take away message: Try to look for and support good Canadian brands of which make some of the best nutritional supplements on the market due to CGMP certifications & Canada’s strict non GMO policies. As well as find a good local retailer who’s staff are in it for the same reason as you, and are knowledgeable and experienced supplement users themselves.




Raw |

+ Writing Jason Acosta, Chef and Raw food Specialist



ur quality promise and dedication is to bring you extremely tasty and satisfying raw foods that have the ability to tremendously increase the vital force & energy of ones body and optimum choice for improving overall health. Our raw food chef-inspired and certified raw food nutritionist has handcrafted a gluten free, sugar-free plant-base raw organic gourmet menu and raw juice to bring you comfort while eating raw. Eating raw & juice fasting is, without any doubt, the most effective biological method of is the ‘operation without surgery’…it is a cure involving exudation, re-attunement, redirection, loosening up and purified relaxation. While eating raw, the client improves his or her physical health and gains much vitality, but he or she will have ne-


glected the most important thing if the hunger for spiritual nourishment that manifests itself during fasting is not satisfied. We understand how balancing a busy schedule and a healthy lifestyle can sometimes be challenging. Providing that balance is the motivation behind what we do every day. A

raw cleanse is the ultimate reset button! We detoxify and cleanse for health, vitality, and rejuvenation. Cleansing is a natural way to allow your body to rest, heal your digestive organs, treat disease, promote cellular repair, and gain energy and clarity unlike anything you have experienced before. It’s also a great way to help you re-evaluate your life, make changes, clear addictions, ditch bad habits, and reduce cravings. Cleanses are a great compliment to weight loss programs, releasing unwanted toxins as you shed inches, and can be a regular part of your lifestyle. “Live with your truest intention. Be grateful. Have sincere efforts & learn to love yourself by reconnecting back to mother nature. Nothing has been more beneficial to my life than a plant based lifestyle” — Jason Acosta



A Refreshing & Inspiring Approach to Weight-loss |

+ Writing Maureen Hagan, Licensed Physiotherapist, Certified Fitness Instructor, VP Operations at GoodLife Fitness and Education Director for Canadian Fitness Professionals

ble Availa on z a m on A July 2


10 WEEK DIET REVENGE WILL: Help you set realistic attainable weekly, step by step action plans that empower and motivate you towards your weight loss target. Help you manage your weight by focusing on what you “can do” not on what you “can’t” do. Give you that extra push, focus and reassurance that you can do what you set out to do. Provide you with usable guidance, tips and life strategies over a 10 week time line. Keep you accountable and will encourage life design responsibility. Help re-train your mind around weight-loss and dieting. Help you manage your weight without dieting and will help you get DIET REVENGE. Connect you to your potential and ability to live your life they way you want to live it. Make you proud of yourself, feel determined, and be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Provide you with a natural, realistic and holistic approach to balancing your weight.



his book is a refreshing and inspiring new approach to one of the biggest challenges, and to date failures, the modern world faces - dieting to lose weight. This is not a diet book but rather a natural, holistic and practical approach to balancing your weight, maximizing your health and living a healthy and happy life. Being in the fitness and health care industry for 35 years I can honestly say that I have never read a book like "Mission Slim Possible" before. I was immediately captivated by Andrea's passionate and inspiring tone, extensive knowledge and the feelings of possibility that she projects through her writing. Andrea guides you through a 10 week journey one week at a time, and she breaks down the mission to become slim in a healthy way almost as if she was sitting right in front of you as your nutritionist, life coach and psychologist. This book equips you with tools and a step by step guide that will make you re-think your approach around food, dieting and life in general. It offers you practical solutions and skills that will effectively guide you through the process to attain a better and healthier lifestyle.

Andrea has earned the reputation as being "an inspirational and optimal wellness coach". This book demonstrates and enhances that reputation. Her expertise and experience as a Registered Nutritionist, Certified Life Coach and Fitness Professional, as well an author of a variety of self help books absolutely qualifies her to write this book. It's also evident by her lifestyle and positive outlook that she walks her talk and this will give you confidence that you are in good hands with Andrea as your coach. I know it is Andrea's mission in life to help as many people as possible to maximize their health and to live a balanced and happy life. I am confident that if you care about your health and your life then you will buy this book, read it and if you follow its programs and adopt the attitudes set out in it you will achieve your goals! If you choose to accept the Mission Slim Possible- you will be able to transform your life! In fitness and health, Mo Hagan

familyy FIRST AI D with

Essential Oils + Writing | Kimberly Milousis

Essential oils are natural extracts from the seeds, stems, roots and other parts of plants. CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils represent the safest, purest, and most beneficial essential oils available today. Essential oils have been used throughout history in a variety of wellness applications but, recently, the use of essential oils has grown rapidly as scientific and medical practitioners research and validate the many health benefits of pure essential oils. Here are just a few of the thousands of ways you can use these powerful gifts of the earth to heal your family this summer.

Lavender: all things calming

Oregano: natural immune support

Diffuse in a room or apply topically to calm anxiety and soothe emotions

Take several drops in gelatin capsule for periodic immune support

Apply topically to soothe irritated skin and lips

Dilute and apply to bottoms of feet as a natural defence against bacteria and viruses

Apply immediately to help calm reaction to a bee sting or bug bite

Use internally as part of a monthly cleansing regimen for GI health

Frankincense: exclusive oil from Oman   Use to clean and dress minor cuts and sores   Use with a carrier oil for beautiful, radiant skin   Apply to bottom of the feet or use internally to support immune function

Melaleuca: first aid for the skin

Lemon: clean & freshen   Diffuse in a room to neutralize odours and elevate mood   Use to clean kitchen counters and stainless steel appliances   Take internally with water as an antioxidant and detoxifier

Peppermint: cool & invigorating   Inhale deeply to invigorate lungs and increase alertness

Apply to skin blemishes and rashes as part of a daily cleansing program

Add to water in a spray bottle and mist body when overheated

Apply to feet and toenails after showering, swimming, or working out

Apply to neck and forehead with Lavender to calm headaches or bring down a fever

Use with lavender as a first aid response to burns, cuts and scrapes



Focus Gain Mental

+ Writing | Andrea Seydel

Four Proven Lifestyle Tips

Do you feel scatterbrained at times. Do you sometimes feel unfocused and want to regain your focus? Here are four lifestyle tweaks that may be helpful.

How to develop, exercise and strengthen your concentration abilities: Drink More Water: Drinking water and brain function are integrally linked. Lack of water to the brain can cause numerous symptoms including problems with focus, memory, brain fatigue and brain fog, as well as headaches, sleep issues, anger, depression, and many more. The brain is one of the most important organs in your body to keep fueled. It is approximately 85 percent water and brain function depends on having abundant access to water. Get Your Sleep: Sleep enhances your cognitive abilities. It helps you focus and think more creatively. It also helps you solve problems and remember important information. Scientists and health experts have linked a lack of sleep to problems with concentration. We all need enough deep, slow-wave sleep, so that the brain moves into a Delta wave

pattern, the sleep that restores us physically as well as mentally. Improve Circulation: Good blood circulation helps improve brain function and helps keep your mind sharp and focused. Better blood flow helps to keep your brain cells oxygenated, which increases concentration and brain function. Practice Concentrating: Improve your concentration and focus with exercises. The more you practice being focused the better able you will be at concentrating. Every time you meditate and practice focused concentration you will be less distracted by disruptions and establish better abilities. Don’t beat yourself up the next time you find yourself far away from where your mind was supposed to be. It’s the nature of the mind to wander. Use these tips as an opportunity to improve your metal focus.


Home Life


Home Staging for you & your home + Writing | Fotini Walton

They ask…“How does it work?”


s a realtor for almost a decade, I encounter many sellers who feel that staging their property is just not necessary. They feel that a potential buyer can “look past” the little things that I recommend throughout the staging process. I reassure them that my simple method of home staging has many benefits and is part of my home selling system and…well, it works!


This is my response: “Once you have made the decision that you want to move, we begin the process. We will start by removing personal photos, memorabilia and religious items.” At this point, some sellers feel somewhat confused. “What do you mean I have to remove these items?” They ask. I respond “Well, you are moving anyway, right? Let’s clear your memories out of the property in order to create space for another person to envision their family and the memories they can create here.” You see, when we remove our personal items from the property, not only does it allow the potential buyer to envision themselves in the home, but it also begins the detachment process for the seller to emotionally, psychologi-

cally and physically detach from the memories held in the space. Once sellers are able to do this, it opens up the space for a new family and begins to prepare the seller to carry those memories with them as they move forward, rather than hold them to the property. So, next time your realtor suggests home staging, remember this article and take a leap of faith. Home staging is not just important for your home, it is equally as important for you! Happy moving! Fotini Walton is a Real Estate Broker with Century 21 Heritage Group. She is also an Accredited Green Agent with the National Association of Green Agents and Brokers. Fotini can be reached directly at 416-970-8464 or at For more information, please visit


Home Life


Setting your

financial targets + Writing | By Corey Ferrier, Consultant, Investors Group


hen setting your life goals and aspirations, money is one of the main factors that affect your ability to achieve these goals. Therefore setting financial targets alongside your life goals is of paramount importance.

“Life changes and your goals will too”


Financial targets are extensions of your life goals. The first step is to review your life goals and try to get a sense of the details, cost, and time frame of each goal. Then use this information to calculate your financial targets. For example: The Johnson’s are a duel income family with one young child. Their budget may be tight and the lifestyle hectic, but they realize that having goals are important. Upon

discussing their goals they decided that they wanted to go on one or two vacations a year, pay for part of their child’s education, and retire at 63 with some travel, relaxing and with any luck, help with the grandchildren. While none of these goals are financial, all can be dramatically affected by the availability of financial assets. Therefore, it’s time for the Johnson’s to start setting financial targets so they can achieve their life goals.

Review your financial plan and goals at least once a year with your financial consultant.

Step 1 | Estimating the Cost and Time Frame Tackle each goal separately. First look into how much this goal would cost you currently. Then determine the time frame by which you would like to achieve this goal. Lastly, adjust for yearly inflation increases. In regards to the Johnson’s education goals. They plan to fund, $10,000, per year, for 4 years, equalling $40,000 before adjusting for inflation. They expect their child to be starting school in 14 years.

Step 2 | Determine Resources Available Most families have a fixed monthly income and thus have finite resources available to fund their goals. Take a look at your monthly expenses and monthly income. How much do you have left at the end of the month? This is what you have available to fund your goals. The Johnson family’s two incomes leave’s approximately $1000 after bills and monthly spending, but they usually spend it on something every month that they could do without. In addition they plan to invest their savings in order for the investment returns to help fund their goals.

Step 3 | Assess Feasibility At this point we have set targets, know what funds are available, and what we expect to make as a return on our money. Now we match our targets and

our available funds (including expected investment returns), and see if we have enough to achieve our goals. If not, we need to make adjustments. You can; prioritize your goals, make adjustments and build a plan to allocate your resources to what is most important to you. This may be accomplished by increasing your resources, lowering your spending, lowering your goal expectation, or lengthening your time frame to allow for a longer period for your funds to grow. The Johnson’s decided to allocate $200 towards their education goals, $300 towards vacation and $500 towards their retirement fund. With some strategic help from their financial consultant and some adjustments made to their goals they expect to reach their targets.

Step 4 | Review Periodically We live in a fast paced world. It’s easy to lose track of your goals/targets by focusing on our day to day lives. It is important to review your goals periodically, making adjustments to your goals, targets, or time frames if needed. This should keep you focused and remind you what you’re working towards. Life changes and your goals will too, therefore your financial targets and strategies need to change with them. That’s why I recommend reviewing your financial plan and goals at least once a year with your financial consultant. If you haven’t gone through this process maybe it’s time to start.


Home Life


We need to change the way we think about summer and prioritizing for success.

While it is important for students to relax and have fun over the summer break, it is equally important for them to keep their brains active. Known as ‘summer brain drain,’ students can lose the learning skills and work ethic they have worked so hard to achieve throughout the school year, and can need nearly eight weeks to get back into the swing of things. Studies show students can lose up to six weeks of learning skills, with math skills taking the hardest hit. Without summer learning, students head back to class unmotivated and not ready to learn new material.

Learning doesn’t stop just because school is out.


+ Writing | Courtesy of Oxford Learning

t is no surprise that as the temperature rises, kids’ concentration levels fall. As spring sets in, parents and children alike begin to imagine all the fun activities they will plan over the summer holidays, and learning often becomes the furthest thing from their minds. But just because schools take a break for the summer, it doesn’t mean brains do. The brain continues to grow, and like a muscle, will begin to deteriorate if it is not used continuously and properly.


We need to change the way we think about summer and prioritizing for success. Enrolling in a summer learning program is not only necessary for struggling students – it is necessary for all students. It is essential for students to continue learning, keep their brains sharp, and maintain momentum, otherwise they are more likely to fall behind, and stay behind. Parents should take advantage of the summer break to help their child on specific trouble areas, so when school begins again in September, they are ready for whatever comes their way. In an age where student workloads are rising, post-secondary education is increasingly competitive, and technological distractions are everywhere, there is no better time to get serious about getting caught up and getting ahead. Whether supplemental learning is a staple for your family, or if getting some extra help is new to you, now is the time to see the difference summer learning can make for your child.


Home Life


SUMMER ART PROJECT What you’ll need Plain t-shirt/tank top

fun summer tee!

+ Writing | Cathy Mount of 4Cats Arts Studio Caledon

Here is simple fun way to design and paint your own summer tee! It’s a great activity to inspire your kids to create their own summer fashions!

cardboard covered in plastic bag to fit inside t-shirt contact paper (shelf paper) pencil or marker scissors small spray bottle fabric painting warm water


STEP 1: Place plastic wrapped cardboard inside t-shirt. Get your kids to draw on the contact paper shapes like the pirate skull and cross bones, flowers, geometrics, swirls, anything fun! Next they cut out the shapes and stick them onto the t-shirt. Remember to press them down securely.

STEP 2 Mix 3 parts fabric paint with 2 parts warm water and shake it up really well! Now spray the paint on the t-shirt. Start with a light a spray and do several layers being careful not heavily saturate the fabric or it will bleed under the contact paper. You can have a couple of colours to spray on to create more variety.

STEP 3 Leave in the warm sun to dry and then remove the contact paper and then the cardboard. There you have your own designed graphic summer tee!

Home Life


Project Fun Outside + Writing | Dr. Ali Miller


t has been a long time coming. I can’t remember a time when I have been so done with the mediocre weather and ready for summer. Even the kids are feeling the need to lose the jackets and socks and get outside. With Spring here, David Suzuki has challenged the world to 30 minutes a day outside for 30 days. I say we take it well past the 30 days. Let’s get out there! In between cottage visits, swimming pools, soccer games and baseball games here are few different suggestions to get outdoors with your family this summer.

1   Farm tour - Take a tour of a real working farm or find a pick your own fruit orchard. Getting in touch with where your food comes from is an enjoyable, as well as educational, (not to mention delicious) way to spend a summer afternoon. 2

Stargazing - Warm summer evenings beckon you outdoors. The night sky offers a light show every evening. You can lie back on a blanket and just appreciate the beautiful scene or use the Google Sky Maps free app to identify the constellations.


3   Potluck picnic -Cliché as it sounds, it isn’t summer without a picnic. Invite all of your friends for a potluck picnic gathering. Ask everyone to bring; a potluck food item, a blanket and their favourite picnic activity like Frisbee or sacks for a sack race. 4   City scavenger hunt - This takes a bit of planning, but a scavenger hunt can be the most fun you have this summer! You can make your hunt as easy or as complicated as you’d like. Give participants a list of items to photograph (easy to do with a smart phone) throughout the city, such as someone wearing a Hawaiian shirt, an ice cream parlor or a particular statue. 5   Geocaching – Geocaching is the real world treasure hunt that is happening right now, all around you. Using a GPS you hide

and seek treasures with other participants. Various levels of difficulty make this a great outdoor activity for people of all ages. Visit for the listing of treasures in your area or an area you are visiting.

6   Volunteer for a good cause - Charity walks and runs are always on the lookout for volunteers. Spend an afternoon or even a long weekend helping out a good cause.

Pack your water and sunscreen, get on your shorts and sandals and enjoy!


Home Life



Staying Focused atWork W + Writing | Stephen Bunyan, RMT

e have all had those days at work when we just don’t seem to get what we set out to do done. It can be very frustrating and if it continues to happen often you will fall far behind or even worse lose your job! So how can you stay focused at work and not fall into the distraction trap? Here are ten things you can do to help you eliminate distraction and stay focused at work.

1) A Good Nights Sleep: A productive day at work starts the night before! On work nights make sure you get a good nights sleep and wake up with ample time to start your day without rushing. A calm non rushing start to the day will lower your stress and allow you to focus on “what you are going to do” rather than “what you did not have time to do”. 2) Fuel Your Body: Like a car your body needs fuel to “perform”, so start your day with a healthy breakfast. Avoid drinking coffee or energy drinks as your body will “crash” when the caffeine wears off leaving you feeling fatigued, which leads to lack of concentration. 3) Set Clear Goals: Before you start your work day take a few minutes to plan out what needs to be done. Make the plan of action realistic! With a list of clear achievable goals in front of you, your

day is mapped out. This eliminates the “racing mind” feeling you get when you try to remember if you have indeed remembered everything. A relaxed mind is a focused mind. 4) Prioritize!: Our work days are full of “surprises” and things will happen to change our plans no matter how well we plan our days out. Don’t let them distract you. As things pop up that need done, prioritize and the important tasks will be at the top of your list and not left out. 5) Block Out Computer Distractions: In the ever growing age of “staying connect” we can very easily be constantly distracted by emails, social media, text messages etc. So block those sites on your computer and put the cell on silent until your tasks are done. Without these distractions you will stay focused and not loose your concentration on the task at hand.

6) Take Breaks: No matter how bad you want to get your task done, you need to take small breaks to allow your mind to rest and refocus. If your stuck or getting frustrated this allows your mind to refocus. It also allows your muscles to get moving helping to eliminate sore achy muscles that will become a distraction. 7) Set Contact Boundaries: If you need to concentrate to get your task done, don’t be afraid to tell others not to approach you unless its an emergency, turn the ringer off on phone, or put your cell on silent. The less your are distracted by outside sources the more focused you will stay on the task on hand. 8) What Causes Your Distractions?: If you find yourself constantly being distracted at work take some time to find out what is causing your mind to wonder. Every time you find this happening take a moment and write down what is causing it. Once you identify the cause you will be able to take steps to stop the distraction and keep you focused. 9) Practice Not Being Distracted: There are many distractions that can’t be eliminated in your work place. So take steps to work on not letting them distract you. By joining a meditation class or taking yoga you will train your mind to concentrate on the task at hand and help block out the distractions around you. 10) Regular Massage Therapy: Nothing is worse than trying to concentrate on a job and your bodys muscles start to ache leading to sore joints, tension headaches and lost concentration as your mind focuses on the pain. By getting regular massage therapy your muscle health will increase reducing the discomfort of sore achy muscles.

So if you find yourself getting distracted at work these ten steps will allow you to stay focused and more productive at work!



Self Care

Here Comes

Sun + Writing | Carla Furfaro


ith the sun shining brightly during the summer months, sunscreen lotion is slathered on all exposed skin to do its duty, preventing sunburns, skin cancer and damage from sun exposure. The question arises, is it also preventing you from producing the so good for you vitamin D? A study was done at King’s College London’s Institute of Dermatology as written in Women’s Health. The study was done to measure the skins ability to produce Vitamin D from the sun even with sunscreen on. Participants of the study went on a one week beach trip where half of them wore properly applied SPF 15 the other half went bare skinned. Vitamin D levels were tested on both groups and results were that the levels soared on everyone! This is great news as the National Institute of Health data credits vitamin D to be an essential nutrient to keep bones strong, boost immunity, fend off depression and lower risk of cancers. At the conclusion of the study the sun screened participants had slightly lower levels of vitamin D. There is no question as to the benefits of wearing sunscreen to avoid sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging. Studies have yet to be done on higher SPF’s. If you are concerned about your level of vitamin D production ask your health care professional what the correct supplementation for you would be. Vitamin D can be found in certain kinds of fish, milk and egg yolks. Having supplements everyday is a good way to be assured getting enough Vitamin D rain or shine, summer or winter.


So, when the sun is shining, how do we protect ourselves beyond the sunscreen? Limit time in the sun: Especially between 10 am and 4 pm, wear a wide brimmed hat.

Consume more Vitamin D: While the sun helps us to manufacture vitamin D, consuming vitamin D rich foods and supplementing with quality source of Vitamin D is always a good idea.

Eat Some Lycopene: Lycopene, that famous carotenoid found in tomatoes and watermelon, has been shown to protect us against sun damage.

Use Physical Sunscreen: Physical sunscreens use naturally occurring titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as natural screens

without the irritating sometimes harmful chemical screens. Our favourite Fusion SPF 50.

Drink Tea: Tea, especially green tea, offers a complex arsenal of antioxidant compounds. Anti-oxidents are proven weapons against free radical damage.

Anti-Oxidants: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetable to boost your anti-oxidants from the inside, and apply a good quality topical anti-oxidant that are proven to protect skin and boost sunscreen efficacy. Our favourites CE&Ferulic and Phloretin CF. We have been waiting what seems an eternity for the sunny summer so get out there smile and enjoy, stay safe, have a happy healthy summer.



Self Care

Over Night


Hair Look + Writing | Patricia Sica

Have you ever wanted to get that beautiful “natural” beach curl look to your hair? Here is the technique that best works for me and my clients.


Dampen your hair with a spray bottle or let it semi air dry after you wash it.


Part your hair into sections. I usually do quadrants. Tie them off and keep them separate from each other. Spray each section with hair spray.


Start to twist each section in the direction you want the curl to go in. Twist until tight and notice it will start to coil on its own. It will look like donuts or buns. Use bobby pins to keep them in place.


4 5 6 7

Blow dry or simply go to bed and sleep on it. Undo the bobby pins and take your buns out of their coil balls. Separate using your fingers and loosen up the buns. Try to lightly scrunch your hair. Lightly spray with hair spray and then you are good to go! Looking like you just came from the beach!

Give it a

TRY! It is a quick easy and fun way to spice up your look this summer.




Best You Only the

will do for

+ Writing | Courtesy of Mille Notte Lingerie


ingerie isn’t just an article of clothing we women wear to entice our significant other, nor is it a necessity in our culture today. In fact, if anyone has ever told you either of the above, they have been poorly mistaken. Wearing a sexy piece of lingerie that makes you feel good about yourself both inside and out, helps us claim who we are as an individual and thus empowers us on a daily basis. Truth of the matter is, only YOU know what is underneath those clothes of yours and what you think of yourself extends into how everyone around you views you. Try putting on an ordinary pair of panties, no lace, no colour, just plain basic white cotton or an over worn bra where the underwire is popping thru and the elasticity is no longer existing due to countless numbers of machine washes. How do you feel? Now, try sliding into a nice exquisite lace panty with matching ornate bra – HUGE difference, right? Basically, it all comes down to one simple question? How do you desire to feel? If you wear the best of the best, you will feel the best of the best! Choose lingerie that makes you feel good about yourself, because chances are when you impress yourself you will impress others around you as well. Mille Notte Lingerie prides themselves in taking the time to professionally size and fit each and every individual customer so

they are guaranteed to get the most out of their bra purchase. There is no sense in purchasing a bra that isn’t going to fit you properly and give you the support that you need for your body to function with comfort. If you are not wearing a properly fitted bra you run the risk of developing poor posture, back pain and breathing problems. Mille Notte Lingerie has it all! A wide selection of brands and styles, bra sizes ranging from 30-48 A-H, something to meet every one of their customers’ fashion needs and desires, whether it is from everyday fashionable basics to luxury garments that are exceptionally unique. You are bound to find a whole array of sexy undergarments to help you look and feel your very best every day! Come in & see us at Mille Notte Lingerie, 4 Queen St., North, Unit 101, Bolton, L7E 1C8. Telephone: (905) 857-6489 or visit: to view all the wonderful lingerie we have available.




Tabout ruth the


hildren in our society are being exposed to ever increasing levels of violence through music, television, movies, and internet content, often in not so positive ways. This can develop into unhealthy attitudes of defiance and self-centered conduct in their interpersonal relationships both at home and at school. However, parents are sometimes reluctant to reinforce the negative behaviour they see in their children by enrolling them in Martial Arts, believing them to be a further extension of the violence and defiance they feel is creating the problem in the first place. However, nothing could be further from the truth. At the core of Martial Arts philosophy, one does not find aggression, but rather informed self-defence, self-control, personal responsibility, and a disciplined respect for others. The emphasis of the Martial Arts is on peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills and the avoidance of physical altercation whenever possible. In today’s electronic age, kids are often so accustomed to receiving instant gratification in their everyday lives that lessons in self-restraint aren’t always easy to come by. This often leads them to have unrealistic “me-centered” expectations from their environment and from those around them. They often feel and express disappointment and


frustration when they do not get what they want when they want it. But while we may not be able to completely control the world around our children, we can most certainly engage them positively and constructively within their environment in order to counter these trends. Through Martial Arts training, kids are continually reminded of the merits



Through Martial Arts training, kids are able to get to know one another through shared pursuits.

+ Writing | Jason Figliano

Martial Arts training is in learning effective self-defence, stranger awareness, and personal safety, it is also much more than this.

of self-discipline, goal setting, and the longterm benefits of delayed reward. Although the focus of Martial Arts training is in learning effective self-defence, stranger awareness, and personal safety, it is also much more than this. Through Martial Arts training, children learn to respect both their instructors as well as their peers. Self-confidence and selfrespect are most powerful when tempered by empathy for others, and the martial arts are designed to unlock these valuable social skills within appropriate parameters. Training also gets kids active in a time where the average child spends more time in front of a screen than they do actively relating to the world around them. The fact is that we have survived as a species for many millions of years not because of our ability to sit and

stare, but because of our ability to move, and when it comes to fitness, the martial artist means becoming a supremely fit person, requiring dedicated physical activity away from screen time. The truth is, through Martial Arts training, kids are able to get to know one another through shared pursuits. Partner-driven drills foster camaraderie, as instructors encourage kids to pair off and build their skills cooperatively, with a sense of teamwork, and positive social interaction. In martial arts kids also learn to manage disappointment and come to realize that although they may not always win, they do get better over time. Ultimately, they come to understand that their improvement in martial arts, as in life, is often dependent on both hard work, as well as the support of those around them. Most

forms of Martial Arts are based on an accomplishment system of coloured belts that signify the wearer’s degree of skill, and it is through higher degrees of belt achievement, that kids learn to set and achieve goals across time, rather than instantaneously. Through such achievement comes confidence and increased self-esteem within an atmosphere of cooperation. The truth is, Martial Arts can teach and encourage children to find realistic avenues to achieve their goals. The underlying Black Belt principles that form the basis of our particular martial arts approach are those of Modesty; Courtesy; Integrity; SelfControl; Perseverance; Indomitable spirit; and as such, all the instructors at the Canadian Black Belt Academy, are dedicated to creating better human beings, and not just better “fighters”. And that is the truth about Martial Arts.



Summer Fitness Options + Writing | Andrea Seydel

Now that the sun is shining and the days are longer, it is time to have some summer fitness fun outside. There are many outdoor fitness activities you can choose from to help you stay in shape during the summer months. Try to find activities that not only improve your fitness, but are enjoyable as well. Here are some fun ideas to keep you fit all while being outside!















Pet Health


Mission pet save

consider rescue

+ Writing | Dr. Janet Henderson

They have so much to give. Why not open your home and heart to them?



his is the time of year that we see lots of new pets. Spring has sprung and we are ready to enjoy the nice weather with a furry companion, but where do you look? Breeders have new puppies and kittens for sale but this is not the only option. There are many pets who are in need of a new forever home. Maybe their original owners are no longer able to care for them, maybe they were found and no one ever came forward for them, or maybe they have never known the joy of being part of a loving family. These pets are special and often have so much to give someone who is willing to care for them.

There are a wide range of rescue agencies in Ontario including breed specific rescues and all- breed rescues.

Some people may be wary about adopting a pet from a rescue. Maybe they are concerned about the history of the animal. They may be afraid that they don’t know what they are getting, but this is true of any dog. Even with puppies and kittens we can never be sure what they will grow up to be like. If a rescue pet has lived in a shelter or foster there are people who have dealt with the Individual on a regular basis and they will be able to interpret their behaviours for you. If you are looking for a certain breed you may be able to find a breedspecific shelter who can help you find the best match for you. The staff and volunteers at shelters and rescue organizations are usually trained to help to find the best match for you and your lifestyle. They will know if the pet has a low or high energy level and if it will get along with other pets or kids. Besides healthy pets looking for homes there are also special needs pets. These pets may require special care or medications. It can often be very difficult to find someone to care for them but they deserve a loving home just as much as the others. If you have the time and resources for this kind of pet it can lead to a very rewarding and fulfilling relationship. Although these pets can be a challenge, the love that they give to you can more than make up for the commitment. It may be selfish but one of the reasons that we love to adopt rescue dogs is the

feeling you receive of being able to do something good for another living being. You can know that you made a difference and that can make adoption anniversary celebrations even that more special. I have personally adopted a few rescues of my own and they seem to know how lucky they are to have a good home. They seem to give that extra bit of love that is just not possible if they haven’t had to face challenges somewhere along the way. I have rescued pets who otherwise wouldn’t have had a home. I have rescued from the shelter and my most recent addition is from a breedspecific rescue organization. He is still young and a bit of a goofball but he never leaves my side if he can help it. These dogs and cats have given so much to me and haven’t asked for anything in return. I have ended up with exceptional pets and have had the added advantage of feeling good about helping out pets who really needed me. If your family is considering a new addition why not consider a rescue? There are a wide range of rescue agencies in Ontario including breed specific rescues and all- breed rescues. Your local shelter is also a great place to start. Remember that it is not only dogs and cats who need rescuing. Many shelters also have rabbits, small rodents, birds and reptiles who are in need of caring homes. Why not open your home and heart to a rescue pet this year?


Pet Health


Keep your

dog properly

hydrated + Writing | Courtesy Global Pet Foods

Watch for signs of dehydration!


ou spend hours comparing dog food brands, and making sure you purchase safe play toys for your dog, but did you know that water may be the most important step in keeping your dog healthy? Dogs dehydrate at a much quicker rate than do humans mainly because they have sweat glands only on their nose and feet. After their body temperature has risen (from activity such as playing or running), it takes a longer time for them to cool down. If your dog also has a thick fur coat, it becomes obvious how the risk of dehydration can occur.


If you are unclear or uncertain, consult your veterinarian if you have questions about dehydration.

Signs of Dehydration

Keep you dog hydrated 1

Keep a clean water bowel


Keep water available at all times


On long walks ensure access to water

The mouth appears dry. Gums and nose are dry.


Exercise in the morning and evening when weather extremely hot

You will note darker, less frequent urination.


Keep large sized bowl inside and outside


The skin loses elasticity as it loses moisture.


Eyes will appear sunken and lack moisture.

3 4



Clean Living

Eco-friendly driving options |

+ Writing Carlos Martins, General Manager Fines Ford Lincoln

Driving is a necessity for many of us, so consider some of the eco-friendly driving options available to you. Most people take fuel economy into consideration when purchasing a new vehicle, and with gas prices being what they are, it’s definitely a good idea. Upgrading your vehicle from an older model to a newer one is an easy way to help the environment; even if you remain with a gasoline powertrain because you are consuming less fuel than older vehicles do. Fuelefficient technologies have come a long way in recent years, and today’s vehicles are generally made to be as efficient as possible— take a look at Ford’s EcoBoost engine as an example, which can reduce fuel consumption by up to 20 per cent. Hybrid technology fea-


tures a mix of a gas engine with a batterypowered engine to optimize fuel efficiency as you drive. The Fines Customer Shuttle C-MAX Energi is a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), which combines a hybrid engine which has a larger battery pack that can be charged up for extended electric-only vehicle use. With a PHEV like the Fusion or C-MAX Energi, you can choose to drive in electric-only mode until the charge in your battery pack is depleted. Once this happens, the car will drive like a regular hybrid. Driving around in electric mode as often as pos-

sible will help you save on gas and, with the hybrid engine, you can drive long distances while maximizing your fuel efficiency. It’s a win-win! When you think of electrified vehicles does the image of small, strange-looking cars may come to mind? That’s a myth: test drive one today and you’ll see that electrified vehicles can look as great as they are fun to drive. Whether your concern is for the planet or your wallet (or both!), fuel-efficient powertrains aren’t novelties – they’re necessities. As a driver, it’s one of the things you can do to make the world a better place.



How toxic are household odour eliminators? + Writing | Lara Miller


hen consumers buy commercial Odour eliminating products, we expect them to do one thing: clean and freshen! We use a wide array of odour eliminators. But while the chemicals in products, may smell good, many also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some odour eliminators are among the most toxic products found in the home.

Odour eliminators ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, or watery eyes, while others are associated with chronic, or long-term, effects such as cancer. One such toxic area of cleaning ingredients is classified as air fresheners or odour eliminators. It reports to work by “trapping” odour molecules in a donutshaped chemical. The first thing that is really important to understand: the products do not remove odor molecules and it doesn’t clean the item it comes into contact with.The odour molecules are still there. Your nose just can’t perceive them because you smell the chemical product instead. That alone should be your first warning. We know inhala-

tion of any chemicals is dangerous, and several of its ingredients in air fresheners are known to irritate the lungs...but this is a product whose entire purpose is to be inhaled! Unfortunately there is not much data being shared on air fresheners and odour eliminators and their many products, but the Environmental Working Group (EWG) did conduct a test for the ingredients of one product and Shockingly, only disclosed THREE ingredients in these products, but the EWG found 87 chemicals in total! Needless to say, removing odours naturally is the most beneficial approach. Instead of just masking odours, it is important to your health to look after the bacteria and molecules that are causing the smell in the first place.


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