Mary Kay Evolved

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mary kay evolved


- Increase awareness among female consumers ages 18-25 - Increase positive perception among female consumers ages 18-25 - Increase consideration for product purchase among female consumers ages 18-25 - Elevate the Mary Kay business opportunity among female consumers ages 18-25




















































research objectives & methodology

// Research Objectives

Great research builds great strategy. Great strategies build great campaigns. Before our agency began work building Mary Kay’s newest campaign, we first laid a rock-solid foundation of quantitation and qualitative research. To streamline our approach, we divided our research objectives into three categories, each with the goals of finding several unique insights:

// Our Customer

What media does she consume? What purchase channels is she familiar with? How does she advocate for the products she loves? What is her opinion of direct selling? What are her activities and aspirations?

// Our Customer & Cosmetics

How does she consume beauty products? What are her purchase channels? What influences her purchase decisions? Who does she trust when it comes to beauty care? What are her favorite products? Why? Is she loyal to certain products? When does she purchase new products?

// Our Customer & Mary Kay

What is Mary Kay’s brand image among the target? What is Mary Kay’s brand equity among the target? What is her experience with Mary Kay? What is her opinion of the Mary Kay product line? How can the Mary Kay brand experience be customized for her?

// Methodology Quantitative Surveys A diverse group of 266 survey respondents generating over 9800 unique insights. Interviews Mittenberry conducted 33 in-depth interviews among individuals in our target, 4 interviews with Mary Kay IBCs, and an interview with a Mary Kay regional sales director. Focus Groups A series of 3 small-group sessions producing valuable insights from a diverse range of women in the target segment.



// Our Customer An Introduction:

As an agency of Gen Y consumers, we feel uniquely qualified to introduce you to ourselves - or at least the 18-25 year old females among us. We’re diverse and we welcome our differences; we’re expressive and optimistic; we’re social and seriously connected - both in reality and online; we’re struggling financially but we work hard and dream of success. We seek value and reward authenticity. And we care more about the planet and the people and animals who live on it than most people give us credit for. That being said, there are certainly both challenges and opportunities in trying to reach us. Here they are1:

Challenges: Millennials

Are more likely to live paycheck-to-paycheck. Are savvy shoppers. Seek authenticity and smell phoniness from a mile away. Are less likely to own or drive cars. Haven’t settled down yet. Are media literate and socially intelligent. Have woken up from the American Dream.

Opportunities: Millennials

Consume media like it’s our job. Reward character and personal touches. Are not couch potatoes. Are influenced by endorsements. Value their well-being. Aren’t frivolous, but tend to make impulse purchases. Spend more on products from socially responsible companies.

// Our Customer & Cosmetics

As you’d expect from a generation that values self expression, authenticity, and individuality, beauty care and cosmetics represent an opportunity for Millennials to showcase their creativity. But beauty care also represents much more. In a nutshell, here is our target’s relationship with cosmetics2:

// What Our Target Wants From Cosmetics An opportunity for creativity and expression Quality, effectiveness, and a good value Ease of purchase and reliable product availability Interaction and the personal touch

90.1% Wear cosmetics at least four times per week.

75.2% effectiveness 68.3% brand trust 68% price The self reported most important drivers of the purchase decision.

No Preference

When it comes to where our target likes to purchase cosmetic products, all is equal among traditional purchase channels - with one major exception‌

80.3% Have never purchased from an indirect beauty seller.

74.9% lifestyle magazines 71.7% fashion magazines 69.6% fashion blogs What sources she trusts most when it comes to beauty care advice and recommendations.

87.7% Recommends products to family and friends. 98.6% recommend via word of mouth.

76.5% Are loyal to their current products, but 91.4% would consider trying a new product.

1.2% Of the target listed Mary Kay as one of their three favorite beauty care brands, compared to favorites CoverGirl (35.8%), Maybelline (29.6%), Clinique (16%), Urban Decay (13.6%), and Bare Minerals (13.6%).


// Our Customer & Mary Kay

As we all probably expected, females 18-25 have a fantastic relationship with cosmetic products. Unfortunately, for the most part, that relationship does not extend to the Mary Kay brand.

// Recruitment:

Independent Beauty Consultant Consideration 74% of respondents had never bought a Mary Kay product3


have never used a Mary Kay product. After analyzing our qualitative and quantitative research, here’s what the target had to say about Mary Kay4:

“It’s high quality, but almost nobody I know wears it.”

-Dana, 21

“I think of my grandma to be honest.”

-Amber, 22


// Mary Kay Brand Equity

According to our respondents, the Mary Kay brand is: 89% Old 84.8% Timeless 79.6% For people not like me 26.4% High quality 19.6% Good value

// IBC & Selling Model Insights Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants are: 81.8% Not like me 63.6% Unnecessary 61.7% Knowledgable 55.4% Helpful

“[Mary Kay at Play] looks like it’s for middle schoolers.”

// Mary Kay products are: 65.7% Difficult to buy

// I would prefer to buy Mary Kay products:

- Hannah, 20

“Isn’t this a pyramid scheme?” - Jenna, 23

// Awareness3

87.2% aided awareness

// Positive Perception 16.7%

// Consideration 33.5%

68.6% vs. 31.4% research Online

all other channels combined


target segments

// Our Trendsetter

Our ideal buyer is a trendsetter. She’s on the forefront of all things fashion and beauty, constantly looking for new ways to express her creativity through the clothes she wears and ever-changing style of her hair and makeup. She’s 20, in college, has a part time job at her university’s library, and a full time job staying socially connected. She never leaves her phone alone, always texting or Snapchatting friends, tuning in to the latest trends on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. She follows the fashion scene with subscriptions to Vogue and Cosmo and she spends considerable time on her favorite fashion and beauty blogs. When it comes to cosmetics, The Trendsetter cares more about the product and product features than what store or channel she purchases from5. She also loves to mix and match products to create new effects, so she’s more receptive to try new products6. She’s The Trendsetter, and with the help of Mary Kay, it’s her time to see and be seen.

// Miss Professional

Our ideal IBC candidate is career-driven and looking for a new opportunity. She’s a junior Marketing Major who still lives in an apartment off campus with one close friend. She’s always fashionable and loves bringing beauty to work and play. The opportunity to become an IBC is a chance to grow as a professional and help make the world beautiful. She enjoys the social interaction she gets from meeting all of her buyers face to face, and considers each one a friend. Miss Professional also likes the nightlife, but in a different, more mature way than The Trendsetter. She likes to adventure in She isn’t waiting for life to happen anymore. With Mary Kay, the the city at night, talk to new people, and build her social and professional network. time is now.


$10 million budget

// The Challenge

$10 million won’t provide a large enough media spend to raise awareness and consideration through traditional means alone.

// The Opportunity

In a market dominated by big-spending competitors, we can level the playing field by leveraging low cost, non-traditional media to drive awareness, positive perception, and consideration. Our campaign will focus on social, public relations, digital, and promotional elements, with strategic traditional media buys sprinkled in to drive awareness, positive perception, and consideration. From February 2015 to February, the target will be witness to spectacular events and promotions meant to create viral buzz and draw more attention to the brand name at key times. Live art shows and flash fashion shows will keep college campuses across America talking about us all year. It’s only fitting that for us to reach a target who manages to squeeze every bit of creativity and expression out of a sometimes meager budget, we’ll have to do exactly the same.


campaign strategy

// Selling Evolve is fun & easy. 1. Generate copious amounts of buzz. $10 million isn’t a lot - especially when it comes to elevating Mary Kay among a segment who would rather purchase their beauty products elsewhere. In a market dominated by big-spending competitors, creativity, viral-ability, and authenticity will be key in stretching $10 million as far as it will go. 2. Reach the target on her turf. It goes without saying that we need to reach our target with relevant, tactful, and strategic messaging. Even more important, however, is that we need to reach the target through media that she trusts, multiplying our efforts and driving positive perception and consideration higher. 3. Encourage the target to shop her way. Nearly 70% of the target would prefer to purchase Mary Kay products through an online channel, but few are aware that Mary Kay offers solutions built just for them. Our creative will drive the target to the purchase channels that she prefers - all without diminishing the IBC.

4. Position Mary Kay as a brand tailor made for the target. Mary Kay is too old. Mary Kay At Play is too young. In addition to our strategic creative messaging, we recommend a product line enhancement to further elevate Mary Kay among our target. That enhancement is Evolve, the youthful, expressive solution designed just for her. 5. Provide career and education opportunities to aid in IBC recruitment. According to our research, current education and career commitments were the primary reason the target listed for not considering work as an IBC. Our solution will resolve both challenges with a paid, for-credit internship program called the Mary Kay Campus Beauty Ambassadors.


creative brief

// What the target thinks now The Trendsetter Mary Kay is3… - Old - Difficult to purchase - Made for people not like me - Sold by people not like me

Miss Professional Mary Kay is3…. - Old - A pyramid scheme - Not a first (or second) choice - Not the right opportunity for this stage in my life

The strategy that will change their mind The Trendsetter & Miss Professional The new way to bolder beauty Miss Professional A beautiful opportunity

// What we want the target to think: Mary Kay is… - Youthful and fun - A way to express myself - Authentic and accessible - Made just for me

// Miss Professional

Mary Kay is… - A first-class opportunity to grow and achieve my goals - Flexible - Designed for people like me

// Executional Guidelines

- Raise awareness, positive perception, and consideration - Harness the power of non-traditional media to create a buzz-worthy campaign on a budget - Match our target’s creativity and expression with equal amounts authenticity and boldness - DO NOT diminish the IBC

10 // TV

creative execution

Objective: Increase awareness of Evolve and alternative purchase channels, raise Mary Kay’s positive perception and product purchase consideration among the target.

This commercial positions Mary Kay as bold solution with a significant value proposition: the opportunity to purchase online or through a mobile app. Instead of a brush, subjects use their smartphones to apply makeup, implying that the phones are a superior and relevant purchase channel designed specifically for the target . A unique and weird idea is just the type we need to create buzz.




“There’s an easier way to apply your make up with your phone.”



“Purchase new Evolve make-up from your phone with the Evolve makeup app. Or find us online at or on Facebook.”


creative execution Evolve this Ad

Evolve this Ad

with the Evolve Mobile App.

with the Evolve Mobile App.

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Fuitastam tiena, nonsimantem ine diendet vir acemus vivilic orum tabeffreis; hilicidet includer in temum faudam licae

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// Print

Objective: Increase awareness of Evolve and alternative purchase channels, raise Mary Kay’s positive perception and product purchase consideration among the target

Our print campaign is closely aligned with our mobile and digital campaign, and shows off Evolve’s ability to surprise with bold beauty. Each print ad will prominently feature a model’s naked face, with the headline of “Evolve this Ad with the Evolve Mobile App.” Which will be featured on the iTunes market and Google Play Store. After downloading the app, users can use an ad scanner to hover their smartphone over the print ad. The screen will use augmented reality to show the model with Evolve make up on, and it the looks will wow! The app will also provide a tutorial explaining to the viewer how to achieve the model’s look.


creative execution

// Outdoor Objective:

Increase awareness of Evolve and alternative purchase channels, raise Mary Kay’s positive perception and product purchase consideration among the target. To raise brand awareness, we’re going to hit the streets in new and bold ways. In the beginning of the product launch, we will find the biggest spots for the biggest billboards possible in major cities and turn heads with transforming billboards that change from day to night. During the day the billboard will feature a model’s face with everyday normal make up. Professional, proper, and beautiful. As the sun goes down at night our animated billboard will transform to showcase the same model, but with a bolder night time look. The headlines of the billboard will also change from “Evolve Every Day” at daytime to “Evolve the Night” at night. In a smaller type the billboards will also mention the Evolve mobile app. Later in the product campaign, new billboards will hit major city streets with a different kick - short looping videos. These short product lifestyle messages that will play on a 10-second loop will cycle through different women showing off their favorite looks, the spirit of fun and expressionism, and the Evolve product. It will also have a call of action to download the Evolve mobile app for more. We based this billboard idea off the popular use of micro-video in apps like Instagram and Vine.


Digital/Social Media/Blogging

Objective: Increase awareness of Evolve and alternative purchase channels, raise Mary Kay’s positive perception and product purchase consideration among the target

Evolved From The Bottom - Each entry will call for stories of personal development, either in skill or inner beauty.

While most Mary Kay users are not currently in our demographic, promoting Evolve on the Mary Kay page, while also creating pages specifically for Evolve, will establish a base of followers and gain new ones within our demographic.

Evolve Spotlight - Fans will get the chance to have a guest blog post featured on the Evolve blog by submitting multimedia entries of creative skills, projects, and talents.

We will have three social media campaigns: #EvolveTheNight (Platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest) - Our younger demographic likes to have a good time, so we’re encouraging fans to upload a picture or video of a memorable night out. Pink Eyeshadow Campaign (Platforms: Print, All Social Platforms) - Much like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Evolve will put 5 pink eyeshadows in various boxes of product and the recipient of each eyeshadow will win an Evolve party. #15SecondScholarship (Platforms: Instagram, Vine, Promotional) - In a 15 second video, we want our creative customers to tell us why they deserve Evolve’s Scholarship Program.

// Blog

The Evolve blog will reflect not just the product but the entire Evolve culture - complete with style tips and college lifestyle/advice for women. To build a base following for our blog we will launch a two guest blogging competitions called Evolved From The Bottom and Evolve Spotlight.

In order to increase further awareness and get more SEO-targeted content, we will establish a blogger outreach program in which we send our product to the top beauty bloggers in our demographic, and encourage them to write a review of Evolve.

// Youtube

Aside from promoting the extended versions of the Evolve commercial we’ll create original content that appeals to our brand. Putting videos in our original content strategy will be successful because it will establish credibility to our budding brand. We will have two series: one usergenerated and the other with user-submitted entries. College Girl Diaries - This Evolve-produced web series will enlist a college girl that we hire to make “amateur” videos and sketches about life in college. Evolve Your Comedy - Evolve will encourage more women to pursue stand-up as either a hobby or career with Evolve Your Comedy, a web series consisted of user-submitted videos of their amateur stand-up performances.

// Pinterest

Not only will we have boards that relate to our product but also ones that relate to the brand overall. The Pinterest page will also have a guest board where fans can post their own pictures of how the Evolve brand invokes inspiration in themselves.


creative execution

// Mobile

Objective: Drive users to the Evolve and Mary Kay mobile app and get connected with an IBC. Positioning the Evolve mobile app will be our primary mobile advertising goal. With the Evolve mobile app, available on iTunes or the Google Play Store, users can view the latest products and video tutorials, explore bold looks, follow the Evolve social media pages, and connect to a Mary Kay IBC or Campus Beauty Ambassador. The app will also be used for the Evolve print campaign. When users hold their phones over Evolve print ads with the app, the app will show an augmented reality of the print models wearing wild looks with Evolve. The app can also push messages, product change updates, and party notifications to app users who connect to an IBC or Campus Beauty Abassador. IBCs will have an administrative account on the app, allowing them to directly message buyers in the area, complete with GPS location for finding potential buyers with the app.


creative execution

// Product

Objective: Increase positive perception and consideration of the Mary Kay brand by providing a beauty care solution tailor made for females ages 18-25. In a world where the “next best thing” happens before the status quo has the chance to become irrelevant, we wanted to create products that allow women to keep up with all of the current trend in an affordable way. According to a Lab42 survey, 58% of women buy different products for summer and winter7. The Wall Street Journal states that “beauty junkies”--high frequency cosmetics shoppers--are mixing different brands and products to form their perfect blend of cosmetic artistry6. If women are looking to make their make-up kit match their personalities, how can we make this happen? Our answer: Give them options! We recommend that all Evolve products have the option of being fully-interchangeable and endlessly-customizable (e.g. interchangeable lipstick tubes, foundation and eyeshadow palette). We want to encourage women to express their style, and add a little flair to their beauty care.


pre-testing Product pre-testing included qualitative interviews and focus groups, where we sat with females in our target and discussed our ideas for Evolve8. Many loved the idea of customizable, interchangeable makeup that they could get multiple types of use from.

“I would want to buy a product where I could get two different types of makeup in one purchase.” -Tressa, 21

Our target also responded well to the idea of flash fashion shows and live art shows, saying they found the idea of these events appealing would definitely consider going to them. Our focus group for our broadcast commercial responded fairly well to early screenings. We got some laughs, and we were hoping for that.

“It was weird, and it immediately got my attention.” -KeChaunte, 20

“It definitely made me want to check out the Evolve app.” -Marie, 23


media execution

Our media strategy is designed for maximum brand awareness for our money, with strong calls-to-action directing women to our app and social campaigns. With a flighting schedule, we will hit them the hardest at key times, including the product launch period and specific weeks like Fashion Week. Following women where they get the most of their beauty advice, we are investing heavily in fashion magazines, websites, and blogs, but also keeping broadcast television and outdoor in mind. All forms of advertising will direct to and promote our mobile app and social campaigns.



// TV & Print

Magazine total9 = 10$5,000,000 Cosmo Total Circulation - 3,016,000 CPM - $11.78 4 insertions - $2,000,000 Elle Total Circulation - 1,110,000 CPM - $24.76 4 insertions - $800,000 Glamour Total Circulation - 2,328,000 CPM - $13.80 4 insertions - $1,200,000 Vogue Total Circulations - 1,260,000 CPM - $11.52 4 insertions - $100,000,00 TV total


= $2,000,000

Pretty Little Liars 10 spots - $100,000 each Girl Code 10 spots - $100,000 each

Major cities to hit include: New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Seattle, Los Angeles, Raleigh, San Diego, Miami, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and Boston. Mix of traditional and digital billboards. Between $15,000 -

$20,000 each12.

Strategically running during NYC fashion week during the first week of February. - $500,000



// Digital Advertising

In order to get the word out about Evolve, we’re going to hit the internet, optimize our search engine results, and connect to females through our social media pages. Using Google AdWords, we will use the 10 target keywords for our SEO efforts, and will pay per click, guaranteeing effective use of our budget. For social media advertising, we will only be focused on the two big platforms: Facebook and Twitter. We will target college women and advertise the Campus Beauty Ambassador openings at their college campus. Banner advertising for Evolve products on popular blog sites such as HerCampus and EliteDaily will also be implemented. We will also bundle with our popular magazine buys to be on their websites too.

Social Media Advertising - $100,000 Facebook - $75,000 Twitter - $25,000 Display Online Advertising - $1.5 Million - $400,000 - $200,000 - $350,000 - $200,000 - $200,000 Google AdWords - $400,000

// SEO Our SEO efforts will target ten main keywords to boost our organic search ranking for those words. The keywords will be used to optimize the website, as well as drive our content and social media strategy. The ten keywords will be as follows: 1. Mary Kay - 301,000 monthly searches - Low competition 2. Evolve - 246,000 monthly searches - Low Competition 3. Eye Makeup - 27,100 monthly searches - Medium competition 4. Evolv - 8,100 monthly searches - Low Competition 5. Eyeliner - 18,100 monthly searches - Medium competition 6. Makeup Ideas - 8,100 monthly searches - Medium Competition 7. Student Ambassador - 1,900 monthly searches - Low Competition 8. Mary Kay At Play - 1,300 monthly searches - Low Competition 9. College Internship Program - 880 monthly searches - Medium competition 10. Beauty Consultant Jobs - 320 monthly searches - Medium Competition


media flow chart Media Chart







promotions //Campus Beauty Ambassadors

Evolve needs IBCs that are our target’s age. People like to buy from people they can feel comfortable with. Our plan is to get more college women interested by starting the Campus Beauty Ambassador (CBA). Just like a traditional IBC, Campus Beauty Ambassadors will host parties and beauty consultations on and around campuses. This close distance between buyers and consultants will be a great chance for the CBA to form a strong relationships with the clients. Our CBAs will also have to be masters of social media, which has become the number one form of communication between acquaintances in our target demo. They will communicate and plan parties mostly through Facebook and the Evolve mobile app, where they can also share Evolve product updates and promote digital campaigns.



// #IAmEvolve Fashion Show What it is:

The #IAmEvolve Fashion Show is an on-the-spot flash mob-esque fashion show that will be located in the center of select college campuses including New York University, University of California and Columbia University. A red carpet will roll up and striking Evolvewearing models will strut their stuff out of nowhere.

page 22

Our Goal:

To create a buzz-worthy consumer engagement event that fuels brand awareness and drives traffic to our social media platforms. Using #IAmEvolve sparks participants to tweet their experience or share videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

// Evolve Art Shows What it is:

The Evolve Art Show is a bold, creative display of empowerment. A collection of expressionistic and modern-styled artists and performers from the many different spectrums of art all working simultaneously. All at once and sponsored and featuring Evolve.

Our Goal:

To show parallel connection between Evolve and expressionism. Associating the brand with creative people will enforce the idea of Evolve supporting bold, creative expressions. These art shows will also develop strong loyalty with creative and adventurous college women. These parties would also be great places for CBAs to find leads.


creative evaluation

To evaluate the effectiveness of our campaign, we are shooting for a statistics we can measure.

// Objectives

Objective 1: 50% aided brand awareness within females aged 18-25 for Evolve by the end of our year-long campaign. Objective 2: Increase purchase consideration of females aged 18-25 for Mary Kay brand from 33% to 50%. Objective 3: Recruit 2,000 new Campus Beauty Ambassador interns.

// Measurement

Technique 1: Surveys distributed through college campuses by Campus Beauty Ambassadors. Technique 2: Tracking sales numbers of new Evolve product line and Mary Kay products. Technique 3: Tracking recruitment of CBAs.

// Campaign Budget 1% Production 10% Promotions 89% Media


campaign summary

- We developed a fully integrated and multi-platform marketing effort. - Because the campaign is so different for the make-up segment, we feel we can make tremendous strides in increasing Mary Kay awareness. - Testing indicates that the campaign concept is well-received by females in the 18-25 demographic. - Through effective use of social media and various promotions, we believe we have made a $10 million budget appear much larger to our target demographic than it really is. - With Evolve, we have created a brand under the Mary Kay name that our target demographic can connect with and find appealing.

// E-Board

Michael Hammell Nelson | President Lance Hay | Vice President Daniel Haremski | Broadcast Director Andrea Shaw | Creative Director Dan Hlivka | Associate Art Director Stephanie Butcher | Director of Beauty Tonya Allen | Treasurer Jessica Gould | Secretary Alex Macksoud | Social Media & SEO Lead, Media Director Amanda Lingle | Director of Fundraising Committee Mariah Anderson-Burling | Fundraising Committee Ellen Francey | Fundraising Committee Kevin Riedy | Fundraising Committee Nick Sonnenberg | Fundraising & Recruiting Committee Jasmine Mims | Fundraising Committee Julie Bushart | Fundraising Committee Kaitlin Deschaine | Fundraising Committee Nick Brimley | Director of Recruiting Committee Kadie Despain | Recruiting Committee Adam Rothstein | Director of Social Events Nick Alsup | Director of Strategy Alex Gonzales | Student Government Association Rep

// Members

Alexis Cassar Austin Connolly Derren Dettloff Stefanie Dobias Camille Elsea Lauren Fasang Amy Golembiowski Kathleen Jezak Shayla Johnson Tressa Keiffer Danylle Leonard Eric Marshick Ryan Mercer Clare Pathe Marcello Rossi Chris Searle Bradley Tooker Megan Upton Tyler Verdusco Breann Wasson Katherine Woodruff



1: The Nielsen Company. (2014). Millenials: Breaking the myths. 2: Mittenberry. (2013). Beauty care and direct selling: Market research. Mt. Pleasant, MI: Michael Hammell Nelson 3: Mittenberry. (2013). Mary Kay: Market research. Mt. Pleasant, MI: Michael Hammell Nelson 4: Mittenberry. (2013). Mary Kay focus group. Mt. Pleasant, MI: Daniel Haremski 5: Holmes, E. (2014, January 16). In aisle five, $50 skin cream..The Wall Street Journal, p. D1. 6: Holmes, E. (2014, February 27). Beauty’s ‘cocktailing’ hour.The Wall Street Journal, p. D1. 7: Kempfer, A. (2013, May 16). [Web log message]. Retrieved from 8: Mittenberry. (2013). Creative pre-testing. Mt. Pleasant, MI: Haremski 9: Hearst Corporation. (2014). 2014 Media Kit. Retrieved from: asp 10: Conde Nast. (2014). Glamour Media Kit. Retrieved from:

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