Graphic Design Portfolio 2013, Shimin

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Wong Shi Min National Cheng Kung University Department of Industrial Design

王思敏 Wong Shi Min

+886 983979914 National Cheng Kung University Department of Industrial Design

關於我 About me 目前念成大工業設計系大三 來自馬來西亞 2011年工設營美宣組 2012年工設營大二美宣長 2013年工設營大三美宣長 Third grade student Come from Malaysia 2011 ID camp member of propaganda 2012 ID camp second grade director of propaganda 2013 ID camp third grade director of propaganda

工作經驗 Working Experience 2011年教育部藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫文宣組 2012年教育部藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫活動組 2012年加入電機系生物醫學分子實驗室從事設計工作 2013年加入智慧種子聯盟從事攝影工作 2013年幫助台南文化協會拍攝影片參賽并獲得佳作 2011 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design member of propaganda 2012 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design member of activities 2013 join Department of Electric Engineering MBI Lab working 2013 join Smart Seed Union working 2013 helping Association of Tainan Culture recording video to participate competition and gain the award of excellence

Graphic Design 1 2011 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Department of Industrial Design DM

2012 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Markteria Webgame Design

Web Programming Final Exhibition

即時合購 App Design

2011 ID Camp Poster 大一的時候,參加成大工設營時畫的第一張海報,但後來被 改做成酷卡。 When i was first grade, i attend to be a staff of ID camp, i was ask to design a poster for this camp, but this poster change to be propaganda card after.

Graphic Design 2 2011 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Department of Industrial Design DM

2012 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Markteria Webgame Design

Web Programming Final Exhibition

即時合購 App Design

Department of Industrial Design DM

Department of Industrial Design DM 這是工設系DM設計,概念是像一封邀請函一樣。 This is a DM design about our department,its concept meaning is like an invitation letter to the popular.

Graphic Design 3 2011 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Department of Industrial Design DM

2012 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Markteria Webgame Design

Web Programming Final Exhibition

即時合購 App Design

2012 ID Camp Poster

工設營,每一年的暑假,我們都得準備工設營,作為培養人 才與吸引高中生報讀工業設計系為目的,設計癮力是一種持續 的創作毒癮,因此設計人腦中的畫面應該是好像有著不同的齒 輪在運轉一樣,迸出不同火花。

Industrial Design Camp, every Summer vacation, we all need to prepare for ID camp, we purpose is personnel training and attract high school’s student to apply Industrial Design Department.Designholic like a sustainable creative addiction, therefore Designer’s brain should be possess many of different mechanic gears rolling, ignite the sparks of creative.

ID Camp Manual Cover 工設營小冊子封面,作為設計營期間的工人介紹與活動手冊。

ID Camp Manual Cover, staff intro and program of activity manual.

尾頁小icon,這是一個機械小恐龍。 Last page have an icon, it is a mechanical godzilla.

Graphic Design 4 2011 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Department of Industrial Design DM

2012 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Markteria Webgame Design

Web Programming Final Exhibition

即時合購 App Design

馬克菌 Markteria web game design

這是分子生醫實驗室的一個專 案,他們需要讓更多的專業人士去 更新自己與學習新知識,例如蛋 白質,病毒或細菌等等。其實,也 許我們普通人不知,這世界上的生 醫學者們一直在持續關於生醫的研 究,并寫出了多少論文,每一天的 新發現,這些細菌或病毒的名稱可 說是迅速的來不及讓世界上 的所有 學者們知曉,因此這可說是一個關 於劃重點作記錄的網頁遊戲,讓這 些學名能收入生醫的數據庫里,幫 助這些學者們學習。 This project is inspired by MBI LAB in NCKU , according the biology medical research ,they need to let more biology medical scholar to update their knowledge of the binomial name about the protein, virus ,or bacteria etc. Everyday we might not know these biology thesis are being continued to file in the database. These binomial name might can’t let all scholar to learn immedialy, so this project is about highlight the artice points in these thesis, let the binomial name can be record in the database, and help these scholar or all professional person to learn.

其操作方式簡單,按下Play鍵以後,會進入一個文章的畫面,然後根據上面不同的顏色分類, 比如黃色是蛋白質,綠色是心臟有關,藍色是細菌等等,去劃分這個名詞是哪一類。 Actually, its usage are easy,After you click Play button, you will enter an article, then you can highlight the point of the text according to the color, like yellow is delegate the protein,green is about Cardiologist,blue is bacteria etc.

在Total time里,使用者可以看見自己在這個網頁遊 戲已使用的時間。 而再Amount頁面中,則可看見你所玩過的總文章數,答 對率與錯誤率。 In page Total time, Users can check how long their had used in this website game. Besides, in page Amount, we can check how many articles been played, the rate of right and wrong articles.

這是裡頭的成就系統,在開始的頁面中,按下Record鍵就能夠進入此畫面,其中包含三個頁 面,為Total time ,Amount和Honour,在這裏可以查看自己使用這網頁的成就,作為網頁遊戲的一 點小樂趣。 Honour的頁面中,我們就能看見裡頭有不同的鑽石,當你達到一定的水平以後,就會有一顆代表 那個榮譽的鑽石,比如心臟科權威鑽石之類的。 This is the achievement system, click the Record button in the homepage, it’s contain three page, it is Total time, Amount and Honour , you can check your achivement after using this website, it is an interesting feature of this web game. In the Honour page, we can found it possess many of different diamonds, when you achieve a standard, you will gain a diamond of represent something, like the diamond of Cardiologist.

Graphic Design 5 2011 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Department of Industrial Design DM

2012 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Markteria Webgame Design

Web Programming Final Exhibition

即時合購 App Design

網際網絡程式設計期末聯展 WEB Programming Final Exhibition

這是我為網際網絡程式設計這門課程的期末聯展設計的文宣品,其中包含 海報,手冊,和課程網絡介面。 算是我第一次包辦整個展覽的文宣,是一次難忘的經驗。 I designed the publicity items for web programming final exhibition,its contain poster,manual,and website UI. It is my first time to handle all design of publicity items,it is a unforgetable experience.

海報 Poster



2013年1月21日 14:00pm-17:30pm 電機系館一樓藹雲廳 1400-1530 1530-1600 1600-1700 1700-1730

Web Supernova

2012 網際網絡程式設計 期末展

團隊作品簡介 自由參觀攤位 企業專題演講 頒獎

本課程從理論,技術及實作三方面協助學生學習製作網際網路平台的能力。 期末展由7組學生團隊展示網路服務以及痞客邦應用市集,涵蓋遊戲、社群、 夢想、美食、購物、旅遊、搜尋等主題,並頒發痞客邦首獎。

Invitation 敬愛的師長與朋友, 經過一學期的努力,網際網路程式設計課程將舉辦期末成果展。

2012網際網路程式設計 期末成果展 地點\ 國立成功大學 電機系館一樓藹雲廳 時間\ 2013年1月21日 14:00pm-17:30pm 活動網站\ 主辦單位\ 特別感謝\



本課程從理論,技術及實作三方面協助學生學習製作網際網路平台 的能力。期末展由 7 組學生團隊展示網路服務以及痞克邦應用市集, 作品涵蓋遊戲、社群、夢想、美食、購物、旅遊、搜尋等主題,邀請 到痞克邦創辦人兼技術總監朱皇韋與聯發科技顧問黃敬群(jserv)發表 專題演講,並頒發痞克邦首獎。我們期盼透過這樣的活動,讓外界看 到學生們的努力,也讓學生更投入自己的作品。

14:00 - 17:30p.m 電機系館一樓藹雲廳

14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00


15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30

團隊作品簡介 自由參觀攤位 企業演講 頒獎

誠摯邀請您一同在來感受 7 組 Web 超新星的力量。

網際網路程式設計 授課老師 張天豪

授課老師\ 張天豪老師

M BI 分子生醫資訊實驗室 敬邀 第十屆 10th Y.S. AWARD

育秀盃 創意獎




邀請卡 Invitation Card

手冊 Manual

網絡介面 Website UI

Graphic Design 6 2011 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Department of Industrial Design DM

2012 Industrial Design Camp Poster

Markteria Webgame Design

Web Programming Final Exhibition

即時合購 App Design

即時合購 App UI design

即時合購是一個手機app的設計,用為解決在外頭發現一些特價優惠卻找不到人一起分享的情況,讓你在一個地點上用gps定位找到能一起共同分享的人, 例如星巴克第二杯半價之類的優惠,而這個app就能夠解決這類的情況,讓有這類困難的人能夠找到一同想喝星巴克的人。 即時合購is a smart phone app design, use this app to solve a discount but didn’t find someone to share of situation, it let you can using GPS to meet someone who want share with you, like Starbuck offer the second cup 50% discount,and this app can solve it,make the person of having this problem found someone share together.

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