Report MEDes workshop Aveiro 2016

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MEDes workshop Aveiro 2016

Report of the MEDes workshop. Made by Andrea Taverna.

The intention of this report is to document the workshop and underline the strength and the weakness of this event in order to learn from the mistake and improve year by year the organization of this experience. It is presented in three section: Pre-production: where the organization tools are visible. Production: that contain a recap of what is happened. Post-production: that present proposals for improvement.

MEDes workshop Aveiro 2016

Pre Workshop

Blog ( An on-line tool to tell the workshop, the university and the city that host the workshop. The blog was divided in different section: #basics #workshop #wayfinding #discover #experience registration map Thanks to the hashtag was possible to label each post giving an easy experience in finding the information. The platform in which the blog was build was tumblr. This choice was made based on the possibility of an easy management by more than one person and the possibility for the participants who own a tumblr account to subscribe and receive notification for any news. The coding part of the template was a modified version of the previous blog used in other workshop, removing some small bug and changing the way of showing the post. The structure of the blog was a "Polaroid wall", indeed, instead of showing all the content of the post, it was shown just the preview with the same template, composed by one image as a background that was supporting the title for a better visual understanding, furthermore there were hashtag that as mention before help the user in the navigation clustering the theme of the post.

Hashtag Title


Mail A complementary tool to the blog to communicate directly with the group of students that comes for the workshop. It’s important for the success of the workshop to have a direct connection with the participants. In order to collect all the contact it was created a Google registration form that beside the contacts was needed in order to get to know the students that would have come, their arrival and departure time in order to welcome them, some info for the program and other info related with the organization of the extra activities.

Survival kit A flayer with the most important info: - Agenda - Contacts - MEDes logo rules A one week workshop is usually full of things to do in order to achieve the goals of the brief. In the MEDes one beside the project there are other important moment to accomplish, such the placement announcement, the meeting of the board and all the related activities, furthermore it is important for the students to know each others in order to build the MEDes network. For those reason is necessary to have a schedule clear and accessible to all the participants. Moreover since every year the event take part in a different place it is essential to have a contacts to interact with in case of emergency or help with issues (from languages barriers to orientation in the campus). When I create the “survival kit� I considered also the fact that every year there is a new generation of MEDes that may be still not confident with the colors of the school and the generative logo In order to benefit of the advantage of this powerful tool I decided to place a legend. Finally, beside the emergency contact I inserted the list of the professor in the board with their respective email addresses, so that after the placement is possible for the students to establish already a connection with the school that will host him.

Stickers Each student has a stickers with his own logo that allow the others to understand his journey. The program has a generative logo that is build based, for each student, on the path that they have followed. This logo is a powerful tool that can help in understanding the experience of a MEDes students. We planned to take advantage of this opportunity and we made for all the participants their own logo, creating some special version for professor, PhD and representative people.

Wayfinding In order to help participants to find the way of the location where it took place the workshop it was elaborate some simple poster to hang around the campus for a physical wayfinding. Besides the poster it was also built thanks to the Google maps platform an interactive maps. This map is structured by layer that cluster the different Point of Interest and is accessible by the blog.

Poster & Gadgets A series of poster that explain the structure of the program for the newbies. And some gadgets that make the experience unforgettable.


Structure RESEARCH During the workshop the first phase was based on the exploration of a few issues. This research was made divided by country in order to analyze in detail the differences among the different states. This structure gave the opportunity for each university to create a sub-network and connect the MEDes coming from the same university, and it is important to do in order to make people share information about all the procedure needed for bureaucracy or for moving in another country. The outcome of this phase is a draft vademecum for each country. DEVELOPMENT During this phase the students took the topics analyzed in the previous part of the activities and developed a service to improve the processed around the issues found. The teams were mixed in order to obtain more heterogeneous groups, with insight from every countries part of the network where it were possible. In this case the side goal was to strengthen the MEDes network and connect all the students of the network and have an exchange of experience that help developing a service thanks to the different prospective and eyes watching at the problem. BRIEF Being a MEDes student brings you the wonderful opportunity to live in three different countries in the short timespan of five years. As you know, and most of you experienced, European Union, as a community, is far from behaving like one single entity with similar legal terms, rules and processes within their members. Our different cultures are, for sure, one of ours biggest strengths and are one of the reasons why the months living abroad turns out to be such a marvelous and enriching experienceBut.. come on! Let's face it! Why does every country need to have their own personal identity registering system, their own education systems (with their own grading structure) or even different currencies (isn't that right "Glasgownians"..?). No... we will not promote fundamental changes in our countries "heavier structures"—after all the workshop is only 5 days long—but we believe we can make our lives, and the ones of the future MEDes students, a bit simpler. Based on seven different situations we will start to gather a database of service that, on different nations, became the optimized solutions to handle some of the basic needs of young foreign students as yourself.

Presentations Once it is finished the research part it started the development phase the groups presented their work during the last day. Here the topics and the groups: #1 - Health "oh no, I broke a leg" How do I handle a hospital emergency? Team: Siiri Lepola, Jakub Záhoř, Rita Faia, Simon Meienberg #2 - Education "ups, I'm only registered on half of the ECTS" How do I register in courses at the host institution? Team: Gaston Welisch, Lena Clasing, Sean Fegan, Jana Dreyer ,Luisa Felappi #3 - Wifi Kit "I need my mom.. god bless skype" How do I get a contract with a communications service provider? Team: Freyja Harris, Céline Dutier, João Coutinho, Ale Fac, Mariana Gomes #4 - Transportation "I heard that surf is great in Paris" How do I send large or special packages? Team: Lotta Hyvärinen, Linus van Doren, Serena Talento #5 - Security "Oh that's why the 3 guys on the rail were so nice helping me with the bags..." Personal goods robbery—mobile phone, wallet, identity card... Team: Fabio Faccin, Emma Zazio, Luca Notarfrancesco, Zuzi Pešková, Beba Cerlesi, Robbie More #6 - Housing "School dorms are great... but the line for the bathroom in the morning is making me skip some classes" How do I rent a house? Team: Andrea Egidi, Laura Riva, Hillevi Hesseldahl ,Marta Adamska, Alessandra Cislaghi #7 - Work "Actually.. I don't need the money. It's just a great way to meet new people" What do I need to be a part-time employee? Carolina Valadas, Gabriella Calabrese

Media group During the event some of the MEDes student were involved in documenting the activities through videos and photos. Until this year it was not existing an official documentation of the workshop. In the past during the workshop sometimes people used to tweet using a defined hashtag (normally #MEDesXX where XX is the year of the workshop). And usually at the end of the experience who wanted was sending the picture or upload them on the socials network. This year we changed strategy, publishing the photos on Facebook and soon publishing the video of the presentation. Furthermore will be published an after-movie which has the goal to give an overview on the workshop trying to underline the atmosphere present during the time spent in Aveiro. The photos were taken by Cinzia Scarsi, the videos by Antonio Canu and Francesco Fontana.

Extra During the preparation of the workshop it was underlined the importance of building the network, working on the connection among the students. In order to accomplish that goal, there were organized a few extra activities. The first one entirely managed by the students was the surfing day planned before the workshop started, so that MEDes started to meet and know each others. In the days of the workshop furthermore it was planned a tour of the beaches on the ocean, and a visit of the city through the Moliceiro, a typical boat of Aveiro.

Survey It is important to have a feedback from who take part in the workshop to improve each year the organization of the event. As well, it is really valuable for the growth of the experience during the workshop. For those reason was set a survey to valuate the experience of the MEDes workshop in Aveiro. On 45 students that participate on the workshop, 33 took part in the survey. In order to have a clear interpretation of the answer here the identity of who answer: Which university are you from?

Which year of MEDes are you?

(33 responses)

33, 3%

(33 responses)

AALTO EN SC I 12 ,1 %



21, 2%

Year 0 ( this was your first workshop as MED es a nd you s till didn't started your e xchange)


Year 1 (you are finishing the first year ab road )

Ko nstfac k

Year 2 (you are finishing the se cond year a broa d

Po liMi 33 ,3%

30 ,3%



Year 3 a nd o thers

Where the answer were text it will be putted an essay of the answer received. In order to write those summary, where and when it was possible I contacted the person who gave the answer to understand deeper the reason behind the comment or the evaluation that he or she made in giving a response to the survey.

How was organized the welcome activity? (33 responses)

17 (51 ,5%) 15 10

8 (24,2% )

7 (21, 2% )

5 0 (0%)

1 (3%)


Did it help to understand the campus? (33 responses)


18 (54,5% )

15 8 (24,2% )


5 (1 5,2% ) 5 1 (3%)

1 (3%)

Did it help in get to know each others? (33 responses)


13 (39 ,4%) 11 (33, 3% )

10 7 (21, 2% ) 5 2 (6,1 %) 0 (0%) 0

Did you find interesting the presentation "what is MEDes" in order to know the history of the program? (33 responses)


13 (39 ,4%)

9 (27, 3% )


9 (27, 3% )

5 2 (6,1 %) 0 (0%) 0

Thanks to the school presentation, did you understand more about the university part of the program? (33 responses)

12 (36 ,4%)

11 (33, 3% )

10 6 (1 8,2% ) 4 (1 2,1% )

5 0 (0%) 0

If no, do you have any suggestion to improve the exchange of information about those school? (9 responses)

The answers underline the difference of knowing a university (and a city) from an academic prospective and an informal view. The feeling is that usually those presentation tend to show the "spirit of the school" that is appreciate, but at the same time the students would like also to understand more about the academic life with a direct comparison of the projects made in the school. "The presentations are more about sending vibes and hence look like the people making them" It seems also that the partner university communicate in a different way the program, indeed someone says "I felt pretty well informed about the schools before the workshop" and someone "a week before our teacher told us very vaguely about the workshop".

Did you find enough time for those presentation?

Did you find enough time for the pecha kucha?

(33 responses)

(33 responses)


10 0%


10 0%



How much was clear the brief of the workshop? (33 responses)


13 (39 ,4%) 11 (33, 3% )



3 (9,1 %)

3 (9,1 %)

3 (9,1 %)


Do you think the structure of the workshop worked fine? (33 responses)


18 (54,5% )

15 8 (24,2% )

10 5 0

2 (6,1 %)

3 (9,1 %)

2 (6,1 %)

Do you think the mentoring during the working session was helpful? (33 responses)

12 (36 ,4%)

12 (36 ,4%)

10 6 (1 8,2% ) 5

3 (9,1 %) 0 (0%)


Did you find interesting having a moment with the MEDes student of your university? (33 responses)

11 (33 ,3%) 10

10 (30 ,3%)

8 (24,2% )

4 (1 2,1% )


0 (0%) 0

Was enough the time for the development? (33 responses)


13 (39 ,4%) 11 (33 ,3%)

10 7 (21, 2% ) 5 1 (3%) 0

1 (3%)

Did you liked the balance between work and pleasure/relax/get to know each others? (33 responses)

12 (36 ,4%)

12 (36 ,4%)

10 6 (1 8,2% ) 5

3 (9,1 %) 0 (0%)


Did you liked the opportunity of get to know before the workshop started? (29 responses)

Did you enjoy the opportunity of get to know the city where the workshop was held? (31 responses)


Yes 96,6%




How much did you liked the surfing activity? (23 responses)


18 (7 8,3% )

15 10 3 (1 3% )

5 0 (0%) 0

1 (4,3%)

1 (4,3%)

How much did you liked the Moliceiro activity? (27 responses)


14 (51, 9%) 10 (37 %)


5 0 (0%)

1 (3,7 %)

2 (7 ,4%)

How much did you liked the beaches activity? (29 responses)


23 (7 9,3% )


6 (20,7% )

5 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)


How much did you liked the nightlife with the MEDes group? (33 responses)

23 (69,7% ) 20

9 (27, 3% )


0 (0%) 0

0 (0%)

1 (3%)

How much did you find clear the printed way finding? (33 responses)


13 (39 ,4%)


8 (24,2% ) 5 (1 5,2% )

6 (1 8,2% )

5 1 (3%) 0

How much did you find helpful the survival kit? (33 responses)

10 (30 ,3%)


10 (30 ,3%)

9 (27, 3% )

4 (1 2,1% )


0 (0%) 0

How much did the stickers helped you in connecting with the others students part of the network? (33 responses)

10 (30 ,3%)


7 (21, 2% ) 6 (1 8,2% ) 5

4 (1 2,1% )

6 (1 8,2% )

How much did the stickers helped you in the research of information about the other schools of the network? (33 responses)

10 (30 ,3%)



9 (27, 3% )

8 (24,2% )

3 (9,1 %)

3 (9,1 %)


How much did you find a useful tool the tumblr? (33 responses) 10

9 (27, 3% )

8 (24,2% ) 7 (21, 2% ) 6 (1 8,2% )

5 3 (9,1 %)


Did you find useful the integrated Google map in the Tumblr? (33 responses)

66,7% Yes No I didn't s aw 27 ,3%

What you would improve in the workshop? (11 responses)

The first insight from the answers is that it exists two very different view on the workshop. On one side there are students that see the workshop as a moment of conviviality to build relation and create the MEDes network. On the other side there is who think the workshop as an opportunity of taking part and work hard in an international project. "it would be cool to work at least on a project where you get to discover more of the people country and school you are staying at/in." " My opinion is that most of the participating students approach to the workshop was a bit too relaxed for my taste, which of course is fine as it should be a week of fun together. But on the other hand I think everyone would get out more of the week if the schedule was followed as correctly as possible - maybe shorter working hours with fewer breaks during the day. At least for me that would have given more effective work. Otherwise it was great meeting the other students and I got to know a lot about the different universities which obviously is what matters." "I suggest to have more time to get to know each other (the students), such as having breakfast together and not just work, or why not a speed dating thing it can be fun. because we will often stay with the one we already know." Both of the groups believe that some of the workshops, they took part in, haven't been appealing due to the choice of a topic far from the students. Furthermore they underline the opportunity, and necessity at the same time, of having workshop focused on the MEDes experience and solving the obstacles that students may have. " I think that, like with every Medes workshop, we put too much pressure on the brief and project when actually the only thing we want to do is meet each other, hang out and enjoy a good week. What I did like was that the research this time was more linked to Medes [...]. Maybe the outcome should have been once again more Medes related, creating helpful tools for each city/ school and creating a shared document of valuable information." It is as well important to say that someone enjoy the workshop as it has been done. "It was great, nothing to improve so much" Summarizing, it is important to clearly define the goal of the workshop giving a good balance between work and getting to know each others. Moreover it is appreciate when the topic is closer to the MEDes students life, because the the motivation of pushing up the limits in such a short time for a project become higher.

Post Workshop

Events To engage students is essential to make them experience the richness of the program. This can be possible through a series of event: -PRESENTATION of the MEDes program A formal presentation that allowed the students to understand the bureaucracy of the program and the deadline for the application as well as the structure of the courses available in the partner universities. As it is underline by the survey indeed is necessary to understand the schools from an academic prospective. -CONVERSATION with MEDes Alumni It is relevant to share information between who already experience the program and the new generation of MEDes students. In order to achieve this goal it can be organize a series of meeting with the alumni and the class of the first and second years. Likewise the formal side also the informal side and the vibes of the schools are important as highlight from the survey. -CONVERSATION with MEDes in UA (or respective University) It is also important to have insight from students that come from others university during their period of exchange. As well as the meetings with the alumni can be organize a series of meeting with the class of the first and second years. Indeed the answers given in the questionnaire strongly support the idea of an interaction with the students for a better comprehension of the experience. All of those event can be planned separately or can be structured in one or two event. The suggestion is to keep the presentation with more detailed info about the program as a second, once the attention of the students is caught by the conversation with the MEDes students.

Website It is important to have as well as moment of direct engagement also space, like a website, where people can without pressure explore the values of the program. In the website they can find all the formal information of the other university. During the past year some MEDes students built the website that still need to conclude the implementation of all the features designed. Once the website will be fully operative will be more efficient the exchange of the experiences among the students that are in the program and the ones willing to take part. At this moment the information available are composed by a brief explanation of the program and an introduction to all the school. Furthermore is possible to find the contact of the professor that coordinate the program in each school or the respective international office. In the future it should be possibly available a section were students can take a look into the portfolios of the students in order to give them the chance of a possible comparison of the universities through the projects that has been made there.

Portfolio Showcase It is significant for us, as designer, to understand an experience through the projects that have been made during the program. For achieve that a portfolio showcase is the solution. This showcase can be done with the structure of an exhibition or as a presentation and this two different opportunity can be even combined strengthen the final effect. In the case of the exhibition the advantages start from the preparation, indeed as demonstrate by different school part of the program the showcase is a good educational tool for the designer that involve from communication to product skills. Furthermore this events push the students to have more self-confidence and learn how to present their self. Additionally the MEDes students have the opportunity to give visibility to their works. In the case of a presentation the focus is more oriented on the audience that has the opportunity to interact with the MEDes students. Such a solution it is also a way to engage students that still don't know the existence of the program. In the university of Aveiro, due to the young participation in the MEDes is strongly suggested the structure of a presentation in order to raise awareness. The difference among the "conversation" presentation and the showcase one is the focus, in the first the attention is wide on the overall experience from a human prospective in the second the focal point is the design from an academical view.

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