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André Dias

Vassouras, Brazil

MICROPOLIS Micropolis is a bunch of pictures taken this almost ending year ´12. Most of them were collected during "sessions" performed inside an imaginary 10m square at Grandma's backyard in Nerverland. Every available weekend no matter the season, light, mood or weather delivered a couple of patiently taken pictures. The aims: (1) take curious images inside a 100 squared meter world full of tiny crowded cities with their colorful inhabitants, forests, deserts, lakes, caves, thrilling rocks, smart insects, glossy worms and flowers, lots of flowers, and (2) cooling my jets down. Glad to share a couple of them with you. Have you all a nice trip throughout such a galaxy size Grandma's yard. To the geeks and techies: just natural light, bros --flashlights and strobes are so crucial to my work that my newest hot-shoe model is a first middle 90's Nikon SB-28... Hahaha! Physical filters once and while. 2.8 to 0.95 lenses. Digital. And, course, still analog when demanded (35mm Kodak and Fuji. Ilford remains unaf


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