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Alternative assessment

Andrea Cuevas Date: June 25th Comment: A week ago my guide teacher asked me if I could create a project related to the contents they were seeing; she told me that the school (Santo Tomas) was trying to remove all test. So, she told me the characteristics that the project should have: It had to be individual evaluation, the contents were modal verb (should), comparative and superlative, and it had to be a speaking activity. She told me that she was going to give me the rubric that I had to use to assess them. Finally, I created a game where I could assess them with a speaking activity and I also I had to use her rubric, nevertheless for my alternative project I changed a little bit the rubric because I thought that the original rubric assesses things that from my point of view were not good criteria and other weren't so specific.

GRADE: 7th​ ​grade

UNIT NAME : Speaking activity TEACHER: Andrea Cuevas TIME: 90 minutes Objective: At the end of the lesson students will apply, produce and explain two grammatical content ( modal verb and comparative/superlative)




First, the teacher will do a brainstorm with what students remember about should, comparative and superlative.

Students will play a game (stairs and snakes) where they will practice modal verb (should) and comparative and superlative.

The teacher will ask the importance of the modal verb should and comparative/superlative.

Then, the teacher will ask the students to gather in groups. The teacher will explain the activity through an example. Finally, the teacher will give them the materials that they will need.

LEXICAL: ● Vocabulary related to adjectives. ● Vocabulary related to verbs and situations where they could use or give an advice. GRAMATICAL: ● Different tenses. ● Modal verb: Should/ shouldn’t ● Comparative ● Superlative


They will work on a speaking activity

Alternative assessment: ● Game (rubric)

Original rubric ( my guide teacher’s rubric) :

My assessment tool which I use to this project:

Oral Presentations rubric

Student’s name: _________________________________ Grade: __________

Category 1.- Preparedness

4​ (excellent)

2.- Content

Student shows full understanding of the topics ( modal verb/ comparative/ superlative)

3.- Use of complete sentences

Student Speaks all the time using full and coherent sentences Student is able to answer (without problem )almost all questions, related to the topics made by the teacher The student does not have problems listening to other classmates. The student does not make distracting noises or movements.

4.- Comprehension

5.- Listens to other presentations

Student is completely prepared and has rehearsed through the game gave by the teacher

3​ (Good)

Date: _______

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals with the game Student shows a good understand of the topics ( modal verb/comparative/superlativ e) Student uses most of the time (80%) full and coherent sentences Student is able to answer (with some help )most questions, related to the topics made by the teacher Student does not have problems listening to other classmates but has some distracting noises or movements

Total score: ______________________ Mark:________________

2​ (Fair)

1​ ( Needs improvement)

Student Shows a good understanding of parts of the topics ( modal verb/comparative/superlative)

Student shows no understanding of the topics ( modal verb/comparative/superlativ e) at all Student rarely speaks using complete and coherent sentences Student is unable to answer the questions made by the teacher

Student is somewhat prepared but is clear that there was a lack of rehearsal during the class

Student sometimes ( 50%of time) speaks using complete and coherent sentences The student is able to answer a few questions (with a lot of help), related to the topics made by the teacher. Student Does not appear to be listening but is not a distraction to other classmates

The student does not seem prepared to demonstrate his/her knowledge.

Sometimes does not appear to be listening and makes distracting noises or movements.

Explanation: I use this type of alternative assessment because -Rubrics are easy to check (​ practicality​ ) - I change the criteria of the first rubric this way it can be a tool more relevant (​ validity​ ). - The rubric that I use gives clear directions for scoring/ evaluation (​ reliability​ ), it gives both feedbacks a number (from 1 to 4) and also with words which it can create a different ​ washback​ to the student (excellent- good- fair- needs improvement) - It also assesses things that they can use in real life, for example, advice, compare and contrast (​ authenticity​ )

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