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Vocabulary quiz: “ Earthquakes: Movement of the earth’s crust” Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________ Score: ___________________

I.- Match the words ( 1- 12 ) with their corresponding definition ( 1 point each) 1) Mild 2) Reach 3) Settle 4) Mining 5) Release 6) Fault 7) Major 8) Buckle 9) Move 10) Landslide

11) Flood 12) Pattern

______​ To change position or go from one place to another ______To set free; to allow to leave. ______ A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill ______Is someone or something used as a model to make a copy, a design, or an expected action. ______ A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. ______ Serious or important ______ A type of bomb used underwater or placed just beneath the surface of the ground ______ To be able to touch, pick up, or grab (something) by moving or extending. ______ A defect or imperfection ______ Not extreme in any way; moderate/ not severe or strong ______ To bend or collapse from pressure, heat, etc. ______ To put in order, set in place

II.- Complete the sentences with the words from the box ( 1 point each)

A) Her children prefer to eat their sandwiches with the _________cut off. B) The water movement that you use to go surfing in is an example of a ___________ C) An example of __________ is the size of an elephant compared to a mouse. D) The whole house ____________ when a train goes past. E) Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic ___________ bumping into each other. F) Because of the earthquake a large__________ had formed in the roadway. G) His job requires him to ________ frequently from Puerto Montt to Santiago. H) The _________ was very wet and muddy. I) The bridge __________ under the weight of the traffic. J) The nurse interrupted him with a ___________ of questions. K) She says that she can ​ _________ ​ future events. L) There is a ___________ lake, it is not a natural lake.

Answer keys I ___9___To change position or go from one place to another ___5___To set free; to allow to leave. ___10__ A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill ___12___Is someone or something used as a model to make a copy, a design, or an expected action. ___11___ A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. ___7___ Serious or important ___4___ A type of bomb used underwater or placed just beneath the surface of the ground ___2___ To be able to touch, pick up, or grab (something) by moving or extending. ___6___ A defect or imperfection ___1___ Not extreme in any way; moderate/ not severe or strong ___8___ To bend or collapse from pressure, heat, etc. ___3___ To put in order, set in place

II.1.-Crust 2.-Wave 3.-Huge 4.-Shakes 5.-Plates 6.-Crack

7.- Travel 8.-Ground 9.-Collapsed 10.-Series 11.-Predict 12.-Manmade

Book: “Pirate treasure”

Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________ Score: ___________________

I.- Write one example for each words ​ (1 point each) Word Afraid Curse Angry Find Get off me Ill Own Mad Drivers Trousers Sea Forget Dive Rich Wetsuit Bring Trouble Safe Perhaps Wrong


Blood Interested

II.- Write the main characters ( 1 Point each) and write at least 4 main events ( 1 point for coherence and 1 point for each MAIN event)

A.- Main Characters

B.- Main Events

Answer keys I 1.- Afraid: feeling fear or anxiety; frightened 2.- Curse: To wich for something evil or unpleasant to happen to someone or something, as by asking a magical power. 3.- Angry: feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger 4.-Find: Discover/To see where a thing ir person is 5.- Get off me: To escape 6.- Ill: suffereing from an illness or disease or feeling unwell 7.- Own: Belonging to a particular person or thing 8.- Mad: Wild, fast, or excited and not well controlled 10.- Divers: A person who dives as a sport. 11.- Trousers: 12.- Sea 13.- Forget: To be unable to remember 14.- Dive: To jump head first into water, with your arms held straight above your head, or to move down quickly through water or the air 15.- Rich: Having a lot of money or valuable possessions. 16.- Wetsuit: 17.-Bring: To take or carry someone or something to a place or a person, or in the direction of the person speaking 18.- Trouble: Difficulty or problems 19.- Safe: Free from danger or harm, or not causing danger or harm 20.- Perhaps: used to express uncertainty or possibility 21.- Wrong: Not correct or true; incorrect. 22.- Blood:

23.- Interested: Showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a feeling of interest

II.A.- Tom Creek/ Barry Barries/ Mick /John/ Keith/Bill/Mae B.- The Black Star sank./Mae found the treasure/They understood the curse.

Test: Where on earth are you? ​

Name: _______________________ Date: __________ Score: ______ ​

I.- Read the text and answer questions related to the text.

Where on Earth are you? ​ The four cardinal directions are shown on a magnetic compass. They are north, south, east and west. The same four directions are also on a map. If you learn the cardinal directions, they can help you find where you are on a map. A compass rose is a printed symbol that shows these directions. It can help you understand maps. A compass rose is usually drawn as art, with designs and details to make it beautiful. This is especially true on very old maps. Another way to identify your exact location is to use lines of latitude and longitude. They are both imaginary lines that circle around Earth. Lines of latitude circle the Earth running east and west. Lines of longitude circle the Earth running north and south. Together, these lines form squares. It’s like the lines you see on graph paper. If you look closely on most maps, you will see this graph paper printed on top of the map. If you look even closer, you will see numbers written by the lines. These numbers help to give addresses to places on Earth. The address for each place is known as its absolute location. The equator is the main line of latitude that circles Earth. It is the same distance from the North Pole as it is from the South Pole. The equator is the starting point for measuring degrees of latitude. Each line of latitude is marked with a number that says how many degrees north or south of the equator it is. The prime meridian is the main line of longitude that circles Earth. It is the starting point for measuring lines of longitude. Each line of longitude is marked with a number that says how many degrees east or west of the prime meridian it is. You can accurately identify absolute, or

exact, locations on Earth. You determine the degrees that identify the latitude and longitude lines that cross closest to your location.

I.- Answer questions (1-5) based on the text: Where on earth are you? (2 point each)

1.- Which are the cardinal directions?

2.- What is a compass rose?

3.- What are the names of the lines that you need to identify your exact location?

4.-Why are the numbers written in the lines important?

5.- What is the Ecuador ?

II.- Answer the questions (1 -3) related to your own knowledge. ( 1 point for coherence and 2 point for answer what is been asked)

1.- What is the text about? Write at least two sentences.

2.- Did you like the text? Why?

3.- Did you used the reading strategies learnt in class? Why?

Answer keys I 1.- North, West, South, East 2.- A compass rose is a printed symbol that shows directions 3.- Latitude and longitude 4.- These numbers help us to give addresses to places on Earth 5.- The equator is the main line of latitude that circles Earth

II.1.- The text is about information related to maps, directions and things that we need to know to give directions or to know where we are. 2.- Yes, I really like the text because I think it was interesting/ No, I think it was boring 3.- Yes, I used the reading strategies in order to help me understand the text / No, I didn’t need the reading strategies I could answer the question without them.


April 23th May 30th



x x

May 7th


May 14th


May 28th


June 4th

x x

June 11th

June 17th ​

June 25th ​

x X

I observed the class, this way I knew the 7th-grade students. ​ Students behave properly; They manage to work without any problem. Students worked on vocabulary related to a reading text: Earthquake. ​ Students behave properly; They manage to work without any problem. First, students worked on vocabulary saw in the previous class, and then they worked on the quiz. Students had some problems focusing on the review of vocabulary. Moreover, there were a few students that cheat during the quiz. However, students achieved the main objective of the class. Students worked on the book pirate treasure. Students had some problems focusing on the book that we were reading at that class. However, the main objective of the class was achieved. Students worked on vocabulary related to the book pirate treasure. ​ Students behave properly; They manage to work without any problem. Students presented their show and tell.​ Students had a lot of problems maintaining silence and respect. Students developed a listening activity. ​ Students had problems behaving in an appropriate way, they were disrespectful. The objective wasn’t achieve Students worked on the modal verb should. Students didn’t have problems working on the activities presented by the teacher; they achieve the objective of the class Students worked on a speaking project. ​ Students had problems behaving in an appropriate way, they were disrespectful. The objective wasn’t achieve

: Students’ behavior wasn't an obstacle as to achieve the objective of the class; the class was developed without any problem.

: Students’ behavior was a little difficult to control. They achieve the objective of the class but with some problems with their behavior, because it was difficult to work in the classroom.

: Students’ behavior didn’t allow to achieve the objective of the class.

Oral Presentations rubric

Student’s name: _________________________________ Grade: __________ _______



4 (excellent)

3​ (Good)

2​ (Fair)

1​ ( Needs improvement)

1.Preparedn ess

Student is complete ly prepared and has rehearse d through the game gave by the teacher

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals with the game

Student is somewhat prepared but is clear that there was a lack of rehearsal during the class

The student does not seem prepared to demonstrate his/her knowledge.


Student shows full understa nding of the topics ( modal verb/ comparat ive/ superlati ve)

Student shows a good understand of the topics ( modal verb/comparative/su perlative)

Student Shows a good understanding of parts of the topics ( modal verb/comparative/su perlative)

Student shows no understanding of the topics ( modal verb/comparative/su perlative) at all

3.- Use of complete sentences

Student Speaks all the time using full and coherent sentence s

Student uses most of the time (80%) full and coherent sentences

Student sometimes ( 50%of time) speaks using complete and coherent sentences

Student rarely speaks using complete and coherent sentences

4.Comprehe nsion

Student is able to answer (without problem )almost all question s, related to the topics made by the teacher

Student is able to answer (with some help )most questions, related to the topics made by the teacher

The student is able to answer a few questions (with a lot of help), related to the topics made by the teacher.

Student is unable to answer the questions made by the teacher

5.- Listens to other presentati ons

The student does not have problems listening to other classmat es. The student does not make distractin g noises or moveme nts.

Student does not have problems listening to other classmates but has some distracting noises or movements

Student Does not appear to be listening but is not a distraction to other classmates

Sometimes does not appear to be listening and makes distracting noises or movements.

Total score: ______________________ Mark:________________

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