Portfolio Andreea Vlad 2015

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Neusoft Mobile Solutions Graphic-Designer User Interface design user interface prototyping

2010 - 2012

2010 - 2012



Neusoft Mobile Solutions Graphic-Designer User Interface design user interface prototyping


2000 - 2007

National College of Arts Constanta, Romania Graduate Degree Graphic Arts

LOGOS Publishing Graphic-Designer Book cover design, editorial design.

KEA Københ avns Erhvervsakademi Academic Professional (AP ) Multimedia Design and Communication

2012 - 2014

2010 - 2012


KEA Københavns Erhvervsakademi Academic Professional (AP) Multimedia Design and Communication

Copenhagen Concept Intern for FashionFinder Multimedia Designer & Graphic - Designer

Copenhagen Concept Intern at FashionFinder Multimedia Designer & Graphic-Designer

2014 - present

2010 - 2012

2012 - 2014

2014 - 2015

R ed Door Studio Visual Artist Artwork - personal research and development


Neusoft Mobile Solut ions Graph ic - Designer User Interface design user interface prototyping

2010 - 2012

Scandinavian Branding Intern - Graphic - Design & Media Brand identity, Logo Design Typography, Social Media

2007 - 2010

2010 - 2012


LOGOS Publishing Graphic - Designer Book cover design, editorial design.

Red Door Studio Visual Artist Artwork - personal research and development

2014 - present

University of Art and Design Cluj- Napoca, Romania Bachelor of Fine Arts (BA) Graphic Arts, Graphic Design

École Regionale des Beaux Arts Rennes, France erasmus scholarship visual communication

LOGOS Publishing Graphic-Designer Book cover design, editorial design.

2000 - 2007

2007 - 2010


University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca, Romania Bachelor of Fine Arts (BA) Graphic Arts, Graphic Design


École Regionale des Beaux Arts Rennes, France erasmus scholarship visual communication


Scandinavian Branding Intern - Graphic-Design & Media Brand identity, Logo Design Typography, Social Media

2014 - present

National College of Arts Constan ta, Romania Graduate Degree Graphic Arts



Romania living and working in Copenhagen.


I am educated in Fine Arts, Graphic Design and Visual Communication (Romania and

France) and in Multimedia Design and Communication (Denmark), with interest in culture and technology.


I am a Visual Artist and Graphic Designer from


EDITORIAL con t e n t


INTERACTIVE ILLUSTRATION BOOK....................................................4

This document represents my portfolio

WEB & APP DESIGN: FASHION FINDER.............................................6

which contains a selection of works and

identity & WEB DESIGN: ROYAL CAFE.........................................8



projects that I worked for, with a focus on the variety of medias and platforms that I use,

WEB & APP DESIGN: RANDOMS...............................................................10

showcasing my interests and skills in the

APP DESIGN: COLORADIO.............................................................................12

design practices and artistic approaches.


ALBUM COVER DESIGN: EN EL PROFUNDO...............................15

INTERACTIVE BOOK: 3 LITTLE PIGS................................................16


LOGO DESIGN................................................................................................................18

BOOK COVER DESIGN........................................................................................20 VISUAL IDENTITY (1): PUPPET PLAY.................................................22 VISUAL IDENTITY (2): ROCKET ENERGY DRINK................24

POSTER DESIGN..........................................................................................................26


ILLUSTRATION: QUEENS....................................................................................28 3

Inter acti ve Illustr ation Book

This project prototype has the aim to take the reader into a journey of discovering my own story, going from one page to another sliding horizontally or vertically, having the chance to influence the course of the story by choosing one of the option that he has. The story is based on a system of hyperlinks that enable the reader/viewer to choose the faith of the character and changing the end of the story with every choice that he makes. The illustrations are drawn in traditional techniques and than coloured digitally. Ink on paper, vector colouring. 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


I choose


w e b & a pp d e s i gn : f a s h i o n f i n d e r

Redesign for the FashionFinder website and FashionFinder mobile application. My role in the project: UI and Graphic Designer. FashionFinder is shopping guide that brings together all fashion shops on the smartphone and shows exactly where to find the brands you are looking for. www.fashionfinderapp.com. 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark


FashionFinder website and FashionFinder mobile application views and displays.


i d e nt i t y & w e b d e s i gn : r oya l ca f e

The visual identity and the website for Royal Cafe were designed as a school project while studying at KEA, Multimedia Design and Communication. My role in the project: concept developer, UI and Graphic Designer (-logo and visual elements, layouts and UX). The Royal Cafe is a theme driven concept, a unique universe, providing an exciting experience to all its customers. As a pre-experience of this space, the Royal Cafe web page brings the user in this funky universe and it will give a feeling of how is to explore the Cafe in a virtual media. For this, the webpage is created as a 360° view, with a rotating camera displaying the interior of the CafÊ. The experience that the user will encounter will be fun, explorative, surprising and interactive, experience given by the features that the webpage has: hidden buttons, interactive elements, dynamic graphics and engaging navigation function. 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark

Royal Cafe logo and visual identity elements.


Royal Cafe website displayed on different platforms and devices.


we b & a pp d e s i gn : r a n d o m s

The "Randoms" website was designed as an assignment while studying at KEA. The website was designed to follow the same concept as the product is built on and to incorporate the ideas and features of the Randoms design. The overall look is funny and easy, with a special focus on the ‘randomness’ of the product and the feeling that it creates, and it corresponds with the moment of the launching, at Christmas time. The website is built using horizontal parallax scrolling. The mobile app is designed as part of the advertising strategy, with the purpose of engaging the targeted audience to collect Random items and win prizes. My role in the project: concept developer, UI and Graphic Designer (visual elements, layouts and UX). 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark

Randoms website views: horizontal parallax scrolling.


Randoms website views.

Randoms mobile application: wireframes sketches and prototype mockups.


a pp d e s i gn : C OLO R A D I O

Coloradio is a prototype web based app developed while studying at KEA. Concept: To visualize the electro magnetic fields that surround us, in particular the microwave band which is the one wireless technology uses. The local fields of the device can be measured if there is an on-board magnetometer, which reads the surrounding field. This is of course at the moment a native only option, but here we project in to the near future where such permissions may be given to a web app. This can be visualized on to waveforms presented graphically. There is readily available databases which list mast data such as position and type, where from range can be calculated. This can be combined with the reading from around the phone. If extended further the app could query for a network reading. There will be two different visualizing options to sell the experience of ’seeing the invisible’. My role in the project: concept developer, UI and Graphic Designer (-logo and visual elements, layouts and UX). 2013 Copenhagen, Denmark Mockup layouts displaying the main screens and features of the application: the main menu view, the info view, the camera view and the map view.


Sketches showing the design process and the paper prototypes created in order to simulate the user experience and the flow of each action.

Various versions of main screen layouts displaying a photo gallery with different cases of eronate use of mobile phone.


e - p u b l i s h i n g d e s i g n : to a rt o r n ot to art

The "Art or Not to Art" e-magazine is an interactive editorial concept for iPad, having as subject the argument that analyses the value of art in certain areas. This issue presents the art behind the street art and it incorporates articles that describes various types of street art and urban art. This project is a school project developed while studying at KEA, Multimedia Design and Communication. My role in the project: concept developer, UI and Graphic Designer (-logo and visual elements, layouts and UX), art director.

2012 Copenhagen, Denmark


A L B U M C O V E R d e s i g n : E N E L P R O F U N DO

Album Cover design EN LO PROFUNDO by Franco Bianco 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark


i nt e r a c t i v e b o o k : 3 l i i t l e p i g s

The interactive book "3 little pigs" is an illustrated and animated book for children, project that was developed while studying at KEA, Multimedia Design and Communication. The book is developed to be read using the web browser and offers the possibility for the user to navigate the content, to listen the audio version and to make it easier for young children to enjoy the animation and sounds that are incorporated for a richer experience. My role in the project: concept developer, character and environment design, user scenario, storyboarding, art director. 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark



logo d e s i gn

Griffin Logo sketches

Griffin Logo on visitcards

Johannes And reas Piihl Linneballe Ryvangs Allé 6 DK 2100 København Ø

I designed the "Griffin" logo while doing my internship at Scandinavian Branding. The process of creating this logo went from the initial sketches to the final version, that is refined and then used in the design of a visit card. www.scandinavianbranding.com 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark


M +45 4 272 2285 johanneslinneballe@gmail.co m

A series of logos designed for various brands and products. Tutti Amici Restaurant (France), Faces, Danish Crowdsourcing Association, Red Door Studio, C-City Culture, Abigail, Bikasa, Arriva. 2012, 2013, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark


B OO K C O V E R d e s i gn

A series of book covers designed for Logos Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Logos functions as an integral part of the editorial group, formed by "Logos", "Peregrinul" and "Discipolul". www.logos.ro 2010-2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania






1. "Strigatul sufletului" - (engl. "Soul cry"), Dan B. Allender, Tremper Longman III, Peregrinul, Logos, 2010 2. “O clipa de extaz” - (engl. “A moment of ecstasy”), Walter & Ingrid Trobisch, Discipolul, Logos, 2011 3. “Calea spre vindecare” - (engl. “The path to healing”), Dan B. Allender, Peregrinul, Logos, 2010 4. “Predestinatia si liberul arbitru - patru puncte de vedere” - (engl. “Predestination and free will - four points of view”), Logos, 2011


v i s u a l i d e nt i t y ( 1 ) : p u p p e t p l ay

Puppet Play Visual identity (up) Puppet Play CD Album (right)

The Puppet Play Project incorporates the visual identity of Puppet Play music band and the media designed to promote this band. From the logo, to the posters and CD cover, I tried to create a consistent image for the identity of the band and its members, following the style and the concepts that surrounds their identity. 2010 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Puppet Play CD Album

Puppet Play concert posters


v i s u a l i d e nt i t y ( 2 ) : r oc k e t e n e r g y d r i n k

The Rocket logo and typeface;

The Rocket Energy Drink Project - design of the visual identity of the Rocket Energy Drink, product design, packaging, promotion, launching campaign, graphic materials. The campaign slogan is "Choose Rocket!" ("Alege Rocket!"). Project developed for the Contest organized by the Advertising Festival, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The Rocket Energy Drink - package can

My role in the project: concept developer, logo and visual identity, package design, campaign strategy, stationary. 2009 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


The Rocket Energy Drink Light Version - package can

The Rocket Energy Drink - poster advertisments


p o st e r d e s i g n

A series of posters for different events and happenings, covering various subjects: cultural, social, cinematographic, music, festivals. Prints, various sizes. 2008-2013 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Copenhagen, Denmark

“Ohland� - concert poster


“How high can you get?” - social poster anti drug

“Characters” - theater poster

“-15 -25 %” - social poster regarding the economic situation in Romania 2010

“Ohland” - concert poster


i l l u st r at i o n : q u e e n s

"Queens" is a series of illustrations of different feminine characters, with the emphasis on the feminine part, a mix between figurative, decorative and abstract. The theme goes around the concepts of feminity, maternity, the goddess archetype, the queen and the female figure. Ink, colour pens and pencil on paper, various sizes. 2013, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark



“Franco Bianco“ drawing, pastel on paper 200 x 120 cm 2014


Drawing - personal research 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark

“Andreea Vlad“ drawing, pastel on paper 200 x 120 cm 2014

Copenhagen, Denmark +45 53 55 95 27 www.andreeavlad.com contact@andreeavlad.com

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