How to create buyer personas easily Learn how to target the right customers
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~ What you’ll be learning 01. 02. 03. 04.
What are Buyer Personas?
Why have Buyer Personas?
How do I create Buyer Personas?
What information do I need to create a Buyer Persona?
Part 1. What are Buyer Personas? Human Behavior flows from 3 main sources: desire, emotion & knowledge — Plato
01. What are Buyer Personas?
~ The What What are Buyer Personas? Buyer Personas are fictional. Generalized representations of your ideal customers. They help you understand your customers (and prospective customers) better, and make it easier for you to tailor content to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different groups.
The strongest buyer personas are based on market research as well as on insights you gather from your actual customer base (through surveys, interviews, etc.). Depending on your business, you could have as few as one or two personas, or as many as 10.
~ You want to know who the person is, what they value, and how best to speak to them.
Part 2. Why have Buyer Personas? Are they worth your time?
02. Why have Buyer Personas?
~ Is It For Me? Are Buyer Personas worth my time? Hell Yeah. Personas personalize your marketing for different segments of your audience. For example, instead of sending the same emails to everyone in your database, you can segment by buyer persona and tailor your messaging according to what you know about those different personas.
02. Why have Buyer Personas?
~ Be aware of negative personas. These are the people that are not a fit for the product or service you are offering. Why? You'll have the added advantage of being able to segment out the "bad apples" from the rest of your contacts, which can help you achieve a lower cost-per-lead and cost-percustomer (and see higher sales productivity).
Bonus Tip: If you’re new to personas start small! You can always develop more personas later if needed.
02. Why have Buyer Personas?
~ The Top 3 Reasons to Start Creating Personas 01: They shed light to the best marketing and sales strategies. Many companies are struggling with how to understand the new buying behaviors of today and how to keep up with how fast they are changing! When researched adequately, buyer personas can shed light to who buyers are, the situations they are faced with, how they have changed, and most important what goals they are attempting to accomplish.
02: Develop a common language about your buyers. Understanding your customers can be tricky and having alignment across the company internally is still a challenge that many teams face. Buyer personas provide a common language and communications platform about buyers. Helping to overcome barriers and create the focus where it should be - on helping buyers and customers fulfill their goals.
03: Design thinking is executed better. Buyer Personas are ideally suited to address design issues - including design thinking. Giving inadequate amount of focus to the user-friendliness of product and service delivery will count heavily on whether a customer buys from you or not.
Part 3. How do I create Buyer Personas? Some pratical methods for gathering the information
03. How do I Create Buyer Personas?
~ How-To Buyer Personas are created through research, surveys, and interviews of your target audience. That includes a mix of customers, prospects, and those outside of your contact database who might align with your target audience.
03. How do I Create Buyer Personas?
How do I gather information for my buyer personas?
01. Interviews
Don't be afraid to reach out. Speak up! Interview customers either in person or over the phone to discover what they like about your product or service. It may be daunting at first but getting feedback is a wonderful way to get answers directly from your fans and customers.
02. Dig into the data Look through your contacts database to uncover trends about how certain leads or customers find and consume your content. Look at any Analytics data you have. If you are not in the habit of collecting data such as from Google Analytics, you need to set yourself up right now.
03. Make your forms smart When creating forms to use on your website, use form fields that capture important persona information. You may be using form when users download ebooks, or even your contact form. For example, if all of your personas vary based on job function, ask them what they do on your form. If you are curious which social media platforms they are on, ask them what they use. Be creative!
04. Ask your team A no-brainer but often missed opportunity. Take into consideration your sales team's / frontliners feedback on the leads they are interacting with most. What generalizations can they make about the different types of customers you serve best? What patterns do they see emerging that you may not be noticing?
Part 4. What Information Should I Have to Build a Buyer Persona? What goes into a buyer persona profile
04. What Information Should I Have to Build a Buyer Persona?
~ Persona Builder 01: Demographics Give a fake name that sounds plausible for this persona. Give a customer "archetype". This describes their experience. eg. "The Busy Mom." Provide Gender, Age and Income are also key for most profiles. You can also include spouses, kids, college, profession, brands they buy, places they shop. Be creative!
04. What Information Should I Have to Build a Buyer Persona?
02: Story - Start with general traits that describe how they are in their lives / jobs. eg. "Family Oriented, Hard Working and Stylish." - Include physical activities and hobbies. eg. "Hiking, Tennis and Movies." - The factors that relate to why they need your product, service or program should be included on this list. eg. "Busy, Driven wants to earn more money" etc.
03: Needs - Create cause and effect between your back story and your needs. eg. If your customer is "Busy and stylish" then they need "Short, simple and well designed" content.
needs being just features. eg. Instead of saying "Ability to add images to profile" say; "To share lifestyle and personal identity with others." - The features will come in the solutions.
04. Solutions - These are the solutions that you will use to Exceed your customer's needs. This is where the rubber meets the road. More than just solving your customer's needs you want to Exceed their needs! - The solution can be features in software, content, services and the way in which a service is delivered. - Don't limit the solutions to what you can do. Go big!
- If you are doing a website try to avoid the
Example. Buyer Persona This is an example persona for the fictional company called Tea House Cafe - a growing tea shop on the Peak of Hong Kong.
03. Keys to Crafting Compelling Content
~ Busy Mom Michelle Wong Demographics - Female; - 40 years old; - Married to CEO; - Stays at home; - 2 kids, 10 & 13. Tip: Name your personas and give them a picture.
03. Keys to Crafting Compelling Content
~ Busy Mom Michelle Wong Story - Busy mom; - Loves yoga; - Loves technology; - Love enternaining at home; - Loves unique tea.
Needs - Quiet ambience to escape from the kids; - Great service to feel special; - Can come before yoga in the morning; - Feel like its premium.
Solutions - Lush interior Design; - Expensive imported tea; - Experienced staff; - Mobile site for more information; - Loyalty program; - Sophisticated design.
~ Now it’s your turn. Go create your own buyer personas and see how you magnetize your dream clients! We are always available to chat if you want to learn how our team can help you build better, more money-making personas.
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